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Squidie64 is offline
Old 05-25-2011, 05:36 AM

(Welcome, lovies :heart:)


The Underworld of Coruscant was gritty, slimy, but also quite alive. Clubs thumped and bars were packed. Crime was around every corner, but the lights of the bars, clubs, and dance halls were distracting enough to the surface dwellers, that no one seemed to care. Tons of people, from all walks of life mingled in the Underworld, each there for a different reason.

The Coruscant Underworld wasn't exactly where she pictured herself, but that's where she was. Zyras Mai was your average Jedi. ..Or..well, she seemed to be. Her robes were a little less average, but it wasn't an uncommon thing. One glance at her gave away her species, Firerreo. Her gold skin and two toned hair gave that away. Her hair was black with cinnamon colored stripes running through it. At the moment, it was pulled into a loose fish-bone braid. Her black bangs draped across her golden forehead, leading down to her chartreuse eyes. Zyras walked with her chin up and her spine straight. She walked in dignity through the slums of Coruscant, but she was careful not to appear over confident or 'flashy'. She didn't want to call too much attention to herself or her slightly younger companion. For now, she just strolled, not entirely sure what she should be looking for.

Some ways away, another being wandered along in the Underworld. This being was much different from the young Jedi woman, in many ways, other than just being the opposite sex. Raynar Ker was a tall Pantoran male of a decent build. His black hair was wrapped and stretched into well kept dread locks. They were gathered and tied back in a ponytail, but a few unruly strands dangled around his chiseled blue face. He was garbed simply; black pants, brown knee high boots, a plain shirt, and a black jacket. He was currently leaning on the wall of a club, watching the crowd pass by. He wasn't really looking for anything, just sort of looking.

(There we go. Finally. I would have gotten this up far earlier than now, but after my random spider battle, my GPa fell in the hallway :( Bloodied himself up pretty bad. He's alright, though, no worries and I finally got this up :) )

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

~: If you want to post a profile for us to consider, go here

Our OOC chat page is here :heart: :~

Last edited by Squidie64; 05-26-2011 at 03:24 AM..


Staria is offline
Old 05-25-2011, 04:23 PM

A hooded figure walked the streets, its outfit designed to hide most of it as if to try and draw attention to the tall being. A few details were clear, however, including a slender black braid falling out of the hood, a long white tail with a black tip, and curves that were decidedly feminine. She was strikingly beautiful, if you were into felinoids, but she covered it up with the hood because of a simple reason.

She was truly one of a kind and drew far to much attention, from her height to her silvery white skin to her not quite cat like enough face. A force sensitive, one of a kind, virginal woman who was stronger and more dexterous then most of either of her parents kind, she was a slaver's wet dream. There was a reason when she was born she'd become a prize sought by many but 'owned' by one... at least he thought he owned her.

That, however, was in the past and she happily walked... even if she was hungry. She frowned lightly to herself in the shadows of her hood, one clawed hand tapping itself against her thigh in thought. She noticed a wealthy Couscantian arguing with a vendor and brushed past him, a few credits taken through slight of hand almost quicker then the human eye could see. He'd been distracted enough that she didn't need to do anything herself...

Now with enough credits for a small lunch she headed towards one of the stalls selling food. She picked her plate and ordered, passing the credits over. After she sat down on a crate near one of the other stalls she began to eat the bread wrapped meal and glanced around her, watching the club life absently with her blueish gray eyes. They held a soft shine in the darkness of that hood but not enough to force your attention to her...

((she can be eating within sight of the club if you want Squidie ))

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 05-25-2011, 04:38 PM

Viado flowed through the crowed with ease, some people took one quick glance at him and stepped out of the way, some did not. Viado didn't care, he would step around those that didn't move without a word. The man didn't exactly hide who or what he was, white blonde hair reached an inch past his shoulders and his eyes were a sharp, bright blue.

The clothing he wore was hardly proper for a Jedi. That was alright, since he wasn't really a member of the Jedi Order anymore. His top was tight, sleeveless and left the majority of his torso exposed, as well as two scars that ran down from inside his dark red top. The scars had obviously been caused by a light saber, but they were a couple years old. His pants matched his top, tight and dark red. Both pieces of clothing so dark red they were nearly brown.

A black band rested around his right thigh, and his light saber seemed to rest easily there. His right hand never hovering far from the much beloved weapon. Black boots reached nearly to his thighs, and a matching black glove adorned his right arm, reaching nearly up to his shoulder. A black arm band adorned his left upper arm, white bandages adorned his left wrist, though they had no real purpose.

