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~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 05-05-2013, 02:59 AM

Here you go! It's not fancy or anything,but Wolfie made it.^-^

Name: Rosemary Hunter
Age: 17
Bio: Rosemary grew up with death just over her shoulder.Her mother died in childbirth,leaving her with her father.Her father was called upon to battle when she was only a year old,and died,leaving her with her mother's parents.Rosemary wandered off when she was six and got lost in the forest.No one knows what happened to her there,but she came out freezing cold but alive,even though she should have died,and her black hair had turned white.She did not speak for a year after that,but when she did,she said she didn't remember what had happened.When she was eight,her grandfather died,and she and her grandmother lived together until she was fifteen,when her grandmother died as well.Rosemary lives by herself in a small cottage near a village.

Naruto forever
I lied. I'm like 200% gay
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Old 05-05-2013, 04:33 AM

Name: Roan "Ro" Evelyn
Age: Somewhere around...something. He's the baby of the Grim Reapers, but he was one of the first one, so he's pretty old. Looks about 17 or 18 though.
Bio: Ro, from the time he was born to now, had always been destined to be a Grim Reaper. He was one of the original Grim Reapers, and the baby of all the original ones. He tends to get the easy jobs, the jobs where no harm can possibly come to him, and it's all because his seniors are too worried about him, and baby him too much. At least, Roan used to get all the east jobs. A while ago he had started complaining that all the jobs he got were too easy for him. So, they decided to give him a harder job, one that even the first Grim Reaper was unable to do. Reap the girl with the name of Rosemary Hunter. So now, as the story starts, Ro is entering Rosemary's village, in his human form, his scythe locked away in a gold chain necklace that he wears around his neck. Ro is determined to reap this girl, just to show his superiors, his brothers and sisters, that even he, the baby of the family, can take hard jobs.
Row has dark grey hair, styled like this. He's got ghostly pale skin. He stands at 5'9. Ro's eyes are two different colours; his left eye is a dark purple, while his right is a bright teal. Ro wears a black cloak, like this, but longer to the ground like so. His scythe is hidden in a gold chain necklace with a key charm.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 05-06-2013, 04:56 AM

Rosemary Hunter was outside her small cabin,cutting wood for her wood pile.Rosemary was small,only five feet tall,but she was well built and stronger than she looked.This was obvious in the easy grace she displayed while swinging the ax,simple swings up,perfect arcs down,always hitting the blocks of wood dead center.She paused for a moment,setting the ax down in front of her and wiping her brow.It was around noon,and the sun beat down warm on her fair skin.She had tied her snow white hair into it's usual braids,and her cheerful green eyes squinted in the sun as she observed the land around her.Her grandparent's cottage was surrounded on three sides by woods.The front of the cabin faced the road,which wound out around the side of the little house from the woods behind,and continued for about a mile to the town,Ravendale,which could just be seen on the horizon from the front door.Rosemary's grandfather had built the cabin from the ground up.There was a river just inside the woods behind the cabin,which was good for fishing.The woods itself was good for hunting.The left side of the cabin sported a good-sized vegetable garden,and there was a well built in the back.The cabin itself was small and sturdy,made of rough wood.It was plain to look at,but for Rosemary,it was home.Picking up a hand woven basket,Rosemary started filling it with the pieces of fire wood and placed it on the front stoop.She picked up her wooden staff,which her grandfather had made for her out of an Elder tree branch.Her grandmother had insisted it be Elder,for protection,she said.Rosemary wasn't sure about the lore of different trees,but she liked the staff and used it often.It was smooth and beautifully made,with an exquisite curve at the top.Looking around,Rosemary realized that all her chores for the day were finished,and decided to sit out back for a while and play her flute for a while.It was something she did often enough,just to relax.

Last edited by ~Wild Spirit Wolf~; 05-07-2013 at 02:05 AM..

Naruto forever
I lied. I'm like 200% gay
Naruto forever is offline
Old 05-07-2013, 03:10 AM

Ro sighed as he adjusted his hood to completely cover his face. He was just about to get out of the forest, and he did not want to be in plain sunlight, for his pale skin burned much too easily. Thus, he was wearing a long, hooded black cloak, along with some long dark pants, and a white shirt underneath. It was a troublesome thing, this world.

As he finally got out of the forest, Ro noticed that he was in the middle of a road of some sorts. Down one way was a village, and the other was a small, homey-looking cottage. Taking out his little black book of death--at least, that's what Ro like to call it, it was really only a small black journal that told him the whereabouts of those that he was to reap-- Ro checked the whereabouts of the girl, Rosemary. Unfortunately, the book did not tell Roan the exact spot, but it did tell him the general area that she was in. Luckily for him, he was almost right in the centre of that are. Meaning that the girl was either in the town, or in the cabin.

