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Ninja like a turtle~
LoonyLunetta is offline
Old 01-16-2015, 08:32 PM

Netties Testy Thread of DOOOOOM!

Where she will perform multiple very un-scientific thread tests!

Enter at your own risk!


RP Characters
OOC & Rp Thread Starters
Memory jar
Cook book
Art Box

Last edited by LoonyLunetta; 01-26-2015 at 11:39 PM..

Ninja like a turtle~
LoonyLunetta is offline
Old 01-16-2015, 08:34 PM

My favorite codes, colors and resources!!

These are here for my laziness. If you would like to use this for your laziness let me know and I can see about emailing you a copy!

Warning! This section is incomplete!

Hex CodesX


#e7aeae || #e26969 || #e40000 || #a60202
#e7c2ae || #e29f69 || #e48100 || #a65b02
#e7e1ae || #e2de69 || #e4e100 || #a69802
#bde7ae || #6ce269 || #50e400 || #0ea602
#aecee7 || #69a5e2 || #0046e4 || #0234a6
#d9aee7 || #b069e2 || #8600e4 || #6602a6


#e7aed2 || #d8aee7 || #aec7e7 || #aee7d1 || #e6e7ae

#ffc1eb || #e3c1ff || #c1e3ff || #c1ffe1 || #feffc1


#7f0000 || #5a007f || #000f7f || #007f7e || #157f00

Menewsha ColorsX




Magenta||Orange||Yellow||Lime||Cyan || DeepSkyBlue||DarkOrchid




lightpink || palevioletred || hotpink || deeppink

tomato || crimson || firebrick || indianred || maroon

brown || saddlebrown ||rosybrown || tan || darkkhaki || BurlyWood ||chocolate || peru || darkgoldenrod

lightcoral || coral || lightsalmon || salmon || darksalmon || orangered || darkorange || orange ||

goldenrod || khaki || gold || yellow

greenyellow || lightgreen || lawngreen || chartreuse || springgreen ||
mediumspringgreen || limegreen || forestgreen || mediumseagreen || darkseagreen || olivedrab

azure || aliceblue || lightcyan || lightsteelblue || powderblue || aqua || aquamarine || turquoise || lightskyblue || skyblue || mediumaquamarine ||
darkturquoise || cadetblue ||
cornflowerblue || steelblue || slateblue || mediumslateblue || dodgerblue || lightseagreen || darkcyan || mediumblue || darkblue || midnightblue

blueviolet || mediumpurple || mediumorchid || darkmagenta || darkviolet || lavender || thistle || violet || orchid || magenta ||
fuchsia || mediumvioletred

|| darkgray ||

Code BankX

Semi detailed discriptions of commonly used codes:

There are so many people wanting to know 'what code did you use?' There are a few ways to show your coding;

Option #1 Use noparse tags. I used HTML tags to show what noparse tags look like because they turn invisible when used. For example [color="pink"][/color] they're there but invisible!
HTML Code:
 use [noparse][fancycoding][/Fancycoding][/noparse] to show coding

Option #2 Use [Html][/html] tags which will show the gray box like the one shown
HTML Code:

I will be using noparse tags in the rest of this section for the sake of space saving.

You like lines like the one separating the codes?That's easy!
[line]lightseagreen[/line] this is how you get the pretty green color! Just type in a colorbetween the line tags!You can use hex codes too!
For example [line]#ffc1eb[/line] turns into this pretty pink line!

TL;DR Code BankX



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a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z



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Links to outside resources for pixels and other things

Last edited by LoonyLunetta; 01-25-2015 at 05:32 PM..

Ninja like a turtle~
LoonyLunetta is offline
Old 01-17-2015, 02:48 AM

Basic Roleplay Character Form:X


Sunshine AcademyX

About the Merrin Twins

The twins were born into a wealthy family to Sierra and Jeffrey Merrin. Their mother was an artist, their Father a classical musician. They both loved their children dearly.

It was late at night a few days after new years, they were coming home from an art gallery. There was patch of black ice on the road that night and Jeffrey lost control of their family SUV. The vehicle spun off the road and into a tree killing them both instantly. The twins were 7 at the time and thankfully were staying the night at their paternal grandmother's house when the call came in. Their Grandmother adopted them a year later not wanting them to be lost to the family too. But being wheelchair bound she couldn't handle the stress of twins at that age and put them in a boarding school. They love their grandmother and visit every chance they get.
Now their school is closing down and they have to transfer to another school.

Name:Emilia Merrin 'Emi'




Wanna know something about me?: I enjoy reading, music, sewing, and swimming I have a twin brother who can be very loud and annoying at times but I wouldn't know what to do without him. I am a straight A student and my studies are very important to me. I want to be a musician when I'm older like my father. I can listen to his music forever and not be bored.

Personality:She is very quiet and shy to the point of people thinking she's anti-social but she really does like people. She just doesn't know how to talk to them. you can usually find her wandering about campus either singing, reading or studying.

Appearance:Mid back length dark brown hair always worn in a side braid tied at the bottom with a Purple Ribbon// She has porcelain skin with a spattering of freckles across her nose.// Her and her brother share a trait called heterochromia Her left eye is bright blue her right eye is a honey color // She's about 5'2" with a thin frame.// You will usually see her wearing dresses and skirts.

Font color you will use:Dark orchid

Name: Jasper Merrin 'Jazz'



Wanna know something about me?: I love video games, music, drawing and soccer. I have a beautiful twin sister who is very quiet and to herself which bothers me because she never wants to do anything with me! I get decent enough grades without studying which I hate doing but Emi makes me study with her its SOOO Boring. I want to be an artist like my mom when I get out of school. She was so amazing I have some of her work still that she drew for me when I was little.

Personality: Very fun loving person. Very social and loves to talk about lots of things. He's always got his art book in one hand his psp in his pocket and headphones around his neck blasting some sort of bass heavy rock music.

Appearance:Mid back length dark brown hair always braided and stuck under his shirt until he pulls it out to hit someone with. He and his sister share a trait called heterochromia His right eye is bright blue his left eye is a honey color. He's a little darker skinned than his sister but has the same light spat of freckles across his nose.He's about 5'7" with a lightly muscular frame. //He usually wears black pants with a grey hooded sweatshirt.

