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spooky scary skeletons
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Old 11-18-2011, 02:32 AM

{{Ahem. Attention. This is a private RP Thread for Gaara-kun and Queen only! So, knowing that, please don't barge in!}}

"Nothing is impossible."

It was a favorite quote of Greed. Many, many times, Roy and Ed had witnessed encounters where real life combined with myths, and everything they knew to be true had been flipped upside-down and spun around.

They knew it would happen again sometime soon, where something impossible suddenly became possible, just like that.
They just didn't know it was going to end up this way.


Last edited by Q U E E N; 11-18-2011 at 02:56 AM..

Monte Gray
Monte Gray is offline
Old 11-18-2011, 02:53 AM

((mkay ^^ so do we just go ahead and start?))

spooky scary skeletons
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Old 11-18-2011, 02:54 AM

{{Yup. You can post a short profile too, if you want.}}

Monte Gray
Monte Gray is offline
Old 11-18-2011, 03:19 AM

((I'll give this instead of just a pic of Ed.))
Age 15

spooky scary skeletons
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Old 11-22-2011, 02:38 AM

Name: Roy Mustang
Age: 25
The Fire Alchemist placed his feet up on his mahogany oak desk, sifting through papers. "Sign this, sign that...I have a date with that person tonight...Ooh, this color is pretty...maybe...hmm..." This random conversation with himself repeated for about half an hour, until Breda threw a coffee cup at Roy's head and told him to shut up.

With a few swift motions, the papers were finished. Roy stacked them up neatly in a pile on the right side of his desk. "Oh-kay! Now that all that unimportant stuff is finished, I can finally turn these in..."

Hawkeye, his Secretary, popped into his office. " have a visitor."

"...Visitor?" Roy smirked. "It's the Fullmetal runt, isn't it?"

{Sorry it's so short, I'm brain dead today ;___;}

Monte Gray
Monte Gray is offline
Old 11-22-2011, 02:55 AM

Edward's eye twitched. "I'm standing right here you know?!" he said from the doorway. "I am not a runt, or a shrimp, or a little person!" he yelled and Al, standing right behind him tried to help. "He's run sized Colonel Mustang.." the younger boy offered in his sweet voice that was so odd coming from a large suit of armor. Ed turned on him. "IM NOT FUNSIZED!!" he yelled. He pouted a bit, then stated his business. "So, I came for a new assignment." he said, clearly still miffed at being called a runt. Al rubbed the back of hos metal next nervously. His brother was crazy at times it seemed. The two had always worked together, despite the fact that Edward was the only one in the military.

((it's ok ^^ it happens to all of us from time to time.))

spooky scary skeletons
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Old 11-23-2011, 12:30 AM

Colonel Mustang rolled his eyes and stared at the fuming Edward. "Fine then. You want your next assignment, you get your next assignment." The colonel glanced at Edward and Al, who were now paying rapt attention.

Roy picked up a sheet of paper from one of the many humongous piles on his desk. He flipped to the page that stated his assignment and cleared his throat. "Fuhrer King Bradley says Edward Elric and his brother Alphonse Elric are to accompany Colonel Mugstang and his secretary, Riza Hawkeye on the mission stated."

Roy hesitated for a second, then continued. "The party will be heading South to investigate the workings of State Alchemist Frank Jain in South City. State Alchemist Jain has not been heard from for a couple of months now. Any injuries or deaths taken place will not be held accountable by the Amestris State Military.” Roy took a deep breath and placed his head in his hand. “Basically, Fuhrer Bradley wants us to go and kill this useless guy, make it seem like an accident, then take all of his research and give it to Bradley.” The colonel furrowed his brows and looked at his desk. "Disgusting."

Monte Gray
Monte Gray is offline
Old 11-23-2011, 02:48 AM

Edaward looked down the second he was told that he was to work with Roy. His face looked even more angry when he found out that they were to kill a man and take all of his research. "Are we really going to do this? This is why we're always called the 'dogs' of the military! We do all of their dirty work and only for money." he didn't think he could help on this mission. "Listen and listen closely. Any killing that is going to he involved is on you. I'm not killing anyone. Let me make that clear now." he glared to show he was positivly serious.

spooky scary skeletons
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Old 11-24-2011, 01:08 AM

The Colonel wasn't surprised at Ed's reaction to the news. After all, he did have a fiery temper. "Listen, Fullmetal. The decision is not mine to make. I don't support the cause of this mission, but I still have my own ambitions. This is a mission assigned by the Fuhrer King Bradley himself. If you don't go, you may be hunted down." Roy stared at the teenager straight in the eye. "It's your choice to make. But remember that you are a dog of the military, and the dog must obey the owner. It's either you go and get it over with, or hide from it forever."

