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King Usbeorn
Only in time will you become a K...
King Usbeorn is offline
Old 10-13-2011, 05:26 AM

This is footage of horror! Industrial chicken killing factory. (animal cruelty)
Undercover Investigation at Hy-Line Hatchery - YouTube
<----------link!! clicky!

This is not for the weak stomach!

Basically this hatchery kills thousands of chickens a day harshly by being thrown into a grinder. They kill all males instantly for some stupid reason and the females are roughly raised to be killed and eaten. More in video...

I believe that we can make better human ways to such things. If anything I won't stop eating meat but I sure as hell will not eat at the restaurants who provide their meals with this method. Its in our nature to eat other organisms to survive. We do this because, I believe, well animals do not match up to human evolution level so we simply take advantage of them... But is this going too far? What do you think?

Last edited by King Usbeorn; 10-13-2011 at 10:59 AM..

NeuzaKC is offline
Old 10-13-2011, 10:30 AM

Is it too hard to put in the topic title what this discussion is about and explain exactly what you mean? Since I can't watch the video right now, I'm at a loss to what this topic is even about. At least explain a little bit what the video is so we know what you're trying to discuss.

King Usbeorn
Only in time will you become a K...
King Usbeorn is offline
Old 10-13-2011, 10:38 AM

Sorry. Fixed now.

Last edited by King Usbeorn; 10-13-2011 at 10:55 AM..

faerie graveyard
monstahh` is offline
Old 10-13-2011, 11:11 AM

What are they actually doing? If the video is 'not for the weak of stomach' I really don't want to watch it. >__>; I know more about beef factory practices (which are also 'disgusting') than chicken. -- Lol, edited it before I finished my post.

On the topic of 'eating meat' and animal cruelty in general, I don't like how a lot of modern meat processing plants handle slaughter and care of animals.
However, I also acknowledge that changing that will cause meat prices to increase.
The thing that gets me the most though is less animal cruelty in these plants, and more the amount of meat that ends up going to waste every year because of contamination recalls. If we're going to treat animals like that for the sake of cheap meat, don't they at least deserve to be eaten? But when they aren't because some dickweed owning a factory neglected FDA/USDA guidelines (that honestly don't protect the consumer or the animals enough) and it's all contaminated meat not fit for consumption, I get so upset.
I really do believe that we should use as much of an animal as we can, and anything less is disrespectful.
Don't get me wrong though, I realllly do care that animals are being mistreated, but, from a human perspective, people need meat, not everyone can eat a vegetarian diet. I know I can't. If I had to, I couldn't eat, period, anymore. I'm not supposed to eat fruits or vegetables.

But nothing related to the care and treatment of animals is going to change until the average Joe and the people owning the factories can find their empathy deep inside and go, "Look, this isn't right."

King Usbeorn
Only in time will you become a K...
King Usbeorn is offline
Old 10-13-2011, 11:16 AM

Yes I agree meat prices may sky rocket, but it is a necessary cause. Even though animals are not as evolved as humans they still have fear and feelings.

faerie graveyard
monstahh` is offline
Old 10-13-2011, 11:33 AM

But is protecting them from fear and cruelty worth businesses failing, and people going hungry?

I do think our meat industry needs a redoing, but I think that will come from people making a push for small, local farming, not from a change in regulations on animal cruelty--those factories that break the rules will still break them even when more are put in place.

King Usbeorn
Only in time will you become a K...
King Usbeorn is offline
Old 10-13-2011, 08:17 PM

Yes, a chicken is not worth a human life generally. But there could be a way to kill chicks more efficiently and cheaper I am sure. Technology does not look so advanced as it could be in the industrial hatchery.

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Kalium is offline
Old 10-15-2011, 12:58 AM

When our parents talk about eating all the food on our plate, they are serious. That's all I need to know. In Turkey, there is this sour soup made of a cow's stomach. Yes you read that right. I hate the taste of this soup myself, but I also feel bad for not eating it, thus "letting a part of an animal go to waste."

Marionetta is offline
Old 10-23-2011, 06:22 PM

PETA. Ah, Peta. You guys keep getting craftier.

