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~LONGCAT~ is offline
Old 09-22-2011, 06:35 PM

I'm really looking to get a small group together to run an idea I've had floating around.

World: Earth, set after a massive war followed by a pandemic. War has left many buildings in shambles and some places completely leveled. Pandemic virus wiped out most of what was left after the wars.

Things like (working) guns, (clean) paper, ink, real medicine are very rare. Makeshift weapons (shanks, bats, clubs, spears) are more common and creative; alcohols are very common usually some sort of bathtub gin variant, homemade explosives are also more common. Livestock wanders free, but is often malnourished and stringy.

Some settlements still cling together, wary of strangers, usually with a self appointed "mayor"/town dictator. People have either tried making shanty towns out of scrap, taken over some of the more held together towns, and even gone back to nomadic wandering.

Rumor is, out there is a hidden stash of "old-tech" working computers, water purifiers, weapon stock, medicine, and libraries and laboratories all together in one strong hold never hit during the wars. But rumor also has it that's where the Pandemic started and was released.

Pandemic: World spread virus caused devastating deaths after the wars. Symptoms include; sunken eyes, high fever, psychosis, lymph swelling, often resulting in death. Survivors are crazed, violent, and infectious often turning their aggression towards the healthy. They retain no memories of their life prior to the illness and it's said they have no moral or humane traits left due to the high fevers and psychosis.

So that's what I've got. I'm thinking either people can be searching for the cache of tech for good or evil purposes. Or just get roped into following some other's dreams of finding it.

Shoot me ideas about anything!! I'm game for something. My only things are I want semi-lit to lit writers and only Humans, normal humans, as characters.

Last edited by ~LONGCAT~; 10-03-2011 at 12:27 AM..

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~LONGCAT~ is offline
Old 10-03-2011, 12:38 AM

Basic rules:
Character can't be something unreasonable for this setting, ie. a motor-car racer (car's don't work), a sniper (reliable guns don't exist), Vampire/werewolf (it's a futuristic world, not a fantasy one)

Character Skeleton and Characters.
HTML Code:
[B]Player:[/B] (Who you are)
[B]Name:[/B] (Character name)
[B]Sex:[/B] (Male/Female)
[B]Alignment:[/B] (I'm working on the DnD Lawful/Chaotic Good/Evil scale)
[B]Appearance:[/B] (Image)
[B]Description:[/B] (Written description)
[B]Skills:[/B]  (Useful traits and abilities)
[B]Weaknesses:[/B] (Because everyone has them)
[B]Background:[/B](brief history)
[B]Personality:[/B] (A bit of personality)
[B]Extra:[/B](Whatever else you want)
Fun picture to help you understand alignments better.


