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Old 10-04-2011, 12:43 AM

The Hallow Eve Wars

Halloween. The Holiday that most love because of the free candy and how you can dress up in costumes and scare each other. But something happens one Halloween that no one will forget, a disease broke out and caused most of the dead around the world to turn into either a zombie or a ghoul. Another outbreak caused half of the human population to turn into either spirits or other creatures called Shikabane. The remaining humans feared the ghouls, zombies, spirits and shikabane since their were abnormal and seemed like they could kill the human race off easily. The Spirits and Ghoul enjoyed the fear they got from the humans, after all the Spirits and Ghoul could either eat and scare the humans to death...literally. However the Zombies and Shikabane wish to live among the humans as equals than monsters. The Spirits and Ghoul become enraged about the Shikabane leaders of the Undead, the Shikabane Himes, declared that all 'monsters' are to behave in order to allow the humans to be comfortable.

The Spirits and Ghouls hated the Shikabane Himes, they didn't like how they were protecting the humans from harm or their plans on destroying the weak humans. The Spirits and Ghouls declare war against the Shikabane, Zombies and humans. But the Shikabane already have problems of their own, the humans are starting to like the Shikabane and zombies more than friends. The Shikabane and zombies may have asked for more than they can chew. That is why love between a human and a shikabane/zombie is forbidden. In order to protect the remaining humans, the Shikabane and Zombies decided to protect the humans by letting one Shikabane and one Zombie protect one human. With the humans being protected by the Shikabane and Zombies. The Hallows eve War with the Ghouls and Spirits has begun...

Info 4 the confused

Shikabane Hime: Shikabane Hime are girls that had died just like normal people, however they were able to keep their human forms. They have the ability to swith between their human and Shikabane forms when they choose to, whoch is often never a good thing. The Shikabane Hime rule over the Undead citizens of earth and make sure they behave themselves. They also can also use their regrets to make their attacks stronger and destroy their enemies more quickly.

Shikabane: Shikabane are monsters that were once humans but died of intense regret in the living. Shikabane can vary on what the human did in life and are known for having an aggressive nature towards their enemies. However, when a few girls are turned into Shikabane and have a human as a companion, then they are called Shikabane Hime. Shikabane have a kind demeanor towards humans and wish to protect them as their leaders are.

Zombies: humans that were affected by a virus that turned them into flesh eating monsters. The Zombies obey the Shikabane Hime since to the human eyes, they fall under the category 'undead'. The Zombies believe that they were placed there to help the Shikabane and have been doing so in order to protect the humans. The Zombies or 'Zombi' have only one rule, they are forbidden to eat a living human and must eat only the deceased.

Ghouls: just like zombies, these humans were affected by a different type of virus designed for the criminally insane, however it spread when one of the inmates bit a doctor. Ghouls eat humans living or dead in order to survive.

Spirits: dead humans that come back to the human world to kill the humans of the world. They believe that the Zombies and Shikabane are protecting a race that deserves to be dead.

  1. PM me ur profile
  2. call it "Spirit" "Ghoul" "Zombie" "Human" "Shikabane Hime" or "Shikabane"
  3. Have fun
  4. Watch your mouth
  5. no goddmodding
  6. Romance and Violence is allowed

Last edited by Gothika_Knight; 10-27-2011 at 01:36 AM..

Guess who's back~ For those who ...
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Old 10-05-2011, 02:40 PM


Shikabane Hime:
Shikabane Hime 1: Gothika_Knight
Shikabane Hime 2: Finx15
Shikabane Hime 3:
Shikabane Hime 4:

Shikabane 1: TheOriginalPyro
Shikabane 2:
Shikabane 3:
Shikabane 4:

Zombie 1: Graxdon
Zombie 2:
Zombie 3:
Zombie 4:

Ghoul 1: Arechi
Ghoul 2:
Ghoul 3:
Ghoul 4:

Spirit 1: Daeman35
Spirit 2: Happydeath
Spirit 3:
Spirit 4:

Human (with SH 1 and Z 1): dark world dealer
Human (with SH 2 and Z 2):
Human (with SH 3 and Z 3):
Human (with SH 4 and Z 4):

Shikabane Hime:
Age: (age u died and how old u are now)
Gender: Female*
How long have you been a Shikabane Hime:
What was your regret:
How did you die:
Pic: (human, monster and when your angry)

Age: (age u died and how old u are now)
How long have you been a Shikabane:
What was your regret:
How did you die:
Pic: (monster only)

