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ToxicRainbows is offline
Old 05-14-2011, 09:02 AM

Princes and princesses need bodyguards, right?

Name: Benjamin
Age: 22
Occupation: Bodyguard
Short bio: Benjamin Has grown up with three older brothers in the kings guard, and so he is slightly proud that he gets to be the princess's body guard. He trained to be a guard like his brothers for many many years, so he knows a thing or to about combat and protection. He has a scar on his forehead after a sparring match went horribly wrong, but he wears it with pride and not with shame.
Personality: He is quite stern, and he worries a lot about the princess and if she is safe at all times or not. There are some times, when he lets his guard down, and then he is just like any other man.

Name: Marcus
Age: 19
Short bio: Marcus was born into the royal family, and is quite pleased with that. There haven't really been any big events in his life, as far as he can remember.
Personality: he is a little mischievous and he loves to have fun, add a dose of childishness to the mix and there you go! Of corse he can act serious when the situation needs it, and to his displeasure, due to being a prince that situation is more than often than not.

Last edited by ToxicRainbows; 05-16-2011 at 04:31 PM..

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Old 05-14-2011, 08:51 PM

Name: Adelaide
Occupation: Bodyguard
Short bio: Adelaide was an orphan at three and was left to fend for herself on the streets. Luckily she was found pretty quickly by the captain of the guard for the king. He took her back to the castle and raised her. She feels deeply indebted to the crown and protects it with her life.
Personality: She can act rather cold and indifferent, but she does have a warm heart underneath it all. She has a dry and sarcastic personality and is prone to swearing too much.

Name: Adaa
Age: 18
Bio: She is princess and heir to the crown, though it is deeply contested due to the fact that she is a girl and her young age.
Personality: She tries to act serious and appropriate to her posistion, but she is young and so acts out occasionally.

ToxicRainbows is offline
Old 05-15-2011, 07:13 PM

Benjamin hated waiting, especially if it was for the princess. Whenever he waited for her, he worried. Well, he worried about her in general, really. She was such a fragile thing, and he worried that something was going to hurt her if he weren't there. If that ever happened, he would make sure that he personally paid for it, after harming whoever had hurt her so severely they couldn't walk or talk for at least two years. Because he was too stubborn to admit it, he would probably never realize how much he really cared for the young princess. He wondered vaguely how long he had worked directly for the crown now. Seven years? Maybe eight. He smiled slightly as his mind wandered over to how long he had been Adaa's bodyguard, they shared so many wonderful memories... He snapped back into the real world after a few seconds of fantasizing about how swimmingly things had been going.

Marcus sat with his head in his hand, his elbow resting against the table. These meetings were so boring, and what was worse was that he had to attend at least one of them each day, so that he would be able to rule well when he was king, or duke or whatever it was he was supposed to grow up to be, He wanted to be outside with his friends, doing... well, that he didn't know. He wanted to not be there, with the stuck up adults who only cared about his money or something like that. The meetings he had to attend really were astonishingly boring to him.

(I changed their ages so they'd fit more with your characters :3)

Last edited by ToxicRainbows; 05-15-2011 at 09:01 PM..

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Old 05-15-2011, 08:10 PM

Adelaide stood next to Benjamin waiting for her charge as well. She knew Marcus was more then likely acting like a little spoiled brat and not paying attention at all. Despite the fact that this meeting was an important one. She glanced over at Benjamin and smirked at the worry she knew was going on inside that head. She held back a snicker that threatened and leaned back against the wall. Her stance was lazy and with her curves and tight clothing she looked more like one of the castle whores then a body guard. With her body type it was hard to hide the womanly curves, so instead of trying to, she embraced them and used them to her advantage. Those who did not know her thought she was weak. Those who did know her didn't mess with her if they wanted to keep there livelihood. A strong and calloused hand ran through her dark hair and then lowered to rest against a sword hilt casually. Usually she didn't carry any visible weapons with her, but there had been a high security warning going on the past week due to a recent threat and it was required for all guards to carry a sword. She scowled briefly and shifted he weapon so it hung more comfortably.
Adaa sat next to her father, her features smooth and placid. She couldn't show the emotions that toiled inside her for if she did they would be used against her. The council was being especially annoying today and as well as her (cousin? I dont know what Marcus is to her.^^). He was always acting out and dishonoring the family with his mischief. He sat off to her right and very casually her leg shot out and kicked him in the shin. It was a kick that clearly said 'pay attention.' Her hair that was known for its red hue was pulled back from her pale features to give her a more regal appearance. She was dressed in somber, but rich clothing that befits her status as Princess and reigning heir.

