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Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 03-17-2015, 03:27 AM

Name: Mordecai (He's been called Morty before and he absolutely hates it)
Race: Demon- Incubus
Age: Just under 100 years old. Very young in terms of demons.
He has red eyes and pale skin, but his black hair has a slight wave and a couple longer strands of purple that come down to sit in front of his shoulders. Often wearing few clothes in order to look sexier. His boots have a slight heel and he can grow wings, but does not always have them. The wings would be bat like and appear to sit a little lower than the usual shoulder attached wing look. They have purple tips to match his hair. His horns curl in like this and are silver in color. The tip of his tail would match this silver color.
Personality: He's a tease and devilish little demon. He likes to play around and is lazy. The sort who would rather prank someone that do anything productive. Nor is he particularly great at being 'evil'. More of a nuisance than a devil. He shows very much that he's still young. Could be hot-headed if told all this though.

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IndigoKitsune is offline
Old 03-17-2015, 11:30 AM

Name: Sora
Race: Angel
Age:A round 99 and young for an angel.
Hair: Silver
Eyes: Blue
Wings: White

Fleeing Angel - Moonga by Edli on DeviantArt

She all ways wears blue and white while she is working to defeat demons. But I am planing on her wearing black and red, after she falls from grace.

She is very dedicated to her work, but she also has secret thoughts, and could cause her to fall from grace in the eyes of other angels. She believe that she is happy with her work dealing with Incubus and other demons, but in some ways she is also unhappy with all of the rules and regulations that she has to fallow as a angel. She secretly wonders what it would be like to get close to a demon and wonders if it would be worth the risk. Most of the time she fallows the rules, however if given the chance to brake free, she will probably take it.

Last edited by IndigoKitsune; 03-17-2015 at 06:23 PM..

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 03-18-2015, 12:06 AM

The humans all lived in their quaint little homes, unaware of everything that moved in the realms beyond them. Magic existed, but those humans so rarely saw it, or even knew of it. Mordecai fluttered his wings in anticipation as he looked up the tunnel of rock that lead to the surface world. Tonight, for the first time, he would be allowed to go out and do his job. He'd been training so long for it and as soon as the sun set, he'd be off! When the last of the rays disappeared behind the rocky crags of the cliffs, Mordecai shot up out of the hole. All around him he saw dozens upon dozens of other demons shooting up into the sky like a hoard of bats that created a shadow over the moon, invisible to all but other demons and those pesky angels, and perhaps a few skilled humans.

Of course those always existed. Mordecai may have been free to fly as he would, dropping down right behind a late night passerby and making faces at them because the humans were woefully unaware of magic. Human mages and priests had been know to summon both demons and angels to come to their aid though. The idea made him snort. Humans were playthings for demons and should never be on the same level. As much as it was an angel's job to maintain order, it was his job to mess it up.

Mordecai sensed a good mark in a dark bedroom and tilted his way toward it. Before he reached the window sill, he let his wings vanish and dropped down to land with grace on the little ledge with his tail curling out behind him for balance. No need to open the window, he just used a simple magic to 'skip' to the other side. He had been practicing for this night almost a century after all. Inside, he found a young woman sleeping with an innocent look. He tapped his fingers together, a giant grin growing on his face. Reaching down, he couldn't help but flip the woman's garments up with a snap, revealing her creamy breasts. He giggled at the immature gesture before hopping up to settle on the bed's headboard. From there, he slipped into the woman's dream, leaving a red aura drifting out over her form.

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IndigoKitsune is offline
Old 03-18-2015, 12:45 AM

Sora flew down thought the clouds her blue eyes scanning the city below her. Normally her human master would have summoned her, but as it was she was happier this way, after all if there was one thing she resented it was the binding spell that forced her to come to her master. But, as it was most angels who lived in the high heavens, had to take the oaths and vows, that bound them to a human master. After all angels where normally able to fight off demons, whereas only a handful of human priests could begin to wheeled the necessary power.