Deciding to check the cabin first, Ro began to make his way towards it as a soft sound of a flute suddenly reached his ears. He continued to follow that beautiful sound until he reached the cabin. A girl sat outside, her back facing Roan as he smiled lightly at the sound of her playing the flute.

Finally deciding to speak up after a few minutes of listening to the soft sound of music, Ro spoke softly, in a voice barely above a whisper, "That's a beautiful song, and a beautiful flute."

Who knew that humans could make such beautiful sounds. I always thought of them as something...disastrous, he thought, fixing his hood once more so that only a few strands of his dark grey hair were peeking out, and so that his whole face was completely safe from the hard rays of the sun.

His different coloured eyes peered out from under the hood, looking at the white haired girl curiously. Was this the girl he was to reap? There was really no way to tell. He'd just have to wait and see.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 05-07-2013, 05:21 AM

"Oh!" Rosemary startled at the sound of a quiet male voice behind her.She turned to see a tall,cloaked figure looking at her.She could only assume the person was male,even though she couldn't see his face.She stood,using her staff as leverage.Once standing,she curtsied like her grandmother taught her."Good day.Thank you,my grandmother made the flute and taught me to use it." She said,looking up and trying to make eye contact."Traveler,what brings you to my humble home? Perhaps you travel to Ravendale,and seek food and drink? Or are you looking for someone? How may I help you?" She asked politely.Travelers came by often from the woods,needing refreshment or seeking certain people.Sometimes the travelers ask for one of the healing remedies that her grandmother had taught her.

Naruto forever
I lied. I'm like 200% gay
Naruto forever is offline
Old 05-08-2013, 03:56 AM

Roan smiled down at the girl softly, though he doubted that she could see it. He felt oddly rude by the fact that his hood was still sitting upon his head; but he had gotten burned on one of his missions before, and it was not and experience that he would want to have again. Ah..but how would he answer her question? He knew indeed what he was looking for, and that was a girl. But what this girl looked like, he had no idea. And if this young woman were to ask why he was looking for said girl, he would have nothing else to say other than "I am here to reap her,". To humans, that would sound absurd, and it would sound as if he were trying to commit murder. So, after a minute or two of debating on what to say, Roan finally answered in a soft, almost timid voice;

"Ah, I'm afraid I'm not sure what, or who I'm searching for. I am just here to...observe, I suppose."

He offered the girl another small smile with a shrug of his shoulders. He was half telling the truth as he was indeed supposed to observe for a while...observe the girl Rosemary that is.

With a sigh he bit back a small chuckle. Perhaps he really was not cut out for a mission such as this.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 05-09-2013, 02:33 AM

Rosemary tilted her head,looking up at the man.Yes,his voice was definitely male,and the figure beneath the cloak was distinctly larger than a female would be.She was slightly confused at his answer,but was polite enough not to push the issue."Well then,perhaps you would like to step inside for a drink? It is warm out,and you must have walked a long way to have come through the forest." She offered,still as well mannered as her grandparents had taught her.She did not offer her name,since her grandmother had always told her that a man should offer his name and ask hers before she gave it.

Naruto forever
I lied. I'm like 200% gay
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Old 05-10-2013, 11:39 PM

With another little smile, Roan gave nod to answer the girl's question. He couldn't help but feel awkward in the situation for some reason. It was as if he were a newbie at the job, which he technically was seeing as this was the first job that he had gotten that wasn't meant for newbies.

"Ah, and, what might your name be?" he asked, finally realizing that he had forgotten to ask before.

With that little bit of information he would be able to tell if this girl was "Rosemary" or not. He could only hope she was. He wanted to be over and done with this job soon, so that he would be able to go back to his brothers and they would finally stop babying him so much.

When that happens, I can be truly happy! he thought with a small chuckle.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 05-11-2013, 05:27 AM

The girl half turned,so that she was mostly facing him,and gave a bright smile."I'm called Rose.Pleased to meet you.And,what may I call you?" She asked,tilting her head slightly.Her snow white pigtails swayed in a slight breeze that brought the scent of pine with it.She led the man around to the front,where her wood pile was still sitting in a basket on the steps.She picked it up easily and opened the door,holding it open for him to enter.If she had any idea that she was inviting death into her home,she might not have smiled so kindly at him.

