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Queen Procrastinator!
Lavinia is offline
Old 10-10-2014, 07:30 PM

Hey guys, i just started a creative writing course as i want to prepare for NanoWrimo 2014 this November (National Novel Writing Month)

I will be attempting to write a Fantasy i've been trying to work on for years, but this course gives loads of writing prompts to practice with.

So i figured some of you lovely people would be interested in trying one of these prompts with me so i'll write 10 down, let me know if there's any that take your fancy.

About me - I'm by no means a fantastic writer, i just do it for fun, and i love the challenge of trying to write 50k in a month once or twice a year, our RP can be a quick one, or it can be a long one, i really don't mind. I tend to write 1-2 paragraphs at a time and talk in 3rd person and i can play any sex or age. It's practice so it'd be silly to be strict with my character style.

Unfortunately, i am not active every day of the week, i do work, and i am a carer for a sick relative at the moment, so i will mostly be posting at certain times of the day when i'm free (which if you're in the US or Canada would either be your morning-early afternoon or evening to early morning when im staying up late - Im in the UK)

NOTE - as they are writing prompts, they don't require planning, massive character histories, or brainstorming. You just pick a character, give an age, a picture if you want, not so important though just describe how you look when you write. The prompt IS the plan.

Hope some of you wanna try, let me know if you have any too, and don't be afraid to ask if i have any more, i've got 100s in this book.

(I'll post the prompts in the second post so i can edit them for new ones easily)

- Lavinia -

Last edited by Lavinia; 10-21-2014 at 11:47 PM..

Queen Procrastinator!
Lavinia is offline
Old 10-10-2014, 08:30 PM

- Current Writing Prompts -

1 - Your character dreams that he/she can fly, then wakes up floating two feet above the ground
(you can be a best friend, parent, lover, or perhaps you had a dream similar, flying too, or another ability?)

2 - A family is eating dinner when they hear a loud thud on the roof. They go outside and find a woman with butterfly wings lying next to the house, unconscious.
(you would probably be the woman with the wings, we can change them to be more fairy like if you want or if you want a darker one maybe make them bat wings?)

3 - Your character comes home from work/school to find an extra door in the living room. When he/she opens the door, he/she see's a spiral staircase winding upwards.
(you can be anything from something at the end of the staircase in another world/time/whatever secret place is up there to a sibling or a friend from school/work that came back with you)

4 - Your character visits the national gallery of art and gets separated from the group. You wander into a room with only one large painting of a fantasy setting on the wall. Suddenly the man/woman/fantasy species in the painting moves....
(you can be the person in the painting, anything from an elf, dwarf, woman, man, child is fine you decide! I will no doubt end up going in to the painting after touching it)

5 - Your character has to spend the night in a tree after two days of running from the Kings guards. He/she awakens to find that the guards have set up camp beneath that tree, but do not seem to know you are up there. What happens next?
(you can be a guard, or somebody that helps her, anything really it's fantasy!)

6 - Your character has the ability to hide in the shadows. He/she uses this to follow the queen and her lover as they discuss mudering the king.
(I'll probably be either a princess/prince or a castle squire, and ask your character to help me save the King)

7 - A traveller stops for the night in a remote village surrounded by a forest. When he/she wakes up they find that all the other villagers have disappeared..
(you could be somebody that was travelling with me, either a slave, a friend, a magician, a prisoner, anything)

8 - While travelling through a mountainous region you come across evidence of the existance of Dwarves.
(It would probably be easier if you were a Dwarve i find wandering around where i am, but you could also be a friend travelling with me or maybe an Elf that hates dwarves ((we could both be elves its all to decide))

9 - Your best friend discovers he/she has a superpower, and you have to watch as he/she slowly becomes corrupted by it.
(This ones up to you, pick an ability, age and gender, and i'll be your best friend of the opposite gender)

10 - You are magically transported to a castle in another world. The inhabitants imprison you and threaten to execute you as a spy. How do you escape and get back to your own world?
(You could be somebody in the castle that decides to help?)

Last edited by Lavinia; 10-23-2014 at 03:10 AM..