Age: (age u died and how old u are now)
When were you infected:
How long have you been a Zombie:
How did you die:
Pic: (monster and when you eat )

Age: (age u died and how old u are now)
When were you infected:
How long have you been a Ghoul:
How did you die:
Pic: (human and when your angry/eat)

Age: (age u died and how old u are now)
How long have you been a Spirit:
How did you die:
Pic: (human and spirit form)


Powers: (only two powers)
Accepted Characters:

Shikabane Hime:

Name: Mina Mirabella
Age: Died - 11, actually - 19
How long have you been a Shikabane Hime: 8 years
How did you die: ran over by a bus on Christmas day leaving from a friends house
What was your regret: didn't get a chance to say good-bye to friends and family
Powers: tentacles can turn into any weapon she wants
Bio: Mina Mirabella is the oldest and strongest of the undead. She is kindhearted to everyone including her enemies. Mina was killed when she was leaving a friend's house, she slipped on ice and slid in the street and got hit by the bus. It crushed her bones to rumble. After waking up, she saw that she was a Shikabane Hime. From that moment on, Mina Mirabella became the ruler of all the undead and protector of the humans from the Ghouls and Spirits. Unfortunately, whenever Mina gets angry, her shikabne comes out and it isn't a pretty picture, her legs are completely gone revealing her lifeless and squished organs, part of her torn and fractured spine and tentacles that engulf her body causing them to mutate and kill anyone in their path. The tentacles are known for speaking withthe words 'we', 'our' and 'us' since they all share one body.
Pic: human
Shikabane form
Originally Posted by finx15
Name:Finx Sunfara
Age:19, 22
How long have you been a Shikabane Hime:3 years
What was your regret:Not sticking around for her parents sake
How did you die:Illness
Powers:she can turn objects into other things like a shirt into a sword
Bio:Finx is one of the younger shikabane hime as such she's still getting use to the rules and the job of being a shikabane. She died when her body could no longer fight of the illness that had plagued her since she was young.
Pic: human


when your angry
__________________________________________________ _____________

Originally Posted by TheOriginalPyro
Name: Aeiden
Age: Died at 29
Time as a Shikabane: 60 years
Cause of death: Aeiden died of grief when his wife commited suicide.
What was your regret: couldn't stop his wife
Powers: the ability to wield ice
Bio: Now that he has been ressurected, he wants to protect humans so that none other shall feel the pain of loss that he felt that night. The ghouls and spirits want nothing more than chaos and pain so Aeiden must fight them to keep the humans safe. No matter the cost.
Pic: Click on thumbnail for full view
__________________________________________________ _____________
Originally Posted by Graxdon
Name: Alan Blake
Age: 16
When were you infected: A few weeks ago
How long have you been a Zombie: A few weeks
How did you die: I died by lethal injection of the virus
Powers: Can't feel pain, regenerative abilities, enhanced strength, and can burrow through dirt as if he was swimming through the stuff
Bio: Alan was the son of a renowned scientist who was turned into a zombie. One day, the scientist discovered a serum that, turned into capsule form, would give a zombie all the nutritional benefits of eating a human body. Unfortunately, the only way for it to really work, he theorized, was if the subject took one of the pills after they were infected, but before succumbing to the virus. However, he couldn't test to see if this was accurate since no one was willing to volunteer to be a human test subject, and if he couldn't prove it then he would loose his government funding. So, out of love for his father, Alan snuck into his father's lab, injected himself with the virus and took one of the pills, making sure to record all of it so no one would think of accusing his father of loosing control of his hunger and infecting his own son or something. And so, Alan died a little while later just as his father got home. Though furious at what his son had done, Dr. Blake began running all the proper tests and discovered that he had been correct. As long as he continued to take the pill each day, there was no need to eat human flesh, but if he missed a day, he begin to decompose at an extremely fast rate until all was left would be bones. Alan, proud that he could help his father make such a discovery now does his best to fulfill his duties as a zombie, and is overjoyed that he doesn't have to eat flesh since he's a vegetarian.
__________________________________________________ _____________
Originally Posted by Arechi
Name: Leela Marcella (Lee for short)
Age: Died – 17 Current - 21
When were you infected: Three years ago by her father
How long have you been a Ghoul: Three years
How did you die: Her father had contracted a virus he had been working on and had turned into a ghoul himself. By the next morning she had managed to kill her father, though not before contracting the disease herself and sustaining fatal wounds in the process.
Powers: Can infect others with her bite or somehow 'injecting' one of her bodily fluids into an opening of a human. (ex: mouth, eyes, ears, wounds, ect...), her sensitivity to pain is less then when she was a human though she can still feel it after awhile, enhanced strength, and telepathy
Bio: Lee was the daughter of Milo Marcella, a rather infamous doctor that dealt with the criminally insane and was one of those leading a viral experiment dealing with them. Unfortunately an accident occurred and the virus that her father had been dealing with infected him, unbeknownst to his daughter at the time. Lee had noticed when her father returned home that day that his actions were far stranger then usual and he had been injured. He had brushed it off as nothing and had told her not to worry he had only been careless and injured himself at work. Typically she would have been satisfied with that answer, but he seemed a shade paler then usual, his breathing seemed slightly erratic and for some reason seemed to have the hunkering for meat. The last wouldn't have concerned her had she not caught him about to eat some meat that was...well raw.