Font color you will use:Navy


Name: Mira Jackobs ' Ms. J'



Subject they teach: Art

Wanna know something about me?: I love all things art and fun. I love the outdoors so my classes are generally held outside (weather permitting) and you can pretty much do what you want art wise but getting off task is still a big no no! I love to talk about anything especially art.

Personality:Mira is very loud and outspoken. She will tell you what you need to hear if you need to hear it. She is very honest but also tries her hardest to not offend people. She is very spiritual and in tune with nature. She is also very clumsy and drops everything at least once before she can finally keep ahold of something. She's a bit of an airhead but still very smart.

Appearance: She has Waist length extremely curly copper hair that she pulls into a thick pony tail at the base of her neck// She has bright green eyes that look full of curiosity// She has an athletic build with pale skin and freckles on every inch of her body// She wears earthtoned almost gypsy looking clothes under her oversized multicolored paint splattered smock// Wears a pair of small silver half moon glasses with a beaded chain hooking them around her neck

Font color you will use: Dark Green

Last edited by LoonyLunetta; 02-23-2015 at 03:48 AM..

Ninja like a turtle~
LoonyLunetta is offline
Old 01-17-2015, 08:14 AM

OOC & RP Thread Starters

OOC Dove & NettieX

OOC Thread for FallenDove and LoonyLunetta

Current RP Name:TBA

Current RP Details: Medieval, Fantasy, Treasure hunting, Adventure

OOC Rainbow & NettieX

OOC Thread for Sailor Star Rainbow and LoonyLunetta

Current RP Name:TBA
Current RP Details: Magick/specialpowers, Highschool, dorm room

OOC For Nettie & KasumiX

OOC Thread for PrincessKasumi and LoonyLunetta

Current RP Name:TBA

Current RP Details:TBA

Last edited by LoonyLunetta; 02-23-2015 at 01:41 AM..

Ninja like a turtle~
LoonyLunetta is offline
Old 01-17-2015, 07:03 PM

Netties Jar of Memory Candies!

I've had good memories and I've had bad memories and no matter which they are still mine and I will cherish them forever. I wanted to start a jar on here so I could have a place to store all my sweet memories so when I'm feeling low my memory candy can cheer me up.

Feel free to read and comment

I've found a very special piece of memory candy that I would like to share with all of you! It is a very special song I have dedicated to all that I hold dear.

"Time In A Bottle"

Jim Croce

If I could save time in a bottle
The first thing that I'd like to do
Is to save every day till eternity passes away
Just to spend them with you

If I could make days last forever
If words could make wishes come true
I'd save every day like a treasure and then
Again, I would spend them with you

But there never seems to be enough time
To do the things you want to do, once you find them
I've looked around enough to know
That you're the one I want to go through time with

If I had a box just for wishes
And dreams that had never come true
The box would be empty, except for the memory of how
They were answered by you

But there never seems to be enough time
To do the things you want to do, once you find them
I've looked around enough to know
That you're the one I want to go through time with

January 2015

1~ First Meal of 2015: I do believe I had Eggs, Bacon, and Hash browns.

2~ My Resolutions!: Learn to drive, Move into a house, Get my GED, Win custody of my son, Finish the Sword of Truth Series, Write a book, Get healthy, stop using processed foods.

3~ "A" is for...: My AMAZING Lovie. Because he is an Amazing Awesome Wonderful Lovie and I Lovies him!

4~ In my bag: Reciepts, pretty stones, and a kubaton.

5~ Earliest Memory:
My earliest memory is actually a dream. I couldn't have been more than 2 or 3 because I woke up in a crib and couldn't communicate very well what I had seen. It was creepy though. Picture the ballroom from beauty and the beast but instead of gold, white,and blue, it was red, black, and white.The room was circular and had no doors or windows. In the center of the room was a four post bed with black and red drapes where my mom and dad were just laying there in bed staring at the ceiling. I kinda 'zoom in' on them like you would with a camera then everything went black and I woke up.

6~ What brought me to mene: Well I found gaia via a friend and I loved gaia but it was so big and expensive I couldnt keep up so I decided to look for other avatar based forums and thats where I found mene.

7~ Random fact about me: I do not sleep with a pillow. I have one but I pretty much gave it to my boyfriend because I've never really cared for them. I sleep on a stuffed moose called Moose and he is the awesomest pillow EVER.

8~ My best friend: Well aside from my Lovie would be my dolly face because she's my stalker and I hers.

9~ What I'm wearing: A grey Sweater dress, black pants and sparkly black wedged shoes that sorta look like converse

10~ Favorite song: Sawft is a sin. Probably sung by Enzo Amore, {Its his entrance theme For WWE's NXT. He comes out with Big Cas and Carmella}

11~ I never leave home without: A hat. Stupid fable gnomes. Serious though I never leave home without a hat. Sound advice.

12~ My room: Is cold as sin.

And this day in history 2008 my First born and only biological son Bugsly was born at 4:00 PM Happy birthday buggy boo <3 mama loves you bigger than all the monster trucks in all the world!!!!!!

Also this day in history in 2005 my Oldest step son was born Happy Birthday Baby Mama loves you BUNCHES too!!!

13~ Favorite movie: Nightmare Before Christmas, or Howls Moving Castle.

14~ Dream job: Stay at home mother. Living the dream!!!

15~ I wish I could: Have a baby girl! I am advised against having another child though I wish I could. I have 4 boys! I need my girl!

So my happy not prompted memory today is that I got to see a newborn baby girl today! My friend had her baby

16~ My favorite Place: This is going to sound incredibly Cheesy but I dont care. My favorite place is in my boyfriends arms because thats where I feel safest!

17~ The weather today: Its January in the wettest place in the continental U.S. I'm pretty sure I don't even have to look because its either raining or freezing. One of the two. Possibly both.

My happy not prompted memory today is that I started up my Yoga / belly dancing again! Off to make a health and fitness upkeep thread!!

18~ Pets: I have a Patternless leopard gecko with a carrot tail. His name is Neo, because he's neon yellow orange and purple, because it was easy to say for my kids, and because Matrix.

My happy non prompted memory today is that I made chocolate fudge brownies from scratch!!

19~ Something new: I tried my hand at making fondant for the first time today. It fails but it was a good experience!!

20~ Last book I read: Blood of the Fold by Terry Goodkind. Very good book. Third book in the Sword of Truth series.

