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Inzanebraned is offline
Old 04-17-2015, 08:56 AM

I have put it off long is time I stake my claim in the wide world of Menewsha!
This will be my home away from (real life) retreat from the ever-overwhelming life I live.
Here, you may find opinions that disagree with your's, rants, vents and, maybe an inspiring and witty story on occasion!
I enjoy writing about my daily struggles...and the good times, too!
I don't know if it's my age...or just the time in space that I have been thrust into existing,...but it just seems like the struggles outnumber the good times on a landslide scale...for ME, anyway!
Oh, I am not complaining (much)!!
Anybody who knows me knows that I am served up more than my fair share of foul feces!...but it never stops me from wading in, waist deep, without waders!...and continue to wake up, daily, ready to do it again...and maybe MORE!
The better days are few and far between...but that makes the good days even more special!...cuz they DON'T happen every day....possibly causing one to take those precious days for granted!
So....yeah! ...This is where the ramblings my brain wants desperately for someone, other than myself, to read can be read...
I eagerly encourage comments, suggestions...even constructive criticism!
I promise you that I am the most non-judgmental, open-minded person you will ever meet!
I have been down more "roads" than most people pass up!...had more "experiences" than most.
So...ya still interested in sticking around? ...have I scared ya away?
Is there anything ya want to ask?
Have I asked enough questions?
Everybody is matter what color ya are or what planet ya come from!
I'm eager to learn all about you, too!, please! share!
May your days all be worth living...and if they aren't, maybe tomorrow will stick around to find out!

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 04-17-2015, 12:53 PM

welcome to nations, Innie!

Spartan Warrior Extraordinairé
Menelaus is offline
Old 04-17-2015, 01:04 PM

lol, I'm absolutely loving that introduction, so deep, and extremely funny. I can't wait to read more of your Inzanebraned incite on the sick sad world we're all frantically clinging too. so much so, that I've already subscribed. glad to see that you've finally found your groove ��

bluerockman is online now
Old 04-17-2015, 02:04 PM

Originally Posted by Inzanebraned View Post
I have put it off long is time I stake my claim in the wide world of Menewsha!
This will be my home away from (real life) retreat from the ever-overwhelming life I live.
Here, you may find opinions that disagree with your's, rants, vents and, maybe an inspiring and witty story on occasion!
I enjoy writing about my daily struggles...and the good times, too!
I don't know if it's my age...or just the time in space that I have been thrust into existing,...but it just seems like the struggles outnumber the good times on a landslide scale...for ME, anyway!
Oh, I am not complaining (much)!!
Anybody who knows me knows that I am served up more than my fair share of foul feces!...but it never stops me from wading in, waist deep, without waders!...and continue to wake up, daily, ready to do it again...and maybe MORE!
The better days are few and far between...but that makes the good days even more special!...cuz they DON'T happen every day....possibly causing one to take those precious days for granted!
So....yeah! ...This is where the ramblings my brain wants desperately for someone, other than myself, to read can be read...
I eagerly encourage comments, suggestions...even constructive criticism!
I promise you that I am the most non-judgmental, open-minded person you will ever meet!
I have been down more "roads" than most people pass up!...had more "experiences" than most.
So...ya still interested in sticking around? ...have I scared ya away?
Is there anything ya want to ask?
Have I asked enough questions?
Everybody is matter what color ya are or what planet ya come from!
I'm eager to learn all about you, too!, please! share!
May your days all be worth living...and if they aren't, maybe tomorrow will stick around to find out!

Careful. I might actually try to test you on that open-mindedness and non-judgmentalism.

I should probably make a hang out thread of my own, but since I'm likely to be looking for gaming partners, I don't really want to put up something that I'd have to have moved or something.

Dazzlingdreamberry is offline
Old 04-17-2015, 03:54 PM

Good morning, dear izzy! #Brings you a dr pepper in a cafe cup

Inzanebraned is offline
Old 04-17-2015, 04:37 PM

Thanks for the Welcome, hummy! ...oh, and by the way, most of my friends call me Izzy....not that I wouldn't answer to just about any moniker placed upon me! Lol! ...I am most commonly named "Hey You!" most of the time! Lol!
I hope to make this thread worth reading....though I have found that it is best if I don't make any promises...the moment I make a commitment, SOMEthing will inevitably prevent me from keeping my word!
I will just take it one day at a time and see how it goes...

