View Poll Results: What will you be? Don't forget to post me a profile!
Pirate 2 66.67%
Navy Officer 1 33.33%
High Ranking Navy Officer 1 33.33%
High Ranking Pirate Officer 1 33.33%
Slave 2 66.67%
Commoner 1 33.33%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 3. You may not vote on this poll

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etronmaster2254 is offline
Old 05-03-2011, 07:45 PM

PLEASE FILL OUT THE POLL SO I KNOW HOW MANY SPACES I WILL NEED TO MAKE!!! *PLEASE READ* In the world of pirates, the frigate called the Obsidian Dragon docks at harbor.
In this thread, you can choose to be a slave, pirate, navy officer, high ranking pirate officer, or high ranking navy officer.. It take place all times of day, first at hardor and city, then in the bay, and finally at sea. Many mysterious things happen, and the question is, which side will you choose, and what will happen next?


Please PM me profiles!

Menewsha username:
character name:
special abilities:

High Ranking Pirates

Captain: Serena Longshot
First Mate: Azkabelle Versaille
Second Mate:-
Third Mate:-
Stores Keeper:-
ArmsKeeper:George Longshot



High Ranking Navy Officers

Captain: Jai'kar Valentine
First Mate:-
Second Mate:-
Third Mate:-
Stores Keeper:-
Police Chief:-
Police Inspector:-

Navy Officers



1: Alice Marston
2: Alanna Swiftfeet

Commoners and Thieves



Menewsha name: etronmaster2254
name: Serena Longshot
age: 28
bio: becoming cap'n of her father's pirate empire after his death, Serena started going by Cap'n Longshot, and got the title of one of the most feared pirates of the seven seas
special abilities: able to take over both animals and hmans names and can shoot at bull's eye from 1 league away, the farthest anyone can even shoot a target
expert gunslinger and long as she has a cutlass and revolver


Menewsha name:etronmaster2254
name: George Longshot
bio: Serena's twin, he passed down his cap'n's post to Serena and instead became his sister's armskeeper
he's never seen without at least 4 unconcealed knives and12 concealed knives in multiple sheathes around his body
special abiities:can pin a fly to a tree from 100 feet away by throwing one of his many knives
expert knife thrower and fighter
can also see thing from the past and the future; he has learned how tocontrol his visions and when they happen

menewsha name: Azkabelle
name: Azkabelle Versaille
age: 19
bio: she escaped her wealthy parents and snuck onto Seranas boat. She soon became first mate.
special abilities: turns into various animals
Originally Posted by AzkaBelle


Originally Posted by Angelo
Menewsha Username: Angelo
Character Name: Jai'kar Valentine
Age: 27
Bio: Jai'kar had always aspired to be in the Royal Navy, all to make his father proud. He always did well in school, never dropping behind in his studies. Passing the Navy exam with flying colors, he was accepted as the youngest cadet in the history of the academy at the age of 16. Within the next four years, he graduated and became a private in the Navy. By the time he was twenty-three, he had moved up the ladder to Captain, and one of the most prestigious at that. The next level he's set his sights on is Admiral, which would make grant him control over the entire Navy.
Special abilities: He is the best fencer and gunslinger in the Navy, having practiced hard all his life. His navigational skills are also top-notch, though his dyslexia makes it rather hard to read a map sometimes.


Originally Posted by Shania583

Menewsha username: Shania583
character name: Alice Marston
i age: 25
bio: She lived with her family until she decided to go off on her own and then ended up get caught and ended up being a slave on the pirate ship.
special abilities: None that she knows of


Menewsha name: etronmaster2254
name-Alanna Swiftfeet
age: 17
bio: not much is known about this slave, except that she came out of no where and is very silent
special abilities: unknown

secret form:


As Serena walked the streets dressed as a commoner, she noticed a little brawl. As she sauntered over to it, she noticed a redheadedgirl that neither she nor her spies had ever seen before. The girl was fighting 2 boys and was managing to dodge every single shot.
Serena blew the shrill whistle on her ring that summoned her assassins to jump off of the rooftops around her. "Alanna, let's go!" yelled the oldest of the boys. "Roald! HELP!" shrieked the other boy as an assassin launched a knife at him.
The girl, Alanna, got kicked into the ground and had shackles locked around her wrists and ankles. The two boys both got shot with Serena's pistols, so acurately that the bullets passed right through their rib cages and pierced their hearts, only hitting the hearts.

Last edited by etronmaster2254; 05-05-2011 at 10:40 PM.. Reason: Fixed quote tab. :)

Shania583 is offline
Old 05-04-2011, 12:01 AM

Alice had been watching the fight and when she saw that the girl had been caught and that the two boys had been killed, she turned and walked the other way pretending that she hadn't seen a thing. She didn't want to get caught by anyone not since she had left home a few weeks ago.

etronmaster2254 is offline
Old 05-04-2011, 12:27 AM

Serena had seen the spectator and decided to follow her. She followed her to the local inn. She stayed there and bought a round of drinks for all of the drunkards there. She sat there drinking her ale and waited for the woman to get done sleeping in her rooms. The woman would need all the rest she could get to put up a good fight when Serena captured her. Since she had seen someone else get captured, she would know that once she saw Serena, that she should run...which Serena hoped she would do.

