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Old 06-03-2011, 02:36 AM

The Forbidden Love

The year is 2011 and the earth is the same as it has been for years. But there is a little thing going on in certain places of the world. The dead are coming back to life as monsters known as 'Shikabane' or 'Corpse'. There are many different types of Shikabane, all with different powers, different looks and different regrets for dying. Evil Shikabane are immediately killed and are never brought back, the good shikabane are kept alive and keep a watch over the cities they live in. However the good shikabane are often just monsters with no human form and are forced to live in the scary monster forms, because of this, the Government had created a town just for them and they are free to venture from their town and the human cities.

But somehow there is a group of young girls are unique in their own way. These girls are shikabane, but unlike the good and bad shikabane they have a human form. Most of them are the most beautiful girls that had met an unfortunate fate. Because of their human firgures, the Government has classified them as 'Shikabane Hime' or 'Corpse Princess'. These girls aren't evil and are considered the protectors of the humans and good Shikabane. But there are a few humans that think that shikabane aren't meant to live along humans since there so differnet and feared that a shikabane and a human would make a half breed of both human and Shikabane. So in a way to calm the people of Pittsburgh, California, Tokyo, Florida and Texas, the Governments decided that it was against the law for a Shikabane or a Shikabane Hime to fall in love with a human and have a child.

The Shikabane and Shikabane Hime agreed to the law and are happy being able to live along side the humans or are they? Many of the Shikabane hime and shikabane believe that it is up to their hearts of who they fall in love with and not the Government. But this is only the beginning...

What are Shikabane and Shikabane Hime:
Shikabane: a creature that was once human until it died and came back to life with a very powerful regret. Both men and women fall victim to becoming a shikabane, but most of the shikabane use their powers for good while others use them for bad. All shikabane are immortal. However, there are cases when some good and evil shikabane are able to keep there human forms. Unfortuntely, children are very often turn into shikabane or shikabane hime.

Shikabane Hime: a girl who dies and becomes a shikabane hime. They still have their human forms and personalities. Shikabane Hime are always kind and destory evil shikabane. Shikabane Hime are the one shikabane that can have both a human form and their shikabane form.

Shikabane Forms: Shikabane forms are often mutilated, sometimes animal-like forms that have tremendous power. But are still killed in this form but either destorying the brain or shredding the body in smaller pieces making it impossible for them to regenerate.

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Pittsburgh, Pennslyvania
- Beginning of Summer

Tokyo, Japan
- Beginning of Summer

Jacksonville, Florida
the end of the school year

San Jose, California

Dallas, Texas


Shikabane City

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Human Skellie:
Nickname: (optional)
Where are you from:
Pic: (dont care if its anime, ur drawings or real ppl)

Shikabane Skellie:
Aligment (are u good or bad):
When did you die:
How did you die:
Regret for dying:
Where are you from:
Pic: (monster, if u have a human form u can put it here)

Shikabane Hime:
Gender: Female*
Regret for dying:
When did you die:
How did you die:
Where are you from:
Pic: (human and shikabane, no preference)

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1.) No god-modding unless given permission by owner of the charrie
2.) Have fun
3.) Post when I say
4.) post at least once a day
5.) Put a :angel: if ur a good shikabane, :evil: if ur a bad shikabane or :vicky: if ur a Shikabane hime
6.) tell me if ur going to be gone
7.) PM ur profiles to me
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Shikabane Hime:
Name: Rogue Jinx Black
Nickname: Jinx
Gender: Female*
Age: 19 (died when she was 16)
Powers she has tentacles in her body that makes the strongest Shikabane Hime alive/undead
Regret for dying: Not seeing the ones she loved one last time
When did you die: December 25, 2008
How did you die: Slipped on ice and was ran over by a bus
Where are you from: Pittsburgh
Bio: Rogue Jinx Black is the princess of all the shikabane hime and shikabane all over the world. She is the most powerful shikabane hime known to everyone. Rogue was once human, she was a playful young human and loved making everyone happy. But one day everything changed for her, she was going home from her friend's Christmas party and slipped on some ice and slid in the street. Rogue stood up and looked in the distance and seen a bus coming to her. Before Rogue could reacted, the bus ran her over. She died right there in the street or so she thought. Rogue opened her eyes and seen that she was still alive but dead at the same time, she was a shikabane now. Rogue screamed in terrible as her mangled body began to piece itself together. Within minutes, government agents surrounded Rogue and took her away to Shikabane City. They told her that she wasn't a shikabane but a Shikabane Hime and that she was very powerful for a Shikabane Hime. They made her the ruler of the city and told her that it was her job to make sure that all the good shikabane were to stay good and destroy the evil shikabane that came to harm the humans. Rogue agreed and has since been watching over the cities but wishes to find love one day...even though its against the law for a shikabane or a shikabane hime can love a human.
Pic: Human
Shikabane Form

