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Hatake Ayumi
College Student
Hatake Ayumi is offline
Old 08-06-2011, 04:36 PM

Yan Care Book

Let the caring fun begin!

Hatake Ayumi
College Student
Hatake Ayumi is offline
Old 08-06-2011, 05:28 PM

So I wake up to a rustling in my room... A quick search gives me this:

I was expecting a baby Yan, but this lil' rascal managed to find his way into my drawers without kindly notifying me! Though, really, you have to admire his ninja skills at such a young age... He's practically a protege!

So I put him in some panties I had already prepared, picked up my new ward out of the cushioned depths of my drawers, and he asks "Wai dun braas has b00bies n' dem?"

All will be revealed soon little one... Soon...

Last edited by Hatake Ayumi; 08-06-2011 at 05:34 PM..

Hatake Ayumi
College Student
Hatake Ayumi is offline
Old 08-06-2011, 05:33 PM

Every person deserves a good breakfast, and this child was no exception. Chocolate Chip Waffles (with extra chocolate chips on the side per request) were in order for us all. He got to eat in bed because it's his first day, and because of his nearly flawless break in.
You'd be surprised the bite this kiddo has...

Hatake Ayumi
College Student
Hatake Ayumi is offline
Old 08-08-2011, 11:57 PM

Now, the rest of that day's activities are strictly confidential. But what I can divulge some bits of recent baby Yan events...

In our days together, Yan has mentioned this... F.R.E.E. and his quest for it. I, of course, must help him on his quest. A good parent aids her child on the path to success, and in this case "fR33!" Now, not everything can be conquered with my darling's sharp wit and silver tongue, so I embarked on the task of teaching him how to write.

He proved to be a quick study. Just as I had thought.
Isn't he just the most darling little student you ever did see? :heart:
... -ahem-

After all that hard work, learning how to grasp a pen using his small but strong arms and how to write out a summary of his quest, he deserved a reward. I had a small present for him...

As soon as he saw his new ride, he whipped off his panties and donned his all too cool sunglasses, and posed for a picture for this momentous occasion. This dinosaur is fully padded, just his size with memory foam seat for comfy riding. Only the best for my darling~!

It only took him an hour to learn how to ride like a true master of beasts, and by then it was time for a meal. After a long day of knowledge, questing for F.R.E.E. and learning to master animals, he deserved something more special than mere chocolate.

Yes, pizza was in order! I would put up pictures of his first pizza... But as soon as I turned around to grab the camera after I took the pizza pie out of the oven... The pizza mysteriously disappeared... I had to whip up another meal... But Yan was being a bit of a picky eater...
His skills grow exponentially... Soon, he shall answer to nobody!
... Just like his momma~

Hatake Ayumi
College Student
Hatake Ayumi is offline
Old 08-09-2011, 07:34 PM

Simple words alone will not obtain his free. We know this now. Time to take drastic measures.

We created a video, outlining Yan's cause, urging others to join. Of course, I only posted this video in the private realms of an exclusive ninja site. They're the only ones who can help.
Hopefully, this is progress.


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