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Old 09-01-2012, 08:07 AM

OOC To The Thread

Long ago, before the world had begun to create the destructive machinery and weaponry that could destroy countries the humans had used to fight one another for power; there had lived a race of wolves that were considered demons among humans. These wolves were the protectors of the planet that they and the humans had both shared with one another. No ordinary human had ever found out about the wolves due to them being able to shift their form from their animal state into what had looked just like an ordinary human just like everyone else. Within these disguises they were able to protect other humans from dangers that might've caused the end of a city or even possibility the planet itself. Unfortunately, one day a human had become too curious about how nothing had truly went wrong with the world even once, due to the curiosity of this human he had followed one of the wolves' that was in disguises by chance and had seen the human disguises shift back into the form of a wolf.

Due to the time period, when others had found out about this race of wolves being around. People had began to hunt down each and everyone of these wolves in disguise by threatening ordinary humans until they were either shift into their real form of the wolf or if they could prove that they were no doubt, honestly human. By the time each of the disguised wolves were revealed, these animals had immediately fled back into their forest and had returned to their village. From then on, the wolves had swore to themselves that they would no longer help humanity with their problems any longer.

Several decades have passed by and humanity now no longer remembers who the wolves are nor do they know what the wolves have done of the planet. Even to this day, the wolves keep their new promise to themselves that they would no longer help humanity with anything. However, now with the new generation of wolves; some of them think otherwise of their elders' decisions while others think of their elders' decision being correct. Will the wolves return to help humanity with it's struggles or will the wolves be hunted down once more and become nothing but an extinct race?


  1. No god modding.
  2. Romance and swearing is allowed but keep them both down to a min.
  3. If you are not going to be able to post for a long period of time. Let me know first.
  4. Please, if you are going to join. PLEASE post at least once a week.
  5. Do not use text talk. Example: You as in "U" and are as in "r",
  6. PM all characters.
  7. You are allowed as many characters as you wish, just as long as you can handle them.
  8. Do not kill a character unexpectedly. Please inform. me as well as the creator of the character.
  9. Follow Mene's ToS.
  10. Have fun!


Profile Skeleton

Species: {Wolf or Human}
Weapon(s): {Wolves only get one, humans get two.}
Power(s): {WOLVES ONLY. One max.}
Bio: {At least one paragraph.}
Appearance: {For wolves, make sure you put both your human and wolf form.}



King: Keondre Lorano
Queen: Seer Of the Future
Prince: Happydeath
Princess: Gothika_Knight
Prince's Guardian:
Princess Guardian: Tancileena
Palace maid(s): Kilia
Blacksmith(s): flamethrower1391
Villagers: Fiona_Watergate

Mayor's son: flamethrower1391
Mayor's daughter: DarkAngel562415
Hunter(s): Gothika_Knight , Seer Of the Future
Town Citizens:

Last edited by happydeath; 11-30-2012 at 08:41 AM..

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Old 09-01-2012, 08:52 AM

Accepted Profiles

Originally Posted by Happydeath
Name: Hiroaki Daishi
Age: 19
Species: Wolf
Role: Prince
Gender: Male
Orientation: Straight
Weapon(s): Twin swords
Power(s): Hiroaki has the ability to control any and all forms of water.
Weakness: When he uses his ability within his human form, his body is more bound to get hurt by his own attack as well as he is much more vulnerable in his human form when he uses his ability over water. Example would be if he uses his power to make ice within his human form, if the ice is too much he can possibility freeze himself over.
Bio: Hiroaki was born and raised into the clan of wolves, the day of his birth was around the middle of the time when the race of wolves had still been protecting the planet from danger. His father and mother who were the king and queen of the clan seemed to had been the strongest of all the wolves apparently. Being at such a young age, Hiroaki had thought of the humans as such great beings as though they could never do anything wrong. So to why the wolves had to keep in disguise of looking like humans was a big mystery to him. Although, he had never bothered to question his mother and father's demands because of him being so young.
However, as time went by and Hiroaki had began to grow in age. The day had finally come when the humans had began to hunt down each of the wolves, fleeing into the darkness of the forest and back to the village. Hiroaki was told not to go back to the human cities nor would he be allowed to help the humans any longer. He had known to why he was told not to help the humans, but for some strange reason; Hiroaki couldn't help himself but still want to help the humans with their struggles even when his parents wouldn't let him.
Now, if Hiroaki wasn't trying to sneak out of the village to visit the cities to see how the humans were living their lives. He would be spending his time either playing his piano, or flute; if it wasn't that he would tend to go and watch the stars at night.

Originally Posted by DarkAngel562415
Name: Anastasia Darkwood
Age: 18
Species: Human
Role: Mayor's Daughter
Gender: Female
Orientation: Bi.
Weapon(s): Throwing Knives and Bow and Arrows
Weakness: Hurting innocent people and seeing people she love get hurt in front of her eyes. Her father got attacked in front of her eyes when she was younger. Now when someone she loves gets hurt she freezes up and blacks out.
Bio: Being the Major's daughter, there's a lot of standards being held over your head. For as long as she could remember people have been questioning her and her family who was going to take her father's position as major when the time came along. She never thought that her and her brother would have to go head to head, fighting over her father's position. She loves her father but being in office was just not for her. She was more like a free soul. Sitting behind a desk with paper work would just drive her crazy.

What happened between humans and wolves, just didn't make much sense to her. Even though it happened when she was young, she still wanted to know more about it. When she had time, even though it is against her family. She would sneak off into the wolf's city. The many times she has went there, she's noticed that they lived the same lives as they did, even though they didn't have a royal family. Her father had the best trainer in the city to train both her and her brother if they were to ever encounter a wolf or anyone else who would harm them.

If she wasn't traveling from the cities or training, she would be in the rose garden sitting under her favorite tree reading, in the music hall playing the piano or with her beloved mother.
Originally Posted by Gothika_Knight
Name: Hinata Mirabella Daishi
Age: 9
Species: Wolf
Role: Wolf Princess
Gender: Female
Orientation: Unknown
Weapon(s): a warning bell she wears around her neck
Power(s): she can see the future and past with her dreams or when she touches something that has had an impact in history.
Weakness: When she is separated from her brother or her guardian.
Bio: Hinata Mirabella Daish is the youngest member of the family. She is timid, yet very curious and adventurous. She was born into the Royal family and the family is very protective of her. Since Hinata was 4 she always got in trouble and nearly died when she was rescued from a river she was playing at. She then decided to be by her big brother Hiroaki's side so she can be a little safer. Hinata doesn't know much about the promise and the link between humans and wolves, but she had dreams about what was happening before she was born and promised to help the humans as best she could. She knows that she's small but sometimes, small wolves are the strongest. Hinata has a pair of very rare eyes that she considers ugly; they are a bright glittery red and purple color fused in as if she was possessed and a strange symbol in the right eye.