Viado was half Miraluka, half human. Giving him Force Sight and his lovely blue eyes. Though most might think him just a human, he didn't care, to be underestimated like that made him more dangerous for his enemies...Those blue eyes caught movement, for a moment he thought he was looking at another Jedi. However, Jedi would not steal from someone. Viado made his way towards the cloaked female as she sat down upon a crate. He slipped up easily beside her, leaning against the nearby wall. "Thieving is a crime. Lucky you a Jedi didn't catch you." His voice was low, not wanting to draw undue attention their way.


Staria is offline
Old 05-25-2011, 04:46 PM

Something made her shiver, a tickling at the edge of her senses. It happened sometimes but she didn't understand why, not knowing that it was her force sensitivity reacting to another strongly connected with it. Her pale eyes raised to glance around her, glancing over Viado as he approached. She didn't like how he was heading directly towards her, as he spoke she liked it even less.

No normal person would have seen her movement so she felt a rush of uncertainty but outwardly kept her calm, cool, and collected appearance. She nibbled her meal but let one hand drop to her lap in case she needed to defend herself. She couldn't help but frown, she didn't really expect the government for one simple reason.

"But selling another sentient being like an object isn't a crime....funny how life works." She responded darkly with a note of caution, looking at Viado from under the slight protection of her hood. She slid her feet to the floor, getting ready to vault into a standing position if she had to. Was he going to threaten to turn her in? It had happened once before when she wasn't as good a thief. A man had caught her and threatened to turn her in if she didn't let him have her way with her... she'd promptly levitated a book behind him and knocked him unconscious with it before fleeing the planet.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 05-25-2011, 05:05 PM

Viado watched her carefully. His presence put her on edge, that much was obvious, she was getting ready to bolt, others might not have noticed the subtle movement of her hand going to her lap, or her feet sliding down to the touch the ground. He ran his left hand through his hair, and looked away from her. Watching the crowd a bit.

"Slavery is very illegal in quite a number of places. Though you can find anything down here...almost..." He glanced at her before letting his gaze settle back over the people that wandered about. Viado shrugged slightly. "Are you worried someone might sell you?" He spoke the words softly, without taking his eyes off the crowd.

sadithealchemist is offline
Old 05-25-2011, 05:17 PM

( Omnomnom sorry it took me soooo long to respond, i fell asleep last night before my lovely Squidie could get the first post up <3 )
While Zyras may have wanted to blend in, Fable simply could not accept that. He wore a pair of dark purple robes, over black pants and boots. But see, the flamboyant robes were not the only thing that made the young padawan stand out. His long hair was in a loose braid, which draped over his shoulder, and his fuzzy ears sat atop his head. His fur, unlike the majority of his people who had a dusty brown coat, was a dark dark red, so dark that it was almost black. His tail rather then being tucked inside of a robe, swished freely behind him. He carried only one of his lightsabers on him, the one made for him by his best friend, and sometimes partner in crime, Ellors Tebbo ( who will not be appaering in this picture :P ). Inscribed on the hilt were the words "To the best damn meatshield I ever had - E.T." Fable made no attempt to hide his lightsaber, he wore it proudly on his belt.


Staria is offline
Old 05-25-2011, 05:18 PM

Her hood seemed to shudder slightly from the flicker of her ears, the only motion of her tightly controlled body at the words. She hesitated, watching him in silence as she looked for some subtle sign of what he wanted. She was not a trusting soul, her life had ensured that, and this had her uneasy. What game was this guy playing? What did he want from her?

"I thought we were simply discussing crimes....?" She said with a false innocence and a laugh that had a touch of nervousness in it she hadn't expected. Her tail was flickering slightly, the soft sign of annoyance and nervousness in most cats. She was far more ready to bolt now. She seemed to half forget her food for the moment, simply watching him closely.

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Squidie64 is offline
Old 05-25-2011, 06:22 PM

As Zyras strolled along, her hands resting calmly at her sides. Her own lightsaber sat on her belt. It was high enough that her dark colored capelet covered it. Zyras knew, from experience and the teachings in the Temple, that drawing attention to herself could be dangerous. A lot of people hated Jedis and any opportunity to hurt or kill one became that much more easy when a Jedi strolled around, flaunting what they had.

Zyras glanced to her companion and winced lightly, "Must you? Really?" She didn't bother to specify. She figured he'd know what she meant.