"I think that's enough for today. We are not making any progress as it is. Let us rejoin tomorrow and perhaps we will all be more inclined to choosing an answer," the King said in his deep voice. He stood and so did everyone else. Holding out a hand to Adaa, she laid hers in it lightly and they left the room with slow and measured steps. It was all about what they portrayed, not what was.

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Old 05-15-2011, 10:05 PM

The sword that hung at Benjamin's side felt good. The weight of it was something he was used to, because he always carried his sword with him, even though there really wasn't any need for it. It was more out of habit from when he had been just a regular guard. He felt his eyes slide to eye Adelaide. He didn't exactly condone the way she dressed. She looked like... Well, he would rather not think about what she looked like. It disgraced the royal guard for her to dress like that. He snapped back to attention after thinking about a few things he could say to her that wool make him feel a little better, but he wasn't supposed to be thinking like that. No, his main priority was to make sure that princess Adaa was safe from harm at all times, and not being able to see her and what she was doing was definitely not protecting her. He wondered how the princess was acting in there. She was probably behaving like the wonderfully talented princess she was. She may be young, but she was very wise. He hoped the King was proud of her daughter, like he was proud of her. He realized what he was thinking, and almost shook his head a little, but he didn't break form.

(herrmmm... let's make him her cousin ^^)
Marcus jumped a little when his "lovely" cousin kicked him in the shin under the table. He glared at her, his eyes clearly saying 'was that really necessary? I was paying attention!' He turned his attention away from her, trying to ignore the fact that her red hair matched his to a T, which made it only too obvious that they were related. Where she was known as a good, serious princess, he was known as a generally fun guy. He had always thought that she took herself too seriously, even when they were kids. His clothes were almost his every day clothes, because ever since he had been allowed to chose what to he wanted to wear, he hadn't dressed too fancy. He only dressed to impress if it were for something really important.

When his uncle announced that it was time to go, he almost jumped out of his chair, he didn't, however. He just stood up calmly and bowed to the other men in the room, before following his cousin and uncle out of the room, limping just a little, his shin still hurting from where she had kicked him.

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Old 05-15-2011, 11:03 PM

Adelaide smirked when she noticed Benjamin's eyes pause on her. Though it didn't show she knew that look well. He didn't approve of her attire and even less of her language. It didnt matter much though, he was such a lap dog to the princess. Princess this, princess that. Adelaide adored the princess and thought she was amazing, but she wasn't obsessed with her. Marcus on the other hand...he was a fun guy, but a pain in her ass. He took no precautions for his safety and she was forever picking up his mess. The door swung open and she saw the King and the Princess exit along with Marcus behind them. "Theres my boy," she thought as she straightened up from the wall and fell in step a bit behind Marcus.
((kk^^)) Adaa allowed her eyes to scan the area as they walked out from the room, soon coming to rest upon Benjamin. She nodded her head just slight enough so he could see to let him know everything was fine. He was such a worrier, but he had been there for as long as she could remember and she was grateful for his companionship. She suppressed the smile at seeing Adelaide. She was such a contrast to proper Benjamin, but she was perfect for Marcus. Someone like Benjamin would just make him miserable. Adelaide's more lax approach allowed Marcus more freedom.

"Adaa, my dear. You may go ahead and continue with your duties," the King said, squeezing her hand once before dropping it with a fatherly smile. "And go do whatever it is you do." With that he strode away, his own guard following in his wake.

"Benjamin, come along. We have the lunch with the Lady Withers about the Orphanage and then..." her voice trailed off as they walked away and continued to list what else had to be done that day.

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Old 05-16-2011, 12:25 AM

Benjamin followed his Princess Adaa quickly, falling into step beside to her, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword so he could draw it quickly if the need for it rose. The recent threat worried him more than anything else, but he tried to not let it shine out through his other worries, which included pretty much everything that could ever harm the princess. He nodded as she told him what was on their agenda for the day, and making little notes to himself on how he could protect her as best he could. He didn't comment on any of the things on her list, he just accepted everything she wanted to do like he always had and always would. He would stay with her for as long as the the King would let him be her private guard, and he hoped that it would be for a very long time.