Player: ~LONGCAT~
Name: Derryl Tomheart
Sex: Male
Alignment: CN

Description: Gaunt but muscular, keeps his hair short, carries several homemade and a few real daggers on him.
Skills: Can roll anything into a cigarette, fairly accurate at throwing knives, kinda sneaky
Weaknesses: Addicted to tobacco, not very strong, can't run too far without losing his breath
Background: Derryl has worked for a number of people as a kill-for-hire. While people vied for power and control of the scattered landscape, he helped others climb their power ladders by killing their competition. He's mostly been wandering since his last job, looking to get money and any tobacco available.
Personality: Very blasé about most things. Quick to anger when out of cigarettes. Doesn't seem like the leader type, but will argue when confronted but someone he doesn't feel is fit to lead.
Extra: Has the habit of picking up old cigarette butts on the floor and tearing them apart to salvage any usable tobacco.
Player: Mayor Mahyem
Name: Alexei Schmidt
Sex: Male
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Description: Alexei has a long, lean figure that is fit with decent muscle-tone, though he not over-muscular by any means. He has stringy, blond hair that comes to his shoulders, and piercing light-blue eyes. He carries any weapons he may find or create, though has taken a liking to smaller bladed weapons that he can easily conceal.
Skills: A survivalist at heart and good at salvaging things that he sees as being useful in some way. Has a great sense of direction, is a decent runner, and is fairly good at sneaking away when he needs to. Also very crafty and creative, if not simply manipulative and deceitful.
Weaknesses: Arrogant, self-centered, and sometimes can be close-minded. Can be over-aggressive at times, and is fairly cynical of the world in some regards. He's stubborn, and when he sets his mind to something, it's hard- if not impossible- to stop him. He can be very hard for others to trust. He also seems very uncomfortable going deep underground, weather it be a cave, building, or what have you.
Background: Grew up in a family of mercenaries. Although he tried his trade as a mercenary, he soon found life to be much easier to simply become a raider and steal whatever it was he needed. Since his older teen years, he's been in and out of gangs, and was even the leader of a few. Now at the age of 23, Alexi continues to roam the world as a raider, scavenger, and all-around thief. He does so alone, finding along the way that flying solo was usually in his best interest; namely with the 'pandemic' around.
Personality: Alexei is a survivor, first and foremost. Cold, calculating, and devious when he needs to be, he seldom has sympathy for anyone he comes across and rarely feels anything to kill someone if he has to. To him, the world's fair-game, and everything's up for the taking. He lives in the moment, and could care less for how the world came to be, or any of the stories old people ramble on about the war. He can be hot-headed at times when something hits a nerve, and aggressive towards obtaining whatever it is he might want at that moment. He's found that he can play the part of both a follower and leader- whichever might be more productive at the moment- yet tries his best to stray from such roles, finding much more comfort and satisfaction in sticking by himself and to his own set of wayward rules.
Extra: Also displays traits of the Neutral Evil category. He's very creative and tends to makeshift a lot of his own tools and weapons out of random junk he finds, though he won't stray from using a good dagger if he might be so lucky to come across one.
Player: Emiko_firecaster
Name: Veravel
Sex: female
Alignment: Chaotic good
Appearance: click for larger pic:
Description: ((her ears are normal)) tall at 6 1/2 feet, uses two twin machettes as weapons, greenish blue eyes, normally wears cowboy hat.
Skills: Very good with bladed weapons, can fight hand to hand
Weaknesses: has trouble killing infected kids
Background: attack on previous settlement has left her with emotional scars, is about 25 years old, dislikes having to be on the run often, has lived in whats left of the forest in the north.
Personality: collected, perfers to keep silent, doesnt like to be constrained, can lead or follow, just don't get in her way
Extra: found the machettes in her settlement. likes to use them as they match her fighting style best. doesn't trust guys that much perfering the company of other females.
Player: TheOriginalPyro
Name: Chris
Sex: Male
Allignment: CE
Description: Generally where's a long dark coat, black jeans and boots. Long black hair with a white streak, tall and skinny but strong and with a good mind for melée or hand to hand combat, knives, blunt objects etc.
Skills: A life as an arsenist ensuing the wars has left him with a vast knowledge of combustibles and flammables. Chris can make a bomb from almost anything, whether it explodes or makes fire, he can make it. Made a small living selling explosives to criminals.
Weakness: Was infected with tetanus which is slowly killing the muscle tissue in his leg and spreading up, inevitably killing him. He wants to create as much fear and chaos as he can with what little time he has.
Background: Orphaned at a young age in suburban he'll that was his home, he turned to violence and pain to fill his time. He found a journal that contained recipes for bombs which he has now added to, hoping to give it to a successor to continue to bring he'll to the survivors. He doesn't want power, he wants to upset what is left of the social order and show people what is truly inside the darkest part of a mans soul.
Personality: Generally quiet and doesn't like to talk to people but has a habit of senselessly killing or injuring people for fun. Aside from the journal he also found a book of Batman, which has allowed him to take inspiration from The Joker.
Extra: with the inevitability of his death, he wants to find someone who wants the same thing as himself so that he nay bring a new terror to the people.
Character name: Kayla Ross
Sex: Female
Skin color:Tan
Height: 5'9
Description:Kayla wears her hair in braids, her clothes are made from animal furs; consisting of a deerskin tunic, and a skirt made from a german shepherd hide; she personally killed it. Her feet are usually covered with old tan tennis shoes, scavenged by her within the wastes. She carries several short spears wherever she roams, along with a hunting knife, several feet of rope, a small tent, 10 water bottles, 3 lunch box's containing meal sized rations, and a backpack filled with other survival related items. Her body is well toned from a harsh life of scavengeing, stealing, and sometimes robbery. One other noticeable object is a thread woven pendent made of a red rock. Many would say she is attractive in a sort of wild way, her smooth gaunt face, and beutiful brown eyes, hide the heart of a deceiver.

