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Legum servi sumus ut liberi esse...
Fiona_Watergate is offline
Old 08-07-2011, 05:09 PM

I know you....
Have you ever had the feeling you knew someone even though you know you didn't. Have you ever had a tear in your eye when you saw some one you didn't know? What if someone told you that you did once know them. In a life before this one. Old people before there about to die know this to be true, (one) That they will live again, (two) that baby are still there former self till they get to be about six months,(three) that something bigger is controlling samples of our DNA never truly letting us die. Only baby's and old people know this to be true, for you see we live in such a life that we don't look to what could be, we only see what can be.

Last edited by Fiona_Watergate; 08-07-2011 at 05:14 PM..

Legum servi sumus ut liberi esse...
Fiona_Watergate is offline
Old 08-07-2011, 05:14 PM

Age 19\

Lilly Sat on the board walk looking to the sky, she long to see her lover once more, but knew that it could never happen, he was gone and there was nothing she could do about it. A single tear rolled down her pale pink cheek. "Why?" she asked softly to herself.


Esmond walked along the board walk looking for something to eat, H looked to his feet. "if I don't eat soon I'll weather away to nothing." he said to himself. He found a small dinner in between a few games. He walked in and sat in a small booth read to eat.

Loveless Angels
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Old 08-21-2011, 04:35 AM

Risko: Age 21:

Risko Smiled seeing a new customer. She really hoped that this time she didnt make any mistakes. she knocked on the wooden counter top before heading over to him on roller skates. Stopping perfectly infrount of him she smiled slightly more to herself that she was getting better at this, but to him as well. "Hello, my name is Risko and I will be your waitress, can i start you off with an apitizer and something to drink?" For what ever reason she felt more confident.
Zeak: Age 17:

Zeak walked down the boarkwalk his i-touch blaring music. For the most part he was in his own little world, no job, home schooled. he had it easy. But of course theres always something imperfect about everyone, for Zeak he was pretty clumbsy.Well honestly that was an understatment. It wasnt long before his little world was interupted by him triping over something and falling down when he looked up he saw a girl sitting there crying. he cursed to himself before apologizing like a million and one times.

(Sorry for taking so long, my excuse is totally the event and then going away to ma. Im so sorry! )

Legum servi sumus ut liberi esse...
Fiona_Watergate is offline
Old 08-21-2011, 04:25 PM

Lilly looked down at Zeak "are you okay?" she asked. She hoped he wasn't hurt at all. She got up and reached her hand to him. "let me help you up" she said as she pushed the tears back. She forced a smile on her face, for she was always good at that. "I'm Lilly." she said softly.

H looked let out a small laugh inside Esmonds head. 'she's cute' he said. Esmond rolled his eyes, he looked up to his waitress and softly smiled. "We... I want what ever you think is best." he said. Esmond use to be good at getting the ladies, but ever since H showed up he no longer had those skills. He was still handsome with his dark hair a strong build and blue eyes.

Loveless Angels
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Old 08-21-2011, 04:37 PM

She smiled back. Now do you want the most popular orders ir my personal favorites? she asked softly " Also when you said we, were you expecting someone else? If you would like to wait for them to get here you can its not a problem." She brushed the stray hairs out of her face, today for some reason it was very busy.

Zeak took her hand " No, Im fine really he said, a bit surprised by her smile. Wasnt she just crying? he got to his feet, hi was quite abit taller than her, so he had to angle his head to look her in the eyes " Im Zeak, sorry for triping over you, your not hurt either, right?"

Legum servi sumus ut liberi esse...
Fiona_Watergate is offline
Old 08-21-2011, 05:17 PM

Esmsmond smile faded. "Oh no I'm not waiting for anyone, there not going to show." he said softly. "I'll have what ever your favorite is." he said. The smile returned to his face. H was just watching the girl, he watch as she brushed the hair out of her face. 'she yummy.' he said to Esmond. Esmond rolled his eyes again. "Yeah I just have what ever your favorite is." he said softly.

Lilly smiled brightened a bit, as Zeak as if she was okay. "I'm fine." she said softly as she looked him in his eyes, and gently pulled her hand away from his. "Well I'm about to get a bite to eat... I don't know if this is to forward, but would you like to get something to eat with me?" she asked It had been two years since her lover had died, she had felt so alone since that had happened, for he was the only family she had. Lilly though if she could just have some company maybe it would get her mind off of 'him'. "There's a small dinner on the boardwalk that makes the best food." she said softly.

