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Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 02-27-2011, 05:14 PM


About eight million years ago there was rumored to have been a being that had such power that the world's future and existence had been called into question. According to the tale the being in question had traveled the world and seen the corrupt and evilness in it, and was so affected by it that they soon became the same way. The surface of the Earth was soon shrouded in darkness, fire and chaos. Then just when it was believed the breaking point was reached, the last hope of the Earth, an army that consisted of both civilians and military personal with various powers and abilities, rose up and had managed to temporarily subdue the being. It was then rumored that the being was taken by the military and hidden away somewhere, forced into a deep slumber to be studied safely. Just as a precaution they had chosen to seal the being's memories in case it were to ever awaken again.

Eight million years later, on the very spot that it had been rumored that the being had been subdued a building had been erected. However this was no normal building, rather it was a Mental Institution for the Insane that was named Rutledge. Here creatures and beings deemed 'unstable', whether they all really were or if some were actually innocent of the crimes they had been accused of was a completely different story, were sent to the 'hallow' place to be rehabilitated. What was unknown though to the outside was that what should have been a hallowed place for healing and hope was really a torturous nightmare for the residents. Nightly tortures and even daily tortures were not uncommon to occur. It was almost as if the 'evilness' of the being that had been subdued on the very spot that the institution had been built had an effect upon those that were responsible for the care there. At least that's what some of the older residents there believed.

With constant torture comes the eventual few whom plot to escape, particularly one 'inmate' in general. One day during an attempted escape this 'inmate' stumbled across something unbelievable. Somehow they had ended up in the basement of the institution, an area that was always locked down and heavily guarded, and came across a curious sight. In the basement there held a tube like tank, and within this tank appeared to be a sleeping male floating in a clear liquid. Curious the 'inmate' began to approach the tank, but before they could touch it or say a word to try and awaken the male they were discovered. Since then the inmate began to make nightly visits, usually getting caught before they could do anything, to the sleeping male. One time though the inmate had managed to make it to the tank and tapped on it rather loudly, and to they're surprise the sleeping male awoke. He appeared to have no recollection of where he was, how he got there, or any part of his past. This time when the inmate was caught the condition of the once sleeping male was noted and for quite some time the tank was surrounded, making it difficult at times for the inmate to come and visit. Eventually though a schedule was figured out enough and before long the male began speaking back to the inmate and not soon after had befriended the inmate. It was then that the male became a part of the escape plan through a promise. A promise was made by the inmate that they would attempt to free the male and help him.

Now a new escape plan has been hatched with a few other inmates that are to be taken to see the imprisoned male. Will their plans work? How will they react to the male and in turn how will he react to them? It won't be easy since the keepers and faculty of the asylum appear to want to study the male and are not willing to allow him nor the other inmates to leave...


On a land where not even the grass seems willing to grow stands an old run down looking though towering asylum that is known as Rutledge Institution for the Insane. It was rumored that the very core of the asylum was built on the very spot that the being of eight million years ago was subdued. Despite the fact that the spot has been deemed a 'hallowed' piece of land nothing seems willing to grow, not the grass, not trees, even animals refuse to nest on or near the spot. Towards the back of the asylum it appears that many, many years ago a fruitful grove of trees, that perhaps once produced nourishment stand row after row of now dead trees. It was believed that before the events of eight million years ago the grove was full of life, although that is only a guess. When the asylum was first built the trees had already been dead and rotting, however instead of taking them down those that run the asylum decided to keep the rotting sticks of wood, as it seemed to be the only sign that life once stood proudly there.

The asylum itself is surrounded by a rusted tall iron fence with electrified barbed wire rolled all around the top and stretches to and attaches to the building itself to prevent those with wings from leaving. The barbs are still rather sharp, however for those not afraid of a terrible shock or the pointed barbs the only thing left to fear is the tetanus that the rust of the barbs would probably produce. At the corners of the fence there stands large and tall cement towers that come to a point. Even from the ground there is a clear view of the large rotating lights within and atop the point of the tower large sirens. The actual building is made of a mixture of tarnished cement, plaster and iron on the outside that is chipped here and there from weathering. Once it was perhaps a pleasant grayish color though now the outer walls reflect the red-brownish yellow that comes with age and weathering. Here and there, where the iron is, the coppery color of rust joins in with the red-brownish yellow of the cement and plaster. On certain areas what appears to be attempts at graffiti is apparent, although what it says now is uncertain from the fact that pieces of the surface are missing. Among the wall various windows, that looked to be the design of the Gothic era of architect, are dotted here and there with thick rusty iron bars over them. On the ground level thick iron and shatter-proof locked doors stand, the only signs of an entrance or exit of the building, that squeak and groan loudly when awaken from their slumber and forced to move. Beside them, what looks to be a button for a buzzer, that looks in not better condition as like everything else it is heavily discolored and obviously worn, rests although it does not actually work any longer.

Once past the groaning doors and in the actual building one comes upon what is perhaps known as a reception desk that has the protective, though dirty, shatter-proof glass. The desk that the glass is connected to is clearly made of old and worn oak, where here and there obvious signs of decay can be seen. It clearly is in need of some polish as the color is old and worn. The desk, although appalling to the eyes, is nothing compared to the chipped tiled floor. It almost seems that the tile was once a vibrant white color, although now it's stained a disgusting yellowish color that almost resembles urine. In other areas red stains, perhaps blood or red liquid medicines as the exact cause cannot be distinguished now, are patched. It's clear that the floor hadn't been cleaned in ages, perhaps a result from the faculty finally giving up trying to repeatedly clean the floors, as a heavy sheen of dust is layered on the floor. Footprints from where people had been walking around, being perhaps the only evidence that there are still those who walk on such floors. The walls, much like everything else, are stained a sort of off white color, with occasional streaks of yellowish brown, a sign of water leaking from some of the pipes above. Here and there tacky and dusty pictures of faculty, and images that were perhaps put there in an attempt to make it less dreary, such as random flower portraits and paintings or little children smiling, are placed. The area was lighted with flickering and dirtied ceiling lamps that were used throughout the entire building. Beside some lights and at the top of some walls, rusted vents were evident, many of them missing most of their screws, that went through the entire buiding as well. Eventually if one follows the walls to either the right or left far enough with their eyes, they'll see hallways that lead here and there with the same dirty tile and tacky pictures. Although they'll also find occasionally a worn and rotting bench of perhaps willow wood for visitors to sit upon if they dare, and creak under the wait of those whom are brave enough to sit.

Down the left hallway is what appears to be the cafeteria. Like other floors the floor here is stained although this one is stained a slimy yellow, though it appears that the original color was a deep green color. The yellow watermark stains have also stretched to the walls here, that appeared to have been a gleaming white with a deep blue checkered pattern across them, although the white was now slowly becoming a light murky yellow color with bits of off white showing here and there. Tables made of fake wood that were now horribly chipped and scratched and had black painted iron legs that were starting to peel and reveal the rusted iron that was there, stood scattered and disarrayed all around. Plastic dingy colored chairs, some missing parts here and there while others were cracked or almost broken off, were scooted haphazardly up to the tables. A fair number of the chairs looked as if the mere weight of an infant would cause them collapse.

At the far left of the cafeteria stood the grimy steel food stands that separated it from the back kitchen. The way it was set up was very similar to the metal containers and stands of a school cafeteria, though it was clear from the dents, stains and grime that these weren't as nicely taken care of. Here the food would be served to the inmates on dusty and dirty food trays, where their food would be slopped on as a farm would slop their pig's food. The stoves, ovens, and various other food preparation stations were far from desirable. Grease that had been burnt on from ages of use and little cleaning was evident all over. There was no real doubt, for those who were sane enough to think of such, that some of the grease would mix in with the food that was being prepared for them, perhaps making them physically sick to match their mental illness. Food poisoning from undercooked meat and bacteria were no strangers here either. Those with their minds left knew of this and so were far more weary of their food then those without anything left, occasionally skipping one of the three meals they were served or possibly all three depending on what was being served. The floors of the kitchen were by far the worst in the entire institution as old rotting food as spewed about, ingraining itself into the floor from being stepped on so often. The smell was terrible, however for the workers there it went unnoticed as their masks prevented the rancid odor from reaching them as the uncaringly prepared and cooked the food. There were a few high windows on the cafeteria walls that were barred that one would think that they would be opened to spare the occupants of the cafeteria from the putrid odor being emitted from the kitchen, but it's clear from the rust on the locks that seemed to have melted them into the locked position that, that was not the case at all.

