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The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 05-22-2013, 07:18 PM

Who the Heck is Alice?

It's been 9 years since Alice last came to Wonderland, and if she came back, she wouldn't recognize it.

The Queen of Hearts has been calmed down, and the Queen of Diamonds is in charge. However there appears to be some challengers to the throne of Wonderland. The King of Spades and The King Clubs have decided that both Queens are unworthy at least to rule without guidance. Now what drama will ensue? Marriage, war, peace... Will the residents of Wonderland accept the changes the Royalty have ordered or will they fight for the truth.

How will the Kings take over?
How will the Queens react?
Will Alice come back?
Can the Mad Hatter stay Mad?

Only time will tell in Wonderland.

Last edited by Codette; 05-23-2013 at 02:19 AM..

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 05-22-2013, 07:35 PM

* play nice with each other, remember Menewsha TOS
* keep it PG13; romance and fighting is allowed
* no godmodding
* if your going away for a while, please let us know
* canon characters and originals allowed
* pm profiles to me titled --> DJ Keoki
* I reserve the right to change rules

* Link to OOC
Profile Skeleton
Character name:
Species: -rabbit, human, mouse etc-
Ruler: -Queen of Hearts, Queen of Diamonds, Kind of Spades, King of Clubs or none-
Bio: -at least a paragraph-
Anything else: -is your character a fighter? then what kind of weaponry- Do they have a pet? etc-

Last edited by Codette; 05-23-2013 at 02:19 AM..

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 05-22-2013, 07:51 PM

Accepted Profiles

Username: Codette
Character name: Izzy the Mad Hattress
Species: human
Age: 25
Ruler: The Queen of Diamonds
Personality: a little crazy. She enjoys pranks and playing, but can be quite serious when the time calls for it.
Bio: Izzy has always run the Teaparty, but since the uproar Alice left behind, she's found herself occupied by other means. She's become a bit of an adviser to the Queen of Diamonds, offering a fresh perspective. Sometimes her advise is on the weird side, but no one ever said the Hatter was all there.
Anything else: Izzy is waiting eagerly for Alices' return to Wonderland, believing she can help the madness.

Originally Posted by fink15

Username: finx15
Character name: Vivaldi Heart
Species: human
Age: 20
Ruler: Queen of Hearts
Personality: She has a temper but she also has a soft side that no one gets to see much.
Bio: Viv has been the queen of hearts most of her life having been taken from her parents and put into the role of queen. She hates being queen and takes her anger out on her subjects or anyone around her. Since Alice left she has calmed down but she still cuts off peoples heads when they make her angry. She sometimes misses Alice simply because she is lonely.
Anything else: She loves stuff animals and cats but hates mice.
Originally Posted by happydeath

Username: Happydeath
Character name: Shinji Taishi
Species: Elf
Age: 21
Ruler: None
Personality: Quiet, mysterious, kind, and generous.
Bio: Shinji had never really met the famous girl named Alice that everyone in Wonderland had already met at least once before. The reason behind this could've simply been because he had always been traveling around the more darker areas of Wonderland that even most of the royalty and other creatures wouldn't dare venture into. Not much is known about Shinji other then he was born mostly in the darkness and those who had known him have rumored to consider him more of a demon then anything else. Ever since he had learned about the feud over the new ruler of Wonderland, Shinji had finally stepped out from the darkness as he has traveled across the land in search of answers to see who would be the proper ruler for this land. He doesn't find any of the rulers any different from one another at the moment, but that could all change in a matter of time. For now, all Shinji can really be considered is more of a neutral guard on the side that wishes for peace over the world of Wonderland.
Anything else: Shinji carries two different weapons in his arsenal. One is his trusty bow and arrow, the tips of the arrows are made from the scales of none other then the legendary Jabberwocky. His second weapon is a long sword which he has sheathed across his waist at nearly all times, it is rare to ever see him actually unsheathe it for battle. Other then those two, he also carries around with him a violin which he normally is found playing while making his way around the areas of Wonderland. He also has a small white fox that follows him around at all times.
Originally Posted by ~ Wild Spirit Wolf~

