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*Electric*Rainbow* is offline
Old 06-24-2011, 10:43 PM

Thread for Thehushedcasket and Lai-chan ONLY! And uninvited posters will be beaten with a rotten swordfish!

TheHushedCasket is offline
Old 06-24-2011, 11:00 PM

In the barracks for the new gate training program, a sergeant was barking orders. "GET UP GET UP GET UP!" He screamed, banging on a metal trash can with a stick. "YOU THINK THE LUCIAN ALLIANCE IS GOING TO WAIT FOR YOU FUCKERS TO GET UP, GET DRESSED, TO GO INTO COMBAT?!" The sergeant barked. "THIRTY SECONDS, TO SHIT SHOWER AND SHAVE!" He yelled yet again. The soldiers all scrambled to their feet and frantically got dressed. "FIVE SECONDS!" The sergeant barked. He counted down from five and nobody was ready except for him.

Angrily, he threw the trash can to the ground and pointed to the ground. "I WANTED FUCKING 60 PUSHUPS 5 MINUTES AGO!" He yelled. "THREE COUNT!" He added. The soldiers looked up at him and started counting their push ups in unison. When they finished, they pushed up and looked up. "Permission to recover sir!" They shouted. "Permission denied!" The sergeant replied. "You pukes have GOT to understand. The enemy waits for no one. While you sleep, you are vulnerable to attack. I want you ready by 0300 every morning for training. Understood?" He asked. "Yes staff sergeant!" The soldiers yelled. "I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" The staff sergeant barked. The recruits then shouted the words again at the top of their lungs. "Good, now get up, get ready, and get to the mess hall. You have five minutes." He said as he walked out with his hands folded neatly behind his back, headed towards the mess hall. Another instructor was taking over for him today...He might be getting off world, and his officers were there waiting to brief him over breakfast..

When he got there, he saluted the officers sharply. "Staff sergeant Mason reporting for duty!" He shouted at the top of his lungs. He was good to go, everything ranging from how short cropped his hair was, to the way his uniform was put on. His intimidating demeanor was accented by the long jagged scar that trailed down from his right cheek to his eye. When they motioned for him to sit down, he sat and ate in an orderly fashion while he waited for them to give him information..

Last edited by TheHushedCasket; 06-24-2011 at 11:06 PM.. Reason: Messed up.

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*Electric*Rainbow* is offline
Old 06-24-2011, 11:57 PM

Audrey entered the mess hall, her guns in the black holster belt around her hip, and a look that said her visit was all business on her sharp features. Anyone around knew she was not on to fuck with, she'd kick their asses from where they sat all the way to the next universe. She didn't play kid games, she didn't tickle their funny bone, and she often had people seething with fear.

As always, though, when she walked in, people got quite, saluted and said exactly nothing. They knew well enough who she came for, though why she came for the person, they wouldn't know.

Walking over to the table Mason sat at, her boots making heavy thuds as she walked across the floor. She was part of the secret service that worked with SG-1, Atlantis, the likes. Most of the people under her were females. She hardly thought males were capable of some of the things she had to do. Like showing a little apathy at times. She swore people from the army were god damned assholes and she'd kill them all off if she could, but she refrained from saying that to any of them. She did, after all, have to live in the barracks for a while, get trained here, before she could move on to anything else.

"We're here to get Staff sergeant Mason on business. We've already called in." She said. Her voice was feminine, but had a slightly rough edge to it. Hardly any emotion bled though, and she could feel them shrinking back from her dark gaze. "And saying no is not and option Mason. Fuck with me and I'll kick your ass..." she said, clearly impatient and ready to go.

TheHushedCasket is offline
Old 06-25-2011, 12:11 AM

"As much of a hard case as ever Audrey." Mason said as he chewed on his omelet. He dropped his fork and placed his napkin on the plate and looked up at her. "Oh how could I resist an invitation like that." He said as he rolled his eyes. He stood up and brushed out the wrinkles in his uniform before looking the woman dead in the eye. She might not have taken any shit, but neither did he, and his eyes showed that.