At the far right of the cafeteria stood two oily and discolored doors that looked to be metal. Typically they were closed until it was meal time for the patients, on which they would be opened to allow them all to pass and reveal another hallway with the same dingy off white, yellow stained walls as the hallway that led to the cafeteria, with a difference of doors made of creaking thick metal the color of a nauseating yellow. Towards the top of each door is a push away slot that would give the one outside of the door the ability to peer in, and a number paired with the letter 'A'. There were a total of twenty doors on the left with only a flat soiled wall with a few more tacky pictures lining it here and there on the right.

If one were to go into one of the twenty rooms they would find the room to contain a worn, shabby and tattered mattress with soiled and tarnished yellowish sheets full of holes. A single stained and torn pillow rests at the 'head' of each bed flat and devoid of any possible comfort. A tattered and faded blue blanket was haphazardly folded at the other end. The walls were a grimy white color, and like most would expect were heavily padded, although in some areas the padding was poking through. Across from the 'bed' and in the right corner stood a heavily chipped and stained toilet. Fecal matter and urine clearly stained and stuck to various parts inside and around the porcelain stool. The top of the stool was missing, revealing the inner greenish slimy plumbing within. The actual handle to most of the toilets were missing, giving only a greasy, slimy metal rod to stick out of a hole with a discolored yellow ring, the only means to flush, although in most there was barely any water to flush. Because of the condition and the excretion matter that was stuck to the chipped porcelain caused a rather rancid smell in most of the rooms, or at least in the ones that didn't have windows. Not that they could really be called windows but rather holes in the wall with rusted iron bars over it to prevent the occupants from exiting through. During the cold seasons it wasn't unusual for those rooms with windows to have snow fall into them, or even during the rainy season for rain to fall into and gather in the rooms. Because of this the ceilings of these rooms have their plaster chipped and missing in various places more than the other rooms. Some of the plaster of the ceilings can still be seen in the sinks that rest near the disgusting toilet, not that it was in any better condition. It too was made of porcelain that was chipped and discolored. Some were missing handles that controlled either the cold or hot water, at times that being the cause of the leaking faucets. The back pipe was clearly visible as it was a standing sink rather than one built into the wall. The pipes were rusted and leaking, causing puddles to form on the floors causing mildew and mold to sprout amongst the floor that was padded like the walls, making it slightly hard to walk on for some. In the lower left corner of the room, at the end of the bed, a broken down cardboard box was used as the only storage for any sort of clothing that the patients wore, that usually consisted of dirtied off white-almost-yellow pants and sometimes a straight jacket that were a discolored yellow. For those that didn't have a straight jacket various holed and tattered shirts that were typically the only personal belongings left of the patients. The conditions were essentially the same for the other rooms with the only difference being that some didn't contain the windows and so the odor in them were far worse. The only other differences of the rooms were any personal items that the inmates held.

If one were to then retrace their steps back to the cafeteria they would find just down to the bottom left (or right depending upon if one reentered through the doors or if one simply chose to go in that direction after entering the cafeteria) they would find another set of creaky and oily metal doors that lead to another hallwayish room that held two sets of doors, one across from where one entered through the cafeteria and another set to the right (or left if one came from the doors across the ones that led to the cafeteria.) Through the doors on the right/left contained another hallway that held more rooms. This time instead of just twenty doors on one wall, like the other hallway, there were twenty doors that led to rooms on either side. All still held a number that started with a number, starting with the number the last hallway with rooms had left off, starting on the right, and paired them with the letter 'A'.

Other than that fact the main difference of this hallway was that at the end of this hallway held a smaller creaky and rotting old wooden door that led to a staircase that had two sets of stairs. The first set led up to the next two levels of the building that contained more rooms, that held a number that was paired with the letter 'B' or 'C' depending upon the floor, and were made of decaying wood. The other appeared to be a tilted plastic that looked perhaps the cleanest in the entire building. This set of stairs led to the lower level and came to a heavy electric iron door that appeared rather well kept and newer. There were no evident handles, but rather an electric card slot that would open the door. A large sign that read 'Authorized Personal Only' in large red neatly painted letters. What laid beyond no patient really knew what was beyond the door, though it was rumored to be a secret that could very well tear apart the world, and had at one point almost done so.

Back at the hallwayish room with two door options, if one chose to take the doors across from the one that led to the cafeteria they would find themselves in what appeared to be a poor attempt at an 'exercise room. Here the floor was a disgusting yellow-green colored carpet. Although it didn't contain the dust that the tiled floors held it did hold various and mysterious orange, red, and yellow colored stains. One could guess that some of the red stains could possibly have been made from blood, but if it was the exact cause no one would know. Upon the appalling colored carpet various painted and eroded exercise machines that were chipped and creaky were scattered about. Like many of the other facilities in the building the machines looked old, broken down and clearly dirty. In the far right corner held a leaking blue sand punching bag that looked as if it were falling down from the ceiling chain that it hung from, with the ugly brownish gray walls standing behind it, glaringly obvious. Past the maze of exercise equipment either to the left or right are two sets of metal worn and creaking doors. The ones to the left lead to another hallway of twenty stingy and grimy doors that lead to twenty smelly and rancid rooms, though with the doors against the right wall and the tacky, discolored paintings and portraits on the left wall.

The pair of doors to the left in the exercise room lead to a faded purplish room that held faded, grimy blue carpet. Within the room a torn and discolored pinkish flower patterned couches laid at the far end and sides at against all but the furthest right wall that held a dusty television. The television was made of a peeling false wood. On top was a set of metal antenna's, though the right one was broken. The t.v. only really got two channels, one being a channel that played the same black and white movie over and over, and the other a black and white fuzzy fishing show, while the rest were fuzz. On the wall to the left of the wall that held the t.v. stood a rickety broken bookcase that held torn and tattered books, most having their bindings ripped and missing, the words by now faded while some of the pages were missing. Aside from the couches the only other sitting structures available in the room are worn, broken and rotting wooden chairs that seemed threatened to break if one sat on them.

At the far right of the room is another set of oily and faded iron doors that opens up into a hallway that will eventually lead back to the receptionist desk. However along the left wall a large built in cubby looking area with high dirtied shatter-proof glass windows that held the room that contained the various medications of the patients. Here the inmates would like up, waiting for a small section of the glass to be slide to the side from the other side to give them their medication, or at least the ones that were free to get their medication rather than it being brought to their room or with their food. The containers that held the medications were run down and clearly not refrigerated properly, causing many of the medications to cause sickness to those that ingest them. The wall across from it held worn and peeling paintings of various objects and images that were repeated throughout the entire building.

The building both inside and out were clearly appalling and horrid, and yet it was the most used and popular asylum. No one really knew why this particular asylum was so popular. It couldn't have been from the faculty as it was a known fact that many if not all made it a personal goal and form of entertainment to torture the patients day and night. At times it was so bad that some of the inmate's, both normal humans and supernatural beings, with already decaying minds became so devoid of hope and full of misery that they would commit suicide...


The year is now 3258, with the current month being mid January so snow is normal. It's winter time and it has been a relatively harsh and cold winter, with snow still on the ground and in many of the rooms with windows as the vents that provide a small amount of heat aren't powerful enough to melt it or really even warm up the room. It's a Monday with the time being 8:30 a.m., a time in which half of the patients are to be ushered outside for some 'fresh' air, while the other half are to divide themselves amongst the 'entertainment' and 'exercise' rooms.


1. Standard Mene rules apply

2. I will allow things like weapons of your imaginations, but please try and keep them reasonable. I don’t want someone who carries around a giant cow catapult with them wherever they go, no matter how funny that would be.

3. Literacy isn’t too important though please don’t capitalize every single word It Gets Really Annoying! It is also a pet peeve of mine. One other thing I do require is punctuation that is more than just a comma thrown in here and there. You need at least periods at the end of your sentences otherwise your post becomes too messy and hard to understand. If you don't put at least periods at the end of your sentences then be prepared to receive a PM from me. I'm more than willing to work with people and help them out, especially if they're younger or if you're not quite fluent in English grammar or language. Even if you feel the need to PM me your posts to look over before you post it, I'm fine with that and more than willing to help you that way if you need it. Also when you post please don't choose overly bright colors such as lime green or the uber light blue. My eyes are not the best and I get tired of constantly having to highlight the text just to read it. If you want to use color for your text then that's fine, just don't make it really light please!

4. I will accept one liners since I can understand things like writer’s block but, please make it a sentence that people can work off of. Don’t put something like: “She smiled.” That is not a sentence and it makes it very very difficult to work off of. Something like: “He ran outside to get away from everyone” is easier to work with. However don't claim writer's block the moment after you've join. I swear to all things holy and unholy if you do that I will smack you with a fish. There's a smiley for that now and by god I'm not afraid to use it! When you join you should already have an idea of what you're going to post.

5. Always leave a ‘door’ open for people’s character’s to come in if someone leaves.

6. Don’t go too incredibly far without someone which should help with rule #5, although I can understand excitement or if someone doesn't come on for days.

