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AshbornFox is offline
Old 05-08-2011, 09:43 PM

!WARNING! Don't make fun of my spelling mistakes. I do the best I can! :'(


"Don't you dare!" Naruto screeched, grabbing his orange neko off the vets table and holding it close to his chest besides his complaints. The blond glared up at the Veterinarian nurse who rolled her green eyes at him.
"Naruto," Sakura sighed, "He'll be fine, calm down."
"No," the eighteen-year-old said childishly. "I don't leave Kyuubi any where, isn't that right, Kyuu-kun!"
"Meow."the cat said angerly, when translated meant, *Let go of me, kit before I SCRATCH YOUR EYEBALLS OUT!!*
Oblivious, the blond nodded, "See?" Kyuubi rolled his red eyes.
"Naruto, Kyuubi will be fine, its a perfectly safe surgery, i assure you."
Naruto had brought his cat of 9 months in for a check up that morning because the cat had been exceptionally moody for the passed three days. After the check up, Nurse Haruno concluded that the cat had an infection in his paw, causing him to be a little more edgy than normal. It wasn't anything too serious, but needed to be taken care of as soon as possible.
Naruto hung his head in defeat. "Fine," he mumbled, placing the grouchy cat back on the table. "But I want to talk to the doctor first."
Sakura hesitated, then nodded. She picked up her clip board and walked out of the room with a mumble that she'll be back shortly. Naruto looked down at his cat.
"Meow."he said, *Your an idiot, I feel fine.*
"Don't look at me like that. I'll have you out of here in no time!" he said as the door opened. He spun around and froze.
Standing in the door way was a raven haired man in his early twenty's. His eyes was as dark as his hair and his pail skin made him look vampish. Naruto felt a blush creep itself up his neck and spread onto his checks. Turning away to hide his blush, the blond stared down at his cat, who seemed to be smirking at him. Naruto glared. "What the heck are you smirking at?"
The neko purred. *oh, nothing, kit. Nothing at all...*
Naruto looked at him doubtfully, then turned to the doctor, who wasn't looking at him.
"Hello, my name is Dr. Uchiha. Nurse Haruno said you wanted to see me?"
"Uh- yeah. My cat.." the blond started.
"Well be fine in our care, yadda yadda yadda..." the raven haired man mumbled, looking over some papers on a clip board. "Was there something else you needed?"
Naruto glared. "Will my neko be in a cage?" he said the word in disgust. He hated putting animals in cages and Kyuubi hated them. The orange cat had only been in one once, when he was a kitten. Someone had dropped him off and the poor kitten had been afraid of cages ever since.
"Of course. Where else would be put him?" the doctor frowned, confused.
"Uh... he doesn't like cages. He actually has a phobia of them so... Could you not? He wont be any trouble out of a cage."
"I don't know. Usually animals that just come out of surgery are grumpy and tend to lash out at almost anyone." Dr. Uchiha mumbled. "But I guess we could try..."
"Thank you!"

Last edited by AshbornFox; 06-03-2011 at 12:22 PM..

I put the K in "Misspelling"

Assistant Administrator
Knerd is offline
Old 05-18-2011, 11:41 PM

I'm afraid that you posted the same material twice, so I've gone ahead and removed the second post for you. :yes:

AshbornFox is offline
Old 05-23-2011, 04:27 PM

um, thanks but i wanted the second post bc it had updated stuff on it but its okay :)


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