21~ My middle name: Danielle. Though legally it is spelled Danelle. My doctor spelled it wrong on my birth certificate and my mom didn't notice in time to change it.

22~ The zodiac: My star sign is Scorpio, and my Chinese zodiac is the snake. Before I met my boyfriend I never liked either because I didn't like reptiles or bugs. Since I've been with him I've had a scorpion. I wouldn't be opposed to a snake at some point but they kinda stink lol

23~ Tattoos: I dont have any yet. I'm kinda a wuss and am afraid but I want one really bad. One for each of my kids, one for my lovie, my wings, a spiral galaxy, the Star trek communicator, Jack skellingtons face, The pirate tattoo Jack Sparrow has, Peter pans Shadow with his hands on his hips saying to live is an awfully big name a few. haha.

24~ My best avatar outfit:doesnt exist yet...unless you count gaia because I have a TON of outfits on gaia that I love.

25~ My last argument:was with the only person I argue with anymore. My mother. She needs to wake up and stop being so selfish.

26~ Last night I dreamed:.....I dont remember. I usually dont unless it was profound. Though I want to start doing things to try to remember them. I know there are ways you can with meditation and stuff. I'll have to research it.

27~ My favorite season:

28~ Where I want to travel:

29~ My family:

30~ Favorite Mene memory:

31~ The Best part of my life:

Month ~ 2015

Here's to another month of sweet memories!

Last edited by LoonyLunetta; 01-26-2015 at 11:43 PM..

Ninja like a turtle~
LoonyLunetta is offline
Old 01-18-2015, 12:07 AM

That moment, AFTER ALL THAT WORK, You change your mind x_x;;X

Netties Simple Quest for Cute!

Hello everyone! Welcome to my Quest thread!! Feel free to stay a while and chat!

WARNING!! This Thread is under constant construction. It will probably never be finished.

About Nettie:

I'm a stay at home mom with very old views. I stay at home and cook, clean , craft and sit on the interwebs, while my Lovie goes out and brings me bacon. {mmmmmmm bacon.}I have 3 step sons and one biological son. I am engaged to be married in April 2015. {OMG ITS SO CLOSE!}

I'm a very shy person. I love to talk but I'm not very good at coming up with good conversation unless its something I really like to talk about.

I'm a Trekkie, Whovian, Browncoat and a Potterhead haha. I love to RP and Play video games. I love to take pictures, draw pictures, crochet, knit, read and just about any other nerdy thing I can do I'll do it.

Now I'm pretty sure I don't need to state the obvious but I will anyway. Please Please, PLEASE Follow Menewsha's rules and TOS. If you don't there will be consequences.

Please avoid l33t/text talk, I'm not very good at deciphering today's code talking.

One final reminder to please be respectful to me and others in this thread! I don't like confrontation.


Welcome Post || Quest Details || Quest Items || Quest Items || Contribution Items || Event Items || Mennies || Donations || Future Quests

Quest Details

Simple means easy. And that I'm lazy. My simple quest is made up of 2 items at a time. 1 special item and 1 common item. That way I don't get overwhelmed and not finish the quest. I'm hoping to get at least one common item per week and save 100 gold each day for the special Item. But that all depends on life.

I do want to eventually have all the commons and as many EI's CI's any other special items. I probably wont get all the special stuff but thats to be expected.

Current Quest Items!

~Special Item~

Pretty Princess Eyes - Menewsha Marketplace

~Common Item~

Valentina Truffle Skirt - 522 Gold - McQuade Boutique


Master List of items!

Under Construction

Newbie EmporiumX

Libra Pin - MaroonLibra Pin - YellowLibra Pin - CreamLibra Pin - LemonLibra Pin - DuskLibra Pin - ChampagneLibra Pin - CaramelLibra Pin - BrownLibra Pin - BlackLibra Pin - MetalicaLibra Pin - MoonlightLibra Pin - WhiteLibra Pin - SpaceLibra Pin - GoldLibra Pin - SilverLibra Pin - StrawberryLibra Pin - PurpleLibra Pin - Pink

Well Howdy! T-Shirt

Mina Scarf

Canvas shorts - redCanvas shorts - turquoiseCanvas shorts - purpleCanvas shorts - lemon iceCanvas shorts - mangoCanvas shorts - whiteCanvas shorts - tealCanvas shorts - sageCanvas shorts - pirateCanvas shorts - pinkCanvas shorts - blackCanvas shorts - brownCanvas shorts - latteCanvas shorts - navy

Swann Boots - TealSwann Boots - Red

Clarius Shirt - AutumnClarius Shirt - YellowClarius Shirt - TealClarius Shirt - WhiteClarius Shirt - MidnightClarius Shirt - LeafClarius Shirt - GreyClarius Shirt - GrapeClarius Shirt - EmeraldClarius Shirt - BeigeClarius Shirt - BlackClarius Shirt - OceanClarius Shirt - OrangeClarius Shirt - SapphireClarius Shirt - ChocolateClarius Shirt - SageClarius Shirt - PinkClarius Shirt - RedClarius Shirt - PlumClarius Shirt - DenimClarius Shirt - Petrol

Potato sweater - lavenderPotato sweater - petrolPotato sweater - brownPotato sweater - yellowPotato sweater - strawberryPotato sweater - parchmentPotato sweater - stormPotato sweater - damsonPotato sweater - oceanPotato sweater - chocolatePotato sweater - maroonPotato sweater - blackberryPotato sweater - charcoalPotato sweater - whitePotato sweater - atlantisPotato sweater - foxyPotato sweater - lattePotato sweater - beachPotato sweater - light grayPotato sweater - sage

Studio 54X

I think I'm probably missing a few. If you see any missing PLEASE let me know.