7. No invincible characters, if they’re really good at something that’s alright but if there’s a fight let them get injured a couple of times if attacked.

8. Don’t take control of other peoples characters unless you have their permission. For example if Joey needs to go because it’s bed time and says Nina can play his character while he’s gone then that’s alright.

9. Anyone is welcomed to jump in at any time despite the page number.

10. Bios or intros are both accepted. Choose whichever you’re more comfortable with though bios make it easier to refer off of and for me to post up with the others. Highlight me! -At the top or bottom of your post put in a Monty Python quote- (Use google if need be to find one. XD)

11. Please don’t kill another person’s character without their permission. (Note this ties in with #8)

12. Don’t create more characters than you can handle.

13. Keep things PG-13 please. Violence, gore and romance is allowed. However what I don't want to see is nookie alright? You know what's acceptable on here and what's not. If you wish to go overly graphic in something that you know would get the board in trouble then take it somewhere other than this site. You can hint to things though if again it's something overly graphic keep the hint vague...

14. Have some way of distinguishing between your character text and you’re out of character (OOC).

15. Ask to join if you want but it’s not required. With your characters please PM me your character profiles to be accepted. Due note that I will be going through and posting up your profiles on my first post, in quotes of course, when they are accepted so that it's easier for others to have access to your characters info. I am a fairly lenient person so more than likely your character will be immediately accepted, due note though if I do find something that needs a bit of improvement I will PM you back telling you what that improvement is. I will also send a confirmation PM to you to tell you that your character has been accepted.

16. Please keep things fairly even. I don’t want one Goodie, one Baddie and 15 undecided. Or 20 females and 2 males.

17. Please, please, please for the love of all things holy and unholy read everyone’s post, even if it was posted before you joined. If you skip reading them you may very well be missing a crucial detail pertaining to the storyline or your character indirectly. I can’t stress this enough! If you don't read them trust me I'll know. I can give you a brief summary of what's happened if you're away, but I WILL on purposely leave out VITAL information just to make sure that you will read them. I'm not requesting this I'm telling you this is what I expect, and if you don't follow it your gone plain and simple. I can understand if you didn't see someone's post because someone else's post sort of made it 'hidden' (Do NOT make this excuse a habit out of this though) or posted while you were typing. If it happens that someone posts something while you were making a post then just edit your post a bit to make your post fit if it deals with something you need or should respond to.

19. I don't want creatures to be overly used, such as almost everyone being the same kind of vampire, were-creature, demon, angel, ect...There's a large variety of things out there you can be. If your a demon be specific. What kind of demon are you? Earth demon, Time demon, feather demon, shiny slingshot demon, ect...? Same with vampires and were creatures. Are you a day walking vampire? One that can only live or move at night? Are you a were-penguin? Or a were-squirrel? Come on, be creative! (That's right I said it, were-penguin! XD)

20. When you post your intro, and there are separate groups already established in a spot and are doing something, do NOT make it to where they have to drop everything that they are doing and go off to find your character. I absolutely HATE when people do that. If you want interaction with your character you have to make it happen. Everyone shouldn't have to stop what they're doing just to come interact with your character. What I will accept is powers that will draw a character group towards your character, such as if one of your character's powers are to alter the path that say the group is walking on and they happen upon you at some point then fine, but don't just sit there singing a song on a rock by a lake that they're no where near in hopes that they will stop what they're doing, hear your song and come find you. It just doesn't work that way, unless of course one of your powers deals with luring people like a siren's song, but at least make sure your character is rather close to the group before you even dare to try this.

21. And one final (hopefully) rule: please be respectful towards others here. It’s alright if your character hates another person’s character, due to the plot of this rp, but don’t be rude, crude, or mean to someone in OOC. I’d like this to go rather peacefully.

Character Skeleton

Menewsha Name:

Name: (I'd prefer if there were no 'No name' or 'Unknown' characters)

Age: (Please put some number here, preferably within reason. I don't want any normal humans (Humans that don't have powers) being an unreasonable age. Everything else gets a little more leniency with age, though let's not do something like 7854984639876589764897. So preferably don't go over seven or eight digit numbers. In other words you can have things in the double millions like 99,999,999 (this of course being the highest age allowed). I'd also rather people didn't do something like 'Since the beginning of time' or 'too old to remember', just put a reasonable number please. :D)

Gender: (I'd prefer they'd have a gender but if you absolutely must be ambiguous then alright, but I don't want everyone choosing this option. I want primarily males and females please. :D)

Race: (What is your character? Human? Demon? Human with powers? I'm not picky on what you want them to be but I don't want an overly large amount of one particular race. Hell I'll even accept gods and goddesses, just don't go overboard with that and give them every single power in the world and only one or no weaknesses.)

Personality: (Please put an actual personality here and not “you’ll find out” or “TBA”)
Powers: (Ok all let's not get over our heads on this one. I'm pretty lenient here, but I don't want a character to have control over everything and anything. I also won't accept mind control over anyone they want. If you want mind control then it can only be over characters not actually played by people. In other words NPC characters only. I also don't want an overly ridiculous powerful character. For example if one of the creatures are deemed a god over everything (not that I would allow that anyways) and can control everything with the wink of his eye, you'll probably will not get that power. If that was they're only power then think up something else. :D)

Weakness: (This'll help with the power thing too. For EVERY power you have you must have ONE weakness to balance it. Also don't add additional powers here as that is what the power option up above is for. If :D)

Side: (Good, bad or neutral)

Bio/History: (Put something here please lol. This is your chance to be creative! Be sure that it's unique too and not just one or two words/lines long. I don't want the same sob story over and over again. Tell about what had landed you in the asylum. Was it something you did? If so what? Were you framed for something you didn't commit? Do you feel you deserve to be here? Do you want to escape or would you rather stay? Are you the 'brown-noser' here for the asylum guards? Are you innocent? These are just some of the questions you can answer in your bio. I'm also more than willing to assist. :D)

Appearance/Looks: (I like pictures, they're fun to look at, but if you can't find one then a description is fine just be sure to be detailed.)

Other: (Optional. Put anything else you want us to know about your character here like likes, dislikes, mate preference, and so on and so forth. Is there something that maybe didn't seem to fit anywhere else? Well then put it here. :D)

*Everything else is pretty much optional.


Escaping (Good)

Entrapped Being

1. Kage Seija - Arechi

Escapee that discovers the entrapped being

1. Gneiss Phyllite - Dear Lelie

Other Escapees

1. Eleanor Duboi - miss_SMG
2. Tormund Ace Veicht - Wavikz

Asylum runners/military/villains/People whom want to either destroy the world on their own or use Kage to do it (Bad)

Asylum Owner


Asylum Faculty

1. Nieko Colte (Envy) - Wavikz
2. Schist Phyllite - Dear Lelie

Military Personal


Accepted Bios

Menewsha Name: Arechi

Name: Kage (Pronounced Kah-ga (long a sound at the end)) Seija

Age: Appears- 17 Actual age - 8,678,666 (However he cannot recall this)


Personality: Kage is essentially a blank slate. His personality changes with the experiences that he gains. If what he experiences is dark and evil then his personality will take on the same characteristics, just as he would take on a light and good personality if that were his experiences. It works the same with the people he's around. If he's around those that are calm and collective most of the time then in turn he will be calm and collective.

Powers: Has control over fire and darkness which can give him the power to destroy or save just about anything including the world, and telepathy

Weaknesses: He has a natural fear of overly large bodies of water, and closed in spaces. He can be killed with fatal shots to his organs, and can really be killed any ways that a human could be with the exception of being burned to death and heat stroke. Seeing extreme excess of blood, that isn't his own, will cause him to experience an extreme headache that will render him unable to defend himself or attack due to the pain.

Side: Escapee (Good, however because of his personality he has the potential to switch over to evil)

Bio: For thousands upon thousands of years Kage had been sealed below Rutledge Mental Institution for the Insane, or Rutledge asylum for short, behind the lock doors of the basement, inside a large tube like structure filled with clear glowing liquid with a mask to enable him to breath and in a state of deep slumber. He had been unaware of anything outside of his mind and outside of the tube he was in. While he slept he dreamed of a past filled with chaos and death with him in the center of it all. What he didn't know was the dreams he was having were really his memories that were slowly being sealed away.

One day a repeated tapping on his tank and a voice that he didn't know reached through his mind causing him to awaken. It was a strange being that had awoken him and soon began rapidly talking to him. At first he didn't understand and before too long the being had heard a sharp piercing noise in the air and was soon gone. The next he knew people in white lab coats soon began to surround the outside of his tank, writing various things on clipboards. Within time Kage realized that he remembered nothing before waking up and he couldn't break free from the tank he was in. As the days passed he constantly saw the people in coats as well as the being that had originally woken him, although never at the same time. Eventually he became friends with the being and after many talks, once he learned to understand, it had been promised that the being would break Kage free of his 'prison' and the asylum with them and a few of the other 'patients' of the asylum that wish to escape, though first he needs to meet them.


