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Kiyoto is offline
Old 07-26-2013, 07:36 AM

~The Legend of Alexandria~

The kingdom of Alexandria, a place of prosperity, hope and piece. Legends say it was a hub of trade, with the various tribes of the land working together to keep it a beautiful place. It was led by a just and beloved king and queen. The people were kind and strong, standing together in all that they faced. A dark presence to the west was not happy with the times that Alexandria was facing however, it sought to overthrow the king and take possession of the kingdom. Sending out a shadow army of dark guards and beasts, the kingdom was attacked. The king had been blessed with several powers, brought about by the unity of his people and the tribes of the area. The army was powerful, destroying much of the land and taking no prisoners. The king stood by his people, protecting them with what he could give, until the dark presence made itself known as the dark king. He slipped into the kingdom under the mask of an elderly man who had sought refuge within the kingdom. With a kind heart, the king allowed his refuge, which many believe was his mistake. Within that evening, the dark king shed his mask and summoned his beasts within the castle. The king led his guards in an attempt to expell the evil within his castle, but was badly wounded. His guards begged him to retreat, until they were able to stop the evil. He did not wish to abandon his people, but he was forced to flee with his wife. His wounds were treated, but the evil did not rest during this time, growing and spreading across the kingdom and the land.

The king saw his fallen kingdom and knew there was nothing more he could do for the time being. In order to keep himself hidden, protecting his family and his future for the people, he released the abilities granted to him in the form of several sacred gems, which were scattered across the land in hidden locations and placed under the care of guardians and could only be activated by one in his bloodline, unless given willingly to be used by another. He then went into hiding with his queen, unable to do more at the time for his people. The dark king took over, the land and kingdom falling into a era of darkness. Hearing of the gifts being scattered, he sent out his men to retrieve them. They were unable to find some and the guardians of those they did find defended the gems, destroying those who tried to take them. The king angered by this put up his men at all known locations and all across the land, if he could not have them, he would make sure no one else could. All was thought to be lost, though no one knew at the time of escape, the queen was with child. Sixteen years have passed since then and many have lost hope, believing their king had abandoned them. Many have grown angry and hating of him, blaming him for all of it and such. Rumors of his heir have cirrulated through this time, the child standing as the symbol of the last hope for Alexandria. The dark king knows this, his men constantly searching for the king, queen and rumored heir, though with no idea of the gender or who they are, Alexadria's fate hangs by a thread.

Last edited by Kiyoto; 07-31-2013 at 05:13 AM..

Kiyoto is offline
Old 07-26-2013, 09:33 AM

The Gems/Gifts:

~The Diamond~

The diamond was origionally the power of light within the darkness, thus becoming the diamond. It granted the king the ability to heal others, though at a draining cost, as well as weild light in the way of lighting the way in times of darkness, enchanting/blessing objects and purifying that which has been tainted. It called upon allies in times of need, giving them the sense of "need" or drawing them to him with a sense he needed their assistance and allowing him a sense of when he was needed as well. It allowed him to create shields and walls of light for periods of time and at times creates blinding erruptions of light that leave the enemy stunned or cause them to collapse. It works in time and in balance with the Amathyst gem.

~The Ruby~

The ruby was origionally the power of heart, taking on the form of the red gem once separated. It was a power that was influenced by ones emotions, a tricky one to master. It gave the king the power to wield fire, with concentration and emotion, it would not burn those the king held dear within his heart, though not enough concentration and anger and the flames would get out of hand and burn all that was in range. It also held the ability to allow the king insite into others hearts and intentions, allowing him to sense dangerous beings and form strong bonds with those he connected with. It is calmed and kept in check through its connection with the Emerald.

~The Sapphire~

The sapphire was the spiritual power, taking on the form of the blue gem. This gave the king the ability to seak the guidance and council of those who had passed on the veil of the living. It also granted him at times to summon allies through this veil, weather to fight or to help guide him in situations. The spirits took on the forms of animals most of the time, though normal forms as well. It is strengthened during the night, when the line between the living and spirit relm is weakened. It also allowed the king to act as a sort of medium for others who needed to speak with spirits as well. It would call upon the needed spirit when the time was right and their assistance was needed most. It also allowed him the ability to help troubled or trapped souls cross over peacefully, or banish evil spirits. It holds a bond with the Topaz, often working in unison with it.

~The Emerald~

The emerald was origionally the connection with the earth and its creatures, taking on the form of the green gem once separated. It allowed the king to be more spiritually aware and in tune with nature and the world around him. Also known as an Empathy power, the king was able to sense the feelings of animals and the earth around him. It allowed him to call upon the help of the earth and its creatures when needed through his heart. It is connected with and strengthened by the Ruby, also helping to keep the fire gem in check.