Basic Caramel Short SocksBasic Ink Short SocksBasic Irish Short SocksBasic Latte Short SocksBasic Lavender Short SocksBasic Leaf Green Short SocksBasic Leo Short SocksBasic Maroon Short SocksBasic Metalica Short SocksBasic Moonlight Short SocksBasic Nature Short SocksBasic Navy Short SocksBasic Hot Pink Short SocksBasic Healing Short SocksBasic Grape Short SocksBasic Champagne Short SocksBasic Charcoal Short SocksBasic Chocolate Short SocksBasic Dragon Short SocksBasic Dusk Short SocksBasic Easter Short SocksBasic Emerald Short SocksBasic Candy Short SocksBasic Floral Short SocksBasic Foxxy Short SocksBasic Gold Short SocksBasic Oak Short SocksBasic Ocean Short SocksBasic Orchid Short SocksBasic Strawberry Short SocksBasic Tigra Short SocksBasic Tiki Short SocksBasic Yellow Short SocksBasic Winter Short SocksBasic White Chocolate Short SocksBasic Welcome Short SocksBasic Turquoise Short SocksBasic Tropical Short SocksBasic Toffee Short SocksBasic Pirate Short SocksBasic Butter Short SocksBasic Snowy Short SocksBasic Silver Short SocksBasic Order Short SocksBasic Plum Short SocksBasic Red Short SocksBasic Rosy Short SocksBasic Midnight Short SocksBasic Bunny Short SocksBasic Beach Short SocksBasic Sea Green Short SocksBasic Sapphire Short SocksBasic Tribal Short SocksBasic Atlantis Short Socks

Basic Gold Tall SocksBasic Yellow Tall SocksBasic Atlantis Tall SocksBasic Beach Tall SocksBasic Bunny Tall SocksBasic Butter Tall SocksBasic Tiki Tall SocksBasic Sapphire Tall SocksBasic Rosy Tall SocksBasic Red Tall SocksBasic Plum Tall SocksBasic Pirate Tall SocksBasic Order Tall SocksBasic Orchid Tall SocksBasic Ocean Tall SocksBasic Oak Tall SocksBasic Navy Tall SocksBasic Sea Green Tall SocksBasic Silver Tall SocksBasic Tribal Tall SocksBasic Tropical Tall Socks Basic Turquoise Tall SocksBasic Tigra Tall SocksBasic Welcome Tall SocksBasic Toffee Tall SocksBasic Winter Tall SocksBasic White Chocolate Tall SocksBasic Strawberry Tall SocksBasic Snowy Tall SocksBasic Nature Tall SocksBasic Moonlight Tall SocksBasic Foxxy Tall SocksBasic Floral Tall SocksBasic Emerald Tall SocksBasic Easter Tall SocksBasic Dusk Tall SocksBasic Dragon Tall SocksBasic Chocolate Tall SocksBasic Charcoal Tall SocksBasic Champagne Tall SocksBasic Caramel Tall SocksBasic Candy Tall SocksBasic Grape Tall SocksBasic Ink Tall SocksBasic Leaf Green Tall SocksBasic Irish Tall SocksBasic Leo Tall SocksBasic Latte Tall SocksBasic Hot Pink Tall SocksBasic Healing Tall SocksBasic Maroon Tall SocksBasic Metalica Tall SocksBasic Midnight Tall SocksBasic Lavender Tall Socks

Stockings - SapphireStockings - PirateStockings - PlumStockings - RedStockings - RosyStockings - OrderStockings - HeatherStockings - MidnightStockings - MoonlightStockings - NatureStockings - NavyStockings - OakStockings - OceanStockings - OrchidStockings - MaroonStockings - Sea GreenStockings - TurquoiseStockings - BunnyStockings - CalicoStockings - WinterStockings - WelcomeBasic Champagne Stockings (F)Basic Ink Stockings (F)Stockings - TropicalStockings - SilverStockings - SnowyStockings - StrawberryStockings - TawnyStockings - TikiStockings - ToffeeStockings - TribalStockings - ButterStockings - CaramelStockings - ChocolateStockings - LatteStockings - CandyStockings - DragonStockings - AtlantisStockings - BeachStockings - YellowStockings - CharcoalStockings - EasterStockings - DuskStockings - CeriseStockings - IrishStockings - LavenderStockings - LeafStockings - LeoStockings - HealingStockings - EmeraldStockings - FloralStockings - FoxyStockings - GoldStockings - Grape

Bra - AtlantisBra - BeachBra - ButterBra - EasterBra - EmeraldBra - TropicalBra - TribalBra - CaramelBra - ToffeeBra - TikiBra - ChocolateBra - TawnyBra - TurquoiseBra - WelcomeBra - CalicoBasic Yellow BraBasic Champagne BraBasic Ink BraBra - CharcoalBra - BlueBra - GoldBra - PinkBra - HeatherBra - RedBra - SnowyBra - WinterBra - LeafBra - LatteBra - StrawberryBra - OakBra - LeoBra - LavenderBra - MaroonBra - PlumBra - HealingBra - MoonlightBra - IrishBra - NavyBra - MidnightBra - NatureBra - CeriseBra - GrapeBra - OceanBra - CandyBra - SilverBra - Sea GreenBra - DragonBra - SapphireBra - RosyBra - DuskBra - PirateBra - OrchidBra - FloralBra - Foxy

Teenie Skirt - EasterTeenie Skirt - CandyTeenie Skirt - ButterTeenie Skirt - CharcoalTeenie Skirt - CaramelTeenie Skirt - ChocolateTeenie Skirt - NatureTeenie Skirt - RosyTeenie Skirt - RedTeenie Skirt - PlumTeenie Skirt - PirateTeenie Skirt - OrderTeenie Skirt - OrchidTeenie Skirt - OceanTeenie Skirt - OakTeenie Skirt - NavyTeenie Skirt - SapphireTeenie Skirt - BeachTeenie Skirt - DragonTeenie Skirt - DuskTeenie Skirt - EmeraldTeenie Skirt - FloralTeenie Skirt - FoxyTeenie Skirt - GrapeTeenie Skirt - LavenderTeenie Skirt - LeafTeenie Skirt - LeoTeenie Skirt - IrishTeenie Skirt - MaroonTeenie Skirt - HeatherTeenie Skirt - MidnightTeenie Skirt - MoonlightTeenie Skirt - AtlantisTeenie Skirt - CeriseTeenie Skirt - TurquoiseTeenie Skirt - HealingTeenie Skirt - YellowTeenie Skirt - LatteTeenie Skirt - GoldTeenie Skirt - BunnyTeenie Skirt - Sea GreenTeenie Skirt - BlueTeenie Skirt - WelcomeTeenie Skirt - WinterTeenie Skirt - CalicoTeenie Skirt - SnowyTeenie Skirt - StrawberryTeenie Skirt - SilverTeenie Skirt - TawnyTeenie Skirt - TikiTeenie Skirt - ToffeeTeenie Skirt - TribalTeenie Skirt - Tropical