Marcus was still limping as he walked, and he stopped walking when the three of them were out of the room so he could hear his uncle speak, but the second he is uncle had turned his back and walked away, and Adaa had walked in a different direction, he made crude faces to her behind her back. She was such a.. a.. well, he didn't know what she was exactly, but sometimes, she just took things a little too seriously. He turned to Adelaide quickly when he saw Benjamin turn back with a stern look in his eyes, and walked in the only direction that was left. Towards the main doors of the castle.
"Just what is their problem anyway? Why do they have to make every single ting so incredibly boring?" he asked Adelaide. Personally, he liked her quite a lot. She had been with him for ages now, and was one of the few people that actually put up with him. It was the main reason his mother and father had sent him to live there because they had gotten fed up with the tricks he played on everyone.

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Old 05-16-2011, 04:13 AM

Adelaide held back a chuckle as she watched her charge making faces at the Princess. He was so immature sometimes, but then so was she, so it really wasnt a big deal.

"Well, my prince," she said as she opened the door for him, taking in the scene quickly for any threats. "Running a kingdom is serious business. And you seem to have issues being serious. Its a conflict of interests you see," she finished as she ushered him outside. She glanced at the Prince and smiled. She had grown fond of him since she had been put in charge of the brat and he was one of the only people who accepted her instantly and didnt look down on her.


"First, before we head to lunch," Adaa said as she turned down a hallway and then entered an old, unused room. It was very dusty and all the furniture was covered in drapes. As soon as they were both in and alone she began to pace, throwing her hands in the air and stomping her feet occasionally. This was a common occurrence after meetings and something that only Benjamin had ever witnessed.

"Why must they feel the need every single time to seek me out and attack me for my age, for my gender...Its a constant lecture about my responsibilities, or that Im too young to help decide, Im too much of a girl, blah blah fuckidy blah," she said with a hissed screech.

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Old 05-16-2011, 05:14 PM

Marcus raised an eyebrow at her. She was smarter than him, he knew that full well, and he knew that she probably knew him better than anyone else in the entire kingdom knew him, but sometimes, he just didn't enjoy hearing the truth from her.
"I was hoping you'd say because they're all boring old badgers, but I guess your version of it is close enough." he said with a shrug as he stretched towards the sky, not even thinking twice about any sort of danger that might be lurking around them, ready to strike. He hardly ever thought about danger anymore, Adelaide was the most perfect body guard anyone could ever want, she made sure that he was all right at all times, and he always felt just that much safer with her.

Benjamin had closed the door quickly after them, and leaned against the wall, almost smiling at how exasperated she was. This was a routine he had, with time, gotten used to. The first few times it had come as a complete shock, and he hadn't known what to do or what to say to her to make it better, but he had steadily gotten better at calming her down as the years had passed. When she had gotten all her anger out, he gently lay his hand on her shoulder.
"Because, my princess, they wish to unsteady you, they wish to make you sway from your taken path. I believe that they are not used to see one so young, as yourself, on the throne." he said in his calm, deep voice. "I do not believe that it has anything to do with your gender, other than that they might think that it is a little too unorthodox for them."

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Old 05-16-2011, 07:27 PM

She laughed full out right after he said that and slung an arm around his shoulders. There was no one around and they were in a secluded enough area that it wouldn't be scandalous. "Come on, my Prince. Lets go do something fun to take your mind off all this shite." Adelaide paused for a second as she wondered if she shouldn't have cursed or not. It really was a problem with her.

She felt all the anger drain out with his warm hand on her shoulder and his deep voice calming her. "Thank you," Adaa murmured. He always knew how to make her feel better. Even if he was a constant reminder of the dangers that are out there she never once felt threatened. Glancing up at him she smiled and reached up to touch his cheek with her hand. "I wouldnt have any guardian, but you."

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Old 05-17-2011, 10:16 PM

He grinned and wrapped his arm around her waist without even thinking twice. He didn't care about her swearing, or that people might look upon the way they acted with eachother as indecent. She was probably his best friend in the whole world now that he thought about it, so why should he care about what other people thought about them.
"You know, that sounds like an exellent idea." he replied, grinning widely.

