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a ladee
avi is offline
Old 06-16-2012, 10:53 PM

I'm back
Aww, who am I kidding, no one remembers me ;A;;

Anyways, after a long leave of absence I've decided I want to draw here again =w=
So let's get down to business dur hur

me too

or just browse through my DA

-I like simple stuff please =w= don't burn my eyes out ;u;;
-boys are best xD
-no mecha, anthro, etc etc
-my style varies a lot-- sorry, I don't do it on purpose ;A;; don't kill me T^T
-I'm getting picky about what I draw so be wary :ninja:

Uhh... I don't know
Just don't rip me off
offer whatever you think it's worth =w=

sorry for the lack of design in the thread
I gave up on it ;A;;

Last edited by avi; 09-22-2012 at 02:13 PM..

a ladee
avi is offline
Old 06-16-2012, 10:53 PM

[in my mind, they're unlimited =w=]

1 Hadsvich this is for me =w=
2 Tachigami linklink

Last edited by avi; 06-17-2012 at 12:28 AM..

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Tachigami is offline
Old 06-16-2012, 11:19 PM

Oh! I love your ability. You do OCs, yes? If so I have a request, more of a 'quest', in my signature...

I'd love to give you 10k. Five for each.

Shiro Neko

Hadsvich is offline
Old 06-16-2012, 11:32 PM

I remember you! x'3
Could I have Ian or Raze drawn?
o uo
I'll give whichever current CI you want~ If you'll accept that~


Kent is offline
Old 06-16-2012, 11:39 PM

Hey, avi! I remember you, too! I'm sure Seito and Miro will remember you too. X3

a ladee
avi is offline
Old 06-17-2012, 12:07 AM

amg people remember me ;A;; <3

Tachigami ::
Sure, I'd love to try this quest ^^
Just name the characters you'd like here ~~
Edit ::
Oh I just realized there are only two characters in there -w-;;
I'd be glad to draw them! Accepted ~~

@Hadsvich ::
I know you too @w@!
I could definitely do Ian for you 8D
Ink Blott sounds nifty, let's go with that =w=

@Kent ::
amg you know me and I know you T^T <-- tears of joy
omfg, I haven't talked to anyone here in forever

Last edited by avi; 06-17-2012 at 12:11 AM..

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Tachigami is offline
Old 06-17-2012, 12:11 AM

Thank you! And now that the others mentioned it, I recall you as well, a few times around random forums... Just couldn't put my finger on where I'd seen your name before.


Lee Mason
Lee's personality is stoic and indifferent. He's very tall, almost seven foot (six feet, ten inches to be exact), and for the past eight years has been in a maximum-security mental ward (from the age of twenty-six to thirty-four), where he spends more time than not in a straitjacket and hasn't been outside in all that time. He feels no general human emotions but tends to randomly cackle and giggle at very un-funny things, while at the same time being devoid of love, sympathy, or any form of positive human emotion. He does, however, have anger problems, and a curious lack of fear so far undiagnosed. At the same time, personal space has no relevance to him. He's mostly Blackfoot Indian, so he does appear younger than he is.

Matthew Ellis
Matt is a kind, loving human being who lost his wife in childbirth and recently, possibly his daughter in widespread massacres throughout the States. He's an elementary school teacher, and has been for several years (He's twenty-six years old). He's mostly Russian, but has absolutely no accent to tell, and tends to become easily confused about race, racism, and anything related to other areas of the world or a particular country (which is why he's an elementary school teacher and not employed higher).
Matt hates violence. It really puts him off, so he tries to avoid it. Not only that, but he's a bit of a coward, and has never handled a gun before in his life. His mother was a panophobic (meaning to fear everything), and it rubbed off on him a bit.

That's the majorly-important information. If you need to know anything else just let me know and I'll list it.
I'd prefer the two to be together. Despite being opposites they're in this situation with one another (whether Lee likes it or not)
I'd also prefer Lee in his signature straitjacket. It's been my personal goal for the recent week or so. Of course, it doesn't have to be that way, choose what you'd like.

a ladee
avi is offline
Old 06-17-2012, 12:13 AM

amg another person u////u
...Now that I think about it, I think I've seen you around too @w@

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Tachigami is offline
Old 06-17-2012, 12:15 AM

Really? I only recently came back, but I've been all over the place... Trying to broaden my horizons. I remember you, though, from the amazing art you can do, I'd seen it in other forums...

Oh, and just let me know if you need any additional details to the two characters, should you accept... I know those two images aren't perfect, but it's the best I have!

a ladee
avi is offline
Old 06-17-2012, 12:19 AM

Well same with me, I only decided to come back today =w=;;
Really? What are these forums you speak of??? x)

Oh, I edited the post above
yes I have accepted ^^
I'll be sure to let you know if I need anything but I'm sure this'll do ~~

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Tachigami is offline
Old 06-17-2012, 12:22 AM

Oh? Well then, as if I should have said this before, welcome back!
Hm... I think in the GD, old threads, one here, an old art shop you had I believe. Just scattered about. I'm a bit stalkish with some people. Even after they've quit the site.

Oh! I knew that *shifts eyes*

But thank you! I'll be patient...

a ladee
avi is offline
Old 06-17-2012, 12:26 AM

Haha, thanks x)
Oh yeah I did =w=;;
Yeah... I just kind of left it one day... don't mind me I'm just going to randomly leave, as I said to myself

Don't worry, I don't think you'll have to wait long ~~
I have absolutly nothing to do right now so I'll be done within the new week ~
...I hope ._.;;

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Tachigami is offline
Old 06-17-2012, 12:29 AM

Heh, I see that. I made this account, stayed for... a week, and left for a few years. Now I can't just do that. I've got people who for some reason talk to me, and a few RPs (only a few that are active every other day, but they're still worth staying around for)... And a hangout thread, so I can't just abandon the almost-hundred-page thread. It's my best work here!