Username: ~Wild Spirit Wolf~
Character name: Calcifer Cheshire
Species: Cat...sort of
Age: 22
Ruler: None
Personality: Playful,mischievous,and loyal,Calcifer loves talking in riddles and playing jokes.
Bio: Calcifer Cheshire-or,as most know him,the Cheshire Cat- is well known around Wonderland as the resident prankster.His habit of turning partially or completely invisible can be unnerving to some,but he finds it funny.Calcifer met Alice the first time she showed up,and grudgingly liked the girl.She was at least fun to mess with.Anyone who knows Calcifer call him Cal,for short.Not much is known about his past or where he came from,but Cal doesn't seem to have any family.
Anything else: Cal is a trained fighter,but not many people know it.He has the ability to change from human to cat,to levitate,and to become invisible.With a little effort,he can make small objects invisible as well.Cal carries a dagger in his boot just in case.

Last edited by Codette; 06-03-2013 at 04:31 PM..

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 05-22-2013, 08:14 PM

Izzy the MadHattress wandered the halls of the Queen of Diamonds castle. Her eyes darted around, watching the white chess-piece guards do their duty. She smirked and giggled. With a skip she made her way to the garden where she had tea set up. Sitting in the arbor she calmly drank her tea. She shouldn't really be calm. Not with the rumors that the Kings were planning on an uprising. But then again Izzy found that mostly amusing. "I wonder what interesting things are going to unfold."

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Old 05-23-2013, 03:56 PM

Taking one careful and silent step after another, a young male made his way throughout the dark forest of Wonderland all the while he played a tune with his violin. His eyes remaining closed as he ventured through what seemed like the endless forest, in front of this male was nothing more then a small white fox who swayed it's tail left and right to the melody of the violin. The name of this male was none other then Shinji Taishi, this had only been his second time throughout his whole life that he had stepped away from the darkest depths of Wonderland to finally reveal his true identity once again. Wonderland had indeed changed since the last time he had visited the outskirts of the darkness, he was still able to remember in the past that Wonderland used to be such a bright colored world where everything seemed much more lively.

With the rumors now going around about the kings of Wonderland trying to make an uprising to take over and become the new rulers of Wonderland, it had also seemed to change much of the scenery around everything. Throughout the entire time Shinji had played his melody, it was difficult to ignore the strange noises of beasts that surrounded him. The reason to why many of them hadn't bothered to attack him was a complete mystery to him, the only thought that he had for why they hadn't attacked him was because he was playing his violin. Shrugging the thought off for a bit, by the time Shinji had finally come to a stop with his music he was already out of the dark forest only to have a large kingdom standing proudly before him.

Unaware that the kingdom before him was none other then the castle that belonged to the Queen of diamonds, the white fox had quickly turned to climb up onto Shinji's shoulder. A light chuckle was all that was heard from the male elf as he scratched underneath the small fox's chin. Instantly, he darted forward to the castle which had only taken him a matter of minutes to reach. At the front gate of the large kingdom were two large white chess piece guards, Shinji raised a single brow toward the fact that he would either have to kill the guards to get in or to sneak around them. Obviously enough, Shinji choose to sneak around to the side walls since attacking a kingdom at this point would end up causing a large riot to send way too many guards for even the young male elf to handle.

With much ease, once he had found a perfect area to begin climbing, Shinji quickly darted up one of the stone walls of the Queen's kingdom. By the time he had hopped over to the other side, he had ended up finding himself in a large garden. The white fox who noticed all the beautiful flowers and lush green grass had quickly hopped off of the elf's shoulder and began to run around the garden in excitement as it head in multiple different bushes as a way to play around. So all the while Shinji had began to walk around the large garden to find an entrance to the inside of the castle, the small white fox had ended up reaching a much taller woman then the little fox. Staring up at the woman, it's bright blue eyes blinked as it called out to her in curiosity of what she had been drinking.

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 05-23-2013, 06:30 PM

Viv sat in her rose garden having tea and watching the wind toss the rose blooms around. She sighed happily 'What a brilliant day." she smiled slightly then frowned when a servant come to freshen her tea. "I wish Alice was here." she mumbled she had liked alice alot and it was lonely without her.