~The Topaz~

The power of energy and will, this took on the form of the topaz. This granted the king the power to harness the energy from his body as well as the earth and air around him. It took the form of electric baised energy, which he often used in turn with his sword, creating a lightning blade. It allowed him to harness the powers of lightning within storms as well, creating large scale attacks though it left him drained after. It allowed him strength in dire situations as well, when he was tired and weak, or falling behind and his foes were overpowering. Bosting his natural abilities for the time, giving him renewed strength to press on through his will to fight, protect and survive. This gem seems to work in turn with the other gems at times.

~The Opal~

The power of the mind, the gem took on the appearance of the opal. This granted the king the power of inner sight, helping to clear his mind in times of fear or confusion, when ones mind would be clouded. It also allowed him visions of the future or current events, typically through the form of dreams, though at times through touching an object connected with the event. It gave the ability to clear the minds of those who had been fooled or clouded through the touch of the king. Sharing a bond with the Sapphire, it is strengthened by it, creating a sort of sixth scent and often working in unison with its power.

~The Amethyst~

The power of darkness within the king, this power took the form of the dark gem when separated. It gave the king the ability of corruption and illusion, to fool his enemies. It created realistic illusions, typically from what the target feared or wanted most, driving them mad. It brought about a dark mist and shadows, letting him bend both to his will. It weighed heavy on the kings heart and mind, for fear it would corrupt him, so this gift was rarely used. It gave the king insight into the darkness and maddness of evil's mind, allowing him to connect with the lands darker residents. It granted the ability to poison or curse as well. is in balance with the power of light, strengthening and yet weakening it at the same time.

Last edited by Kiyoto; 07-31-2013 at 05:24 AM..

Kiyoto is offline
Old 07-26-2013, 10:07 AM


1. NO Godmodding
2. Follow Mene Rules
3. Yaoi, Yuri and Romance allowed within the pg 13 rule.
4. NO OOC in the rp thread, keep it in the OOC, this is your only warning.
5. Submit pro's to me titled Alexandria, or they will not be looked at. NO ACCEPTIONS.
6. No killing off other's characters without their permission, NPC's are free game though.
7. Post a paragraph minimum, NO one. two or three liners. This is your warning.
8. Not a grammar nazi or anything, but please do try in posts.
9. Keep it friendly.
10. Have fun.
11. More rules will be added if needed

Profile Skeleton:

HTML Code:


[SIZE="1"][FONT="Papyrus"][I]I have been around for [B](Age)[/B] years.[/I][/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE="1"][FONT="Papyrus"][I]It is easy to tell, that I am [B](Gender)[/B][/I][/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE="1"][FONT="Papyrus"][I]When looking for love, I tend to be [B](Sexuality)[/B][/I][/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE="1"][FONT="Papyrus"][I]I am who I am and no one will change that. To others, I seem (personality)[/I][/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE="1"][FONT="Papyrus"][I]The path I take, is that of the [B](position in rp: Hero, guardian of -----, villan, etc)[/B][/I][/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE="1"][FONT="Papyrus"][I]My best qualities are, (strengths, abilities (keep them SIMPLE, the gems/king is ment to be the main most powerful being, other than the evil king and maybe a few others, not everyone will have outrageous powers), whatever is good about you.)[/I][/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE="1"][FONT="Papyrus"][I]My worst qualities are, (weaknesses, fears, things your bad at, etc.)[/I][/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE="1"][FONT="Papyrus"][I]My story begins here, (history)[/I][/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE="1"][FONT="Papyrus"][I]Oh, before I forget, (Extra)[/I][/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE="1"][FONT="Papyrus"][I]The music of my life, (Theme)[/I][/FONT][/SIZE]

Last edited by Kiyoto; 07-26-2013 at 10:23 AM..

Kiyoto is offline
Old 07-28-2013, 02:42 AM

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Last edited by Kiyoto; 07-31-2013 at 05:46 AM..

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Old 07-28-2013, 02:43 AM

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Kiyoto is offline
Old 07-28-2013, 02:44 AM

Member Status:

White List (All Good):
- HappyDeath

Gray List (You Have Been Warned On Something):
- ~Wild Spirit Wolf~ (For Posting Length)
- finx15 (For Posting Length)

Black List (Removed Or Banned From The Roleplay):

Positions on lists are NOT final. They can always change.

Last edited by Kiyoto; 08-21-2013 at 01:35 AM..

