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Old 04-20-2011, 07:12 PM

Name: Stella Cross
Game name: WarriorPrincess92
Gander: Female
Age: 19
Bio: Stella grew up with her best friend Hime. They have been friends for most of there lives and even lived together. Her mother took Hime in when she was a little kid since her parents were killed in an accident. Before all that happened, Stella lived a life that wasn't that exciting. Nothing really bad ever happened, other then her parents getting a bitter divorce. She doesn't remember much of what happened during that time, but later she found out that her parents had been fighting when she wasn't around. Apparently they had been fighting all the time. Stella didn't really care when they got a divorce. She didn't really like her father that much anyway. He wasn't the nicest man in the world. WHen Stella needs to get away from everything, she just hops into the portal in her room and goes into the world of Cyber Space.

Game form:

Name: Hime Mcnight
Game name: Graveyardguard
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Bio: Hime's parents died when she was a child. They had gotten into a bad car accident. Some stupid drunk guy crashed his car into the car that Hime's parents were in. They were driving home from work when it happened. Hime was in the back of the car when it happened. She was only seven years old. She has been living with her best friend Stella ever since. The two had been friends way before the accident, they were like sisters and still are. Most of the time when Hime isn't doing her school work or hanging out with her friends, she is in Cyber Space playing around.

Game form:

Name: Len Valentine
Game name: Rockstar1000
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Bio: Len has ben living a normal life. Nothing special. His parents were the best parents in the world, they lived in a nice house in a nice neighbourhood, and he had a good school life. He is normally in his room playing the guitar when he isn't in Cyber Space fighting people. He always enjoyed fighting in there. It didn't really hurt when you would get stabbed or hit, at least not that much anyway.

Game form:

Last edited by momochan; 04-20-2011 at 08:13 PM..

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Old 04-20-2011, 08:08 PM

Name: Nathaniel McClain
Game Name: Ilan
Gender: Male
Game Gender: Male
Age: 23
Bio: He works as a teacher, taking care of his sister and watching out for her while he can, in fact he would do anything for her and she was the one that got him started on video games well this is his first time with playing one.
Real World Picture:

Cyber Space Picture:


Name: Zaira McClain
Game Name: Zamir
Gender: Female
Game Gender: Male
Age: 20
Bio: Zaira well there isn't much to know about her besides the fact that she likes video games and her brother is a teacher.
Real World Picture:

Cyber Space Picture:


Name: Christopher Wyeth
Game Name: Wolfman
Gender: Male
Game Gender: Male
Age: 24
Bio: is the school doctor. He plays video games in his spare time and while he isn't working.
Real World Picture:

Cyber Space Picture:

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Old 04-20-2011, 08:47 PM

Stella threw her back pack on her bed and sighed. She had just got back from her courses and she was tired. She had been there since 8 AM and it was already 5 PM. She had been there all day working while Hime was in her dorm room, which was next to Stella's, watching TV and probably eating sugary foods. Stella was tired of Hime goofing off and not doing her work. She was going to have to talk to Hime. Stella walked out of her dorm and went to Hime's. She knocked on the door and then walked in after a few moments. When she walked in she was surprised by the site of Hime actually doing her school work. "Hey! W-what are you doing?", Stella was in complete shock. She never saw Hime doing her work without her having to yell at her. When she heard what Hime said she sighed and shook her head. "You should have done it without him coming by. I'm going to my room. See ya.". Stella went back to her room and decided to go into Cyber space She had nothing else to do at the moment. She stepped into the portal, and was immediately put into the Cyber world. She looked at herself and smiled.

Hime was in the middle of doing her work. She was kind of sad that she couldn't be watching her favourite shows and eating ice cream. She had to do her school work though. Her teacher had come to her room earlier and yelled at her for skipping classes. He also gave her some school work and told her to come to class tomorrow or else. She didn't want to find out what he would do to her. When Stella came in and started talking to her she frowned and gave her an angry look. "My teacher stopped by and told me to do my work. Well, he yelled at me. So that's why I am doing it.", she said. Hime waved good-bye to Stella and continued to do her work.