He walked next to her, staring hard at his recruits. When they looked at him and snapped salutes to Audrey, he barked at them. "DO YOU SEE A RANK ON HER COLLAR PRIVATE?!" He yelled. "Do NOT salute!" He yelled. He couldn't stand it when people just saluted for random reasons because they thought that someone important was walking by. She was important, but by no means was she one of his own, nor would he recognize her as such.

He crossed his arms and stopped as they approached a limo. "Care to fill me in yet?" He asked. "Is this my ticket off world?" He asked, giving her an impatient look.

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*Electric*Rainbow* is offline
Old 06-25-2011, 12:25 AM

She gave something of a sly smirk. "You can't. Especially since it's my ass on the line to give you that promotion you so badly want, sergeant. You know who my father is... I could have him knock you down a few notches."She said. Usually bringing up her father, secretary of war, often sobered him up and brought him down from his high tower he lived on. They both didn't like hearing his shit, but they dealt with it well enough.

Listening to his little banter, she waited until he was off guard than kicked him hard in his groin. "Shut your mouth, or I'll rip your balls out and stuff them down your throat next time." she growled to him.

As always, she grabbed him by his collar, dragging him out. Many of the Privates in the room were fighting to hide smiles. She was a bitch, but if she wasn't, it wouldn't be much fun when she came around.

"I'm not sure. It seems our skill are not worth my time to put my job on the line to get you off world. If you do, though, you'll be happy to know that you'll be working under me. And if not walk your ass back in there and eat the shitty food you have to live off of day by day and have fun waking up and having to scream shit at people." she said, giving him that cold glare she always did. "If you accept, though, you'll be my second in command. I don't like working with men, but I have to make exceptions here and there. You'll be introduced to the others going of world with us. It's a long drive though." she said and arched an eyebrow, wondering what his decision would be.

TheHushedCasket is offline
Old 06-25-2011, 12:36 AM

He was taken off guard by the groin kick and he jumped up a good foot or two when she kicked him, landing on his knees. He felt tears coming to his eyes and he keeled over on the ground, blinking back stars as she dragged him into the limo. He felt as if he couldn't sit up because of that horrible gut wrenching feeling in his stomach so he just laid his head in her lap. After all, he felt as if he deserved it...He was made to look like a fool in front of his soldiers and he wasn't sure if he was going to be able to send any more soldiers off to the hot zone, if you catch my drift.

"So, what is it exactly that we're going to be doing?" He asked. "And some names would be nice.." He said. "And really...You don't like working with men? What about that one time in Bosnia where we f-" He said, he was cut off by her hand over his mouth, pressing down, threatening to deprive him of oxygen and he looked up at her and moved her hand away. "Still feeling sore about that huh?" He asked, sitting up and not being able to help but grin at his own pun.

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*Electric*Rainbow* is offline
Old 06-25-2011, 12:57 AM

She glared down at him. Was he kidding? She was way pissed and hurt about that whole thing, and the fact that he had the nerve to bring it up was the reason she hated working with him. "That incident is the whole reason I don't like working with men, you dumbass..." she said. "There's Cyan and Babydoll. Babydoll's actual name is Alexandria, or Alex. But she's like the little sister to everyone so just call her Baby. Cyan is a brute. She's worse than me. She will chop off you groin if you try to mess with her." she said and sighed.

She pushed him up gently and rubbed his shoulders. "Do you always have to be such a bitch, disrespecting me and shit?" she asked, pressing her thumbs down hard on one of his pressure points.

TheHushedCasket is offline
Old 06-25-2011, 01:13 AM

"OW!" He said as he shrugged her arm off. "Why the fuck do you always have to hit me every other time you see me" He growled, giving her a question in response to her question. "I mean SERIOUSLY, we could've been serious if you wanted to." He said. "Look...I'm sorry.." He mumbled, looking away. "I'll keep that in mind about Cyan and Doll.." He said. He had already made up his mind about their nicknames. "What about Armon, Dawkins and Scotty.." He said. "Did you get them in on this detail too..?" He asked. Scotty was the one Scottish (He's really Irish, but he humors people's wishes) scientist that HAD to be in every sci-fi series known to man. His real name was Alfred Longman, but people just called him Al, Fred, or Longman...Or Scotty...