Other: Kage, although doesn't actually understand love, is very open with whom he would start a relationship with. Although he controls darkness he isn't overly fond of being in dark places for too incredibly long. He's also not fond of large crowds nor the sight of large amounts of blood that isn't his own. He likes to be in the sunshine and out in the open. He also likes books as they tell him about the world while he was sleeping. The last 'dream' he had, had before he awakened was him being subdued by a large gathering of people in a sea of flames that attempted to destroying the people trying to subdue him although clearly failing. However he only remembers a small amount of that particular 'dream'. Other than that he suffers from amnesia.

Originally Posted by Wavikz
[IMGRIGHT][/IMGRIGHT]Menewsha Name: Wavikz
Name: Nieko Colte (but he's also called Envy)
Age: Twenty eight years of experience
Gender: Male, but if often mistaken for a female
Race: Fire elementalist and shape-shifter

Personality: A tad too girly at times, Nieko can’t help but love shopping and playing dress-up. To make things worse, he has a very feminine look. Checking him out from behind, you’d swear he’s a girl, but, once he spins around, you’ll notice he’s not a "hot babe." (Ha ha, poor Nieko-kun!) But looks aside, Nieko’s one powerful foe. And yet, for as strong as he is, he never uses all his strength. Stamina and speed are his things. He's not strong, but since due to his swiftness, h can pack quite the punch. He’s kind-hearted and very passionate in all he does (and yet his a masochist!). Nieko is very opinionated and will often argue against a point he has firm beliefs on. He doesn’t like to be proven wrong or take no for an answer, but he does know when to back down. All and all, he’s one hell of a guy. But don't let his soft looks and gentle side fool you, though. If they do, you'll be dead. Nieko is actually an assassin for hire and can kill without any thought.

Powers: He can breath, spit, throw, block, deflect, whip, and control fire. He can also transform into a large fiery bird, too. Nieko can also transform into a simple hawk (he often uses this as a disguise).
Weakness: Water. He is defenseless against water attacks, floods, and anything else. Luckily, he can always fly away, but it'll still hurt him.

Side: Baddie, obviously!

Bio/History: Nieko is a servant to a man he's not going to reveal. But, with his lord away, Nieko figured why not get a job. After realizing not many people hire assassins, Nieko went on a trip. Flying about, he soon came to the asylum. With a devious look on his face, Nieko sent down a rain of fire. Landing within the walls, Nieko sought out the owner to seek employment.

Passing Kage's spot, Nieko practically growled and vowed he'd kill the 'damn punk,' one day. Making his way to the boss' layer, Nieko filled out some paperwork and within seconds was given a uniform. Only, he turned it down saying, "I'll either fight like this, or I'll kill you all." Cold-hearted as always, Nieko ended up winning this 'bargain.'

When walking about the place, the wannabe escapees seemed to just ignore him. After all, Nieko doesn't look like a real threat. Only, if they should try to escape, Nieko will prove them otherwise. He's not one to unleash hell, but he'll get close, as the jaded male loves to make those that disobey him... suffer. So, escapees, do your best to avoid Nieko or he might be the last thing you'll ever hear, breath, and see.

Other: His flames are green in color, and he often fights with dual swords. But, when bored of using the same-old-same-old, he'll wield a katana, a pistol, or shuriken. Fire is always included with the bundle. But don't let him fool you. Should he forget a weapon, he's skilled enough to turn anything into a weapon. Remember that slip of paper you saw the other day? Yeah, he could kill with that. Deadly paper cuts for the win!
Originally Posted by miss_SMG
Menewsha Name: miss_SMG
Name: Eleanor Duboi
Age: 19
Gender: female
Race: Human with powers

Personality: Eleanor is a rather quiet more or less. She was quiet ever since she was taken from her family. She never smiled, and now, now that she knows she may never see her family she is rather reserved though still very kind and caring to everyone. She just doesn't get attached, she learned not to after her protector was killed doing his job. She rarely smiles, but she is not proud of it. She used to have a great sense of humor, but that has been hidden by her now more serious and mature nature.
Eleanor, regardless to what happened to her, would still do what it takes to help others. She is rather naive and gullible as she finds herself believing what others say. She holds herself to the truth so she does the same for others, which means, more times than not she is caught in a web of lies and falling away from where she had first begun.

Powers: Eleanor can shape shift certain parts of her body into forms of defense; these parts being her arms. She can create a blade, shield, claws, fists and whip

Weakness: Her stubborn-ness, regardless to how sincere people are, Eleanor never fully trusts people and never lets people close to her. Well, that and the fact that she has very little to no control over her powers, she's trying though!

Side: Good, an escapee, though it usually doesn't take much to get Eleanor to side with you, believe you, or think your side is the 'good' side.

Bio/History: Eleanor once lived with a loving family in a beautiful city; a metropolis really. That is, until one day, she was kidnapped while she was out running errands for her mother. She was taken to a facility where she was experimented on until the group deemed they were through and sent her on her way with a protector. He was killed though, and shortly after, the young girl started showing signs of her abilities. She quickly found out that she had no control over these abilities and that scared her, and of course the people near her when they first emerged. People were running and screaming and then everything went black. When Eleanor awoke she was imprisoned in an asylum where she remains to this day.
She wants out though, so badly. Scars are starting to add up along her back and torso mostly and her arms throb from the constant changing they go through as her emotions shift rapidly. She wants to get out and away from that place; she doesn't even know why she's there though she has heard stories that authorities caught her slaughtering a cafe full of people. If that were true, she does not remember.


Other: Eleanor is not the violent type, far from it really, though she does defend those she deems 'special' to her. Yet, at the same time, if her emotions change too rapidly, towards the negative end of the spectrum, she snaps and can no longer control what happens, though at that time she has mastered control over her abilities.
Originally Posted by Dear Lelie
Menewsha Name: Dear Lelie

Name: Gneiss {pronounced Nice}"Nessie" Phyllite

Age: 17

Gender: female

Race: Cat demon

Personality: Gneiss is a very sweet girl. She is often easily offended by other people. Also she often thinks that other people do not like her. Generally she prefers not to speak because since her accident she stutters very often. She has a strong will of determination, but it often does not show threw. At times she shuts down emotionally and speaks in simple tones.

Powers: She can jump very, very high. She also can run rather well. Gneiss used to be able to change into a cat form, but since her accident she has not been able to.

Weakness: water, seriously if you throw water on her she will freak out. also nets.

Side: Good, one who found Kage

Bio/History: Nessie is the younger sibling of the one guard {Schist}. She is the one who stumbled upon Kage. The reason she is here is an accident that occurred. She was at the park at the age of ten with her parents playing. Suddenly she was picked up by a man and carried away with out her parents noticing. The man took her home and tied a pink collar around her neck. He called her his pet and dressed her as he wished. The man mentally abused her and this was all to get back at her parents. Once he had her parents in his grasp he sealed her up in a box with holes in the sides. Her parents arrived at the house with her able to see them threw the hole. Gneiss's mouth was covered with tape as the man brutally murdered her parents. Once they were killed the man called 911 and left the phone off the hook. The man then fled. Police arrived to find the little girl in the box with her dead parents. Mentally disturbed her grandmother sent her to the asylum to get cured. She has been here for years and still she remains. Her grandmother has since passed and the only family left is Schist. Mostly she wiped the accident from her mind, but when asked about it she shuts off her emotion. She has a very hard time answering those questions and tries her best.


Other: She does still have the rabbit that she is pictured with. It either is with her or tucked in in its own little bed in her cell. She also loves cookies.

Menewsha Name: Dear Lelie

Name: Schist Phyllite

Age: 19

Gender: male

Race: Tiger Demon

Personality: Schist is a bold young man. He often has a hard time holding his tongue. At times he finds himself getting into fights with others {especially because he looks so young}. He also is rather talkative and can run his mouth off.

Powers: Schist can jump very high, and swim. He also runs very fast. Though he can also change into a tiger form.

Weakness: Just like his sister nets are his downfall. He has over come his water phobia though

Side: Neutral {leading to bad}

Bio/History: Schist is a guard at the asylum. He started working at the asylum to watch over his baby sister. The boy had a hard time forgiving himself after the accident. At first his grandmother had thought he should go to the asylum as well but he talked her out of it. He attended high school and graduated like an average boy. Then he got a job as a guard and he grew to enjoy it. He still finds himself liking his job. Schist knows that his sister is unhappy in the asylum, but he feels she should stay there. He wants her to be better before she gets out. The brother will really do anything to keep his everyone inside the asylum. It is his job.