Name: Cynthia Revis
Nickname: Cyn
Gender: Female*
Age: 19 (died at 16)
Regret for dying: Lies to all and says its because she didn't kill her enemies but the real one is because she never got a chance to say good-bye to her best friend
When did you die: January 1, 2009
How did you die: Suicide
Where are you from: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Powers: controls minds, the elements and imagination
Bio: Cynthia Revis was a normal girl when she was alive. She hung out with her best friend Rogue all the time and the had a blast being with each other. Cynthia was having a hard time with her parents since they wouldn't accept her being interested in both boys and girls. Often Cyn would run away to rogue's house and they would play unless Cyn's parents came to get her. Cyn started to develop a relationship to Rogue but never told her how she felt in fear that her only friend would regect her. One day, Cyn invited Rogue over for Christmas and planned to tell her how she felt to her. Cyn managed to get Rogue alone in her room and told her that she had feeling for her for a long, long time but still wished to remain friends at Rogue request. Cyn was shocked when Rogue just hugged her and agreed to remain her friend this caused Cynthia to kiss Rogue and quickly stopped herself before she went on, unfortunately Rogue was hit by a bus and died instantly at the scene. Cynthia cried her eyes out as depression got the better of her...and finally, on January 1 of the new year Cynthia commited suicide and returned as a shikabane. She went crazy and killed her parents with join and happiness. The Government labled Cynthia as a Shikabane Hime but never put her in the City. Cynthia resides underground with the evil shikabane and is the princess of the evil shikabane and is looking for Rogue, to have her as her queen.
Pic: human

Originally Posted by blueblackrose

Name: Maiara Anise Nightwing
Nickname: Mai
Gender: Female*
Age: 29 (died at age 22)
Powers: Air/wind manipulation and also has some minor healing abilities.
Regret for dying: Not being able to protect herself or her loved ones.
When did you die: June 16, 2004
How did you die: Murdered by a criminal that had a grudge against her husband, who is a cop.
Where are you from: Jacksonville, Florida
Bio: Maiara was once a human and lived happily with her husband. On the fateful day she died she was going to surprise her husband, Nathanial, with the news that they were going to have a baby. Things were going fine until that evening when she was heading home. A man was waiting inside their house when she returned. The rest of what happen is blur, for the most part. The last thing she remembers seeing is the tears falling down Nathanial’s cheeks before waking up to find that she had become a Shikabane. It didn’t take long for government agents to find her and take her into their cusitidy. They told her about the Shikabane and the Shikabane hime. Since she was a Shikabane hime they told her it was her job to destroy the evil Shikabane. It’s been years since she left for the Shikabane city to live. When she left Jacksonville she swore to herself she’d never love again.
Pic: human

Originally Posted by Hex
Name: Chiel Niall
Nickname: Wisp
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Power: Complete control over smoke, vapor, fog, mist, smog, and air. Can turn her body into smoke that allows her to escape from anywhere. Flight.
Regret for dying: Wasn't able to live her life to the fullest.
When did you die: Shortly after her 18th birthday.
How did you die: Killed in a gang war.
Where are you from: San Jose, California
Bio: Chiel was the daughter of a small middle class family she was sent to California from Florida to live with her aunt and uncle, because her parents couldn't deal with her attitude and troublesome behavior. Truth was Chiel just hated her living conditions after going to live with her aunt her attitude changed to that of a normal person that is until she fell into her normal routine. Though her aunt and uncle didn't mind her at all and let her do as she would. One night coming home from a concert she was shot and killed during a gang shooting that was meant to be a drive by. She was riddled with bullet holes when it was over and her body had turned to mist. It peaced itself back together and was better a few hours later and found herself to have turned into a Shikabane Hime. Now she tries to live as a normal person while trying to figure her new found abilities out. Only thing is she finds she needs to smoke quite a bit to keep herself strong.
Appearance: (without the mechanical stuff)

Shikabane Form: Like her human form, only ghostly and intangible.