Len was running around in the Cyber World. He was in the woods at the moment. He had skipped class today and played in here. He started slashing at vines with his sword so that they would get out of his way. He wanted to get to the other side of this forest and see what or who was at the lake. He enjoyed going there and relaxing. It was a peaceful place.

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Old 04-20-2011, 09:15 PM

Zamir or Zaira as she is called in the real world was home sick, well at least that is what she had told her brother, but the truth was she spent the whole day in cyberspace killing lake monsters for nothing better to do, not only that College was a bit on the boring side, sure she was just missing art but she was good at it so making it up was not going to be a problem. His pale skin was dripping with the blood of his enemies, t the moment it was all fine so he could sit down and rest, his now silver eyes looked up towards the tree tops and watched the birds flit about in the tree tops, smiling softly as he thought about how his brother was going to react when he found him in cyberspace and found out that he wasn't really sick.

Nathaniel sighed heavily as he ran a hand though his dark brown wavy hair, thinking about McKnight, she had ditched her classes so he had to take her school work to her and yell at her, he knew it was drastic but it had to be done, it was bad enought that his sister was at home sick. He light a cigerate, knowing it was a bad habit but he couldn't help it, he was stressed out all the time and smoking seemed to calm him, he just hoped that they both would show up for class tomorrow, he was tired of babysitting college girls. He looked aorund before he went into his apartment, not seeing his sister and figureing that she was in her room sleeping, that was when he stepped into his room and stepped into the portal, ready to play again.

Wyeth grumbled as he shoved his glasses back up his nose one more, rubbing his timples as he looked at the paper work that was in front of him. He had to fill it all out and then figure out what medicine people were allegic to, to memorize faces and names. He basically had to memorize it all so that he wouldn't make a mistake, being the new school nurse or doctor was a pain in his mind.

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Old 04-20-2011, 09:30 PM

Hime was starting to get really tired of doing her work. She threw it on the floor and glared at it. "I will finish you later!", She yelled at the home work and then walked to the portal. She was going to go off and kill some monsters so she could get all that school crap out of her head. She was starting to get a headache from all that work, even if it wasn't that much. When she was in the Cyber world she started to run towards the graveyard. It was the place she enjoyed most. There were monsters that were very difficult to defeat, at least they were for her anyway.

Stella was walking down a path in the woods. She was trying to find the monster that had almost killed her the other day when she was playing on the game. It had ran away before she could finish it off, and now she was going to kill it. She had leveled up since the last time she fought it, so she was a little more powerful then the last time. When she heard foot steps she turned around, but was disappointed when she saw it was only the player Rockstar1000 running somewhere. She sighed and started walking west, which was the direction the nest of the monster she fought was.

Len was almost at the lake when he ran past WarriorPrincess92, a.k.a Stella. He ignored her and continued to run to the lake. When he got there he found a another player standing there. There was a few dead bodies of Lake monsters laying around him. 'so he killed those, eh?'. He was slightly disappointed, he wasn't going to be alone unless the player, 'Zamir' left.

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Old 04-20-2011, 09:55 PM

‘The graveyard?’ Nathaniel or Ilan thought as he looked around him, he wasn’t sure about this place after all he didn’t remember being here when he logged off, he just stood there with a serious look on his face as he blinked a few times before he smiled when he remembered what happened, turning as he started to head out of the graveyard and towards the town to get supplies.

Zamir crouched low to the ground when he heard rustling in the underbrush, holding his swords at the ready, planning to kill what ever it was that might be attacking him as his silver eyes glowed red. The blood of his dead enemies dripped from his blades as he stared at the person in front of him, he never met him before and he did find him rather hot. “Why are you here?” he asked the male, clearly in a daze as he just stared at him. He looked menacing as he stood there covered in blood among the bodies of his enemies, his eyes glowing red as he smiled, making it all the more creepy.

Christopher was tired of doing paperwork so he set all away for today and started to head to his own room in the teacher dorm room, he couldn't afford a place of his own and most students live on campus so he had to stay on it so that he could be here for them in case they needed him like when they got sick. ONce he was in his room he ate and drank some food before he stepped into his own portal, going into cyberspace and showing up in the woods. He took a deep breathe as he smiled before letting out a howl.

