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Old 03-01-2015, 02:18 AM

Stubbornly resistant to control or restraint.
liquidrage: Whimzica:

Please Note:
This RP is loosely based off of the world of FlightRising,
and crosses into another RP, Kriegspiel.

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Old 03-01-2015, 02:41 AM

Clan Images
All credit for images goes to neondragon/FlightRising.

Whimzica's Clan

Last edited by Whimzica; 04-24-2015 at 02:01 PM..

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liquidrage is offline
Old 03-01-2015, 03:12 AM

LiquidRage's Clan
All credit for images goes to neondragon/FlightRising.

Last edited by liquidrage; 03-01-2015 at 03:24 AM..

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Old 03-01-2015, 03:30 AM

Tyrith snapped at a bramble that had gotten wound around his feet, shoving himself between the tightly packed trees. His immense form bent the offending pines aside, snapping branches as he went. Tyrith moved on with a wearied look on his face, trying to keep his charge in sight. He always regretted these excursions, finding them tiresome and impractical. The largest and strongest of his clan, he constantly worried when he was away from them. But the fast-moving spiral ahead of him was apt to be gone for weeks if he didnt keep a tab on her constant explorations. Then again.. the massive dragon bent his head to the ground, delicately snatching up an fallen emerald feather. This he stowed away in a simple pouch he wore while on such a trek, later to add it to the baubles decorating his wings. He snorted as he heard a commotion ahead, and leapt forward, shoving his way through the trees to a small clearing.

Ahead of him, right in the center of the clearing, a black-and-teal spiral had wedged herself into a sunken crater of fallen stones, perhaps the remains of a small temple. Here Val was causing such a ruckus as to make Tyrith's fins flair in discomfort. Any dragon within several miles had probably heard her thrashing about as she dug through the wreckage, hunting as usual for trinkets and shiny bits of metal. Many of these already decorated her. The large glass pieces covering her eyes gave her a distinctly maniacal look, especially paired with the already erratic movements of her body. Still, a moment later, she popped her head up from the rocks, claws clutched around a useless, but shiny, bit of rock. This she lobbed at Tyrith, the bauble impacting his chest with a ringing noise. He huffed at her and shifted his weight, clearly ready to be gone, but Val merely gave a wide grin and dissapeared once more into the dust and rubble.

Last edited by Whimzica; 03-01-2015 at 03:42 AM..

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Old 03-01-2015, 03:48 AM

Elwon clung tightly to a nearby tree as she watched the two unfamiliar forms pillage. She was careful to remain hidden behind the branches, more than aware of how well she stood out from her current environment, and glad for the moment that she was still quite small for her breed. Unfortunately her claws were still new to her, and it only took a moment for her to slip from her perch and rustle the branches around her, a pang of fear coursing down her spine as she fell nearly to the floor of the forest. With a quick snap of her wings she caught herself just feet above the ground, taking flight and --on a whim-- she landed atop the stones the strange spiral seemed keen on disturbing; she folded her wings in and cocked her head to the side as she observed her new friend.

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Old 03-01-2015, 04:01 AM

Valsharess popped her head up again as Tyrith gave a low, warning snarl, quick eyes landing on the brightly colored youngling perched on a rock nearby. She shot a look at Ty, who had puffed out in brief alarm, but evidently he had judged the tiny nocturne to be of more intrest than threat, as he now sat on his haunches, head tipped quizzically to one side. Val gave the youngster another of her wide grins, and pushed her decorative headgear out of her eyes so she could make out the colors of her newest acquaintance better.Val wound her way out of the rubble, curling around a large stone. "Hello!" she called enthusiastically, almost wriggling from excitement.

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Old 03-01-2015, 04:21 AM

Elwon jumped as the spiral's voice reached her ears. She instinctively took flight towards the tree line, perching on the side of a tree; she wrapped her body around it so that the tree protected the majority of her body while she could still see the two dragons in the field below her. "H.. Hello.." She called back meekly, unsure of whether the two could hear her even in the silence around them. "You shouldn't be this close.. Gradiel will be mad.." She spoke fast, but with long pauses between her sentences, fear saturating every word. As soon as she finished speaking the ground shook, the sounds of footsteps and brambles cracking echoing from the forest opposite the rock from Tyrith; a tall crystalline form could be glimpsed through the treeline as the light from the luminescent mushrooms reflected off of it, throwing light out in random directions.

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Old 03-01-2015, 04:41 AM

"Who's Gradiel..?" Her question trailed off as Val looked uncertainly back at Tyrith, who'd moved back to his feet, bright eyes picking out the form moving towards them. Val ducked down and wound her way back to Ty, her multiple wings keeping her at a low hover as her claws scrabbled over the rocks to her towering friend. She curled around one of his legs, peering out from around him much as the young nocturne was doing from her tree.