Originally Posted by HarvestMoon22
Name: Angela Hollows/ Vivian Hollows
Nickname: Vivi (Angel by Zackery)
Gender: Female
Power: She can emit super sonic wails, walk through walls, fly and control shadow like roses.
Regret for dying: Not getting married
When did you die: February 14 2008
How did you die: Murdered by Zackery
Where are you from: Japan
Bio: Angela suffered from multipersonality disorder when she was alive and the same goes for her as a shikabane, It tends to go more with her forms however. She was one of Zackery's victoms when he turned into a shikabane and follows him around like a love sick puppy.
Pic: Human:
__________________________________________________ _

Originally Posted by rosi

Name: Liana
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Where are you from: Dallas, Tx
Bio: She doesn't like to talk about it
Originally Posted by Andraus
Name: Nikita Dragovich
Nickname: Nova 6
Age: 20
Gender: male
Where are you from: U.S.S.R
Bio: Dragovich is one of the Rarest beings you will ever meet. He orginally was a Shikibane, but was abled to forgive himself for what he regreted and was given a second chance at life. He was named 'Nova 6' because there are only 6 shikabane in the Entire world that were abled to do so. He is returning to Shikabane city to reconnect with his roots.
Originally Posted by happydeath

Sebastian Michaelis


19 turning 20 in January

Where are you from:

Pittsburgh, Pennslyvania

Sebastian was born into royalty so by the day he first came out of his mother; he was already spoiled to the highest degree. Of course as he grew up while he was a kid, everything felt perfect since there weren't ever really any problems with money or stress of anything. Although as he grew up to his teenage years, he began to feel a bit more strange as he hated being spoiled all the time. Sebastian began to finally realize how the people outside of his home were suffering so much while him and his own family lived the good life. When he had approached his mother and father about the situation and to ask if they could possibility help the poor out a bit. They scolded him and told him that the poor should deserve to die for being that way. For once in his entire life, he had seen the true nature of his parent's personality. At this time he was only about 15; so it kind of scared him a bit. But after about 3 years had passed by, he couldn't take his parent's ways anymore as he ran away from home with the simple clothing on his back and a katana that his father gave him a few years back as his 16th birthday present. The cross necklace was from his mother on his 16th birthday as well; while the strange markings on his left eye were there to indicate his family name. Which he hates. By the age he is now, Sebastian had formed a group of assassins for the soul purpose of both killing people who tried to harm the weak for their money so that they can become rich. Along with the purpose of helping the poor and weak, he obviously became the leader due to him creating the group itself. The other and final reason he created it was because he didn't want other families to come out just like how his mother and father acted toward the poor.
__________________________________________________ _
Shikabane (Good and Bad):

Originally Posted by happydeath

Kuro Shitsuji
18 died at the age of 15.
Able to control a bit of darkness with his hands and being able to move through small gaps in time; such as a week or about a few months ago. Thanks only to the watch he has.
When did you die:
September 13th, 2001
How did you die:
Murdered by his own father's hands.
Regret for dying:
Not being able to tell his friends, his mother along with other love ones goodbye. Along with never finding love in general.
Where are you from:
Tokyo, Japan
Kuro was born and raised in the poorest district of Tokyo so his parents didn't really have that much money; so trying to keep food on the table everyday wasn't exactly the easiest task ever. Even through all the tough times however, his mother was always able to keep a smile on her face and help Kuro stay happy with their lives. Although his own father was a different story; he hated the fact of being poor and how both his own son and his wife were always so happy. Due to that, because that woman was his wife. He tried to act happy around her, but when it came to his son; he always acted so cruel and abused his own son for all of his own pain of feeling poor and not having enough money.
Kuro never told his mother or friends about how his own father treated him because he didn't want anything to happen to his family even if his father may had been abusive. One day a few days after summer vacation was finally over; Kuro's father couldn't take his own son's happiness any longer and ended up killing his own son with a knife in his sleep. The next morning when everyone woke up; his own father acted so shocked as if he did nothing wrong as an investigation immediatly started on the case. However, his own father was smart enough to cover his tracks so that he would never be caught. Kuro's mother never even thought about the fact that it could've been her own husband who had done that since he always treated her so kindly; and never saw when he would abuse Kuro.
Now it has been about three years and Kuro has returned to the mortal world as a Shikabane thanks to the emotional pain and regrets he has for letting his father kill him. Although now, he is obviously no longer human as he controls strange dark powers and has a demonic form that follows along with it. Within the glove of his right hand on top of the hand is a strange dark purple glow of a weird symbol that he still has no idea what power it will give him.

[QUOTE=Sezumie]Yay!~ ehehe~

Originally Posted by Sezumie

Name: Dull Kendi

Nickname: Dull

Age: 17 or so, not sure...

Gender: Female!~

Aligment: Totally bad and loving the massacre.

Able to open separate dimensions where she is in control of what happens, bad thing is, anyone can pass through the portals she opens.
Able to control her own gravity when not in her dream dimension. Bad thing about it? There are times she cannot control it very well.
She has the power of complete regeneration. (She's killed so many [her power grows with each kill], you literally have to chop her to pieces to get rid of her.)

When did you die: October 31, 2003 (Oh the irony)

How did you die: Was accidentally buried alove by her bullies, as a prank to her family.