Bio:She had been born in the village of Array, nestled in the remains of an old solar panel powered recycling factory. Conditions were becoming cramped, her people voted her out of the building at the age of 15. Trade and deception are the people of Array's trade mark, since any metal scrap sold to them would be used to make melee weapons and armor, a few chicken's were no expense in her families book. She hadn't been given an objective, only a condition upon her return, she must bring back something worthwhile; be it knowledge or material in form. Now she wanders the waste's enjoying her newfound freedom, to use her people's craftsmenship to full effect. Although she is quite mischievous, she has yet to kill another being; there is no hesitation in taking from the unprepared.
Originally Posted by Kilik View Post
Player: Kilik
Name: Kaladin
Sex: Male
Alignment: Lawful Good
Description: Average height, a muscular built but in an athletic, lean way. He has goggles that protect his eyes from the relentless sun and biting sand/dust/debris. He wears black plain t-shirt, and a worn out old coat for the cold nights and winter weather.
Skills: Agile and fast, he has a knack of responding quickly to situations.
Weaknesses: A wound to his left leg that healed improperly over time. Although he can manage quick bursts of sprints, he can't run long distances, and he can't walk too far without it starting to pain him.
Background: Lost his loved ones at a young age due to the pandemic. Was an orphan by age seven, and he was found by an elderly man who lived in a nearby village. As Kaladin grew up with the man, he learned that, no matter the state the world is in at the moment, all a man needs is hope. Because if one has hope, he can spread it. As the old man lay on his deathbed when Kaladin was seventeen, he gave the youth a valuable gift - a rusty sword that existed before the war. Before the man slipped into eternal slumber, Kaladin promised that the next time they meet, the world will once again flourish.
Personality: A kind and understanding guy, but more importantly, caring. Strong-willed and determined.
Extra: The sword is a typical, steel long sword once belonged to a museum that contained historical weapons.
Player: Nimka
Name: Ava
Sex: Female
Alignment: Neutral

Description: Ava has white hair grown out to her knees, always either down or in a long braid over her shoulder, and dull grey eyes. She wears a black hooded cloak over a pair of dark flow-y pants and a black tank top, as well as a simple pair of handcrafted sandals. She is roughly 5'6" tall with a very slender, almost feeble, build.
Skills: Knowledgeable with most bladed weapons, namely her wakizashi; highly resourceful and intelligent in the field of survival, very agile.
Weaknesses: Has a soft spot for animals but she is not above killing them for her survival, not physically strong.
Background: After the war, Ava's parents (who'd had yet to birth her) sought refuge at a makeshift township consisting of about a hundred people, all who were desperately huddled into a standing business building where a small stockpile of untainted medicine had been discovered. It had become a well known safe haven for wanderers, and after her parents were established in the tiny community they felt comfortable enough to bear a child into the world. Her upbringing was warm and loving yet somehow it stemmed a cautious and awkward child with hardly any charisma. At the age of eighteen she decided to leave her town and search for something more interesting.
Personality: Ava is quiet and calculating, but ambitious and curious. She doesn't worry often but she hesitates with most decisions, always making sure to think things through fully and rarely lets her emotions influence her. She loves to wander and scavenge, which led her to discovering an "ancient relic" of pre-war, a two foot long wakizashi sword, buried in the ashes of a destroyed building, that she carries with her and cherishes as her only beloved possession.
Extra: She has a good heart and occasionally shows Neutral Good behavior.
Player: netherdancer
Name: Kaylyne Jakson
Sex: Female
Alignment: N
Description: Kaylyne is a short girl of over 5 ft. Her eyes betray almost nothing, her dress is handmade and she forgoes shoes. Her eyes change color, but as she cannot see them, she does not know the color of them. Her soft hair is white and falls to her shoulders, her skin is pale and her figure slim.
Skills: She is a very good runner, has a capable hand at healing and cooking. She reads and is very intelligent though often insulting. She can block out large amounts of pain, though she is easily broken,
Weaknesses: Doesn't think before she speaks sometimes, the dark tales or/imaginary monsters. Can be stubborn, very clumsy and naive though is helpful to just about everyone. Memories of her parents and harsh life.
Background: Her parents abandoned her because she was too much of a burden. Her mind cracked a little as a result, leaving her vulnerable for a time
Personality: She's very open minded and keeps her cool almost all the time but is pretty emotional. A complete book-worm with absolutely no knowledge of other people to a real extent. Very shy and motherly towards the few people she manages to save every once in a while.
Extra: Her tattoo
Player: Angelo
Name: Cassi Ayako Shirosaki
Sex: Female
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Description: Fairly small (3'9” and 37 pounds), Cassi is pretty pale and thin, looking more like a child than an adult. Her long, fiery-red hair is usually worn in a ponytail so that it's out of her way, blending nicely with her blue eyes and the golden starburst shape inside them. Her face is typically mistaken for a child's due to the shape and button nose she has, as well as how her eyes make her look like she's always startled. Her jacket was a gift from her best friend, who is now dead. It, along with a small amethyst heart necklace, is her most prized possession. Burn scars cover her chest, obviously healed, but still easily seen, especially on her tummy.
Skills: Cassi is extremely resourceful, able to come up with ways to use things for unconventional purposes (think McGyver). She's also quite flexible and agile, having been taught parkour and gymnastics by her now-dead best friend. Guns also seem to work well for her, though she doesn't have a gunpowder based one. Instead, she made a railgun using silver bars and other electronic equipment she found.
Weaknesses: Her size is the biggest one. It makes her frail compared to most others. A good hit to her arm can easily shatter the bone. She also possesses hemophilia, which means that if she starts bleeding, it takes forever for it to clot back up, and can be quite deadly if she doesn't take inventory of her body daily, and bandage up any cuts she finds. She also suffers from occasional bouts of pain around her chest due to severe burns she suffered a while ago. They are often incapacitating, requiring that she get bedrest before moving on.
Background: Cassi actually doesn't know much about herself at all. She woke up in what appeared to be a hospital at the legs of a boy she quickly befriended. He taught her how to survive the Hell that was now the earth, helping her train to peak physical condition and taking care of her when she was sick. When he died trying to save a little boy, Cassi flipped out, killing the man with her experimental railgun. Unfortunately, it also left massive burns up around her torso, and damaging her bladder, requiring that she wear protection. Ever since then, she's been wandering listlessly, helping whoever needs it.
Personality: Cassi is usually reserved and aloof, seeming to be indifferent to the world. And that does seem to be the case. Growing up under another teenager, she never really developed a sense of morals, especially once he died. She knows enough to help people, but other than that, she's clueless. For example, she has no idea stealing is wrong.
Extra: Cassi is a genetically altered clone. Which means that her base was essentially taken from someone, but then adjusted to fit some other purpose.