Benjamin smiled gjently at her, enjoying the feel of her soft, gentle hand against his face in silence. He would never speak out of order to tell her what he himself was denying he was feeling. No, he was too stuborn for that.
"Shall we go have lunch with Lady Withers now, my princess?" he asked, knowing that she had calmed down and that she would be ready to have lunch, even if it was with the dreadful Lady Withers.

Last edited by ToxicRainbows; 05-17-2011 at 11:29 PM..

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Old 05-18-2011, 12:05 AM

Adelaide grinned at him, squeezing his neck slightly for a second and then released him as she linked her arm through his. "Well, then. What should we do that we are not supposed to? Go wreak havoc in the taverns again? I am not going back to that whore house. They all smell and who knows that diseases are crawling around in there," she went as they walked. "Plus, one of the men thought I was a whore too and tried to buy me." she shuddered delicately. "Disgusting. I have no problem if a woman or man want to sell their bodies to make a living, but that is not the life for me." She knew it was hypocritical to say that after the way she dresses and acts, but she was just a free spirit. "So what do you want to do, my sweet Prince," she said, mocking the soft, vapid way the whores talk. she was rather good at him. Hmm...Uncanny.
Her delicate nose wrinkled at the thought of having lunch with lady Withers. "If we must," Adaa said with a sigh. She smoothed back her tempestuous locks that had escaped for there careful coif and shook out the folds of her dress. "Presentable?"

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Old 05-18-2011, 03:29 PM

Marcus snorted with laughter when she called him her "sweet prince". She really was just a little too good at acting like the women who constantly swarmed around him, trying their hardest to attract his attention, whenever he dared to take a break from the boring castle and tread out to the taverns, something which occured almost every single day. He thought about what they could do, before he grinned.
"Wreaking havoc is always fun, but let's actually drink something this time, maybe something interesting will happen." he said with a slight smirk. He wanted to get drunk, even though it was just the middle of the day. Marcus had never gotten drunk in his entire life, sure he had gotten the odd glass of wine at partys, but never more than that.

Benjamin bowed, gently taking her and and bringing it up to his lips, brushing them gently against it, before straightening up and smiling at her.
"You look wonderful, Princess Adaa. Definately presentable." he felt a twinge of regret as he let go of her hand and opened the door for her, but he would hold his tongue and not say a word about it, as he had been trained to do.

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Old 05-18-2011, 07:18 PM

"As you wish, my prince." Adelaide might joke about calling him her prince all the time, but that as just to cover up the fact that she was very possessive of him. It was always a trial to not defend him when his Uncle said a snarky comment or his cousin gave him a disproving look. "I wouldn't mind me some cider!" Adelaide didn't drink. She had saw too many fall to the affects f drinking so she had vowed to stay away from it. And it just wasn't good to drink when on the job.
Adaa felt her heart beat grow faster as his lips touched her skin. They had always been casual about touching each other, it was a common occurrence since they had known each other since they were kids. It felt different somehow now, like it wasn't as innocent and there were undercurrents behind those simple touches. She shuffled these thoughts away to the back of her mind to focus on what was before her now. "Do you think she brought that blasted dog again?"

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Old 05-18-2011, 07:35 PM

"Hey, promise to make sure that I don't do anything totally stupid, okay?" Marcus said with a serious expression on his face(for once!), wagging his finger at her for about a second before his face broke into that magnificently mischievous smile of his. He had no idea what so ever the trials Adelaide struggled through whenever his Uncle thought Marcus deserved some kind of verbal punishment, or when Adaa decided to take everything too seriously and give him one of her looks. All he knew was that his best friend was totally awesome, super strong and really good looking. He also knew that she would protect him no matter what, and that just made her all the more awesome.

A groan almost slipped through to the outside world when Adaa reminded Benjamin of the dog Lady Withers owned(he wasn't sure if it even qualified as a dog. It didn't look or act like one. It's resemblance to a dinosaur was, however, uncanny), but he held it in, and nodded grimly.
"Does she ever go anywhere without it?" he asked, his voice tense as he remembered the last time. The dog had thought it would be funny to latch itself onto his armor. Of corse, he had been the one who had to pay for the dog's new, shiny and very pointy teeth. He shuddered a little at the thought.

