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It's 11PM, do you know where you...
Hresvelgr is offline
Old 06-04-2011, 01:23 AM

Theme Song:
Poets of the Fall - Dreaming Wide Awake
Psychometry. Ability to relate details about the past or future condition of an object, person or location, usually by being in close contact with it.
Plus something hidden for later....
Raven was born to the richest family in a village. Sadly enough they were also the most hated. Her family was known for not helping the poor. In fact, they destroyed the poor. They owned hundreds of thousands of farmland. They sold at a high price. The family was allowed though because they had the best est most juiciest fruits and vegetables in a long area. Workers were paid the minimum for the maximum amount of work. Raven 's parents were an old couple. For years they tired for a child. And so on her mother's fifty-ninth birthday she became pregnant with the girl. Her father wasn't happy at all when Raven was born a girl. She was an heiress none the less. They couldn't have any more children after that. Her mother was all dried up. In the middle of one fateful night, Raven was taken from her home. The workers had had enough. Their families were starving, and needed more money. So the exchange was; money, or their daughter. Guess which they choose? Now Raven has been in the house for almost eleven years. She is the oldest in the house.
Appearance: [X] [X] [X]
Secret: Raven is the eyes of the witch. Whenever her eyes turn red, the witch is watching.
User name: BLACKllASH

Name: Kellen
Age: 6
Race: Vampire
Theme Song: Nine Inch Nails- Something I Can Never Have
Power: He can attack minds.
Biography: Kellen was born to a couple who served the highest noble's in town. his father although was found killed, left in a ditch. It strangely was just after he spoke up against the head of the house. Calling him on how unfair he was being to the people of the village. It left him with only his mother, how stilled worked in the home as a house cleaner. Kellen himself was out to work at a very young age. From sunrise to sunset he would work. When they found his father, they said he must have simply fallen from the trail. hitting his head, and snapping his neck. Kellen knew better though. There was far too much blood. He was murdered. Kellen for years did not forgive the old couple. In fact he knew about the kidnapping of their daughter because he was the one who unlocked the door that night. It was for many years later he was given to the witch after his mother died of sickness. The old couple did not want to deal with an orphan. Kellen tends to keep completely to himself. Although completely secret to everyone in the house, him and Raven have gotten into many fights. He hates the oldest girl. For what reason, he does not know. He just knows it is her fault.
Appearance: [X] [X]
Secret: Kellen attacks Raven at night very frequently. He honestly simply does not want her around.
User name: BLACKllASH


Dark elf
Theme Song:
Eternal Memories of Light and Wave
Empathy, able to pick up how others are feeling at an instant.
Liam was born to a very small family with his older twin brother. Their parents passed away at a young age, leaving the two to fend for themselves. Within a few short years the two became a complete hassle for the Village. They stole, they were clumsy, and constantly got in trouble. Although no one ever out stretched a hand to help them. The year came when they accidentally burned down a storage house. Liam's older brother was then chosen to go to the witch. Leaving Liam alone for a few years. He became a simple beggar on the streets. Still stealing to survive. It was then the villagers had enough, sending him away also. In the house, Liam plays music. Often on the piano in the living room. He is quiet good.
Appearance: [X] [X] [X]
Secret: Liam is absolutely afraid of fire.
User name: BLACKllASH

Last edited by Hresvelgr; 06-05-2011 at 04:55 PM..

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 06-04-2011, 12:07 PM

Age: 10
Race: Dark Elf
Theme Song: on/off Theme song VampireKnight
power: telepathic can cause pain with a thought or a touch of his hand. Can manipulate shadows for a very short period.
Biography: Daichi or Chi as most called him was board to a very small family. He was the older twin to his dear little brother Liam. Once his parents passed away it was up to him to help provide for his dear twin as they where left alone in the world to raise themselves. They stole and did many things to sham them selves making them targets for the villagers who where feed up with them. Instead of helping the pair the villagers turned their back to them an shun them never offering any kindness their way. On one of their nights they where out to steal some food Lima had accidentally knocked over a lantern and set the storage house they where in on fire. The fire blazed and Chi barley made it out with Lima. Only adding to his brothers fear of fire. That year he was chosen to be offered up to the witch not that he wanted it to be him or his brother. Since that year he has lived with the other dolls here and has gained a reputation around the house as being the fighter and protector of the house from any villagers that dare to come near. He can be found in the library or the kitchen most days. Stay clear of both if you like any of your parts. He can at times have a nasty mood.


Secret: Chi only likes the older dolls and only show respect to the ones threw age eight. He dose have a heart and some strange need to protect the age 3 doll. For some strange reason he hates fire with a passion and those who yell even more so. You can find him in the kitchen most days cooking or trying to. If you get to close he might just show you his skills with his katana.
User name: Lady Chello

Theme Song:
Linkin Park - Numb
Telekinesis is her gift. She is unable to to pick any human up or doll. But she can lift knifes and other things such as that and she can lock doors more than handy.
Phoenix was the life of her warrior family. Her father a great samurai of the village and her mother a loved healer. Her small family had many things and wealth but her brothers lust for the finer women lead to her family's dishonor and fall. To save the village after her fathers sudden death and the massacre of her family by the villagers enraged at her brother for raping so many of the village women Phoenix was beaten and left for dead. Eight years later and look who is still around and living.
Phoenix is the hand of the witch. If her eyes turn bright blue then you know the witch is a play with her doll.
User name:
Lady Chello

Theme Song:
Linkin Park - Numb
Is a master of the dark arts and knows all the ins and outs of the magical trade. White magic however is her weakness she can't stand anything that is bright and fluffy and would make you feel warm and fuzzy on the inside.
Luna was and is the strongest witch to every grace the dirt of the village that she was chosen to call home. She was raised as royalty as was expected by her and her family anything less was unacceptable. She spent her life being a beautiful living master piece of art using her charms and spells to lure any unexpected soul into her traps. At her family height she was the most prized possession in all the land.It was said that one night she went to the waters to enjoy her bath when a group of villagers attacked her and left her for the witch after having their fun with her. The last words she uttered was one day all their blood lines would pay.
Luna is no puppet and has a rather dark side. She cares not for others and will get what she wants no matter what it takes.
User name:
Lady Chello

Last edited by Lady Chello; 06-16-2011 at 11:32 PM..