Naruto forever
I lied. I'm like 200% gay
Naruto forever is offline
Old 05-11-2013, 05:57 PM

When the girl smiled at him, Ro couldn't help but think how beautiful she was. But that thought was quickly sent out of his mind. Thoughts such as that would not help him with his mission. In fact, thoughts like those would only set him back, and would be a sign of his weakness.

"People call me Roan," he told her, using his full name as his nickname was something that he only let his family call him.

He followed Rose around front, and smiled gratefully as he entered her house, pulling his hood down as he did so. Inside the small, cozy house it was slightly cooler than outside, but the sun did not reach inside it. His different coloured eyes scanned the room, looking for anything interesting. He had to wonder though,if this girl knew that he was a creature that brought death to living beings, would she have been so kind to him?

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 05-12-2013, 02:57 AM

Rosemary followed Roan into the cabin.It was small,with a tiny kitchen connected to a comfortable sitting room,and two doors off to the right,presumably leading to bedrooms.The windows were small but sturdy,and most were open to catch the breeze.There was comfortable looking wood furniture scattered around,clearly all hand made,and a spinning wheel with something halfway finished on it.Rosemary placed her basket next to the cheerful little fireplace,which was currently empty."A pleasure,Roan.Please,make yourself comfortable.May I offer you a drink? I have water,fresh milk and home made ale." She offered.

Naruto forever
I lied. I'm like 200% gay
Naruto forever is offline
Old 05-12-2013, 03:40 AM

Biting his lip nervously, Roan sat down on a small wooden chair. He couldn't help but continue looking around the home. It looked so nice, cozy, and warm. Back at his home, everything always seemed dreary, and dark. The people there were usually happy, dotting and playful, but the place itself was the complete opposite. Their homes consisted of one floor, a kitchen, a bed and two chairs. That was it. Apparently, since they were creatures of death, Grim Reapers had no need for anything else. And each little house consisted of two main colours, and only two; black, and grey. The town itself, though it held many happy, little parties for the Grimp Reapers, was also grey and black, and only saw sun every once in a blue moon.

Being somewhere like this was new, and rather interesting for Ro. Though, it also made him feel extremely anxious and awkward. He had no idea how to act in a place that was so bright and sunny like this home.

"Err...water will be just fine, thank you," he spoke cautiously.

Roan had never been truly good with communicating with humans; he always had found them to be odd creatures. Socializing with them was quite different than socializing with his brothers for some unknown reason.

"Err...Th-this is a nice home..." he spoke again, attempting to compliment the kind white haired girl.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 05-14-2013, 04:33 AM

Rosemary glanced over at the man,taking in his two different eyes and somewhat oddly colored hair.For one so young,his hair was an interesting shade of gray.And his eyes were both colors she had never seen in an eye before.She smiled a little at his apparent shyness,and went to get him a cup of water.She took out a clay mug she had made herself and filled it at the pump with clear,cold water,and brought it to him."Well,thank you.My grandfather built this cabin from the ground up,and he and my grandmother raised my father here.And they raised me here." She said,a little proudly."If you need to stay the night,there are two bedrooms.Ravendale is a day's walk from here,half that by carriage.I'll be going into town tomorrow myself,to rent a room at the inn for the harvest festival.I'll be selling my wares during the day,and celebrating with the rest of the village at night.Whatever,or whoever,you need,you'll find it in Ravendale during the harvest festival." She commented.

Naruto forever
I lied. I'm like 200% gay
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Old 06-12-2013, 08:27 PM

Roan held the clay made cup that was filled to the top with nice, cold water in his hands, almost cradling it. Slowly he took a sip, enjoying the coolness of the drink. He looked up at Rose, and gave a warm smile to her offer. He was quite happy that she was being so kind towards him. If she wasn't then Roan was sure that he'd have to spend the night out in the cold, or try to find his own way to town.

"That would be wonderful," he spoke enthusiastically, "Thank you so much."

Then, he decided to ask a question. He had never heard of a harvest festival before, and it seemed like it was a big celebration.

"So..what is the harvest festival?"