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Old 05-19-2011, 12:19 AM

"Of course I wont let you do anything stupid," Adelaide said with a snicker. She was never a good person to go drinking with because, one, she stayed sober, and two, she let the other person get on top of tables and sing love ballads to the serving wenches. She glanced up at him through long lashes with the same mischievous grin that he sported.
Her delicate shoulders shuddered once and she looked at him with a look that was very much akin to fear. "She tends to always have it with her, so I dont see how this time would be any different." Adaa smothered the slight whimper that was coming up her throat and straightened her back because they were coming in to a more populated hall in the castle. They arrived at a room where a liveried man opened the doors for them with a bow.

"Princess Adaa," a fat woman crowed from the small couch that her abundant size took over. "So glad you could make it. I was beginning to think you were not going to." A small, ugly dog yapped from where it sat in one of the woman's numerous folds of fat and lept from the couch. "Oh, Willard has missed you! Look at how much he loves you!"

Adaa refused to retreat when she saw the dog with its new shiny teeth, courtesy to Benjamin, dash at her. "Oh, hello Willard. Such a...darling dog," she said. Sidestepping the yapping bundle of evil quickly she moved over to the chair that was situated by the couch. A tray was set on a squat table where finger sandwiches and tea were presented. A maid quickly came up and pored a cup for Adaa and made a little plate for her, picking her favorite sandwiches. Adaa was well loved in the castle because of her polite and respectful attitude towards the help. She knew all their names and their family members too. She made sure they were treated well and that the other nobles didn't harm them.

"Thank you Bess. That will be all," Adaa murmured with a slight smile.

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Old 05-19-2011, 08:45 AM

Marcus smirked a little, knowing why she had snickered. He hoped that he wouldn't do anything too stupid, though, because he didn't feel like waking up next to one of the bar wenches. Sure, some of them were pretty, but most of them were hideous, and he couldn't help but think that he might wake up next to a hideous one.
"You do know what will happen if you don't stop me, right?" he asked, still smirking. If she let him do something stupid, he would probably end up not doing anything to her at all. He might be kicked out of the castle for "irresponsible behaviour!" as his Uncle so fondly called any- and everything Marcus liked doing.

Benjamin nodded at the maids as they passed them, and on occasion one or two would giggle and turn to another maid to whisper. He didn't see the problem with this, the maids were free to think whatever they wanted as long as they followed the King's orders.

His mind was not on giggling maids in hallways, but on other things. Mainly the vicious dog that seemed to long for his flesh whenever they lay eyes on each other. Benjamin would like nothing more than to kick the evil creature across the room once they entered, and it started running towards them. He was certain that Lady Withers somehow had taught her dog to go after him. The remarkably fat woman had never liked him, or how protective he was. He had told her over and over that it was his job to protect the Princess, but she wouldn't have it. She had at one point insisted that he left the room because he was upsetting her dog, and she had on several occasions made slimy comments about the (as she called it) "ugly scar" that ran in a diagonal line from the left side of his forehead to right above the end of his right eyebrow, even though most of it was hidden behind his dark hair.

Despite all his resentment towards the woman, he bowed to her while trying to evade the dog, so his bow looked like a badly choreographed dance move. When he straightened up, he saw Bess pass him a knowing look, and he returned it. He would hold his tongue. Lady Withers was a very important friend of the crown. If she was displeased, it would most likely affect the orphanage she had said she would help build. So far, she had contributed a great deal, and it was probably one of her better sides that met with the people, but the bottom line was that Benjamin really couldn't stand this woman.

Last edited by ToxicRainbows; 05-19-2011 at 08:49 AM..

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Old 05-20-2011, 12:10 AM

Adelaide sighed dramatically before giggling and poking him in the side. "Fine,fine." Her eyes slid to the side watching the people who walked by for hidden dangers. The man who passed by a little to closely had a couple knives hidden, but he didn't make any move towards them so she let it be. She felt the air move before she saw the man take the knife out to throw at Marcus. Stepping smoothly to block the knife she felt it hit her in the shoulder. The pain barely registered as she pulled her own knife and threw it at him, the blade lodging in to his knee. The man unable to run went to pull out another blade, but she stopped him by using the hilt of her sword to smash in to his skull, delivering him unconscious. The city guard came running as the soon as the first screams were heard and quickly grabbed the man.

"Take him to the castle. We will follow shortly," Adelaide ordered and they hurried to obey. It was well known what happened when someone didnt obey Adelaide. "Prince, we should head back. Im sorry about this ruining your fun, but I think now is not the time to go drinking. I will have the maids deliver ale in your room if you life," Adelaide told him with a soft smile. She had forgotten about the knife that was lodged in her shoulder.