Appearance/Looks: human


Other: Schist will protect his sister to almost any cost. He also hates sweets unlike his sister and prefers bitter things.
Originally Posted by Wavikz
[IMGRIGHT][/IMGRIGHT]Menewsha Name: Wavikz
Name: Tormund Ace Veicht
Age: Twenty two years of life
Gender: Male
Race: Summoner and ghost whisperer

Personality: Uptight. Silent. Rude and arrogant at times. Distant. He's not really one to do much talking. He would much prefer listening and doing. However, Tormund is very impulsive and doesn't really like to be used. Overall, Tormund is a fragile guy who's more afraid of the unknown than the usual paranoid maniac. He's jittery and jumps when people approach him without warning.

Since he's had Rukiya, Tormund has been a lot better. She calms his paranoia, but makes up for it with her continuous flirting. She's more or less a double-edged sword - she improves and hinders her master.

Powers: He is able to summon a female by the name of Rukiya. Rukiya is a deceased creature from the grace that has the ability to call forth a pack of furry creatures. Tormund can also speak to the dead, which is how he made his binding contract with Rukiya.
Weakness: Religion. It bothers the hell out of him. He also doesn’t like how Rukiya is always hitting on him. Aside from those things, just about everything else scares him. Seriously, he’s terrified of everything that moves. Acute paranoia is quiet the curse.

Side: He wants to be free of both the asylum and Rukiya.

Bio/History: Through a series of unwanted, but completely unavoidable events, Tormund ran into a corpse. Upon their initial contact, the binding contract was formed, forever making Rukiya a servant of Tormund. Had his powers warned him off rather than draw him near, he would be a free boy. However, Rukiya called to him and he came. She, being a creature of havoc, would torment the boy and eventually be the reason that Tormund was in this damn asylum.

Being there for a while, Tormund came to know most of the inmates, including Kage. However, Tormund knew better than to see Kage. Rukiya warned him of visiting the male, and, spite her warning, he did try to see him. But this landed Tormund in a heap load of trouble and since then he's remained in his cage. Head hung between his legs, the look of defeat rides on his shoulders. Rukiya is the only reason he's still alive.

Other: Tormund typically goes by the name Ace. As a child, he was always fond of magic and, to this day, he continues to practice it.

In Character Post

The men and women in white coats were once more gathered around the tank, clipboards in hand as a few of them seemed to scribble something down. Within the tank red eyes watched them half open, occasionally locking onto one specific white coated person. They had been coming everyday since the red eyes had opened and the male owner of them awakened. Occasionally they would try and ask him questions, but they would never receive an answer or reply to them, as he had been told by the one whom awoken him not to answer any of them. Not that he could really answer some of the questions anyways, as some seemed to pertain to a past he couldn't recall even if he tried. He wasn't sure of how he got to where he was, why he was there, how long he had been asleep, not even what had happened before he awoken. The only things that he could recall was that he was named Kage Seija, he was obviously male, he could communicate to others telepathically, and he had some fire and darkness abilities though he was unsure of their extent. For all he knew he could very well only have enough fire control and power to light a campfire or enough control of the darkness to block out one of the many lights shining down on the small portion of the room the tank was in. He had so many questions running through his mind, but he was sure the white coats didn't have the answers, or if they did they wouldn't tell him. The one who had awoken him didn't seem to have the answers either, although they did offer to help him try and find answers, and even his own mind could not answer the questions it produced.

With a sigh, within the oxygen mask that enabled him to breath within the fluid filled tank, Kage turned his head to the side on the right and away from the majority of the white coated people. He could hear their pens and pencils rapidly writing something down as he did, but by now that was normal for him. It seemed any sort of move he did was rapidly recorded as if he were some experimental object that was capable of movement, and they needed to record each one. Perhaps that's what he disliked most about them, they made him feel as if he were a science project rather than the living being he was. With another sigh he began roaming his gaze around the room that he had looked around at least a hundred times by now. The walls were a metallic steel color, and were probably made steel itself, but unlike the rest of the asylum there were no signs of rust or stains and looked rather well kept. Along the wall that was opposite to his tank a large metallic door stood, looking almost new, and a card slot resting beside it. Above it a large red covered light blinked, signaling that the door was currently closed and locked. At the top and bottom of the door a sort of caution looking strip stretched, alternating with yellow and black hashes. A tinted square glass area was towards the top of the door, giving those looking from the room the ability to see out into the metallic hallway beyond, but giving those in the hallway no way of seeing within the room. The floors were also made of some sort of silver metal, probably steel too, but they were well kept and clean with no signs of age nor dust. Around the room various plastic tables were set up with different gadgets on them along with a few containers with unknown substances in them, or at least unknown to him. In the far right corner a large metallic structure that seemed to emit heat, probably the boiler of the asylum, stood with a few large pipes stretching up from it and into the metallic ceiling. There was currently steam emitting from it so it could only be guessed that it was currently on and running. On the ceiling hung large industrial lights that were covered, not one flicking or burned out nor were any of the plastic covers over them cracked or chipped.

Turning his head to the left, followed by the sounds of writing utensils scribbling things on paper, he could see more of the plastic tables with more fluid filled containers. Against the walls were large cabinet structures with glass doors that contained more containers, some filled with embalming liquid to preserve various creatures inside of them. On the walls here were various posters that held various diagrams of the insides of animals such as frogs, or glass frames that contained some pinned insects. At the far left wall though, the one behind the tank he was in, a metal vent could just barely be seen by his eyes. It was one of the ways that the one whom awakened him had taken to visit him once the white coats were finished with their 'inspection' and recording of him. Near the vent a strange looking circular clock ticked away.

A question of "Can you understand?" brought his attention away from the inspection of the room, and brought his eyes to rest upon the white coated man whom had asked the question. This of course prompted another scribbling session from all of them, a few nodding their heads excitedly. The larger of the hands on the clock then suddenly moved to the symbol at the bottom, causing the clock to start ringing, a sign that it was time for the white coats to disperse and leave him be for at least half an hour sometimes more. A few made a few sounds of reluctance as the ones in the white coats turned and began shuffling towards the door, while others seemed to talk excitedly with a few others saying things like "I think he understands us!" and "This is quite the discovery...." and so on and so forth. The words caused the red eyes, that watched them leave, to narrow slightly at the turned backs. He was not some experiment or lower being like they seemed to think he was! He could very well understand them and if he so chose so he could very well reply back and tell them as such, but he begrudgingly held his tongue. 'Oh well I'll only have to put up with this a little longer...The escape idea is almost complete, it just a matter of 'meeting' the others that were spoken of...' he thought to himself as his eyes turned away from the now opened door that the white coats were shuffling out of, and to the vent. He wasn't sure if perhaps the vent would be used this time or if the ones coming would come in under the disguise of a white coat and use the door with a confiscated swipe card.
"If loving someone means watching them die..."

"...then who's going to watch you die?"
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Last edited by Arechi; 03-10-2011 at 11:19 PM..

Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 03-03-2011, 12:34 AM

(Was the description chasing people away? Profiles are <3ed. ^.^)

Dear Lelie
I'm like a firework.
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Old 03-03-2011, 01:27 AM

{sorry i plan on making one it's just a busy week!}

Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 03-03-2011, 01:36 AM

(Lol that's quite alright, take your time. XD)

Dear Lelie
I'm like a firework.
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Old 03-03-2011, 01:48 AM

{thank youu!}

Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 03-03-2011, 02:30 AM

(Lol you're welcome. ^.^)

is a Special Pants
ISOS Duke is offline
Old 03-08-2011, 03:46 PM

The icy cold floor, the damp room, the sounds of screams from the other patience was what drove the small girl in her cell to be curled up on the floor in the corner farthest from the door. Her knees were tucked up to her chest, her chin buried in them as her hands clasped themselves over her ears until her knuckles were turning white. The thin white dress the long brown haired girl was wearing offered her no protection to the iciness of the floor as she lay there, her body trembling and shaking like a leaf knowing what was soon going to come. It was morning and the thought of guards coming to rip them all from there rooms caused tears to slide down her face, joining the already growing puddle on the floor.

Eleanor hadn't known what she had done to get to that place. Sure she had powers, but she wasn't the only one like that. She hadn't done anything to anyone; sure she can lose control over her powers but she had heard the 'bad men', as they have been called by the younger inmates, that she only attacked those that were the cause in her loss of control in the first place. She wanted to get out, get away from the bad people and everything they were doing to her. Her body was becoming more and more sore by the day as fresh wounds lay upon old scars, hurting as goose bumps and tingles would cover her flesh from the cold room she was in.

