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Old 05-19-2015, 01:33 AM

True Form:
Human Form:

Age: appears to be 19 (actually really old)
Abilities: making herself appear to be a human girl, controlling the element of ice in any way possible.
Likes: ice, snow, flowers (preferably carnations), reading
Dislikes: perverts, bullies, rain/ storms
Bio: Siara was born an ice mutant and learned to control it very quickly with the help of her academy. When she graduated the academy, though she was allowed to stay and help other ice mutants- she left. She now lives where no human can harm her unless she lets them, pretending to be human as she attends a human college, since she doesn't know of any mutant college. Plus, she wanted to know more about the humans and why they fear her kind- mutants. She was a daring girl who has a kind heart but keeps it hidden by acting like a heartless thing. If anyone would get to know the real her, she might just let them in.



Age: 21
Bio: Born into a small group of hunters that want to rid the world of mutants. He was trained all his life from the age of 12, on how to fight and slay several types of mutants. Now, he joining a rather popular college after his parents heard about mutants wanting to tie in with humans- to see if he can catch and eliminate any mutants in the town or school. His parents were counting on him to sniff them out.

Last edited by Nova_Alchemist; 07-14-2015 at 04:12 AM..

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 05-19-2015, 02:10 AM


Age: 21
Likes: Leather, Reading, Autumn, Music, Incense.
Dislikes: Summer, Rain, Crowds, Bugs, Jerks.
Bio: Elliot grew up in a pretty strict household. His parents never accepted anything less than an A when his reports came in. It was a pretty stressful childhood but he has no regrets. Even now that he lives alone, Elliot keeps up with the straight A's. Friends worry about him because they never see him do anything outside of schoolwork. Elliot says he's fine, but at times he does wish he could stay up late watching movies or hanging out with his friends which aren't many at that. He isn't too organized at home, but outside of his house he is thought to be the most organized person. He's always on time or even early to his classes and hates the thought of ever being late.

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Old 05-19-2015, 03:43 AM

((will post in the morning/ when i get up :p gotta go make dinner and such))

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 05-30-2015, 06:49 AM

Elliot walked through the somewhat empty school halls and looked around. He had arrived rather early again, it was a habit he didn't plan on breaking anytime soon. His friends were obviously still sleeping or just now getting ready for school. Teachers were casually walking into their classrooms to get everything ready. College was really different from Highschool and he didn't know if he liked it more or hated it more. A soft yawn escaped his lips and he placed a hand over his mouth, and automatic reflex of his. His long wavy red hair looked nicely brushed, he was very nicely dressed in his casual clothes. He really didn't own anything fancy. His first class started in two hours, what could he do to kill time? Most people would finish up homework, but he had it all finished, all he could do was continue to walk around. His stomach asked for a snack and so Elliot found himself waking over to the cafeteria and spending money on some orange juice and a croissant breakfast sandwich. He sat himself down at one of the many table and enjoyed the small sandwich while other students passed right by him.

((I hope this post is okay.))

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Old 05-30-2015, 09:29 PM

((your post is fine dear, thanks so much! ^-^))

Siara arrived at her new school rather early as well. She was wearing a casual tea green top with thin sleeves that came about an inch or so over her wrists, that's just how she liked them. A long skirt to match the top perfectly, and a pair of light brown, knee high boots with two inch heels. Her hair neatly brushed to the side and braided like so. Her curious brown eyes wondering the halls as she walked silently towards the cafeteria. She had a messenger bag that she wore over her shoulder and close to her side. Siara didn't talk to anyone, matter of fact she tried to avoid eye contact as well.

She passed the cafeteria and headed straight for her class room. Knowing that most humans weren't in class yet, it would give her a bit of time to ready herself for this new experience. She was a tad bit nervous, though she wouldn't admit it- ever. Siara knew that she couldn't act all sweet and innocent, it just wouldn't get her by here. They would walk all over her. So as she took out a few notebooks that she would need, she thought of a way to mask her true self.

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 05-30-2015, 10:14 PM

(I'm happy to help. :))

Finishing his breakfast, Elliot threw away the trash and headed over to his class. He only had two classes today so he wasn't in a rush to get to class. Gathering his things, he walked over to his first class and wasn't surprised to see that it was pretty lonely except for a few students sitting around. The teacher still wasn't here, or maybe he was but left to get something else done? It didn't matter at this point. Elliot walked to his seat and sat down, pulling out his homework and anything else he would need. He could turn in the work right now, place it on the teacher's desk but he preferred to hand it over to the teacher personally. It meant that the work wouldn't be misplaced in any way. The students in the class were talking in a low voice to one another and one of his many friends started to braid his hair.

