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But first, coffee.
Junabelle is offline
Old 01-06-2012, 09:16 PM

Welcome to Lima's William McKinley High School!
You are the new generation of McKinley's Glee Club. You are your own person and apart of a Glee club that was once so low in the "food chain". Drama, good music, and romance. This is what High School is supposed to be, right?

1.) You are NOT god.
2.) Please be respectful of others.
3.) You MUST be literate. If you have less than four lines of text, you will get two warnings before you're kicked out of the rp. And please try your best with your grammar. It'd be great to be able to understand what you guys are saying.
4.) You may only be a max of two characters.
5.) All teachers are NPC characters, so you are allowed to interact with them however you want.
6.) You MUST keep things PG-13. Please go easy on the swearing and not sexual content. Keep it like how the show was, guys, okay?
7.) No double posting unless you're posting as a different character in the second post.
8.) Please try to keep your posts pretty!
9.) When you sent your application to my inbox, title it Gleekdome RP to prove you have read the rules.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Application/Profile Skeleton (some codes are double dashed, so when you apply, please take out one of the dashes):
[CENTER][COLOR="Color 1"][SIZE="4"]Character's Name[//SIZE][/COLOR]
[IMG]Insert Image URL Here[/IMG][//CENTER]
[B][U][COLOR="Color 2"]Basics[/COLOR][//U][//B][INDENT][COLOR="Color 1"][B]Username:[//B]
[B]Age:[//B] Your character's age (must be between 15 and 18).
[B]Height and Weight:[//B] Your character's height and weight.
[B]Sexuality:[//B] Is your character straight or gay?[/COLOR][//INDENT][COLOR="Color 2"][B][U]More In Depth[//U][//B][/COLOR][INDENT][COLOR="Color 1"][B]Personality:[//B] How does your character act to people around them? What are they like?
[B]Music Interested In:[//B] What music does your character like to sing?
[B]Background:[//B] What's your character's family made of? What's the story behind who they are?
[B]After School Activities:[//B] Cheerio/Football Player/Just a Glee Member/etc...
How Your Profile Should Look Like:
Character's Name
[IMG]Insert Image URL Here[/IMG]

Username: Your Username
Age: Your character's age (must be between 15 and 18).
Height and Weight: Your character's height and weight.
Sexuality: Is your character straight or gay?
More In Depth
Personality: How does your character act to people around them? What are they like?
Music Interested In: What music does your character like to sing?
Background: What's your character's family made of? What's the story behind who they are?
After School Activities: Cheerio/Football Player/Just a Glee Member/etc...
Discussion Thread:
OC Glee Discussion

Last edited by Junabelle; 02-08-2012 at 02:56 AM..

But first, coffee.
Junabelle is offline
Old 02-04-2012, 10:09 PM

Bella stared at the trophy case before her with her brand new notebooks and folders clutched to her chest. She bit her bottom lip as she read what each trophy had said. She saw a lot of Sectional and Regional trophy's, but only one National trophy. Her parents had always ranted on and on about her 'wonderful' talent and how she should really join the school's choir, but she never did until she moved her to Lima, Ohio from Lakeway, Texas. Unlike most girls from Texas, she didn't have an accent nor did she have the stuck-up personality that most had. This school obviously had a Glee club. So her eyes averted to the bulletin board right after the trophy case as her eyes scanned over the pages pinned up there. Cheerios, Yearbook Club, and finally Glee club. She smiled and walked over, grasping the pen hanging from the paper and signing her name on the list right under the first person who signed up, whose name was Blaine Anderson.

School hadn't even begun yet but she was already worried there wouldn't be many would sign up. She sighed and moved on to look for her locker so she could practice the lock before she moved on to her home room.

Don't start nothin', won't be no...
Drexy4ever is offline
Old 02-05-2012, 02:28 AM

Yvette walked excitedly down the hallway. She'd been excited ever since she'd seen the school announcements. Glee club sign up was today! She felt her feet move faster and faster. First, she'd been accepted into the Cheerio squad. She was still waiting to be evaluated by the Yearbook club, and the Glee club would be the icing on the cake. She really couldn't wait. She moved quickly, so fast that it made her legs hurt. Finally, she reached the bulletin board. Glee only had two people signed up for it. 'Yes! Yes! Yes!' She thought as she signed her name in curly font. She looked around the bare hallway. She'd never risk doing something so looked down upon in a people-filled environment. Her fingers tingled. She headed to the gym. She had to go ask Mrs. Sylvester about the tryouts.