The_Moons_Whisper is offline
Old 10-11-2014, 12:34 AM

I like numbers 2, 4 and 8. Number 8 the most...since I love elves and dwarves.

Queen Procrastinator!
Lavinia is offline
Old 10-11-2014, 02:17 AM

then lets try 8 :)

I was thinking maybe i'd be a soldier part of a group but for some reason gets separated then runs in to you when trying to find his group again. Or maybe i'm escorting you either back home or to somewhere. Maybe you are a criminal?? Or do you want to be a Dwarf?

I think i want to be a male warrior type though :)

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xserenityxninax is offline
Old 10-11-2014, 02:35 AM

I like 3 7 10 it is more a human anime story what I think it is.

The_Moons_Whisper is offline
Old 10-11-2014, 02:54 AM

Totally cool with you being a male warrior. I like the idea of being a criminal being escorted like back through the mountains to be tried or something. Maybe even hanged?

I don't really know about the dwarf thing. I have played on before, but I don't wanna take all the roles. Lol

Queen Procrastinator!
Lavinia is offline
Old 10-11-2014, 03:25 AM

I'm the same with Dwarves, I'm no expert but i'd like to practice, so i guess we can just discover them as we write.

Awesome thing with this idea is we're discovering "evidence", so maybe we didn't even know they existed and they've just been under the mountain all this time, or maybe they used to but after a great war from ancient legend they were thought extinct but really just hid and never dared come out again...until recently.

The Criminal could work, it's only really a basis so we don't need to go in to it much, but depending on your crime i guess it would change how i act around you and how much freedom i give you so you won't try to escape too much (you are welcome to try for the fun of writing of course!)

Now just to decide what kind of dwarves these are, if they've been in hiding then they might not exactly be warriors, but if they come back out their old enemies might come back to finish the job...hmmmm!

We could just start though and see what we think as we go, i don't mind the bracket conversation at the top of the RP if you have an idea or we can make an OC topic.

SOrry about the late reply i thought you'd gone xD

The_Moons_Whisper is offline
Old 10-11-2014, 03:45 AM

Oh, I did leave for a bit. Dinner guests and whatnot.

Um, I would like to play out the crime thing. The warrior could just know she killed someone, or even just a deserter. Whatever. I like the first though. She could be a former soldier or even just a normal elf that happened into a bad situation, then got blamed. I like the idea of her being a normal elf in a bad situation though, accused of murder.

As for the dwarves...we could have most of them just trying to survive under the surface except for a few companies of warriors that keep people away from the entrances or just to kill creatures up top for food. Something different than bats and rats and whatever else lives inside mountains...monsters.

Queen Procrastinator!
Lavinia is offline
Old 10-11-2014, 04:19 AM

Ok so i guess your Elf is probably being escorted back to the other Elves for a trial with them rather than the regular ones. Just explain the accusation ever so slightly in your introduction so we know why you didn't just get hung or put on trial where it happened, it'll make it easier for me if you decide what happened because you will know the truth and i will probably think you are guilty until later.

As for how we get to the mountains, we should end up on a different route to normal. maybe there's an enemy of our own camped up there or maybe a mysterious fog that lasts for days/weeks made us lose our way and the easiest option is the use the mountains high ground to find the way again. If we just follow a normal path then somebody else would have found them already and a soldier isnt normally going to just get lost xD

So how should i explain the Dwarves when it comes to it? As a species we knew existed but didn't know where they currently were? Or a species we though were all gone?

Yeah i had a guest too sorry, totally free now though, at least until i decide to sleep but ill post in here when im leaving.

Apart from what ive said im pretty much ready to go if you are. I'll start making the thread just so its done =]

---------- Post added 10-11-2014 at 05:22 AM ----------

Originally Posted by xserenityxninax View Post
I like 3 7 10 it is more a human anime story what I think it is.
Gosh sorry nina i totally missed your post!

There's no Anime style in any of these i dont really watch it so i wouldn't know how to RP that way.

I think 3 could be fun we could make it interesting by making it a cartoon style world or something like alice in wonderland where the animals talk and have parties (but in no way fanfic i dont really enjoy that i want it to be unique and original)

Last edited by Lavinia; 10-11-2014 at 04:26 AM..