"Goddamn you haven't changed one bit.." He grumbled, rubbing his shoulder. "You know I'd kiss you but I'm probably gonna get punched in the groin again." He said with a small smirk as he pulled his arms above his head and lifted up his legs over his groin to protect himself. He knew that nobody liked it when they were teased...But he couldn't help it. He's seen the soft side of her once and he wanted to see it again.

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*Electric*Rainbow* is offline
Old 06-25-2011, 01:24 AM

"Because you're always being a jerk!" she said defensively, flinching when he commented about their off-and-on relationship, and she simply looked out the window, silent for a moment. "They all got in." she said than looked back at him, her eyes were sad, and her lips went to a slight pout.

Going over to him she whispered, "Maybe my hitting you is a way to say I missed you." she said, kissing his cheek lightly. She knew she was a bit rough with him, than again she hated feeling dominated. She liked her freedom and Masn was the kind of guy who'd try to take that away. Or maybe she felt the need t constantly fight anyone else around her... Was she really that violent though?

Moving back from him, she continued the ride in silence, looking out the window with that same, sad, far-off look she always did when he was around.

TheHushedCasket is offline
Old 06-25-2011, 01:37 AM

He let out a sigh and wrapped an arm around her shoulder, closing his eyes. "Well...How about a 'hi, what's up?' or a 'How are you doing?' instead of a punch or a kick to the groin...I can't see how much you care if I'm blacking out from the raging pain in my testicles.." He muttered. "So, what are we doing..?" He asked. "The Atlantis team set up an outpost...Are we doing the same thing?" He asked as he pulled his arm back. He didn't like it when he went soft like that...People lost respect for men who weren't able to keep their heads in the game because they were attached...After Aubrey, he promised that himself that he wouldn't let himself get soft or attached to anyone at all. Just the occasional booty call or something, but nothing too serious...It was clean (well, as clean as a lifestyle without attachment could be) and simple. He didn't like how close he got with Aubrey and hard they'd fall for each other, or away from each other, and they couldn't afford to suffer from emotion out on the field. Emotions got people killed...Yes...That was his rational behind things. Or was he really just scared..?

Meanwhile, Armon stood in front of the military complex looking all stoic like with his arms crossed. He had a large calibered pistol on his thigh and he seemed to be getting impatient while waiting for their new team leader.

Dawkins and Scotty were both hunched over a data terminal, reading off printouts of their assignment, both with their jaws hung low. They didn't realize the caliber of their mission up until now...But it would make them famous. As famous as Jackson, McKay and Carter.

Dawkins on the other hand, is the dumber of the two geniuses. He walked over to Cyan and wrapped an arm around her waist. "You comin' along with us for the ride babe?" He asked, giving her a playful wink, not knowing how truly deadly she was.

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*Electric*Rainbow* is offline
Old 06-25-2011, 01:54 AM

She looked over at Mason, once again feeling him distance himself from her and she looked out the window. "Something like that, yes." she answered simply. Sighing, she got tired of talking business. They could do the during the briefing, for now, she just wanted to spend time with him.
Leaning over to him she wrapped her arms around him, nuzzling his shoulder. "You don't like 'hi', 'how are yous' or 'fuck me's' everyon knows you like competition and you're always all business, and you always feel the need to hurt me, so I hurt you back." she said to him. She hated how he got through to her a lot, but deep down she really liked him. She just felt like she had something to prove.

Babydoll looked at all of them curiously. She'd been training pretty hard to get where she was now, but looking at most of the people there, she felt somewhat intimidated. "I wouldn't..." she tried to warn him about Cyan, but it was too late and she flinched as she heard a hard "thump".

Cyan looked down at the wimpy idiot and sent her fist into his gut. "Don't, touch me." she said through clenched teeth. She brushed back one of her curls. "Baby, you're supposed to have told them NOT to touch me..." she said. Baby doll being the only one she was ever 'nice' to, if you'd even call it nice. It was more like a peaceful rivalry. They were step sisters, so even if they were bitches to the other, they made up later.

