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Overatedsmileyface is offline
Old 03-18-2012, 09:05 AM

The year is 2065 I am 16 years old a fighting for my life and my sanity on the streets. My parents were killed when I was just 8 years old my thugs in a alleyway, My father was working on a project called "The Tilt" My father didn't talk about it much making me think that perhaps he wasn't killed by any normal street thugs but perhaps by assassins sent to learn about his work.
My mother was an ordinary enough woman, she worked at the valdaze technology industries, She was helping to create the new generation of hover boards. Enough of them lets get back to the important stuff, Since I was 8 I've had to fend for myself on the streets, Iv'e picked up a couple of useful skills suck as picking peoples pockets and

Thats all I have what do you all think - Thanks

Overatedsmileyface is offline
Old 03-20-2012, 04:08 AM


Joel Rayne
Joel Rayne is offline
Old 03-29-2012, 12:40 AM

Hm.. The 'my parents were killed when I was young' is a bit over used, so be warned. Also, 'important research project that ignites a possible assassination' is also a tad ubiquitous. I won't doubt that this isn't your best work, but the grammar mistakes frankly hurt my pedantic soul. D: (It's nothing personal, promise.)

Other than those things, I suppose if you worked at it and found a way to make it your own and unique, then bravo! I commend you. Good luck, Overatedsmileyface.

The Embodiment of Geekiness
Mizayo is offline
Old 03-31-2012, 03:39 AM

A teen living on the streets is exciting, if a bit cliche. But I'm going to have to agree with Joel and say that the parents killed thing is slightly overused, but I think if you went more in-depth, then it could really be interesting. Also, I love the idea that it's set in the future, and how he(?) casually talks about hoverboards as if it was an everyday thing. Sometimes when stories are set in the future, they can be a little dramatic with the new devices and such, so its nice to see that casualness.

And as for the grammar, it could definitely use some refining. And maybe a bit or reformatting as well. If you want to be taken seriously, you'll need to look serious. (And it's a bit of a pet peeve, sorry.)

But yeah, overall it's a good idea, and with a bit of work around the edges, I'd be glad to read it. ;)


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