She turned dipping to the left, when she saw the red glow, coming from the window of a house. Her blue eyes narrowed and all thoughts of her master, oaths, and vows left her mind. She made a sharp turn, a single white feather fell from her left wing, and she spoke a spell that sounded like the tinkling of bells. It wasn't long before she saw her master’s only daughter laying half necked on the bed and glowing with a red light.

Her eyes shot up to the demon on the headboard; a look of pure rage unbecoming of an angel flashed in her blue eyes. She spoke words that sounded like water running over stones and shot a spear of pure light at the demon. “Die!”

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 03-18-2015, 02:46 AM

Inside of the young woman's dreams, Mordecai spent his time weaving a spell. He'd only gotten as far as figuring out the woman's type and building a figure to match it, instigating the fantasy which surprisingly involved a dungeon and a man with long flowing hair and a white mask. Really, it could hardly be said that demons corrupted humanity. Rather, they just revealed the inherent corruptions inside. What was so 'wrong' about that? Before he'd gotten much farther, a strange buzz of alarm shivered through him. Deep in the dream as he was, he didn't understand until it was almost too late.

Mordecai's eyes flew open as he was forcibly wrenched from the dream. The force knocked him back and he went tumbling head over spikey heels over the bed, down to the floor, and right into a wall. He flopped down onto his side, looking like a mess with a pout on his face. "Aw come on! I hadn't even finished undressing her yet!" Mordecai yelped, finally sitting up properly and jabbing a finger at the angel. "Die?! Give a demon a break!" It was his first time for Lucifer's sake! "You go die!" he snapped back. As far as he was concerned, this angel was infringing on his turf. He got here first and he wasn't going to leave just because someone looked ready to gut him. Were angels supposed to look like that?

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IndigoKitsune is offline
Old 03-18-2015, 03:01 AM

Sora brushed a lock of silver hair off of her shoulder frowning at the demon. “You little fool, you say that. But can you even cast a simple spell?” She started to speak the words that sound like water running over stones again and made it look like she was going to cast another ray of light. But this time her voice changed to sound like a wispier and soon she was running directly at demon with blue flames dancing on her fingertips. “You’re the one who touched my sweet lady, now you will pay with your life.” Her voice was icy and for the moment she didn't care what happened as long as the demon left.

After all he had violated her master’s child. Soon she was standing over him her eyes locking with his. “At least tell me your name, before I smite you.” Her tone was completely unfeeling now. “Leave now and maybe I will change my mind about killing you” Lightning seemed to flash in her eyes as she spoke. "But first tel me this demon. what is your name? snapped the fingers of her left hand sending a flame down next to his feet.

Last edited by IndigoKitsune; 03-18-2015 at 03:53 AM..

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 03-18-2015, 04:08 AM

Mordecai squeaked and ducked, hands coming up to cover his head as his tail wrapped around him protectively. He did not sign up for this. Something the angel said made him snort though and forget about protecting his ass. "Sweet lady? You can only say that because you haven't seen inside her head!" he said with an outright laugh. "That girl is a vessel overflowing with repressed sexual energy! Believe me! She needed to be fed on!" Thought he hadn't been bathing in the lustful red energy for long it had made him a little high and he felt the power in his veins, strengthened by the full moon outside.

"Sorry babe, but I think if you want my name, you'll have to catch me!" Before she could singe any of his toes, he whispered his quick spell again and phased through her to the other side of the room. He turned to give her a little two finger wave before jumping out the window and taking flight. Purple-tipped wings unfurled from his back. Although they weren't big, they carried him well enough and he was lithe, fast in the air. To think, if demon's flew more by wing-power than magic, the wings would be so huge and unweildy in order to hold a solid boned creature! That's what his cousin said anyway.

