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darkmystery11234 is offline
Old 07-24-2011, 11:05 PM

:feesh:Created by darkmystery11234 on Wednesday, March 30, 2011 :)

Music blaring in my ears
Along the windosill I sit.
When I look outside the sun is setting.
It looks as if it was candle lit.
My worries wash away.
The smile never leaves my face.
I close my eyes and start to dream.
To find myself in a wonderful place.
The sun shines down on me.
I adore its blissful rays.
Running through the meadow
Where all the flowers beautifully lay.

darkmystery11234 is offline
Old 07-24-2011, 11:08 PM

Created by darkmystery11234
on :D
this is if Sinbad didnt come back for Prodious

You're a fool for taking my place.
You should know you're gonna die.
I'm not gonna come back for you.
I'm not that type of guy.
We were friends,
but that was in the past.
We are both different now.
Your life will not last.
It was nice to know you Prodious.
You were my best friend.
But the truth is,
your life is going to end.

darkmystery11234 is offline
Old 07-24-2011, 11:15 PM


well it is what the title says :P

Created by darkmystery11234 on Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Deep within the depths of darkness
Lies a cold hearted soul
Such a horrid thing
Its like a black hole.
Sadness fills the soul
Wishing that there was some escape
There is no way out
Its like a never ending cape.
Stranded there for all eternity
For the sins that it has committed
Even though the lesson was learned
The sins are not forgiven.

Please commet, rate, and or tell me what to do and what i should do

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 07-27-2011 at 09:42 PM..

darkmystery11234 is offline
Old 07-25-2011, 02:20 AM

Tears flowing down my face
I want an escape from this horrible place
Many people have died.
Ill be lucky to survive.
This place is a living hell
Especially when they right the bell.
Then is when the torture starts
Then comes the sound of them riping out hearts.

darkmystery11234 is offline
Old 07-25-2011, 02:21 AM

Blood drippind down my arm
I smirk at the new scar.
With every knife and razor blade
The life before me begins to fade away.
I love the pain I face.
Its taking me to a new place.
Death is drawing near
Thank god Im getting out of here.

darkmystery11234 is offline
Old 07-25-2011, 02:22 AM

I always fake a smile
And pretend that everything is okay
But that is not the truth
I face problems everyday
I have a drunken dad
And a violent brother
I get hurt everyday
Oh how i wish i still had my mother
Nobody knows the horror i face
They all just laugh at me.
Not like they would care anyways.
My secrets are kept under lock and key.

darkmystery11234 is offline
Old 07-25-2011, 02:23 AM

I feel its presence
Not knowing when its gonna strike
Fear runs through my veins
Its not a feeling that I like
It whispers my name
All through the night
I twist and turn in my sleep
Its gonna kill me, it just might
Every time i hear a sudden Noise
I know it must be near
Waiting for him to attack.
He is something I dearly fear.

darkmystery11234 is offline
Old 07-25-2011, 02:23 AM

It lurks though the night
Looking fot its new prey.
Hiding in the shadows waiting
But its gone by day.
You would never guess where it is.
Or even who
But if yoyu ever come across it
Well it was nice to know you.
So watch your back
Because you'll never know
When it comes by
Oh look! Its your time to go.

darkmystery11234 is offline
Old 07-25-2011, 02:24 AM

My heart is torn down the very middle.
How could he do this to me?
All the fun moments we've shared.
I thought we were happy.
What does she have that I dont?
Smarts? Looks? Charm?
I just wish that I didnt have to find out
When i was already crying in the car.
For a while i thought you cared.
I guess it was a mistake.
I hope you know
My heart is gonna break.

darkmystery11234 is offline
Old 07-25-2011, 02:25 AM

How can you be so blind?
To not see the problems they face.
How dare you laugh at them
Because you dont know that death is on the chase.
They drown in sorrow
Sick with their lives
How is this a joke to you?
Death is on the drive
Faster it comes
But you dont care.
Death has got them
They just couldnt bear.

darkmystery11234 is offline
Old 07-25-2011, 02:25 AM

Can you imagine the feeling
of bliss in the air?
Its so sweet.
Love is everywhere.
What a wonderful feeling it is!
That is true.
With wonderful days like these.
Even the sky is blue!
Whenever this occours
I cant help but to smile
I hope it never goes away
My gosh it feels like my heart is running a mile!

darkmystery11234 is offline
Old 07-25-2011, 07:06 PM

I have my shot gun.
Its locked and loaded.
Come on zombies!
Lets watch you explode!
I see one to my left
Devouring a brain
I shake my head and shoot them.
This world is totally insane.
I see before me
A thing that once was human
I kill it in a second
Bye bye you demon

okay i made this right after i had a zombie movie marathon xD

Inactive menace
DaisyKeehl is offline
Old 07-26-2011, 03:44 AM

Try using more words to describe how you feel. You want to make the reader feel what you want them to feel from the poem. Try more descriptive words and stuff like that to make your reader feel like they are there. :)
Other than that I find your poems rather interesting.


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