Name: Jason Wright
Age: 35
Species: Human
Role: Hunter
Gender: Male
Orientation: Straight
Weapon(s): A dagger and a hunting rifle
Power(s): N/A
Weakness: talking about his past
Bio: Jason Wright is the hunter of the Mayor. He enjoys hunting anyone or anything that dangers the hunter and his family. He hates wolves with a deep passion and he has a reason for it, wolves killed his whole family when he was 10 years old and he has hated them ever since. Jason hunted more and more wolves when man fought the wolves, he had a fun time. He continues on trying to find the wolves and destroy them one by one, unfortunately, the wolves had done a good job hiding. However, he heard from local villagers that the wolves were hiding nearby, hiding in the woods. He searched the woods to find the filthy village and seen the precious wolves.

He believed to have found the the wolf Queen and King's one weakness. A very young wolf with the rare eyes, Princess Hinata Mirabella Daishi. He plans to kidnap her and use her as a ransom to destroy the wolves.

Originally Posted by Seer Of the Future
Name: Akane Daishi
Species: Wolf
Role: Queen
Gender: Female
Orientation: Straight
Weapon(s): The middle Fire sword
Power(s): Akane can conjure and manipulate fire to her will. She tends to set her entire body a flame while using her powers.
Weakness: Akane has a rune of power ingraved on her palms, and when she over exserts her powers in human form or wolf form, the marks will burn her hands severly.
Bio: Akane Daishi was arranged to marry the king ever since she was young. Growning up to be the proper young lady had never exactly gone as her parents' had planned. She was rash and passionate about the world, and how to better her people's lives and the lives of the humans, and not about marrying the future king. But once she did meet the man she was to marry, she found a fondness in her heart for him, and agreed to marry him.

Having Hiroaki when she was eighteen had scared Akane for awail. She feared she would not be a proper mother when it came to raising a son. It turned out well in the end, and her husband and son brought out the soft and loving side of the queen. The red headed female had taken up the piano and harp once more, and taught her son. But soon things changed. The wolves began to become the hunters, and she and her husband banned anymore contact with them. For she feared for her son's life, as well as her small baby daughter.

Now Akane helps keep an eye on her children, and runs the errons around their lands. While she also helps the king with descisions, and on guiding her son gently to start learning how to lead the people. Akane also attempts to keep her daughter safe, and closer to home to make sure she stays safe.


Name: Chu'si Chumana
Age: 20
Species: Human
Role: Hunter
Gender: Female
Orientation: Bi
Weapon(s): Double Swords And Curved Dagger
Power(s): none
Weakness: Chu'si is blind in her right eye.
Bio: Chu'si was born of a Native American mother and father, and they were the best Blacksmiths in their village. Once she was born their family became stronger and more connected. She grew up as a problem child, always getting into fights and arguments with the other children. From the moment she was born her mother knew she was a snake maiden, and that was what her name ment. Chu'si grew up faster then most when it came to maturing, and her mind was swift and her tongue sharp.

Her brother was not much young then she, but she protected him, for he was always picked on for being her brother. No one wanted to hang out with the snake girl. Not until she killed a wolf when she was twelve. She had lost her brother, and found him in the forest, a wolf looming over his bloody body. Having no control over her anger, she killed the wolf, and soon the children came to respect the snake child. Chu'si now hunts whatever she is told to, whether to help with food, or protect the people. Her tattoos are a sign of her strength, and the headband has been passed down from woman to woman in her family, and is very precious to her.

Chu'si's father created her blade and dagger specifically for her, and with her youngest brother slowly learning the ropes in being a blacksmith, she feels she must protect the village more, and work harder. She must eliminate the wolves.
Originally Posted by flamethrower1391
Name: Akira Hasegawa
Age: 23
Species: Wolf
Role: Blacksmith
Gender: Female
Orientation: Heterosexual
Weapon(s): Shuriken (mainly as a distraction)
Power(s): She can bend and shape metal with her mind.
Weakness: She can only use her powers in her human form. She's also very curious about the humans.
Bio: As a blacksmith, things weren't going too well. Yeah, people still needed weapons, but they weren't in a high demand. If there was nothing to use them on (or break them), there was no need to make new ones. There was no treat but the hunters who couldn't possibly find their village. So life remained boring for the young lady.

Most of her days was spent watching the young pups frolic as she thought about what it would be like to walk among the humans. Going anywhere near one was off limits ever since they were discovered as "monsters". How could they think such things? The wolves were there to help them, not eat their children in the middle of the night as the stories went.

She was never permitted in the towns and cities of the humans back then. Her father wanted her to learn the family trade instead, so she never knew what it was like to one day be like the humans and be shunned and hunted the next.

Name: Seth Darkwood
Age: 21
Species: Human
Role: Mayor's Son
Gender: Male
Orientation: Homosexual
Weapon(s): Long sword and dagger
Power(s): N/A
Weakness: He freezes up when facing something he fears like wolves, bears, and heights.
Bio: Being the mayor's son wasn't all it was cracked up to be. He couldn't be open about his sexuality. His parents surely wouldn't approve nor would the townspeople. Not even his sister knew, but he felt the thought has crossed her mind several times. Why else has he never been interested in any of the girls around town?

He had heard stories of wolf people but didn't believe any of them to be true. They were just fictional creatures create to scare children into be good, right? Some people were just crazy. Hunters had shown up claiming the stories were true, but they wouldn't be for long. Whatever was wrong with them, Seth stayed far away from them. He hadn't even seen any wolves close enough to town to even be a treat.
Originally Posted by Keondre Lorano
Name: Siegfried "Stark" Aramus Imperatore Diulf Hachikou Ragnvard Wenrath Nobilis Daishi, the Winter King
Age: 39
Species: Wolf
Role: King
Gender: Male
Orientation: Heterosexual
Weapon(s): Crafted from the metal of the weapons of the former king and his own brothers, Yas Winterweir is a massive knightsword of unparalleled likeness. Almost as tall as he is, its blade is six inches wide at the hilt, but where a normal blade would remain straight, the upper end of Yas Winterweir appears as if a labrys had been fused to it (something similar to this, only the "axe" portion of the blade is larger in comparison to the size displayed in this picture). The handle is wrapped in black leather and a sapphire with the royal crest underneath is set into the pommel. As one would expect, it is a weighty weapon, and few can lift it with two hands. Trained in wielding Yas Winterweir, Siegfried can wield it in one, though dual-handed wielding brings in a lot more power behind his swings.
Power(s): Siegfried holds the power to command the "presence" of willpower, "asserting" his own while "suppressing" that of others. Assertion takes the form of converting his own willpower into Aura - that is, physical will energy. With his Aura he is able to form it around weapons and cast it in a manner similar to magic, without the need for incantation. Suppression is the passive form of his power, which renders the powers of other wolves useless in his presence.
Weakness: Assertion of willpower takes a whole dang lot of energy to sustain, and depending on how long and how much of it is used he can suffer anything from mild fatigue to week-long bed-ridden exhaustion with a pounding migrane. Overuse can lead to illness, long-term weakness, coma, and even death. Suppression only works within a two kilometre radius of himself; those whose powers work outside of that limit are not affected by his suppression.