Loveless Angels
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Old 08-21-2011, 06:47 PM

Zeak smiled. he couldmever say no to a womans request but of course he would be even more of a gentleman, " I would love to go get a bite to eat with you, but if i may be so bold, may i do the honor of paying for you?" It didnt have to be a date he thought to himself, he just thought that when dining the man friend or more should be nice enough to pay.

Risko nodded " Before i have them make my favorites, are you alergic to anything?" she asked just to be safe. She was a huge fan of sea food,and even though this was on the board walk not everyone came here for the fresh fish.

Legum servi sumus ut liberi esse...
Fiona_Watergate is offline
Old 08-21-2011, 07:10 PM

Lilly's cheeks turned a soft shade of pink when Zeak asked if he could pay. "Sure." she said with a smile as she looked down at her feet. This was the first time in a while that she had a quick connection with someone. She looked up at him. "Shall we go then Zeak?" she asked him.

Esmond shook his head, "Not that I know of." he said. H sat there quietly in Esmonds head. It was the first time since H appeared in Esonds head. Esmonds stomach growled a bit "sorry, its been a few days since I've eaten." he said.

Loveless Angels
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Old 08-22-2011, 12:04 PM

Zeak smiled more so to himself happy that she agreed to let him pay for her. "yes, we shall." he said but then realized he didn't actually know where the place was since he only moved here about half a year ago. " would you mind taking the lead?" he said slightly embarrassed.

Risko walked to the back and scribbled down her favorites with a side note of larger portions, then went to make him one of her favorite drinks. While the tea was stealing she went to check all of her other tables, gliding around most of the restaurant. She then went back for the tea and brought it over to him. " i hope you like chai tea, I made it the way I tend to drink it, with some vanilla creamer and whipped cream..."

Last edited by FakeSunShine; 10-17-2011 at 03:47 AM..

Legum servi sumus ut liberi esse...
Fiona_Watergate is offline
Old 08-22-2011, 02:58 PM

Lilly smiled, "I would love to show you where it is." she said. "I grew up her." she said softly. She knew that he must be new around here, everyone who lived her long enough new where the dinner was. "how long have you lived here?" she softly asked looking up at Zeak.

H laughed again, "Maybe I should take over an get us a date." he said. Esmoned shook his head, "No! I've already provin that I'm stronger then you. You can live in my head, but you'll never have my body." he said, as he said that Risko came with the drink. "It looks amazing." he said with a smile. He took a sip of it. "It taste even better then it looks." he said. He looked up at Risko and softly smiled, "thank you." he said.

Loveless Angels
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Old 08-22-2011, 05:07 PM

Nive been living here for about half a year now, but shoortly after moving I broke my leg and couldn't go out much. Im sorta accident prone..." he smirked slightly. "If you haven't noticed already that is.." he walked next to her as she headed to the dinner.

Risko smiled n im really glad that you like it." She paused for a moment before continueing. " can I get you anything else while your food is being made?"

Last edited by FakeSunShine; 10-17-2011 at 03:47 AM..

Legum servi sumus ut liberi esse...
Fiona_Watergate is offline
Old 08-23-2011, 04:11 PM

Lilly smiled at him. "Its cute." she said softly as she lead him into the small dinner that was in between the two games. She noticed a man sitting all by himself something about him reminded her of someone she once new. she quickly looked to Zeak. "So tell me more about yourself." she said softly. They got setted pretty quick even though the dinner was pretty full.

Esmond smiled at the girl and shook his head, "I'm quite alright." he said. He then took his phone out of his pocket, but before he could look down at his H spotted the girl at the door looking at Esmond, "Do you know her?" he asked Esmond. Esmond looked up and saw the girl. "Not that I know of." he said. H shook his head. "I can seance that she knows you." he said.

Loveless Angels
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FakeSunShine is offline
Old 08-23-2011, 05:22 PM

Zeak sat across from her.he had noticed how she looked at the guy over there and wondered if he was a fiend or maybe her boyfriend, either way he hoped he waasnt steping on any toes. Maybe he was the reason she was crying before.. who knows. He wwouldn't ask. " well what would you like toknow about me?

Risko nodded. "Alright if you need anything let me know." She said before skating over to the new customers. Hello my name is risko and ill be taking care of you today. Can I start you guys off with sommethingto drink" she smiled the girl was sort a regular here but the guy she hadnever seen before. Maybe he was from out of townor he was the guy who moved into that old castle on the edge oftown.