Lucky hadn't moved just yet. He caught sight of the female in the hood shortly after she sat down to each. Behind her, a flamboyantly dressed male chittered with her quietly. They were interesting, but were they enough for Lucky? He had a short attention span. He watched them for a short while longer before the next two interesting morsels approached his spot. Obviously a couple of Jedi. He knew one, but not the other. Now there was something he wanted to get caught up in. He glanced back to the other two and pouted his lips. Which one did he want to dabble with first?

Last edited by Squidie64; 05-25-2011 at 07:25 PM..

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 05-25-2011, 06:33 PM

Viado's eyes didn't leave the crowd of people strolling along. The two Jedi that were walking in the crowd did not go buy unnoticed. He frowned, he didn't want a confrontation with Jedi. Viado's hand was never far from his exposed light saber, though he wasn't eager to use it.

"We haven't stopped discussing crimes." Viado seemed rather unaware of the Pantoran's interest in them, oblivious that the blue skinned male might have been watching them, though he had glanced at the male once or twice. Such a thing, wasn't really important anyway. "But you seem rather edgy about the subject of slavery, yet, you are the one that brought it up, and if such a thing frightens you...Then you shouldn't be in this place.." His eyes were on the two Jedi that strolled along, a slight frown on his lips.

sadithealchemist is offline
Old 05-25-2011, 06:33 PM

The cat simply grinned and stick his tongue out at her. Fable may act childish, but when it comes down to it, he knows how to get things done, and get them done fast, of course he always put his own flare into everything he did


Staria is offline
Old 05-25-2011, 06:42 PM

She hesitated a moment, watching him. She didn't trust him. She shivered, feeling a prickle of awareness coming. She glanced towards the Jedi's, sensing them first but there was something else. She looked towards Lucky, she didn't like his predatory eyes, that look of interest her instincts just didn't like. She frowned beneath her hood, turning towards Viado in thought.

"Well... I really don't have much choice, do I? I'm not exactly independently wealthy and able to go where i want..." She said carefully, guardedly. She glanced at the other two Jedi again, sliding from the crate so she was standing. She folded the wrapper of her meal around what was left and pushed it into her bag, putting her hands on her hips. Was this a trap? These three people, she knew nothing of Jedi to know they were Jedi, felt the same... were they together?

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 05-25-2011, 06:57 PM

Viado continued to frown as he watched the Jedi. Wondering why they were here in the first place. Then again, there could be many reasons for Jedi to be here. He ran his left hand through his hair, letting out a light sigh. What to do if a confrontation were to happen? Nothing too stupid he hoped.

For the moment it almost seemed as if he had forgotten the female was there, he hadn't, and he had heard her words. He was silent for a few moments longer then he shrugged. "Indeed? Still, being here, alone, can't be incredibly safe for you. For that matter, it isn't incredibly safe for anyone, really.."


Staria is offline
Old 05-25-2011, 07:12 PM

"Safe?" She laughed softly but it had a dark tone to it. She let her gaze dropped to the ground, she'd never been safe in her life. She was born to a slave owned by a sadistic, obsessive, insane control freak who would molest a child if it suited him... just as he'd almost molested her before she nearly killed him. She'd been born to danger and hadn't escaped it yet. These thoughts only took seconds but the pause was just long enough to be noticeable.

"I would love to be safe but that's not reality love" She said quietly, smiling a little brighter and lifting her tone so she sounded more light and happy. She reached over, patting his shoulder and glancing over at the other two Jedi. She watched for a moment before she spoke again. Normally that would have been a distraction to steal but right now it was simply to put her hand closer to him so she could push him away if it was some sort of trap.

"Are those... friends of yours?"

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Squidie64 is offline
Old 05-25-2011, 07:25 PM

Zyras stopped suddenly. Her senses heightened and she felt every hair on the back of her neck stand up. She flicked her second eyelids closed, blurring her vision slightly. She now viewed the surrounding area in the ultraviolet spectrum. She set a hand on her companion's arm to stop him. She was silent for a moment as she felt the area through the force. Quite a generous handful of people walked by them. She felt the Pantoran leaning on the wall nearby. And there were two Force sensitive beings nearby. She felt them almost right away, but that wasn't what she was looking for, no. The nictitating membranes covering her eyes flicked back and she looked to Fable. "I smell hubba chips." All that for food? Yes. Zyras loved food.