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Old 04-20-2011, 10:07 PM

Len stared at the man, he looked creepy with that smile on his face. He smirked a bit at the guys question, "I came here to relax, but now I can't with the huge dead bodies of monsters and blood all over the place.". He sighed and looked around, it was kind of disgusting seeing all of this blood. Even if it wasn't real, it was still gross.

Hime was in the grave yard looking for any monsters that were around when she heard foot steps, It was foggy so she couldn't see what was around her. She pulled out her sword and started to follow the sound of foot steps, after a few moment she got tired of waiting to see if it would approach her and ran tot he figure. When she was close enough for her blade to hit whatever that was there, she swung her sword at the it, but stopped the blade, which was only a few inches away from the guys shoulder, when she saw it was just another player. She blinked a few times before jumping back and apologising. "Oh my gosh I am so sorry! I thought you were one of the big ugly monsters that hang around here!", she said.

Stella jumped when she heard the howl. It sounded almost exactly like the howl of the monster that attacked her, and almost ended her game, yesterday. 'That must be one of it's mate or something...', Stella started running, she was following the sound where the howl had come from.

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Old 04-20-2011, 10:34 PM

“Relax. Go relax in a tavern after all out here monsters come out of no where.” Zamir said to him as he looked him over once more, still smiling before he picked a piece of cloth up and wiped the blood of his blades before putting them up. He turned away from him and bent down before cleaning himself up in the lake, basically ignoring the guy and not giving his spot up clearly.

Ilan blinked as he looked at the girl that was trying to clean him, he gave her a charming smile as he ran a hand though his blonde hair as he stepped away from the blade that had almost killed him. “Well now. If your looking for the undead it isn‘t the right time of day for them to be out.” he said to her in his Irish accent, both him and his sister had one considering the fact that they are both Irish.

Wolfman or Christopher smiled as he made sure that he had everything before he started to make his way out of the forest, unlike other wolf like creatures in the forest, he is a player and wore clothes like other players, so he wasn’t really a threat unless a fight happened to break out and people mistook him for a monster.

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Old 04-20-2011, 10:56 PM

"They should come out anyway and start trying to eat people...", Hime said pouting a little. She sheathed her sword and sighed. She was hopping she could kick some butt before going back to the real world and start doing her homework, and she didn't feel like doing it. She was still feeling lazy, which didn't help her at all right now.

"I prefer to stay here and relax.", Len said leaning on a tree. He wasn't going to leave this spot, even if this dude wasn't going to go. He claimed this spot a long time ago, and he wasn't going to give it up to some guy who decided it was his spot too. He would fight the guy if he had to if it would mean he could keep his spot. He was weird like that.

When Stella got to the spot where the howling came from, she didn't see anything. Just some tracks, but they didn't look like the creatures foot steps, but she was going to follow them anyway. She wanted to level up even more so she could fight the higher level monsters and maybe be able to fight in an arena, if she even had the time. Stella purposely stepped on a stick so if a monster heard it, it might attack her. The sound of the stick cracking echoed a bit before everything silenced around her. The only thing she could hear was birds chirping and the leaves rustling from the wind..

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Old 04-20-2011, 11:25 PM

“Have you try the woods?” Ilan said to her as he smiled even more before holding a hand out to her. “Would you like to go with me to get supplies?” he asked her as he smiled even more, being as nice as possible after all it was nice to make friends in games and to talk instead of fighting things all the time like his sister does. Glad that she had put the sword away so that meant they were all safe, he then looked around at the moment it was near dust which meant once night hit the graveyard monsters would come out to play.

“Then you would just have to get over your issue.” Zamir said to him bluntly as he turned and begin to raid the bodies for things that they may have been carrying, the items that he didn’t want he discard others he shoved into the pack on his hip. “Bloody things…need to kill more.” he mumbled as he looked at the lake, sighing heavily before he stripped out of his clothes and leaving them to the side, from the back he looked like a female so that threw everything off about him before he held one sword in his mouth before jumping into the lake to kill more monsters.

Wolfman stopped in his tracks as he crouched low to the ground, someone was following him and it was not in a good way in his mind. He stopped moving and slowly backed into some bushes, using his tail to brush away his foot prints, making it appear as if he had just disappeared while he awaited for the person or creature to show up.