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IndigoKitsune is offline
Old 03-18-2015, 12:27 PM

Sora flinched as the demon passed thought her; her own lusty thoughts rising in her mind. Frowning she walked up to the women she was supposed to be protecting, laid her hands on the girl, and started chanting. As she chanted she sent her own lusty desires into the women’s body, like she had done so many times before. As she chanted she could see the dragon that she longed for coming to her. A lusty smile slid across Sora’s lips, the dragon was something she could never have, but she could give those dreams to this women. She licked her lips as she finished casting the spell and covered the women’s chest. Sooner or later her father was going to find out, or maybe her master already knew, all Sora had waited for him to someone her and he hadn’t. “Sleep well my sweet lusty lady.” She kissed the girl on the forehead. “A few more nights and you will become a succubus.” She touched the girls face took a step back from her.

Then with a smirk on her face she changed her body, so that it was the color of the wall, before sitting down to waite for the next night and the return of the demon. Her eyes quickly going to her lady, Sora smile going from one of lust, to one of vengeful hope. Since she could see could see all of the lust building up in the women. After all turning this girl into a succubus was her revenge on the girl’s father, he was the one who had forced her to speak oaths and vows that bounded her to him, so in return this once pure women would become a lusty monster.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 03-18-2015, 06:15 PM

Mordecai flew high out over the city, feeling exhilaration at moving so fast and being so high. Once on the outskirts, he tilted his wings to look back in the opposite direction. He frowned a little, realizing the angel hadn't followed him. It could have been a real fun game and everything was a game to him. Two many hours of the night had already passed and much of Mordecai's energy as well. Rather than find a new victim, he just flew low over the houses and sucked up any energies he could from the sleepers. As a last parting gift, he smashed his tail into a store sign, causing a letter to fall down and spell something inappropriate instead. Then off he went to the underground world where all demons spent the day.

The next twilight, he took the sky again and angled for the same house, curious and determined to finish what he'd started. Maybe the angel would come for him again. That would be fun at least. Phasing through the window, he lighted down beside the girl's bed. Something felt different today and he stepped closer to touch a finger to the sleeping girl's forehead. He felt her thoughts then and a strange fantasy that hadn't existed the night before. He could tell in an instant that this longing for a dragon was foreign to the lady's psyche. A smirk spread across Mordecai's lips. "So the angel gave you her fantasy? How totally un-nice!"

Last edited by Kat Dakuu; 03-19-2015 at 03:06 AM..

Computer Bug
IndigoKitsune is offline
Old 03-19-2015, 01:44 AM

Sora stood very still with her back to the wall smiling, as she heard the demons voice, not sure if it was a compliment or not. Her eyes shifted from him to her master’s daughter, it wasn't be long before she started to become buxom. Sora licked her lips and slowly ended the spell that kept her invisible. “If you feed on her, I will have to kill you.” She walked up to the demon and looked him in the eye. “But, if you let me have my revenge and watch this girl turn into a buxom succubus, we can forget about what happened last night.” She touched the demons face and looked into his eyes. “You are to tell no one, all you need to know, is that this girl will become one of your kind.” She moved closer to the demon and kissed his lips softly. “You know my secret and an angel who carries as much lust as I do, can’t stay pure for very long, not without help.” She put her hands on his hips. “From a demons, you will take my lust, even if I give more to the girl I will still have a lot to spare.” She moved a hand up onto his face. “But, this has to stay between you and me. We will go somewhere privet and you will bathe me in your red light.” She kissed his cheek. “You can even look at my chest, if you must.”

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 03-19-2015, 03:46 AM

The sound of a familiar voice from behind left Mordecai jumping, an undignified squeak coming from his mouth. He almost darted out of the room right then and there, but something held him back, maybe her tone of voice, or maybe the expression in her eyes. When she touched his face, he jumped again just slightly for a very different reason. Despite being what he was, he'd never been close like this except with a few succubi and they were so frivolous in their relationships and always touching that it was like being breathed on. It took him a second to actually understand what she just requested of him.

"Um...why would you want to do that?" he asked, more confused than anything else. An angel corrupt a human? Wasn't he the demon here? Didn't she just say she was protecting the master's lady? Although she continued to speak, he stopped following. She was touching him, kissing him. He'd never felt flesh like this before. Maybe because it was pure and untainted, but still terribly lusty. Although his brain hadn't caught up yet, his tail moved on it's own to curl around the both of them.