Bio: Siegfried was never meant for great things.

The eighth and youngest of his litter, the only thing he had for him was his size, marginally larger than his seven elder brothers and sisters. They were a strong litter, the old king's pride and joy, but from the beginning he was always meant to be in his brothers' shadows. He was a prince, yes, but never would he wear a crown or sit upon a throne. At most, he would minister to his eldest brother.

In those days, the wolves were still safe, and they were free to roam as they pleased. Their relationships with the humans were still benign, cooperative even, for no one knew of their lupine nature. Being the youngest, Siegfried did not have as much responsibilities as his siblings, so he had much more time and freedom to do as he pleased. Nonetheless his father was almost military in his raising of his seven sons and single daughter, and kept them under strict rein. So it was that Sigfried and his siblings' demeanours reflected that strictness, growing up mannerly and disciplined.

Despite their age differences and his own lack of status, Siegfried and his siblings rarely disagreed with each other. Indeed, their relationships were amiable, close even, and he grew up with six younger teachers on top of the armsmaster and their father in swordsmanship and weapons handling. All of them were groomed in their powers as each of them surfaced, helped by the rigid discipline of their father's ways. It was a happy time.

Alas, all good things must end. The first death came as a shock to the wolves: that of the crown prince. Wolves often sacrificed their lives to protect humanity and the planet, but according to accounts, the humans that had been with him had simply abandoned the wolf royal as he had rushed in to save them. Grief rippled through the clans, and everyone came to pay homage to the brave prince. Still relatively young, Siegfried could not understand why everyone was weeping and sad, nor why his powerful eldest brother was so pale and still.

The title of prince royal fell on his second eldest brother. Things were tense for a few months, but eventually settled down. Years passed, Siegfried grew some more. And then the second death, this time of his fourth brother. He had tried to mediate between two human kingdoms and had been slain for his attempts. Indignation rippled through the clans, but his father reminded them of their duty: they had promised to protect the humans, not start animosity with them. His brother was buried along side the first, and though the grief was strong, the wolves remained quiet.

Shortly after the death of the fourth prince, the now crown-prince wed. It was a timely respite from the tensions, and all the wolves celebrated. Two years later, both the princess royal and her unborn son died during a miscarriage. Siegfried's brother refused to wed another, and eventually he too passed away from grief. At this time Siegfried had, due to his own powers, begun to act as a minister's intern; by staying close to the throne, his ability to suppress other wolves' powers made him an ideal shield for the king who sat upon it. Siegfried did not hate his position, for his mentality was one of protecting his brothers and sister. If his power could make it that much safer for his siblings, then who was he to complain?

By the time Siegfried had taken up position as armsmaster, he had wed and borne a son to the royal line. His own father had held the infant Hiroaki in his arms before falling into eternal slumber, so now his third brother was king. With the help of his remaining brothers the new king ruled well, and for years they had tentative peace with the humans.

It all collapsed when one day, Sigfried's sister did not return from the outside world. Search parties were sent out, only to find her murdered in cold blood by humans. Fury filled the wolves, most especially the remaining princes. Their sister had been a balm to the clans, and even humans had respected her. The reason for her death soon became clear as wolves began to vanish one by one, only to be found slaughtered mercilessly. The humans had discovered their presence, and were massing a genocide against those who had fought and died for so long to protect them.

Siegfried watched as, one by one, despite their best efforts for peace and trying to hide their presence, his brothers were butchered by the humans. And before long, the crown was being placed upon his head. Grief-stricken by the needless violence that had destroyed his siblings, Siegfried carefully gathered his brothers' and father's weapons and melted them down with his own sword to forge his new arms: mighty Yas Winterweir. With it he crushed humans who hunted his people, and finally recalled all the clans to the timeless forests that was their true home.

Here in the ancient woods, the wolves made their oath to never again help the humans. Siegfried, with his beautiful wife and young son at his side, withdrew within himself. He became like his father and the season he had been born in: winter, cold and impassive, bitter and aloof. He ruled the wolves with the same stern hand his father had raised him on, and deployed the same strictness upon his son.

Born into a forest that knew no human violence, Siegfried was particularly protective of his daughter. She knew nothing of the hardships that the wolves had endured, yet when he learned of her power and heard of her desire, he was determined to keep her safe. In his mind, she did not need to have her innocent ideals shattered at so early an age as his had been, and he did not need her nor any of his family needlessly dying for futile dreams.

Appearance: Standing at a whooping six foot seven inches, Siegfried cuts a mighty figure even in human form. His mane of silver-white hair is truly a mane, wild and choppy all the way down his back despite many attempts to tame it. Bangs of equal unkempt nature sweep over a pair of stern turquoise eyes and frame a strong, chiseled face, which sports a close-cut goatee: the only bit of visible hair that is actually tidy. A jagged scar runs from his hairline to his cheek over his right eye, testament to a battle he had fought protecting his wife and son. On the outer lower corner of each eye is a small scarlet symbol, shaped somewhat like a miniscule scythe, and has a thin diamond of the same colour tattooed onto his brow, flanked by two lines.

Having shunned the ways of men, Siegfried's clothing within the forest is reminiscent of the ancient times. A white mantle lined with a mass of cream fur around his neck is draped on his shoulders, baring his toned, muscular frame. His upper body is otherwise bare, save for his necklace of wolf fangs that were taken from his siblings. Silver arm guards cover his forearm, detailed with tribal patterns of rich ultramarine blue lacquer. Chinched under his ribs flows a long skirt, open at the front to allow for free movement. The base fabric is an off white, and is decorated with patterns of gold, vermillion, and ultramarine blue. Around his hips rest a thick white-and-scarlet cord to keep the free material in place. Under this he wears simple deep blue trousers with thick vermillion borders on the pant hems. He often goes around barefoot, preferring the feeling of the earth on his soles.

When he does emerge from the realm of wolves, Siegfried replaces the mantle with a white business jacket, the collar of which has a mass of cream coloured fur, much like the traditional wear. Often he will wear the jacket draped over his shoulders, though he will sometimes wear it with his left arm in the sleeve and his right remaining free. His fang necklace is replaced with a double silver chain, one longer than the other. The longer one is decorated with three silver pendants, all shaped in an elongated triangular shape. He dons a black dress long-sleeved dress shirt and white fitted vest. The vest is always open, and the top two buttons of his shirt unbuttoned for easier breathing. His traditional clothing is replaced with white dress pants and . His armguards are removed in favour of a simple silver close-link chain bracelet on his right hand and a multitude of silver rings on his left. The ring on his middle finger bears the royal seal; his wedding band is wrapped around his ring finger. His white dress pants are clasped with a silver buckle, also depicting the royal seal, and black steel-toed loafers are on his feet.