Regret for dying: Not living to continue te family business, being undertakers, and to kill those who dare bully her again.

Where are you from: Where do you think? My house used to be on what is now Shikabane City.

Bio: When she was alive, Dull was sweet, childish, and socially outgoing towards anyone. But this brought jealousy to the hearts of many popular people who didn't get the same attention. So, as time progressed, she, the undertakers 3rd youngest daughter, became very adored by her schoolmates. Then it became Halloween of 2003, she and her family, were hosting a party at the undertaker home to raise money, she played a fake corpse that would pop out at people. But, when the populars came by, they hatched a plan, and buried her alive right on the spot. She died right as the rescue team saved her. Now, she has gone completely insane, getting revenge on those who think they are all that is her goal, and will stop at nothing to do so. Probably the most insane Shikabane ever to spawn, but, rimor has it that the rest of her family were a bit nuts as well. She represents the D in the Kendi name, demonic, death, dark, devil, dreams, you name it, she represents it all. Her weaknesses? She likes oranges, blueberries, milk, and popsicles that are mango-flavored. She'll literally die for them.

(She has different monster forms due to her ability, so this is her human form for now)
Originally Posted by HarvestMoon22
Name: Zackery Markson
Nickname: Z, master(to angela) or zacky boy(He hates that one)
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Aligment (are u good or bad): Bad
Powers: Can control shadows and heal
When did you die: December 1st 1997
How did you die: Hung for mass murder
Regret for dying: Being caught
Where are you from: Japan
Bio: When he was alive Zackery was a mass murderer and he was well known. Millions feared him and you never wanted to see him.
Pic: monster: (he looks rather normal although teenaged)
Originally Posted by Andraus

Name: James Hawkins
Nickname: Death
Age: Unknown
Gender: male
Aligment (are u good or bad): Bad
Powers: Can Summon the Dead to aid me. Also Rides a Skeleton horse.
When did you die: back in the 1980s
How did you die: Fell in a Pool of Acid during a Science Experiment
Regret for dying: Unknown.
Where are you from: Nevada, Salt-lake city
Bio: James was once a brillient Scientest, and a Expert Idealist. He believed that With every problem, there was a Solution. But when he died he changed entirely, he became the very thing he despised, A Shikabane. When he died he fell in a pool of Acid, therefor his Demonic form was a Entire Skeleton. He has been named death because he Rides a skeleton horse and Carrys an old scythie.
Originally Posted by blueblackrose
Name: Dimitri Van Allen
Nickname: Lone Wolf, wolfie (doesn't care much for this one, Chibi (hates this one)
Age: 40, died at age 24
Gender: male
Aligment (are u good or bad): Unclear
Powers: Shapeshifting (can become a white wolf), water/ice manipulation
When did you die: Febraury 18, 1996
How did you die: Froze to death due to getting lost in the mountians searching for lost hikers.
Regret for dying: Not being able to find the lost hikers and not being able to marry his true love.
Where are you from: Lewisburg, West Virginia
Bio: When alive Dimitri was a nice guy. He was always willing to help out others so he did a lot of volunteer work. Before he died he was part of a search for some hikers who had gotten lost before a big ice storm hit Greenbrier County, WV. While in the mountians looking for the hikers he got lost and ended up freezing to death before he was found. Now that he is shikabane he wonders around the world. It is unclear if he is a good or bad shikaban. His acts are random and he doesn't recognize either of the princesses as being over him. In his mind he is his own person.
Pic: shikabane

[img]*oS6eKwrXeBls15slnOdxAlaVf3GAaKRVyJqW6La2YEODE8y BELoQqeiJ9DA1bAlw3eTy/cuteguy.jpg[/img]
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Last edited by Gothika_Knight; 06-09-2011 at 05:04 AM..

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Old 06-03-2011, 10:17 PM

Name: Nikita Dragovich
Nickname: Nova 6
Age: 20
Gender: male
Where are you from: U.S.S.R
Bio: Dragovich is one of the Rarest beings you will ever meet. He orginally was a Shikibane, but was abled to forgive himself for what he regreted and was given a second chance at life. He was named 'Nova 6' because there are only 6 shikabane in the Entire world that were abled to do so. He is returning to Shikabane city to reconnect with his roots.

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Old 06-04-2011, 02:38 AM

Princess Rogue Jinx Black of the shikabane and shikabane himes of the Shikabane City sat on her throne. The castle was in the middle of the town and everyone adored Rogue, she was fair and kind and loved watching over the humans like the shikabane are suppose to do. Rogue sat in the throne room waiting for her loyal shikabane helpers knowing that she was suppose to meet a representative of the human cities to com. Rogue had been a shikabane for more than three years and she missed her family a lot. But she knew that a shikabane would destory what her family believes in, Rogue believed that she wasn't ready for heaven and is now cursed to live on earth as a beautiful and immortal shikabane hime. Rogue had a sweet and calming personality and she crossed her legs and watched patiently as her one good eye kept a lookout and the eye socket stood empty and bare.

