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The Emo Cook...
ChibiMouse is offline
Old 06-11-2011, 03:27 PM

Chalk and Hellfire

I sit amongst the ashes of your Hellfire,

You burned me to a crisp again.

I reach for my cancer sticks.


I draw pictures amongst the blackness you cast me into,

Pure white against malicious darkness.

The gaping hole in my chest pulsates where my broken heart resides,

Where your bullets ripped me apart.

Nothing I do satisfies your hunger for perfection

Around you in every direction.

The eternal f*** up

Is manifested in the form you are half responsible for spawning.

The one who loves you and puts you on a pedestal,

The little sh*tbag who

compares herself against your standards to the

Point of second guessing herself within

Then realizing she knows who she is regardless

Of your constant

Pressure meant to turn this coal child of yours

Into the diamond you want her to be on your time.

It doesn’t work that way.

I take my chalk and draw out my plans

For my life.

You scoff at my designs and erase them as soon

As I figure out how to create them.

I could do more,

Why didn’t I add that in at the time

I just was so involved with my POV,

That yours picked up details only microscopes

That multitask like androids can pick up on?

I don’t know.

I didn’t think of it at the time.

I don’t want to be a diamond anyway,

I like Sapphires better.

I will become one in my own time.

I love you but for now I must

Let your voice become like a gust of wind

Blowing by me as I sit amongst your Hellfire ashes

And sift out scraps of gold within them and chalk out more plans

In which to use it all.

The Emo Cook...
ChibiMouse is offline
Old 06-11-2011, 03:29 PM

(A 3 Part Poem)


Home is where the heart is,

But my spirit walks alone,

Wandering as a ghost in the night,

Fighting to keep me alive.



You said you'd never leave me.

You said you'd never love me either.

You now love me,

Now as you walk out the door,

You realize I notice your dusty shoes in the corner

Make a trail that I can't follow,

Since I am still trapped in a physical embodiment.



House no resentment towards me,

O Beloved I hold in my death wish,

O Beloved who flies down to collect my soul and the spirit

Residing in me,

I will join you in the Heavens one day,

Side by side

In the pearliest of conditions,

Gates will become open and irrelevant

I love you.

I love you.

I put the K in "Misspelling"

Assistant Administrator
Knerd is offline
Old 06-13-2011, 11:52 PM

I've gone ahead and merged both of your poetry threads together, ChibiMouse: . We ask that you keep your poems in one thread in order to prevent spamming, so just try to remember to update this topic with any future poems. :yes:

And have you posted your poems online before? Espiritu seems a little familiar, I swear I've read that somewhere! Maybe I ran into you on DeviantArt or Livejournal.

The Emo Cook...
ChibiMouse is offline
Old 06-14-2011, 08:19 PM

Oh, ok sorry about that. I'll keep them on this thread then.
I posted them on my account and performed them at an open mike but that's it. Lol! XD


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