Oh, okay then. I never have anything to do other than lurk here... So I'll be around either way.

a ladee
avi is offline
Old 06-17-2012, 12:33 AM

xDD Yeah I was pretty active like two years or so ago. But I just left >w>
I hope all those threads are alive and well 8D
Dude, I don't know how to RP =w= I feel stupid ;A;;

Same with me ~
School's out for me for two days now but I've just been wasting away in front of the computer x)

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Tachigami is offline
Old 06-17-2012, 12:38 AM

I don't think I could just leave... Even if I had no one to really talk to. I'm a bit obsessed suddenly with this place. It's a sickness!
You don't know how to RP? It's basically story-writing using only your characters in a small bit of a large story. Easy!

I've been hiding away at home. Not really coming out but on the weekends. Except this day. I don't have anyone calling for landscaping jobs, so I'm being my usual hermit self, trying to find good artists to hoard art from.

a ladee
avi is offline
Old 06-17-2012, 12:42 AM

I totally know how you felt. This place was my life once, but highschool is dragging back to hell so... ;A;;
and after a while of everyone being inactive I just left to Ernya xD But then I left there too >w>
So I've been told but I never tried it :sweat:

The story of my life. I don't really get out much =w=
and I'll be here to provide you with this art you're seeking :ninja:

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Tachigami is offline
Old 06-17-2012, 12:49 AM

I only went to high school for three years, when my parents stopped their homeschooling of me to focus on the younger siblings. I... hated it. And a few teachers hated me.
I tried Ernya, but the avatars look like they're trying too hard... And the layout is a bit different, so I stick here.
Well, one must attempt a challenge before deeming it too difficult. I just got into the sci-fi genera of writing, and it's actually not as hard as I thought it'd be.

Oh, and I thank you again for that. I'd give you all my gold for various images of those two characters if it weren't for overwhelming you, so I'll not do that.

a ladee
avi is offline
Old 06-17-2012, 12:52 AM

Aww, I'm so sorry D8 /imspeechless

Yeah that's what I thought too
but once I started getting some gold I made a living there for a while
I'm sure it isn't hard but I've just never gotten around to trying it ;u;;

Pshh, overwhelm me? xDD
I did over 20 commissions in a week once and I didn't break a sweat xDD

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Tachigami is offline
Old 06-17-2012, 01:01 AM

No, it's fine. That's been... seventeen years ago? I'm over it.

I go to play Tetris. At least, I think that's the site that has it... The one here is a little jumpy on my computer.
Mmm. Well, if you want to try your hand at it I'm still looking for one-on-one partners. I'm well known for being very helpful.

Oh!? That's amazing! I'd be way too busy with twenty in a week... But if you need gold without selling any items, I'm constantly looking for good art of those two characters in various situations. They're the stars in my new... I wouldn't call it a 'novel' yet. It's only on the fourth chapter.

a ladee
avi is offline
Old 06-17-2012, 01:06 AM


amg I can't play Tetris xD I don't have the patience for that game =w=
Yeah sure sure, I'd be happy to try it out 8D ... just not right now, I'm going to sleep pretty soon

Haha yeah, I'm crazy for drawing l-D It was thanksgiving break so you know x)
I have tons of free time at the moment so if you need something just come to me after I've finished the current commissions ~~

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Tachigami is offline
Old 06-17-2012, 01:11 AM

Oh, I love Tetris. I've got a monk's patience, I'm told, so I can easily handle very stressful situations or... not entirely bright people.
Oh, that's fine. Just be sure to message me if you're wanting to try your hand on an RP, so it doesn't branch to the art forums... No need to get in trouble with Jelly or the mods.

Ohh, I see. Well, there isn't much to wonder about my wishes. Just specific scenes... Eh, that's about it.

So if you're off, I'll probably be here later. I tend to be when not elsewhere.

a ladee
avi is offline
Old 06-17-2012, 01:16 AM

I need some of that patience. Give it to meeee T^T I totally freak out if I run into not entirely bright people or... my brother ._.
Will do ~ I'll be sure I do that some time later this week, hopefully sooner ._.

That's what I figure. I hope I don't break my hand in the process =w=;;

look at how I spent my week around thanksgiving clickme

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Tachigami is offline
Old 06-17-2012, 01:20 AM

You can have some! I've got a lot to spare. Otherwise I would have begun a killing spree by now. My town's infested with the 'stupids'. It's a disease.
That sounds fine with me!

No hand breaking! We don't need that, now do we?

................. I.... Love them all! You're probably one of the best general-population artists Mene has to offer. I'd gladly give away my avatar's most prized possession for a continuation of your work!

a ladee
avi is offline
Old 06-17-2012, 01:25 AM

xDD Now if only patience could be passed through people :ninja: Agreed, summer break got me away from them at all

Oh geez, I hope not. I've never broken anything and I don't want to either =w=

..............I LOVE YOU SDFGHJKJHGFDS 8D /imnotbeingcreepy
AMG you're too kind u////u That really means a lot to me T^T <-- tears of joy

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Tachigami is offline
Old 06-17-2012, 01:30 AM

It can, face-to-face. One just needs to concentrate, and their state of being can seem to... transfer, rub off, on someone else.
Luckily I live in the woods, an hour away from town, so it's easy to avoid the... stupids. They don't trust the 'guy who lives in the cabin out there'.

Neither have I, through all my idiotic male-brained schemes. Luck, I suppose.

Ehh? Why? It's true! If I didn't feel as if I were using you I'd ask you to be my most reliable source of art. But I'm glad I could make you feel good.


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