He had again passed it off as him not paying attention, and although Lee hadn't pushed the subject further she was still concerned. That night her father had passed on and was 'replaced' by a flesh eating monster, a fact that Lee had discovered too late. Before the sun rose to harbor in a new day she had managed to subdue her father, though not before receiving his lethal bite in return. By mid-morning Lee herself had passed on, leaving her life as a human and awakening to a life as a ghoul. Unlike her father though her mind seemed to remain intact, although most chose not to see it that way and instead captured and isolated her, treating her as some sort of test subject. Eventually her mind snapped from the torture and sanity was replaced with insanity and a hunger that seemed to burn in her very being.

She wanted revenge on the human race for the atrocities that had committed against her, so when the Shikabane Hime declared that all monsters were to behave, it's clear to say that Lee found that notion rather unfair. Why should she behave and not feed on the humans that had caused her pain? She didn't think twice as she chose to ally herself with the rest of her kind and the spirits. Now her goal is to make every human that she can pay and suffer as she had, all the while helping to expand her race by infecting and feasting upon the human race.
Pic: Human -

Angry/eating -
__________________________________________________ _____________
Originally Posted by Daeman35
Name: Kallory
Age died:13
Age now:18
How long have you been a Spirit: 5 years
How did you die: There were these high school boys who wanted to hit on a bunch of middle school girls. Kallory was with the group they brought to where the bridge and waterfall was. So many kids went there to party and jump into the river next to the water fall. When her group got there with the boys, all the other people were leaving. The girls were crossing the bridge when the boys grabbed each of them. They all fought back but it was Kallory's friend that fell off the bridge and hit the water in the fastest part of the moving river. She grabbed her cell phone and started to call the police when one of the boys decided that was a ba idea. Her friends had run away already from the boys freaking out, but the one boy tried to get what he wanted from her, so she was pushed off the bridge as well. Falling to her death in the most dangerous part of the river. She drowned from being concussed and knocked out. Her body wasnt found until weeks later when it washed up on a person's riverside house shoreline.
Powers: Kallory is able to shapeshift her form from her human little girl form to the spirit form she is now. Her spirit form has a pet snake which she is able to talk to and help her kill humans to eat them and gain strength. Her snake is her power. Her ability to control that snake which can hide and possess people for her personal gain to draw other too her. Her snake is a shapeshifter into the people they need in order to convince those people to become depressed and feel suicidal in order for her to not feel bad about killing them.
Bio: Kallory was a middle schooler when she started to hit puberty. Her sister had hit puberty at ten years old, so why not her at 13? At all times, she kept to a good gymnastics schedule and was mostly home schooled only for certain subjects so that she could continue her training at her gym. When she saw her friends talking to some boys, she wanted to see what was going on. They said they had this party they wanted to go to over at the waterfall and the boys were inviting them. It was a high school party and everyone knew that high schoolers were way more cool than middle schoolers. So they went and then the accident occured. As her best friend fell through the air towards the water, all she could see were the boys freaking out and the girls having the opportunity to run away. It was her best friend who use to go to the gym with her that made her scream and cry for someone to help her. She had started to take her phone out to call the police when one of the boys freaked out and she too was sent off the bridge. Now through her hatred for people, she haunts the living. She kills them and eats them, feeling no sorrow for what they had done to her and her friend. The only people she can eat though are those that are depressed enough to think suicidal. She helps to create that depression now.
Spirit Form:

Human Form:
Originally Posted by happydeath
Name:Hotaka Daishi
Age: Died at 6 and is now 19.
How long have you been a Spirit: 14 years.
How did you die:Car accident due to a drunk driver crashing into his family car with Hotaka being in there on his own birthday.
Powers:Able to control nature itself due to his love of being outside when he was younger so it allowed him to become part of the earth itself when he had become a spirit. His strength has also been enhanced along with agility thanks to the time and age he was when he had died since he was only a child back than.
Bio:Hotaka was only six when he had died so he didn't really get a chance to live his life that long. But from his first few years of his life went by pretty good, although there were some bad things that were also in his life. The bad things that were in his life were things such as his entire family was poor and they had lived in an apartment that barely had any food or water to drink. Even when there was food and water around the entire family had to conserve it as much as they could by taking only little bits of drinks everyday. That obviously wasn't enough, but it was just enough to keep the entire family of three alive. There was his mother, his father, and Hotaka himself living in that small apartment with only two bedrooms, one bathroom, a small living room, and a kitchen. It was shocking enough that the family actually owned a small used car that was actually paid off. Hotaka's parents did have jobs and did make money although it wasn't really much at all. At least it was something. Although even with all those problems the entire family lived happily together as though nothing bothered them at all. One day however, on his birthday his parents were able to work as hard as they could for the whole week and even the weekends to gather up enough money to make their son's sixth birthday special for him. So they had all gathered into the car happy as they always were before they had driven off to a restaurant they knew down a couple of blocks from their house that was rather nice but expensive. Hotaka was happy to know that his own parents were doing this because they wanted to rather than because they had to. Everything was going great; but when the sounds of cars beeping came up his own eyes widened up to look forward and see many cars moving to the side of the street while a single car was speeding down the road at full speed going in the wrong direction. It was a drunk teenage boy who had just broken up with his girlfriend and now was too drunk to drive. Seeing this, and unable to move out of the way quick enough a large car accident took place as both of Hotaka's parents survived with severe wounds but unfortunately for their son; Hotaka died. Now to this day, he lives as a spirit that roams around the streets as he grew up slowly on his own watching how his parents made a small shrine for him right in the backyard of their apartment and noticing how his parents always prayed for him to live a good afterlife everyday. Now his goal is to protect his family no matter what it means as he'd do anything to make sure that both his mother and father are safe until the day they had to die because of old age.

__________________________________________________ ____________________
Originally Posted by dark world dealer
Name: Jess.Zero
Age: 22
Powers: able to create fire and water (and steam if i combined)
Bio:Jess was born on Halloween so hill never for get what happened on that day he was walking through the woods when he was attacked by a group of zombies before he new it he was surrounded he saw an opening and he ran and ran but he new he couldn't run for ever so he turned and decided to fight one of the zombies tried to hit him but out of now were the zombie started burned and before he new it he had lit all the zombies on fire and with that he new he could fight them

Last edited by Gothika_Knight; 10-29-2011 at 08:13 PM..

Guess who's back~ For those who ...
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Old 10-08-2011, 04:37 AM


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Old 10-12-2011, 08:08 PM


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Old 10-16-2011, 03:09 AM


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Old 10-24-2011, 04:52 AM

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Guess who's back~ For those who ...
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Old 10-27-2011, 01:37 AM

Posting can begin/Charries can be made lol

Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 10-27-2011, 03:39 PM

(Guess I'll go first. >.>)

Screams of pain and the sound of ripping flesh were all but music to Lee's ears as she tore into her latest victim. It had been easy enough to lure a human or two, especially in the city and with her human appearance. Since it was a city certain 'night time jobs' could still be seen around, so attracting a male, or female it didn't matter to her, with her slightly short dress and the upper cleavage she sported she used to her advantage. The ghoul had been lucky that her victim didn't appear to yet have a guardian zombie and shikabane around, which just made her feasting job all that much easier.

Once she had caught her meal's eye it was just a matter of luring to a darkened alley, despite how cliché she felt it was, so that she could safely transform into her ghoulish form after she properly had him distracted. The now twitching, sobbing and bleeding male that had slumped to the ground didn't even know what had hit him which is what Lee preferred. After all if he had shouted before the first bite there was the risk of some zombie or shikabane hearing and thwarting her dinning plans. Of course beforehand she could have attempted to play off as a zombie rather than a ghoul, but it was a bit more difficult said then done. It seemed no matter how hard she tried the hide the malice in her undead eyes the humans seemed to easily pick it up, and since she didn't have the sex appeal that her human form held she couldn't use seduction quite as easily to distract them from her more malicious intents.