But first, coffee.
Junabelle is offline
Old 02-05-2012, 04:01 AM

The bell rang, causing Bella to jump. She hadn't been expecting it so early. She clutched her books tighter to her chest as she hurried off to home room. The halls were becoming bare, but a few students still lingered. Just as she turned away from her locker, she felt a drop of something cold on her cheek. She looked over at a student with red slushy liquid dripping all down his face. A herd of football jocks passed by with empty plastic cups, laughing hard. "Welcome back to school, gay face!" a football jock said.

The boy stood there, frozen as he wiped off his eyes, sighing. As if he knew she was there, he spoke. "Well this is just great. I thought they'd stop last year, but I guess not," he said. He had gelled back black curls and dressed like one of those neat computer nerds.

Bella cringed. "A-are you okay?" she asked, not sure if she should be asking or not.

The boy was able to open his eyes. At the sight of the girl, his eyes slightly widened, but just enough to cause slushy to drip down into his eyes. He hissed in pain and put his hand to his eye, hunching over. "My name's Blaine. You're that new girl Bella, aren't you? You're one of the girls who signed up for glee club?"

So it was the famous glee senior, Blaine Anderson. She didn't feel so lost now. "I am. But I have to get to class. I'd hate to be late to my first class on my first day," Bella said in a small voice as she turned her body around.

Blaine waved once after the girl. "See you at glee try-outs."

Don't start nothin', won't be no...
Drexy4ever is offline
Old 02-05-2012, 06:45 AM

Yvette trudged into the gym, ready for Mrs. Sylvester to yell her ear off for bothering her during school hours, or something equally as stupid. She knocked lightly on her office door. "Come in." Sue said from inside. Yvette took a deep breath, then walked in. Sue was sitting at her desk writing in a book. "Mrs. Sylvester, I'd like to ask you if you have already- "Already picked out the cheerleading uniforms." Sue cut her off. "How did you-" "I can see the paper in your hand, and frankly, I'm not surprised that you'd think you were.. oh, let's say fashionable enough to design uniforms to a whole cheerleading squad." Sue cut her off. Yvette tightly gripped the paper with her design on it in her hand. "I am fashionable enough. Look at me. I'm a walking Barbie doll." "Yeah, if Barbie just grabbed the first pair of jeans she picked up off the floor, grabbed an ill-fitted shirt and walked out the door." Yvette rolled her eyes and walked out of Sue's office.

'Well that went well. I can't believe she called me unfashionable! I'm fashionable, right? I am! I'm drop-dead gorgeous! I'm a supermodel! I'm-' Yvette's thoughts were interrupted as she ran into a girl with about a million books in her arms. She dropped them all, every last one. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! Lemme help you!" she said as she began picking up the books and placing them into a neat stack. As she finished she stood. The girl thanked her and Yvette was off to the bathroom to go analyze her outfit.

But first, coffee.
Junabelle is offline
Old 02-06-2012, 03:06 AM

The day seemed to have passed by slowly. Lunch time was now at hand as Bella sucked in a breath and walked into the lunch room. This morning had been hard on Bella. She had been bumped into, pushed around, lost, and confused. She knew it would be a while before she would get used to things. She hurried into the lunch line and grabbed a tray, grabbing randomly wrapped foods and putting it on her tray as she paid for her her food and turned around to face the filled cafeteria. Only one empty table was in sight. She quickly walked over to it and put her tray down.

Hopefully glee try-outs will be better than this day all together, she thought to herself. Suddenly someone sat down next to her. It was Blaine from this morning. He gave her a smile. "Hello again," he said in a friendly voice.

His friendliness bothered her. "Okay, just so you know? I'm a lesbian." She knew she just had to flat-out tell him in case he had any idea of dating her. Back in Texas, the guys were like that towards her constantly.

"It doesn't bother me. I have a boyfriend. Guys can be friendly without wanting to date," Blaine simply said.

Don't start nothin', won't be no...
Drexy4ever is offline
Old 02-07-2012, 10:37 PM

Yvette looked at her watch. Her lunch period was almost over. She hurried to her locker and pulled out her sack lunch, then hurried to the café. As soon as she walked into the large red and white room, 2 of her fans surrounded her.