Well....It has been snowing for over 24 hours and there is about 18, or more, inches of snow on my porch!
This morning we had Thunder and Lightning Snow! ...Hope was up and the thunder scared the poor tyke!
After the rumbling booms, Hope looked at me with a worried look on her face and asked "Who's DAT?"
I told her it was thunder and tried to explain, in terms a 28 month old toddler might understand, what the thunder was...
She still looked worried and declared "Hope SCARED!"
I had her climb into my lap, cuddled her tight and reassured her that the thunder couldn't hurt her and that there was nothing to be frightened about.
She must have believed me, cuz it wasn't moments before she was off to pick a movie to watch....thoughts of scary thunder-booms tossed to the wind!
....I am super tired!....I MIGHT have gotten 2 hours of sleep?
Hope woke just as I was going to bed, and she was rather demanding about me staying awake!
"Mammaw NO go sleep! Mammaw stay AWAKE!"
I read her 2 books, turned the light off (OH, the TEARS!) and calmly explained that we are supposed to be asleep when it's dark and she could expect me to stay awake when the sky got bright....
She did finally drift off...for a couple hours...till she heard the BF leave to plow snow for cash...
She was up,...jumping on the bed,...slamming the venetian blinds around to see outside...
I asked her to lay down...which she finally did...only to start whining "Hope no PUKE!"..but she was wrong!...and she emptied her stomach on the pillow, nearly missing my head!
So...I was up, too!...rinsing jammies and blankets and sheets!
She patiently waited for clean jammies, then ate some dry rice chex cereal and drank some water and chilled in front of Sesame Street for a while before finally falling back asleep.
I really shouldn't nap...cuz Sarah will wake before long and a whole new set of responsibilities will ensue...
I know myself well enough to not trust myself to wake in an hour or so! I would easily sleep for 6 hours...with my alarm going off the whole time!
So...I guess I better make a new pot of coffee and start shoring up my tenacity to succeed in staying alert for the duration!
I hope everybody is having a finer Friday than I...and that ya have a most pleasant weekend!

Amane is offline
Old 04-17-2015, 04:48 PM

Hashtags to mark actions. That's a new one.

bluerockman is online now
Old 04-17-2015, 04:53 PM

Originally Posted by Inzanebraned View Post
Thanks for the Welcome, hummy! ...oh, and by the way, most of my friends call me Izzy....not that I wouldn't answer to just about any moniker placed upon me! Lol! ...I am most commonly named "Hey You!" most of the time! Lol!
I hope to make this thread worth reading....though I have found that it is best if I don't make any promises...the moment I make a commitment, SOMEthing will inevitably prevent me from keeping my word!
I will just take it one day at a time and see how it goes...

Well....It has been snowing for over 24 hours and there is about 18, or more, inches of snow on my porch!
This morning we had Thunder and Lightning Snow! ...Hope was up and the thunder scared the poor tyke!
After the rumbling booms, Hope looked at me with a worried look on her face and asked "Who's DAT?"
I told her it was thunder and tried to explain, in terms a 28 month old toddler might understand, what the thunder was...
She still looked worried and declared "Hope SCARED!"
I had her climb into my lap, cuddled her tight and reassured her that the thunder couldn't hurt her and that there was nothing to be frightened about.
She must have believed me, cuz it wasn't moments before she was off to pick a movie to watch....thoughts of scary thunder-booms tossed to the wind!
....I am super tired!....I MIGHT have gotten 2 hours of sleep?
Hope woke just as I was going to bed, and she was rather demanding about me staying awake!
"Mammaw NO go sleep! Mammaw stay AWAKE!"
I read her 2 books, turned the light off (OH, the TEARS!) and calmly explained that we are supposed to be asleep when it's dark and she could expect me to stay awake when the sky got bright....
She did finally drift off...for a couple hours...till she heard the BF leave to plow snow for cash...
She was up,...jumping on the bed,...slamming the venetian blinds around to see outside...
I asked her to lay down...which she finally did...only to start whining "Hope no PUKE!"..but she was wrong!...and she emptied her stomach on the pillow, nearly missing my head!
So...I was up, too!...rinsing jammies and blankets and sheets!
She patiently waited for clean jammies, then ate some dry rice chex cereal and drank some water and chilled in front of Sesame Street for a while before finally falling back asleep.
I really shouldn't nap...cuz Sarah will wake before long and a whole new set of responsibilities will ensue...
I know myself well enough to not trust myself to wake in an hour or so! I would easily sleep for 6 hours...with my alarm going off the whole time!
So...I guess I better make a new pot of coffee and start shoring up my tenacity to succeed in staying alert for the duration!
I hope everybody is having a finer Friday than I...and that ya have a most pleasant weekend!
Well, that's one heck of a story. One heck of a night into a morning. Hopefully, you don't end up having to work during that time, at least until things get a little more settled.