"I did. Dawkins is just slightly misguided..." she said, ruffling the back of her hair slightly as she played with a dagger.

TheHushedCasket is offline
Old 06-25-2011, 02:04 AM

Dawkins was on the ground, writhing in pain. "Goddamn." He groaned. Scotty snickered in the back. "Bloody fool." He laughed. "You shouldn't be out in public. And Cyan, there should be more gals like you in public." He said as he pointed the back of a flashlight at her with a look of newfound respect in his eye. Dawkins groaned and sat up. "Am I okay? I think she might've punched out my long intestine." He coughed before standing up.

"And Baby, Dawkins is a little more than slightly misguided. Some of us call him crosswired." Scotty laughed. It was kinda funny. The not-really-Scottish guy-nicknamed-Scotty, was keeping everyone in high spirits. It was pretty comical, but shit was about to go down. "Well in any case, we should all be checking our gear, shouldn't we? We're headed out soon or so I've heard." He said as he returned his attention to his gear, cross checking everything.

Armon quietly shuffled over and stuffed everything that he needed into a backpack. All he needed was his pistol and knife, which he kept mounted on his left shoulder. "Armon was it..? Not much of a talker are you." Dawkins said as he looked up at the menacing looking man. "You won't be either if I have to cut out your tongue." Armon responded simply before going silent again. "I think I like this guy." Scotty grinned.

Mason placed a hand over hers and sighed. "Well, you never bothered to give it a try.." He said softly. "It's always business with me, because business never hurts." He said plainly. Everyone who had gotten intimate with him realized that he was terrified of commitment and getting hurt..That's why nobody else bothered to try...Nobody except for Audrey. "And it's the thought that counts.." He said as he tilted her chin up and leaned in, closing his eyes and giving her a gentle peck on the lips. "I'll try this time...I promise.." He said as he looked down into her eyes...He seemed to get lost in them every time he looked into them.

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*Electric*Rainbow* is offline
Old 06-25-2011, 02:39 AM

Cyan gave him a slightly disgusted gaze. "You like everyone, Scotty..." she said, going over to her sister protectively. She didn't trust any of them around her. Honestly, Baby was the only family she had left. No dumb ass guy was going to get to her.

Baby rolled her eyes. "I'm not rude enough to say something like that.... I leave the insulting to my sister. I'm usually the one patching up a broken arm." she said. "Just so you know, she doesn't like any of you. She think's Dawkins is as smart as, and I quote, a horse's ass, You're a little too optimistic, and The walking dead, as she told me yesterday, is a little ghetto. I'm just saying what she said." she said, holding her hands up to silence any counter-attacks coming her ways.

The corners of Cyan's lips twitched slightly. It was a sign she was smiling internally at the things her sister was saying, watching her as she went to help Scotty check their equipment. She had all she needed. She was literally prepped from head to toe with undetectable weapons, especially things that go 'boom'.

Audrey looked up at him, her brow furrowing slightly as she frowned. "I did..." she said, glaring at him. "Hurts? Do you even know how you hurt me sometimes?" she asked him, sighing she gave in when he kissed her, pressing her lips to his for a more intimate kiss. "You better... You know it's easy to put up a tough front if your like me..." she told him, straddling his laps and kissing him again. They were only ten minutes away from their destination now, but they could at least have a little fun while they were alone.

TheHushedCasket is offline
Old 06-25-2011, 02:54 AM

Scotty looked at Cyan, snickering slightly. "Well, being optimistic does have it's benefits. You worry a little less about death, and you worry a little more about being happy." He said. "And I like everybody, because I simply don't have a reason to hate them just yet." He said. "I trust that you lot won't give me a reason to dislike you either?" He asked, looking back and forth between everyone. "I'm here to learn and to meet new people, not get pussy like Dickin's over here." He said with a playful smirk.