As the king of wolves, it comes as no surprise that his wolf body would reflect his status. The largest of living wolves, he is a creature of strength and ferocity, marginally larger than a draft horse and corded with powerful muscle. His coat is snow white, with a thick cream-coloured mane around his shoulders and base of his neck. He retains the turquoise of his human eyes, as well as the crimson markings, scar, and piercings. Like his human hair, his tail is a wild tangle of long white fur.
Originally Posted by Tancileena
Name: Akane Mari
Age: 27
Species: Wolf
Role: Princess' Guardian
Gender: Female
Orientation: Bisexual

Powers: Controls electricity, can summon it and use it as a weapon. She is most powerful during storms, although her power is still limited.
Weakness: Using too much of her power gives her a crippling migraine that can temporarily blind her. She still does not have complete control of it yet, and if her emotions get the best of her, she tends to "spark", which can hurt people nearby.
Bio: Akane Mari grew up dreaming of serving the royal family. She got her chance at 18 years old, when the princess was born and was offered the position of the child's guardian. Even though she is a woman, she is one of the best trained guards in the palace. She trained hard to serve the royal family since her seventh birthday, and it has paid off. Akane loves Princess Hinata and would die protecting her. She is one of the few people who isn't put off by Hinata's eyes. In fact, she is envious of their coloring, as Akane's eyes are an average greenish golden color. She is very playful with Hinata, and doesn't mind participating in the games she plays. It feels good to let her inner child loose. She treats the Princess like a little sister, as hers, who would be the same age as Hinata, was murdered by a human when she was still just a pup.
Appearance: Human

Originally Posted by Kilia
Name: Ameika Yama-Okami
Age: 19
Species: Wolf
Role: palace maid
Gender: female
Orientation: straight
Weapon: bone dagger
Power: her power mainly deals with plants, helping them grow, killing them, bringing them back to life, even using them to protect her self or others from harm
Weakness: Her power shortens her life span, also making her very weak and unable to move if she uses it to much, she also deeply afraid of fire
Bio: There isn't much to say about Ameika's past other then she helped the humans like others did before they found out about them and begin to kill them. Unlike the more glamorous people in the wolf palace she was just a plain wolf with blue swirls in her fur coat, even in human form she was plain. She never stood out, never did anything to get anyone's attention, in fact she stayed hidden in the background as often as she could, but that didn't mean that she stayed there. She secretly sneaked out at night time, going to the human village nearby and having a look around, blending in with the dogs they had there. It seemed to be the only thing her plain looks were good for, for her. She would never tell but she helped the farmers with their crops, even helping the little gardens that people had. She knows the laws but yet she breaks them all the time, always making sure that no one sees her doing so.

Originally Posted by Fiona_Watergate
Name:Lilly Morgan
Species: Wolf {Wolf or Human}
Role: Villiger
Gender: Female
Weapon(s): Her fist.
Power(s):Fire, but it comes and goes on its own, she can't control it.
Weakness: Some time she finds a fire path behind herself.
Bio: When Lilly was younger she found that she had a strong power, at first it was easy to use, and it was fun, but as she grew so did her power. She found that by the age of fifteen she no longer had control over it. On her sixth birthday she caught her house on fire, her parents got out safely, but her younger brother didn't, and she was trapped in the house as well. That's when she found that fire couldn't hurt her. She tried to get her younger brother out of the house, but he was gone before she could save him.
After the death of her brother she ran away. She vowed never to use her powers again. She also Vowed never to be around other wolves that could get hurt by her powers. She knew that she would miss the interaction, but also knew it was for the best.
Lilly trained her body day and night so she could suppress her powers as much as posable, she also took up fighting, because metal would just melt in her hands and burn her really bad.
Human form

Wolf Form

Last edited by happydeath; 11-30-2012 at 08:41 AM..

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Old 09-02-2012, 08:26 PM


  • The wolf prince, princess, Prince's Guardian, Mayor's daughter, and one hunter have been taken.
  • More hunters profiles are allowed to come in.
  • Now searching for Princess's Guardian before we start the rp.
  • The Roleplay is now open, posting can begin.

Last edited by happydeath; 10-08-2012 at 11:28 PM..

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Old 09-05-2012, 12:40 AM


Guess who's back~ For those who ...
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Old 09-07-2012, 12:50 AM

A young wolf pup in her human form walked through the garden looking for a flower for her big brother. She dug in the dirt getting the flower with white petals on it, it was just like a rose, a smile appeared on her face as she giggled and ran to the door to look for her bog brother, "Big Brother, where are you? Big brother?" She called for him as she ran down the woods. Her name was Hinata Mirabella Daishi, a princess of a wolf clan and the youngest. She was only 9 so she would rely on the older wolves to help her around and understand what was happening. Her fluffy white wolf ears perked up as she swayed her big fluffy tail around looking for her big brother. Her rare red and purple eyes scanned the area, Hinata was born with very rare eyes and she considers them ugly. She believed that she was given bad luck since bad things seem to happen to her. Hinata thought about where he could be and decided to see if he was going to be in the music room as the palace, the house was big so to her it looked like a palace. She turned around and ran to the music room and opened the door and looked around. "B-Big brother? Are you in here?" She asked moving her ears around and walked in the room.

Jason sat under a tree in town sleeping, he was thinking of how he could get the wolves out of hiding and to finally kill them once and for all. Memories that he didn't want started to wiz through his head as he opened his eyes quickly and looked around, the sun was up and looked to be in the after noon and he had to find a way to get the wolves back for what they did. He stood up and started to walk into the woods and look think about a plan, a perfect plan the mayor might like.

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Old 09-08-2012, 03:05 AM

(TearRose: DarkAngel562415: you guys can post.)

Near the back of the large marbled flooring of the music room sat a young teenaged boy who had seemed to be sitting in front of some large figure that was covered with a giant white sheet over it. Throughout most of the music room, many instruments were covered in white sheets to make sure it wouldn't gather too much dust. This young teenager's name was Hiroaki Daishi; the prince of the kingdom of wolves. Hiroaki had always enjoyed playing music to fill the entire home with a sense that would make sure no one had ever been bored or have to feel the fear of thinking that one of these days the humans would find the village of the wolves. It was also another way for Hiroaki to stop thinking about the fighting going on between the two races, it was true that he had known about what had happened but it hadn't changed his thoughts on why all of this hiding and fighting had to exist.