It's 11PM, do you know where you...
Hresvelgr is offline
Old 06-04-2011, 10:03 PM

Raven for a majority of her afternoon was spend in the library of the house. Earlier in the day she had made breakfast for all of the dolls, chatted with everyone for a short while before finding her way upstairs. There was a small fight with Chi during her cooking process when she was making a mess of the kitchen. In truth she did clean everything up, maybe not to his liking, but it was clean. The two always fought like that. Normally it was raven doing something wrong, Chi didn't like it and sometimes would insult her, Raven would argue back against him, and then they went their separate ways for a couple of hours. Although this time he did have a point. Raven had been sick threw out the past week. Well, not sick with a high fever and bedridden, but her sleeping schedule did escalate. It was strange being a doll, they were more like little people than real dolls. They had real hair, real appetites, and even real emotions. Their skin felt a bit weird, harder, but still perfect and smooth. Plus they had all of the needed parts some of the more... not PG-13 books told about. But Whenever dolls did find themselves sick, they slept a lot more, or simply acted funny.

She sat on the window seat that traced the grand windows of the library. Feet were up as she leaned back into a pillow. Taking a nap with a book face down against her chest. Her boot of coarse were on the floor beside her, and her hat holding them together on top. It was silent in the large room, although in the background light piano music played. Her chest rose and fell slowly as she was locked in the dream world. Anyone could have come in, and Raven might have not woken up right away.


Liam had been downstairs for the duration of everything. Only really starting to play on his piano a few minutes ago. Although he had stayed out of the kitchen completely that morning after hearing Chi and Raven argue. Only going in there to get a bit of food then running like a squirrel. His hands danced along the keys of the piano. Although honestly he was completely tuning out the world as he played a very generic beat he had made up. Suddenly Liam stopped, hearing some footsteps behind him. Although it wasn't Kellen interrupting him, instead his hands hit the keys as he started to play another song. Something with words as he rarely did. Too many around most of the time. But it flowed completely, and worked out. Even though it was his first time ever playing the song. He had to have been drawing a crowd by now. His voice carried threw the air like the song of a bird. Completely lost in his own thoughts at the same time.

When his song got to the chorus his voice even started to lift a bit with intensity in what he was singing. But did Liam truly know what, or from how the song was going, who he was singing about? For the normally quiet doll where had the song even come from? Just as quietly as it started, the song was over and Liam went back to playing his generic piano beats. Practicing really. Not realizing how many of the dolls were standing behind him.

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 06-04-2011, 11:45 PM

Chi cursed as he cleaned up the kitchen yet again after Ravens magnificence little performance. "Sick as a dog and decides to make food and infect the rest of the house. Stupid woman." He said as he cleaned using bleach as he went. He did a flip as he found himself flying threw the air as he landed on the other side of the kitchen on the granite counter top. He rolled his eyes as he heard Liam play. It was not that he was up set with the boy just he didn't want to be cheerful at this time. He finished bleaching the kitchen and spent several grilling hours making a soup. He shook his head as he ladled out a bowl of soup and rolled his eyes knowing that he was going to be pissed with Raven if he had to deal with here again. He rolled his eyes and leaped from the counter after clean up his mess heading for the hall way. He was about yell for Phoenix when he saw her from the hall way peering at Liam as he played hidden to most. He shook his head as he walked to the door frame and stared up at her on the little alcove she sat on watching the other doll. "So are you going to tell him you love him anytime soon." He said as he looked at the doll as he played.

Phoenix hide high above the others in the house. She peered down at Liam as he played knowing how he felt about others watching him as he played. She couldn't help her self she loved hearing his songs and after this morning she needed something to keep her mind off the drama that had unfolded this morning. She said there as she felt bad for Raven and could only shake her head as she thought of her and Chi. They really where a pair of cards. Raven was a bit stand offish to most but phoenix knew her better than the others and even Chi. Her eyes widen as she heard Liam's last song. She smiled as she lessen to it. She about feel from her spot as she heard Chi. She knew none of the other dolls had heard him and was thankful for it. She stared at him as her voice echoed threw his mind. "How dare you Chi. Mind your own business you get in enough trouble don't you? Are you going to make a cake for the others chocolate is the flavor of the day. I would like a cup cake if you have time. I will go take the soup to Raven and give her your regards." She said as she leaped from the door frame She floated up the stairs and landed at the top of them as she turned as the bowl of soup floated along behind her. She walked to the library door and stared at it as the door creaked open. She gently placed the bowl beside Raven as she stayed out side and let the door shut not wanting to disturb her.