Last edited by ~LONGCAT~; 10-13-2011 at 06:57 PM..

Mayor Mayhem
Mayor Mayhem is offline
Old 10-03-2011, 02:42 AM

Okay, you just painted the most beautiful picture in my mind, and I am now completely engrossed in this rp idea of yours.

It sounds similar to Fallout (the love of my life) and just the setting had me captivated.

I also love how it's like a zombie rp, but not as blatant as just saying 'zombie rp'.

I really like the idea of a main plot point being 'find the tech supplies' too.

Gives people something to do, but for their own different reasons. (Good, evil, personal gain, etc...)

So yes, I would be more than happy to join this rp if you ever created it! <3

Last edited by Mayor Mayhem; 10-03-2011 at 02:49 PM..

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~LONGCAT~ is offline
Old 10-03-2011, 05:42 PM

I love that game as well, so pieces of this might have been based off that game. However I am leaving out all the mutated monsters and creatures, except the Survivors... who, as you put it, are zombies without saying zombies.
I really wanted this to be more open ended with a goal.
I'm going to put up a character skeleton and my character, So you and others, who are interested, can create their own character.

Mayor Mayhem
Mayor Mayhem is offline
Old 10-03-2011, 06:02 PM

Awesome! I can't wait! ;D

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~LONGCAT~ is offline
Old 10-03-2011, 07:16 PM

Taking interested character profiles!!

Mayor Mayhem
Mayor Mayhem is offline
Old 10-03-2011, 07:40 PM

Looks awesome!

One question though:What are the alignments to choose from? What's CN?

EDIT: Never-mind, I got it. xD I'll get a profile up soon.

Last edited by Mayor Mayhem; 10-03-2011 at 09:53 PM..

emiko_firecaster is offline
Old 10-03-2011, 08:13 PM

question one, how long has it been since the war/pandemic? are there still people who think that the war is still happening?

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~LONGCAT~ is offline
Old 10-05-2011, 12:30 AM

When I have access to a computer again, I have a great visiual to help with understanding the alignment aspect bnetter.

As for the history of things: the wars have been over for at least 50 years, the big bombings at least. Small pockets of fighting still occur and constant battles for power continue. The pandemic was released just years after the last bomnbings but didn't spread worldwide and cause severe issues until about 15 years after the last bombing, so 35 years ago.

I'm going to have more in depth and start up on a main RP thread when I have full computer access.

emiko_firecaster is offline
Old 10-05-2011, 01:25 AM

hmn ok so then no "survivors of both then ^.~

Knots is offline
Old 10-05-2011, 01:54 AM

This seems like it'd be a lot of fun. I'd love to join when everything begins.