Amane is offline
Old 04-17-2015, 04:54 PM

LOL @ Hummy calling Inzane Innie.

Inzanebraned is offline
Old 04-17-2015, 06:23 PM

Right?!?....I started feelin' like a belly button for a second, there!
Hey...Thanks for the soda, Dazzy! ...I loves my Dr.Pepper! (prolly a large contributer to the emergency room visit I described in a thread in the General Discussion unwillingness to drink water, choosing soda instead,...I was prolly dehydrated from the get-go!)
So....Sarah is still noon-thirty-ish....and I hate to wake her, cuz I know it is much kinder to sleep through as much of this virus as one can...but I must wake her, soon, to give her her anti-seizure medicine and her muscle relaxer.
Sarah has been fortunate in the fact that she has not vomited...
She has survived on diluted Koolaid and bananas and there isn't much to vomit!..but *WHEW* the odor when it runs out the other end! (Sarah wears adult diapers, so I get an up-close sampling of the smell!)
Sarah may have a built-in anti-vomit mechanism....for she has seldom upchucked...and if she does, she runs a high risk of aspirating it...sucking foreign substances into her lungs and possibly causing life-threatening pneumonia...
Taking that into consideration, I don't mind wiping her smelly behind!
Hope is obviously still napping....(for I would NOT be writing this if she were awake!)
I figure I would use the time I do have to let some who may have never "met" me to get a little more acquainted with I write these super long, blog-like posts...
If I write more, at one time, than most want to read at one time, somebody ought to let me know!....cuz I can easily ramble on, endlessly!
But...for now, I must cease...and wake Sarah...
(I already feel like such a heel! Who wants to be woke up when they're sick!)
I bid you all Good Day! at ya later!

Amane is offline
Old 04-17-2015, 06:31 PM

Nothing can pull me away from my obsessions. NOTHING.

bluerockman is online now
Old 04-17-2015, 06:51 PM

Originally Posted by Amane View Post
Nothing can pull me away from my obsessions. NOTHING.

Amane is offline
Old 04-17-2015, 06:55 PM


bluerockman is online now
Old 04-17-2015, 07:03 PM

If kitteh can't pull you away from your obsessions, it's because kitteh IS one of your obsessions.

Spartan Warrior Extraordinairé
Menelaus is offline
Old 04-17-2015, 07:06 PM

Originally Posted by Inzanebraned
This morning we had Thunder and Lightning Snow! ...Hope was up and the thunder scared the poor tyke!
After the rumbling booms, Hope looked at me with a worried look on her face and asked "Who's DAT?"
I told her it was thunder and tried to explain, in terms a 28 month old toddler might understand, what the thunder was...
She patiently waited for clean jammies, then ate some dry rice chex cereal and drank some water and chilled in front of Sesame Street for a while before finally falling back asleep.

I really shouldn't nap...cuz Sarah will wake before long and a whole new set of responsibilities will ensue...
I know myself well enough to not trust myself to wake in an hour or so! I would easily sleep for 6 hours...with my alarm going off the whole time!
So...I guess I better make a new pot of coffee and start shoring up my tenacity to succeed in staying alert for the duration!
wow, you really do have your hands full, Insane, fuller than I've probably ever seen hand be.. filled?! yet you take it all so much in your own stride. having a hard life is one thing, alot of people have them, but when you can perceive the silver linings as superseding the clouds, as you seem able to do, that's a true sign of strength of character ��

Last edited by Menelaus; 04-18-2015 at 07:25 AM..

Amane is offline
Old 04-17-2015, 07:07 PM

That's correct.

twoinchesofpurehillbilly is offline
Old 04-18-2015, 01:06 AM

Hey insane hope things getting better for yas. My day was pretty good here's my first day off in 2 months well enjoyed and we'll deserved hillbilly luvs to yas

Amane is offline
Old 04-18-2015, 06:13 AM

When the video's so epic you can't stop watching it.