The_Moons_Whisper is offline
Old 10-11-2014, 04:28 AM

Yeah, not too much to decide.

The criminal..yeah, I can explain that certain people want her to pay, like..the family of the one she was said to murder! I think that's perfect. :)

The fog idea is good. Making it logical, but fog isn't a normal thing in that area and they have to find high ground.
A warrior getting lost in his own lands doesn't make much sense. Lol

We could go with them believing the dwarves were extinct.

Queen Procrastinator!
Lavinia is offline
Old 10-11-2014, 04:36 AM

Maybe the fog somehow messes with their heads and makes them forget where they were going, but eventually they realise its the fog and try to find high ground to escape it...bit like the forest in the hobbit when he climbs to the top and feels better.

Or is that just silly, im over-thinking and the plan was not to haha. Just want to get the first posts right so we can get to the Dwarves without it not making sense.

The_Moons_Whisper is offline
Old 10-11-2014, 04:44 AM

Oh no, I think that's a fine idea. It would back up why they haven't been found in so long.

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KisaraKitsune is offline
Old 10-11-2014, 05:03 AM

I actually was interested in Number 9, but the thought I had is it wouldn't be much of a superpower, but the ability to draw upon the Arcana(Major and Minor) via the cards, and channel different powers.

Queen Procrastinator!
Lavinia is offline
Old 10-11-2014, 05:11 AM

Lavi x Whisper - The Re-discovery of Dwarves here you go Whisper, let me know if you want me to change anything.

@Kisara - i don't know much about that, but maybe if you explain it a little more i could try, you'd be the one with the power after all not me so i guess i could be just as confused in the writing and have your character explain it xD

Maybe i could be a disbeliever in tarot but im your best friend all the same, perhaps we've been neighbours all our lives so although we are a bit different we have always been close friends.

Last edited by Lavinia; 10-11-2014 at 05:13 AM..

The_Moons_Whisper is offline
Old 10-11-2014, 05:13 AM

Omg I love the pic. He's perfect! Hehe
He is an elf though right? I might get confused.

Everything looks fine to me! Do you want me to post my girl and then you start the story? Or would you like me to start the story itself?

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KisaraKitsune is offline
Old 10-11-2014, 05:19 AM

Do you know a little bit about Tarot? My character would have to be the one to explain it as it can get rather complicated in a way. What I'd be meaning is that, a normal person would take a tarot card and draw it, nothing would happen. My character would draw a card from the deck, and the person she would wish it's use on would be the target of the ability that card draws upon. I actually know Tarot reading, so I can have each ability based around each card and it's meaning. Example would be the X of Swords. If she drew it in the upright position, the person would experience a loss of some kind, ill fortune which isn't deadly but damaging in someway, but if she draws the X of Swords in the upside down position, would kill someone. Not all Tarot cards are negative really, but the Reversed X of Swords is one of the worst ones to get when doing a reading sometimes.

Queen Procrastinator!
Lavinia is offline
Old 10-11-2014, 05:28 AM

Originally Posted by The_Moons_Whisper View Post
Omg I love the pic. He's perfect! Hehe
He is an elf though right? I might get confused.

Everything looks fine to me! Do you want me to post my girl and then you start the story? Or would you like me to start the story itself?
I was actually thinking of just being a human knight, it made more sense to me for a human to escort you back home for a fair trial rather than trial you with the human king, but it doesn't have to stop any kinda emotional attachment if you want it to go that way eventually, it can be a world full of halflings if we want haha. I've always enjoyed doing the whole forbidden love thing, like if they ever escaped they'd definitely not be allowed to marry.

And i'm honestly getting quite tired now so i might save my first post for tomorrow so i don't mess it up. You are more than welcome to make the first post. Start it anywhere you like, if you want to experience the fog maybe start it at the beginning of the travel, otherwise just start it when our heads start clearing up again and we can just do a flashback kinda explanation in our posts. Honestly don't mind :)

Kisara - i'm about to go to sleep so ill have a little research tomorrow and let you know, because currently i don't know much about tarot cards, it's not something i've ever researched in detail but i do know bits from TV references and things.