That didn't really matter now though, she had her meal that would appease her for the time being. Dark golden brown eyes cautiously took a glance around as she ripped another piece of flesh from the half dead human's face, stuffing it quickly in her mouth. Even if the human was already long past help there was still always the risk that some other being would stumble upon her and cause more trouble then she currently needed. 'Maybe I should wrap the rest of him up for later...or at least take a few pieces to hide away...He'll be joining the ghoul race soon enough anyways, unless they kill him after. Oh well that's not my problem...' she thought as her gaze once more returned to the dying human.

Moving her lips down to his flesh she viciously ripped off a few more chunks, feeling that left overs were gathered easier with her teeth rather than her hands, before standing and depositing the chunks into her hands. She again glanced around as fresh blood dripped precariously down from her mouth in greedy streams as she now looked, not for others, but for a suitable object to wrap her snack up for later. She spotted a few news papers near a trash can, and though it wasn't her first choice of wrapping it would do. With as quick a pace as she could muster currently, she made her way to the printed paper and carefully began wrapping her treats up as the blood from them began to quickly soak through. 'Some plastic wrap would have worked so much better...I can't walk around with this right now. I guess I'll have to come back for it later so long as no one else discovers it. Last thing I need is some goodie-goodie deciding to dispose of this so as not to taunt the zombies, or some mangy animal looking for a quick meal' she thought with a frown as she now looked for a suitable hiding place.

It took a few minutes, but eventually she was able to spot a shallow hole in one of the alleyway walls. Quickly she deposited her meal for later into it and grabbed a few nearby rocks to help cover the hole's entrance. Again it wasn't her first choice, but it would due. Once she felt it was secure and safe she stood, brushing herself off just a bit. She then returned towards the left over newspaper she hadn't used and began to wipe off the traces of blood from her mouth and hands as well as she could. After all she couldn't go back out into public looking a bloodied mess now could she, it would attract too much attention to herself. She wiped off the crimson stains as best she could with what she had, though she knew without water she wouldn't be able to fully get the blood off, but then she just needed it faded a bit to make it unnoticeable unless looked up close.

Once she was again satisfied enough she turned towards the practically dead human, giving him a wink. “Thanks for the meal darling, I enjoyed it” she said with a tone of innocence she had master feigning, before letting out a quiet chuckle. The ghoul closed her eyes for a moment as she allowed her body to once more shift to her human form. It would be easier to walk about in this form, even if it would cause a different sort of unwanted attention, but then it was better then attracting the suspecting attention of a shikabane, or zombie. A sigh of content escaped her lips as she carefully readjusted herself and clothing, before carefully strolling out of the alleyway, giving one more wink towards the corpse that would soon become a ghoul like her, and into the street lit sidewalk.

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Old 10-28-2011, 02:19 AM

(X-X That....was fun xD)

Sitting right on top of a large dead black tree was a human teenager that looked almost about the age of 19. He stood there with his knees up to his chest all the while looking across a giant graveyard with what seemed to look like hundreds among hundreds of gravestones. Among all the gravestones he had known that there were two very familiar ones somewhere but exactly where was pretty much going to be impossible to find. The two familiar gravestones were this young human's parents; this human teenager's name was Hotaka and he wasn't really even a human to begin with. Rather, he was actually a spirit in it's human form. Hotaka had originally died at the age of 6 due to a car incident; although his parents may had survived the crash he wasn't so fortunate for that. The only reason his parents were now dead was because of how poor the family already was from the beginning and not being able to afford for any medication when they both became extremely sick.

Sitting on the tree, he looked right over at the large blade that he carried everywhere he went in his human form. The blade itself was made out of a material that is completely still unknown even to himself since the day he became a spirit and learned to control his power to the point that he could create a human body to go around walking the blade was already seeming to be in his possession. Whatever the case was, Hotaka has carried this large blade around for a while now but never once has it come in need that he had to actually use it to protect himself or anyone. The reason for the eyepatch he has on his left eye is only another reminder to him of how he is dead and how he died since on the day of the car accident on of the metal pieces from the hood of the other car broke off and broke through the glass of Hotaka's family car only to stab him right in the left eye. Now the eye itself in his spirit form is nothing more but something to seal back at least part of his full energy.

After about a few minutes had passed by, Hotaka jumped right off the tree and stretched his arms out over his head. It was finally time to get moving, he came here everyday to this dead tree only to pay his respects for the dead and to see if one day he could spot the names of his parents' gravestones. So before turning away to walk out of the graveyard, he bowed lightly to all the gravestones from where he stood. Right after turning around to walk out of the graveyard he began to walk down the dark sidewalk; the part of town where he walked in didn't really have lights since this was the poorest district out of the entire town. The reason for being here even if it was dangerous at night was because he knew his parents were buried here at this graveyard. His own gravestone on the other hand was actually in the back of their old home since both his parents thought for sure that they would be able to live long enough to die and hoped that the landlord that owned their home would be so kind to bury them next to their only son.