Dawkins groaned and stood up. "Are you sure that I'm the smart ass over here?" He asked Cyan shaking his head. Scotty might've looked short, but he knew better than to fuck with him. The guy was a close quarters combat specialist and he was a black belt in Jiu jitsu, karate, kung fu, and muay thai.

Armon looked back at Cyan with a puzzled expression. "Ghetto..?" He asked. He shook his head and returned to his check on supplies. He didn't understand them, and he didn't have to. He just had to work with them for a short amount of time, and he was gone. Quick, clean, simple. Just the way he liked it.

Mason closed his eyes and just traced his hands up her shirt, kissing her softly. "Shush...I know..." He said softly. He had this apologetic look on his face, though his pride would never let him say 'I'm sorry'. He just leaned in and kissed her back with a lazily, though there was passion. He let out a sigh and pulled back, biting his lip. "I'm afraid of getting hurt though...So I shove everyone away so I don't have to worry about it.." He said as he bit his lip. He had let Audrey see this side of him once..And he was afraid to do it again.

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*Electric*Rainbow* is offline
Old 06-25-2011, 03:05 AM

Babydoll smiled. She was slightly in the middle of both. "It's good to be optimistic. But even though I act pessimistic, I'm actually leaning more towards the pessimist side. Besides, with Cyan watching over my shoulder every two seconds, it's hard t do anything..." she said, finishing with her part of the equipment, which carried her favorite weapons, daggers, swords, guns that blow holes the sizes of basketballs without having a loud 'boom'.
Looking over at Armon she arched and eyebrow. "She's lived around black people too much... Unlike her, I was forced to use proper English, or latin." she said, snapping her gun to her waist belt. "I fucking hate black people with a passion." she mused, her brow furrowing slightly, but it was meant to be humorous, going over to Armon she jumped onto his back, as she usually did. He was the strongest, and therefore supported her 'lightweight' as he liked to put it. "I like Armon... He's a big huge teddybear even if he doesn't show it." she teased, trying to lighten up his mood a bit, like she usually did. Babydoll had her ways. She could make death seem like a happy ending if she wanted to.

Audrey cupped his face in her hands. "That won't happen anymore." she whispered to him, trailing kisses down his neck, than back up to his lips. "I won't let it..." she whispered to him, closing her eyes and smiling at him. He could be a dick, but she liked it. It made their relationship all the more fun. "Besides... You rudeness, actually makes being with you all the more fun. Besides, the more you push me away, the more determined I'll be to get to you." she told him, a determined look inher eyes that said she couldn't be swayed, at all.

TheHushedCasket is offline
Old 06-25-2011, 03:22 AM

Armon turned his head and looked up at her and he ignored it. He shook his head and just continued working...He seemed to have a soft spot for Babydoll. He didn't yell at her or threaten her like he did with everyone else when they tried to get him to socialize. He just left her on his back as he worked...He didn't seem to mind.

Dawkins snickered. "Armon? A teddybear?" He laughed. "The thought of it makes me feel like my childhood is completely ruined. My teddybears looked like girl scouts compared to him." He said. Then without hint of a warning, Armon drew his pistol and fired a round that whizzed inbetween Dawkins's legs, skimming his pant leg. Dawkins looked down and then up at Armon...Something smelled faintly of urine.

Scotty roared with laughter. "HE PISSED HIMSELF!" He howled. "Shit! Wait until Mason sees this!" He laughed.

"S-Shut up!" Dawkins said, feeling himself turn red.

Mason just leaned up and kissed her, seeming to be fully on board with what she had planned regarding their relationship...It was good to be in her life again. "No more pushing anybody away.." He said against her lips, kissing her again and closing his eyes, brushing his lips against hers affectionately. "I'm not going anywhere...Alright?" He asked as he looked back at her with a smile.