It's 11PM, do you know where you...
Hresvelgr is offline
Old 06-05-2011, 05:25 PM

After a few precious moments, Liam finally stopped his playing all together. Smelling the wonderful aroma of soup from the kitchen. Knowing Chi probably mainly made it for Raven. The women had been sleeping more often recently. Although honestly no one was entirely sure why. A new doll had showed up a few days ago in the house, and the Witch introduced him threw Raven. Which the witch taking her over normally gave her a headache. This time she seemed physically weakened. It was very weird. Although Phoenix and Chi seemed to think nothing of it. So Liam was not as worried as he could have been. He got up from the piano bench, stretching his sore back. Maybe limiting his time sitting would help that. He noticed Chi and Phoenix whispering to each other before they went their separate ways. Liam had to wonder how long Chi would be furious with Raven this time. It was already past noon and they hadn't spoken just yet. Nor had Liam even scene Her. Off sleeping somewhere maybe.

Liam headed into the kitchen. Finding the large pot with soup easily as it was still on the stove. "Ooo, yum." He said to himself. Grabbing a bowl and ladling out a good amount before taking a seat at the table.

Kellen came into the kitchen just as Liam sat down. Liam glanced up from his bowl of soup towards the scary doll. Kellen honestly freaked Liam out. Even being in the room with him at that moment was sending shivers up his spine. The doll was an obvious vampire. Which at first knowing that was not so bad. They were all different races for the most part. But there were rumors that Kellen actually had to feed. Not that Liam had ever scene him, but Chi flat out hated Kellen. more than Liam had even scene Chi hate anyone. Which was reason to be wary.

"After noon Liam."
Kellen greeted after a long silence. His voice was very slow, and mischievous. He had a short grin on his face towards the other doll, which again sent shivers up Liam's back.

"Ah- Hi Kellen." Liam spoke, not taking his eye off of the doll. Kellen had the aroma of being proud of himself. Almost self satisfaction. Why was that?


Raven stayed in her place, slowly waking when she heard the door shut. Her head sent waves of flushing pain threw the back of her head. Her hand went there, rubbing the spot. Knowing right away what had happened. "Damnit Kellen." She whispered to herself as quietly to herself, Other short curses lifted from her lips as she moved about, sitting up. How long had she been sleeping? Since right after breakfast she went to the library after cleaning, started to read a book she had read threw over and over. Picking it off of her chest, Raven looked down reading the chapter one title. There was a bowl next to her filled with soup. Her gaze then shifted towards the door, knowing right away Phoenix had brought it to her. Another burst of pain went threw her body suddenly.

"how is my little bird?" She heard a cackle in her head. "Hello Mother.. I am.. well enough" Raven said outloud, still very groggy. Holding both sides of her head and leaning down so her face was hidden in her legs. She rocked back and forth listening to the old soothing voice of the witch within her mind. after a few minutes everything was quiet and she lifted the bowl and started to eat it. Making a mental note to find Chi. If he did not find her first that was.

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 06-05-2011, 07:53 PM

Phoenix felt pain enter her head as she fell to the floor rolling down the stairs landing on her stomach in a ball as tears streamed down her eyes from the pain she felt. It was not her own pain it was Ravens she knew as she laid there unable to move for the time being. She hated her powers more than any of the dolls other than Raven she knew. When the others felt pain so did she even if she tried to block them out it never failed she felt their pain. She closed her eyes as she heard the evil voice that made her want hide come from the kitchen. She curled up where she was and didn't dare to move just yet. The pain was only getting worse half of it from Raven's pain and the other from hers due to the presence of the new doll. The doll made her sick when ever he was near she became weak and unable to moved or respond to anyone. She hopped that Chi would find her and take her away from the kitchen to her own room where the other doll couldn't find her. Though she figured Chi would be still enraged and miss her on his way back to the kitchen.

Chi entered the kitchen as he gave a faint smile to Liam. The smile was short lived as he saw the dark figure appear in the kitchen shortly after he did. "It will get a wonderful day as soon as the witch uses you for a scare crow out in the yard for the birds to pick out your eyes." He said as he appeared behind Kellen. He glared at him as he felt his temper rise again. He had forgot about Raven as he glared at the doll. "How would you like your soup in your face or down your throat?' He said hoping to get his message across to Kellen once and for all. "Come near one of them and your head will rest on the mantel. The witch may like you but I sure as hell don't. You dare touch Raven and I promise you that old hag want be able to stop me from ripping you apart. Go back to the dark hole you slithered out of." He said in more of a growl as his eyes had a faint red glow to them as he spoke. He turned his head as he heard something fall down his stairs along with a faint soft voice. "Dame It." He said as he picked Kellen up by the collar and stared right into his eyes. "Do anything to Liam till I get back and you will regret it. Raven is already in a bitchy move I dare you to mess with her." He said as he released Kellen and turned heading back the way he came wondering what the sound was.

It's 11PM, do you know where you...
Hresvelgr is offline
Old 06-05-2011, 08:39 PM

Raven shot herself up, standing right to her feet. Raven had a mysterious way of knowing what was going on in the house at all times. Instinctively she started towards the door, ignoring the fact she had no shoes on, or even her hat as she went down the stairs, finding Phoenix had slipped and fallen. Probably from feeling the pain Raven was still in. Although Raven completely ignored her own feelings for just a minute while she went to the side of her friend, and even adopted sister. Raven kneeled down next to Phoenix. Checking her over for any broken parts, bleeding limbs. Anything out of the sort. Raven did find a new gash on the top of her head. Nothing too serious, but it probably would hurt like hell. "Phoe, are you awake?" Raven asked. Careful not to move her just yet. "Chi, get me a towel or something. Phoe fell." She told him, seeing him round the corner from the kitchen. Carefully Raven moved Phoenix so she at least was laying on her back. How Raven had gotten to phoenix from the third floor was a mystery.