"A deal then?" he asked after swallowing hard. Finally a wide grin spread across his face. "I think I can manage that!" He grabbed the angel around the waist and spun them away to the window and out into the air, suddenly all giddy excitement. "Let's get going then!"

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IndigoKitsune is offline
Old 03-19-2015, 09:49 AM

Sora groaned her lust rising as the demon carried her off. “You have to take me somewhere, where no one can find us and no summoning spell can reach us.” She closed her eyes for a moment relaxing in his arms as the wind rushed passed them. “We wouldn't want my master to interfere, unless you’re able to prevent him form summoning me.” She moved one of her hands onto the small of the demon’s back. “Lets see we are going to need a soft bed as well.” She trembled in his arms. Truth be told just being this close to her was making her feel even lustier, then when they had first left the house, and she knew that the demon could feel that. However as long as he drained off just enough of her lusty energy, Sora hoped she would be able to corrupted her master child, and keep her secret hidden forever. She closed her eyes for a moment and groaned softly. “There is an abandoned house on the edge of town, once we are inside, cast a few spells, so that my master can’t reach me. Then you can do your thing demon.” She looked at her wings, seeing that they were starting to turn black. “But, it has to be very soon, before my wings turn completely black with corruption.” As the words left her mouth Sora had no idea the being with this demon would turn her into a fallen angel, and in time she might even carry and give birth to the demons child.

Beth woke up slowly, the dream about the dragon, still fresh in her mind. She sat up on the side of her bed, only to see that her pajamas had been torn open. Had the beast come to her? Blushing deeply she got up and went to the closet for a new pair of pajamas, she put them on quickly and laid down in bed. Rolling on to her back she felt something pushing down just above her butt, she would have jumped out of bed, but as this happened she developed a fever, To her horror, she found that she was growing a tail. “What is happening to me!” She bit her lip hard, her father was a way at a business meeting in another state and it would be a few weeks before he came home. She bit her lip hard as she waited for the fever to brake. No one could see her like this, she closed her eyes, not knowing that demons where being drawn to her window at that very moment, after all she was becoming one of them. As for the demons, they wouldn't stop the change, not when she had already grown a tail, but there was no way that she could know that.

Last edited by IndigoKitsune; 03-19-2015 at 04:14 PM..

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 03-19-2015, 06:56 PM

Just holding the angel like this made it hard for Mordecai to fly straight. Excitement drove him crazy. Nothing like this had ever happened in his young life and he doubted it happened to any of this twelve brothers and sisters, nor the countless cousins he had. He found himself overwhelmed by a need to brag. It made him want to hurry even faster to the house she mentioned, but at the same time, he wanted to slow down. Get this over with before her wings turned all black? Both his own interest and his inherent nature said to corrupt her in whatever way it took, whether that be quick or slow. In the end, he just flew at a moderate pace, watching her wings all the while as well as her face which showed the lust as much as her energies did.

"Here," Mordecai said as he swooped in through an unboarded window. He dumped the angel on the bed with a lot less ceremony than he should have, then turned to the door. With his black nails tapping against his chin, he tried to think about the right spell to cast and just how to do it. Now probably wouldn't be the best time to mention his lack of skill with magic. After a minute of thinking, he spoke something that was a mix of binding and warding, and whatever random magical words sounded right for his spell. Once done, he gestured to the electrical-like atmosphere that had come to surrounding the house, a grin on his face.

"How's that?!"