Whatever the case was, Hiroaki now lives to protect his little sister as well as the rest of his tribe just like every other wolf that lives around the village. Although he still does not wish to kill anyone nor hurt them, and even when his parents may not allow it; he also wishes to protect the humans from the attacks of his own race.

Slowly removing the white sheet that had covered the large figure he was sitting in front of. It had ended up revealing a large white piano that had looked as though it had not ever been touched by anyone's hands before. Lifting up the cover that had protected the keys of the piano from gathering dust as well, Hiroaki had ran his fingers across each of the keys slowly; making sure not to let a single sound of any of the keys come out. "Brand new..." His voice no more then a soft whisper to himself, by the time he index finger had reached the very last key of the piano. He had taken in a deep breath before exhaling it back out, even with his joy of playing music; just the thought of returning to it made him nervous that he might've gotten rusty at some point.

Without much hesitation left, Hiroaki had immediately began to play the very first song his father had taught him on the piano. Each one of his fingers matching the key of where it was to go, both of his brownish crimson wolf-like ears twitching to every sound of each key his fingers had pressed onto. As the song had continued, he was completely unaware of his younger sister calling out to him throughout the home and still even unaware when she had made her way into the music room in search for him. Rather, he had continued to play the music to himself making sure he wouldn't mess up on any of the keys.

(song he plays:

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Old 09-08-2012, 06:25 AM

Hinata's ears perked down as he started to think her Big Brother was hiding and he didn't want to be bothered by her, she believed that maybe she was annoying her older brother and he wanted this time to be alone. She looked at the ground as her ears drooped down completely until she heard the music, she smiled happily as she started to follow the sound to a large white piano and a boy with brown crimson wolf ears. "Big Brother." She said softly in a child voice as she ran to him and listened to the music he was making. She kept her eyes close so she can keep her eyes from being seen, she always thought her eyes were weird and abnormal since they were a different color.

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Old 09-08-2012, 09:37 AM

While Hiroaki had continued to play the music on the piano with the song coming to a close, he wouldn't had expected anyone to come into the room with him. Both of his hands still gliding themselves across the keys of the piano softly, however soon enough hearing what sounded like footsteps making their way in his direction. Hiroaki had nearly fallen off the long chair, in thoughts that it might've been his father or mother coming in; wondering what the music was in the room going on. By the time the figure of whoever was making their way in his direction had come out from around the different cover sheets of the instruments, he had found out that it just so happened to be his little sister Hinata.

A light sigh of relief had escaped his lips immediately as he found out it was only his little sister. Slowly returning his gaze back onto the piano only for a moment so that he could close the cover to protect the keys of the piano, he had soon returned his attention back onto his littler sister right after. A warm smile spreading across his lips as he stared back at his younger sibling. Even though she was still young in her life, it was nearly too often that he had seen how Hinata would always keep her eyes away from contact with anyone. Standing up to his own feet, Hiroaki stepped up toward his sibling before patting the top of her head gently. "C'mon now Hinata, you can look at me. We're family, you know I could never think of you badly. Nor does mom or dad." He explained to try and comfort his little sister in hopes that she would start looking at him rather then keep her eyes away as always.

While Hiroaki had continued to try and convince his little sister into looking at him with her eyes. He had his head tilted slightly toward the side to see if he could see her own face, as her older brother he had always made sure that he would protect her with his own life. Finding even a single scratch on her would get him concerned on who would've done it, whether it be a human or another wolf from the tribe he would make sure he would defend his little sister. However, when he had noticed that Hinata was holding onto something that seemed to have white petals, his curiosity popped instantly into his head. "Hey, what do you have there?" He had asked with his own hand pointing out toward the flower that she had within her grasp.

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Old 09-08-2012, 02:19 PM

Hinata giggled softly as she seen her big brother almost fall, she ears wiggled as he looked at her and closed the piano to give her his full attention. Hinata rocked on her heels watching her older brother walk to her and gently pat her head and say that it was ok for her to open her eyes, Hinata gasped softly and twiddled with her index fingers as her eyes point down. "Ok big brother." She said softly as her eyelids softly started to open, revealing the glittery red and purple color and the strange symbol in her right eye "Big brother likes my eyes, what is so special about them?" She asked scratching her ear with a content sigh then perked her ears up hearing a question come from Hiroaki, she looekd up at him blinking a little confused then looked at her hand to see the flower that she picked. "Oh, I was in the garden and I picked a flower that you might like. But it hurts a little when you hold it, I think mommy said its a rose." She said showing him the rose.

Her eyes widen when she opened her hand and the white rose stuck her to hand, "Ow, the rose is eating my hand." Hinata cried softly as she waved her hand up and down quickly trying to her the rose out of her hand. She puffed her cheeks as small tears slowly started to fall from her eyes as the thorns stuck to her hand and slowly started to move in and out.

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Old 09-09-2012, 12:19 AM

Yoru hid among the shadows of the instrumental room where the Prince was. He had thought that he got away from her for the time being, or so it seemed. She knew he was a young adult and thus wants his privacy more often. Heck, she was that way at that age. Unfortunately for the Prince, she was his body guard and she had to keep an eye on him until he sleeps.

The shadow she was in was the corner of the room, on the side with the windows. This was always a great place to hide. The female watched as Hiroaki played the piano and then stopped for his younger sister. The girl was a strange one; disliking her eyes that showed strength and royalty. Yoru's eyes were red, simbolizing strength, and she absolutely loved them.

((sorry for the short reply. My brain is kind of mush at the moment.))

DarkAngel562415 is offline
Old 09-09-2012, 03:04 AM

Daydreaming the day away, Anastasia would be sitting in her beloved rose garden underneath the giant tree that stood in the middle of it. A book would gently lay on her lap as her head was gently laid back against the bark, staring up into the clouds. So many thoughts were running threw her head, but soon snapped out of it when she heard a noise. She blinks, looks around and notices her family's golden lab had found her. Smiling softly she would pet him gently and rubs him behind his ear "Hello Jake" Her family has been having Jake for as long as she could remember. When she was born he was just a puppy.

Standing up she would brush the grass off her black fitted jeans. Her long white hair was pulled back in a ponytail but her bangs were still covering her forehead. She wore a fitted short sleeve blouse with a red vest over it. The heels of her boots would soon be tapping against the pavement as she made her way back towards the main house. Once she was inside, she sent for a maid to receive her hooded cloak.

She was going out. To a place that she was told to never go to again.

The city of the Werewolves.

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Old 09-09-2012, 04:56 AM

Watching as how his little sister had rocked back and forth on her small heels that their mother had given to her. He had awaited for her to direct her eyes away from the marbled flooring back up to meet with his own gaze. Everyone within the family and maybe some of the villagers around the wolf village itself may had known about his younger sister's eye colors. Although he was only told once about the reason for his little sister's strange eye colors and the symbol within one of her eyes by their parents. However, he had vowed to himself that he wouldn't tell her until the day was right for her to learn about it. So by the time she had looked up at him with her rare shade of eye colors, a warm smile of his own had spread across his lips as he patted her head once more.