Team ⑨
KisaraKitsune is offline
Old 10-11-2014, 05:29 AM

I understand. I can work around it and pick something else if you decide no.

Queen Procrastinator!
Lavinia is offline
Old 10-11-2014, 06:04 AM

No it does sound interesting definitely, and the whole point of these prompts is to be open to any idea, so i shouldn't say no, but just let me do a little reading on the cards so i know each one.

It'll be pretty difficult to stop you all you'd have to do is target me with a negative one haha.

Team ⑨
KisaraKitsune is offline
Old 10-11-2014, 06:07 AM

Let's keep it simple, and stick with Major Arcana only. Considering there are a lot of cards, unless you really get into it, getting to know them all would be difficult.

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xserenityxninax is offline
Old 10-11-2014, 09:03 PM

If we do the 3 one i was more thinking of a dating game I know of. It was a girl that comes to the fairy tale world and meets the fairy princesses but they are guys. I think that would be better then Alive in wonderland. I think a fairy tale would be better I think. I will think this girl finds a room in her grandfather old house when she comes to visit him. She finds a old room and a door that is in the room. The girl takes her to a magical place that was from the fairy tale and all the fairy tale stories you red is there.

less than three
Artifex is offline
Old 10-12-2014, 12:23 PM

I would love to try something medieval with you! I don't have as much experience with medieval and I would love to explore it a bit more.
We could even put medieval and Egyptian together. Two drastically different realms, separated only by a treacherous mountain region (which would explain somewhat for the drastic change in climate)

Perhaps the two kingdoms have been at odds for some time, but both start becoming plagued with a great darkness and are forced to work together or perish alone?

Queen Procrastinator!
Lavinia is offline
Old 10-12-2014, 12:46 PM

Hey that sounds pretty good Artifex!

There could be underground tunnels in the Mountains (that no doubt end up being Dwarven) Or maybe they are discovered later and the tunnels that are discovered are totally new and unknown.

But something is starting to show up around that area and beginning to spread to both regions.

I've been trying out something similar to the dark forest in the hobbit that plays with their sanity and memories, and it seems fun.

Perhaps some travellers decide to be brave and try and get through the mountain region through a tunnel but it turns out not to be a Dwarven tunnel but lead somewhere totally unknown and terrifying, like an underworld hell with nightmarish beaties? (I really need to practice the darker side of fantasy i'm only good with majestic stuff haha)

Im just brainstorming here you don't have to say yes let me know your ideas about mixing the medieval and egyptian together. You wrote about a secret world in pharaoh's daughter after all.

less than three
Artifex is offline
Old 10-12-2014, 02:01 PM

Ah yes, Frodan. The city of Thieves. We could always use that place if you like :P I love Frodan, and Malum. The whole King of Thieves thing is just so fun to play and I would be so curious to see how he would work in a more medieval society as well. Probably trying to play both sides-or maybe he's even the cause of their troubles? He makes such a good villain.

It wouldn't have to be dwarves, maybe just thieves? Which makes it so much more trecherous to go through

How would you want to split up the royal families between us? Pharaoh Vs. King, perhaps they each have one child who could either fall in love or be great rivals.

I would probably be more comfortable playing the Pharaoh if you want to be the Medieval King. Then I could play the King's kid and you the pharaoh's child?

Queen Procrastinator!
Lavinia is offline
Old 10-12-2014, 02:46 PM

Oh gosh it would be great having the city of thieves in there, plenty of rogues to play if need be =]

I think i could do that. Shall we just say we've been at war in the past but we agree'd on a treaty to trade peacefully providing there are no crimes, then perhaps the thieves start committing crimes both sides, deliveries of trades are not arriving, stocks are being stolen, and people are being killed trying to protect their property. Maybe we start to blame each other so they agree to a meeting between the two royals to discuss what has been happening and decide who is to blame before a premature battle begins and opens up old wounds. (i guess some protection either side for minor characters like a knight or mercenary or two)

Then when we get to know of Frodan we can play a couple of the thieves as well, both in and out of Frodan and in both sides. I really need to create a rogue or two for an idea i have. They can be either side i suppose, left to join the thieves for reasons unique to them. :)
How's that? Sorry for the delays i was cleaning up :)


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