"Hey, J. Heard your goin' out with Brendan Farbs. That true?" the petite blond, Ashley, asked. Ki Ki rolled her eyes. "I wouldn't date him if he was the last guy in this school." she said, walking past them and sitting at her usual lunch table. Her crush, Tylor James, was already sitting at the table. "Hey, J." he said cooly as she sat. "Where ya been?" he asked, facing her, his vibrant blue eyes peering into her soul. "Had to go see Mrs. Sylvester about tryouts." Yvette said, just as cooly as he had. Tylor nodded. One of the girls at the table was going on about her summer vaca. Yvette day-dreamed about her and Tylor.

But first, coffee.
Junabelle is offline
Old 02-08-2012, 03:03 AM

Bella's eyes wandered all around the cafe. Students of many colors, shapes, styles, and sizes populated the area. Her eyes fell on a table full of what had to be the most attractive people in the whole school so far. "Who are they?" Bella asked in an interested tone as she motioned her head over towards that table as she held her sandwich close to her mouth.

Blaine followed her gaze and smirked. "Cheerios slash jocks slash the most popular people in the entire school. Make sure not to get noticed by them or they'll do to you what they did to me this morning, every morning," Blaine said in a hateful but chilled tone.

Her eyes fell on one girl with dark skin and beautiful dark hair. She must be new too because she looked a tad bit out of place, but maybe that was just how Bella was seeing it. She sighed and looked back down at her lunch. "Blend into the lockers? No problemo," she replied in a fake-Spanish accent.

Last edited by Junabelle; 02-10-2012 at 11:01 PM..

Don't start nothin', won't be no...
Drexy4ever is offline
Old 02-09-2012, 11:40 PM

Yvette watched as Tylor carried his garbage-filled tray to the trash. He was so tall and muscular. Her eyes quickly moved to a different place when he began walking back to the table. She noticed a girl who was staring at her. She raised an eyebrow then turned back to her table.

"Hey, Deanna, you see that chick over there, lookin' at this table?" she asked Deanna Jowns, the girl who'd been talking. After looking behind Yvette's head, Deanna nodded. "Yeah, I see her. I think she's a newbie. I have her in, like, two of my classes." she said calmly as she took a bite out of a french fry. Yvette nodded. "Why didn't you take her under your wing, like you did with me?" she asked after a pause. "Puh-lease! Do you see her? She's got no moxie, no spunk, and you're like a moxie machine." Deanna said. Yvette nodded again, even though she had no idea what it meant to be a 'moxie machine'. Although, she often found herself just nodding and smiling with Deanna and her other friends. It seemed like they all spoke in a secret code that only they could understand.

But first, coffee.
Junabelle is offline
Old 02-10-2012, 11:04 PM

When Bella found the girl catching her gaze, she found herself shocked and wuickly looked away. She sucked in a breath and then sighed. Nothing exciting was happening in this place so far. There's got to be something that she could look forward to every day. Maybe Glee would be just that very thing needed for the excitement. Some had a boyfriend or a girlfriend to keep them excited for school, some even have a good book they're in the middle of to look forward to getting to read when they've finished their work in their classes, some have gossip with their friends about the latest or dorkiest trends to look forward. Bella guessed that Glee was something to be excited about.

When the bell rang, Bella got to her feet and threw her trash away, waving to Blaine goodbye and being wished a good rest of the day. Blaine was going to be a good friend, and Bella was at least thankful for that. She huffed yet another sigh and made her way through the crowded hallways and over to the library for study hall.

Don't start nothin', won't be no...
Drexy4ever is offline
Old 02-13-2012, 04:19 AM

Yvette's day was moderate. Her teachers were all the kind that play it chill on new kids, and the students loved her since she was pretty and funny. Nothing was hard, everything easy, non-challenging.

Except for her home-sickness. That feeling was as sharp as a knife.

Yvette walked to the music-room slowly, thinking about what the Glee club would be like.

Would the kids be accepting?

Would the teacher be nice?

Would she be the only rapper, or the only good singer?

Would she be the most popular/best looking?

The questions built a tornado in her head. She reached the door to the music room and opened it with excitement in her heart. She walked into the room and was happy by what she'd seen. The teacher looked nice enough. He was a pretty handsome man, looked to be in his early to mid thirties. And he was dressed rather nicely. He greeted Yvette with a warm hello.