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Old 04-20-2011, 11:47 PM

Hime sighed and shook her head, "I haven't checked yet. I might go check later.". Hime looked at IIan's hand and smiled, "Sure, that sounds fun.". Hime got up and looked around too, she didn't hear anything so she didn't know why IIan was looking around. She smiled when it looked like it was going to be near dusk soon, which meant she could kick some undead butt later.

"I don't have any issues, I just like having control over my hang out pots.", Len said making a face at the man. He did have an issue, with everyone. He liked to be alone and didn't like it when people invaded his hangouts unless he invited them, which he would never do. he raised his eyebrow at the man when he started to undress. He smirked a bit before mumbling, "I'm not giving you any money for that...". He chuckled a bit then watched the guy swim in the water.

After a few moments Stella could hear faint foot steps. She smirked before walking a little more. She stopped in the place where the foot prints stopped. She pulled out her sword and looked around. She could sense something around her, but she didn't know what. All she knew is that she needed to be prepared, if it did attack then she would be able to defend herself when it would jump out. 'this is going to be fun!', excitement was starting to build up in her. She always got really excited when she was about to fight something.

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Old 04-21-2011, 12:10 AM

Zamir pulled the sword out of his mouth before he turned and looked back at the male before he dived even further into the water, to go into the depths to kill more of the lake creatures. “Oh so your telling me that you liked what you saw?” he said to him before he rolled his eyes and diving into the water, that was when a lake creature grabbed his ankle and dragged him further into the depths, he pulled his sword out his mouth and begin to attack the creature that had a hold of him, he was starting to lose his breathe which was clear by the bubbles that floated towards the top and broke the surface.

“Well you should be careful, though. Wouldn‘t want a lovely lady such as your self to get killed or injured.” ILAN said as he chuckled a bit at how she was reacting, he took her hand in his before he lead her towards the town that was a ways off so that they could get supplies, he had used up most of his on Zamir, his sister since she had been stupid and almost killed her self.

Wolfman saw that it was a player and not a monster as he had first thought, seeing her pull her sword out, he stood up slowly and held his hands up slightly as he looked her over from head to toe. “So you are the one following me.” he said to her in a rough, gruffy voice as he stepped out of the bushes to let her see him completely, trying to reassure her that he wasn’t a threat even though she is more of to him then anything.

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Old 04-21-2011, 12:34 AM

"Tch, not at all.", Len said. He watched the man for a while before sighing and waiting to see if any creatures surfaced. He wanted to see his fighting skills, and if the guy got killed he wanted to see him lose. He found it quite amusing to see people lose in a battle. He got just a little worried when he saw some splashing at the top of the water. A monster must have attacked the guy, which wasn't surprising sinc the guy did go into the water and look for the monster so that guy could fight it.

Hime started blushing when Ilan called her a 'lovely lady'. "I could protect myself, I have fought these monsters, like a million times.", she said trying to seem a kind of tough. She always tried to seem tough, but would end up looking more like a wimp or a baby. She looked at her hand when Ilan grabbed it. 'oh my god he's touching my hand!', her face turned even more red. She sighed a little and followed him.

Stella looked Wolfman over, then sighed. He was a player, not a monster. "Got excited for nothing.", she said sheathing her sword. She looked at him again then said, "I thought you were a monster. Turns out your just one of the players. Sorry if I scared you or anything.".

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Old 04-21-2011, 04:26 AM

The water started to get a pink tint to it as they fought under the water it wasn’t good for Zamir, he was losing breathe and he could feel the pressure start to take over, he had to get air, which meant he had to kill the monster, the only bad thing was the monster was a high level then him and he was going to die again. He stabbed the creature multiply times in the head before it finally release him, his sword was jammed into it and it finally died, the creature floated to the top, turning the water read. He tried to swim to the top but he had passed out and floated up towards it, face down first, looking like a drowned woman.

“I don‘t doubt that you see my sister plays this game and she has a habit of forgetting to stock up on things like health potions.” Ilan said as he chuckled a bit, tucking her hand in the crook of his arm as he lead her towards the town, which they got to quickly, he then walked with her down the street, smiling and waving at people that waved at them before steered her into a shop that had what he was looking for.