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Old 06-04-2011, 03:33 AM

"Why does this have to be me......"Nikita Dragovich told himself. it had been 2 years sense he was Revived from his state of a shikabane, to a normal human again, though you couldnt call his life normal anymore. He was a Constent Ambassedor between inter-state Shikabane Hime, and today he was supposed to meet the Head-Queen. "Ground Control, this is Nova 6. ETA to landing pad is 3 minutes, over."

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Old 06-04-2011, 03:34 AM

Kuro at this time was wandering throughout the Shikabane City in the night as he walked around the main streets looking through the windows of each one of the buildings he went by. Most of them were completely pitch black inside indicating that they were closed; after all, it was midnight anyway. It wasn't really surprising to him to see that most of the buildings were pitch black inside though. Kuro had basically returned to the human world thanks to his emotional ties to the living; but the problem was that he couldn't really figure out what he was supposed to really do now. Technically, he didn't really feel alive even though his own skin was warm just like any ordinary human. Though, no matter what; part of him already knew for a fact that he was dead since even though it had been three years nearing four. The memory of the day his father killed him were still fresh in his mind as though it had happened just yesterday. Kuro could still feel the pain of the knife being stabbed right into his heart as he clenched onto the chain of his watch hanging out of his pocket.
All of a sudden though, while he walked on the sidewalks. He ended up coming across a large open area. Only to end up finding out that right in front of him was a large castle-like structure. This was indeed strange to Kuro; he hadn't remembered once after being brought back from the dead that there was a large building like this anywhere near his home. Although now that he actually thought it through; this didn't look anything like Tokyo. The buildings around looked much more older than the high-tech ones in Japan. The lights at this large building in front of him seemed to be on, so maybe there could've been someone there that could help him solve this whole thing about where he is. So simply stepping up to the large double doors; he gave a little knock onto it with his white gloved hand and simply tilted his head. "Hello? anyone home in there?" he asked with his tone soft and curious.

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Old 06-04-2011, 04:51 AM

Rogue continued to sit and wait until she heard a knock on the door, it must had been the representative but then the voice seemed different, "Gore, may u please do open the door." she said in a gently voice as a large male shikabane bowed in front of the princess and walked to the door. Gore opened the door and looked down, seeing the boy in front of him. "How may the princess help you?" he asked in a sort of demonic voice as he loomed over him and looked to see if the representative was what outside, "Come in sir." Gore said stepping aside to let the boy in.

Rogue sat there as her legs were folded still as her beautiful seem to grow more little by little as she closed her good eye and watched for whoever was at the door to come in.

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Old 06-04-2011, 05:06 AM

"I am Representative Nikita Dragovich of the Shikabane Nova. I am Nova 6, I am here to speak with the Head-Queen of he Shikabane Hime." He told the man. He then walked past him and into the main throne room. "Hello there......You must be the women Iv been told to Contact.....I am Dragovich, a Shikabane Nova. I was told that you needed a word with me about somthing." He explained, his katana on his back and the blue flame tatto visable on his arm.

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Old 06-04-2011, 05:42 AM

Rogue jumped a little as she heard the voice of a male in her presence, she opened her good and emptied eye and seen the representative standing in front of her, "O-oh, welcome to Shikabane City. I am happy that you made it. I am sorry if I had interrupted you in any way. I am Princess Rogue. I have asked you to come here because I would like to know about the murders in New York, I got intel that shows they have gotten worse." she said in a soft voice and leaned on her armrest looking at Dragovich.

Gore let the man in then looked at the other one, "Do you need something from the princess?" he asked the boy tilting his skulled head.

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Old 06-04-2011, 09:51 AM

While Kuro stood there at the doorway waiting for a reply, he noticed how the floor was beginning to shake under him all of a sudden as his own eyes widened up a bit. To him, it felt almost as though it was a small earthquake; although not one strong enough to damage anything really. Slowly seeing the large double doors open on their own, he saw a large man standing in front of him. The man seemed rather frightening due to the bone head and a few others on it's body; than not to mention the strange black cloak it wore. It seemed to ask Kuro what he wanted to from the princess twice and offered to let him in. He had no idea that this large building actually had a princess or even royalty in general in it. So having a good feeling in his gut that she could probably solve this quite well for him; Kuro simply gave a little bow to the man. "I am just here to solve some questions about myself and this place sir." he replied with his same soft tone noticing already how the large man's tone seemed to sound demonic and rather deadly. So simply walking right by the large man and noticing how another young male just basically walked right in before Kuro and approach the princess, he was completely unaware of what was going on. Shrugging his own shoulders about the curiousity of the other man, he walked right up to the throne room and stood about 5feet behind the other male that had come in. Finally, he saw the princess sitting at her throne; she looked rather beautiful indeed just like any ordinary princess should look. Although the one thing that kind of shocked him was that she had one missing eye. But even than, it didn't seem like it was really a big deal since she seemed rather comfortable with it. "Greetings princess, if you would be so kind..may I ask you a few questions when you are done?" he asked politely with another respectful bow since he had already noticed how the young girl was already speaking with another male at the moment.