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*Electric*Rainbow* is offline
Old 06-25-2011, 03:49 AM

Baby giggled. "I've seen much worse.. And dawkins, you, in my mind, are becoming a disgrace to nature. That is just disgusting. Seriously, I'm more manly than you are." she said. She didn't know Dawkins all that well but it was pretty obvious that she wasn't really liking him at that moment, and she gently hugged Armon. "And yes, he's a big teddybear. Have you ever thought that the reason he doesn't like you guys is because you're loud, and for Dawkins, it's simply that he is nothing but a huge dumbass." she said, nuzzling Armon's back. As always she seemed to be able to hold on with only her legs while she massaged his back, insuring there would be no pain or reason to pop his back later. She just had magic fingers like that.

Cyan glared at him. "You're such a sissy... Armon's gun barely even did much compared to Baby's." she said.

Baby smirked, pulling out her gun and aiming it a a concrete block, shooting it and watching the thing burst int tiny pieces ith nothing but a hissing sound. "Being a weapons engineer has it's perks." she said, putting it back in it's holster and massagin Armon's back again.

Cyan rolled her eyes. It figured that Babydoll would get attached to quiet ones. She always felt more of a connection to them, because she trusted them more with some of the secrets Cyan barely knew of. It saddened her, and angered her all that same, though. Why didn't she trust her like she did Armon? The few things she didn't tell then was that Cyan killed her mother, and almost did her little brother.

Audrey smiled. Something she only did around Mason, her eyes actually seemed happy with his statement. "Good... If you did leave me again, I'd make sure you'll be able to taste your children." she warned him playfully, brushing her lips over the corner of hi mouth playfully as the car stopped, and she got out with a small wink to him, going back to her all-business look as she walked into the base.

TheHushedCasket is offline
Old 06-25-2011, 04:14 AM

"Goddamn woman.." Mason muttered under his breath before he trailed after Audrey, watching her hips sway even though he was in his stoic military mode again. He caught up and walked next to her, keeping in step. "You said something about a promotion I believe?" He asked. "Is that right agent?" He asked, hoping that she would realize that they had to keep it professional around their men....But behind closed doors...He was hers, however she wanted him, and when...All she would have to do is say the word, and he would be there on his hands and knees to please her..Just like back in Bosnia when they served together.

Armon just remained quiet and reloaded his pistol before he let out a soft sigh and looked up at Baby. "Comfortable up there..?" He asked. He didn't really have much to say...And generally when he tried to be funny, or joke around, he only had a line or two...He just simply wasn't talkative...But Baby seemed to bring out the most in him.

Dawkins just complained and he walked over to his bag for a towel and a change in uniform. "Bastard.." He grumbled before walking behind a humvee to get changed...After he changed, he walked back out and grumbled something under his breath as Audrey and Mason approached the compound.

Scotty looked up and smiled broadly, waving a greeting at the two. Armon gave a half assed salute and turned around to face them with Baby looking over his shoulder and his arms crossed over his chest. This was a regular sight..

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*Electric*Rainbow* is offline
Old 06-25-2011, 04:28 AM

Baby smiled, hugging him gently. "Yup." she said, waving to Audrey as she approached. Baby was never very formal. It's what made her something of a family figure that brought them together. She was the one who got them all together in the first place. They may fight a lot, but when pressed they made a pretty good team. "You're a comfy person, Armon." she said, nuzzling his neck.

Audrey waved slightly to baby, looking at the others with that same, emotionless look, her nose wrinkling in a look of disgust. "What reeks?" she asked, tracing the smell to Dawkins and giving him a glare that said next time he needed to take a piss, to find a bush. "I encourage Hygiene. Learn it, live it, love it. I'm serious." she told him in a cold mumbled, looking over the rest she saw everything was in order and ready to go. Well, so was she.

Cyan looked at Audrey, giving a slight nod of respect. "Should we get going?" she questioned softly.

Audrey looked back at Mason, and than back to Cyan and nodded. SHe'd talk to MAson about his position later.

TheHushedCasket is offline
Old 06-25-2011, 04:39 AM

Mason smirked a bit, knowing that they'd talk about the position that he'd gain and all the positions that he was going to learn from her if they played their cards right and kept their soldiers under check. "Yea, lets get going.." He said with a sigh. After a bit, he nodded and walked over to the supply table and loaded up as much food, toiletries, weapons and ammunition that he could carry before nodding to the group.