Kiyoto is offline
Old 07-31-2013, 06:28 AM


The sun shone down on the land of Alexandria, the day was bound to be a perfect one. The blond male stepped out of his home on the hill, looking out at the town down below. A smile on his face, today was the day, he would do something worth while, for today he turned sixteen. He had vowed that on his birthday, he would begin trying to find a way to stop the dark king, returning the land back to its rightful king. That was easier said then done though, since no one knew who or where the heir of the king or the king himself was for that matter. He sighed, glancing back at the house for a moment. His parents were not up yet, for that he was thankful. His father said he had wanted to talk to him today the night before, something telling him that was not good news. The teen took off down the hill, deciding not to take a horse with him, it would only mean the guards would have something to identify him from, other than the orange scarf he had hidden away in a bag he carried with him.

It took a little bit, but he made it down to the town's edge, stopping behind a building to glance out. The place was crawling with guards as usual, collecting taxes and such from the innocent people. Levi glared a bit, the thought of the people being walked all over by these goons made his hands clench. He wanted to stop them, but being brash and acting without thinking would get him killed. To bad that was how he usually acted. He slipped on the scarf, making his way down an ally way towards the center of the town. There, a group of guards were set up, getting ready to take whatever they wanted from the people today in the name of their king. He climbed up a ladder positioned back against the roof of one of the houses, peeking over the rim. "Listen up!" one of the guards yelled, "today is the day we do our examinations of your shops and houses!" A few of the other guards laughed.

Examinations...ha...more like busting in, destroying everything they didn't want and taking everything else. Levi looked at the reactions from some of the people, the looks of fear, or anger. An elderly man stepped up, "no..." Levi whispered to no one. The guard looked at him, "what do you want old man?" The man shook his walking stick at the guard, "it's not right..we work hard and pay our taxes....still he wants more.." The guard smirked, drawing his sword, "if you don't want to pay, I can always end it for you." The man stepped back, losing his balance he fell as the guard advanced. There had to be something...An acorn by him caught his eye and he smiled. Levi slipped out a slingshot from his boot, placing the acorn inside. He aimed it for the guard, shooting it off and catching him in the eye. "AH!" he stepped back, grabbing his face and dropping his sword.

"Who did that!" he yelled at the crowd. "Looking for someone?" Levi asked, the guards looking up at the roof. "You!" the guard glared at him darkly, knowing the orange scarf like many, but not who laid beyond it. "What are you waiting for...get him!" he yelled. The guards ran forward, while others began shooting off black balls of powder that exploaded on impact from their wrist launchers. One exploaded near Levi's foot, starting a fire. "Ah!" he crushed it with his foot to put it out, before turning and running along the rooftops. The guards following him with every move. He jumpped of the last one, onto a cover that was placed over a fruit stand, bouncing off of it and landing on his feet on the ground. They were hot on his heels, but he was faster. He smiled, taking off through the streets and buildings, which he knew like the back of his hand.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 08-01-2013, 04:22 AM

Darn, missed it! thought the snow white wolf, as a rabbit pelted away into it's den. Rosemary was hunting for breakfast as usual. She was in wolf form, and had chased that particular rabbit well out of her territory. Now, as she looked around to catch her bearings, she realized that she was very close to a small village. She had never actually been to a village before, and her curiosity was piqued, especially when she heard the sound of angry voices headed her way.

Wolves probably didn't wander into the village very often, Rosemary decided, and changed quickly into her original human form. From there, she sneaked through the streets, feeling rather exposed now that she was out from the safety of the trees. Suddenly, she turned a corner and came face to face with a group of tall male humans dressed in armor. They were carrying weapons and didn't look happy. Gulping, Rosemary put on her cheeriest face and waved at the men. "Oh, hello there. I was just passing through..." She said. They didn't seem to be buying it. She wondered vaguely if they were chasing someone. Her question was answered as the man at the front gave an order to seize her. Apparently, they thought she was some kind of threat. Rosemary spoke a very unladylike word and started running, knowing that she couldn't fight all of them at once.

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Old 08-03-2013, 04:10 AM

Throughout the entire morning, within a small home that had been nearly always been missed by all the villagers of the town stood a young silverish-haired male who had been pacing back and forth within the kitchen. Most of the time he had made his way back and forth was due to him waiting for the oven timer to go off, within the small oven was a souffle that the young male had tried to bake. It was a truly difficult thing to cook since it was so delicate when it would first come out from the oven itself. A single wrong movement or too loud of a noise would immediately cause it to collapse and ruin the whole dish itself in an instant. This young male's name was none other then Daigo Haishmoto, he had lived alone within this small home for the past few years of his life after losing his only family to the dark creatures that took over the kingdom.