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 06-14-2013, 03:27 AM

Rosemary smiled at the question,as if she had wanted him to ask it."I see,you're from far away,then.Ravendale's Harvest festival is famous in all the villages around here.People flock from all over to celebrate it.You see,once a year at Harvest time,the people of Ravendale hold a week long festival to celebrate the successful crop harvest.It's after all the harvesting's done,of course,so everyone has time to celebrate.People set up booths in the streets,turning the whole village into a bustling marketplace.For seven days the villagers and their guests sell their finest wares-jewelry,clothing,shoes,food,anything you can think of.And for seven night everyone puts on their best clothing and celebrates,drinking and dancing and eating from stands set up around the square.Then on the seventh night,All Hallow's Eve,everyone dons costumes for an all night masquerade,where they dance and have fun,and at midnight,we all find a place to sit or stand and look to the skies,where our local fire brigade puts on a spectacular display.They call if fireworks,and it's relatively new,but truly beautiful." She explained,her eyes lighting up with excitement.Ever since she was a child,she had loved the harvest festival,but until two years previous she had been too young to take part in the nighttime festivities.For her fifteenth birthday,her grandmother had taken her to the festival and allowed her to stay up.That had been only a month before her grandmother had died.Since then,Rosemary had gone every year and set up her stall in the same place her grandparents always had,and sold the same things they had,along with a few extras."It is best to get there early the day before it starts,to make sure you get a good room at an inn rather than staying in someone's attic."

Naruto forever
I lied. I'm like 200% gay
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Old 10-12-2013, 05:02 AM

Roan's eyes sparkled as he listened to Rose explain the Harvest Festival. He could imagine all the things there, and how much fun it would be. Running around, buying things, experiencing things he had never done before, it was all so tempting. But Roan had to quickly shake the thought out of his mind; he was here for one thing only, and then he would leave. His life depended on this one mission, and he would finish it, even if it killed him!
Maybe he would find the soul he was supposed to collect at the Harvest Festival. Sure it may be hard, depending on how many people would be there, but not impossible.
"That sounds...magnificent. We don't have things such as that where I'm from," he spoke, his eyes still sparkling.
Oh how he yearned to simply go and have fun, just to experience those things! But Roan knew he couldn't. If he did, his brothers would surely tease him for the rest of his life! There would be no way to get out of it.
With another glance or two around the house, Roan asked another question, "Have you lived here all your life?"

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 10-12-2013, 06:07 AM

Rosemary nodded, sitting down across from her guest. "Oh, it is magnificent. It's too bad you haven't had the experience before, but if you stick around, then at least you'll get to see it once." She said happily. Tilting her head slightly, she watched the man glance around and wondered just where he was from. "Hm? Oh, yes, I was born here in this house. My grandfather built it with his own two hands, and my family lived here ever since. I am the only one left now though." She said, a bit of melancholy tainting her voice at the end.

Naruto forever
I lied. I'm like 200% gay
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Old 10-12-2013, 02:41 PM

Roan nodded, taking another sip from his cup. He noticed the bit of melancholy in her voice as she spoke of her family and couldn't help but feel a tinge of guilt. It was because of his kind that people died, and while it was necessary it still didn't stop the humans from feeling grief, and loosing people they loved.
"How did they..." he trailed off, not sure if he should continue, but after a few moments he did, "How did they die? If you don't mind me asking."

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 10-13-2013, 02:12 AM

Rosemary turned and looked at him, and smiled. "No, it's okay. My mother died in childbirth. So you could say that death has been my friend from the beginning." She chuckled at her joke, and continued. "My father raised me with my mother's parents after that, but he died in battle when I was very young. My grandfather fell ill and died when I was only eight. Then it was just my grandmother and I for many years. Just two years ago, shortly after my fifteenth birthday, my grandmother died as well, of an illness that I could not name. Now I take care of this home, and I sell the things my grandmother taught me about. I'll be selling her crafts and recipes at the festival." She said.

Naruto forever
I lied. I'm like 200% gay
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Old 10-13-2013, 02:41 AM

Ro nodded, looking down into his cup trying not to let her see his eyes. He'd been told many times that the eyes are windows to one's soul, and he'd been told even more times by his brothers that his eyes especially gave off his emotions. Roan always tried to hide his emotions from the humans--though most of the time his emotion was guilt--but he just didn't have the skill. Knowing that his kind was the reason that the humans were suffering from grief... it was terrible. He knew that if he looked up, and if Rose saw his eyes she'd know that he was feeling guilty.
"You know Ro, you really are just like a human when it comes to guilt. We're doing our jobs. We're not killing them, we're helping them," the voice of one of his brothers, Jack, echoed through his head.
He raised a hand to his necklace that hid his scythe and rubbed it, remembering his brother's words. It wasn't their fault, it wasn't.
But the guilt was slightly worse than usual because he had a feeling that Jack, the brother he was closest to, was the reaper who took away her Grandmother. Just listening to Rose speak about sparked a memory in his head about Jack saying roughly the same thing.
"I'm uh... sorry. That your alone and all," he said, still looking deep into his cup, "I imagine it'd be hard."
He continued to rub his necklace, hoping the guilt would fade. It was unfortunate that he had to be like this; this was another reason why he always got the easy jobs.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 10-14-2013, 04:56 AM