Basic Latte Two Tier SkirtBasic Grape Two Tier SkirBasic Irish Two Tier SkirtBasic Ink Two Tier SkirtBasic Hot Pink Two Tier SkirtBasic Bunny Two Tier SkirtBasic Lavender Two Tier SkirtBasic Leaf Green Two Tier SkirtBasic Leo Two Tier SkirtBasic Maroon Two Tier SkirtBasic Metalica Two Tier SkirtBasic Midnight Two Tier SkirtBasic Moonlight Two Tier SkirtBasic Nature Two Tier SkirtBasic Gold Two Tier SkirBasic Foxxy Two Tier SkirBasic Beach Two Tier SkirtBasic Healing Two Tier SkirtBasic Butter Two Tier SkirtBasic Candy Two Tier SkirtBasic Caramel Two Tier SkirtBasic Champagne Two Tier SkirtBasic Charcoal Two Tier SkirtBasic Chocolate Two Tier SkirtBasic Dragon Two Tier SkirtBasic Dusk Two Tier SkirBasic Easter Two Tier SkirBasic Emerald Two Tier SkirBasic Floral Two Tier SkirBasic Atlantis Two Tier SkirtBasic Navy Two Tier SkirtBasic Tigra Two Tier SkirtBasic Plum Two Tier SkirtBasic Tiki Two Tier SkirtBasic Toffee Two Tier SkirtBasic Tribal Two Tier SkirtBasic Tropical Two Tier SkirtBasic Turquoise Two Tier SkirtBasic Welcome Two Tier SkirtBasic W. Chocolate Two Tier SkirtBasic Winter Two Tier SkirtBasic Yellow Two Tier SkirtBasic Strawberry Two Tier SkirtBasic Order Two Tier SkirtBasic Oak Two Tier SkirtBasic Ocean Two Tier SkirtBasic Orchid Two Tier SkirtBasic Pirate Two Tier SkirtBasic Red Two Tier SkirtBasic Rosy Two Tier SkirtBasic Sapphire Two Tier SkirtBasic Sea Green Two Tier SkirtBasic Silver Two Tier SkirtBasic Snowy Two Tier Skirt

Basic Ink SingletBasic Champagne SingletBasic Charcoal SingletSinglet - CalicoSinglet - WinterSinglet - WelcomeSinglet - BunnySinglet - PlumSinglet - GoldSinglet - FloralSinglet - GrapeSinglet - HealingSinglet - CeriseSinglet - IrishSinglet - LavenderSinglet - LeafSinglet - LeoSinglet - MaroonSinglet - EmeraldSinglet - DuskSinglet - AtlantisSinglet - BeachSinglet - YellowSinglet - EasterSinglet - ButterSinglet - CaramelSinglet - ChocolateSinglet - LatteSinglet - CandySinglet - DragonSinglet - HeatherSinglet - MidnightSinglet - MoonlightSinglet - Sea GreenSinglet - SilverSinglet - SnowySinglet - StrawberrySinglet - TawnySinglet - TikiSinglet - ToffeeSinglet - TribalSinglet - TropicalSinglet - TurquoiseSinglet - SapphireSinglet - RosySinglet - OakSinglet - NavySinglet - OceanSinglet - FoxySinglet - OrchidSinglet - OrderSinglet - PirateSinglet - NatureSinglet - Red

Basic Latte Bike ShortsBasic Irish Bike ShortsBasic Ink Bike ShortsBasic Hot Pink Bike ShortsBasic Oak Bike ShortsBasic Healing Bike ShortsBasic Lavender Bike ShortsBasic Leaf Green Bike ShortsBasic Leo Bike ShortsBasic Metalica Bike ShortsBasic Moonlight Bike ShortsBasic Nature Bike ShortsBasic Navy Bike ShortsBasic Ocean Bike ShortsBasic Grape Bike ShortsBasic Gold Bike ShortsBasic Foxxy Bike ShortsBasic Atlantis Bike ShortsBasic Beach Bike ShortsBasic Butter Bike ShortsBasic Candy Bike ShortsBasic Caramel Bike ShortsBasic Champagne Bike ShortsBasic Charcoal Bike ShortsBasic Chocolate Bike ShortsBasic Dragon Bike ShortsBasic Dusk Bike ShortsBasic Easter Bike ShortsBasic Emerald Bike ShortsBasic Floral Bike ShortsBasic Bunny Bike ShortsBasic Orchid Bike ShortsBasic Tiki Bike ShortsBasic Toffee Bike ShortsBasic Tribal Bike ShortsBasic Tropical Bike ShortsBasic Turquoise Bike ShortsBasic White Chocolate Bike ShortsBasic Welcome Bike ShortsBasic Winter Bike ShortsBasic Yellow Bike ShortsBasic Silver Bike ShortsBasic Tigra Bike ShortsBasic Strawberry Bike ShortsBasic Order Bike ShortsBasic Pirate Bike ShortsBasic Maroon Bike ShortsBasic Midnight Bike ShortsBasic Plum Bike ShortsBasic Red Bike ShortsBasic Rosy Bike ShortsBasic Sapphire Bike ShortsBasic Sea Green Bike ShortsBasic Snowy Bike Shorts

Panties - CharcoalPanties - RedBasic Ink PantiesPanties - HeatherPanties - PinkPanties - EmeraldPanties - GoldPanties - WelcomePanties - BlueBasic Champagne PantiesBasic Panties - CandyPanties - OceanBasic Panties - GrapePanties - PiratePanties - ToffeeBasic Panties - CaramelPanties - OakPanties - TropicalPanties - NavyPanties - ButterPanties - TurquoisePanties - EasterPanties - TikiBasic Panties - ChocolatePanties - SnowyPanties - Sea GreenBasic Panties - DragonPanties - SapphirePanties - SilverPanties - StrawberryBasic Panties - LattePanties - TawnyBasic Panties - DuskPanties - OrchidBasic Panties - FloralBasic Panties - HealingPanties - BeachPanties - PlumPanties - WinterPanties - MaroonPanties - LeoPanties - LavenderPanties - IrishPanties - LeafPanties - TribalPanties - RosyPanties - FoxyPanties - YellowPanties - CerisePanties - NaturePanties - MidnightPanties - MoonlightBasic Panties - AtlantisPanties - Calico