“Most do after all I am the only wolfman for miles around. That is my name here by the way.” Wolfman said to her as he gave her a toothy grin as he relaxed a bit more. “If it helps I thought you were a monster also.” he said as he gave a small chuckle, trying to make his fur look nice, but he figured that a girl like her wouldn’t like a man like him that is why he chose this form to see if girls would go for him no matter what he looked like.

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Old 04-21-2011, 04:41 AM

(after this reply I am going to bed. ; v; )

Len was starting to get nervous, it seemed like Zamir was getting beat up. There was blood coming up and non of them were rising to the suffuse. Len started to take some of his heavier armor off when he saw Zamir floating at the top of the water and a dead lake monster with him. Len sighed and walked into the water. He swam to Zamir and put him over his shoulder. He swam back to the shore and placed the guy on the ground. He put his head to Zamir's chest to see if he was breathing and if his heart was beating.

"Well, I can take better care of myself then her. I have been playing this game for a while and I have only died once...well two times but that was because one monster ambushed me and I wasn't prepared!", Hime said. She wasn't to fond of being tugged around by Ilan it made her feel really weird. When they got to the store she started looking around to see if they had anything she needed, but before she bought anything she would have to sneak her hand away from Ilan, which was going to be a little hard for her.

She smiled at wolfman, "WarriorPrincess92 is my name in the game.". She thought it was only proper to tell Wolfman her name since he told her his. She put her hands on her hips and chuckled a bit, "I might as well be since I am like a monster in battle! I kick everyones ass!", Stella was stretching the truth a little bit. it was true, she was a good fighter, but she couldn't beat everyone. But she always loved making it seem like she did.

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Old 04-21-2011, 05:11 AM

Zamir had a faint heartbeat but he wasn’t breathing, he had bite marks all over him that were bleeding still, he wasn’t there, on the verge of dying, that was clear by how his heart beat was slowing down.

“Well then, if you find something you want let me know and I will buy it for you since I stole you away from training to come with me.” Ilan said as he chuckled, letting her hand go as he moved about the place, picking things up that he needed and even upgrading his armor, he even wondered if he could possibly get a pet, at least that way he could have something that watched his back. “Maybe you should get a pet.” he said to her as he saw something that reminded him of his sister and picked it up.

“I am a monster.” Wolfman said as he chuckled, rubbing his fur down even more, he was nervous, this was the first female in the game that he had run into that actually stopped to talk to him. “Maybe we could partner up and maybe become friends.” he said to her as he just grinned showing his sharp teeth, not questioning her about how good of a fighter she was, after all he is a mage and not a fighter, though he can fight if he had too, it was just a question on wither or not it came down to it.

(awe night then :))

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Old 04-21-2011, 02:38 PM

(I got to do research on CPR! xD )

"Dumb ass , this is what you get for picking a fight with a lake monster underwater.", Len said under his breath. He put his hands on Zamir's chest and then he pushed down on it. He stopped, then repeated. After a little while, Zamir still wasn't breathing. Len cursed under his breath then finally noticed he bite marks on him. 'I'll deal with those later...'. He took his hand then pinched Zamir's nose shut, he then took a deep breath and pressed his lips on Zamir's. He breathed his air into him, and then repeated the process.

Hime smiled, "Alright then, I'll chip in for paying since I usually buy in bulk.". Hime out her hand to her side and then walked to the medicine shelves. She picked up a bunch of potions, herbs, and and some gauze for wounds. She smiled when Ilan said she should get a pet. "If they have a kitty there then I will definitely get it.", she said walking over to the pet cages and looking them over. She crouched down to one of the bottom cages and started petting one of the little pets that looked like it wanted someone to pet it.

"You may look like one, but you don't act like one.", Stella said smiling. It was true, Wolfman didn't act like one at all. He was kind, unlike monsters. She giggled a little bit then said, "That sounds nice, actually. It would be nice having a partner. It would be less lonely on here, and becoming friends sounds nice.".

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Old 04-21-2011, 10:27 PM

When Len went to breathe air into him again for the third time, that was when he coughed up the water and turned onto his side as he tried to breathe, shoving the male out of the way as he tried to take care of him self. “Ilan if that is you again you sh-” that was when he realized that it wasn’t his brother, he got up and went over to his clothes and pulled them back on. The only thing is that his/her first kiss was stolen in a video game by some guy that she/he didn’t even know, which made him blush.