Escaping had always seemed like a good idea, but she had heard stories of the group that had tried last time. They had failed and now she doesn't know what had happened. The asylum keeps her secluded from most of the other inmates and she doesn't know why, but even with the distance, she had heard that there were others out there that were planning an escape. It was just how the vine worked, though the guards never seemed to know anything. She wanted to know everything about the escape and she wanted to be a part of it. For now she settled for keeping her ears open whenever she was in transit; which from the sounds of it, they would be coming for her soon enough.

Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 03-08-2011, 05:13 PM

A cloud of exhaled air settled and just as it did, another collection of warm particles reappeared in the same location. The cloud was no bigger than a child’s fist. Controlled breathing. It was his motto for life. If one could not control their daily intake of air, then however could one take control of their life?

Stepping over the cracks in the filth-covered floor, Nieko’s jade eyes flickered back and forth between the iron rungs of each imprisoned fool. Some of the metal bars were corroding from the excrement that had yet to be cleaned. Nostril flaring to remove the disgusting odor, Nieko tucked his nose beneath the crest of his scarf. Its warmth soothed him, as the chilling air continued to nip at his ears. Further enhancing the chill were the silver cuff-like earrings the slender male wore.

Heavy lids blinked from another sleepless night. Signing up for this shift was not something he enjoyed, but, compared to the other guards, he was one of a few that could actually tolerate near zero temperatures. In fact, Nieko preferred the cold for the hotter it was, the more the male would complain. Being a creature of fire, Nieko welcomed the cold that caused many of the inmates to shuddered and dreaded.

His sweeping gold-tipped scarf barely touched the ground he walked on. With each step, the faint echoing noses grew louder and more assertive.

“Get up,” he instructed to one of the prisoners. When the male didn’t stir at his sharp voice, Nieko cocked a brow at the boy. “Hey, kid. Get up. I… just get up. Please?”

Silence followed. Using the slender rusted key, Nieko unlocked the cell.


Lightly kicking the male, Nieko watched as the boy flopped over on himself. Glancing over his shoulder, he saw that Eleanor’s cell was in view-shot of the scene that was playing out with him. Brushing back his hair, Nieko walked back out of his cell and over to her.

“Eleanor, correct?”

It was odd that Nieko called her by her first name, but that was Nieko for you. He rarely obeyed orders that fell outside the realm of his true lord, a man he refused to name while serving here.

“You wouldn’t happen to…” her shuddering, crying, and trembling was enough to annoy the green eyed male. “Grow a spine. If you wish to live, then learn to fight. You’re giving up. Quitters don’t deserve to live. Give your life some meaning. Pick a goal. Fight for it. Don’t let anything or anyone get in your way. If you don’t set a goal, or have a dream, you’ll die here just like Jimmy.”


[[Psssssssst. Is there an OOC thread for this RP? Or do we just do it in here?]]

Last edited by Wavi; 03-08-2011 at 05:32 PM..

is a Special Pants
ISOS Duke is offline
Old 03-09-2011, 02:57 PM

((Oh boy! Lelie joined, only gonna post once before she does just cause this one has been tickling at me XP))

That voice; Eleanor knew it all too well. It was the same voice that always seemed to to break the deafening silence that laid over the screams of torment. It was Nieko, though she probably wasn't supposed to know his name, she didn't know. He was the one that usually took her away, and it was something that made her hate him so; but, at the same time, he never tried to hurt her. Even when she would be trying to get away from him, even if her powers got out of control, it was usually another guard that would rush in and do something about it.

Rolling her lower lip into her mouth, the frail girl sucked on it for a moment to calm herself before releasing it. Pressing her palms onto the cold floor, she shakily pushed herself into a half sitting position, her eyes trained on the floor. "He couldn't take it anymore," she said, her voice quiet and quivering; though that was all she had to say about her deceased cell neighbor. She hadn't known Jimmy very well, but she could hear his fighting back daily and his will slowly breaking.

She tried to swallow hard, to moisten her dry mouth and throat, but there was no saliva to fix the problem so all there was was just a sticking pain. Eleanor rolled her lower lip into her mouth again as her olive green eyes traced along the floor and up to her cell door, but never any higher. She had never really looked at Nieko; she never dared seeing as the other guards took offense to it and found it as a means to punishment.

Taking a slow breath, and using the wall as guidance, she forced herself slowly to her feet. Her legs were shaking, but that was nothing new; most of her weight was on the wall as her eyes focused on the floor on the other side of the room, just below the door once again. "Just because someone does not react does not mean they are usless," she said in her usual hushed voice. It wasn't just because of the torture that she was quiet, Eleanor had been like that ever since she was taken from her parents and Arrow was killed.

"Some people learn that if you are quiet and do as your told, you are less likely to face a harsh fate." At that point, her eyes flicked up to Nieko's face, but only for a second, not even long enough to take in his appearance, before they were back on the floor. She had been listening to the songs and whispers of the other inmates, she knew they were planning something though she wasn't involved just yet, the timing wasn't right. She wanted the details though, but knew that everything would play out in time, and eventually the plans would make their way to her end of the asylum.

Dear Lelie
I'm like a firework.
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Old 03-09-2011, 04:42 PM

Gneiss Phyllite sat quietly in her cell. Soon her brother would be in to check on her. Then her plan would take place. The doctors locker room was right beside her room. Previously she had stole a swipe card right from one of her doctors. Grinning she held the piece of plastic in her hand. It had been her little triumph for being called crazy. "I did it Kage," she whispered to herself. The boy in the glass tube had been her little friend since she stumbled upon him. She had decided she had been here long enough that she wanted to go adventuring. In her adventure she stumbled upon a boy with black and red hair contained in a glass tube. From that day on she went to see him almost everyday after the doctors saw him. The little blonde haired girl felt she had the perfect plan. Steal lab coats pretend they were doctors and then sneak in to see Kage. Once they snuck in to meet Kage she wasn't sure if they were going to try and escape now or work on it another day. Nessie hugged her rabbit closely to her chest. The day of her accident it had sat silently at home now she often held it. Sometimes thought it slept in the little bed next to her's.
Schist Phyllite approached the asylum. Dressed in his uniform attire he grinned as he walked into the building. Over the few years he had been there the young man had certainly done himself well. Originally it had been a job to keep an eye on his sister, but now he truly enjoyed his job. His sister did not receive special treatment while he was on the clock. She was a patient like all the other's and she needed to be treated as an equal. The white haired boy he went and clocked himself it. Taking the hat he left it hang on a nearby hook. He hated wearing the thing because it smushed his ears against his head. Grinning he fluffed out his white hair and headed for his sister's cell. The red eyed boy headed for the little blonde girl's cell. As he walked he caught sight of Nieko, another guard. "Morning, Nieko," he said softly as he walked past. Schist gave him a calm nod and continued to Gneiss's room. Opening up the cell door he sat down next to his sister and hugged her.

"Morning big bruther," she stated calmly. She returned the hug to her brother. "How are you feeling today?" he asked gently. The girl shrugged and nodded. "I am fine. How are you?" she questioned. Schist ran a hand over Gneiss's hair. He nodded in response then stood up. "Sorry, but I need to do rounds," he replied. The white haired boy kissed the top of her head and left the room. Schist closed the door behind him and began his rounds.

Nessie watched her brother turn the corner. Slipping from her room she went over into the locker room. Going to one of the lockers she slipped out her clothes and into a black pencil skirt, purple button up and black flats. She pulled a lab coat on over that and slipped on a pair of glasses. Pulling her hair into a low blonde bun she then placed a bandanna over the back of her head. It held her bangs back and her ears down. Reaching into the locker again she put purple eyeshadow on, eyeliner, and red lipstick. Grabbing her bag she stuffed clothes into it for the other escapee to change into. She hid her clothes in the room then went to Eleanor's cell. "Hello Eleanor, it's time to come see the doctor.... Oh, hello their Nieko," she stated in a slightly higher pitched voice. She smiled at Eleanor and opened up the door to her cell. She winked at her letting her know that she was not really a doctor.

Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 03-09-2011, 05:23 PM

Nieko’s eyes narrowed when the white-haired guard walked by. He never really trusted that guy, as he always felt he was too attached to a certain inmate. But, before he could comment, the male had wandered away.

With a heavy sigh, Nieko turned back toward Eleanor. “Listen, Eleanor, I’m not here to be your friends, but I’m sure as hell not your enemy.” His arms slid into their rightful crossed position. “Don’t you think there is a reason I’m the night guard? I’m the only one that can be left alone with you and not have someone dead.”

A lock of his dark brown hair fell into his eyes and, in an attempt to blow it away, an odd noise escaped his lips. He rolled his eyes. It was just his luck to look like an incompetent idiot before the eyes of a broken prisoner.