Lucky shifted slightly when he saw the two Jedi stop. He watched the female for a moment, then looked back over to the other two. The female was standing now, closer to the male. Lucky took a deep breath and pushed himself off of the wall. He slowly began to approach them, though that was before he could think of something to say. He decided as he went to just sputter some lame pick up line when he got within ear shot.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 05-25-2011, 07:25 PM

"Everyone wants to be safe..." He spoke the words almost absently, barely glancing to her when she pat his shoulder. For someone as edgy as her, the action was a bit uncharacteristic. So then there were other reasons for it, he was a bit distracted, he had already seen her steal from one person, he wasn't worried about being stolen from. He had nothing to steal really, except his light saber.

He was still frowning though, once again glancing at her. "Friends? Perhaps at one time...but now...I'm not so certain. I think I would prefer it if they didn't notice me." He shifted just slightly on his feet. "You're a very unusual person.." He remarked rather absently. Perhaps at one time this girl could have been a Jedi, but not now. He wasn't sure if he should find comfort in that thought or not. Viado knew better than to let himself be distracted, and he missed it when the Pantoran moved. He wasn't very concerned with the blue skinned male.

Last edited by Kry; 05-25-2011 at 07:27 PM..


Staria is offline
Old 05-25-2011, 07:42 PM

Sey watched Zyras a moment but said nothing, noticing the pause. They had been noticed... she knew it. She frowned, shaking her head. She wanted to leave... they were drawing to much attention. She shifted nervously, not watching anything. She flickered an ear, hearing Lucky move more then seeing him. She turned to glance at him, not very comfortable.

She wasn't sure as Vaido spoke and her attention came back to him. She stepped back, releasing his shoulder as she knew she was being looked at. She put a hand on her hip, forcing herself to appear relaxed even though her whole instinct was screaming RUN! She did relax a little, however, as he spoke of her being unusual. She even let out a real, deep laugh.

"Yes... I am. Does that bother you? She asked with a small tone of mischief. She was strange, she knew. It was what made her hunted, but also what her mother always said made her ..her. Her mother had taught her to be proud, even as a slave her mother had not let that break in her...

sadithealchemist is offline
Old 05-25-2011, 08:02 PM

"If you want some damn good hubba chips you gotta go to Dex's dinner" he closed his eyes and took a deep breath "These smell pretty good too, come on I'll treat you to some"

Marlwulf is offline
Old 05-25-2011, 08:05 PM

((Wow, I can't believe so many people have posted so quickly! Also, Kry, what would you think of increasing your font size by just a hair. Not all of us have huge monitors and I think I'm about to have an aneurism from squinting at that xD.))

"Get out of here, you worthless son of a bitch!" The man threw Tam onto the curb, probably a little harder than was really necessary.

"Whoa, whoa, hey, friend." Tam jumped swiftly to his feet. "I'm just a humble merchant trying to pedal my wares."

"Pedal your wares? You mean steal my best dancer!"

"Hey, that's not fair; I offered you a perfectly fine Bursa in exchange."

"Oh, of course, and what use would I have for that lumbering beast."

"Well," Tam put on his more charismatic smile. "Considering you just threw me out here yourself I'd say you could use a little hired muscle in the place. Besides, like I said to you before, if you have a little patience you can teach them to dance too. Now, think about it." Tam tried to move a little closer to the bar owner but backed away again when the menacing man growled. "Every bar, tavern, and traveling show down here has beautiful, dancing women of all kinds of species . . ." He gave a dramatic pause. "Except a Bursan woman! Come on, think of the chance for publicity!"

"Just stay out of my bar and away from my dancers, you bear-wrangler."

"Call me, darling!" Tam yelled one last time into the bar before the doors swung close. "Sheesh, nice people down here, eh, Tamish?"

The tiny bursa just gave a small growl of agreement.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 05-25-2011, 08:39 PM

][It's the same font I always use. Also, my monitor isn't huge. It's standard sized. Standard sized for a desktop computer from the late 90's. I don't have one of those new computers or monitors that's bigger than my house or the little desk my comp sits on.
*edit. Also you can hold control and scroll up. Makes everything on the browser page bigger.][

"It intrigues me.." Finally his attention turned from the Jedi, just in time to notice that during his distraction the Pantoran had begun to approach them. Viado shifted on his feet, turning a bit to face the blue male. Turning so his light saber was very visible on his thigh, his hand hovering very close to it, as he usually did keep his hand close to that prized object. He licked his lips to moisten them. He would let the male approach and speak first before he said or did anything.

His gaze drifted back to the two Jedi for a moment, and then he glanced further down the street as a bit of commotion seemed to have started up. Viado wrinkled his nose slightly, shaking his head just barely before he let his vision once again fall upon the blue skinned male that approached them.