Shania583 is offline
Old 05-04-2011, 12:37 AM

Alice woke up and walked out of her room she was going to get out of this town before dawn, she headed down the stairs and looked around the place it seemed to be filled with drunks at this time. She saw the lady from before and turned on her heels and headed for the door hoping that she didn't see her. Reaching the door she opened it and stepped out then began to run.

etronmaster2254 is offline
Old 05-04-2011, 07:21 PM

Serena had been asking around about the woman, and found out her name was Alice Marston. When she saw Alice come down the stairs and turn on her heels away from Serena. Instantly, Serena stalked out the door and saw Alice run out the city gates to the ferry dock, glad the inn was near two of the five large city gates. She was also glad that the ferry docks were close to the harbor docks.
Serena ran to her ship and found George in the ship's hold, with the slaves. Serena asked him to get the charmed necklace that made it so that the wearer would get killed if they disobeyed their master, or in this case Serena. The wearer also could not take the necklace off.
Serena took the necklace from Gerorge and put it on the new slave, Alanna. She told Alanna to go retrieve the woman Alice at all costs.


Alanna ran to the ferry docks and boarded the ferry that Serena had told her Alice was on. Alanna found Alice but stayed back from her so that Alice didn't see her. Alanna was going to wait there until the ferry left the harbor so that the pirates could sink the ferry, leaving no survivors except Alice and Alanna.


((Welcome back Shania))


((Who is there?))

Shania583 is offline
Old 05-04-2011, 09:04 PM

{Sorry I was at rehearsals}

On the ferry Alice watched the sea she was glad that she had been able to get out of the town and also away from that lady who caught the other girl.

etronmaster2254 is offline
Old 05-04-2011, 09:23 PM


Alanna took this as her chance, since the ferry has made it out of harbor. "You...aren't you Alice? I've heard about you...but why didn't you stop me when those pirates captured me? Wait a didn't know they were pirates did you? Well anyways, I managed to excape them and get on this ferry."Alanna said with no expresion on her face."And by the way, you could've helped me and my brothers, since I know you can fight and take care of yourself." Alanna said as she backed away a few feet. "AND NOW BECAUSE OF YOU MY BROTHERS ARE DEAD!" Alaanna sreamed as she turned into a wolf and pounced Alice.


((forsome reason it says i'm offline when i'm online))



Last edited by etronmaster2254; 05-04-2011 at 09:26 PM..

Shania583 is offline
Old 05-04-2011, 09:32 PM

Alice looked at the girl in shock when she saw who it was "Yea, I'm Alice but how would you know my name I have never spoken to you" she paused "I didn't stop because I didn't want to get captured and no I didn't know they were pirates. I only knew that after leaving home a didn't want to be dragged into another one." Hearing that the girl had escaped them she smiled but when she started going on about how they were her brothers and now they were dead because of her the smiled disappeared. Seeing that she was now a wolf she screamed and tried to block her with her arms.

etronmaster2254 is offline
Old 05-04-2011, 09:34 PM

Alanna barely got control of her anger and changed back into a human before she landed on Alice"Sorry about that" Alanna said as they both fell over.


((gotta go))

Shania583 is offline
Old 05-04-2011, 09:50 PM


Alice pushed the girl off of her then said "Don't worry about it I guess I kind of deserved it"

etronmaster2254 is offline
Old 05-04-2011, 11:55 PM

"I'm so sorry! I really need to learn how to control my temper." Alanna said as she walked behind Alice. "I didn't even know I could turn into a wolf...It's never happened before." Alanna explained as she put shackles around Alice's wrists. "I'm also sorry that I have to do this."

Shania583 is offline
Old 05-05-2011, 12:01 AM

Alice spun around when she put the shackles on her wrists and said "What are you doing? Take them off now, I never did anything to you that was..." her voice trailed off as she realized what had just happend then said "You didn't escape they sent you here just for this." She turned back around and started to run, it was hard to run with her hands behind her back not being able to push people out of the way for one reason but also becasue there were quiet a few of them on the deck. She pushed herself past a few of them and continued to run she wasn't going to end up being captured no she needed to get somewhere safe.

etronmaster2254 is offline
Old 05-05-2011, 12:05 AM

lanna transformed into a wolf and knocked people out of her way with her claws and when she finally caught up with Alice, she jumped on her back. "Alice, if I don't do this they will kill both me and you, because it's not as if they aren't already going to kill everyone else on this stupid boat!"


As Alanna said that, most other people heard her so they went into a frenzy, making it easier for Alanna to drag Alice to the roof of the captain's cabin, the highest point of the ferry.