Monte Gray
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Old 11-24-2011, 01:45 AM

Edward glared daggers. "Fine...I'll go. Besides, if it rains you'll need someone who can perform in all kinds of weather." he commented, trying to get back at Roy for the earlier 'runt' comment. "Let me make this clear to you. You do the killing, I'll take the research. I'll still feel like a loser, but at least I won't be a murderer...just an accomplice." he felt really horrible.

spooky scary skeletons
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Old 11-25-2011, 12:40 AM

"Tch." Roy's eyebrow twitched when Edward remarked about his un
ability to use his alchemy in bad weather. He examined the elder Elric brother's face, who seemed to be passing through some horrible emotional state. "Yes, yes, Edward. You won't be the one to come back with stained hands, but will still have completed your assignment." Roy stood up and walked across the room to face Ed.

"Aren't you a clever little thing?" Roy stared at the blonde teenager. "Ju-"

"Now, Colonel. I advise you to stop that and get going already." Riza stepped into their little dispute and clapped her hand over Roy's mouth. She pointed to the double doors. "Let's get going."

The colonel blinked and strided to the doors. "Yes, Riza has a point. A train to South City takes 5 hours minimum. We should start headin out already." Roy was out of the room and down the hallway in a matter of seconds, and Hawkeye scrambled after him, shoving a nearby gun into her pocket. "Hurry up, Fullmetal!"

Monte Gray
Monte Gray is offline
Old 11-25-2011, 01:32 AM

Ed ran after Roy as fast as he could. "Wait!!!" he yelled as him and Al ran to the train. When they were on he stared out the window. He was thinking of his mother and what shed think of him if she saw what he'd become. Al noticed his distant, sad expression, but left him be. "Hey..can you bring me some noodles?" he asked the lady and she brought some. Al gave them to Ed who ate them just to be kind to his brother.

spooky scary skeletons
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Old 11-26-2011, 12:46 AM

Roy watched as Alphonse ate the noodles. There were squishy plopping sounds when they landed inside his armor. Seeing how Ed's face was pretty sad at the moment, he decided to give the teenager some rest for once. Roy looked out the window. The scenery was turning rockier and rockier as the train speeded towards rush valley.

"Rush Valley, all passengers on board in 5 minutes!" Their train was making a short stop at rush valley, letting people off and on. Roy squinted as he saw a familiar blonde teenager move towards them. "Ed! Al!" She scooted next to Ed on the seat. "I never thought that I'd see you guys here!" Winry Rockbell chirped. "Oh! Riza! You're looking as wonderful as ever! So are you, Colonel!"

"You too, Winry." Hawkeye nodded. "Why, if it isn't Fullmetal's girlfriend and automail engineer Winry! You're looking fabulous today!" Roy rambled on. "What's a automail engineer like you doing here?"

"Well," Winry gestured to a basket next to her. I have to do some auto-mail check-ups on some of my custpmers who live in South City. Why're you guys here?"

Monte Gray
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Old 11-26-2011, 01:27 AM

Edward sighed. "She's not my girlfriend.." He mumbled, clearly not in the mood to be messed with. "Hi winery." Was all he said and then he turned back to the window. Al looked at Winery. "Hey!!!" He said, making up for Ed's lack of enthusiasm with his own. He felt weird with the noodles in his metal belly. They were making an odd squish noise. Why had he eaten them in the first place? He felt silly.

spooky scary skeletons
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Old 11-26-2011, 07:34 PM

"Hey." Winry grinned at Al, then continued talking to Riza. It seemed that Ed wasn't in the mood to be bothered today.

Roy crossed his arms and leaned against the seat, closing his eyes. "Wake me up when we arrive, Riza." He mumbled, then fell quickly asleep as the train rolled down the tracks.

Monte Gray
Monte Gray is offline
Old 11-26-2011, 08:31 PM

Edward had stopped thinking about depressing things and finally cheered up a bit. "Hey, sorry, I was thinking." He said to Winry. He looked over at Roy and smiled. That man was adorable when he slept. Ed blushed at his own thoughts. What the crap was wrong with him?

spooky scary skeletons
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Old 11-30-2011, 01:34 AM

"Wake up, Mustang." Riza jabbed Roy sharply in the ribs, causing him to groan as he woke up. The dark-haired man looked out the window to see a station with signs reading “South City Railroad” hung up everywhere.

He looked at the Elric brothers and Winry. “Well, we’re here. We should check in at South Headquarters before we do anything else.”

Monte Gray
Monte Gray is offline
Old 11-30-2011, 02:07 AM

He was still smiling like an idiot when Roy turned to him. "Oh, ok...well we should go then huh?" he got off the train shaking his head. He had no idea why he was thinking such things about Roy, but he was beginning to really that man was sexy.

spooky scary skeletons
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Old 12-01-2011, 01:00 AM

Roy was slightly alarmed when he saw Ed smiling goofily at him, but dismissed it quickly. "Er...yes." He got off the train behind the Elric brothers.