Tyrith looked down at Val with an I-told-you-so expression, shuffling his clawed feet for better grip. As far as he was aware they hadnt crossed any clan's boundaries, but he and Val were also relatively new to the clan they had settled into. Still, he stayed his ground, oddly curious to meet the neighbors.

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Old 03-01-2015, 05:07 AM

Gradiel made a grandiose appearance by toppling two trees as he crossed the treeline into the field, pushing one down with his foot, towards the two new faces --which landed only feet from the rocks that Val was searching moments before-- while his wing snapped a nearby tree to his right clean in two and sent the upper half into the trees around it, where it hung a few meters off the ground, branches tangled. His faceted wings stretched in the freedom of the open field, his eyes scanning the clearing for any more unknowns. His gaze settled on the two intruders and he folded his wings in; the resulting gust knocked the broken treetop loose and it landed on end with a thud. With a flick of his tail Gradiel sent the fragment barreling deeper into the woods.

Elwon waited until Gradiel was finished before emerging from her hiding spot and flying down to the rocks in the center of the clearing. She tried to call out his name, but she couldn't get the word out; so instead she flourished her wings and scrapped her claws against the rock to grab his attention.

Gradiel yawned before turning his attention to the tiny Nocturne before him. "Would you kindly stop that, El? You know I hate that sound." He slowly walked towards the other three, his eyes ever-focused on the towering behemoth of a guardian, easily twice his size but surely a fraction of his weight. Gradiel's crystalline body gave him that advantage. He stopped just shy of the rocks, his head tilting to the side just before he spoke. "Names."

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Old 03-01-2015, 05:31 AM

Tyrith felt Val's coils loosen and he tried in vain to stop her with his free paw, but the wily spiral twisted right through his claws, her many wings propelling her forward in a haphazard way. Tyr glared over her at the crystalline guardian in silent warning, but he still did not move, unwilling to aggravate the situation more than Val was about to.

The spiral, barely a quarter of the size of the male in front of her, nonetheless twisted up to hover right in front of him, her form curling this way and that as her wings beat frantically to keep her in one spot. "Well you're rude." she scolded him fearlessly, her goggles falling over her eyes again with the force of her irritation. She knocked them out of the way again, staring him down with brilliantly pink eyes that did not originate from this realm. "Nonetheless you stuffy male, I'm Valsharess." she preened as she gave her name, and aptly so, for it meant Queen. "And he's my friend," she said heatedly, her emotions swinging as wildly as her movements. "His name is Tyrith. And you are who, exactly?"

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Old 03-01-2015, 05:46 AM

Gradiel turned his attention to Valsharess long enough to take a deep breath and blow her out of his way, though he was careful not to upset her balance enough for her to fall. "I'm Gradiel, trespasser, and I'm the guardian of this lair." Elwon crawled up Gradiel's back and sat atop his head, her claws struggling to cling to the smooth crystal. "I apologize for his demeanor.." She stated meekly. "He's actually a very nice..." She was cut off as Gradiel huffed and she lost balance. She finished her sentence after a moment of regaining her balance. "..dragon. He's just upset that you've wandered onto our land is all." She stretched her neck out and leaned over, now upside down and looking him straight in the eyes. "Ohdaviing warned you. You need to be more friendly." Gradiel huffed again, sending Elwon falling in front of him, and he quickly caught her with a gentle grip. "And I told you to be more cautious, little one. Do not reveal yourself to unknowns." Elwon sighed and took flight, hovering directly above Gradiel. "I didn't mean to, I fell..." Gradiel shrugged --if that was possible-- "Another time, little one."

Gradiel turned his attention back to Tyrith. "I trust you're more levelheaded than your companion." He shot Val an annoyed look with the last word, and immediately turned his attention back to Tyrith.

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Old 03-01-2015, 05:58 AM

Val's body twisted and rolled back upright, and she made a disgruntled sound as she landed on the rocks in question between the two males. "Is he always like this?" she directed the question deliberately over Gradiel's head, to the brightly patterned nocturne. "We werent trespassing." she added grumpily, then thought about that. "At least not on purpose.."

Tyrith, for his part, sat back again on his haunches, still keeping his wings tucked firmly down to avoid making his size even more of a threat. He dipped his head slightly to the other male in greeting, then glanced at Val, and made an elaborate gesture of rolling his eyes. He let out a soft huff of exasperation, then imitated the shrug of Gradiel's as if to say, 'what can one do?'

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Old 03-01-2015, 06:07 AM

Elwon addressed Val with a little more confidence than before. "He's actually being good right now... You're lucky he didn't attack you on sight like the last group." She descended to the fallen tree that Gradiel was responsible for and perched at the top, not far from the rocks and Val. "It took Kayta weeks to get them back into shape..".