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Old 06-04-2011, 04:34 PM

"Those should stop momentarily. The memberss of project Nova, the Assasination Squadron im in charge of, are leading an attack on a warehouse that is said to hide Several large and dangerous shikabane. "He explained to her." Now for my question, why are you still here?"

Guess who's back~ For those who ...
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Old 06-04-2011, 07:50 PM

Rogue listened to the Lead assassin speak and a another boy came in and spoke quickly, "I should answer any questions you have in a moment." she said looking away from the boy and back at Nikita. She eyes widen her eyes slightly by the question he asked her, "I am still here but it is my duty as the Princess of the Shikabane Himes and the good shikabane are ready to assist when we're needed. If I leave, the good Shikabane would know what to do nor will the Shikabane Himes. No matter how, I must stay." Rogue said in a soft, gentle and firm voice, a smile spread across her face. "But I am happy you are concern for me." she said sitting up and adjusted herself in her throne.

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Old 06-04-2011, 07:57 PM

There was a candyland, a land where candy was everything, the buildings, the ground, even the dead bodies littered everywhere seemed candy like.

Well, maybe not the bodies. There were thousands, many of them which were lured there by the false rumor that a strange girl would grant your wish if you defeated her. No, if you managed to defeat the girl, you'd be stuck in the seemingly harmless candyland until the dead bodies drive you completely insane. And insanity is what it was. The person behind the evil plot is a girl, looking no older than 15 but really much older than that. Candy being her favorite treat, the world was dedicated to her sweet tooth. In the middle of the massacre, licking he blood off her fingers and lips, was a girl. She had a combination of blues in her hair, the top being darker than the tips of her hair, which were close to sky blue. Her clothes were unusual, she wore a dress shirt that looked too long for her, and yet she wore it, with a puffy tye-dyed orange and blue plaid skirt. In he right hand was a top hat, ornamentally decorated with many festive candies and such. And on the side, was the girl's name.

Dull Kendi.

An insane being, who took pride and enjoyment in bloodshed. And now she was bored again, so she was now going to wreak havoc on the people of Shikabane City. She was perched up top a large candy cane sticking out of the ground. She licked the remaining blood off her lips in anticipation, in her hands, a large, sharpened candy cane, big and sharp enough to kill. A small circle opened in front of her, and a wicked smirk adorned the Shikabane's lips as it fully opened, revealing the bustle of the city. Pulling on her tophat so it covered her face, she took a step outside of her world into the real one. Her presence unknown to the soon to be victims of her newest murder. She chuckled, before going on her merry way, eating the candy cane as if it really wasn't an impaling weapon.

Most shy away from conflict. I e...
Andraus is offline
Old 06-04-2011, 08:13 PM

"I am not doing this because of the Shikabane, I am not one of them anymore. I have ascended from shikabane back to a normal human life. I only wish this for others, espcially you, Sense you have a Debt that has long been over-paid. you deserve to live with your family agian, not to be stuck in this hell hole on earth." he told her, ignoring the man next to him.

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Old 06-04-2011, 08:37 PM

Standing there quietly as Kuro heard what the young princess told him about how she should be able to answer his questions within the moment. He simply shook his head with a little soft smile. "That is quite alright Miss. I can wait." he stated, stepping over toward the nearest wall he leaned himself against it quietly and pulled the chain watch out of his pocket. The clothing he wore represented almost what seemed like a tuxedo expect for the inside shirt being a usual color of white, it was purple. He had already listened to the two talk to one another as he heard about how there were good and bad shikabane along with how there were others out there taking out the bad ones. Hearing the word 'shikabane' brought back memories of Kuro's past when he did his studies on different creatures both realistic and mythical. They seemed to be corpses that were still alive or rather brought back to life. Hearing and remembering that much, pretty much simply answered one of Kuro's own questions about why he was still alive. ' I am dead..after all.' he thought to himself giving a small sigh and clenching the small watch he held in his hand. Immediately doing so, he accidentally opened it up and stared at the time. It was nearing one in the morning but he didn't even feel one bit of tiredness.
Although after hearing the other male speak up about how the princess should be living with her family. Kuro's own memories of how he used to live with his own family came back up as he bit his own lip to keep himself from remembering anything of the past; but no matter what they came back anyway causing the strange mark under his glove to burn badly.

