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Lilith W
Lilith W is offline
Old 02-05-2012, 08:51 PM

Avi Inspired Stories

I was looking through some of my avi art and was thinking how they would make some interesting characters in stories. So I have decided to write stories based on my avies.

I will post a picture of the avi or art based on it and then the story. Most likely they will be short stories and they will be contained in one post. If I decide to continue a story then I will edit that post.

You are free to post in here. ^^

Last edited by Lilith W; 02-05-2012 at 09:09 PM..

Lilith W
Lilith W is offline
Old 02-05-2012, 09:03 PM


Post 1: Title, Basic Info
Post 2: Contents
Post 3: Avi Story One (The Green Hood)
Post 4: Avi Story Two (The Purple Knife Wielder)

Last edited by Lilith W; 03-06-2012 at 12:57 AM..

Lilith W
Lilith W is offline
Old 02-05-2012, 09:08 PM

The Green Hood

by: Demoscout

A green haired girl slid past a tree then bent low to pass safely under a low hanging branch. The person behind her was not as fast. She laughed when she heard the smack and the man yell out. “Ettia why didn’t you say something about the branch?” a male voice whined. Ettia slowed and looked back. She laughed at the young man with his hand on his nose and smiled at the three that were behind him. “Better hurry up if you don’t want us to miss our meeting. It would be so sad if we were late.” She looked back in front of her, “and you should watch were you run.”

She lead the men farther barely making any noise. Suddenly she stopped and waved for the others to stop. She looked around then pointed at two of the men and off to the right then to the left. The men broke apart and went to either side. She waited a moment before looking up at the limb above her. She jumped up and grabbed the limb. After swinging a few times she was in the tree and climbing. As soon as she was a few feet up she jumped to the next tree and then the next till she was looking down at a road. She was in easy view if anyone bothered to look up into the tree but few ever did. She swung her bow off her shoulder and pulled an arrow out of her quiver. She looked down the road and waited for the people to come.

It was not long before two riders came into view on matching black horses. Behind them came a team of four matching white horse carting a gilded carriage. Fools. She thought to herself. Why announce your richness so loudly? Behind came four more men on black horses. Damn there were only suppost to be four guardsmen. The lord had added the two extra guards within the day or her spies had lied. It didn’t matter for the moment though. She placed the arrow and drew back. Her arm held steady and she waited for a brief moment before losing the arrow. It sank deeply into the bench right next to the carriage driver. When he jerked and yelped it drove the horses to a halt and the guardsmen to look around.

“Hello boys. I cannot believe you would pass a fair maid by without even saying hello,” Ettia called down.

“Come down here fair maid so that we may treat you justly,” one of the first guards called up to her.

“If only it were true. She pulled another arrow out of her quiver and placed it on her bow. It was a special training arrow. The tip was blunt and padded so as not to kill but to only stun. She sighted on the talked and loosed the arrow. It hit his head knocking him off his horse and out of the fight. He would be out for long enough. The other guardsmen drew their swords and rushed towards her tree. As soon as she had let go of the arrow Ettia had pulled another padded arrow. As they rushed her she loosed another hitting one in the chest. The rest followed before they could reach the tree line or her. All had dropped their swords and a few had fallen from the saddle.

As soon as the last arrow had been spent her followers appeared out of the trees with rope. Ettia looped her bow over her shoulder and climbed out of the tree. By the time she had walked out to the road the guardsmen had all been tied up.

One of the men spat at her. “You are no maid. You are a foul demon elf.”

The young clumsy man stepped between her and the guard. “Don’t speak of our lady like that. She is better than any of you or your lords.”

An older man stepped forward and placed a hand on the younger man’s shoulder. “Don’t let his words bother you Turosh. We know the truth.”

The rest of her band came closer to show that two were human and two elves. Her band of thieves were a mixed bunch who worked for the better of all. Ettia walked over to the carriage. The driver was tied to his seat with his hands bound. She passed him by and opened the door to the carriage. Inside sat a fat man and a pretty young woman.

When the man started to blubber she held up her hand and looked at the woman. “My dear would you mind handing me the pouches of gold and silver you carry and all your jewels.” The woman held out all that was asked shaking the entire time. Ettia handed the wealth out to the man behind her. “Now your father’s.” The woman took her father’s rings, gold, and other jewels. “We have taken all you have with you and all in the chests. The guardsmen’s horses are ours as well. Know that all of your dowry that came before has been taken as well. The gold, jewels, fabrics, spices, the dyes, and even the sheep and goats. Your soon to be lord husband will be upset but you are pretty. He might still take you if your father debts himself to him. There is also the chance he will send you away. You may come up with us if you like. Become an outlaw and live in the woods. Go hungry and times and cold at others but be free. Free to marry or not. None of my band will harm you ever. And we could teach you to live and help others. It is your choice live by your husband and father’s word or by my simple laws and your own.”