To this day, even though Daigo had seemed to had gotten over the deaths of his family, he still seems much more quiet then he has ever been before. Many of the villagers who had actually known him even if it was only slightly have tried to make friends with him, but from what it had seemed to look like, he would always push the requests to make friends to the side as though it weren't even there in the first place.

Within a moment or two longer of waiting, a loud ringing noise had went off on top of the oven as Daigo had let out a light gasp from his lips. "It's done." He whispered silently to himself before slipping on two pairs of oven mitts, only to turn off the oven and the timer itself. Once he had opened the small oven, the entire kitchen was immediately filled with the sweet aroma of the chocolate souffle he had just baked. Carefully, the silver-haired male had picked up the delicate dish from the oven as he moved his own body toward the kitchen table ever slowly. However, right as he was about to place the souffle down onto the table, the loud sounds of males yelling and light explosions heard from a slight distance from his home had caused the dish itself to collapse in an instant. Staring down at the flatten souffle with his blank expression across his face, Daigo hadn't even known how to express how he had felt about all that work just going to waste from just a few seconds.

Leaving the flattened dish upon his kitchen table, he had taken off the pairs of oven mitts from his grasp before marching out of his home only to glance left and right onto where the sounds had been coming from. To the right, there seemed to had been several guards of the kingdom rushing down the streets as though they were chasing after someone. Normally, Daigo would completely stand to the side with silence and allow the guards to do what they wanted to since it had nothing to do with him. However, this time, they had caused his dish to flatten which kind of concerned the male. So as they came ever closer toward passing Daigo's home, the young male took a few more steps to stand in front of their path before holding out a single hand forward to indicate for them to 'stop'.

Of course, on reaction of seeing the simple hand sign of saying 'stop', the guards had come to a halt with their eyebrows raised on why they had to stop for a normal citizen. Asking as to what Daigo had wanted, he pointed straight into his own home. "You caused my souffle to collapse. I was wondering if you guys could please, keep it down? That is very hard to make you know." The guards had stared at him as though he were crazy to be giving orders to a group of people who had much more weaponry and outnumbered the male by much more. It had only taken a second later till the leader of the group had instructed for the rest of the guards to attack Daigo as well for trying to order the guards around.

A low sigh had immediately escaped his lips as he only extended his left hand to the side of his own home building. Within an instant, both of Daigo's arms had already turned into solid cement as the strange black balls that had been shot toward him now were immediately blocked by his own arms. The slight tingling feeling of the explosion from the black ball had caused him to tilt his head slightly to the guards who stood there confused and weirded out on how this male had blocked their attack with his bare arms. "C'mon guys. Do we really..have to resort to violence?" He had asked only to watch as how rather then one or two of the guards shooting their wrist-like cannons toward him this time, it had been most of the group itself. "Uh oh.." The young male had known that he could block a couple of those shots, but that many at once would no doubt break through his cement arms like paper. He didn't really have a choice in the matter after-all, in an instant, Daigo had immediately began to run in the opposite direction to get away from these men before he had gotten himself killed in the process.

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Old 08-04-2013, 06:43 PM

The guards moving through the town after him, he was a bit surprised when he saw the other male come out of his home. Who was he? Whoever he was, the guards did not seem to happy with him in their way at all. He froze when the other touched the stone surface of his wall, his arms seeming the become the same way. No way, who was this guy? He turned to look back at him. Though the guy looked like he was doing ok for now, he was in need of some help. Come on...think! Levi looked around him, noticing a large stick that two kids were using as a sword. He smiled, moving over "may I borrow that please?" The kids looked up at him slightly in awe, the one holding it nodded and held it out to him. He winked a bit from under his scarf, before turning back to the scene at hand. A smile on his lips. Alright, time to teach these nasty guards a little lesson.

Focusing on their movements and the other man they were shooting at, he took a deep breath. He moved forward, at the last seccond turning to the side a bit and tilting back. His body lowered to the ground, sliding past the man who was now being fired at, and towards the guards who were just registering him. To late. He held the stick by the center, and up just a tad. As he slid past them, the stick caught onto their legs, causing them to fall over and forward. He was on his feet quickly, moving the stick up, as he now held it by the end. He managed to strike one of the remaining standing guards in the shoulder, causing him to stagger back in shock and in pain. Levi smiled, when a click caught his ear. Turning slightly, the last remaining guard standing was there. His wrist launcher aimed directily at Levi's head. Great... He sighed a bit, his eyes on the other's.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 08-05-2013, 04:50 AM