However, when Hinata had asked Hiroaki about her eyes. Both of his own crimson colored eyes had widened up in shock to hear that his little sibling would actually ask about her eyes for once. He had hoped throughout the entire time Hinata had been growing up that she wouldn't had asked that question until she would be older. Although it had seemed that was too much to ask for as he had given himself a mental sigh on making sure to stick to his own vow. Whether she had asked the question or not, it wouldn't change that she wasn't ready to know about her own eyes yet. There would be no telling how she would react to knowing such a thing, especially at her age. "Hinata...I'll tell you soon. This isn't the right time for you to know yet." Hiroaki had explained with trying to keep his tone to a whisper and sounding as sincere as he could in hopes that his little sister wouldn't ask too much about it.

By the time Hinata had shown what she had been holding in her other hand. Watching as how she had been grasping onto the flower with such a tight grip, it wasn't too hard to see the blood dripping down from the palm of her hand and right onto the white rose-like flower. A light gasp escaping his own lips to see that the thorns of the rose had been stuck into her hand, Hiroaki had quickly kneeled down in front of his little sister in concern. "Hinata, you should always look for these spiky ends of a flower when you pick one. Always make sure you either wear gloves if not make sure you don't grab onto those ends." Pointing toward the spikes that had covered the stem of the rose to explain to his little sister what he had meant.

Slowly enough Hiroaki had moved his index finger toward the thorn that had been stuck into Hinata's hand for a moment. "Now, don't move too much okay? This might sting a bit for a second, but after this. Go see mom, she'll get you a better band aid then my own power." Immediately a small bubble of water had formed around the spike that had been stuck into her skin as he yanked out the rose from his little sister's palm with one quick pull. Quickly right after, he had snapped his fingers as the small bubble of water that was once on the wound of his little sister's hand had turned into solid ice to keep her from bleeding out.

Knowing that his little sister might've needed help to get to find their mother rather then having him and his little sister run around the house in search of their mother. Hiroaki had turned his head left and right around the music room in the helpless effort of thinking that their mother or father might had been somewhere in the room. However, having no sight of either of them, he had no choice but to call out to his bodyguard. There were many times he had wished to be alone with his own time within the home, but no matter how much he had tried there was no doubt that Yoru would always find him. "Miss Yoru..If your watching, could you please come out and escort Hinata toward my mother? I am going out for a walk through the village. I'll be fine." It hadn't been many times that Hiroaki had been able to see his bodyguard's powers in display but he had hoped that with her power of shadows, she would be able to find the king and queen much easier then he could.

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Old 09-09-2012, 03:44 PM

Once the maid had received her cloak, she puts on the hood and starts walking towards the front of the house. She had to be quiet because her father was having a meeting in his study and it was close to the front door. Stepping lightly and softly, she would step on each of the wooden panels of the floor so they wouldn't make a sound. Soon she reached the front door and closes it gently behind her. Looking around she would make her way towards the stables. Walking inside, she smiles softly when she sees the white beauty that was her horse. Her name was Snowflake. She called her that because she has a strange marking that resembles a snowflake on her rear. Petting her gently she would gear her up and then heads out towards the village.

Making her way threw the town that she grew up in, she would look around at the people and smiles softly at them. Some of them tried to stop her and talk to her but she didn't want them knowing where she was going so she just kept going forward. Once she was a good amount of the town she would tap her foot against the side of the horse motioning to go faster. Soon the horse would be in a full run and she guides her where she wanted her to go.

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Old 09-10-2012, 01:51 AM

Hinata smiled softly as she looked up at Hiroaki as she giggled softly wiggled her ears lightly feeling her brother's hand on her head. She rubbed one of eyes smiling softly to him. However, Hiroaki never really answered her question about her eyes, it only made her more confused about what is so special about her eyes. She titled her head a little confused swaying her fluffy tail left and right, a little upset Hiroaki didn't answer the question she asked. "Ok big brother." She said softly with a smile on her face. She continued to wave her hand up and down quickly to get the flower off her hand. Her eyes perked up hearing her brother say to look out for the thorns on a roses and flowers she picked from the garden. He used his powers to get the rose out of her hand and sealed some of the cuts with ice from the water. Hinata smiled softly and nodded happily, "Ok big brother, but I want to stay with you though." SHe said as her ears point down sadly then looked at the ground. Hinata never really stayed with Hiroaki that much since she was the youngest, she was always told to stay with the garden, where it's safe. Hinata then gasped softly and looked up at her brother and smiled softly, "Oh, big brother wishes to be alone. I-I will go with me so big brother won't think of me as a burden." Hinata said softly with a smile on her face and swayed her tail left and right waiting for Yuro to get her.

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Old 09-15-2012, 12:06 AM


Nevermind, ignore this post please. :3)

Last edited by happydeath; 09-15-2012 at 06:53 AM..

Seer Of the Future
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Old 09-15-2012, 01:01 AM

Akane was standing on the deck and gazing at the sky when the sun arose, clutching her coffee mug in her hands as she leaned against the railing. "Another day, and I pray to the moon it will be a good one..." she breathed, taking a decent sized swallow of the warm brown liquid a heavy sigh escaped her lips. Akane Daiski was the Queen of the Wolves, and a mother of two. It was hard ans stressfull work sometimes, but the woman did her best. The day progressed normally in the morning, delivering coffee to her husband to wake him up fully, shaking Hiroaki awake, and helping Hinata get dressed for the day. By that time it was breakfast, and she did her best to make the food for her three hungry wolves(with the help of the maid). The mother was no where near the best cook, or the most patient, but trying hard was enough to please her family and herself.

After getting dressed for a day of talking with the council, Akane took the free time to walk around her beautiful home. Memories of when she wanted nothing more then to never come to this house and never talk to her husband went through her mind, bringing a warm smile to her face. Her piercing blue eyes looked over the paintings and art around the house that made the place feel warm and welcoming. Though the one thing that was missing was her children. Having scowered most of the house, even checking their massive garden, she figured that they were on the second floor. The second floor consisted of the bedrooms, two bathrooms, their music room, and their office. The music room was something the whole family held near and dear to their hearts, for the music gene seemed to be in them all.

Walking down the hall towards the music room, she paused, thinking to herself. Memories of when she had been playing the harp while Hiroaki had been playing the piano filled her mind. Hinata's dancing to her husband's fun and happy music was something that was also wonderful and humorus. Akane was pulled out of her thoughts when she realized she still hadn't opened the door. Adjusting her black gloves that went with her golden dress, the red headed mother took in a slow breath and opeend the door. Surprised to see both children in the same room, she smiled widely. "I had a feeling I would find you both in here. What are you up too?"