Spartan Warrior Extraordinairé
Menelaus is offline
Old 04-18-2015, 06:55 AM

Originally Posted by Inzanebraned
If I write more, at one time, than most want to read at one time, somebody ought to let me know!....cuz I can easily ramble on, endlessly!
loool, you crazy fool, rambling is good, and your endless ramblings are always welcomed. Its a pity that you don't get a little more you time to precipitate a little more frequently. but, of course, real life must always come first (apparently, its where all the bacon is ��)

Last edited by Menelaus; 04-18-2015 at 08:37 AM..

Amane is offline
Old 04-18-2015, 05:05 PM

The fact that real life has bacon is proof that every cloud has a silver lining.

Inzanebraned is offline
Old 04-18-2015, 10:17 PM

Today I woke feeling kinda.....well, bacon didn't sound real good at the moment!...that's pretty self-explanatory, I think!
Coffee didn't sound good, either!
.....slight pangs of paranoia!
I checked the fridge and..SCORE!...One last bottle of ice cold water...complete with ice crystals!
A few sips of water quickly told me that I was just slightly dehydrated and would not be returning to the agony of dry heaves!
.....paranoia fades, but NEVER disappears!
Hope slept late after having some outbursts of crying out in her sleep..."Hope go IN there"..."Hope no PUKE!"
The poor thing is too young to grasp what dreams really are....and I, on the other hand, never dream!....I used to, but haven't for decades!
When Hope woke, she was in a surprisingly chipper mood....all smiles and sweetness!
She had her routine milk and got a dry diaper...she chose a movie to watch..."La La Loopsieland"....not my favorite!....but it kept her happy! Lol!
I commenced to begin washing the mountain of pukey and poopy clothes and blankets that had collected in the HAND!....for I have no washer or a car to take the mess to the laundromat.
Hope ate some scrambled egg and a mini-donut....and it wasn't very long before her good mood dissolved and she was being mad at me for no reason!
As I was finishing the next to the last load, I noticed the silence.....
Hope had fallen back asleep on the kitchen floor!
I moved her to the bed...
The BF has had a bad truck day....after a worse truck day, yesterday....and is impatiently needing the bathtub....RIGHT NOW!
I gotta go......*sigh*

Amane is offline
Old 04-18-2015, 10:22 PM

Spring is here. Bug paranoia, ON. I go through so much MESS because bugs are unnecessary. I'm using my laptop and too scared to go to the laptop because I think I saw something flying yesterday. Which will stay until spring. What if a bug comes in here? I'll move and cry. Sometimes the tablet saves me. I went out yesterday, and THERE WERE TOO MANY BUGS. Spring, I will cut you. Summer, I will cut you. Fall, I will firmly ask you to leave. Winter, take me with you.

Paranoia squad is in.

Inzanebraned is offline
Old 04-19-2015, 08:15 AM

Once the weather warms, we will battle spider and ant invasions!
Last Spring, I would walk into a room and see an area on the carpet that looked...."shiny,"....upon closer inspection, I would discover hundreds of ants all gathered on spots that the cat had peed on in the past!
We also have mice invasions....the cat just sits and watches em run by!
Most "pests" don't bother me much...except spiders! ....I am much braver than I used to be when it comes to spiders!
Nowadays I can just smush em with my thumb...all the while apologizing for killing the thing and explaining aloud, that if spiders invade MY space, they will they should stay outside or out of my sight!
Now Hope points them out on the ceiling...."Smush 'pider, Mammaw!"
Well....I had hoped to regale ya all with "more tales from my side," but I am so tired.....
I'm out, folks! Have a great night and/or Sunday!

Spartan Warrior Extraordinairé
Menelaus is offline
Old 04-19-2015, 11:37 AM

lol, I remember one summer, after returning from a weekend away, we came home to two lines of ants, one coming to and the other fro, leading a trail from the front door all the way into the lounge and up one of the table legs. in our exuberant rush to leave the house on the previous friday, someone had left half an orange on the table, and the ants were carrying it back in chunks, on their living assembly line, to feed the five thousand. ingenious little buggers, they must have smelled the fermenting fruit all the way from outside ��

Amane is offline
Old 04-19-2015, 05:21 PM

My house was invaded by ants before I was born. Glad I missed it.


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