Computer Bug
IndigoKitsune is offline
Old 03-19-2015, 07:12 PM

Sora smiled and readjusted herself on the bed, before taking off her shirt exposing her breasts, before she made herself comfortable on the bed. “We will see.” She looked at her wings, the feathers where almost completely black now. “Hurry.” She moaned. “Feed to your heart’s content demon.” She drew a deep breath wondering for a moment if this deal had been a mistake or not. But now that she was here with the demon there was no turning back. She brushed a lock of silver hair off of her shoulder, her lust increasing by the moment. She breathed deeply and shifted on the bed, moaning as she waited for the demon to start draining her lust. Little did she know that he was going to corrupting her before he fed on her lust. She rolled onto her side smiling at him. "Demon, I am ready for you to start feeding." She moaned and smiled at him. "But, leave just enough for the girl, I want her father to suffer. He forced me to speak vows and take oaths to sever him." She spat. "So now his child will become a demon." She looked at her wing, the feathers where almost completly black. "Please feed on my lust now demon."

Last edited by IndigoKitsune; 03-20-2015 at 01:29 AM..

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 03-20-2015, 03:35 AM

When Mordecai turned, his childish smile fell away. The angel looked so breathtaking. It snapped some instinct deep inside of him. In the back of his mind he wondered if this was how other incubi felt, ruled by ancient instincts he didn't know he had. Because he'd certainly never felt this composed in front of a woman before. He dropped to his knees on the bed and crawled toward the writhing angel. His body seemed to know what to do more than his mind did and swathes of red energy exploded out from them, covering the entire bed. Soon it would fill the room.

"Don't worry, I'll do just that," he murmured. Whatever she expected out of him, he didn't know. He just knew now that he had the angel spread out under him, he wasn't going to let her go. With that thought in mind, he reached down to touch her flesh as a grin grew on his face. "It doesn't matter how I sate your lust does it? Because I'm thinking I want this real bad." So without any more hesitation, he took just what he wanted.

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IndigoKitsune is offline
Old 03-20-2015, 03:54 AM

Sora moaned her lust rising as the demon took her flesh. When he finished she laid next to him, sweating and panting heavily, the two of them still bathed in the red light. For the time being she was very satisfied, but she knew it was only temporary. She kissed the demons lips and touched his neck shoulders and chest. “And now you have to tell me your name.” She pulled him on to her lap and wrapped her now black and red tipped wings around him. “Since you decided to satisfy my lust with your flesh.” She pressed a finger against his lips. “And then I will tell you my name.” She moved her finger down onto his throat holding it there. “My name is Sora. So tell me demon, what should I call you?”

In the back of her mind she could hear her master calling out to her, she bit her lip hard ignoring him and hoping that the demon’s spells would hold. She put her arms around him holding him tightly. "I can here my master.” She said lifting her lips to the demon's ear. "So far your spells seem to be holding, but." She breathed deeply and closed her eyes. "There might be a way to stop him." She felt a chill rush thought her as she spoke. She bit his lower lip and moved her head onto his shoulder. "Name have power, I think even a demon like you, knows that." She winced in pain as she did everything she could not to be pulled away from him. "I don't want to leave your side, not yet."

Last edited by IndigoKitsune; 03-21-2015 at 02:39 AM..

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 03-23-2015, 05:49 PM

As the act finished, Mordecai found the strange instincts that had led him began to dwindle away. It left him feeling languid and satisfied with a strange mix of childish elation and awkwardness. What does one do after this point? A demon would surely fly away as soon as it was done, laughing. He didn't do that though. Sitting in the angel's lap, he touched her silver hair, still marveling at how silky it felt. He dropped the strand when she revealed her name, his red eyes going a little wide. "My name is Mordecai," he whispered with only a hint of hesitation.

He could not hear this master calling. His spell felt weakened when he flicked his attention to it though. The magic aura flickered at times, allowing tendrils of other magic to leak into the room. Although it struck him as strange that the angel would not want to leave him, he must have been strange too. He wrapped both arms around her, just a little bit possessive. "I don't want you to leave either."