All the while he walked down the dark sidewalks in the middle of town; it wasn't really that surprising when he had ended up actually walking down an alleyway since it was too dark to see which way went where. Honestly, Hotaka was simply just trying to find his way back out to the main street where there was light on the sidewalk where he could see where he was going at least. Soon enough, about four thugs had came walking out of the darkness right before Hotaka had a chance to make it back out of the alleyway where there was light. Two thugs stood in front of him while two others stood behind him, each one of them being human and not having a clue what Hotaka truly was rather than just a normal human being. "Hey there kid. Why don't you hand over that nice sword of yours?..and you won't get hurt." one of the thugs spoke as the other three seemed to just chuckle lightly at that thought. Just hearing the thug speak it wasn't that difficult to figure out he must've been their leader. "Just get out of my way. Before your the one that gets hurt." Hotaka spoke back with an almost emotionless tone in his voice. All four of the thugs eyes just widened up as they heard how Hotaka talked back to them and not to mention to tell them to go away even though they looked older than him. "Why you little--" one of the thugs in the back spoke up as he was about to go up behind Hotaka to stab him with just a little dagger. "Hold it!" the leader of the group spoke out to tell his thug to stop. Shockingly to actually stop him.

Hotaka on the other hand just stood there unaffected by the almost attack as he didn't even look as though he were ready to defend himself. Although if that thug were to continue his attack; he wasn't about to just stand there and take it like that. Even though he was a spirit and that little knife probably wouldn't have done anything he didn't want to even bother to have even a scratch on him from just a couple of thugs. "C'mon kid..just give us the sword. I'll give you this one last warning..we don't wanna hurt you." the leader of the group spoke again as Hotaka just slowly glared up toward their leader before sighing and shaking his head. "Just get out of my way...I don't have time for you guys.." Hotaka spoke back once more only to cause their leader to sigh and wave his hand up. "Fine than kid. Than we'll take it from you by force." he spoke as the three other thugs just grinned with their chuckles once more before they began approaching Hotaka with their melee weapons; such as a metal bat, the combat dagger, and a crowbar while their leader had a pistol in his hand ready.

As the three thugs approached him even closer to the point that they surrounded Hotaka to no escape. He just gave a final sigh before their weapons could even touch him. "Fine.." he spoke out quietly before stomping his foot right onto the ground. Immediately four walls made out of solid cement plunged out of the ground surrounding Hotaka and causing all three of the thugs to fall backwards with their weapons stuck against the cement when they made contact. All their eyes widening in shock, Hotaka stomped his foot onto the ground once more as the four walls were swallowed back down into the ground along with the weapons. All three of them were in shock along with their leader as he stood there shaking lightly at the sight of seeing the strange power. "Now..are you going to let me go?" Hotaka asked once more only to see the leader pull up his gun to point at Hotaka shaking still. "Shut up! Y-y-your a freak! Die you freak!" he called out pulling the trigger only to shoot right toward Hotaka. Although another sigh escaped his lips when he saw and heard how the bullet came flying toward him. Thanks to his own enhanced agility he was able to easily dodge the bullet only to come running up toward the leader and grab him by the head; throwing him straight to the floor along with the other three who were already on the floor in shock.

Seeing the four thugs on the ground helpless to even fight against Hotaka any longer, he just walked straight out of the alleyway; finally finding himself on the main street sidewalk where there was much more light for him to see everywhere he was going. He could careless what would happen to the thugs that tried to attack him but rather he only cared about the thought if anyone had seen Hotaka use his power against those simple thugs.

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 10-28-2011, 07:32 PM

((I'm no good at righting books but I'll do my best to make a paragragph post.))
Nighttime creatures were her bad children you could say or better bad sisters and brothers you name she's seen them do it for ripping apart a human for food to doing it just for fun. They were annoying yes always leaving a mess easy to follow though except for ghost they were harder to keep a track on. Her job make sure they didn't freak out the humans and take more then the were suppost to have. That meant human they could eat other animals they did have to live after all without them there would be no Shikabane hime like herself.She lifted herself onto a fence were she could watch that boy in the alleyway a spirit for sure she enjoyed talking with them the most the tended to stick around longer then the other creatures. To anyone walking down the street she looked like a normal high school girl with wierd hair and eye color both white as snow and that they way she liked it to be know as finx that wierd girl that walks around town. "Hello dear." she said to the alleyway boy. "Behaving tonight?" she asked after making sure now one was around to hear her.