Gradiel mimicked Tyrith, expressing his lack of desire for conflict with his body rather than words. "Our patriarch has demanded that we close our borders to unknowns for the time being, at least until the young ones are strong enough to fend for themselves again. His habits have become a burden on us all once again." It was difficult to tell if he was speaking to Tyrith or himself.

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Old 03-01-2015, 06:25 AM

Valsharess blinked at Elwon, realization dawning over her face. "So youre the reason our matriarch is practically tying us down and boring me to death!" she directed this comment at Gradiel, angry again. "No wonder you were told to be nice." she made a face at him, and seemed to be coiling herself to spring at him, her hot temper having flared up again.. Before she could, a heavy paw descended on her, pushing her flat.

Tyrith shook his head as he looked down at the fiesty spiral, her head poking out between his claws. He hadnt even needed to move to reach her, and hardly was applying pressure to keep her there. The pair's new clan could hardly afford a skirmish, as they had hatchlings of their own to think about.. And he doubted the formidable matriarch would tolerate them beginning a fight after being ordered to stay close to home. There was a question in his eyes as he looked back at the fellow guardian, for he'd said several things of curiousity.

Val wriggled in vain, pinned, though delicately held, by her friend. She huffed and managed to roll over, staring up at them all from her back. This gave her the advantage of seeing Tyr's expressions, and she flicked her gaze back to Gradiel with an annoyed snort. "He wants to know if you were attacked to cause such measures."

Last edited by Whimzica; 03-01-2015 at 06:39 AM..

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Old 03-01-2015, 06:40 AM

Gradiel laughed and the ground beneath them shook, the silent trees now rustling from the powerful vibrations. It was rare for Gradiel to use any form of magic, and the little bit that slipped out now was exactly why. He calmed himself and looked to the hapless spiral. "Us, attacked? What nonsense. No one has challenged me in a long while." He let his wings out and a dark fog gathered around them, thick slime protruding from the facets of his wings. Though the magic was clearly offensive in nature, he did not wield it against the two; he was simply showing off. "I would bury entire clans." He turned his attention back to Tyrith. "The others came across a fallen clan not long ago, our healers are mending the wounds of the survivors." A dark look swept across his face, anger and malice tainting his crystal form with black smoke as a low roar emanated from his chest. "They killed the parents, crushed the eggs, and left the hatchlings wounded to die."

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Old 03-02-2015, 01:08 AM

Tyrith uttered a low sound that seemed to be a chuckle, even the faint movement of his sides sending pine needles skittering to the ground. He didnt seem at all flustered though (then again, he had never needed to be afraid of another dragon, as his size deterred most from even trying). He lifted his head in silent anger as Gradiel spoke of the utter destruction, his wings opening slightly in response to his rising blood. Even Val ceased her struggling, looking up at the other with an expression of horror. "How many did you take in..?" her horrified voice spoke for them both - hatchlings were held in the highest regard in any clan they had known, and it seemed preposterous that another dragon would deliberately injure them. Tyrith looked down at Val with a strict expression, who answered him with a weak smile. "Can our clan help?" her head seemed to pivot between the two massive guardians, still pinned under a protective paw.

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Old 03-02-2015, 01:24 AM

"Fifteen currently reside in our hatchery, under the careful watch of our healers." Gradiel settled his temper and his magic receded. "For now, all we can do is ensure the survival of the wounded. As soon as they are able again, we will take them to.. more permanent homes." His tone indicated both their desire, and lack of ability, to house the young ones. "We only have the space for a small number should they choose to stay."

Elwon, who had remained silent as Gradiel explained, tipped her head and spread her wings in a manner similar to a curtsy. "I chose to stay, myself; and I believe the others will want to as well." She straightened herself and folded her wings back in. "However, should your clan have space..." Her voice drifted, and the words that followed reflected her pain. "It would be nice to keep the others close by."

Gradiel turned his attention to Tyrith, but his first words were directed at Elwon. "That's a good idea, little one. If your clan has the means to house a few extra mouths we would appreciate the help." He turned his attention to Val next. "As for your matriarch's decisions, I'm unsure if I'm the cause. However, it is necessary for the time being. It is unwise to wander."

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Old 03-02-2015, 03:17 AM

Val, frustrated truly now at the binding paw, closed her needle-sharp teeth around the soft webbing between Ty's claws, causing him to loosen his grip momentarily. She wriggled free, but to show she no longer bore a grudge against the other guardian, merely slithered over Tyrith's paw, alighting wrapped around it in an odd stillness. She very rarely had a chance to speak for her adoptive clan, and so she lifted her head regally, addressing both Gradiel and Elwon in a definitive proclamation, a voice befitting a 'queen', and most certainly not her normal tones. "We will gladly shoulder the responsibility to care for these hatchlings. Perhaps a few will want to stay nearby.. especially as they heal." Tyrith dipped his head slightly, giving credence to Val's haughty words. His eyes were gentle, almost hurt, as he looked across the clearing, and it was apparent to any who could see that the behemoth of a dragon had cultivated a gentle heart, and one that wished nothing more than to aid youngsters caught in battles too big to understand.