Computer Bug
IndigoKitsune is offline
Old 03-23-2015, 06:10 PM

Sora put her arms around Mordecai. “But, my master is call me.” She wet her lips and did her best to relax in the demons arms. “When he sees me like this, he will cast a powerful purification spell on me.” She frowned the demon’s face as she thought about that. “But, even if my master dose that, he won’t take away my lust.” She kissed the demon’s lips deeply. “Come to me again Mordecai.” She moved her hand down his shudder and onto his chest and breathed deeply. “Join me at my masters house tonight, I want you to help me finish turning Beth into a demon.” With those words she felt herself being pulled out of his arms, by invisible hands and soon she was standing before her master.

The old man looked at Sora with sad eyes. “It’s Beth.” He said as he looked Sora over. “But you’re in no shape to help her are you?”

“No.” Sora said feigning sadness.

“Come with me.” The old man took Sora into a small chapel and started chanting a few spells, soon her wings where as white as snow. The only thing that remained was her secret burning lust, but now it was far more than that, Sora wanted to be with Mordecai. When her master finished casting his spells, Sora fallowed him into the cell where Beth had been bound to the wall.

Sora looked at her handy work and smiled inwardly. So far Beth had grown a tail and she was starting to become buxom.

“Help her.” The old man begged.

Sora smiled and pressed her lips togeather. “I will do what I can, but you must leave.”

The old man nodded and left Sora alone with Beth.

Sora walked up to the cell and smiled at Beth. “As long as your father trusts me, there is no help for you.” She spoke a spell and walked into the cell. “Soon you will be a demon and there is no stopping that.”

“Why.” Beth’s voice shook with fear. “Sora………”

Sora grinned. “Your father sold my freedom, this is the best way to hurt him.” She touched Beth’s face. “My friend will be here soon.” She put her hands on Beth’s shoulders and started giving her feelings of lust. “All you have to do is become a demon.”

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 03-28-2015, 06:06 PM

Mordecai found himself nodding even before he thought about it. He would come that night and he would help Sora with whatever she wanted, no matter how insane it sounded. He didn't have time to do any more or say anything before the woman was ripped from his arms by unseen forces. Even though he tried to hang on, he could not. Was this how an angel's life worked? No wonder Lucifer lead a revolution so many years ago. To be a demon was to be free even if they got hunted down by those they freed themselves from.

For a minute, Mordecai just sat in silence, trying to make sense of everything that had happened. Then he got up and set about undoing his spells and took to the night air again. The feeling of flying brought back his usual mood to some degree, but even when he saw a perfect opportunity to troll the human world, he passed it by. Instead, he flew straight to the house that he knew Sora would be at. Hovering just outside a window, he focused his energies so that he would be able to 'see' what was inside. The scene made his smile.

Flying into the cell, Mordecai lighted down behind Sora. "She's already most of the way there," he said with a giggle.

Computer Bug
IndigoKitsune is offline
Old 03-28-2015, 07:01 PM

Sora smiled tenderly and walked up to Mordecai kissing his lips. “Almost, right now Beth’s father things I am cleansing her of this corruption.” She moved slowly hooking her arm around Mordecai’s waist. “But, as you have said she is about half way done turning into one of your kind.”

Beth’s eyes widened and she started to feel the lustful presents of presences of the incubus. “You have to stop this now.” Beth cried feeling waves of uncountable lust starting to overcome her. “I’ll tell my father.” Sora walked up to Beth and cupped the girls head in her hands. “Your father bound me to himself with magic and took away my freedom, be grateful that I am only having you turned into a succubus.” She kissed Beth’s forehead. “As you are now you can still be made pure again and we can’t have that.”

“What do you mean!?” Beth could feel a lump forming in her throat. “What are you going to do to me?”

“Mordecai.” Sora said in a tender voice. “I have brought her this far with my own lust, but I am not sure how to finish something like this.” She walked up to him and kissed his lips deeply letting out a soft lusty moan. “What do you think should be done now?”

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 03-30-2015, 07:13 PM

"You are very naughty," Mordecai murmured back to Sora. Even next to the girl almost turned into a sex demon, this angel seemed the more corrupted of them. It made him not want to look away from her. When she kissed him, he felt that he would do anything for her. Was this what it felt like to caught in a succubi's trap? Even though the roles were reversed, he considered that this must be exactly what it felt like.