"Hello!" Roy smiled to the officers ranking above him as he entered the building. "I'm here to execute my mission. This is the Fullmetal Alchemist Edward Elric and his younger brother Alphonse."

He couldn't help but laugh as the soldiers at south headquarters mistakened Alphonse for the Fullmetal Alchemist...yet again.

Monte Gray
Monte Gray is offline
Old 12-01-2011, 02:13 AM

Edwards eye twitched when the soldiers made the mistake. "I am the full metal alchemist. Not him." he said pointing at Al. He turned back to Roy, almost like he thought the man would take up for him. "Where are our rooms or whatever?" he said, clearly already in a bad mood. He decided that he'd make himself happy again by acting a fool. He rubbed his flesh hand gently across Roy's butt, making it seem as if it had been an accident, but to Al, it was clear that he'd done it purposely.

spooky scary skeletons
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Old 12-01-2011, 11:21 PM

Roy shifted a bit uncomfortably as Ed's hand brushed against his rear end. The colonel thought of this as a mistake and shooed away the officers crowding around. "Well, first we have to check ourselves in here. Then we'll go to the hotel across the street;we'll stay there until our mission is over."

The born leader looked at the small group of people around him. "Ed and Al will share a room, and Riza and I will be rooming together." He looked over to Winry. "Do you have someplace to stay?"

The blonde girl nodded. "Yep. I'll come visit if I can though."

"Okay." Roy turned back to the group. "Any questions?"

Monte Gray
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Old 12-02-2011, 12:13 AM

Ed got a bit jelous that Riza. "Pfft..I wonder what you two will be doing in there." he smirked. He figured picking at Rpy was good pay back. "Use protection, we don't want any baby Mustangs running around do we?"

spooky scary skeletons
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Old 12-03-2011, 01:17 AM

Roy glared at Ed, even though what the blonde had sait was partly true. Riza was a bit more than just a secretary and a friend, after all. "Ed, that's certaintly not what we're going to be doing in there..." He seemed to think a bit, then spoke again. "Hmm...a mini-Mustang, huh? Maybe that wouldn't be such a bad over..." Roy trailed on as they entered the hotel.

"Anyways." Roy signed a clipboard the woman at the front desk held, then grabbed the keys the worker gave him. "Here." He dropped a golden key into Ed's gloved hand. "We'll get settled now." Roy dragged Riza down the hallway, looking much like Huges when he randomly kidnapped people. "I EXPECT TO SEE YOU BRIGHT AND EARLY DOWN HERE IN THE MORNING, ELRIC BROTHERS!"

Monte Gray
Monte Gray is offline
Old 12-03-2011, 01:37 AM

Edward got insanely grumpy as they entered the room. Al stared at his brother. " like Colonel Mustang don't you?" Al had seem right through his brother and knew exactly what he was feeling. Ed's face turned bright red. "No! I hate him! Besides, you don't really think i'm gay do you?" Ed wasn't sure how Al had guessed his feelings, but he didn't like it. The two went to bed

The next morning, Al went down stairs. "Sir...Brother won't get up out of the bed." he told Roy. He'd tried to wake his brother multiple times, but he'd failed. Ed was laying sprawled on the bed in literally nothing but his own skin and his automail. In other words, he was nude. This was another reason he was asking Roy to wake the brother of his. He wanted to see if Roy liked Ed as much as Ed liked Roy. He was sure leading the black haired man into tue room were Ed's entire body was exposed was a good way to tell exactly how Roy felt. "Can you come up to our room and get him up please?"

spooky scary skeletons
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Old 12-03-2011, 02:05 AM

"Ah, sure. Why not?" Roy put down his cup of coffee on the table Riza and Roy were sitting at, looking up at Alphonse. "Riza, don't move, we'll be back in a while. Hopefully, with Ed."

"Yes, sir."

Roy followed Alphonse up to the Elric brother's hotel room and opened the door without any knocks. He rolled his eyebrow as he saw the elder Elric brother sprawled out and tangled in the bedsheets, completely naked. Roy had to admit, Ed was strangely attractive. The colonel shook the sudden thought out of his head and walked to the adjoining bathroom.

"Hey, Alphonse, Edward won't mind if I do this, right?" Roy picked up a metal bucket sitting on the floor under the sink and filled it to the brim with ice cold water. He wore an evil grin as he neared the bed.

Icy water poured down onto Ed like a waterfall. "Wake up~Fullmetal~" Roy sang as he dumped the water onto the younger alchemist.


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