Last edited by Kry; 05-25-2011 at 08:45 PM..


Staria is offline
Old 05-25-2011, 08:55 PM

Sey glanced to the sounds of someone speaking, seeing Tam and his Bursan friend. She blinked at the exchange, surprised, but turned towards the blue skinned man and Viado. The merchant was not focused on her so was not a danger. These two men were... though which one was more dangerous she wasn't sure. She did know, however, that the human looking man besides her was confusing to her.

His stance.... it was as if he was going to defend her.... no that was stupid, he meant to defend himself. That made more sense. She raised her gaze from his lightsaber to his eyes, however, and thought of the phrase. Sometimes curiosity could be just as dangerous as desire. She was trying to be bland, to blend in... this was not helping... then again as one of the taller people here blending in wouldn't be easy....

"Intrigue you? Oh dear, you don't need to waste your time thinking about me. " She said with cheerful laugh before continuing more seriously, hiding her inner thoughts. She wouldn't let him know she was worried, she sounded and looked flattered instead. She was wondering what to do here...

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Squidie64 is offline
Old 05-25-2011, 11:08 PM

(After a delicious lobster sandwich, I have returned to post :dramatic pose: )

Zyras turned toward the commotion and raised an eyebrow. She wanted to investigate further, but she was torn between doing her job and eating. She hadn't eaten for close to two hours. She pouted her lips, then looked back to Fable, "That greasy place in CoCo town?"

When Lucky reached the pair, he looked Sey up and down for a moment. He then reached into his shoulder bag and pulled out a small data pad. He jerked his head toward her and made eye contact with Viado, "How much for the lady?" Was he implying...? Oh, yes, he was. Lucky had no idea she was a runaway, he was just gross. He'd asked that question to Jedis before, even.

~: Looool, took me long enough :~

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 05-25-2011, 11:20 PM

"I wasn't thinking about you..just what I see when I look at you.." Viado spoke the words softly to the female. Watching as the Pantoran finally came near enough to them to speak and interact with. Sharp blue eyes looked the blue man over, watching as he pulled out the data pad. Now, Viado's hand rested on his light saber. It had been a subtle movement.

"She isn't for sale." Viado had tensed just a bit, watching the man carefully. "This isn't the Outer Rim. Slavery is illegal here. If that's all you want of us, then I suggest you go bother someone else." There was a bit of finality in his tone, Viado was not up for arguing, his fingers resting on the light saber twitched a bit. As if eager to use the deadly weapon.


Staria is offline
Old 05-25-2011, 11:28 PM

Sey hissed lightly, turning with enough speed towards him that her hood fell back to reveal her one of a kind bone structure. Lips so human yet nose so cat like... it was strange but surprisingly attractive. She might have attacked him but Viado spoke. He...defended her. A look of confusion briefly appeared in her gaze and she glanced towards him.

She frowned, her eyes cold as she looked the blue skinned man over with an expression of disgust. She gave him a suddenly almost charming smile. The chill in her eyes made the smile rather... creepy. She then spoke, her tones sickly sweet as she put a hand on her hip.

"Not enough money in the world to get me touch you sweetheart...."

Last edited by Peeblo; 08-10-2011 at 11:50 PM..

sadithealchemist is offline
Old 05-25-2011, 11:48 PM

"Lucky, lucky lucky....are you bothering these nice people? I thought we discussed this last time when you tried to sell me and those jedi younglings" he stood behind the blue man, tapping his foot impatiently on the ground, holding his lightsaber in his hand, it was not ignited right now though

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Squidie64 is offline
Old 05-26-2011, 12:49 AM

Abandoning her short quest for food, Zyras followed behind Fable. She was surprised to see Lucky there, but not surprised by his actions. She took a slow breath and looked over the other two. The girl wasn't familiar at all, but the male was. She knew him. Not well, but she knew him. She had studied along side him at the Temple. Deciding not to call attention to it, she stood silent for the moment.

He sighed lightly and scritched the back of his neck, "I'm not looking to own. Just rent for an hour, maybe two. " Lucky looked Sey up and down and took a slow breath, "Sweet, don't make me feel any worse. I'm already kicking myself for keeping all of this," he motioned to his body with his free hand, "from you for so long." Lucky tensed when he heard the voice behind him, though. He turned slightly and winced. He scowled deeply and huffed, "The only one bothering anybody is you. Mind your business, Jedi."


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