“Well they do evolve when they level up so maybe one will turn into a cat.” Ilan said to her as he chuckled a bit, setting the things he had picked up down on a counter before going over to the pets and looking them over to see if he could possibly find one that she would like or that he could leave with his sister or maybe give to the girl. “So you like that one?” he asked as he looked at the creature that she was petting.

“That is wonderful.” Wolfman said to her as he started to add her to his friends list, smiling as he was happy that he finally at least made a female friend in all of this mess. “Well I must tell you that I am actually a mage though I can use weapons also. So that why you can save on healing products with me around.” he said to him as he chuckled a little bit running a hand through his fur as he tried to stay calm though his grin said other wise.

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Old 04-21-2011, 10:48 PM

Len stopped breathing air into Zamir when he started coughing up water. He was about to say something when he was pushed off of the guy. Len glared at the dude and watched him put on his clothes. Len sighed and got up. "You alright?", he asked. When he saw the blush on Zamir's face he smirked a bit and held back a laugh.

Hime nodded, "That's true.". She smiled a little when the little thing rolled over and pushed its head into her hand. She scratched it's tummy and then looked up at Ilan. "yeah, it's loveable and it's a cute whatever it is.", she said. "How would you like to follow me around and be cuddled all the time, little guy?", she said like she was talking to a baby.

Stella also added Wolfman to her friends list, which her list was pretty much empty. She hadn't really talked to anyone but this one player that was never on much. She nodded, "It is.". She listened to him and smiled, "That's great. It means I can fight as many monsters and not worry about running out of potions. Well, I don't really know what breed my character is, but I know she is strong and is a good fighter.". Se knew she should have looked up what all the breeds so she would know which one is which.

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Old 04-22-2011, 01:41 AM

Zamir didn’t say anything as he pulled his armor and other things back onto him self as he didn’t bother to look at the male behind him as he still had a pink tint to his cheeks, trying not to think about what happened to much. “Why do you care? After all if I had died then you would have gotten this spot all to your self.” he said to him in a serious tone of voice as his face had a neutral look on it.

Ilan chuckled before taking the things that she had grabbed from her and told the guy that they were getting the animal that she was petting. He then paid for everything, stashing his things away into his bag before handing her the things she had picked out. “Well the little guy is yours now. So what are you going to call him?” he asked as he opened the cage to let the creature out as he handed the leash to her, chuckling at the creatures reactions.

“So ummm….what are you doing out here in the woods anyways?” Wolfman said to him as he chuckled a bit, having stopped with playing with his fur, having breaded a section of it because of the fact that he was nervous around her. “You are the first female that has stopped to talk to me. Hmmm….well you can always look it up in the game book.” he said with a smile as he shifted how he was standing, very nervous around her for some reason, he didn’t understand it himself.

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Old 04-22-2011, 02:06 AM

"I couldn't just let you drown in the lake. It would be an eye sore to have a dead body floating in a beautiful lake.", Len said smirking. He wasn't going to tell the real reason to why he had saved the guy. He didn't worry about anyone, not even his parents, so worrying about some dude he just met was really strange to him. He didn't even know why he worried about him.

Hime took her things and put them in her bag, too. When the creature was let out she took the leash and picked it up. She was holding it in her arms since she thought it was to cute to put down. Hime giggled, "Star, I'll name it Star.". She named it star since Stella's name meant star, she didn't want to name it Stella since the real Stella probably wouldn't like that if she ever found out.

"I was looking for the beast that almost killed me the other day. I should level up if I kill it.", Stella said smiling. SHe couldn't help but laugh at what Wolfman said. "I'm sorry, it's just kind of funny to me. I don't get why girls wouldn't talk to you, your to cute to ignore.", she said right before she started blushing. It was true though, Wolfman did look cute. She had a thing for dogs, and wolfman looked like a wolf and wolves look like dogs.

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Old 04-22-2011, 02:45 AM

"there is one floating in it." Zamir said to him as he pointted to the lake monster, the other bodies that he had killed had disappeared, he didn't believe him a bit about the eye sore of dead bodies. "You can have the place now." he said bluntly, his skin was even paler then normal since he had been bitten alot and was still bleeding. He was moving slugishly away from the area and back towards the town to get to a doctor.

