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Pure Randomness... now in an ext...
Ellancher is offline
Old 07-31-2011, 03:27 AM

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PapillonCameo is offline
Old 07-31-2011, 03:44 AM


Calista glared at her guards. "I refuse to get married, now return me home!" Stamping her foot, or trying to, the brunette frowned when no one obeyed her. This wasn't going well. First her father went an arranged her marriage to an idiot, and now no one would help her get away! Climbing onto her horse with dignity and a frown, the nineteen year old waited until the gates opened before spurring her horse forward. They were at an inn, and this place was completely unfamiliar to the young woman. Still she rushed ahead heedless of any dangers which might have lined her way.

All that mattered was escaping those horrid people. The city unfurled, streets and alleyways wee abuzz with activity. Her horse plunged trough the throng of people without a care in the world for their safety. All Calista cared about was herself, which meant getting out of the cesspit people called a city. Somehow she managed, even with the guards in pursuit. LOsing them was childishly easy. It had takeb an hour or so of running around, but she'd done it. Now the young woman sat happily by a stream, in a very smug mood.

Pure Randomness... now in an ext...
Ellancher is offline
Old 07-31-2011, 04:00 AM


There was a rusteling the the bushes across the stream from Calista, then a snarl and the squeal of somethig's final breath. It was Ashton, a hungry Ashton. The large buck he'd just killed was missing a back limb before it was even completely dead. The dragon lefted his head back to swallow and to breath for a moment. It felt good to have something in his stomach after three days of not seeing another living thing that he could eat.

Snorthing once, Ashton listened or a moment to make sure he was alone. He didn;t hear anything else but the gurgling of the stream nearbye. Good, he was alone and wouldn't be disturbed while he ate. The was one thing Ashton hated more than hunger, being disturbed while he was trying to eat.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-01-2011, 04:02 PM

(I like this pic for Calista better.


There were disgusting sounds coming from across the stream. Grimacing, Calista stood with her hands upon her hips and glared at the spot where they came from. It looked as if the young woman thought she could silence the gulping sounds with nothing more then her eyes. Finding that this tact did not work, the grey eyed girl marched forward to step across the stream. Hopping from rock to rock carefully, Calista made her way towards the sounds. It didn't occur to her that perhaps this wasn't a human, nor a good idea.

"Excuse me." Her haughty voice managed to make these simple words sound like an insult. "Would you keep it down? I am trying to relax." Moving branches and bushes aside exposed the source of the racket. A dragon, brown and silver with deadly looking natural weaponry. Even this sight did not make her back down. "Well?" Too used to being obeyed, the young woman forged on.


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