Liam watched as Chi came into the kitchen. Threatening Kellen to leave the room or else. No no.. Chi definitely did not like Kellen. Not in the least bit. Liam quietly ate his soup. Trying to make himself unnoticed by the two, until he heard the crash. But even before Liam could get up, he heard Raven down the hall. Liam himself went into a drawer, taking out a kitchen towel and tossing it to Chi.


Kellen simply grinned as Chi threatened him. "I don't need you to like me. In fact, I could care less." He said with a small chuckle as Chi took hold of his collar. Kellen did not release the smug look on his face. "From where I came.. you mean where I just came from?... the Library? Ah yes, I did see your bird girl sleeping there soundly. Cute thing she is. Not the flaming hot head of coarse." Kellen said knowing this simple statement may get his head smashed against the counter. But for the satisfaction of pissing Chi off, it was worth it. Hearing the crash did not even phase Kellen. In fact he even went so far as to chuckle again. But did not continue what he was about to say. Mainly for fear of Liam standing a ways behind him. Kellen had a very bad habit of mentioning Chi's relationship with Raven around others. Even if it was false.. to a point. Although the vampire doll did enjoy throwing in a few vulgar things every now and again. Just to see Chi's reaction. He even got Chi to turn four different shades of red once. Maybe it was mostly from anger.

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 06-05-2011, 10:28 PM

Chi ignored Kallen as he heard Raven. He burst pasted the vampire doll sending him to the ground as he did so. He brushed right passed him doing a front flip as he landed on the edge of the sink. He quickly ran from sink as he ran to the draw where he kept all the rags. He pulled out his katana as he quickly whipped around rehashing his place as it slammed in the space between the door of the draw and Cabinet. He quickly slammed the sword forward as the draw flew out at a surprising speed. He quickly drew one of the large rags from the draw using his sword slightly stabbing it cutting threw it. He wasn't in the mood at this point to complain about what he had done. He quickly rushed to the sink placing his sword away as he wadded up the large cloth and held it out over the sink in the middle as he quickly kicked the knob turning the water on. He rung as much of the water out as he could before kicked the knob off. "Liam get some bandages or maybe the whole medical kit. Kallen got to hell." He said in a harsh voice as he leaped across the room landing on his feet as he ran at full speed down the hall.

He stopped beside Raven as he held out the cloth for her. He looked over over then froze as he saw Phoenix. "What happen? Phoenix..." He knelt down as he saw her head and gently patted her wound to her head as she laid there. "Dame it I should have just faced you then this wouldn't have happen. If you weren't so stubborn and lessen to me we wouldn't have all these fights and Phoenix wouldn't be here. I am sorry you just vex me some times Raven. I love you I do but you should have been in bed sleeping this morning not in the kitchen cooking. I don't mind you cooking I mind it when you are being stupid and it is going to hurt you. I care about you and why you can't care about your self I don't know. Lets get her up to her room before I kill Kellen and then you have a reason to kill me besides me just being me."

It's 11PM, do you know where you...
Hresvelgr is offline
Old 06-06-2011, 03:00 AM

Raven listened to everything Chi said to her while Liam brought the first aid kit. Raven quickly put a large bandage over Phoenix's open wound after cleaning it up and making sure no hairs would be caught in it. Not mentioning the hole in it of coarse. In fact, Raven did not say much of anything at all to Chi. She was not mad at him, not at all. He was right, as he usually was. Not that it made Raven very happy, but still. "I love you too Chi. Thank you for the soup." She said quietly, helping him lift Phoenix into his arms while Raven gathered the first aid kit and anything else they would need. Liam came back with a glass of water also, knowing it was going to be another thing she asked him for. Following Chi upstairs, Raven opened the door to Phoenix's room and pulled the blankets from her made bed aside so Chi could set the women down. Once Phoenix was laying down, Raven took her shoes off for her, and got her friend settled in.

"I'm sorry Chi.. But you know how I hate staying in one place for too long. I woke up and felt fine this morning compared to the past few days. So I thought I would move about a bit. Cooking, yes a bad idea. But I wasn't contagious. It was my normal head sickness." Raven said quietly to him. Trying not to speak loudly in case Phoenix's head was killing her. Raven was positive she was going to be out for a short while at least. But she would be alright. Raven's powers over the past few years had grown compared to others in the house. Just as Chi's swordsmanship. Or Phoenix's control over her powers. Raven had to guess it was something to do with the witch. Connecting with her over the years had to do something. Power sharing maybe. It was to the point now where Raven knew where everyone was, what they were doing, and where they had been. Very creepy, and honestly she wished she could turn it off or stop it like Phoenix. But anywhere Raven went in the house her mind was overloaded with what everything had been threw. Every object, room, person... Sometimes it was just too much, and that was when she got sick.

"We should let her rest for a little while." Raven said to him after pulling the blankets up on top of Phoenix.

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 06-07-2011, 02:05 AM

Chi picked Phoenix up as he gave a nod. He then carried up her up the stairs and placed her down as he gently stroked her cheek. He looked to Raven as he gave her a faint grin. "Get off your high horse woman. Come on let me help you to bed. If you are nice I might read to you or make you some cookies. You are stubborn I know." He said as he smiled at her then looked back to Phoenix. "Come on lets let her rest. To bed with you my dear." He said as he open the door.

Phoenix laid there as she relaxed slightly. She felt at peace knowing she was back in her own room now as she felt the warm sunlight as she laid there. She tried to open her eyes but couldn't yet. She heard some sounds and wondered who was there. The fear vanished as she felt the touch of Raven and then Chi she was safe now. She tried to wake but found herself forced into some type of sleep that rendered her useless.