Smores is offline
Old 10-05-2011, 02:05 AM

Oh! Smores is interested! :O
Finding the idea kinda....hypnotizing... @_@

My brain has been washed.

Im totally in.....
That is...

If you will have me! =D

Mayor Mayhem
Mayor Mayhem is offline
Old 10-05-2011, 02:28 AM

Player: Mayor Mahyem
Name: Alexei Schmidt
Sex: Male
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Description: Alexei has a long, lean figure that is fit with decent muscle-tone, though he not over-muscular by any means. He has stringy, blond hair that comes to his shoulders, and piercing light-blue eyes. He carries any weapons he may find or create, though has taken a liking to smaller bladed weapons that he can easily conceal.
Skills: A survivalist at heart and good at salvaging things that he sees as being useful in some way. Has a great sense of direction, is a decent runner, and is fairly good at sneaking away when he needs to. Also very crafty and creative, if not simply manipulative and deceitful.
Weaknesses: Arrogant, self-centered, and sometimes can be close-minded. Can be over-aggressive at times, and is fairly cynical of the world in some regards. He's stubborn, and when he sets his mind to something, it's hard- if not impossible- to stop him. He can be very hard for others to trust. He also seems very uncomfortable going deep underground, weather it be a cave, building, or what have you.
Background: Grew up in a family of mercenaries. Although he tried his trade as a mercenary, he soon found life to be much easier to simply become a raider and steal whatever it was he needed. Since his older teen years, he's been in and out of gangs, and was even the leader of a few. Now at the age of 23, Alexi continues to roam the world as a raider, scavenger, and all-around thief. He does so alone, finding along the way that flying solo was usually in his best interest; namely with the 'pandemic' around.
Personality: Alexei is a survivor, first and foremost. Cold, calculating, and devious when he needs to be, he seldom has sympathy for anyone he comes across and rarely feels anything to kill someone if he has to. To him, the world's fair-game, and everything's up for the taking. He lives in the moment, and could care less for how the world came to be, or any of the stories old people ramble on about the war. He can be hot-headed at times when something hits a nerve, and aggressive towards obtaining whatever it is he might want at that moment. He's found that he can play the part of both a follower and leader- whichever might be more productive at the moment- yet tries his best to stray from such roles, finding much more comfort and satisfaction in sticking by himself and to his own set of wayward rules.
Extra: Also displays traits of the Neutral Evil category. He's very creative and tends to makeshift a lot of his own tools and weapons out of random junk he finds, though he won't stray from using a good dagger if he might be so lucky to come across one.

(( Finally, I get my profile up! xD ))

Last edited by Mayor Mayhem; 10-05-2011 at 03:06 PM..

emiko_firecaster is offline
Old 10-05-2011, 03:42 AM

Player: Emiko_firecaster
Name: Veravel
Sex: female
Alignment: Chaotic good
Appearance: click for larger pic:
Description: ((her ears are normal)) tall at 6 1/2 feet, uses two twin machettes as weapons, greenish blue eyes, normally wears cowboy hat.
Skills: Very good with bladed weapons, can fight hand to hand
Weaknesses: has trouble killing infected kids
Background: attack on previous settlement has left her with emotional scars, is about 25 years old, dislikes having to be on the run often, has lived in whats left of the forest in the north.
Personality: collected, perfers to keep silent, doesnt like to be constrained, can lead or follow, just don't get in her way
Extra: found the machettes in her settlement. likes to use them as they match her fighting style best. doesn't trust guys that much perfering the company of other females.

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~LONGCAT~ is offline
Old 10-05-2011, 02:52 PM

Mayor and Emiko, I like them! :) this is gonna be fun when I get it up. Hopefully later today (I should have a computer instead of my phone then).
The setting is about 2.5 generations past the war so any elderly still around would remember it. And there are the infected "Survivors", crazed mindless bodies of hatred and pain that lash out and kill, hurt, destroy what they can.

Mayor Mayhem
Mayor Mayhem is offline
Old 10-05-2011, 05:22 PM

Can't wait! ;D

emiko_firecaster is offline
Old 10-06-2011, 02:58 PM

deffinately looking forward to it

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~LONGCAT~ is offline
Old 10-07-2011, 10:25 PM

Accepted characters behind spoiler. Picture explanation of "alignments" is up as well.