Shorts - RosyShorts - TribalShorts - ToffeeShorts - PlumShorts - WinterShorts - WelcomeShorts - FoxyShorts - TropicalShorts - TawnyShorts - SnowyShorts - CalicoShorts - SilverShorts - Sea GreenShorts - StrawberryShorts - CandyShorts - TurquoiseShorts - BunnyShorts - SapphireShorts - RedShorts - PirateShorts - OrchidShorts - YellowShorts - CharcoalShorts - HealingShorts - CeriseShorts - OrderShorts - IrishShorts - TikiShorts - LavenderShorts - LeafShorts - LeoShorts - MaroonShorts - HeatherShorts - MidnightShorts - MoonlightShorts - NatureShorts - OakShorts - OceanShorts - GrapeShorts - GoldShorts - EasterShorts - ButterShorts - CaramelShorts - ChocolateShorts - LatteShorts - AtlantisShorts - DenimShorts - DragonShorts - DuskShorts - EmeraldBlack Trimmed Shorts - FoxyBasic Champagne ShortsBasic Ink ShortsShorts - BeachWhite Trimmed Shorts - FoxyShorts - Floral

Boxers - LeafBoxers - CalicoBoxers - BlueBoxers - EmeraldBasic Ink BoxersBoxers - OakBoxers - HealingBoxers - OceanBoxers - FoxyBoxrs - FloralBoxers - GoldBoxers - OrchidBoxers - EasterBoxers - PirateBasic Champagne BoxersBoxers - NavyBoxers - CeriseBoxers - PinkBoxers - HeatherBoxers - RedBoxers - LeoBoxers - MaroonBoxers - LavenderBoxers - PlumBoxers - MidnightBoxers - IrishBoxers - MoonlightBoxers - RosyBoxers - DuskBoxers - SapphireBoxers - CaramelBoxers - TurquoiseBoxers - WelcomeBoxers - NatureBoxers - WinterBoxers - YellowBoxers - CharcoalBoxers - GrapeBoxers - ButterBoxers - BeachBoxers - AtlantisBoxers - TropicalBoxers - TribalBoxers - DragonBoxers - Sea GreenBoxers - SilverBoxers - CandyBoxers - SnowyBoxers - StrawberryBoxers - LatteBoxers - TawnyBoxers - TikiBoxers - ToffeeBoxers - Chocolate

Basic Order JeansBasic Pirate JeansBasic Plum JeansBasic Red JeansBasic Rosy JeansBasic Orchid JeansBasic Ocean JeansBasic Oak JeansBasic Navy JeansBasic Nature JeansBasic Moonlight JeansBasic Midnight JeansBasic Sapphire JeansBasic Sea Green JeansBasic Silver JeansBasic Winter JeansBasic White Chocolate JeansBasic Welcome JeansBasic Turquoise JeansBasic Tropical JeansBasic Tribal JeansBasic Toffee JeansBasic Tiki JeansBasic Tigra JeansBasic Strawberry JeansBasic Snowy JeansBasic Yellow JeansBasic Atlantis JeansBasic Easter JeansBasic Dusk JeansBasic Dragon JeansBasic Chocolate JeansBasic Charcoal JeansBasic Champagne JeansBasic Caramel JeansBasic Candy JeansBasic Butter JeansBasic Bunny JeansBasic Beach JeansBasic Emerald JeansBasic Floral JeansBasic Foxxy JeansBasic Metalica JeansBasic Maroon JeansBasic Leo JeansBasic Leaf Green JeansBasic Lavender JeansBasic Latte JeansBasic Irish JeansBasic Ink JeansBasic Hot Pink JeansBasic Healing JeansBasic Grape JeansBasic Gold Jeans

Basic Navy HeelsBasic Oak HeelsBasic Orchid HeelsBasic Order HeelsBasic Ocean HeelsBasic Pirate HeelsBasic Nature HeelsBasic Moonlight HeelsBasic Midnight HeelsBasic Metalica HeelsBasic Maroon HeelsBasic Leo HeelsBasic Leaf Green HeelsBasic Lavender HeelsBasic Plum HeelsBasic Red HeelsBasic Rosy HeelsBasic Winter HeelsBasic Welcome HeelsBasic White Chocolate HeelsBasic Turquoise HeelsBasic Tropical HeelsBasic Tribal HeelsBasic Tiki HeelsBasic Tigra HeelsBasic Strawberry HeelsBasic Snowy HeelsBasic Silver HeelsBasic Sea Green HeelsBasic Sapphire HeelsBasic Yellow HeelsBasic Latte HeelsBasic Irish HeelsBasic Atlantis HeelsBasic Charcoal HeelsBasic Champagne HeelsBasic Caramel HeelsBasic Candy HeelsBasic Butter HeelsBasic Bunny HeelsBasic Beach HeelsBasic Ink HeelsBasic Toffee HeelsBasic Chocolate HeelsBasic Dragon HeelsBasic Hot Pink HeelsBasic Healing HeelsBasic Grape HeelsBasic Gold HeelsBasic Foxxy HeelsBasic Floral HeelsBasic Emerald HeelsBasic Easter HeelsBasic Dusk Heels

Legwarmers - BunnyLegwarmers - HeatherBasic Champagne LegwarmersBasic Ink LegwarmersLegwarmers - WelcomeLegwarmers - WinterLegwarmers - CalicoLegwarmers - TurquoiseLegwarmers - TropicalLegwarmers - AtlantisLegwarmers - StrawberryLegwarmers - OakLegwarmers - LeoLegwarmers - IrishLegwarmers - RedLegwarmers - PlumLegwarmers - PirateLegwarmers - TribalLegwarmers - MaroonLegwarmers - LavenderLegwarmers - GrapeLegwarmers - FloralLegwarmers - EmeraldLegwarmers - DuskLegwarmers - DragonLegwarmers - LeafLegwarmers - TikiLegwarmers - SnowyLegwarmers - SilverLegwarmers - SapphireLegwarmers - RosyLegwarmers - OrchidLegwarmers - OceanLegwarmers - NavyLegwarmers - NatureLegwarmers - MoonlightLegwarmers - MidnightLegwarmers - CeriseLegwarmers - FoxyLegwarmers - GoldLegwarmers - HealingLegwarmers - CandyLegwarmers - LatteLegwarmers - ChocolateLegwarmers - Sea GreenLegwarmers - OrderLegwarmers - ToffeeLegwarmers - BeachLegwarmers - YellowLegwarmers - TawnyLegwarmers - CharcoalLegwarmers - CaramelLegwarmers - ButterLegwarmers - Easter