Last edited by finx15; 10-28-2011 at 11:57 PM..

Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 10-28-2011, 09:14 PM

(I don't think Happy's character is in a tree anymore there Finx. :sweat:)

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 10-29-2011, 12:16 AM

((I will not be on tommorow just thought I would let you know.))

TheOriginalPyro is offline
Old 10-29-2011, 11:12 AM

Aeiden stalked the back alleys and side streets, patrolling. He was bored, nothing doing in his area. And he couldn't walk into a bar for a drink in his… condition. People tended to get a little iffy when they saw a dead guy walk into a bar and ask for a beer. Especially if they knew you.

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Old 10-29-2011, 03:32 PM

It seemed almost like an impossible task to get home without being bothered by someone, since as soon as Hotaka had walked right out of the alleyway that he had beaten up those thugs that tried to take his blade. Another person had to come up to him, only to end up speaking to him calling him 'dear' and wondering if he was 'behaving'. He had immediately stopped as soon as he had heard her call out to him and ask him the question, he simply kept his head and eyes directed straight at the ground since it seemed that this woman wasn't really trying to threaten him or take anything from him. As long as it was only just a quick chatter that wouldn't last too long so that he could get back to his home where he could rest up; he wouldn't mind. "Yes. Ma'am." he answered her question as though he were directing some kind of high authority only because he thought it was both rather strange and confusing why a random person would come up to him and ask if he was behaving. Although strangely enough, Hotaka could feel a strange aura if not presence from the woman speaking with him. Whatever it was, he knew for a fact that he didn't really like it. It only took simple common sense that this feeling wasn't because of the cold air against his human skin but rather this woman was no doubt about it not a human nor was she a ghoul or zombie since the stench of blood or corpse wasn't even on her. "If that is all Ma'am..may I get going please?" he asked still keeping his head directed toward the ground.

Guess who's back~ For those who ...
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Gothika_Knight is offline
Old 10-29-2011, 05:23 PM

The ruler of all the Undead flew over head in her shikabane form. It was normal for the girl to fly over the city that she grew up in, her name was Mina Mirabella and she was a Shikabane Hime to all of the Undead, a name given to them as a human. Mina's tentacle-like wings snarled and growled as the eyes and the mouth with sharp teeth looked around and the humans in the area. She was looking for any ghouls or spirits that were misbehaving. The Zombies and Shikabane were either walking the streets or in the 'human' forms to ask if the ghouls and spirits were behaving. Mina looked around and spotted someone a little out of normal, she landed in from of the person and folded her wings looking at the eyes, it was Lee. Mina narrowed her eyes a little and tilted her head as her glowing light green eyes shined a little brighter, "Are you behaving tonight?" she asked in her Shikabane voice as her tentacles turned from wings into there original snake-like appearance, they snarled and growled as they slowly slid on the ground drawing closer to the girl. Mina watched her tentacles shrieked and slide on the ground and stared at Lee and founded her arms waiting to see what she would do.

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 10-29-2011, 06:32 PM

"That very good but I don't think those thugs enjoyed being beaten up by a spirit." Finx said with a slight smile "And I don't enjoy having to be annoyed by creatures who can't remeber theres a line you're not suppose to cross." she hopped down off the fence and shook her head at him. "Honest can't you guys ever behave?"

dark world dealer
dark world dealer is offline
Old 10-29-2011, 08:55 PM

Jess was leaning on a old brick wall sipping back on a beer when he saw some one moving through the ally ways he thought that it was just some punk waiting for some one to mug Jess realized that his drink was out so he walked back into the bar he was ordering a couple drinks trying to ignore the people giving him strange looks he new it was because he killed a couple zombies but he just left it be until a couple of drunks decided to be smart ass's hey guy's looks like we have a zombie killer in are mists Jess tried to leave it be he's been able to put up with it for a while oh he's a shy one come on buddy don't be a wussy hahahahaha look's like we got a wussy you now what we do with wussy's the man grabbed Jess's arm don't touch me oh look we got a smart ass here the man pulled on Jess's arm again then out of now were Jess turned with a punch nocking him out of the bar jess walked out side and kicked him on the ground COME ON BIG SHOT

Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 11-01-2011, 05:39 AM

Lee scoffed slightly as the sight of a shikabane hime entered her path as asked if she had been behaving. "Not even a hello before demanding things, such rude behavior. Therefore I don't feel obliged to answer your question" the ghoul stated with a slight snort. She didn't feel any obligation towards the one that claimed to be the ruler over all the undead, after all she had never personally agreed to serve and follow the hime's words. Humans had been the cause of her own personal suffering and she refused to be forced to not make them pay for what they had done. It was probably one of the reasons she simply preferred to avoid those with the title of Shikabane Hime.