LucienSlade is offline
Old 10-07-2011, 10:38 PM

I am also interested. Fallout for the win!! I would like to play a tribal, chaotic good most likey. Are you strict about bios? I can never get the picture I want to show and would appreciate a little leniancey on that fact.

Pure Randomness... now in an ext...
Ellancher is offline
Old 10-08-2011, 12:33 AM

Would you be accepting more than one character per person?

TheOriginalPyro is offline
Old 10-08-2011, 12:40 AM

Player: TheOriginalPyro
Name: Chris
Sex: Male
Allignment: CE
Description: Generally where's a long dark coat, black jeans and boots. Long black hair with a white streak, tall and skinny but strong and with a good mind for melée or hand to hand combat, knives, blunt objects etc.
Skills: A life as an arsenist ensuing the wars has left him with a vast knowledge of combustibles and flammables. Chris can make a bomb from almost anything, whether it explodes or makes fire, he can make it. Made a small living selling explosives to criminals.
Weakness: Was infected with tetanus which is slowly killing the muscle tissue in his leg and spreading up, inevitably killing him. He wants to create as much fear and chaos as he can with what little time he has.
Background: Orphaned at a young age in suburban he'll that was his home, he turned to violence and pain to fill his time. He found a journal that contained recipes for bombs which he has now added to, hoping to give it to a successor to continue to bring he'll to the survivors. He doesn't want power, he wants to upset what is left of the social order and show people what is truly inside the darkest part of a mans soul.
Personality: Generally quiet and doesn't like to talk to people but has a habit of senselessly killing or injuring people for fun. Aside from the journal he also found a book of Batman, which has allowed him to take inspiration from The Joker.
Extra: with the inevitability of his death, he wants to find someone who wants the same thing as himself so that he nay bring a new terror to the people.

Last edited by TheOriginalPyro; 10-08-2011 at 12:55 AM..

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~LONGCAT~ is offline
Old 10-08-2011, 12:46 AM

LucienSlade: If you'd rather put in a written description of their physical appearance. HELL YES! I am all for it. You don't need a picture it just helps for a quick idea of what they might look like. But more power to you if you want to, and if it's just an issue of not getting the image to appear you can send my the image and I can host it and put it into your profile for you when I copy it over.

Ellancher: I was going to stick with single characters for now but if you have two that are dependent on each other in the wastelands of the world than sure.

TheOriginalPyro: Remember that "Survivors" of the pandemic infection are basically mindless hate balls. Think angry zombie. You can have something like Tetanus or Polio, but not the pandemic virus. oh and your image link is broke :<

TheOriginalPyro is offline
Old 10-08-2011, 12:49 AM

Ok, I'll fix that real quick but the picture is playing up because I posted from my iPod. I might just put more into my desc. and scrap the image.

is Long

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~LONGCAT~ is offline
Old 10-08-2011, 12:54 AM

That's fine! I understand that, half my posts are from my phone. So when you get the chance to fix that I'll put yours up in the accepted list.

LucienSlade is offline
Old 10-08-2011, 03:46 AM

Character name: Kayla Ross
Sex: Female
Skin color:Tan
Height: 5'9
Description:Kayla wears her hair in braids, her clothes are made from animal furs; consisting of a deerskin tunic, and a skirt made from a german shepherd hide; she personally killed it. Her feet are usually covered with old tan tennis shoes, scavenged by her within the wastes. She carries several short spears wherever she roams, along with a hunting knife, several feet of rope, a small tent, 10 water bottles, 3 lunch box's containing meal sized rations, and a backpack filled with other survival related items. Her body is well toned from a harsh life of scavengeing, stealing, and sometimes robbery. One other noticeable object is a thread woven pendent made of a red rock. Many would say she is attractive in a sort of wild way, her smooth gaunt face, and beutiful brown eyes, hide the heart of a deceiver.

Bio:She had been born in the village of Array, nestled in the remains of an old solar panel powered recycling factory. Conditions were becoming cramped, her people voted her out of the building at the age of 15. Trade and deception are the people of Array's trade mark, since any metal scrap sold to them would be used to make melee weapons and armor, a few chicken's were no expense in her families book. She hadn't been given an objective, only a condition upon her return, she must bring back something worthwhile; be it knowledge or material in form. Now she wanders the waste's enjoying her newfound freedom, to use her people's craftsmenship to full effect. Although she is quite mischievous, she has yet to kill another being; there is no hesitation in taking from the unprepared.

(Good 'nuff?)

Last edited by LucienSlade; 10-08-2011 at 04:40 AM..


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