Rosemary's smile turned soft. "Oh, don't apologize. I'm fine with living alone. After all, I'm never really alone. My grandmother used to tell me that the forest was alive, that the animals and trees and water all had spirits. She said the forest was my protector. That's why I'm still alive, actually. Grandmother said that the forest protected me that time..." She trailed off, then shook her head, clearing the thought. "And grandfather told me that when we die, our spirits continue to watch over the ones we love. So my mother and father were always with me, and now grandmother and grandfather are here with me, too. And there's my old friend death." She chuckled again. "So I'm not ever alone. Not really."

Naruto forever
I lied. I'm like 200% gay
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Old 10-14-2013, 10:02 PM

Roan smiled at the thought. He had never heard of the plants having souls, but he had heard of animals having them, but it was up for "special" Reapers to reap the animals' souls. It was mainly the third generation of the reapers who did that, some of the second generation too. He was curious about what "that time" was though, but didn't press. It was her business, not his. He raised an eyebrow though, just noticing how she kept referring to death as her friend.

"Death," he began, speaking slightly louder than before, "You shouldn't call it your friend. It's not something that should have friends."

He truly believed that. Grim Reapers were often referred to as "Death", and Ro believed that the only friends they should have was each other. No, not even that, they should only have the other Reapers in their generation as their "friends". Then again, that was already true. Most of the generations hated each other, and most hated the first generation the most. It was almost like an unwritten rule that different generations should not be friends.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 10-15-2013, 04:11 AM

Rosemary blinked. "Oh, why not? I believe that death is the first friend mankind has. Before we learn of death, we live in a fantasy where nothing bad ever happens. We have our family, and sometimes other children around us, but only when we meet death do we learn about the world. A true friend does not lie to you, but shows you how the world works. Death is also the only constant in this world. Think about it: Our friends drift away, our family leaves us behind, even nature must go away eventually. The only thing that is sure to always be there is death. At the end of our lives, it is the only thing we have left, and it is there through our journey on to the next world." She said, sounding like she had made this argument before. "Some people think I'm morbid for thinking this way, but it's only the truth. And people don't like the truth. Like the truth of my life. Death has been with me from my very birth, and has not left me once. Death has even touched me. When I was young, I wandered alone into the forest. I don't remember it, but I was told I was lost for several days. I should have died. But I came wandering out days later, tired and confused but still alive. My hair, which had been dark, had turned white. The people of Ravendale lie to themselves, saying that it was shock that turned my hair white, that I must have found some berries to eat, but the truth is that whatever else happened in that forest, death touched me and marked me for its own. I like to believe that it means when it is time for me to die, my passing will be painless. I only wish I knew why I didn't die back then..." She trailed off, seeming lost in her memories.

Naruto forever
I lied. I'm like 200% gay
Naruto forever is offline
Old 10-17-2013, 04:07 AM

Ro blinked. Then he blinked again. He was processing all the information at the moment, unsure if he'd heard right. She had avoided death? Completely avoided it, and was free of it, and the only sign was her white hair? Though, the white hair was understandable. The Reaper had probably started taking her soul, but something would have had to stop it. Therefore at least a part of her soul would have been gone, and to show her hair turned white, much like many of the Grim Reaper's hair. In their minds, white or silver hair meant that the person was only half alive. It meant they only had half a soul. Of course, this wasn't a fact, more like a religious belief, but Roan still thought it true. Why hadn't he noticed earlier? Why hadn't he truly made note of it earlier?

"I'm so stupid...they're right, I'm not ready to..." he muttered under his breath, only parts of what he was saying truly understandable.

He closed his mouth as soon as he finished the sentence though. He hadn't meant to say that out loud. His eyes quickly went up to Rose, hoping to God that she hadn't heard everything he'd said.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 10-17-2013, 06:55 AM

Rosemary was looking at him strangely. She looked kind of sad. "I shouldn't have told you that. I forget that most people don't know about what happened, so hearing me talk about it is probably strange. I honestly didn't think that you would be so disturbed by my story. I'm sorry. Now you think I'm strange, a witch maybe..." She apologized quietly, lowering her eyes so as not to meet his gaze. Clearly she had only seen his reaction, and not heard what he had said.


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