As the wild girl ran for her life, she got herself completely lost. Even though the village was small, it was a giant maze to her. Turning a corner at random, she looked behind her to see the armored men still on her trail. They were closing in. She growled, now feeling like a hunted animal. Rosemary was a hunter, and did not like feeling hunted. At the next corner, she decided, she would turn around and make her stand. She put on a burst of speed and rounded yet another corner. She had just enough time to register the three men standing, one pointing a weapon at another, and several men unconscious on the ground. She tried to stop, but she was going too fast. So she turned so that she would crash into the weapon holder first. She bit her lip and jumped, literally tackling the armored guard, knocking him unconscious. "Well...that was interesting." She said, just as her pursuers caught up to her.

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Old 08-06-2013, 03:59 AM

Just being able to escape by only a second or two when multiple guards had decided to begin their assault with much more shots at once rather then one at a time. When the sounds of what seemed like thuds of armor clashing against the ground was heard, Daigo had quickly halted to a stop only to turn his head over his shoulders slightly to what was going on. Did the guards just trip over one another by accident and cause a big embarrassing mistake on one another. No, it seemed to had been a blond male that had came bolting over to knock over most of the guards that were beginning to fire at Daigo. With the scarf that covered up pretty much the male's entire face, it was nearly impossible to figure out who this person was that had helped him, most likely even if he had shown his face, the silver-haired male didn't really expect himself to recognize the person to someone he knew, since he barely knew anyone to begin with.

It didn't seem too long after knocking over the other guards that one had prepared to fire his own weapon upon the blond male. Daigo hadn't even been sure if he should help this male at all, true he had saved him from being fired upon but was it by accident or did he mean to actually help him since he was in danger as well. Whatever the case was, it wasn't like he had even any time to get over there to help the male anyway, that was until another person had come rushing around the corner at top speed. This time, it was a female she seemed as though she was in a hurry and didn't have time to come to a complete stop until she had hit the guard who prepared to fire at the blond male.

Strange indeed, were both these people also being chased by the guards as well. Daigo's own question was soon answered when several other guards had come around the corner to prepare their own weapons to attack the two on the ground. A low sigh had escaped his own lips as Daigo's lips as he quickly charged forward toward the guards as quickly as he could. He couldn't believe he was about to help a bunch of people he didn't even know whatsoever. As he had passed by the two others, he had made sure to grab a hold of one of the unconscious guards that the blond male had knocked to the floor. Quickly enough, both of his arms had now morphed their cement-like arms into a more iron-based metal due to that was what seemed the armor was made from. Just as quickly as his arms had morphed, the guards had opened fire upon Daigo as he came ever closer. Thankfully with the new type of skin he was using, it was able to defend himself against the exploding black pellets that came toward him much easier then the cement.

By the time Daigo had approached the group of guards close enough, they wouldn't dare continue to shoot knowing that an explosion that close to them would hurt them much more then it would hurt their opponent due to the shards blasting off of the iron of his arms. However, that didn't stop the young male from knocking out each one of the male's with his iron-fist to each of their bodies and faces. Due to their bodies being protected by the iron plating they had over their chest, the punch he sent toward them had mostly left them out of breath before he would slam his fist into their face nearly breaking the nose of each of the guards he had hit. Once each of them were taken care of, the iron-plating upon his arms had began to fade away from his skin as though they were eggshells just falling off of his arms. Turning his attention back onto the two behind him, Daigo raised a single brow to wonder if they were alright but no words came from his lips until he would know if they were with the guards as well or let alone who they were in the first place.

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Old 08-06-2013, 04:25 AM

Levi had felt his heart racing, the world seemed to freeze around him as he was looking at the guard. His life was moving though his mind, his parents would be so horrified and sad. He had known the risks of doing this, though he had done it anyways. He glanced at the other male, he didn't seem inclined on helping him. Levi felt a slight pang of annoyance inside, great, so so much for helping out someone who had just saved your life. He wanted to say 'thanks a lot' or something, but when he glanced back at the guard, a female had suddenly gone barraling into him. Levi's eyes widened, blinking as he looked at the girl who was now basically sitting on the unconcious guard. He looked forward as the other guards came around the corner, his jaw clenching a bit. Great, just what they needed. The male who had been standing by before went rushing past him, causing Levi's breath to slightly hitch. He watched as he took down the guards with little effort at all. Wow, this guy deffinetly did have some skill. Within a few minutes they were standing there looking at eachother, though the other did not seem inclined to speak at all.