It's 11PM, do you know where you...
Hresvelgr is offline
Old 06-07-2011, 02:23 AM

Raven held off saying anything more until they were outside of her room. She then realized she did not have her prized top hat, or signature boots that clicked as she walked down the halls. They were still in the library. But it wasn't like she would need them to rest. "I'm going, I'm going.." Raven said to him with a small laugh. Heading next door to her room. "Come come Daichi, I'm going to make you read me something from my personal collection." Well.. it had been nice of her to patch Phoenix up. That had to count for her nice points of the day.. right? Eh, close enough. Raven headed into her small room. Which really was more like a walk in closet size than anything. Why she had that room was a mystery. But Raven did not seem to mind. The only problem was the only place to sit was the bed. Or the floor. Chi knew he could sit wherever e wanted though.

Raven went to her book shelf, which was lined with books of all sizes. Some were from the Library upstairs, while most others were her own given to her by the witch. She sat down on the floor, reading over the titles. Before pulling one book out. The title along the top read Robin Hood. It was from her personal collection, so the library probably even did not have it. Or at least the old version she owned. "Have you read this story?" Raven asked Chi. Not remembering if she had loaned it to him in the past or not. She held it out for him to take before getting up off the floor and sitting on her bed, patting the place next to her.

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 06-08-2011, 12:05 AM

Chi smiled as he took the book then joined her on the bed. He shook his head as he opened it to the first page rolling his eyes. "Excuses Excuses, I have read it before we have read this one together so long I am sure we could both enact the parts to perfection. But if this is what the lady wants it is what she gets. Just because you vex me and make me wish I could kill you some times doesn't mean I stopped loving you Raven. The problem is I care to much for you and you don't seem to care about yourself. If I could figure out how to murder the witch and free...just know I would kill her to stop your pain." He said as he looked to her being serious for a moment as he stared deep into her eyes his real feelings for her showing for a moment.

He then looked back to the book as he began to read in his narrator voice that seemed to bring the words to life. As he read everything in the book could be imaged easy with his tone that he used. He didn't stop reading till he was half way threw the book and turned looking to see if Raven was asleep yet and if he needed to tuck her in.

It's 11PM, do you know where you...
Hresvelgr is offline
Old 06-08-2011, 02:29 AM

Raven took the seat on her bed. Bringing her feet up to sit cross legged. Her jacket had found its way off of her body and onto a coat rack by the door, and she worked on rolling her sleeves up to her elbows. Zonning out from the room for a couple of seconds. "You have been saying that for five or so years. This year has been particularly bad. The younger dolls are loosing their connection, and are scared. I feel I need to be around. Part of me knows I do not need to, while the other parts is rushing down the stairs to fix a bleeding wound." Raven said to him, thinking out loud again as she did often. She put herself in the role of a motherly type. Wanting to take care of everyone, and going out of her own way to do so. It could have come from her real life age by then. Outside of the doll house Raven would be about eighteen or nineteen by then. Not that she could remember.

Raven settled herself down, pausing, then leaning up to pull Chi down with her to lay down. A move she did rarely, but her grip would not allow him to go for a while. Her head rested under his arm and on his chest while her arms held tight to Chi for dear life. Gripping the fabric of his shirt while he read to her. Probably not the position Chi wanted to be in with Raven while she was sick. Not that he had much of a choice. After a long while Chi stopped reading, pausing probably to look down at her. Raven had her eyes closed and was relaxing. Not entirely sleeping while everyone moved about the house. Going about their business. "I wish I could turn it off like Phoenix.." Raven muttered to Chi. Burying her face in his shirt. She knew Chi could read her mind with ease, he could not see everything she saw since the witch blocked most of her mind to even him. But if he did read her mind, he usually could see what was going on in the house.

It took her a few minutes to finally release his fabric, pulling her hand back. "I'm sorry Daichi.. I should take better care of myself.. It's funny, I take care of everyone and you take care of me. Its like a circle." She said with a short laugh.

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 06-08-2011, 02:39 AM

Chi smiled as he felt Raven pull him down. He gently moved his fingers threw his hair as he heard her and tried to see her thoughts. "You always hide from me the things that truly bother you my little Raven. If I could help you I would you know Phoenix would as well. We are our own family in our own rights. I love you my little Raven." He whispered in her ear as he leaned down and kissed her fore head pulling her to him as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled the covers up. "Get some sleep my little raven. I promise to be here when you wake. Do you wish for me to read more?"

It's 11PM, do you know where you...
Hresvelgr is offline
Old 06-08-2011, 05:24 PM

"I do not wish to overload your mind.. like last time." Raven said to Chi in her groggy state. Much had happened in the year the two lived with just the two of them. They did fight just as they do now, but since it was only the two of them they were quick to make up. There was one day Raven was taking a nap in the living room on the couch, and was having a nightmare. She woke up Chi holding his head on his knees. Raven had been by his side, and all Chi wanted to tell her was, 'I wanted to see what was giving you nightmares..' Or something along those lines. Since then Raven was very careful around him. Not wishing to hurt him again. Even though it had been many years since then and their powers had both grown. She fell asleep as he pulled the covers over the both of them, unable to answer his last question.