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Old 09-15-2012, 06:42 AM

Hinata stayed with Hiroaki as she jumped up and down to get ears, she was really short compared to everyone else but she was always determined to do something. She kept jumping for a while until she heard a voice, Hinata's ears perked up as she looked around and saw a familiar face. A woman in a beautiful golden dress and a soft motherly voice, a smile spread on her face and she ran to the figure, giving the figure a big hug. "Mommy." She said wagging her fluffy white tail fast and happily as her ears wiggled up and down. Hinata loved all her family members but had an odd way of showing it, but she had her special way for everything she loved. "I gave big brother a white flower but it dug in my hands." She said looking at her scarred palm then at Hiroaki, she closed her eyes again out of habit and turned her head up to her mother, "Mommy, may I go pass garden, I wanna see the wild doggies." Hinata said smiling, she always called wolves wild doggies, it was technically what they were but it was still cute when she said it.

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Old 09-15-2012, 07:16 AM

(Could you guys check the OOC for a moment? Got a quickie question for you all.)

While Hiroaki had sat upon the hard handmade wooden seat that was meant for playing the piano. He had continued to await for his guardian to come and reveal herself and begin escorting his younger sister to their mother so that she could take better care of the wound that Hinata had gotten on her palm. However, right as he had called out to his guardian to come escort Hinata, hearing his little sister speak about how she would go with his guardian so that she wouldn't be of a burden to him. Hiroaki couldn't help but pat his younger sibling on her head playfully before shaking his own head. It was true enough to anyone's eyes that the young princess had loved being with family and there was obviously no doubt that she had a kind soul toward nearly everything from just seeing and hearing how she would act. "Don't worry Hinata, we'll go play later on--" Right as he was coming to complete his sentence, hearing the double glass doors that had lead out of the music room open with a soft *click* noise, both of Hiroaki's own ears perked up as he had quickly turned his attention toward the direction of the noise.

Entering was a older looking women that everyone within the entire kingdom and village of wolves had all known quite well. One of the two people throughout the whole kingdom who set down the laws of the village, one of the two who had powers that even nearly the strongest of wolves would tremble in fear of fighting against. Not only that, this woman was no other then the mother of both Hiroaki and Hinata. The queen of the wolves herself standing before them; but in this case to the two young wolves, their mother. Watching as how his young sister ran up to their mother excitedly and had given her a large hug. Hiroaki couldn't help but stand up from his seat and make his way over toward his own mother as well. "Hi mom. I just wanted to come here and start playing some music know, like the old days?" He had explained right before pointing over toward the large white piano that Hiroaki had just played.

Right when he had heard from Hinata that she had given him a white flower, he had just remembered what had happened about how it had harmed her hand. Even with that, she seemed to had wanted to head out to the garden once more to play with the other wolves. Hiroaki as well as among all the other villagers and other people within the kingdom had all known about the other wolves outside of the village and kingdom itself. Those wolves were all animals who could not change themselves into the form of a human like the rest of them all could. Some were quite gentle and caring, however others were also very aggressive and would attack anything that they saw as food. "Uhm, mom..before you let her out to go play. You might want to check her palm, I don't know anything about healing but I did my best to stop the bleeding from the thorns of the flower."

As soon as Hiroaki had finished speaking, he had slowly began to back away from his mother and made his way toward the small balcony that was attached to the side of the music room. "While you do that though mom..uhh, I'm going to head into the village for a bit. I want to see if there is any fresh fruit around I can get." Indeed, the red haired prince did enjoy fruits quite a bit however when he had spoken to his mother about going into the village to get fruit that much was slightly a lie. He had wanted to go into the forest and go check on the human town, watching how the humans lived may had been dangerous but it was still quite fun to see how their kind had lived so much alike to the wolves.

DarkAngel562415 is offline
Old 09-15-2012, 09:04 PM

Soon, Anastasia would be in the Dark Forest. The border line between the village and the town. Looking around she would soon come to a stop and climbs off the horse, she wanted to travel the rest of the to the village on foot. Pulling the hood of her cape over her head she would tie the horse to the tree before taking off. She knew her way pretty well since she's traveled threw these woods so many times, it was like the back of her hand. Her heels would crush twigs and leaves as she walked. She knew that it was going to be pretty dangerous out here, she was now in Wolf Territory. Wild wolves roamed around her all the time, she has ran into a couple of the before, the last time she visited. She had to come up with a lie to tell her family because of the scratches all over her arms. That was probably one of the toughest fights she ever had in her life. Soon she noticed that she was getting closer to the opened field that was laid across from the village. She stood behind a tree, looking around to see if any wild wolves were roaming around today. She didn't see any so she started making her way into the head high grass.

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Old 09-16-2012, 09:10 PM

Jason continued walking slowly through the woods, looking around making sure that he wasn't being watched of followed by any wolf. He continued walking into the Dark Forest until she heard a few snapping sounds, he looked around and seen someone walking in the distance. Jason crouched low to the ground and slowly started following the figure, they looked like they were wearing a hooded cape so this made Jason a little more unsettling. He walked closer and closer quiet so he can see who it was walking in the woods. He took out his dagger and slowly crept up to the figure as they hid behind a tree then started walking to the tall grass. Jason followed and grinned, "I take it that you're human, but I don't think humans are suppose to be going to the Wolf Village." He said is a dark voice, Jason hid the dagger behind him and waited for the figure to speak or at least turn around to figure what who this was.

\ (•◡•) /
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Old 09-16-2012, 10:11 PM

Yoru stepped out of the shadows and seemed to materialize as she did so. Her clothes were simple, they always were. She wore a pair of blue jeans, lighter in colour, that admittedly needed to be tossed out. They had tears all over them, though not revealing anything inappropriate, still about to possibly fall apart. This was because she had them for a long time and wore them practically everywhere and as she ran through the woods, the branches would snag onto them. Her shirt was a simple black spaghetti-string. Her hair was styled to look a little messy and she didn't care too much for make-up.

The female sighed, closing her eyes before speaking, "Alright, but if you get into trouble while I'm gone, you'll have to explain that one to your parents. I'm not going to risk my butt to save yours if you're the one that got into trouble knowing I was gone." Her eyes opened again and she looked at him for conformation that he had heard her. Yoru then walked over to the younger sibling and took her unharmed hand gently. "Come on hun. Let's see if we can find your parents," she said as she guided the girl out of the room. She turned down the hall, going towards the large meeting room where the King and Queen usually were during the day to take care of matters in the village.