He was unsure what to say really, other than, "Thank for the help" the words seemed a bit odd and louder then he ment in the awkward silence. He turned to go over to the female, taking her hand to help her up. "Are you alright? Your not hurt are you?" he asked her. He felt a bit responsible for all of this, the man wouldn't have gotten involved if it hadn't been for him, and the female seemed to be chased by a branch off guards from the ones who had been after him. His father would have been furious, yelling at his son for recklessly endangering others with his actions before thinking things through. He lightly clenched a hand and sighed, he really had a lot of learning to do still, but he couldn't just sit by and let this kind of thing happen. He heard the sound of hooves, glancing up the rhoad. Horse mounted guards were coming to investigate. "We should get out of here...or move away at least" he says.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 08-06-2013, 05:10 AM

Rosemary flashed a grateful grin at the younger male who helped her up, while staying aware of the one who could transform his arms. That was a useful- if slightly frightening- ability. "I am not hurt, thank you. Though I am a little lost." She admitted, not one to be anything less than honest. She looked over at the other man and waved. "Thank you for taking care of those armor men. I don't know why they'd chase me, except perhaps I'm trespassing here?" She wondered aloud. Just then, the sound of hoof beats reached them, and Rosemary cowered. "Is that...hunting party? I have never seen one outside of the forest before." She said quietly.

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Old 08-06-2013, 01:16 PM

Glancing down upon both of his arms only to notice as how the iron-skinned of armor that once consumed his arms had now faded after so little timing. He shook his own head at the disappointment, he had to train much more to control the timing of how long he was able to use his power, not to mention trying to one day hopefully learn the way to consume his entire body in the matter he had absorbed. True, having the matter still consume one parts of his body at a time was still quite useful when it came to battles against other humans but it still would leave the rest of his body quite vulnerable to any other attacks. Daigo had gotten lucky this one time, the guards had paid their attention basically on the male's arms since they had seemed so different considering they had no longer been made of skin. However, if they were to had fought a beast-like creature he had doubted the fact the creature would simply just care that a mortal's arms had changed.

Watching as how the female had gotten up to her feet with the help of the blond male as well. It had seemed that the white-haired female had thanked Daigo for taking care of the guards. He wouldn't reply to that at all, his own facial expression had shown much of what seemed as though he could careless if he had helped these people or not. It was almost as though Daigo had done it more over for his own intentions because the guards had ruined his souffle. However, he hadn't minded actually helping even though he didn't show it much to any at all.

It wasn't too long before the sounds of hooves came ever closer toward the trio's direction. Raising a brow at the sound, he directed his gaze straight down the road only to find that several more guards on horse back were approaching them. That was just perfect, more guards. True, it wouldn't had been too difficult to take care of these guards either since the only difference was that they were mounted and this allowed them a bit of higher ground along with speed. Although, when the blond male suggested that they should get out of the area or at the very least start moving. Daigo would only give a single nod. He had already used up his power twice already, all in a matter of minutes. The symbol upon his chest hadn't started glowing yet but it was already beginning to give him the burning sensation of the fact that he nearly overused his cursed ability. Without much hesitation, since he had known the other two were going to start moving in the opposite direction of where the guards came from, that really only left the other way to go. Instantly, Daigo had went off into a dash to get away from the horse-backed guards.

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Old 08-06-2013, 07:47 PM

There was no point in standing around and awaiting getting attacked by the new guards. "Their not exactly the same...come on" he said to the female, taking her hand and turning to run. His mind already thinking ahead, he knew the area and the surrounding one better than anyone. He had grown up here, oddly feeling a strong connection to the land around him. He knew where would be the perfect place to go. He let go of the female's hand, glancing over at the male who had run as well. "There is a place...near here if you follow me.." it was really their choice if they wanted to or not, he turned a left at the next corner, heading out towardsa the edge of the forest. Ruined building walls and remnants of the homes that had once been here were still such. He headed towards one of the buildings.

There was a large tree at the end, that was where he was headed. What looked like a hole at the base of it was there. On glance, it would look like a mere rabbit hole or such, but it led somewhere else. He smiled, sliding down into the hole, and down a short chute into an underground room. It was old, leading to the older tunnels of the underground labrynth. He stepped away a bit, moving to the side of the room. There was a wooden table, he moved to it and picked up a small candle. It was not hard to light it. The room was not to big, though it would allow them to hidden from the guards outside until they had passed. He turned to the opening, looking to see if the other two would follow, or if he would be alone on this one.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 08-07-2013, 03:03 AM