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 05-23-2013, 10:55 PM

Lizzy looked up and cocked her head to the side. "Curious curious. The Quick Brown-White fox jumps over the lazy dog." she giggled. Taking off her top hat, she fished around inside until she found some spare tea cups. Looking at the fox she winked "I wasn't expecting company, but it's a good thing I'm always prepared for a tea party." She filled one cup with tea and set it down, a bit away from the fox so it wouldn't be scared. "Please enjoy. We're having Green Tea today. Cherry flavoured. It's quite lovely. Would your friend enjoy some as well?" The last sentence was said loud enough that the mysterious man could hear her. "It's bad manners to sneak around someone elses gardens, even on such a lovely day as Monday. Or is it Thursday. I do hope it's not Saturday, I was to have tea with the The Dum Brothers on Saturday. Oh but if it is, tis not like they'd notice either!" She laughed hysterically.

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Old 05-24-2013, 12:04 AM

Staring up at the towering woman that sat in front of it, the white fox twitched it's ears ever so slightly at her words. Even though the fox could understand the language that many people spoke around Wonderland, with the words that the woman spoke this time, it had seemed almost impossible for the young creature to even figure out what she meant at first. When the woman had grabbed a few more cups from the table before her, the white fox had ended up backing away at first in thought that she was trying to hurt it. Once she had lowered a single cup with some strange type of liquid inside of it, the fox would slowly approach the cup only to take a few sniffs to make sure it was safe.

Within another second or two, when the fox had noticed there was no scent of any poison within the drink. It had began to lick at the tea a bit while it's tail swayed slowly behind it. The taste of the strange liquid was satisfying and had only taken the fox a matter of moments to finish the cup before blinking up at the woman with it's bright blue pleading eyes. It instantly began to call out toward her with little soft 'mew' like noises as though it had wanted more of the liquid she had shared with it.

Shinji on the other hand during this time had kept on his way as he explored the large garden only to stop every few times to adore the scent of the many different flowers. It was hard to believe while standing in this large garden that the rest of Wonderland was so very barron as though it had given up all hope of ever returning the way it had once been. By the time Shinji had heard the woman's voice come up, he had quickly turned his attention toward the woman who had fed his white fox friend some tea. The woman had talked quite a bit about how she seemed rather worried on what the day was. Honestly, even Shinji hadn't known much about what day it was at the moment. He was never one to care for the day but more for the time of day it was. Making his way over toward the table that the woman sat at, he stood at the opposite end from her only to bow down silently in respect. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance." Were his only words as he remained silent about her worry on the day and how it was rude of someone to venture around another person's garden.

"Would you happen to know whose garden this is, by any chance." Those were his last words as Shinji had turned his gaze down onto the grassy floor toward his fox friend, who was still pleading for a single more cup of tea. He couldn't really blame the poor creature for wanting something different to drink after so long, throughout the entire time he had traveled the the male elf the only thing the two of them had ever really drank that was close to water was river water.

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 05-24-2013, 05:10 PM

Lizzy smiled, pleased the fox enjoyed the drink. Taking the teapot, she refilled his tea cup, and her own. "trust trust little fox, I may be mad but I hurt no one." she winked and sipped her tea. The Mad Hatter hummed softly to a tune in her head until the man approached. " Pleasures for acquaintences are slight pleasures to the real pleasures of the world. I'm Lizzy, The Hatter, The Hattress, Mad as a Hatter!" She laughed again. "Your name please good sir! And enjoy a cup of tea with Mr. Fox and I."

Lizzy filled another cup with tea. "Why this garden belongs to the Queen of Diamonds! The Kind Queen. Did you not see the chess guards? Are you not fro, Wonderland?"

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Old 05-25-2013, 03:51 AM

By the time the woman had poured more of the strange liquid into the cup in front of the white fox. It quickly made it's way over toward the cup and began to lick at it slowly to drink the rest of the tea, the taste was indeed different from anything it had ever tasted before. Slowly enough by the time Shinji had arrived over at the table, even the little fox had ended up calling out to him to tell him to try some of the tea. The fox's tail swayed left and right as it ran over toward the elf's feet and stared up at him with it's bright blue eyes. Shinji on the other hand could only look down at his fox friend before leaning down to scratch behind it's ears softly. "Go drink it. You need it much more then I do right now." were his only words before he had turned his gaze back onto the woman who seemed to speak once more way too much for even the male elf to completely understand.