"I'm Jeniva, or J." Yvette said to the teacher as she sat in one of the many seats in the room. "I'm Mr. Schuester." the teacher said. There were a few other kids sitting too. One girl moved from her seat to sit in the one beside her. "I'm Kler. That's spelled K-L-E-R." she said, her voice high as a chipmunk's dispite her heavy physique. "J." Jeniva said with a nod. "You're from New York, right?" Kler asked. "No, I'm from the Dirty South." Yvette said cooly. "Alabama?" a boy who was eavesdropping asked from a seat above the girls. Yvette turned her head. "No, I'm from the South side of Chicago. Back there, we call it the Dirty South." Yvette said, excited to finally meet people who cared about her backgrounds.

But first, coffee.
Junabelle is offline
Old 02-15-2012, 01:11 AM

Bella had to suck in a sharp breath before she put her hand on the choir room door handle and turned it for entry. She opened it up and stepped into the room. When the door closed behind her, she clutched her books to her chest again, feeling suddenly very self conscious. There was no doubt that there would be others better than her here. Eyes laid on her, but she tried to give out a signal that she wasn't ready to socialize with anyone just yet. A man with a butt chin and curly brown hair followed by a rather ugly sweater vest came up to her with a big warm smile.

"I'm Mr. Schuester and welcome to Glee club! We're just waiting for everyone to get here before we head to the auditorium to start the auditions," the man said to her in a friendly voice.

The glee director. He seems nice. Hopefully he'll be that way throughout the school year. She gave a small, shy smile. "I'm Bella."

Don't start nothin', won't be no...
Drexy4ever is offline
Old 02-15-2012, 04:08 AM

Yvette noticed another girl walk into the room. It looked to be the one from the lunchroom. She hadn't noticed how pretty she was before, but up close she was a real looker. Not in a blunt way, but in a subtle, quiet way that was actually kind of quirky. She glanced at Kler, who was continuing to converse with her even though Yvette had tuned out a long time ago.There was a boy talking to her too. Yvete silently wondered if all the kids at this school were this clueless. Then, her eyes traveled back to the new girl. She couldn't put her finger on it, but there was something interestingly different about her. Something that was definitely odd. Oh well. Maybe it was nothing. Yvette looked at her nails, which were coloured pink with a glittery top coat, and continued to listen to Kler and the other boy, whatever his name was.

Another girl walked into the room. She was light-skinned, small and frail, and looked like she couldn't lift the notebooks in her hands. But she was doing it. She sat down beside Kler. Kler greeted her, and began to tell her everything she'd been telling Yvette, then introduced them. "J, this is Zidowa, or Zi Zi." Kler said. Zi Zi shook Yvette's hand. "Hello." she said, revealing an African accent. Yvette nodded her hello and smiled, knowing in her mind that Glee had been a good choice.

But first, coffee.
Junabelle is offline
Old 02-18-2012, 05:44 AM

Mr. Shuester was so shocked with all the new faces. He couldn't stop smiling, even when he announced them all to meet him in the auditorium. When everyone left the room, he grabbed his clip board with paper to write notes about each audition, and headed out of the room and over to the auditorium, surprised at all the face. He got up on the empty stage, looking down at the three rows filled in the middle with new faces. He nodded to Blaine, who came up to stand beside him.

"Alright guys. Welcome to the Glee Club. Now, we're going to be auditioning. This is the last remaining glee member from the second New Direction's generation, Blaine Anderson. If you guys ever need advice, help on vocals, or whatever, this guy is the one to go to. Now, who would like to go first?"

Bella was alone in the third row in on the edge seat, shifting uncomfortably in her seat as she looked up at Mr. Shuester as he spoke and Blaine as he looked all proud to be up there by Mr. Shuester as a Senior. Mr. Shuester's voice was muffled in her ears as she began to panic. She still hadn' figured out a song to sing yet. No doubt she would be last. But if she could just think of a song...and then it struck her. But it was too late. Blaine Anderson volunteered to audition first since it was mandatory for all who signed up to audition--a fresh start. Mr. Shuester cleared the stage and sat down by the students, looking up at Blaine with a pen ready in hand. Bella watched closely, hoping to find things that would help her not mess up.