((I'm going to switch computers real quick...well actually it might take 15 minutes...and also you won the arcade contest))

Shania583 is offline
Old 05-05-2011, 12:09 AM

Falling forward Alice cringed a little then listened to the girl for what she had to say and then said "What! they can't kill everyone on this boat most of them probably have families" she stuggled a little bit and then said "Let me go I want to be let go". Being pulled to the roof she stuggled against it this was right for her.


etronmaster2254 is offline
Old 05-05-2011, 01:42 AM

Serena saw the signal Alanna shot into the air: a flaming arrow. Taking the wheel, she steered her pirate ship towards the leaving ferry. Serena turned her ship so that the port side cannons were facing the ferry. She orered her crew to fire a cannon at the masts, so that when the retrieval crew went to the ferry, it would not mess up her cannons' perfect aim at the hold of the ferry.


Alanna saw the retrieval longboat coming towards the ferry and threw Alice down onto the main deck. After she grabbed hold of Alice by the neck in her jaws, she growled, keeping people away from them so no one interfered.


((sorry i took so long...had to help cousin with hamster experiments))

Shania583 is offline
Old 05-05-2011, 01:47 AM

Alice had tears rolling down her cheeks when the girl trew her down and picked her up by the neck in her jaws. She closed her eyes tightly she couldn't believe this was happening.

{It is alright}

Last edited by Shania583; 05-05-2011 at 01:50 AM..

etronmaster2254 is offline
Old 05-05-2011, 01:51 AM

Serena giggled with glee when she ordered the cannoneers to sink the ferry. She was also very happy that this capture was a sucess. "Alanna, you have done well. But I will not let you go...yet."

"What!?!"Alanna screamed."Why not? I did what you wanted! What more must I do?!?"

"Shut up!" Serena slapped both Alanna and Alice. "Alice, follow Alanna to the hold. George will give you food and drink." Serena said a bit too hospitably as she shackled up the flailing Alanna and finished shackling the still Alice.


((good night, Shania. time for me to go to bed. BYE!))


((there is someone else looking at this thread))

Shania583 is offline
Old 05-05-2011, 01:57 AM

Alice cringed when she got slapped and then waited for Alanna to move so that she could follow she wasn't going to go against what she was told if it ment living.

etronmaster2254 is offline
Old 05-05-2011, 08:12 PM

Once Alanna had led Alice to the hold, she smiled at George and went to her usual corner...and Alanna never smiles at anyone. "So, you are the new one my sister brought in." George inquired as he offered his hand. "I'm George, the nicer one of us twins. Serena may have given a bad first impression, but being down here isn't so bad...besides, I'm treated like a slave, too,'s your food and rum. Sorry if you don't drink, but it's all I am allowed to give you since my sister buys it by the shipload. I give out a flask of fresh water once a day though so you can drink that but the flask is only have full so you might want to drink it accordingly. You won't get one today since you weren't here when we filled the flasks...but just to tick my sister off I think I will give you a flask...but you might want to save it til tomorrow so that you can get your flask completely filled." George said as he handed her a tray and a flask, as long as a full flask of rum.
"Alanna! Here are the two barrels of rum and barrel of water from when you were earned it for bringing in such a lovely young lady." George said, obvisously flirting with Alice.

Last edited by etronmaster2254; 05-05-2011 at 08:45 PM..

Shania583 is offline
Old 05-05-2011, 10:24 PM

ALice shook his hand and said "Alice", she took the tray and flask when he handed them to her and then said "Thank you" she turned and walked over to one of the walls and sat down leaning against it. She placed the tray on the floor beside her and then sat there looking at her feet.

etronmaster2254 is offline
Old 05-05-2011, 10:46 PM

George smiled to himself as he watched his future wife. He hadn't told anyone about it and only planned to tell Alanna, which is where he was going right now. "You know how I get those visions sometimes?" he asked Alanna.
"Well I had one of those while you were on the ferry. It showed me and Alice getting married." he said as he blushed a deep scarlet.
"What?!?" Alanna shouted at him, horrified.

Shania583 is offline
Old 05-05-2011, 10:54 PM

Alice's eyes darted over at Alanna when she heard her say what then looked away seeing as she was talking with George. Didn't want to get into anyone else conversation at the moment.

etronmaster2254 is offline
Old 05-05-2011, 10:59 PM

Alanna saw Alice look at them and then walked over to Alice and then whispered:"Alice, I saw you looking at Geroge with a dreamy look in your eyes. You like him don't you? By the way, he like you, too."

Shania583 is offline
Old 05-05-2011, 11:04 PM

Alice looked up at Alanna then said "No I don't, I don't even want to be here" she ignored the last thing she said not even wanting to think about it.

etronmaster2254 is offline
Old 05-05-2011, 11:08 PM

"I know you don't want to be here, but I know George likes you...and I wasn't suppoed to say this but...George has visions of the past and future you might want to talk to him about that part. Just a suggestion." Alanna got up and walked away, back to her corner.


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