Ettia waited a moment to let her words sink in the stepped back. The woman hesitated for a moment and looked at her father then started to get up. Her father grabbed her arm but before he could do more Ettia reached in and grabbed his wrist and squeezed. He let go with a yelp. “Touch my sister again and you can walk to town with only your skin to cloth you. Be glad I leave you so much. Your clothes, white horses, and carriage would buy us much.” She let go of his hand and stepped back. She helped the lesser lord’s daughter down. One of her men helped her up onto a horse.

The rest of the band helped to pick up the guardsmen and then fling them into the carriage. When they were all in the carriage, piled on top of each other, Ettia threw a rose the color of gold on top of them. “Your gold for mine.” Then shut the door and sent the carriage back on its way.

They each grabbed a horse and climbed it the saddles. Each horse had several homespun bags with treasure inside tied on the saddles. Ettia led them into the forest. They rode for a long time only taking short breaks. At the first town they came to Ettia passed a woman a bag and was given a bigger bag in return. They each slid down off their horses and went into the woman’s house. The men were given food while Ettia took the high born lady into a back room. She passed her the bag. The woman opened it and pulled out commoner’s clothes. They were softer than most but sturdy.

The woman shook the clothes out and stood staring for a moment. “Their… their…”

“Pants. Yes. We still have a bit of riding ahead of us and then a lot of walking and your clothes won’t work. And I plan on selling them. Put those on. Go eat something. And when we get back and you still want a dress we will get you one.”

Ettia left the room and joined the others. They all turned at the sound of the door opening. The lady walked out with her long golden hair flowing down her back making the clothes look even odder. “Oh dear.” Ettia laughed. She stood up and walked behind her. She took a hair thong out of a pouched and tied her hair up then loosely braided her hair and tied it off again.

They soon left the house and started back towards home. They passed several villages and passed out the bags of treasure. The villagers would pass the treasure out amongst themselves and other nearby villages.

When they reached a large town the two human males went inside with the rest of the take while the rest waited outside the village. They sold or bartered everything and when they came out they had useful things. They brought a wagon, a draft horse, a barrel of apples and one of pears, bags of potatoes and carrots, bags of grains and seeds, spices, fabric, base metals, chickens, sheep, and even one goat.

They walked another day before they reached the Endless Forest. It was a forest that was thought to never end. It was known as a cursed place that none could get out of.

Ettia led the way in and before long they were joined by others. They laughed and joked and a few kept glancing at the lady. They traveled for half a day before reaching their home. The trees spread out to leave an opening. Inside a village grew on the ground and up into the trees. Children ran and played. Men farmed, built, and walked off to hunt. Women helped the men, tended children and livestock, cooked, sewed, and cleaned. But all stopped when Ettia was spotted.

Ettia smiled at her home then turned to the lady. “Welcome to our home.” She turned to the village and shouted out over it. “It is good to be home family. Welcome our newest sister,” she hugged the lady with one arm, “for now she can be called Lady. And later we shall learn her name.”

It sure is good to be home.

by: Mysticalpchan

Last edited by Lilith W; 02-05-2012 at 10:30 PM..

Lilith W
Lilith W is offline
Old 03-06-2012, 12:55 AM

The Purple Knife Wielder

By: linapoo

Nytai took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Holding the air in her longs for a long moment she slowly exhaled then brought her arm back. With a quick flex the knife in her hand was gone and her eyes were opened. A smile brushed across her lips before vanishing when she saw the knife in the middle of the target. She turned her back on the targets in front of her that currently held a dozen blades across half a dozen targets.

“That my dears is what training can mean.” She flung a hidden blade behind her hitting the center of the center target in between the other two blades. “And that is what years of this means.”

She smiled again as she looked at the newest students. They always made her happy.

She had been with a circus for as long as she had been alive. Her father had been a strong man and her mother a dancer. She had grown from a clown to a juggler and finally to a blade worker. At first with juggling and finally to one of the best throwers. She had gone through several circuses. Finally she had ended at The Traveling Skies Circus, mainly because it was near when she had left the one before. It had been the perfect place.

They were weird and vastly different then other circuses. Instead of putting on shows that kept the guests far away they brought the people right up next to them. They had their shows and then they had their classes. They applied makeup and clowned around, tumbled, had a petting zoo, threw knives, and so much more.

Nytai loved to teach her art to others. She twirled twin blades in her hand and nodded at the next to go. A girl stepped forward and took her stance before throwing her knife. She hit the target and close to the center but not hard enough to stick. Each student took their turn. Each was as different as their throws. Young and old, male and female. The only thing they had in common was their attitudes. All were calm and happy people since she was careful not to teach a weapon class to someone who might use the lessons poorly.

The day ended and she waved them away with a smile. She left her tent with her pack of blades and walked to the main tent. She smiled at the other performers and hopped onto one of the balance beams. She wrapped her arm through and around her hair then ran down the beam. At the end she jumped and flipped before landing in front of a tall handsome man.

“Knife Wielder.”
They both smiled before sharing a kiss. “Class over dear?” he asked her.

She nodded up at her husband. Not only had she found a home here but she had found a family.

By: avi

Last edited by Lilith W; 03-06-2012 at 01:00 AM..


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