Top down in the summer sun
The day we met was like a hit-and-run
And I still taste it on my tongue (taste it on my tongue)
The sky was burning up like fireworks
You made me want you oh so bad it hurt
But girl in case you haven't heard
I used to be love drunk, but now I'm hung over
I'll love you forever, forever is over
We used to kiss all night, now it's just a bar fight
So don't call me crying
Say hello to goodbye
Cause just one sip would make me sick
I used to be love drunk, but now I'm hung over
I'll love you forever, but now it's over
Hot sweat and blurry eyes
We're spinning round a rollercoaster ride
The world stuck in black and white
You drove me crazy every time we touched
Now I'm so broken that I can't get up
Oh girl you make me such a lush
I used to be love drunk, but now I'm hung over
I'll love you forever, forever is over
We used to kiss all night, now it's just a bar fight
So don't call me crying
Say hello to goodbye
Cause just one sip would make me sick
I used to be love drunk, but now I'm hung over
I'll love you forever, but now it's over
All the time I wasted on you
All the bullshit you put me through
Checking into rehab cause everything that we had
Didn't mean a thing to you
I used to be love drunk, but now I'm hung over
I'll love you forever, but now I'm sober
I used to be love drunk, but now I'm hung over
I'll love you forever, forever is over
We used to kiss all night, now it's just a bar fight
So don't call me crying
Say hello to goodbye
Cause just one sip would make me sick
I used to be love drunk, but now I'm hung over
I'll love you forever, but now it's over
Now it's over
Still taste it on my tongue
Now It's over...

When he finished, Bella sat there, frozen with her mouth wide open and her eyes widened. Blaine was so talented, it scared her. Self-consciousness crept up like shadows on her self-esteem and extinguished what was left. But she gulped down her fear as Mr. Shuester called "next".

Don't start nothin', won't be no...
Drexy4ever is offline
Old 02-22-2012, 02:26 AM

Yvette coughed to clear her throat before standing and walking to the stage. She felt eyes on her as she adjusted the microphone and announced her song.

"I'ma sing Say My Name by Destiny's Child."
She said shyly. She cleared her throat again and began on the song, singing shakily at first, but busting into the chorus as strong as a whole group choir. She finished the song with heavy notes and got a standing ovation. Her whole body trembled as she walked back to her seat.

"Wow, J. I wouldn't'a thought you'd'a been able to sing like that! You're frickin amazing! You ever take any lessons?" Kler asked, clapping her hands as she talked. Yvette blushed slightly and shook her head no. Zidowa stood next and sang a sad Adelle song, then Keri, and then the boy who'd been talking to her earlier. Kler was the one who caught her eye. She was ambitious with her notes, as if she was their boss demanding the best work possible. They were all perfect, the best out of everyone's including her own. It amazed Yvette that someone with a voice like hers wouldn't be on Broadway or on the radio. Yvette clapped as Keri walked over to her and took a breath, excited to hear the next person sing.

But first, coffee.
Junabelle is offline
Old 02-22-2012, 02:52 AM

Bella had to admit. She was a very judgmental person and also quite the Grammar Nazi. So she knew right away that even though this Yvetti girl had some impressive singing talent and she had some good looks upon her, the first thing to come to mind was "Ghetto". Maybe that was why Bella didn't have any friends. She was too judgmental. All her life, people told her to don't judge a book by its cover, but she couldn't help it. The school she transferred from was made up of nothing but cliques. Why am I even thinking about it? She had to admit. Being a lesbian can be hard work.

Don't start nothin', won't be no...
Drexy4ever is offline
Old 02-28-2012, 11:05 PM

(sorry for takin' so long to post. Every time I went to do it something came up!)

Yvette watched as the last few people went and sung their songs, each one got an applause. No one seemed extraordinary, just moderate and decent. Mr Sheu seemed to congratulate everyone, even the mediocre singers. There was one rapper who caught her eye, although the only one she really wanted to look at was the chick who'd been lookin' at her earlier. She had something about her that made Yvette keep staring. She was discreet, never the less. Always, only getting one-second peeks and only looking every 10th second. The next person got off the stage after singing an Usher song. "Next." mr. Schuester called. Yvette snapped alert and waited for the next person to go onto the stage.

But first, coffee.
Junabelle is offline
Old 03-03-2012, 01:26 AM

(It's okay!)