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 06-08-2011, 10:31 PM

Chi smiled as he heard her. He gently kissed the top of her head as she slept there in his arms. He longed to take her pain away and maybe now he could at lest some of it. He knew she wouldn't let him willingly after last time. Though his powers had grown since last time. He smiled as he felt her resting against him where she belonged. He had made a vow to never leave her and he meant it. They had been threw much for him to just leave her. Some would say they acted like a married couple and he had to agree. Sometimes she drove him up the wall but even then he was and always would be truthful to her.

Phoenix tossed and turned as she hears the witches voice. She didn't know what it said but she knew it was the witch. She hated having these types of days. Now she would be stuck in her body unable to respond till her powers released her from the strange trance like world they sent her to every time something happen or she over did it. She stared at herself in the floating mirrors that filled her strange world. She wore the same beautiful kimono as before her hair much longer this time still the child figure remained as she gazed at herself. This was the real girl and not the doll. This much she knew since the day the witch made her the doll she knew herself to be.


Chi smiled as he heard her. He gently kissed the top of her head as she slept there in his arms. He longed to take her pain away and maybe now he could at lest some of it. He knew she wouldn't let him willingly after last time. Though his powers had grown since last time. He smiled as he felt her resting against him where she belonged. He had made a vow to never leave her and he meant it. They had been threw much for him to just leave her. Some would say they acted like a married couple and he had to agree. Sometimes she drove him up the wall but even then he was and always would be truthful to her.

Phoenix tossed and turned as she hears the witches voice. She didn't know what it said but she knew it was the witch. She hated having these types of days. Now she would be stuck in her body unable to respond till her powers released her from the strange trance like world they sent her to every time something happen or she over did it. She stared at herself in the floating mirrors that filled her strange world. She wore the same beautiful kimono as before her hair much longer this time still the child figure remained as she gazed at herself. This was the real girl and not the doll. This much she knew since the day the witch made her the doll she knew herself to be.

It's 11PM, do you know where you...
Hresvelgr is offline
Old 06-08-2011, 10:59 PM

It had been sometime later, Raven slept soundly as the dream played in her mind. She was a little girl in a child size summer kimono. It was bright yellow, which went well with her brown eyes and dark hair. She was playing in a court yard with a ball. By herself, when suddenly someone called to her. Not that Raven knew what they were saying, just knew someone was calling for her. She turned, seeing a dark forest, and her ball sitting at the edge. The little girl ran towards it when suddenly.. *CRASH*

Raven jumped up, sitting up on the bed startled. She looked down at Chi before looking towards her door. "I swear something just broke." She said almost questioning herself.


Liam rushed to pick up the glass pieces of the dishes he had just dropped. It had been sitting on the top shelf in the cabinet, just out of reach for Liam. So, deciding not to bother anyone, he climbed onto the counter to pull it down. Bringing down pretty much everything else in the cabinet with it. Only to fall on his head and the floor.

Kellen walked into the kitchen along with a few of the other dolls. "Oh, you are in trouble." He said in the mocking tone before disappearing before Raven or Chi could make it there.


Raven laid back down as her eyes searched the ceiling, as if she were looking for something. "Liam just dropped a few dishes. Phoenix is having dream. Kellen is walking back downstairs..." Her list went on as she check over everyone within her head, before glaning up to Chi, "Daichi is right where I left him." Raven said to herself. Calming herself down almost as she reached up and kissed his cheek.


Liam, once everything was cleaned up, ladled out a bowl of soup from earlier, deciding to bring a bowl to Phoenix. He was not sure if she was awake or not just yet, but it was worth a shot after all. He hummed a little tune as he went along. Gathering everything on a tray.

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 06-08-2011, 11:22 PM

Chi smiled and returned her kiss as he stared at her. He had long stopped freaking out when she just poped up and started shouting things. He chuckled as he gave a nod. "Looks like I'll have to scare the blacksmith again and his wife to get us some new dishes. Really I think one of the dolls should learn how to make dishes as many as we go threw. With your skills and Liam's this is the twentieth set this month. Oh and lets not forget about Phoenix when she get over loaded and how many dishes that get destroyed and other parts of the house. What do you want for desert?" He said as he pulled her back to him her back against his chest. He leaned down and kissed her neck as he let out a slight and low growl for just her wrapping his arms around her. "My little Raven." He whispered to her as he rested his chin on her shoulder. "We should find some one to claim Phoenix what about number 7 or 9? I would say 3 but Liam would never go for it. And I would kill Kallen if he even thought about you or her."

Phoenix stared at the little girl she saw she then looked to the other mirrors as she saw the other floating mirrors begin to gather showing her other children. There was a beautiful young girl in a beautiful kimono playing with a ball. It made her laugh she felt like she knew the girl. Another mirror passed as she saw a pair of twin boys they kind of reminded her of Liam and Chi. She turned as she saw the face and wanted to scream it was the witch. The mirror that held the face seemed to dance about her as if taught her she then stared at it as she watched the old woman turn into a beautiful geisha and then stared at the scene she saw. The woman hand crafted each doll first was Raven then Chi the work the beautiful woman put into each of them. It was that of the loving care of a mother. She screamed as she felt some one touch her and turned to she the woman there with her in the strange place that her powers seemed to lock her in. The witch stared at her as she smiled slightly telling her she was a good little child but had seen enough for today and it was time for her to go back.

The dishes slowly floated up and pieced themselves together as a red aura appeared around them. When it vanished they where good as new and floated back to their places. A light came from Phoenix's room as yet again her powers had grown this time a strange red mark appeared on her left wrist curtsy of the witch. A new power but at a price. She laid there as the pain began to fade her eyes opening slightly as she came around.