This made Elliot chuckle as he looked back to see his friend clearly enjoying this. "Must you always touch my hair?" he asked quietly. His friend raised an eyebrow and smiled. "Am I not allowed to?" she asked. "It's not that, I just don't see why you always love doing this, but hey I won't complain as long as you don't pull it or mess it up." Elliot replied. His friend, Lori grinned and continued to braid his hair loosely. "Don't worry. You and I both know that I would never mess up this lovely curtain of hair you have." she assured with a nod of her head. "Ever plan on cutting it?"she asked. "Well..." Elliot started. "You're seriously considering it?!" she gasped, clearly shocked. "I might cut off a few inches once it gets too long. For now I'm happy the way it is though." he replied. Just then, the teacher walked in and closed the door behind him as the bell rang. "Alright, you know the drill, pass up the homework to the front row and I'll collect it." the teacher said sternly.

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Old 05-30-2015, 11:17 PM

Siara sat in the back of the class, same class as Elliot. She slowly stood when the teacher came in and told the class to pass up their homework. "Excuse me, I'm new. I'm sure you received my transfer papers? Siara Parker." She spoke up, like told to before ever coming to this school.

((brain died..forgive me x.x))

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 05-30-2015, 11:30 PM

The teacher gathered up the homework and looked over at Siara when she spoke. "Ah yes, the new student, welcome!" he said with a smile on his face. "Yes I did, I have them right here with me. We will be having a quiz next week, I'm not sure if you want the work that will be on the quiz to study?" he explained. The students looked over at Siara, even Elliot looked back to see who the new student was. "If you need any help with the work, I'm sure someone here can help you out." the teacher added. "I think it would be nice for her to get the work Professor, it would give her a fair chance at the quiz." Lori commented with a smile and looked back at Siara. "You have a weird name you know, but I like it." she said softly. Elliot chuckled and ran his fingers through his hair, destroying the loose braid that Lori had made. "You're so mean Lori." he said and looked at Siara, "Ignore her. The only weird one here is her." he explained. "I said that I liked it though!" she said and laughed softly. "Students, calm down." the teacher said seriously.

(Understandable. My brain is all chilled right now from the medication and anesthesia from the dentist.)

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Old 05-31-2015, 01:46 AM

Siara smirked lightly and nodded to the teacher. "I would appreciate the work, wouldn't want to fall behind any farther." She said to him camly. She glanced at Lori then to Elliot. "Noted." She said quietly before sitting back down. Siara planned on ignoring the whole class if she could. She wasn't here to make friends. She was here to learn from the humans in the world she would be living in, away from her fellow mutants.


Evergreen Goddess
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Old 05-31-2015, 04:09 AM

"Alright then, I'll get the work to you at the end of class. Now then students, open your books to chapter seven. I want you to read all of sections one and two. When you have finished that, answer all questions at the end of each section. All questions are divided into a certain number of parts. I want all parts answered." he assigned and wrote it all on the board for them. The students groaned but opened up their books and did as they were told. As he read, Elliot made sure to write down any information he found important so that it could help him with the questions. While the students did this, The teacher worked on getting the work together for Siara.

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Old 05-31-2015, 04:43 AM

Siara also took out her book and began to write down anything important that she might need as she read the chapter of the assignment. Truthfully though..she didn't understand any of it! Working her way to the questions at the end of the sections. That took quite some times. She didn't look like she was having a hard time, but in the back of her mind she was flipping out. There was no way she was going to be ready for the test next week if she couldn't even get through one little assignment. Siara stared blankly at the book in front of her as she tried to gather her scrambled thoughts.

Somewhat succeeding, she went to work on answering the questions that followed the sections of reading.

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 05-31-2015, 05:21 AM

Elliot worked quickly but silently. He loved reading, but he hated questions that were divided into parts, they were a pain to answer. He wrote down the questions for each section in a different paper and made sure to space them out enough so he'd be able to write down his answers. When he finished reading both sections, he focused on answering the questions, thinking thoroughly on how he would answer without copying things from the book. The only sound he could hear was the sound of pages being turned and pencils and pens writing on paper. It was actually quite soothing. If this was going to be on the quiz then it would probably be easy. Unless the quiz is about something completely unexpected.

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Old 05-31-2015, 05:36 AM

When Siara finished writing down all of her questions and thorough answers, she quietly closed her text book and leaned back in her chair. Since no one was getting up to turn in their work, she figured that the teacher would collect the work at the end of the class just like he collected the homework. Maybe not. She didn't know how he did things in his classroom yet.

((bleh x.x))

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 05-31-2015, 04:03 PM

The students continued to work silently and when they finished they set their work to the side of their desk. "I suggest you all take this quiz seriously since it will be a pretty big part of your overall grade. If any of you fail it, your grade will go down a lot. So please study and try your best." the teacher informed. "Excuse me Professor, but how many questions will be on the quiz and how many do we need to get correct to pass?" Elliot asked since he knew everyone was wondering the same thing. "The quiz will be thirty questions long. You need to get at least twenty correct to pass." he answered.