Basic Pirate HeadbandBasic Orchid HeadbandBasic Ocean HeadbandBasic Oak HeadbandBasic Order HeadbandBasic Navy HeadbandBasic Nature HeadbandBasic Winter HeadbandBasic Yellow HeadbandBasic Welcome HeadbandBasic Plum HeadbandBasic Red HeadbandBasic Turquoise HeadbandBasic Tropical HeadbandBasic Tribal HeadbandBasic Toffee HeadbandBasic Tiki HeadbandBasic Tigra HeadbandBasic Strawberry HeadbandBasic Snowy HeadbandBasic Silver HeadbandBasic White Chocolate HeadbandBasic Seagreen HeadbandBasic Sapphire HeadbandBasic Rosy HeadbandBasic Champagne HeadbandBasic Ink HeadbandBasic Dusk HeadbandBasic Easter HeadbandBasic Emerald HeadbandBasic Floral HeadbandBasic Foxxy HeadbandBasic Gold HeadbandBasic Grape HeadbandBasic Healing HeadbandBasic Hot Pink HeadbandBasic Maroon HeadbandBasic Irish HeadbandBasic Leaf HeadbandBasic Dragon HeadbandBasic Chocolate HeadbandBasic Midnight HeadbandBasic Metalica HeadbandBasic Moonlight HeadbandBasic Leo HeadbandBasic Latte HeadbandBasic Atlantic HeadbandBasic Beach HeadbandBasic Charcoal HeadbandBasic Bunny HeadbandBasic Butter HeadbandBasic Candy HeadbandBasic Caramel HeadbandBasic Lavender Headband


Bag, Borrow, or StealX

Black JackX

Buckle Up!X


Emporio PalazzoX



Hot GossipX

Jewel's DreamX

Legs 11X

Lingerie LandX

McQuade BoutiqueX

Menewsha MercantileX

Menewshan ImportsX

Petal ParadiseX

Quercus MagusX

Snack attackX



The ArmoryX

The Costume DepartmentX

The Glove BoxX

The RunwayX

The Toy ChestX

Wonderland FashionX

Contribution Items!

Master List of items!

Under Construction

Event Items!

Master List of items!

Under Construction


Master List of items!

Under Construction


I do take donations but I do have a few rules for donating to me. You dont HAVE to follow them but it would be nice!

1. Get to know me at least a little and be okay with your item being re-homed to me! Simply chat for a while earn some gold and see if I am worthy of a gift!

2. It DOES NOT have to be something on my list. I do take donations of anything!

3. Please let me feature you in my list below of people kind enough to help me out with my quest! I love putting people on Pedestals because they're nice! I will ask before just listing you because there are those weird people who like being anonymous

-Donations Recieved-

None at this very moment :/


My Threads:

.: Netties Jar of Memory Candies :.

Have a Banner or link for your thread you would like featured here? Let me know!

Future Quests

Quest for Elegance
Quest for Darkness
Quest for Steampunk
Quest for Adventure
Quest for Magick
Quest for Nature
And possibly more


None at this very moment!!

Last edited by LoonyLunetta; 02-22-2015 at 09:41 PM..

Ninja like a turtle~
LoonyLunetta is offline
Old 01-19-2015, 07:05 PM

Nettie's Nummies

A Recipe Thread

Ninja like a turtle~
LoonyLunetta is offline
Old 01-20-2015, 09:35 PM

.: Nettie's Art Box :.

Hello!! I'm Nettie! Welcome to my art box!!

I love art. Of all kinds. I am very self conscious of my art by I like having opinions and any tips on how to improve.

So I decided to make a critiquing thread.



.: Drawings :.

Last edited by LoonyLunetta; 01-21-2015 at 03:58 PM..

Ninja like a turtle~
LoonyLunetta is offline
Old 01-20-2015, 09:38 PM

Nettie's possible art shop

Last edited by LoonyLunetta; 01-22-2015 at 10:44 PM..

Ninja like a turtle~
LoonyLunetta is offline
Old 01-31-2015, 04:51 PM

Movement Motivaton!

Hello and welcome to my movement motivation thread!

Movement motivation is exactly what it sounds like; A place for me to motivate myself to get moving! I have struggled like many others over my weight and frankly I'm tired of it. I have no energy I am 2x what I was in high school and its getting out of hand.

Movement Roadblocks!

These are things I find as reasons to not get healthy. Very poor reasons but reasons.

Issue # 1.) I swear I have the worst sweet tooth ever! I LOVE sweets they are my kryptonite! I cant just quit eating my favorite things!!

Solution: Excuse me...? You're using food as an excuse to not lose weight...are you serious?.... Dont give me that bs!! Eating healthier is cheaper and makes you feel better after eating it. You need to suck it up!! Make things like home made trail mixes with dried cherries, home made granola, and plenty of seeds and nuts for snacks instead of icecream. Dont forget the mouth watering fruits from the farm stand!!

Issue # 2.) I have a body injury how could this possibly allow me to exercise? Just cant!!

Solution: HAH Nice try. This just limits exercise to low impact Exercise. Things like light dancing, or yoga!

Issue # 3.) I have no scale!! Knowing my weight is kinda important to lose it right?Just cant do it then huh.

Solution: Wrong. You don't have to have a scale you can do a tape test! You can use a cloth measuring tape used for sewing that will do fine.


For those that dont have measuring tapes either: Find a string or a colorful piece of yarn that fits all the way around you with a little to spare. With a ruler measure and tie a knot at every inch. Congratulations you now have your own personal weight loss measuring tape!

Do you know of any more road blocks? Let me know and I'll add it

Movement Measurements!