It's 11PM, do you know where you...
Hresvelgr is offline
Old 06-09-2011, 12:36 AM

Raven relaxed in his grip. Wondering how long she had fallen asleep that time. Although it did not cross her mind for very long as she sunk into the arms of Daichi. She remembered doing this so many times threw their years in the house. Even nights where Raven could not sleep she would sneak into his room and climb right into bed with him. Even after some of their worst fights where they wouldn't speak for an entire day, she would always go to him for comfort. "Desert.. I had not thought that far ahead. Chocolate cake maybe?" Raven said, always suggesting the same thing. As he held held her to his chest, Raven search for his hand under the sheets. Tangling their finger together and holding him. As she felt his lips meet her neck, Raven closed her eyes. "I like it when you do that Chi." She whispered to him, pressing herself more into his frame.

"She likes Liam. A lot." Raven said bluntly, even though it was completely obvious to everyone in the house. Liam was too shy, and Phoenix wasn't sure how to tell him. A smile grazed Raven face as she saw Liam preparing a tray of something. "Since Liam came, she seems calmed down in a way. Its hard to describe..."


Liam gathered everything together on the tray. A nice bowl of soup, a cup of fresh tea, and even a slice of bread and a flower from the living room plants. Liam was nervous, almost shaking in his shoes when the plates started to mend together. He watched in complete awe, blinking a few times deciding he was going crazy. Carefully he started to head upstairs with the tray in hands. Moving slowly so he wouldn't spill a thing. Liam walked past Raven's room to get to Phoenix's where in the crack of the door he could see Chi laying down with Raven. Then came a light from Phoenix's room. Walking slightly faster, and balancing the tray... he opened the door, Phoenix was just coming to. Liam carefully set the tray on a table she hand.

"Hey" He spoke softly with his melodic voice. Kneeling down next to her bed, not sure if he was allowed to sit. There was a chair across the room, but he did not need it. "How are you feeling Phoenix? Everyone was worried even though Raven said you would be up in an hour or so.. I brought you something to eat."

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 06-09-2011, 11:53 AM

Chi held her close as she let out a content sigh. He nuzzled her and smiled hearing her. "Yes now the only hot head is you. Ok to a extent me. She has calmed more than many could have dreamed. Though it is said to tame a savage beast music is the best method. I wonder how Liam feels for her. At times I wish I had phoenix's power or yours then others I am glad I dont. The witch uses you and at others Phoenix. She never uses anyone like she does you. You are her favorite I believe." He said as he peered down at her and kissed here neck again. He gently laced his hand with hers as he closed his eyes and let her feel how he truly felt about her. It had been years since he used his powers with her but this one time it couldn't hurt. He blocked out as much as he could of his feelings to be a guy and what he wanted to do letting her feel the love he had for her instead. "Maybe the others will find one another."

Phoenix stared at Liam as she giggled. "You can take a set here if you like. Thank you for the concern though if you don't get back to the living room your instruments may not be safe. I am well thank you." She said as she looked to the soup not wanting it at all. She had got to where she didn't want food near as much and right now the smell of it was starting to make her sick again. She closed her eyes as she felt her head starting to spin. "What did I do this time? All I remember was watching Liam from the alcove and Chi picking on me about it. I took Raven her soup then nothing." She said in a strange way as if she was talking to some one else who wasn't there. She slowly open her eyes again as the spinning stopped if for a short while realizing what she said. She looked to the soup and took the spoon taking a sip. She hopped he hadn't hard that slip and would not be around to hear others. Everyone said she was crazy and that could just prove their points.

It's 11PM, do you know where you...
Hresvelgr is offline
Old 06-09-2011, 07:23 PM

Raven turned her body so she could face him. Pressing her forehead against is forehead to look into his eyes for a few precious moments. Pausing before letting him inside of her mind. Although he would not be able to see most of it since the witch blocked most of her mind personalty. Mainly just the things Raven thought about, or was thinking at the second. The doll in front of her, she loved more than anyone in the house combined. Even though she had a funny way of showing it. "I am her first, I don't know about favorite." Raven said to him. Not sure herself. Even though it was obvious. Raven was probably created in the vision of a child the witch wished she had. Raven was studious, rarely spoke back to her, and submissive towards her control. Everything the witch could want. Raven did not have power though like Phoenix. But she did want want to linger on such thoughts. Daichi was in her bed after all and he was the only person on her mind right then.

Moving her head slightly, her lips grazed his lips before moving in closer to steal a kiss from him. Lips slowly parting to ask nicely for entry into his wonderful mouth while scooting herself even closer into his silhouette. Locking any space there could have been between them. Freeing a hand, she moved to slide it up the lining of his body towards his neck and playing with pieces of his hair. It then crept up towards his ear, stroking it sensually in a playful manner.


"You took a very nasty fall down the stairs. I think you just missed your footing. Raven and Chi were there first working together, which was a great think to see after this morning."
Liam told Phoenix, moving onto the bed to sit beside her. After bringing the try to her of coarse. Liam completely missed how the sight of food seemed to be making her sick. "There is a bandage on your head since you kind of fell face first into the wooden floor." Liam warned her. Noting how even with the slight obstruction she was still very beautiful. Liam read her emotions like a book. She was confused, angry, and even a bit saddened. "Might I ask what id bothering you?" Liam asked the fiery bird in a calm caring manner.

"My instruments can be fixed. I am not worried about them at all." He admitted to her. They were only objects after all. She, a living being, was far more important.

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 06-10-2011, 12:32 AM

Chi held her kiss and let out a soft growl as he felt her gentle touche. "You are being rather bad my little Raven." He said as he moved his hands down her side slowly. "Please don't be a tease." He said hoping she would behave before he went insane.
He kissed down her neck lovingly as he chuckled at her. "You are my weakness. Sad Kallen would be sick if he knew."