After a few moments, a man walked out and the gate went active. "The rest of your team is on the other side. We sent the noncoms through earlier to get settled in along with a small armed force. They're in your command. Step through when ready." He man said as he saluted them.

Armon gave another half assed salute before pulling the bag that he was getting ready and he stepped through the gate with Baby on his back, a lazy unamused look on his face. He let out a sigh and looked around...What a drag.

Dawkins and Scotty trailed after and followed everyone through the gate and immediately they had started helping, setting up tents and a tech post so they could keep the place safe with radar.

Mason walked over with a second ruck sack, handing it to Audrey with a smile on his face, knowing exactly what she liked to have, and what kind of weapons she preferred with food, ammunition, and other basic necessities...He knew her better than she knew herself at times. "Lets go." He said as he nodded over his shoulder.

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*Electric*Rainbow* is offline
Old 06-25-2011, 04:55 AM

Baby smirked. As always, she counted on her sister and Armon to take care of her. Than again she was the youngest. Technically she had the rights to be lazy since she never got to finish living life as a teen, so the team spoiled her at times.
Wrapping her arms around him she prepared to go through the gate, smiling and widening her eyes at the scenery on the other side, where mountains lingered over a green valley where a lake was, a river leading between two of the larger mountains. "Wowwwww! Its so pretty here!" she breathed to Armon. "And I thought atlantis was cool." she mumbled to herself. SHe wanted to go run and jump into the water, but they didn't know much about this world yet, so she simply sighed, leaning her head against Armon's back. She was actually pretty tired. She didn't get much sleep the last few days to a week, and only Armon would realize how tired she was, being that she didn't jump down from his backas soon as they went through the stargate to explore.

Audrey smiled, taking the bag and purposely brushing her fingers against his hand. "Thank you, Mason." she told him, lifting the strap over one shoulder and walking through. She usually stumbled the most of the time she went through the gate, but this time she stayed upright, and barely even had an unsure step. Looking at Baby she sighed. "Armon... Try to get babydoll to sleep. She's not really much use when she wears herself out so much." she said with something of sympathy in her voice. She was a kid sompared to some of them, so they had to be a bit more gentle with her than most.

Cyan nodded, helping set up some tents and looking at ARmon with that hateful, envious gaze she always did. She had the largest dislike to him at that moment, though she fought to swallow her hatred of him, it never helped. She just wondered if he cared that Baby cared more for him than she did for her own sister.

TheHushedCasket is offline
Old 06-25-2011, 05:05 AM

Armon let out a sigh and after he got the tent all set up, he set up a lawn chair and he sat inside the tent after laying Baby down onto the cot. "Get some sleep. The staff sergeant and Audrey ordered." He said. He'd never admit that he wanted her to sleep too...He had too much pride for that. Nor would he let her know that he cared as much as he did. "I'll be right here when you wake up." He said as he leaned back against the chair and let out a sigh, closing his eyes.

Mason had set up the tent with Audrey and he gave her a small smile. "Wanna bunk with me?" He asked with a smile as he looked up at her with a soft look. He walked over to her and pretended to help with a few things, but really, he just liked the soft feel of her hands...So he pretended to help her with something just so he could give her hand a light squeeze.

"Hey, Scotty, you think I got a chance with that Cyan chick?" Dawkins asked. "About as much of a chance as hell freezing over." Scotty said, not looking up from the data terminal. "She'd probably crush your grapes before she ever let you get to home base.." Scotty mumbled. "So much for optimism.." Dawkins grumbled. "I'ma give it a try." He said. He walked over to Cyan and started helping her set up tents without getting in her way, remembering what happened last time. "Saw that you needed some help.." He said, trying to manage a smile.

\ (•◡•) /
*Electric*Rainbow* is offline
Old 06-25-2011, 05:23 AM

Baby pouted. She hated sleeping without someone to curl up with, but she was too shy to ask Armon to be her teaddybear. It'd take her forever to fall asleep, unless...