Adaa sat, conversing with Lady Withers and trying her hardest to not yawn when a commotion was heard outside the room. A guard burst in and bowed quickly before speaking. "Princess, there was an attack on Prince Marcus a few moments ago. The Prince is not harmed and the man had been apprehended. The king has ordered that you return to your quarters till they make sure are not any more immediate threats."

Adaa nodded and thanked the guard before he left, her eyes straying over to Benjamin, the worry she felt only showing enough that he would be able to see. "I am so sorry Lady Withers, but we will have to cut short our meeting today. I will let your people know when to reschedule it." She smiled politely before standing up. "I will have some guards follow you home to make sure you arrive safely. Good bye." She quickly turned, side stepping the blasted dog and left the room with swift steps.

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Old 05-20-2011, 05:00 PM

Marcus felt useless when she protected him, and it actually surprised him, because he didn't lnow why. He pondered this when she ordered people around, and realized that he wanted to protect her, which surprised him even more, because he knew that she was stronger and faster than him. Then he saw the knife in her shoulder. He mouthed wordlessly at her, unsure of what to say or how to say it. He felt a little sick just from looking at it. It was a strange and crooked knife, the handle had intricate detailing that he had only ever seen once before in his life, but he couldn't quite understand where or when. He continued mouthing wordlessly, not comprehending just how much like a gold fish he looked. A few seconds longer he struggled to find his voice, before he burst out into speach.
"Adelaide, there's a huge knife in your shoulder, and I am not going back to my room until you have that thing removed." he took her hand and started dragging her towards the casltle doors, with no intention of going anywhere but the hospital wing with her.

Benjamin imediately stepped closer to Adaa when the guard burst into the room. His guard went up almost imediately, his hand tightening on the hilt of his sword. There was no way he was letting her get hurt, no way at all. He didn't bother to bow at Lady Withers, and almost kicked her dog, but he didn't care. He walked alongside the princess, every piece of his body poised and ready to protect her from any angle.
"Princess, I advise that we hurry." he said, not trying to show how worried he was that some evil creature was going to jump out from somewhere and attack the pair of them.

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Old 05-20-2011, 10:04 PM

Adelaide followed him wordlessly as she glanced down at the knife in her shoulder. Her eyes narrowed slightly as she recognized the knife. It was then that she realized her hand was in Marcus's. It was highly improper and even though she wanted to leave it there she shook her hand free and stepped up so she was a little ahead of him. Motioning at the guards they formed a protective barrier around them to keep them safe till they got the castle. "Im fine, Prince. Please, get to your room and then we will have this checked out. Please." They arrived in the castle and she hurried Marcus toward is room when she saw Benjamin and Adaa rushing towards her quarters.

"Princess," Adelaide called, bowing deeply to her. "I request that Prince Marcus reside with you and your bodyguard so I may go get my wound checked. I would not trust him with anyone, but Benjamin."

Adaa almost smiled at seeing Benjamin so flustered. She always felt so safe when she was with him in times of danger because she knew that nothing would ever happen to her. Her eyes slid over to him to take him in and she found the serious face and the strong strides he took so very attractive. Wait...what? She shook her head to clear her thoughts when she heard her name called. She turned to see Adelaide and Marcus hurrying over and the giant knife lodged in to Adelaide's shoulder. She was going to exclaim over the wound, but she knew that remarking on a guards weakness is disrespectful to them. They always tried their best to not ever show any weakness. "Yes, yes. Of course Marcus can come with us."

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Old 05-20-2011, 10:33 PM

Benjamin nodded curtly at Adelaide, knowing what she meant when she said that she wouldn't leave Marcus with anyone but him. He felt quite the same way. He didn't approve of her methods, or how she acted, but he was not going to deny that he probably trusted her among all the other guards he could have chosen to trust. He would protect Marcus without protest, make sure that both he and princess Adaa were going to be safe until Adelaide came back. He turned to prince Marcus, who had a disgruntled expression on his face and bowed deeply at him.
"Of corse. I will be honored to protect you, prince Marcus." he said before straightening up and tightening his grip on the hilt of his sword even more. He was in reality slightly honored that he got this opportunity, but that wasn't what everyone was thinking.