How to take measurementsX

  1. Basic idea of how to measure yourself.
  2. Bust: Place the measuring tape across your nipples and measure around the largest part of your chest. Be sure to keep the tape parallel to the floor.
  3. Chest: Place the measuring tape just under your breasts/pecs and measure around the torso while keeping the tape parallel to the floor.
  4. Waist: Place the measuring tape about a 1/2 inch above your bellybutton (at the narrowest part of your waist) to measure around your torso. When measuring your waist, exhale and measure before inhaling again.
  5. Hips: Place the measuring tape across the widest part of your hips/buttocks and measure all the way around while keeping the tape parallel to the floor.
  6. Thigh: Measure around the largest part of each thigh.
  7. Calves: Measure around the largest part of each calf.
  8. Upper arm: Measure around the largest part of each arm (above the elbow).
  9. Forearm: Measure around the largest part of each arm (below the elbow).
  10. Neck: Measure around the largest part of the neck.

Tips for Measuring
  • When taking measurements, stand tall with your muscles relaxed and your feet together.
  • When measuring, apply constant pressure to the tape (so it doesn't sag) without pinching the skin.
  • Use a flexible measuring tape, such as plastic or cloth.
  • Measure under the same conditions each time, such as wearing the same clothes (or none at all).
  • Measure yourself in front of a mirror to make sure the tape is positioned correctly. If possible, have someone else do the measuring for you.
  • The place to take some of these measurements will vary slightly from person to person. To ensure accuracy, just remember to take them in the same place on your body each time.
Copy paste?

Upper arm:

Pant Size:
Shirt Size:

Nettie's Starting Measurements and Pledge!
Upper arm:

Ninja like a turtle~
LoonyLunetta is offline
Old 02-22-2015, 11:28 PM


Hello everyone! Welcome to my Quest!! Feel free to stay a while and chat!

WARNING!! This Thread is under constant construction. It will probably never be finished.


I'm a stay at home mom with very old views. I cook, clean , craft and sit on the interwebs, while my Lovie goes out and brings me bacon. {mmmmmmm bacon.}I have 3 step sons and one biological son. I am engaged to be married in April 2015. {OMG ITS SO CLOSE!}

I'm a very shy person. I love to talk but I'm not very good at coming up with good conversation unless its something I really like to talk about.

I'm a Trekkie, Whovian, Browncoat and a Potterhead haha. I love to RP and Play video games. I love to take pictures, draw pictures, crochet, knit, read and just about any other nerdy thing I can do I'll do it.

Now I'm pretty sure I don't need to state the obvious but I will anyway. Please Please, PLEASE Follow Menewsha's rules and TOS. If you don't there will be consequences.

Please avoid l33t/text talk, I'm not very good at deciphering today's code talking.

One final reminder to please be respectful to me and others in this thread! I don't like confrontation.

Welcome Post ❖ Quest Items ❖ Donations ❖ Future Quests ❖ Banners ❖ Links ❖ Updates



For the Moment I will be questing Cute things. I will go for 2 Items at a time. 1 Common item & 1 Special Item. Makes it easier and more attainable.

❖Special Item

Pretty Princess Eyes - Menewsha Marketplace



Common Item❖

Chocolate Bun Bag- Bag, Borrow, or Steal


Items in my inventoryX


♡(•ི̛ᴗ•̛)ྀ Special Event Store

Coraline Corset = Petrol -



#1 Newbie Emporium

Clarius Shirts = Chocolate - White -

Potato Sweaters = Lavender - Parchment -



>>> Studio 54 <<<

Shorts= Latte -






Bag, Borrow, or Steal






Buckle Up!






Emporio Palazzo









Hot Gossip



Jewel's Dream



Legs 11

Polkadot Tights = Duck Egg -

Lacey Nylons = White -



Lingerie Land



McQuade Boutique

Valentina Shirt = Chocolate -

Valentina Skirt = Truffle -



Menewsha Mercantile



Menewshan Imports



Petal Paradise



Quercus Magus



Snack Attack









The Armory



The Costume Department


The Glove Box


The Runway


The Toy Chest



Wonderland Fashion


❖Welcome Post Quest Items ❖ Donations ❖ Future Quests ❖ Banners ❖ Links ❖ Updates



I do take donations but I do have a few rules for donating to me. You dont HAVE to follow them but it would be nice!

Get to know me at least a little and be okay with your item being re-homed to me! Simply chat for a while earn some gold and see if I am worthy of a gift!

It DOES NOT have to be something on my list. I do take donations of anything!

Please let me feature you in my list below of people kind enough to help me out with my quest! I love putting people on Pedestals because they're nice! I will ask before just listing you because there are those weird people who like being anonymous

❖ None yet but that's okay I know how to work hard for what I want ❖

❖Welcome Post ❖ Quest Items Donations ❖ Future Quests ❖ Banners ❖ Links Updates




Quest for Elegance❖
❖Quest for Darkness
Quest for Steampunk❖
❖Quest for Adventure
Quest for Magick❖
❖Quest for Nature
And possibly more❖


❖Welcome Post ❖ Quest Items ❖ Donations Future Quests ❖ Banners ❖ Links ❖ Updates



Want to show your support? Here are my banners! {Just copy and paste the code below the banner!}


❖ For Your Thread




For your signature ❖



❖Welcome Post ❖ Quest Items ❖ Donations ❖ Future Quests Banners ❖ Links ❖ Updates



Links to other people's quests! Have a link for me? Let me know!

No links yet!

❖Welcome Post ❖ Quest Items ❖ Donations ❖ Future Quests ❖ Banners Links ❖ Updates



2/00/15 ≡ Grand Opening!

❖Welcome Post ❖ Quest Items ❖ Donations ❖ Future Quests ❖ Banners ❖ Links Updates






Last edited by LoonyLunetta; 02-23-2015 at 01:36 AM..

Mr. Wrong
Challenge your paradigm
Mr. Wrong is offline
Old 04-05-2015, 06:52 AM

If we aren't actually doomed, can we have our cookies now?

Ninja like a turtle~
LoonyLunetta is offline
Old 04-05-2015, 04:21 PM

Wait....there's cookies? WHERE!?!?! I didnt know that! I want some! I hope they have snickerdoodles!!

Last edited by LoonyLunetta; 04-05-2015 at 04:24 PM..

Dazzlingdreamberry is offline
Old 04-05-2015, 04:37 PM

Lorna doones for me!

Mr. Wrong
Challenge your paradigm
Mr. Wrong is offline
Old 04-08-2015, 07:33 AM

Are those lorna doon cookies next to that self-destruct button?


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