Walking into the tent Cyan tossed him some sleeping meds. "She has insomnia. She'll need sleeping pills and a lving teddy to go to sleep. She doesn't really trust me so she'll have to bunk with you." Cyan said coldly, leaving the tent without giving him time to protest and continuing about her business. Looking up at Dawkins she glared. "Look... You have about as much of a chance of getting in my pants, as any other guy does. Which is no chance at all. And honestly, right now you're like an annoying little gnat that keeps buzzing in my ear and you're annoying the holy shit out of me. Just back off, lightweight. I can do this myself." she said, obviously pissed off at something other than him but she let it alone.
Finally having the tent up she began to set up a small sleeping palette. She was not like the others with cots and the likes. She went through a lot of shit, and preferred the floor to a bed.

Baby blushed, curling up into a tight ball. He had a slight idea of why Baby didn't trust her, and she was grateful she remembered her meds. But telling Armon he'd have to serve as a livin teddybear, that was just plain out embarrassing. closing her eyes she hoped he didn't feel the need to actually have to do that. She'd appreciate it, but she didn't want to push him away. "I have to take two... One to get me asleep, another to suppress nightmares." She whispered shyly. She didn't need to wake up screaming every night and risk giving off a billion false alarms. The worst she'd do with sleeping meds was cry in her sleep.

Audrey smiled, nodding. "Sure...I must warn you though, I'm a restless sleeper." she joked softly to him, holding his hand and giving him a smile that belonged only to him, before finishing setting up her part. At that point, the tents and camp was practically completely set up. "We should all rest up for now. Tomorrow we'll get down to business." she said to him.

TheHushedCasket is offline
Old 06-25-2011, 05:35 AM

Armon let out a sigh and rolled his eyes before he nudged her aside on the cot, facing away from her. He handed her the thing of sleeping pills. "Knock yourself out." He said. "I'll be here when you wake up." He said, repeating himself. He closed his eyes and soon his breathing was deep and he seemed to be in a state of calm..

Dawkins muttered a few things before he kicked the stupid tent post over, letting her start all over again. "Fuck you all!" He said as he held up his middle fingers and flashed them around the camp. A few of the men scowled and continued working. He then walked back over to Scotty and started typing on his own terminal. "Yea, well fuck you too." Scotty said, not looking up. He was completely enveloped in his work. "See, about as much chance as hell freezing over." Scotty added.

Dawkins kept brooding and looking pissed off as he worked. Everyone seemed to assume the worst of him...He hated it.

Mason smiled slightly and squeezed her hand gently. "Mm. I don't mind light sleepers...We didn't get much sleep back in Bosnia anyway...Right?" He said, giving her a slight wink as he pulled her inside by the hips and put their cots together. He laid down and figured that whatever needed to get done could get done tomorrow...Right now, he just wanted to curl up next to Audrey like he had done years ago..

\ (•◡•) /
*Electric*Rainbow* is offline
Old 06-25-2011, 05:47 AM

Baby took the pills, watching him lay down and she took two, plus a few more and tossed the bottle of pills aside, curling up against Armon. Not intimately, but like something a little sister would, just trying to know she was safe as she slept, silent and still. She almost looked dead, but the tears that began to stream down her cheeks, as per usual, was the one indication that she was still amongst the living.

Cyan sighed, going over to Dawkins she pulled him back with an immense amount of strength and decked him a good three times. "Dicks like you are the reason I absolutely loathe your kind." she said, pressing a small button in her leather wristband, a blade sliding out with the sound of metal scraping, and she held it to his neck. "Fix it... Or I'll be sure you won't bother anyone here, ever again." she said, pushing him towards her tent. He pissed her off to the max at the moment. REally, the only one she was liking was Scotty, mainly because he wasn't desperate and annoying. If Dawkins wanted her to like him, he'd stop annoying her so damned much.

She frowned. "This isn't Bosnia, Mason. We're not starting where we left off every single time." She said, laying down next to him in the tent. "I know you care for me... But it seems every time we're together you just want sex, and I don't want that to be all we are anymore." she told him, curling up with him, her forehead lightly pressed to his chest and she intertwined her fingers with his, than kissed his chin.


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