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Old 03-02-2015, 03:29 AM

Gradiel nearly responded to Val, unused to her tone and not very accustomed to a dragon speaking for her matriarch, but noticed Tyrith's bow before his words came out; it seemed to him that Tyrith, at least, was a dragon who's words --or lack thereof-- could be trusted. He returned the gesture with only a few words. "Any help your clan could offer to the young would be much appreciated. Come, let us speak to my patriarch of these events." He raised his head and stood, his demeanor calm but careful, and turned his back to the two; heading slowly towards the innards of his lair.

Elwon took to the air and seemed to hover over Gradiel's head, only a few feet above the beast as it's feet shook the ground beneath them all.

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Old 03-02-2015, 03:54 AM

Tyrith gave a decidedly warning look to Val, who at least somewhat heeded it; she flapped away from Ty and after the others with only a soft grumble. She flew after Elwon, twisting in the air as she did, oft looking down upon the two lumbering guardians shoving their way through the trees.

Tyrith was slow to move, cautious, keeping his wings tightly against his sides as he raised himself and followed after the glittering male. He wasnt poitive that his clan matriarch would appreciate him stepping in for her in this circumstance, but he quietly supposed that it was a much better outcome than may have happened - especially with Val as his mouthpiece. As they went, Ty exchanged glances with Val, trying to make her understand the gravity of what they had undertaken.

Last edited by Whimzica; 03-02-2015 at 04:28 AM..

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Old 03-02-2015, 04:15 AM

Gradiel carefully maneuvered between the tight trees of the forest, trying his best not to cause more damage than he had on his way to the clearing. His path was evident in the crushed brambles and foot-deep footprints, and an occasional fallen tree. It took them mere minutes to reach the lair's innermost clearing; a total of five guardian dens could be seen along the outermost edge of the clearing, behind them were several dens from various species of dragon, along with some local wildlife. In the center stood a large tree, considerably thicker than the average, with several Fae dens spotting it's thick black trunk, surrounded by hollowed tree stumps that served as the clans mating grounds and several small dens for the hatchlings.

Few dragons were present when they arrived; another hulking crystal guardian could be seen near the mating grounds, only slightly smaller than Gradiel, accompanied by two unnaturally small Fae that were difficult to see at this distance. Two more dragons could be seen as well, one all-black guardian slightly larger than Gradiel and the other a mirror, the color of a swamp, decorated in black and purple tattoos. The mirror exuded a powerful aura of magic over the young ones around her, and it was obvious even from afar that she was exhausted by the effort required to maintain it.

"Come, and be mindful not to trample the dens." Gradiel spoke from obvious experience, directed at Tyrith and his massive form, as he weaved his steps between the fragile dens; his eyes on the ground as he moved carefully across the clearing.

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Old 03-02-2015, 04:27 AM

Tyrith did not need the warning but he did not begrudge it; whereas Val chittered above him in disapproval of Gradiel's mannerisms. Ty snapped lazily at her, reminding the exuberant spiral to mind her manners - this was not their home, and they were guests. Tyrith stepped cautiously after Gradiel, his footsteps causing little disturbance to grounds used to being tred on those much heavier than he. Still, he kept a wary eye on Val, who seemed at any moment to suddenly want to shoot off to explore the new lairs.

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Old 03-02-2015, 04:35 AM

Gradiel stopped about halfway through the lair, where a lone guardian den twice the size of the others existed like a scar in the otherwise symmetrical lair, and turned his attention upwards towards Elwon. "Go, little one, and fetch Ohdaviing. I will stay and keep an eye on the guests." He carefully turned himself around as Elwon flew off in the direction of the others. "Please, make yourselves comfortable here until my patriarch arrives." He seated himself between Tyrith and the wounded young, but maintained his vigilance.

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Old 03-02-2015, 02:38 PM

Tyrith settled back on his haunches again, his wings rustling as they resettled behind him. Sharp eyes watched Elwon leave, and a quicksilver movement that belied his size snagged the tip of Vals tail before she followed the young nocturne. Val made a low noise of complait, but turnded round and used Tyriths gembound body to climb until she rested perched on his head, looking down at all below her with a regal expression, as if she had not just been scolded and snagged.

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Old 03-02-2015, 04:23 PM

It didn't take long for Elwon to return, the coal-colored guardian sauntering along behind her. Elwon perched herself on Gradiel's wing, watching Val with both curiosity and amusement. Ohdaviing stopped just outside the den, choosing not to attempt to fit himself in with monstrous Tyrith already taking up half. He tipped his head in greeting before he spoke. "I apologize for Gradiel's abrasive nature." Gradiel huffed, clearly displeased at the subtle insult.


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