Phoenix looked at Liam as she put the soon down feeling sick from the little she had tried to eat. She gave him a faint smiled as gently touched her head and felt the bandage. "I am fine. Nothing is bothering me honestly. Just the strange dreams I have. I love your music I would hurt anyone who dared to harm your instruments." She said feeling rather cross as the idea of anyone daring to harm Liam or his interments. She looked him over as she found herself taken away by how handsome he was. She looked away at her room as she hung her head. "I am sorry for worrying you all. I promise I am fine. Thank you Liam.' She said as she looked back to him.

It's 11PM, do you know where you...
Hresvelgr is offline
Old 06-10-2011, 01:04 AM

Raven deepened the kiss, finding herself leaning into him even more. If that were even possible. "You would rather me be nice?" She asked him as he trailed kisses down her neck. Raven shifted a bit so her body could be on top of his. Lowering most of her weight onto him, feeling his heart beating within his chest like a drum. A drum that seemed to only get faster and louder. "If you wish for me to stop, only say the word Daichi..." Raven had leaned down and whispered in his ear. Trailing kisses up the edge of it, knowing his pointed ears were more sensitive. Raven honestly was not sure how he would react to this. They had kissed. Mayne times Raven had stolen a passionate kiss from him in the library or kitchen. But never like this. Raven honestly was not sure how far they could go. Being dolls and all. But they did have normal body functions like in books. So the only thing holding Raven back was Daichi's feelings on it, and a burning headache. Which at this point she shoved to the back of her mind.

At the mention of Kellen, Raven paused, feeling more kisses along her neck. She looked down at him, locking eyes. "I will punch that bastard someday. Right threw a perfectly good wall. As soon as I find super strength or a mallet" Raven said to him in a serious tone, leaning back down to kiss him again.


Liam chuckled a bit to himself. "That is more than what I would do honestly.." He said to her. Liam was such a kind and gentle soul, it was possible he would let anyone walk all over him. Even if they did break any of his instruments. Liam of coarse would be very sad.. even heartbroken. But he would never yell or attack the person. Liam smiled at the woman. Standing from his place and taking her hand. Placing a light kiss on her knuckles. Wishing it were her lips instead. Someday though.. "I will leave you to rest Dear Phoenix." Liam said to her, bowing and taking his leave. Stopping at the door and turning. "Do you need anything more before I leave?.. Or would you rather me stay?.." The last part had slipped out from his mouth. It was too late to take it back now..

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 06-10-2011, 02:46 AM

Chi stared at her as he looked deep into her eyes. "Are you sure this is what you want Raven." He said to her as he pulled her to him. He held her close ready to quench both their needs. He kissed her back deeply and passionately wanting her more. He pulled away as he longed to hear her sounds of pleasure echo in his ear. "Be sure before we cross the line." He said wanting her more than anything but knew she was his world and couldn't hurt her. If this was not what she wanted he would abide by her wish. He had never dared to go this far for many reasons. Since being a doll he wasn't sure how it worked by most means they could be intimidate.

Phoenix looked up as she saw him ready to leave as it hurt her. She smiled slightly as she heard some of this thoughts and blushed slightly. It was not her wish to hear them but she couldn't turn off her power at this time and heard more than she wanted to from the room nearest her. She gently held out her hand to Liam. "Please don't go. I wouldn't want anyone else here." She said meaning it as she felt like a weak child wondering if that was all she was. She didn't care if she was she wanted to tell him how she felt but how could she like this. She was a mess a wreck. Unlike Raven she wasn't so strong with her power. Instead she hide most of the time in her room locked away till the witch had some plan to use her or she dared to venter out to hear Liam play."I am can go. stupid." She said as she hung her head and placed her head on her knees as she heard the thoughts of the others making her wish she could bash her head into something. "I don't want to hurt you please."

It's 11PM, do you know where you...
Hresvelgr is offline
Old 06-10-2011, 03:37 AM

Raven felt herself pause. Not because she wanted to say no. Quite the opposite in fact. She was coming up with a way to tell him yes, of coarse. Of coarse at first nothing besides the simple word came up, until suddenly it hit her. "Daichi.." She started, allowing his full name to roll off of her tongue slowly. "There is no one in this world I would rather do this. You have been with me for over a decade now. We have our fights, but we get over them. I have said it before, and I will always say it, I love you. You hold a place in my heart no other can fill." She whispered every word to him, right into his ear. It was meant for only him to hear after all. Raven kissed him passionately back. Showing him she had meant every word. Then suddenly as it all had started, Raven got off of him and froze. Straddling Chi as her eyes changed to a bright red. The witch was coming.

Raven got off of Chi all together, already missing the contact. But she knew if the witch caught them.. well it may not end very well. Or at least Raven would get in trouble. Since she was easily accessed. The witch came and raven's eyes seemed to glow with the color red. "One of my precious dolls was hurt today." She said outloud to Chi in her cackle of a voice. A dark cast came over the house as if something was standing blocking the sun.


Liam did stop as she asked him to stay. Although he could see the pain immigrating from her body. Liam knew how Phoenix felt about herself, and did not understand why. She was a beautiful woman, who cared deeply how she effected others. Even though sometimes it did not seem as such. "Hold that thought.." Liam said to her when she mentioned being stupid. Dashing across the hall to pick up his violin before going back into Phoenix's room. "I'll play a few song for you." Liam said excitedly.


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