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Old 09-17-2012, 10:39 PM

Anastasia would glance over her shoulder when she heard someone behind her start to talk to her. How could she not notice him before? Slowly she would start to turn around and looks up at him slightly. Slowly she would remove the hood her white hair falling out as she looks at him. She would study his face for a moment before she realized that she noticed who he was. He's a hunter. "And who are you to tell me what I shall and can not do?" She knew that she wasn't supposed to be traveling into the Dark Forest but she wanted to visit the Village of Wolves. Her purpleish blue eyes would study his body and slightly noticed that he was holding something behind his back. "So..what are you holding behind your back, sir?"

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Old 09-18-2012, 04:11 PM

Akira set out to her forge. Yes, the young woman could manipulate metal with her mind, but sometimes she liked doing it the old fashioned way. It was how her father taught her. The blacksmith hardly wore any clothes when working. A strip of thin black cloth to cover her chest and a piece of cloth the resembled shorts for her rear. It got pretty hot in the forge, and she didn't quite enjoy roasting her rear end off.

She set her things down on the table before she began. A hammer to bang the metal into shape, a chisel to engrave her signiture, an air bag (as she called it) to blow on the fire, and a pile of metal that she would be shaping. She grabbed the air bag and walked over to the pitch. Within was a large pile of wood and dry leaves and twigs. She rubbed to sticks together until something caught on fire. She then took the air bag, squeezing it and expanding it, blew air onto the fire to get it to grow. Minutes later, villagers could hear the clan of metal against metal.

There was a special piece she was making later in the day. A sword for the king. And not just any sword, a sword worthy of a king. It would be the finest one she'd ever made. She could see it in her mind. A blade curved in which he could just pull out and strike someone all in one fluid motion. The hilt would be wrapped in cloth to prevent slipping in sweaty hands. Engraved on the blade would be a blessing in the ancient language.

Seth watched his sister leave. Where she was going he didn't care. He had his own problems to deal with. His parents brought home another girl to meet him. How many times did he have to tell his parents that he would not date the girls they introduced him to because they were not his type or he wasn't interested in them. The boy liked men, but he couldn't tell anyone this. He'd be ridiculed, not to mention his family. The son of the mayor gay?

Today, he would eat lunch with the girl before telling her that he was not interestedin a relationship just yet. If she asked why, he'd merely reply that he didn' t want to be distracted from his duties and his studies. Seeing as his sister didn't want to take over, it was up to him.

Seer Of the Future
Live Breathe Art
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Old 09-19-2012, 04:00 AM

Akane was more then pleased as her young daughter rushed over and hugged her, the queen was thrilled to be precise. It wasn't often that she had the opportunity to spend time with her children during the day, and that made the red headed mother sad. "Hinata dearest, look at Mommy. I love your eyes and your should too. They are such a beautiful blessing." she cooed to her child as she patted that small head of her's. The Queen found Hinata to be much like her husband, excitable, but always honest and loving in his own special way. It warmed her heart to see her beautiful little baby growing everyday, little by little, giving her a feeling of bringing up the children well.

"I wish we could spend more time playing like we used to Hiroaki... I'm sorry we do not get many chances lately." Akin said lightly, but frowned as her eldest child brought up another thing. Hinata was hurt, and supposedly from a flower. A slight frown crossing her lips, the mother gently took her daughter's small soft hand in her own gloved hand and shook her head. "Oh honey, what did I say about flowers? Some are dangerous and you must be aware of those small little thorns." she reminded her youngest sternly, but care on her face. "Alright, how about you come with mommy through town after I make your hand all better?" she offered lightly, leaning down to smile at the small girl. Her red ears perked up from her curled hair and swivled towards her son. "Hiroaki Dashiki." she said curtly, looking to her son sternly. "I am to meet your father in town for the meeting, and Hinata will be with me, why not join us? We will pick up some mangos on the way. Let's make this a family time." she said lightly, brushing a strand of red hair from her eyes. Mangos happened to be the absolute favorite fruit that her whole entire family adored, and knowing a fresh crop just came in was something that the Mother knew would draw her children into family time. Even if it was a bit of a bribe.

Chu'si walked through the forest silently, watching over the Mayor's daughter once more. The Indian female was tall, deeply tanned, and had natural curling brown locks that rested past her shoulder blades. The stark contrast of her orange tattoos gave away her identity, but with her skills of stealth, it wasn't a disadvantage when it came to being a hunter. They didn't name her the snake maiden for nothing. Sitting pretty on the tree branch, the young adult watched as her charge rode through the forest, not at a swift pace, but it wasnt lesurily either. It ment she had a purpose, and knowing the purpose behind the young maiden's movements was what Chu'si sought out. Watching the confrontation, the wind tossled the trees' leaves, and in a graceful movement the huntress dropped to the ground. "Good morning," Chu'si said nonchalantly, her Indian accent apparent in her voice. "This part of the woods seems to be popular lately, no?" Light conversation was key. All three needed to get away from such parts of the woods, and especially the Mayor's daughter. Narrowing her eyes a bit as a breeze came again, the Indian woman wore a hunter leather corset top that showed her stomach, with beads upon it. She also wore a matchif brown leather skirt that was knee length, and had a cut up her right side. Her leather boots were sleek, and not very clunky compared to most boots. A single strand of her hair held the fang of the wolf she had killed when she was younger, as well as a few beads made from the beast's bones. With her head dress, tattoo, and hair, the woman's appearance was that of pride and loyalty to her people and her duty. Chu'si, even being the snake maiden, would fight and protect the people to the bitter end.

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happydeath is offline
Old 09-19-2012, 03:43 PM

Hiroaki could only stand in one spot as he stared at his mother speak with his younger sister about how she had already told Hinata about the dangers of picking flowers that had thorns on them. Simply just hearing their mother speak with such kindness had brought back several memories of how things had used to be before both of their parents had become such busy people due to the humans. However, when he had spoken up about leaving into town to get some fruit even though it was a large lie. It had seemed as though their mother didn't really look like she had really believed what her son had said. Rather then letting him go on his own, she had suggested that he went with his younger sibling and their mother to go into town to look for some mangoes. Indeed, that was a great fruit to have and if mother said there was a fresh crop just put out in the market area. It must've been true. Not to mention that their father was also going to be meeting them in town today for some type of meeting, just hearing that made Hiroaki slightly curious on what it could be. His last thoughts on the moment were that the meeting would be something about the humans, maybe it had to do with the new heirs to the throne or a new law to the village?

Whatever the case was, Hiroaki had known well enough not to argue with his mother. Especially since how scary she could be when she had gotten angry at someone, so rather then trying to get his own way. He nodded his head and made his way over toward his mother and younger sister. "Miss Yoru, would you like to accompany us as well?" Hiroaki had known well enough that his guardian nor was Hinata's guardian part of the family tree, but leaving them out of the fun was rather rude indeed. Besides, with his guardian coming along, maybe there would be a chance for Hiroaki to sneak off into the forest while his mother and younger sister might be checking out which pieces of mango were ripe or not.


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