Rosemary blinked. So it wasn't a hunting party? She didn't have time to consider this as the blonde boy took her hand and started running. She ran with him, staring at his slightly larger hand as if it were something strange and confusing. Then he let go, and Rosemary found herself left with a choice. She could either follow him to his safe place, or she could runf or it and try to find her way back to the forest. It wasn't much of a choice, in her mind. He was a native, and she had no idea where she was. Plus, someone was sure to have seen her transform, and would be after her by now. She followed the boy. When he led them to a tree, through a hole and underground, Rosemary had to admit that she was impressed. She looked around, sniffing at the air. "This is interesting. I lived my whole life in the forest, and I have never known of an underground system beyond what the badgers and rabbits speak of." She said. It was then that she noticed how very small the room was, and she started to shake a little. " long until those armor men leave...?" She asked, sounding timid for the first time.

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Old 08-07-2013, 02:30 PM

By the time Daigo had rushed forward to escape from the incoming group of mounted guards, it had seemed as though the blond male had caught up with him with just a bit of effort. He had stated there was somewhere that they could be hidden away from the guards if he and the female had just followed him. It didn't really seem like he had a choice at the moment, going into an abandoned building around the town was just going to cause the guards to burn it down and still be able to find him. Even heading into the forest, the guards would still find him by cutting down whatever had got in their way to find him as well. If the blond male truly had such an idea of where to go to be rid of the guards, Daigo would follow.

Rushing throughout most of the town till they had finally reached the edge, which led into a dense forest. Daigo had only turned his gaze over his shoulder ever now and then to see how close the guards had gotten. Whatever this place was, these guards had to be a bit slower for them to get into safety without them seeing the trio get away. So right before he would make it into the forest as well, the silver-haired male had scrapped his hand across the cement wall of the last building he had passed. In an instant, his arms once more turned into pure cement. With this strength, he slammed his fist into several large trees that he had passed to cause them to fall in the path of the guards. This would gain the trio some time for the guards to all have to go around.

With a small smirk, Daigo had continued to follow the male until he had jumped into what seemed like a small hole in the ground. Whatever, it was something to get away from the guards at least. Hopping himself into the hole and landing upon his feet, the cement had once more cracked and fell apart immediately but rather this time from his own choice. Just as quickly as the cement had fallen off, the burning sensation once again grew much more painful on his chest as he moved his hand over the symbol that still resided on him. Right while he had held a single hand on his chest, the sound and feel of rumbling above their heads was soon heard. The guards were passing the hideout. Keeping the pain down within his body, Daigo clenched upon his shirt tightly before glancing over at the other two he escaped with. "Now..where?..this place looks like it spreads out forever with those tunnels." Each word he spoke sounded strained as he tried to fight through the pain of the burns.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 08-07-2013, 03:55 PM

Levi covered the light a bit, to hide it from the guards who were begining to pass overhead. He gave a signal to be silent, before motioning to the opening to the tunnels. Walking a bit into it, he smiled at the other's question turning back a bit "not if you know where to look" he said. He turned to continue down the tunnel he was in. True, these systems spanned through all of Alexandria, many of them through the main kingdom right here. He knew them well, having used them a few times. He remembered when he first found out about them, he had been escaping from the guards to. He had gone into an old house, not realizing the floor was so old within. It had given away instantly. The guards at that time had believed he had been burried alive, though he had found these tunnels instead. After being lost for awhile, he had managed to find his way out of the place under the city. He had come up through that spot in the tree actually. He smiled to himself, pausing within the next hall.

The downside was it could get a bit hot within at times if you were not careful. He sat the candle down as he waited to see if the others would follow or if they had decided to go back up where they had been. Reaching up, he unfurled the scarf he had been wearing from his head. He felt a nice rush of air as he did, a smile on his lips. "Much better" the guards did not know his true identity, and he did not really think he had much to worry about with the other two for now. The guards they attacked would probrably not be remembering much and as long as the other two laid low for awhile they would not have to worry about it. He thought about the entire mess and sighed, placing the scarf back within his bag. Today was shaping up to be some birthday indeed

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 08-08-2013, 03:02 AM

Rosemary forced herself to follow the boy, aware that the other man had arrived behind her. By that time, she was shaking terribly and breathing hard, and it was clear that she was having some kind of breakdown. She stayed very close to the blonde boy, making sure she never left the circle of candlelight."Will we find an exit soon? Such a small, closed in frightens me." She said, even though it nearly killed her to admit how scared she was.