By the time everyone had finished trying out, Mr. Shuester had announced to everyone that no one seemed flawed at all and that everyone was in. Happy to make it, Bella got to her feet with a big smile and turned to leave. The day was over and she was able to leave to head on home so she could start planning on solos to sing for when they got to do their Free Days, which she remembered Blaine telling her about.

She saw Yvette and walked up to her. " know this is pretty random...but I love your voice. You're an amazing singer," Bella said with a big smile. Then she had the thought in the back of her mind that she might be annoying the girl, so she prepared herself for the awaited punch of bursting her bubble.

Don't start nothin', won't be no...
Drexy4ever is offline
Old 03-04-2012, 02:21 AM

Yvette looked at the person talking to her. It was the girl! The girl from lunch! The girl from Glee! And she was giving her a compliment. Yvette's eyebrows shot up and she flipped her hair behind her back. "Well, thank you! I thought you were pretty good too. I hope we can do a duet together some time." she said, surprised at how excited she was to see this person. She didn't know her. She didn't really have that many classes with her. Only 2 including lunch. So why did she find her soooo..... interesting?

Yvette made a list in her head of all the reasons the girl was catching her eye.

She was pretty.
She had a nice voice.
She had an apparently nice personality.

But those were things that most people had goin' for 'em. Why was she so interesting to her??? The feeling of confusion was driving her crazy inside. She swabbed on a coat of lipgloss and rubbed her lips together, the feeling almost instantly calming her.

But first, coffee.
Junabelle is offline
Old 03-05-2012, 12:55 AM

Bella immediately relaxed when Yvette didn't bite her head off or something like that. In fact, this Yvette girl seemed pretty nice. Bella smiled again and clasped her hands together before her, not sure where else to put them. She was happy to hear what Yvette had just said. "Thanks! I hope so too! Um...I'm Bella!" To best honest, Bella wasn't used to compliments. She had always allowed herself to stick so far in the dark so that she couldn't be made fun of or anything like that. But hearing this compliment come from Yvette somehow didn't sound anything like a joke or a bullying statement. It sounded true.

Maybe the two could be friends. Bella didn't know, but she suddenly noticed how she felt shaky with excitement, unable to take off the cheeky grin she had slapped on her face. "Well, I'd better go. I have to get home so I can help my mom finish unpack. It was nice talking to you," Bella said as she then unclasped her hands and waved to Yvette as she turned around and headed towards the auditorium exit so she could get to her locker and get to her car in time.

Don't start nothin', won't be no...
Drexy4ever is offline
Old 03-05-2012, 03:30 AM

Yvette watched the girl, Bella, walk away, feeling excited. A finger tapped her shoulder. "Hey, J. Wanna walk with me?" someone from behind her asked. It was Tylor. "Oh! Of course!" Yvette said excitedly, quickly turning around and raising her eyebrows. A few juniors who happened to be walking past giggled when her hair flicked him in the face. "Let's go." Tylor said, beginning to walk past her and toward the hallway in front of them. "Lemme just get my bookbag." Yvette said, walking quickly to her locker, which she'd been standing a few feet away from, and opening it.

Yvette pulled out her bookbag and continued walking with Tylor. He guided her down the hallways until the reached the school's backdoor. "Where are you going?" Yvette asked as he began to open the door. She'd always seen him walk out the front. "I gotta get somethin' first. You can come with." he said, holding the door open for her. She walked forward awkwardly, unsure of what he was leading her in to.

But first, coffee.
Junabelle is offline
Old 03-06-2012, 03:38 AM

"So how was your first day?" Blaine asked as Bella stood before her locker, working at the combination so she could look over her inventory.

Bella looked at him as she opened er locker and shrugged. "Nothing exciting, nothing bad. Your typical first day of school."

Blaine snickered. "When I first transferred here, my first day was amazing, minus the random drama I was dragged into, but it was still a great way to start out the school year as the new kid. Things will get better. You'll see," Blaine said as he opened his locker, grabbed a book, and then left.