Anyway, you shouldn't believe this video. PETA has been trying to convince everyone to go vegan for years. They've been mashing up videos and making it so that it looks like there's actual cruelty.
Cruelty is fiercly regulated in farms by the government. And I'm not sure if some of that footage was filmed in a different country or if they got their dirty little hands on some old footage, but PETA is a organization of liars. I mean, they get a little too happy with the euthanesia. THAT tells me something.
But I agree. Animal cruelty is a horrible thing.

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jupiter is offline
Old 10-24-2011, 03:08 PM

Guess you won't be eating chicken, then.

Mystic is offline
Old 10-25-2011, 05:35 AM

My reasons for not eating meat goes beyond just the treatment of the animals. It goes into what they feed the animals before they kill them and the hormones and antibiotics used. I just do not think that's right either. Not to mention that the antibiotics can effect of how effective antibiotics people use on themselves to fight infections. I also disagree with the feeding of chickens and other food animals animal byproducts and things like that when their bodies are not meant to digest things like that.

PETA is so full of crap it's not even funny but seeing things first hand at a "farm" got me thinking about things I mentioned above. It just really grossed me out.

However, I would not object to eating chickens that I raise myself. Cows, sheep, pigs, etc are another story since they gross me out on a whole other level. I do not want to eat meat unless I know what's in the meat and how the animals were treated before they died.

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jupiter is offline
Old 10-25-2011, 05:40 AM

You don't eat the chickens you raise yourself.
A chicken in the grocery store isn't equal to the proportions of an actual chicken.

Mystic is offline
Old 10-25-2011, 06:31 AM

It depends on the type of chicken that's raised. I have Silkies right now and wouldn't dream of ever eating them just because they're more like pets to me. Plus their small size wouldn't provide much meat anyway. I see game hens as kind of a waste though due to size. My chickens provide me with the eggs I need so I'm happy with them just as egg layers. They're spoiled rotten on top of that.

Breeds like Cornish crosses (cross breeds) though are raised pretty much to die at 7-8 weeks. It's a genetic thing with them. They start acting "old" and are prone to health problems like heart issues/broken legs/heat stroke if not killed young. They are not "drugged" or injected with anything in factory farms to "make them grow" despite what PETA says. They're genetically made to grow fast in a short time. I disagree with raising unhealthy breeds like that in a home or factory environment. I just can't justify having an animal live with a poor quality of life even if it is going to be killed for food.

I would rather raise a more healthy "old" style breed like Delawares or Rhode Island reds myself. I adore Rhode islands and raised them as pets in the past. They get a good size although they do tend to grow slower. They didn't get tired and sickly like the Cornish crosses did either. Plymouth Rocks are another breed that I would possibly raise again for their size and how hardy they were.

As long as it's not being sold to other people it's perfectly legal to raise and kill your own chickens. It's for health reasons that the chickens can't be killed and sold outside of a slaughter house when selling them to people.

Marionetta is offline
Old 10-26-2011, 03:06 AM

^ Can I have a pet chicken? I'll take good care of her. =3

Mystic is offline
Old 10-26-2011, 06:43 PM

They make awesome pets too as long as they're social. Mine love to cuddle like little feathery dogs. XD

I just now watched the video. It is outdated and not a standard used in modern slaughter houses. Debeaking does still go on, which I find inhumane since chickens should not be kept in such crowded conditions to be fighting to begin with. The birds are healthier, happier, and lay better tasting eggs if they're left to free roam and eat a natural diet.

Marionetta is offline
Old 10-26-2011, 10:14 PM

Originally Posted by Mystic View Post
They make awesome pets too as long as they're social. Mine love to cuddle like little feathery dogs. XD

I just now watched the video. It is outdated and not a standard used in modern slaughter houses. Debeaking does still go on, which I find inhumane since chickens should not be kept in such crowded conditions to be fighting to begin with. The birds are healthier, happier, and lay better tasting eggs if they're left to free roam and eat a natural diet.
I have three dogs. = w = They'll play with your chickies.

Anyways, I'd love free eggs. I need to make cookies. XD

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una is offline
Old 10-26-2011, 10:20 PM

Intensive farming should be outlawed, it is so incredible damaging. If people are going to kill animals, then at least have the decency to make sure they had a good life before going to the chop.


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