From what Shinji had been able to figure out most of her words was that first of all, the woman's name was Lizzy The Hattress and she had ended up asking for his own name as well as telling him to sit and have some tea as well. A light chuckle was all that came from his lips as he had taken a seat across the table from the woman. "My name is of no importance of yours Ms. Lizzy." Were his last words as he had reached for a single cup of tea before taking a few sips of it. Indeed from what his fox friend had tasted, this tea was much different from anything the two of them had ever expected to drink.

Taking a glance down at the cup in his hand for a moment, Shinji returned his gaze toward Lizzy for only a single moment due to her explaining as how the garden had belonged to the Queen of diamonds as well as asking him that if he was not from Wonderland. With that question, the male elf stayed silent as he directed his eyes down toward his fox friend who had continued to be drinking the tea. "You could somewhat say I am not from the Wonderland your people know of." He stated before lowering down the cup and leaning slightly back against the chair. "Would you happen to know anything about the rumors going around, about the kings' uprising?" His once kind tone of voice had quickly faded only to leave nothing more then a serious tone on his lips.

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 05-27-2013, 01:00 AM

Lizzy pouted. "Unless you wish for me to call you Mr. Stranger, I must have a name. Everyone needs a name, or else what do we call a person?" Eyes wide, she spoke as if explaining a natural principal in the most basic of forms- even if it was a little confusing. "Oh, then what kind of Wonderland are you from. For I only know of two. The Queen of Hearts' Wonderland, which was fearful and the Queen of Diamonds' which is peaceful. This Wonderland is full of joy and hope. Dreams and wishes."

Lizzy froze for a moment when Shinji mentioned the Kings. The playful spark in her seemed to instantly die, as she looked at him. "The Kings do not believe either Queen is fit for the rule of Wonderland. It seems they wish to take over. I've heard rumors for marriage, but I don't believe them. The Kings are far to proud to keep a Queen that possesses her own plans for Wonderland." Lizzy's voice was deadpan, and she spoke plain and clearly. "Whether the Queens are taking this rumor seriously I'm not sure. I don't believe they're just rumors....The Kings are far to serious."

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Old 05-27-2013, 05:02 AM

It had seemed as though the woman named Lizzy hadn't been to glad about the fact on how Shinji didn't want to give the woman his name. For a moment, he had stayed silent about his name once again as though intending that he wasn't going to give her his name in anyway. Sitting back up straight, Shinji had taken in a deep breath before exhaling a soft sigh of his own in thoughts that he was going to have to tell Lizzy his name in the end sooner or later. "My name is Shinji Taishi." Was his only answer to the woman's question about how she had wondered for his name. Unlike as how Lizzy had also added that she was a 'Mad Hattress', he hadn't bothered to give much information about who he was other then just giving her his simple name.

Soon enough, when the noise of his small fox friend had been heard. Shinji took his gaze down toward it as it quickly ran over toward the male's seat before hopping onto his lap and curling itself into a small ball-like figure. Softly petting the white fox's fur, when Lizzy had asked about which part of Wonderland he had come from only to state about the two halves she knew about he had kept his eyes directed onto his fox friend that had slowly began to drift off to sleep. "The Queen of hearts' land I know of and from what I see of this Queen of diamond's land..both of your lands are much better then that I have seen of ever before. From where I come from of Wonderland, there is nothing more then death and suffering. Many of my people have either died because we were forgotten and attacked by the Jabberwocky, if not we are dying because of sickness from the darkness." Shinji informed as his gaze slowly lifted themselves from hearing how Lizzy had began to talk more normally then earlier.