Sezumie is offline
Old 06-04-2011, 10:45 PM

A grin appeared on her face, no Shikabane Himes in sight, so to her, the coast was clear. It was time to start killing, her goal was to make as much noise as possible before they got there to attempt to blow her to pieces. As the stop signal came on and the cars sped by like angry bees. The grin still plastered on her face, she pushed a couple of people onto the street, most of them got run over, causing people to scream, and many people started to run around in chaos, and a pair of cars crashed, causing a small fire. Dull chuckled, licking her candy cane innocently, she looked around, acting as if she didn't know what was happening. And she saw a candy store nearby as well, which house candies from all over the world, her eyes were wide as she touched the glass and looked at the treats with awe.

Most shy away from conflict. I e...
Andraus is offline
Old 06-05-2011, 01:12 AM

"Halt! Ihr Kommen Sie mit uns Shikabane!" Came The German Voice of Nova 4. "You have Caused enough Trouble Your Scurge of the Shikabane. We of the Shikabane nova are here to Either take you in -" He bagan, the pulled out a C275 pistol." or Take you out. Your choice."

Sezumie is offline
Old 06-05-2011, 01:55 AM

(me and my stupid brain)

Dull turned around, tearing her eyes away from the delicious treats behind the glass of the store,"Hmm? I thought I just heard something..." Her lips curled into a small frown,"Huh, must've been my imagination.." Her golden eyes turned to the sweet treats in front of her at the moment. Her candy cane was between her teeth, and then she went into the sweets shop. Taking a bunch of candy, she looked at the cashier, and opened a portal right under the mans feet, sending him to her world. Satisfied with her work, she walked out of the store, chewing on her new treats, before then seeing the man who had spoken some gibberish earlier have a gun,"Oh, seems that I've been found out..."

With a smirk, the girl threw her treats at the Nova 4, and, with her anti gravitational abilities, climbed up the shop building, and began to run away from the scene of the crime by the roofs,"You'll never catch me alive sucker!" She said, before she ran off.

Last edited by Sezumie; 06-05-2011 at 03:18 AM..

Most shy away from conflict. I e...
Andraus is offline
Old 06-05-2011, 02:27 AM

[You made a Small Error there. That is not Nova 6 thats nova 4, and From what I posted before The other Novas were already looking for you.]

Sezumie is offline
Old 06-05-2011, 03:13 AM

((:0 oh! I see, *smacks forehead* sorry!! I'm very easily confused >.<))


((:D It has been fixed!))

Guess who's back~ For those who ...
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Old 06-05-2011, 03:57 AM

Rogue listened to Mikita talk and say things that she hadn't heard anyone say in a long time. "That is sweet to say Nikita and I long dream of seeing my family again. But I can not do that. My family has accepted my death a long time and I can't return to them. It is my fate to be a Shikabane Hime, just as it was your fate to be human again. I am a Shikabane Hime and I am proud to be one. But I have a question for you, what if I become human again and I die and become an evil shikabane, would you kill me?" she asked as her blonde horn-shaped hair moved side to side. Rogue continued with her thought, "And i also believe that I don't wish to die again, the first time was so painful the second is bound to be worse. It's better to meet the Grim Reaper once and not twice." she said crossing her legs again.

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Old 06-05-2011, 04:24 AM

Standing there quietly still waiting for the male and princess to finish talking with one another; Kuro simply kept opening and closing the watch on the chain in the glove palm of his hand over and over. He wanted and needed to do something other than stand there and listen to all of this, not to mention part of him didn't want to think about the fact that he truly was dead. But no matter what he did to try and prevent it; the fact was there and it basically said in bold letters themselves that he was dead. Finally closing the watch one final time after hearing that the princess didn't wish to die a second time along with how she asked the other male if she were to die again if the other male would kill her if she were to be brought back as an evil shikabane. Without a single word, he knew that there was no way he was going to be able to block out those words; so rather he just slipped the watch into his pocket and waited for his time to ask the young princess for his own questions. He had no intentions of meeting his own parents anyway; there was no reason behind why he would want to see them again only to know that his father wouldn't treat him differently at all.