Bella watched as he left. Maybe he was right. Maybe things will get better. But she had never been one to wait for things. She wanted things done when she wanted them done. But she had to always remind herself only one word. "Patience." She had so little of it, but even with her, it had a way of going a long ways. She sighed and stared into her locker next, putting her afternoon hour's books in the locker and then going over the list of homework she made in her head. Buy six jumbo book covers, get a new set of batteries for her karaoke system so she could practice more for Glee, get a crap load of notebooks and loose leaf paper...ugh she had a headache. The halls were empty now, and all was silent. She just stood there, staring at the inside of her locker. It was so bare. She would definitely have to bring photos to put up and maybe a dry erase board to keep things more organized then having to make so many mental notes. She feared she would forget something because of that.

Don't start nothin', won't be no...
Drexy4ever is offline
Old 03-09-2012, 02:39 AM

"Hey, Ty. This your chick? She's fiiiinnne." a boy said as Yvette walked toward Tylor. She scrunched her face up at the long-haired boy. He was holding a flaming piece of paper in his hand. "What's that?" she asked as he stuck it in his mouth. She knew it was some kind of cig. "Grade A coke. Just got it today. I usually charge people for this stuff, but if you hang with Ty and you're as hot as you are, you can have two joints free." the boy said. Yvette's eyes widened as Tylor handed the guy a wad of bills. The boy hande him a small paper bag back. "You're a stoner???" Yvette asked. "No. I just like to have a lil' fun every once in a whi-" "So the answer to my question is a yes. You are indeed a stoner. You know what Ty? I'm feelin' kinda sick. I'ma jet home. Don't call me later, either. Or talk to me." Yvette cut Tylor off.

She stomped away, feeling slightly betrayed. Tylor ran after her. He grabbed her shoulders and turned her around. "I'm not a stoner. You're walking home with me today." he directed. "No I'm not. Now leave me the fuck alone."Yvette said, trying hard to shake his strong grip but he held on tight. "Let me go." she said, trying harder to break away. "You're walkin' home with me, and then your gonna come into my house." he said, beginning to drag her toward the sidewalk. "I'm not goin' anywhere with you. LET ME GO!!! HELP!! FIRE!!! FIRE!!!" Yvette screamed, shaking and even biting Tylor's hands away. He kept trying to drag her across the street toward his house. None of the other stoners said or did anything. Yvette struggled, trying hard to break free.

But first, coffee.
Junabelle is offline
Old 03-11-2012, 05:14 AM

Bella froze, looking around. Were her ears working correctly? Did someone just scream for help. Feeling sudden horror and adrenaline, she fished her pepper spray out of her purse, grabbed her book bag, slugn her purse and book bag over her shoulder, closed her locker, and walked over in the direction she heard the scream come from. The back door.

She opened it up to see Yvette with a few guys around her. One of them trying to drag her off in the opposite direction. Feeling the sudden rush of adrenaline and dropped her stuff, hurrying forward until her shoulder roughly collided with the guy who looked as if he was about to attack Bella. Knocking him off of his feet and hard into the concrete, Bella turned to stand behind Yvette where she launched her tightened fist forward until it collided with the guy's face who had his hands clasped on Yvette, sending him flying backwards. When Bella saw that his hands were pulling Yvette down with him, she grabbed onto Yvette and pulled her body towards her until her body was up against Bella's and the guy's hands had been pried loose of Yvette.

"God damn, this chick's crazy. Let's get out of here!" of the guys said as they hurried away.

Don't start nothin', won't be no...
Drexy4ever is offline
Old 03-17-2012, 03:57 AM

(Sorry for the wait. I've been having some writer's block lately.)

Yvette stood in her place, shaken up and tad embarrassed. She'd always been able to hold her own. How could a girl who looked like she'd never been in a fight in her life be able to save her when she needed it? Yvette felt her lip. It was swollen in the corner.

"Thank you." Yvette mumbled, not knowing whether to run off or to stay with her savior. She decided to stay. Leaving might show her to be rude, or worse; a loser.

"Do you wanna come with me to my house? I'm pretty sure my Auntie Georgia made chicken..." Yvette said, looking at her feet the whole time. Across the street, the last boy was stumbling into Tylor's house. "She'd be happy to have you. Especially since you saved me and all..." Yvette continued slowly, playing with her cuticles. She didn't understand it. How could she've let her crush play her like that? It was a mystery how she'd fallen for it. They'd hung out for only a week before school started, but still. That was amazing how well he was able to hide his total jack-assedness. Yvette felt like crying and screaming at the same time. Trying to maintain her cool, she adjusted her top and stared at the clouds to try and make the small water-y things beginning to drip from her eyes go away.


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