Last edited by FakeSunShine; 10-17-2011 at 03:47 AM..

Legum servi sumus ut liberi esse...
Fiona_Watergate is offline
Old 08-23-2011, 05:33 PM

Lilliy smiled at Zeak. "Where did you come from? Most people who leave her have done so there whole life." she said looking into his eyes. Some thing about Zeak was comforting. Though the guy in the corner... but Lilly knew that she didn't know him there was nothing other then his the way he was eating that rememinded her of someone she once knew.
Lilly smiled at the girl as she looked up at the waitress. "I would love a vanilla coke" she looked to Zeak to see what he would get.

"You know her." H said. Esmond shook his head. "I really don't. I promise you I don't know her." He told H as He took a sip of the tea. Esmond looked down at his phone to see that he had a new message. "They want us back." he said to H.

Loveless Angels
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FakeSunShine is offline
Old 08-23-2011, 07:13 PM

Zeak looked to the waitress. "Illhave a water please with no ice and if possible room temperature." He said politely

Risko wrote the drinks down on the pad. "Not a problem . I will be back in a few minutes with your drinks. Please look at the menu if you have any questions let me.know." Risko went off to the back and took all the ready orders to there respective tables. She also stopped at esmonds. Table. "Your food will be out shortly. Sorry for the wait." Before getting their drinks.

Zeal was quiet for a moment. "Well I was born in the united states and spent most of my life in Sweden with my mother and father up until 6monthz ago." He said. "What about you? What's your story?"

Returning to the table, placing the water infront of zeak and the vanilla coke incront of lilly" are you ready to order?"

( sorry was busy having an earthquake.... lol.)

Last edited by FakeSunShine; 10-17-2011 at 03:48 AM..

Legum servi sumus ut liberi esse...
Fiona_Watergate is offline
Old 08-23-2011, 11:02 PM

Lilly nodded, "well I don't really have a story." She said. "I'm and orphan who ran.away from the orphanage at the age of 17, the only man who had ever loved died a few years ago and I've been alone ever since." She said. Lilly gently moved a stran of hair out of her face, she then took a sip of the soda, "thats why I was crying" she said. Lilly looked up at Zeak, her cheeks turning a soft pink. "even though its been a while since he died... I still feel lost without him." She took another sip of the soda, then looked down at the menu. "there chicken is to die for." She said with a smile.

Esmond looked up at the girl and smiled, thats fine. I have a lot of work to work on while I wait anyway." He then looked back down at phone. H smiled," you know what they'll do to us. Why would you good back there?" Esmond didn't say a word he just looked down at the text that read 'were coming'

Loveless Angels
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Old 08-23-2011, 11:21 PM

"Well for someone who doesnt have a story id have to say thats quite a non-story. Im sorry for the loss of your loved one, how long were you together for? Do you want to talk about it?" Zeak felt abit wrong asking her like that but sometimes what someone really needs is to actually talk about it to help them not move on per say but to get better and live happily while cherishing all the memories they shared.

Risko got called over by the manager and was told that she had to take on Niki's tables as well cause she 'went home sick' that left only her and the people making the food, and as always why would the manager leave the welcome desk? she shook her head but left to introduce her self to every table that wasnt hers.

Last edited by FakeSunShine; 10-17-2011 at 03:48 AM..

Legum servi sumus ut liberi esse...
Fiona_Watergate is offline
Old 08-23-2011, 11:36 PM

Lilly heasatated for a moment "well" she didn't really want to talk about it, but she knew that she could trust Zeak or at least she thought she could. Lilliy looked down at her hands then back up at Zeak " at first I was just a charity case for him a tax ride off, I was almost 18 when he took me in, he was twenty-four web didnt get along at first, not at all-american but he let me stay. Web got to know oneanother and feel in love. It was two days before my 19th birthday when he asked me to marry him. I said yes and it was the happiest moment in my life. Saddly though it wasn't meent to be. That night as web sleep something happened to him when I awoke he was cold and stiff." Her eyes welled up with tears "the doctors said that a blood vessel bust in his brain, and thats what killed him." She took the napkin from the tablet and gently whipped the tears from her eyes. "he was such a giving man. He left everything to me." She said sofyly. "I had now clue that he was leave me everything."