"No. Adelaide, I am not leaving your side." Marcus said seriously, the situation having called for him being as serious as he could be, looking at Adelaide. He didn't mind being "babysat" by Benjamin while she went and got her shoulder fixed. He did however mind that she was hurt, and that she wanted to go through it alone. He couldn't protect her, but he could be there for her. He could make sure they were not alone.
"I am not a fool, though I may act like one. This castle is the safest place I can be, and I mean no offense to you, Benjamin, when I say that I am not staying here, but going with you Adelaide, I will not let you go through removing a knife from your shoulder alone." this he felt was proof of that he really was not going to stay with Benjamin and Adaa. He was almost never serious in front of Adelaide, and when he was serious around her, there was just no arguing with him, because he really meant it from the bottom of his heart.

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Old 05-22-2011, 05:05 AM

Adelaide stared at Marcus with level eyes and then reached up, grabbing hold of the hilt of the knife, and yanked it out. Blood flowed freely and she calmly folded a handkerchief and staunched the blood. It wasn't very serious and would more then likely get a few stitches, some poultice and and a bandage. "There? You happy," she asked, her voice held no emotion in it. "Stop being so selfish. My job is to protect you. I cant do that if my attention is elsewhere. So let me do my job. Go with Benjamin and the Princess. I will be back shortly." Adelaide was angry, but she wasn't angry at Marcus. She was mad at herself for letting her feel pleasure for him wanting to be with her in her time of need. She couldn't, wasn't allowed, to feel these feelings, these emotions.
Adaa watched all that went on with calm eyes. She was able to see that Marcus quite cared for Adelaide. Something that wasn't allowed, but she wasn't going to remark on it since she herself quite cared for her own guardian. She could also see that Adelaide cared a lot for Marcus as well. Instead of putting in her own input, Adaa stood off to the side, quiet.

ToxicRainbows is offline
Old 05-22-2011, 07:47 PM

Marcus winced a little when Adelaide pulled the knife out. He hadn't wanted to see that, and the fact that her voice was so emotionless, even though he could tell that she was angry, and of corse he thought she was angry with him for being so stubborn. He felt his head droop a little, and he bit his lip gently.
"I'm sorry Adelaide. I will go with Benjamin and Adaa." He didn't understand why he was feeling so disgruntled about all of this. He wanted... he didn't know what he wanted at this point, but he was a little disappointed in himself for so selfish about all this. "Forgive me." he said with a quick bow.

Benjamin stayed quiet, even though he wanted to voice how many laws the Prince and Adelaide were braking just by talking to each other, they were also way obvious as to how they felt towards one another, and he did not approve of it what so ever, but he wouldn't say too much about it. Not now, anyways.

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Old 05-22-2011, 11:02 PM

"Dont bow to me ever again. I am your guardian," she said, stressing the 'your'. "You are not mine." Breathing in sharply she turned on her heel and walked swiftly away, her boots clicking sharply against the stone floor. She arrived at the healers shortly afterwords where they stitched her up, prescribed she rest, but they all knew that wouldnt happen. Guardians dont rest, or they rarely did. It was a point of pride for them.
"well, since thats settled," Adaa murmured after Adelaide left. "Lets continue to my quarters, shall we?" She tugged on Benjamins arm with barely a twitch to her lips, but enough for him to get the idea she was smothering a smile. If she had witnessed the feelings between Adelaide and Marcus, then so did he. And she knew he would not look at it with the same feelings as she herself did. She wanted him to know that it was OK and to leave it be.

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Old 05-23-2011, 06:36 PM

Benjamin bowed a little to Adaa, to show both that he was agreeing with her that they were going to her quarters, and to show that he understood that he was not to say anything about the relationship between Marcus and Adelaide. The thought of it brought a small smile to his lips, even though he didn't think it was quite appropriate between a prince and his guardian. Or a princess and his guardian for that matter. He suppressed how incredibly awful it made him feel to think that it was wrong for a guardian and a princess shouldn't be more than just that. He looked at Marcus, who just nodded, apparently in deeper thoughts than what was natural for him.

Marcus walked behind his cousin and her guard, not really thinking about anything apart from how angry he had made Adelaide. He hadn't meant to at all, he hadn't used the brain he had and he had disrespected her. He felt a little sick to his stomach at what he had actually done to her. He ran a hand through his vibrant red hair, wondering how he could make it better, how he could apologize properly. He could rule out one thing right then and there. Getting into more danger was not one thing he would try in the immediate future.


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