From what she told him about the kings, they had sounded rather cold-hearted as they had been rumored to be. "Then what do the queens intend to do? Will they continue to do battle with one another? Even with the case of the kings coming closer. Since I am sure you know as well as I do, if nothing is done..many lives will soon be lost." His voice remaining the same as there hadn't seemed to be one shed of sorrow in his tone for about the future of Wonderland or even when he had spoken about where he had come from and his people.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 06-02-2013, 05:28 AM

In the garden of the Queen of Diamonds,a voice sounded just above the two who had met there for tea."Tea for two and two for tea~ What lovely teatime conversation." The sarcastic voice said.There didn't seem to be any source of the voice,no being for it to belong to.At least,until one looked closely at the leaves of a tree above the group.Upon such inspection,one would notice a sly pair of yellow eyes that,though not attached to a body,seemed to be smiling.

Last edited by ~Wild Spirit Wolf~; 06-04-2013 at 03:43 AM..

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 06-03-2013, 04:39 PM

A silly smile crossed her lips. "Oh not a Jabberwock! Horrors upon horrors." Her voice seemed at odds with her words, as if she was terrified of the Jabberwock, but didn't know the proper way to portray fears. "It's awful to hear your Wonderland is not well. Well we must see to a Queen about who can fix this... or else a King may get word and fix it for them."
Lizzy's face grew serious again. "The Queens have not yet decided. I believe they can come together to push back the Kings, but the Kings are ruthless.... Yes the Queens shall have to work together, and Caterpillars help us if the Kings join forces."

Lizzy smiled and sipped her tea. "But talk is talk and rumour rumour. Who knows whos pride will fall where."

Lizzy heard a voice and smiling, just poured a new teacup full, "Please do join us Cal Chesire for where would we go without your incredible guidance." her voice sarcastic, but laughing fully at herself.

Last edited by Codette; 06-07-2013 at 04:49 PM..

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 06-04-2013, 03:48 AM

The eyes in the tree were joined by a wide,toothy smile.The smile was then joined by a striped cat's body,which floated down to the table and changed forms,becoming a man with cat ears and a tail.He still smiled mischievously."Why thank you,Lizzie,I think I will sit for a while.Now,who do we have here? I have yet to meet this man who asks such serious questions." He said,sitting down and taking the cup he was offered.

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Old 06-05-2013, 09:24 PM

By a matter of moments, the small fox had fallen into a deep slumber on Shinji's lap while he continued to pet the creature softly. All the while, he had continued to await for Lizzy to answer his question on what the Queens were going to do about the situation at hand. It hadn't been long before yet another voice had came up to Shinji's attention. Quickly enough, he directed his attention straight above the table only to find what seemed to be a strange striped feline speaking about how the conversation between Shinji and Lizzy was 'lovely'. Without so much as a word to the feline, the only thing he could do was stare at it in confusion until the woman had finally spoken up about how they had to see a Queen to fix that situation of his homeland in Wonderland. Whether or not the Queens or Kings would be able to fix the land where Shinji came from or not, was none of his own concern at the moment.

However, when Lizzy had stated that the Queens were going to indeed join forces against the Kings. Shinji had only given a single nod in response to that, at least this would mean that many of the innocent other creatures around Wonderland wouldn't be slaughtered. The war between the Queens and Kings will be too focused for any for any of them to concentrate onto the other creatures of the land. Soon enough, when Lizzy spoke of the cat being named Cal Chesire, Shinji had returned his attention to the strange cat who soon decided to shift his own form into the shape of an actual human-like male with cat-like features such as his ears and the tail. It was to be expected when Chesire had asked who Shinji was at this case. The woman and male seemed to had known one another, so obviously enough they must've been friendly. "It is a pleasure to meet you Mr. Cal Chesire. My name is Shinji Taishi, I am rather curious for these questions to know the future of Wonderland. I would indeed like to know very much to who will become the new rulers of this land we all live upon."

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 06-12-2013, 04:19 AM

Cal tilted his head a bit as he sipped his tea.He looked at the man with much the same expression as a cat staring at a fish tank."Interesting.Curious.You seem to have the same questions as the rest of us.You see,no one really knows what the outcome will be.Or do they? Curious." He said,his voice holding a hint of teasing sarcasm.His tail twitched lazily behind him,one ear tilted inquisitively.His entire being,his body language and all,seemed to be mocking the world.


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