Sebastian at this point was actually sitting inside the hideout of his group of assassins. The hideout itself was actually underground although instead of it having a bunch of assassin members in there ready to be given orders, it was completely empty due to them mostly all out doing jobs that Sebastian had already assigned them to do. There were multiple hideouts throughout the world for the group of assassins that he had created, although the one he was in at this point was actually in the city of Shikabanes. The only reason he knew about this place was thanks to one of his follows had found out about this strange place and decided to tell him since it seemed rather interesting. Sebastian was all too aware about what Shikabanes were and about the Shikabane Himes; knowing there were both good and bad types. The main reason he was here however, was mostly to find out some information and possibility help take out the evil shikabane so that they don't cause too much trouble for the human race. So simply grabbing onto his katana, he stepped right outside of the underground hideout and began to make his way throughout the city quickly and quietly.

Most shy away from conflict. I e...
Andraus is offline
Old 06-05-2011, 04:36 AM

"Das kleine Hündin ...... Nova 3, Nova 1, das Target begann zu fliehen. Lass sie nicht!" He spoke in his Comm link. "Roger rằng 5, Nova Air hỗ trợ trong nước." Nova 3 spoke. He and Nova 1 then Entered a Russian Hind, and began to move towards Shikabane City for Air support.

"It might be impossible for you to understand, but to regain life again is a feeling Everyone would regret to feel.......To Regain your life from the Life of a Shikabane, you must Either forgive yourself of your Regrets, or to get Revenge on the one who caused your Death."he told her, now shifting the subject a bit." Nova 5 Died in a Vorkuta, a russian labor camp, because he was Betrayed by his own Squad. it took him 3 years to hunt them down but after that he was given a Second chance at life."

[just for Quick Translation. The first one is "That little bitch...... Nova 3, Nova 1 The target has begun to flee, Do not let her." and the Second " Roger that 5 Nova Air support is inbound"

Last edited by Andraus; 06-05-2011 at 04:40 AM..

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Old 06-05-2011, 05:07 AM

Immediately hearing the next thing that the male had ended up saying; about how there was a way to come back to life as a human. Kuro's own eyes widened right up as he stared toward the young male in a bit of more interest at this point. There seemed to be two ways for him to become human once more, one seemed to be to forgive oneself of his own regrets for dying. Which for Kuro was going to be almost way too much for him to handle which would probably cause him to go mad. Or the second decision was to kill the one who caused his own death. Which in this case, was Kuro's own father. True, he basically despised his own father with a horrible passion enough to the point that he wanted to get revenge and become human again; but another part of him held him back from that due to knowing that if he had done that. His mother would be devastated even if she learned the truth. There seemed almost like there was no way out of this, so instead of saying anything; he stayed quiet and began to think if it was worth it to become human again. If he were to become human, would that really get rid of his loneliness in his life? Becoming human again would simply mean he would become fragile to the possible chance of dying once more one day anyway. So maybe being the undead wasn't such a bad thing, but yet; the still didn't change he would be lonely anyway.

Sebastian had ended up walking around Shikabane city noticing how it was rather quiet in the section he was walking in. The area was rather peaceful so he wasn't really too sure how this place could be so dangerous to hold such beings as evil shikabanes. Although most of the buildings did seem abandoned, so there had to be a good reason behind that why they were like that. So instead of walking in the empty open like an idiot; Sebastian decided to go into one of the old buildings. Instead were a couple of chairs and tables around with a large counter on the side. It almost looked like some kind of old abandoned bar, as everything in the room was covered in dust. "Hmm...strange.." he whispered to himself, walking right into the middle of the room; Sebastian stopped right there and placed a hand right onto the hilt of his katana. "No very secretive...are we?" he spoke once more unsheathing the katana only slightly as a large deformed beast jumped out from the shadows to attack him from behind. Without a single moment's notice, he immediately turned right around on his heel and sliced the beast in half sheathing his katana right back and letting the blood of the beast pour onto the ground. Staring down at the beast, Sebastian noticed how it looked almost slightly human as he tilted his head curiously to it. "So there are evil Shikabane..around here..after all."

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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Old 06-05-2011, 05:31 AM

Maiara moved swiftly down the street towards the house that belonged to Princess Rogue. She had been out most of the day hunting evil shikabane and was tired, but she couldn’t rest before reporting in. Once she reached the house, she quietly let herself in. Gore was standing near the doorway when she entered, giving him a nod she asked, “is the princess in?” Upon hearing voices in the other room she didn’t wait for an answer, going ahead into the room. Her crimson eyes scanned the room, seeing there were two men with the princess. She stayed quiet and moved to lean back against the wall to wait. Ever since becoming a shikabane she preferred to be alone and was uncomfortable around people she didn’t know.

Most shy away from conflict. I e...
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Old 06-05-2011, 05:42 AM

"That was impressive Combat American." Came a Romanian voice. Nova 2 was leaning against the door way "You went and did my job right for me, I thank you for that." He told him, grinning.


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