Loveless Angels
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Old 08-23-2011, 11:57 PM

Zeak listened quietly, when he saw her tears again he moved his hand to hers instinctively to comfort her. he knew that saying im sorry for her loss would make no difference but if anything he could try to become her friend and be there for her.

Risko came over to esmonds table and placed down the plates, there was half raw tuna (the outer rims are seared) with two dipping sauces, cooked fluke in a garlic sauce and curled sweet potato fried with a sweet but healthy sauce. " Hope you like it, Sorry it took me a while to come back my coworker left so im the only one here"

Last edited by FakeSunShine; 10-17-2011 at 03:48 AM..

Legum servi sumus ut liberi esse...
Fiona_Watergate is offline
Old 08-24-2011, 04:02 PM

Lilly gentle removed her hand from his. "I'm alright." she said with a soft smile. She wasn't okay, but she never would admit it to anyone. She was enjoying Zeaks company and didn't want to mess it up with tears. "But yeah. He was a great man. Have you ever had some one special like that?" she asked him wondering if he had someone to love.

Esmond looked up at the girl then down at the plate, "it smell amazing." he said, as a smile crossed his lip, "my dear is there any way I can get this to go?" he asked. Esmond felt bad for asking but he had to get out of this place before they came for him and H.

Loveless Angels
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Old 08-24-2011, 05:11 PM

Zeak moved his hand back as well there was a girl I liked back home but nothing ever.came of it." He said but looking at his eyes there was more to that story that he wasn't ready to share with anyone.

Risko looked at him a bit surprised. " you were on your lunch break weren't you... im sorry I couldn't vet re food out sooner. Ill go wrap it up for you right away. She picked up the plates and headed back to wrap the up. She put each food into a different box and then put them in a bag for easy carrying and then headed back to his table.
As she went to set the bag down she felt suddenly dizzy like the world was shaking and swaying. But it wasn't just her it was everyone and everything. Some bottles fell off the shelf by the bar.

Last edited by FakeSunShine; 10-17-2011 at 03:48 AM..

Legum servi sumus ut liberi esse...
Fiona_Watergate is offline
Old 08-25-2011, 03:50 PM

Lilly smiled at Zeak. "Oh I see." she said. she then looked to his hands again and gently took them in her own. "I'm sorry for pulling away." she said. "Its my first reaction to people." she said. When she felt the earth shake she looked to Zeak, "We should get out of here just in case." she said.

Esmoned looked to the girl who had been waiting on him, seeing that something was about to fall on her he ran to her side and caught it with one hand. "You should be more careful." he said with a smile. He handed her the bottle. "Whats going on?" he asked her hoping that she would know. Esmoned had never been in an earthquake before, and if this is what it was like he would have liked not to deal with it.

Loveless Angels
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Old 08-25-2011, 04:41 PM

Aslight smile crossed zeaks face at her hands returning to his he felt a little better" no its okay I shouldn't have surprised you like that when you we're upset... he felt the building shaking it was also his first earthquake. He her guessing she knew what to do and nodded. "Yea I guess your right." He stood slowlul since everything was shaming and he didn't wanna to falland make a fool of himself

Risko looked to esmond "t-thank you.." she said surprised how quickly he moved. "Its an earthquak. We should all leave the building its not safe.

Last edited by FakeSunShine; 10-17-2011 at 03:48 AM..

Legum servi sumus ut liberi esse...
Fiona_Watergate is offline
Old 08-25-2011, 05:54 PM

Lilly took Zeak by the hand and slowly lead him out of the building. "We should be okay now." she said softly. She looked into his eyes and softly blushed, a little giggle creaped up in her. "Sorry." she said with a smile. "I just can't help it." she said as she began to laugh.

Esmond, nodded. "no problem." he said with a smile. "Okay what is the best way out?" he asked. H learnt Esmond his strength and speed, for you see when H was a human he was fast as hell, though he wasn't that strong he still had enough to get by. Esmond looked down at Risko. "are you okay though?" he asked the smile faded from his lips.

Loveless Angels
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Old 08-25-2011, 06:26 PM

Zeak looked at her" don't be sorry... its okay a long as its not aabout meband if it is oh well. You have a verry pretty REAL smile." He said watching people from other buildings evacuate. "Does this happpen often...?"

Risko looked around" yea im fine. I need to get everyone out before I can go though would you mind informing hem with me since you seem to move pretty fast" half of the people had evacuated. But the othersdid not get up from their meals.

Last edited by FakeSunShine; 10-17-2011 at 03:49 AM..


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