A sudden sound of a scuffle a few streets and alleys down soon caught her attention. "Looks like I'm not the one you should be worrying about anyways, so if you'll excuse me..." the human disguised ghoul stated as she moved to sidestep the blond female. In truth she was a bit curious as to what was going on, but she could suppress her curiosity if it meant having the Hime out of her presence.

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Old 11-02-2011, 12:00 PM

Hearing from the female that was in his path at this point speak about how the thugs back in the alleyway not enjoying the beating up that they had recieved gave an even more obvious reason to Hotaka that she wasn't an odinary human, let alone if she was even human at all. "They had desereved it..I simply protected myself, nothing more. Nothing less." he spoke taking another step away from her as she had hopped off the small fence that she seemed to had been seeming to sit upon this entire time. Giving a little annoyed sigh of his own it was getting rather annoying just to have someone tell him that they didn't like it when they had to be the ones to tell him how to stay in line. Taking a little glare at the female and concentrating a bit more with his own spiritual power his own eyes widened up slowly when he had noticed to feel her own aura that she was actually a Shikabane Hime this entire time. His own widened eyes slowly turned back to a little glare when he had found out who this female was let alone just what she was as well. Those Shikabane Himes were pretty much like guards of the human race which kind of ticked him off lightly at the thought that they even cared for the bad humans when all Hotaka was doing was protecting himself from being robbed and attacked even though he knew well enough himself that those thugs wouldn't and shouldn't have been able to hit him anyway due to him being a spirit in it's human form. "Like I said Miss, I was simply protecting myself. I did my best not to have to hurt them..I even warned them myself. Now, may I please go? I don't have time for this..." he spoke looking down at both his hands for a moment before clenching them lightly at the thought that he needed to return back to his old home to see if he could find anything out from the original landlord of his and his parents' home on where he had buried his mother and father. "I....I have some business to take care of..."

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 11-02-2011, 06:53 PM

"More humans to beat up." Finx said leaning closer to him "I won't allow that niether will my queen and she's not as forgiving as I am since i didn't see you you may go." finx shifted into her shikabane form and took off into the air laughing lightly.

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Old 11-03-2011, 02:05 PM

As the Shikabane Hime spoke up saying as though Hotaka was going to leave so that he could go and beat up more humans, he refused to say a single word but rather just sighed at the thought as he didn't say a single word toward her only to end up taking a step back away once she had leaned in closer toward him. He already knew himself that he wasnt going to need to harm another human; especially if he was simply going to go speak with the original landlord of him and his parents' home where they all once lived. The landlord that owned that home was actually really nice and by now that man was old and living within a retirement home which Hotaka easily knew where it was since there was only one retirement home that was actually somewhat close to the home he used to own. There was no doubt about it that the old landlord went over there to live the rest of his life before his own time had come. So without even a single word goodbye toward the female Shikabane Hime; he made his way back toward the retirement home with his hands right back into his pockets as he took his own time to make it there. "Shikabanes Himes...I will never understand them.." he whispered quietly to himself as a small sigh escaped his lips as he made it to the retirement home within a couple of minutes. Looking up toward the old building where the original landlord now lived Hotaka tilted his his head in curiosity on how the place looked like a complete mess from the outside; there was weed and vines growing everywhere while all the grass on the front yard looked like it hadn't been watered in ages. Although he wasn't here to admire or insult their messy home as he made his way into the building and slowly toward the front desk where a young man sat there doing paperwork for who knows what.

\ (•◡•) /
Graxdon is offline
Old 12-14-2011, 12:23 AM

(HEY! First thing's first, I am so very very sorry that i haven't been on in months. I had a sudden move and the new place didn't have the internets. Now, if possible, could i get a quick re-cap my amigos?)

dark world dealer
dark world dealer is offline
Old 12-14-2011, 01:05 AM

is this dead

Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 12-14-2011, 04:45 AM

(Feels that way since no ones replied in awhile that's for sure. :ninja:)

dark world dealer
dark world dealer is offline
Old 12-14-2011, 12:22 PM

( :'( ahhh that's to bad)


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