"Star..." Ilan said as he chuckled, smiling at how Star was reacting towards the girl he found in the graveyard, which made him smile eve more. "You know the monsters in the graveyard are out by now." he said to her ashe smiled even more, chuckling a bit.

"Well then we can go looking for it together." Wolfman said to her as he smiled a bit, his tail wagging as he was clearly happy, maybe that is whyhe picked to be a wolf man, to show his emotions better. "Cute...that is a first. A beast is what they call me. They are so focused on looks that they never can see the inside." he said as he laughed a little bit finding her laughing contagious and the fact that she calle dhim cute funny also.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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momochan is offline
Old 04-22-2011, 03:05 AM

Len looked at the body, he had forgotten about it, really. "Well that thing will probably fade away in a few.", He said before the monster actually faded away. 'see...', he watched the man walk away. He couldn't help but worry, those wounds were bleeding a lot. The guy would probably bleed to death before he could even make it to a doctor. He sighed and walked over to the man. " need help walking back to the doctor?", he asked but didn't even wait for him to answer him. He took the guys arm and put it over his shoulder. He then started running towards the nearest town. 'This dude better be grateful that I am worried about him...and he better not try to get away because I will drag him there.

"Yes, Star.", She said hugging the thing. She looked at Ilan, "I don't feel like fighting them now. The rush of energy I had totally went away. Besides, I need to train this thing so it can help me fight. That's what you do with them, right?".

"Thats sounds fun. Alright then, when i see it I'll tell ya and we can kill it.", she said now pumped up and ready to get it. She shrugged, "I have been told I have strange tastes and my definition of cute is strange. At least, my sister said so anyway. And people are to obsessed with hot or sexy things. A lot of people have strange tastes, but I really think they should look at people and like them for who they are and not for what they look like."

Kilia is offline
Old 04-22-2011, 03:40 AM

"Yea i know it will." Zamir said to him as he slowly movede from tree to tree, as he ignored the guy that walked towards him. He was about to answer but that was when the guy basically picked him up and started to run with him towards the nearest town. He yanked his arm away and shoved the man awayfrom him, stumbling and falling to the ground when hewas free. "What are you doing? Go back to your peace and quite and leave me alone i can take care of my self." he yelled at him angerily as his eyes flashed red at the man, turnning away from the man as he continued on his own way to the place.

"Well it is a fitting name. But yes that is what you do with them so i guess starting out with a weaker animal with Star will help." Ilan said to her as he chuckled, having pulled the necklace out of his bag and looking it over for a few minutes as he thought about how his sister was doing before putting it into his pocket.

"Well it seems like you think like me." Wolfman said to her as he chuckled, doing a circular motion around his face as he thought about his words. "Hence why i choose to look like this. In the real world...well you could say that i could date anywoman that i want butwhat is the point when the only do so because of how i look." he said as hechuckled a bit before motioning with his hand for her to start walking as he begin to do so, tohelp her look for this mosnter.

(how is the cpr research going?)

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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momochan is offline
Old 04-22-2011, 03:57 AM

( I only did it so Len could, like do CPR on Zamir. I wouldn't have looked it up if it wasn't for the fact that I needed to know how to do it so len could get Zamir to breath.)

"Helping you out. Your not going to make it there before you die from blood loss, and since you can take care of your slef, you can go ahead then.", Len said turning around and walking back. 'hmph, I knew I should have let him go by himself...'

"I figured. I am glad I was right about that.", Hime said smiling. 'looks like I get to go hunting for really weak creatures...', She sighed and hugged Star again. Star seemed to be loving it, well Hime thought Star liked it anyway. She looked over at the necklace that Ilan was holding. She giggled and said, "you like wearing that kind of stuff?". She figured he didn't, but you never know. He might.

'I guess.", Stella said smiling. "Oh? So your a total hottie in the real world, eh? Not surprising. Yeah, people these days are obsessed with looks.". She nodded and turned around, they were in the wrong direction of where the nest of the monster should be. "My map says the nest is this way.", she said continuing to walk.


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