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Old 08-08-2013, 05:01 AM

As the sounds of rumbling overhead had continued go off, Daigo had kept turning his gaze up toward the roof area as he noticed how some of the dust of the tunnels came down slightly. There was no doubt these tunnels were built quite a while ago but even with there unsturdy look, once the male had began to lead both Daigo and the female down the tunnels, it gave it away that the tunnels were built to sustain such rumbling. Daigo had simply followed the blond male along with the white-haired female from behind a few feet where his body was still slightly consumed by the darkness of the shadows. It wasn't like there was anything lurking in the dark down here, and still being able to catch up with the two by seeing the light in front of him, Daigo kept a single hand over his chest as the symbol's burning sensation had slowly began to go down as he hadn't used his power any longer.

As he had continued to follow the other male down the path, it wasn't too long before the female's voice had come up on her asking when they would get to the end of the tunnels since the small space had frightened her. Raising a single brow to her words, he turned his head left and right to the two sides of walls beside him lightly. She was indeed right, the tunnels were quite small that anyone who was claustrophobic could've easily lost their mind here. "Take deep breaths. Close your eyes and relax. It should help you keep your nerves from acting out on their own." Were his only words to the female as Daigo went straight to silence right after he had spoke while he continued to follow the two.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 08-08-2013, 08:59 PM

Levi looked back at the female and the other male. He seemed to want to stay in the shadows and silent, so there was little he could do at the moment. When the female spoke up about not liking the small spaces, the other finally spoke with some guidance for her. He himself nodded in agreement, before taking her hand and giving her a smile. "We will be out of here soon, back up top and will be me" he gave her a look of fire in his eyes and determination, he would not let anything happen to her. Turning, he walked along the tunnel. He paused at the next opening, which opened to a tunnel on both sides and one ahead. He stepped to the middle, looking down both. Left would take them out into the forest...right into the city....straight ahead... He looked at the one right in front of him for a moment, before turning to the right, "lets go."

He continued down it, though now silent himself as his mind wandered just a little bit. He sighed a bit, wondering if his parents had heard about the comotion yet, or knew he was gone. He could expect a stern lecture from his father when he got home. His mother would probrably say how worried she was, and hug him before trying to get him to eat something. He smiled, his parents were so odd, and he loved them very much. He took a breath, he needed to stay strong and stay out of the guards hands for them and for Alexandria. If the heir to the king was going to return one day, he needed to have support. The resistance would be there for him, and so would Levi. He wondered what this heir would be like. After all that had happened with the king, would the people follow him? He sighed a bit, he had to be patient and believe things would be alright. Soon the legendary gems and the rightful king would be back within the kingdom.

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 08-09-2013, 12:26 AM

Finx crumbled the map she had been looking at and hurled it as far as she could in frustration. "Stupid thing." she hissed "This is harder then I thought it would be." she sighed '' Why are you so hard to find?" she asked the sky then with a huff she jumped off the wagon she had been sitting on. She looked around then headed off heading for the one evil Gem holder she knew about maybe he would know something.

Abigail watched her dog herd the duck or try to anyways. She grinned softly as the ducks started chasing the dog they were wild living near there pond but staying away from them as much as possible. They where one of the few nice things of her life anymore. She sighed and whistled to the dog who ran over and followed her to the city so they could buy supplies.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 08-09-2013, 02:40 AM

Rosemary was slightly startled by the voice of the man behind her, since he hadn't spoken in some time, but his advice was welcome. She looked back and nodded, giving him a grateful smile as she did what he said. Her eyes flew open again, however, when the male in front of her took her hand. A feeling of safety washed over her as he reassured her, but it was more the look in his eyes than his words that made her believe him. "Alright...thank you. Both of you." She said, her quiet voice seeming louder down in the tunnels. She wondered at this boy's ability to make her trust him so completely. She had not felt so reassured by anyone since her wolf mother died.

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Old 08-09-2013, 06:18 AM

Even after the blond male had reassured the female about trusting him on them leaving the tunnels soon. Daigo had returned to his complete silence while he followed behind the two of them. It had seemed as though the further they went through the large tunnel systems, the dimmer of the sounds of the rumbling hooves overhead began to distance themselves from their location. Finally, those guards had finally decided to turn back and head into town once more and give up upon their search for the trio. At least, that was what it seemed. Soon enough, after several minutes of walking it had seemed as though the trio had come across three separate paths that they could take. Obviously enough, each one led to a completely different area no doubt.

Here was where the blond male had to prove to them that he knew the way to get out of these damned tunnels. As the male took the path on the right, it wasn't too long after Daigo took a glance at the other two separate tunnels before continuing to follow the two down the right path. It was true that Daigo was curious upon what laid beyond the other two tunnels but he hadn't bothered to speak up about it.


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