Pulling away from Sora, he turned his attention to the young girl. "There's no reason to be afraid. There's so much more freedom in being a demon than anything else. Don't you want to be free?" he asked Beth. Mordecai bent down to kiss her gently on the lips. Rather than a passionate kiss, his tenderness resembled that of someone to a child.

Without looking away from Beth, he addressed Sora. "She will need to sleep with a man, a human man, in order to take his essence and become a succubi. Basically, she will act as a succubus in order to solidify it."

Computer Bug
IndigoKitsune is offline
Old 03-30-2015, 07:42 PM

“Yes…….but not like this…..” A lusty moan erupted form the women’s lips and she blushed in spite of herself. “I don’t want to be a demon.”

Sora smiled and touched the back of Mordecai neck. “I see.” She licked her lips. “Then fine a man for her to sleep with.” Then taking him by the waist she turned him in her arms and kissed his lips tenderly. “Go and once you have found a suitable male, we will take our lusty women to him and she will lay with him like good little succubus.” She kissed his lips deeply. “I am counting on you.”

Feeling sick to her stomach Beth pulled on her chains, and looked at Sora and Mordecai, with horror in her eyes. Not so long ago she had been pure, but then the dragon dreams has started, dreams that filled her mind and body with uncountable lust and now she was here chained to a wall and being turned into a demon. Tears ran down her face and she turned away from them.

“Calme yourself, Mordecai will find a good man for you to sleep with.” Sora purred. “Just wait.”

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 04-01-2015, 04:56 AM

Mordecai's hands slipped around to rest lazily on Sora's waist for a second. He kissed her back and found himself not wanting to finish this mission because that meant he would have to leave her side. Why was she always sending him away and calling him back like a puppet on a string? Mordecai huffed and briefly wondered why he had to do all the running around. But he discarded the thought quickly. It's not that he minded it.

"I will be back quickly then," he murmured. He gave Sora a last peck on the lips before waving to the girl moaning in her chains. He flew away from the cell again and circled around the house, his sense flung out. In increasingly larger circles, he searched for a man deep in the throws of lust, but alone, and willing. It didn't take long.

"Alright, aren't you a fun guy!" Mordecai exclaimed, looking in at the man that pleasured himself under his dark sheets. For a second, he let himself feed off the man's lust, though he preferred a woman's lust. He could hardly help himself from tasting the energy though. He turned around and slipped back into the room where the two woman waited.

"I think I have found exactly what we're looking for."

Computer Bug
IndigoKitsune is offline
Old 04-01-2015, 11:58 AM

By the time that Mordecai, Beth’s moaning has become much more intense. “Help me!” She pulled on her chains wanting to run away.

Sora walked up to her smiling. “Beth, you need relax and embrace this change. She touched the women’s face before walking up to Mordecai and kissing his lips deeply. “And you will be reworded, that is after the Beth’s transformation is complete.” She put a hand on his waist. “But, first tell me what the man was like, I want what happens between them to be consensual, Beth should at least enjoy every moment.” She pulled the demon closer to her and looked deeply into his eyes. “Mordecai, my wicked little demon, the sooner she is moved, the sooner I will reword you.”

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 04-01-2015, 07:07 PM

Consenting. How terribly angelic of Sora to think now. Well, he couldn't care less since no one could truly not want the charms of a sex demon. They always begged for it. "He's young, handsome, full of energy. In his mind, he imagined a young maiden he could sweep away to be with him forever," Mordecai said after a second of thought. He hoped that was enough to appease Sora because he didn't want to look for another suitor.

After releasing Beth from her chains, he turned to Sora. "Could you carry her? My energies will only make it worse for her." He smiled as if to say just how much he looked forward to the 'reward' that she would give him. Muttering some bits of nonsense about where they were going, he spread his wings again. It took only another few minutes to lit down on the man's window sill.

"Is he not a good match?"


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