Reaching his hand through her iron bars, Nieko was able to stroke the female’s trembling figure. “Hey, are you okay?” Even if it was forbidden, Nieko wasn’t going to let one of these innocent beings die, or at least not on his watch.

Hesitantly, Nieko removed his scarf. He rarely parted with it, but he demeaned this moment appropriate. Poking it through the bars, he tried to place it in Eleanor’s arms. However, the sound of footsteps caught him off guard. Withdrawing his scarf, he waited to see just who was around the bend.

“Aren’t you a little… short?” Nieko’s eyes scanned over the woman’s body. He knew something was off. In fact, he was well aware of the fact that she wasn’t the doctor. Last he knew, the female doctor was out of a leave of absence.

“I shall escort and accompany you,” Nieko said with a slight sneer to his face.

Assisting Eleanor from her cell, Nieko placed the cuffs he carried around the female’s slender wrists. Being careful as to not crush her, he made them just tight enough that, should she escape, it would be dead obvious.

The scarf followed that cuffing. He draped it around her neck and did his best to make sure the tails wouldn’t touch the ground. A light smile came next as he coaxed the “doctor” to move Eleanor to the room.

is a Special Pants
ISOS Duke is offline
Old 03-09-2011, 09:53 PM

Eleanor could feel the warmth emitting from Nieko's hand as he reached through the bars of her cell; she could always feel his warmth for some reason. She never knew if it was because she was just that cold or if he was really that warm; it was always a comforting feeling nonetheless. When he asked if she was alright, she wanted to break down; she couldn't though, not in front of a guard, not in front of him.

The man at her cell was one of the few that didn't frighten her, heck he was probably the only one that didn't scare her. The brunette wasn't sure what it was about him that made her feel so at ease; it was more than likely the fact that he never went out of his way to hurt any of the inmates from what she had seen. He wasn't going to be there much longer, day light was upon them, unless they scheduled him for a double shift his would be ending soon.

All of a sudden the warmth was gone and she quickly looked up, her eyes wide and alert. Eleanor's breathing picked up a little as a dark ring surrounded her brown eyes and the air around her left arm distorting slightly. That was when she saw a little, bandanna covered head opening her cell door; Nieko's question seeming correct about her height. The green eyed female was taller than her, but not by much.

Her panic ridden eyes seemed to calm a little bit by the female's reaction in the cell. Her eyes narrowed slightly as she thought, Perhaps all is not as it appears, though she said nothing about what was going on. Nieko entered behind the 'doctor' and escorted her out, but her green eyes remained trailed on the woman. A familiar and routine pain came when Nieko put the cuffs on her; though he had done so carefully, not all guards were as nice about it and often times it resulted in the crushing pain her body was still trying to heal.

The scarf placed around her neck overwhelmed her senses with his scent and warmth; the two seeming to calm her frazzled nerves a little bit. She still wouldn't look up at him as she awaited some sort of movement from the group. Eleanor had been there long enough to know that even if you know where you are going, you never, under any circumstances lead. It was actions like those that brought much punishment to the new patients.

Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 03-10-2011, 01:22 PM

Waiting for some sort of movement, Nieko's eyes wandered over to the female before him. Eleanor was, well, different from the rest. She seemed to have the most control over her powers and she never once vented or lashed out at the guards.

Turning his head toward the "doctor," Nieko bowed his head. "It appears that my shift has ended. I would accompany you, but I have to do some research. Please, excuse me."

Stepping forward, Nieko looked at Eleanor and whispered to her, "Don't do something you'll regret." As his lips brushed against her ears, Nieko shivered some. It was odd being that intimate with a woman, especially a woman with as little clothing as Eleanor had.

Hand going on her back to comfort her, Nieko saluted the two and run off in the opposite direction. Today, he noted to himself, he would research this Eleanor Duboi female more.

Dear Lelie
I'm like a firework.
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Old 03-10-2011, 03:56 PM

The young woman crossed her arms and tilted her head to the side. "I never said I was the doctor. I'm an intern. I'm only here to get patients and other little things," she replied quietly. Nessie was afraid of Nieko. She always had been Since he was off shift she knew the hard part now would be to sneak around with out her brother catching them. The cat girl watched the interaction between the two with some small confusion. Perhaps the guard was close to Eleanor much closer than she would have assumed. When Nieko said he was not going to be able to come escort them, she could have danced. Keeping her composure she nodded towards the guard. "Thank you for your kind offer though sir. I think I can handle it," she replied softly. Gneiss watched as he ran off away from them. Turning toward Eleanor she smiled at her. "Please this way miss," she stated gently. Starting to walk she began leading Eleanor to the next corner. Over to this corner were the abandoned cells where the camera would not see her dawn the coat and costume.
Schist heard running in the area and was surprised to see Nieko running. "In a hurry to leave?" the white haired male asked the other guard. He was certainly the interesting person compared to himself. Nieko generally worked nights while the red eyed boy worked the mornings. Sometimes he found himself working afternoons too as a double. His schedule was rather flexible since he had no other family beside that in the asylum.

is a Special Pants
ISOS Duke is offline
Old 03-10-2011, 04:22 PM

Eleanor's eyes trained themselves on the ground when Nieko stepped towards her; his actions causing her to worry her lower lip slightly. Her breath was caught in her throat, not from what he had done, but more of what he had said. Did he expect her to do something? That would be odd because at that point she didn't even expect herself to do anything. When he stepped away she felt a brush on her ear and a reassuring hand on her back. Looking up, the brunette was able to see him salute before running off.

With wide, olive green eyes, the girl was snapped back to the situation as the smaller girl urged her onward. Complying, Eleanor followed without a word, at least until she realized they weren't going the right way. The corner they were rounding was where all patients has been, well, at least up until last month. There were no rooms that the doctors used this way, just empty cells. The girl's brows furrowed together slightly as her eyes locked onto the small framed girl.

"We're going the wrong way," she said, her voice quiet. She knew something was up but her mind couldn't quite grasp it yet. She could hear footsteps coming from all around the asylum as guards and doctors moved other inmates; she wasn't sure what all the routes were, but since the emptying of these rooms, Eleanor did not know if a patrol ever ventured this far. Granted she had tried to figure it out, but the area was only lit up during the day, and the guards in her areas were never found of her looking about.

Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 03-11-2011, 12:41 AM

"Yeah, I have places to be. Besides, I've been on duty since yesterday afternoon. Later. Oh, also, I'd watch out for the 'intern' nurse. Something's fishy about her." With a light nod, he continued on his way.

Making his way past the boss' office, Nieko's green eyes caught glimpse of a filing cabinet. The towering metal thing was locked, but that wouldn't stop his fingers from worming their way into its contents.

His eyes flicked back and forth. The coast was clear, so he made his move. His boots typically clicked across the floor, but with his breath held and his steps calculated, he moved without a sound.

The hair on the back of his neck rose for a moment, as his fingers feverishly maneuvered a straightened paperclip into the key lock of the door. The little silver tool slid into the groove. When it was finally in place, Nieko pulled out a hairpin and shoved it into the hole, too.

A booming click followed. Echoing down the corridor, Nieko's heart skipped a beat. Breath held, heart raising, and brows sweating, Nieko exhaled. Composure followed his mental cool down, as he had completed the first step in finding out about Eleanor.

The murmuring sounds of voices bounced between the hollowed walls. Dipping in and out, the voices faded some, but came back with even more power seconds later. If he didn't make his move now, he would miss the opportunity.

Feet sweeping into the office, Nieko's eyes darted right to the filing cabinet. Again, his hands were back at work picking the lock. Being a simpler lock, Nieko was able to get the file in under a minute. Or at least, it should have been that easy. However, seeing as the filing system was poor, Nieko had to spend a few extra minutes digging about.

Fingering the manila folders, his index finger landed on an image of the woman he sought out. Eleanor.

The file slid out with ease, but Nieko frowned at the lack of size. Shit. This isn't going to be any help.

Rather than leaving, Nieko sat down at the boss' desk. Feet on the table, Nieko read the file from top to bottom. He did it again and again. After the seventh time, Nieko put the file down. Missing the table, the folder fell onto the floor, and, as it did, something slid out of it. Landing beside the right leg of the chair, Nieko looked at the rectangular shaped piece of paper. It was a little torn and there were some noticeable wrinkles in it.

Breath held, Nieko reached down to retrieve the mystery paper. When between his index and middle finger, he flipped it over.

Eyes softening and a smile creeping onto his face, Nieko lusted for the woman in the photograph. "You're beautiful, Miss Eleanor... especially when you're not broken." The torn image hinted that another person had been removed from the photograph. Recalling a name in the file, Nieko flipped out an electronic device.

"Hey, it's Nieko. Could you look up a fella by the name of Arrow? Yeah? That wounds about right. Hmmm. I would say that's the guy. Ha ha, thanks man. Much appreciated."

Closing the phone, Nieko rose from his seat. Pulling the file back, Nieko kept the image of Eleanor. To him, the asylum had no right to hold such a beautiful woman hostage. She, he deducted, was nothing like what the typical inmates were that lived here. With that final thought lingering in his head, Nieko left the office. Moments later, he was outside the asylum and on his way home.


[[Oopsie! I got a little carried away. DX]]

Dear Lelie
I'm like a firework.
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Old 03-11-2011, 12:50 AM

The blonde continued to lead them forward and was surprised when Eleanor had spoke up. Had she forgotten about what she had wanted to show her today? Reaching in the bag she handed her a lab coat. "It's Nessie... remember, I wanted to show you something today? Sorry I didn't realize there was going to be a guard at your cell. But here I thought this would be our good disguise I guess I'm a luttle short," she giggled. Gneiss held out the coat for the girl so they could sneak over to see Kage. She had not mentioned sneaking out to the woman, but still she wanted her to meet her friend.
Schist at Nieko with the tilt of his head."Thanks for the tip," he replied sincerely. Intern nurse? I didn't know we had an intern nurse, he thought to himself. Walking around he wondered where this nurse was. Walking rather quickly threw the halls he began poking around wondering where this nurse was. He had never heard of an intern nurse coming to the hospital. It was so strange.

is a Special Pants
ISOS Duke is offline
Old 03-11-2011, 02:30 AM

Eleanor took the lab coat gingerly, almost hesitantly; it was almost like the material itself was enough to keep her away from it, just the images of what the people in those coats had done. She nodded slowly as she drew the coats towards her, her dry tongue tracing over her equally dry and cracking lips. All she did was nod at that point though as she carefully pulled the coat on over her grungy dress, which at one point had been a beautiful white color and her favorite outfit.

The brunette's eyes were still on the ground, scanning around Nessie's feet as she said, "We may want to hurry. Nieko will notify the other guards of movements on his shift and if you caught his attention I am sure he will report that too." From the limited conversations that they had had together, Eleanor had picked up on Nieko's loyalty and honor to his work. She wasn't quite sure what was going on but she did recall going to see something, or was it someone?

The coat sat uncomfortably on the newer wounds that the girl had recently acquired and she made sure to wrap the scarf around her neck to make sure that it would be further from the ground. She then looked up a little to look at Nessie as if to tell her she were ready for the girl to lead the way.

Dear Lelie
I'm like a firework.
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Old 03-11-2011, 02:51 AM

Gneiss nodded to Eleanor. Waking she led her up to where the door was. Generally she did not go in this way, but it was easiest with her. She hurried down to the door. Swiping the car in the door she hurried herself and Eleanor inside. She wondered if that other person was going to come. The blonde girl had mentioned it to him, and she hadn't found out where he was. Walking down the hallway she smiled at Eleanor. "Kage is really nice. He doesn't talk to much, but he really want to escape," she explained to Eleanor.
Schist continued to walk down the hallways. He peered into cells as he walked. The boy was not sure where everyone had go. The boy knew his sister would never do anything like that so he avoided her cell. His red eyes continued to peer around as he was looking for some sort of disturbance.

is a Special Pants
ISOS Duke is offline
Old 03-11-2011, 03:46 AM

Eleanor nodded slowly as she was sure to keep up with Gneiss and fought to keep from looking around or looking suspicious. That though, was much easier said than done because the girl felt like it was obvious as to what she was doing; she didn't look healthy in the least and she just had this lurking feeling that what she was doing was wrong. Now, granted what she was doing was wrong and she could get in a lot of trouble for it, but in her mind it was more to the fact that she was never the sneakiest person around.

Rather than talking though, seeing as her voice was less and less trustworthy, most of all when it came to being an authoritative figure, she simply tried to keep her head up, her arms crossed under her chest. This was a new maze that she did not know either which meant she was making a mental map of it, just in case such information proved to be useful later. The brunette's steps were small, seeing as her bare feet were tapping lightly against the cold floor and she knew that would be a dead give away as to her actual status.

((Sorry if it takes a little while, boyfriend's brother's birthday so I've been distracted XD))

Dear Lelie
I'm like a firework.
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Old 03-11-2011, 04:50 AM

{no worries =]}

Gneiss weaved her way threw the hallways. She had of course seen this before because she had been caught down here once before. Looking over her shoulder she saw Eleanor following behind her. Grinning she walked up to the last door that would open up to Kage. Swiping her card and punching in the code she grinned as she let Eleanor in first. Once the door was closed behind them she approached the place where he was kept. "Kage?" she said softly approaching the test tube where he was kept.
Schist sighed after he felt he had checked most of the facility. Sitting down he put his face in his hands as he tried to think about where the problem could potentially be.

Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 03-11-2011, 08:44 PM

As time wore on the worry in Kage only grew more and more. It hadn't taken this long before for his friend to come to him, but then again he figured that with more people it would take a bit longer. 'But it shouldn't take this long...right?' he mentally asked himself. He was about to send out some sort of mental message towards Gneiss when the door that led to his encased 'cell' opened and two 'white coats' entered. It took him a few moments to recognize that they were not the typical white coats.

This caused him to let out a sigh in relief as he heard the voice and knew it to be his friend. 'I was starting to get worried that you wouldn't be coming here this time...Who is that with you?' he asked using his mind. As it was his telepathic powers weren't entirely limited to one mind within the room, after all he had awoken only days before, so he didn't quite have the control he knew that he should have had. But so long as it only stretched to those in the room currently he didn't mind, after all if it's just in the room and the three of them were the only ones present, then there was no real risk.

Dear Lelie
I'm like a firework.
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Old 03-11-2011, 10:37 PM

When her friend woke up she felt her heart thump in relief. Gneiss looked up at Kage with a wide smile. "Of course I was coming. It was just a little extra maneuvering that took the time," she replied softly. Scuttling back over to Eleanor she stood beside her. "This is Eleanor. She's one of the people here... there was supposed to be another who I think should have met you... but I couldn't find him," the blonde girl replied with a shrug. Then she turned to Eleanor and smiled. "Eleanor this is my friend Kage. The people at the asylum keep him here," she replied with a small pouty face. Then her eyes looked back to Kage. Sometimes she could be so energetic. "How are you today Kage," the blonde asked tilting her head to the side.

is a Special Pants
ISOS Duke is offline
Old 03-12-2011, 01:43 PM

Eleanor looked up at this 'Kage' only briefly before quickly dropping her eyes back to the floor, until what she thought she saw she really wasn't. Looking back up quickly she noted that she was truly seeing the red and black haired male suspended in water, a mask around his mouth and nose. Her olive green eyes widened as she dropped her arms from the crossed position in which they were held. At that point her lab coat almost fell off her shoulders as the cuffs that Nieko put on her slid to the base of her palms, catching her falling arms in a painful manner that caused her to wince and almost yelp slightly.

When Nessie had told Eleanor about seeing him, she wasn't expecting a boy in a tube; she had been expecting another inmate just like herself or the girl with her. The fact that he could speak in her mind gave her a slight headache as well, seeing as that had been rather unexpected. With the pain in her wrists and seeing what she was seeing made her even more nervous, that they could get caught at any moment. Peering behind her shoulder, the brunette noted that no one was entering the room, and she couldn't see anyone through the small window either. Her eyes then slid back to the boy before them before returning to looking out the door. To say that she was paranoid at this point would be an understatement.

Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 03-12-2011, 10:49 PM

At the introduction, Kage carefully maneuvered one hand up slightly and waved it in greeting. "Hello there" came his mental reply. He could clearly see the surprise and what appeared to be slight pain on the girl named Eleanor's features, and connected it to perhaps the fact that not everyone was probably use to suddenly hearing a voice in their mind. "I apologize for having to speak like this, but unfortunately due to my current...circumstance...using my actual voice isn't exactly an option. I apologize for any discomfort or pain it may cause" he said mentally, keeping his tone a bit softer and quieter to try and reduce any discomfort or pain.

His red gaze then came to rest once more on his friend. He nodded his head in understanding, after all from what he had been told of the area outside of the room he was in, it could be rather difficult to find people. At the question of how he was doing he couldn't help but smile, even though the mask prevented it from being seen. "I suppose as well as I can be...considering my predicament at the moment. I'm a little tired of those in the white coats treating me as some test subject...but I suppose that cannot be helped. How are you doing? I hope there wasn't too much difficulty in being able to come here" he replied, again trying to keep his mental tone softer and gentler. As it was he knew he couldn't fully control who he could mentally talk to at the moment, so this was perhaps the best he could do for the time being.


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