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Old 05-31-2015, 09:49 PM

Siara stared blankly at the desk before her. Thirty questions..twenty questions to pass... She took a mental note, knowing just how hard it would be for her to catch to the rest of the class, even if she dd want to take the quiz like everybody else. Could she really pass it? Maybe if she crammed for a week and a half. Siara sighed, silently thinking that she was doomed if she failed the quiz. New student or not. God, she hoped that there was a library in this school.

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 06-02-2015, 01:54 AM

Thirty questions long, and twenty correct were needed to pass. Oh no, the pressure was on now and Elliot could already feel the stress start to creep up into his body, and frankly he didn't like it. He knew that he was going to have to study like crazy at the end of the day. I'll have to study for hours. Another sleepless night for me I guess. Elliot thought to himself as he finished up his work. When everyone was done with their work, the teacher went around and collected it then placed it on his desk before grabbing some papers and stapling them together. He then walked over to Siara's desk and set the stack down. "Hopefully you can catch up." he said with a smile then walked back to the board. "Did any of you have trouble with the homework?" he asked.

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Old 06-08-2015, 02:21 AM

Siara watched as the teacher walked around the class to collect their work. She smiled at the teacher and nodded lightly. "I know I can, Professor." She replied casually, watching him head back towards the front of the classroom. Her eyes fell to the desk and she mentally cursed. 'Great... How am I gonna catch up and study for the quiz? Somebody just shoot me! Her thoughts whirled around her head as she stared at the stack of papers with self-doubt kicking in. She sighed quietly and picked up the stack of papers and slipped them into her bag, praying that this class would be over soon.

((question: would it be already to have a jock pick on her 'cause she's new and kind of cute?))

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 06-10-2015, 12:18 AM

A few students one by one, pointed out questions from the homework that they were having trouble on, and the teacher patiently started going over each one step by step. Elliot took this opportunity and began to take notes off the questions. He figured it could help him out when he studied for the quiz. Elliot glanced up at the clock on the wall and was glad to see that the class was going to end in a few. Just as he had guessed it, a few minutes after the explanations, the bell rang causing the students to start putting away their things while the teacher reminded them to study hard for the quiz.

((I have no problem with that. :3 ))

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Old 06-10-2015, 01:40 AM

Siara listened to the teacher explain a few answers from last night's homework. She didn't write them down because she didn't have last night's homework and none of the explanations made since. She was already packing up a few minutes before the bell rang. She was glad when it did though. Siara waited for the most of the class to empty out into the hallway before making her own way out. She didn't feel like being shoved in ten different directions, then made her way to her locker to get things for her next class.

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 06-10-2015, 03:18 AM

Elliot followed the students out of the class and started walking over to the lockers to get his things for his second class. As he walked down the halls, he saw one of the jocks make his way over to the new girl and frowned as he watched from a distance, curious to see what he was up to. "Hey there new girl. You might want to move out of the way, unless you like being pushed around." he said and laughed with his friends who were following close behind him. "That's right little lady, move it!" said one of the friends. "Yeah, move it new kid!" shouted another. Elliot glared and looked over at the new girl. "We won't push you around though if you agree to go out with me though. A cute new student isn't something I see everyday." said the jock.

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Old 06-10-2015, 06:14 AM

Siara stopped in her tracks and looked over at the boy being very rude. He was wearing a uniform so she figured that he was a jock, and kid next to him was his buddy. She rolled her eyes and glared at the jock. "I'm not moving, and I wouldn't go out with you if you were the last man alive." She said to him in a cold voice. "Push me around all you want- but you'll find that I push back." Siara said, then turned her back to him and went to open her locker since she was already right there. This punk wasn't worth her time. But if he wanted to bark up her tree, she'd soon make him regret it. But only if he did push her around.

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 06-10-2015, 07:32 PM

Elliot listened and smirked at the girl's response. She wasn't your average girl around the block and that piqued his interest. "Oh really? Are you trying to pick a fight with me?" asked the jock and shoved her to the side. "If you are, you'll just en up getting hurt. What kind of first day of school would that be? Getting beat up already. Maybe you should just go to some other school." he said and cracked his knuckles. Oh crap, this is going to get serious! Elliot thought to himself and ran over to them both. "Woah woah...calm down now man." Elliot said with raised hands. "What do you think you're doing punk? Defending your girlfriend?" the jock asked and laughed. Elliot glared and shook his head. "I'm not defending anyone, I don't even know her. I'm just trying to prevent a stupid fight. You really shouldn't be wasting your time on her. You should go and take care of the people tagging up your locker gym right now." Elliot lied.

The jock widened his eyes and snarled, "What did you just say?!" he hissed. "You heard me. So off you go, shoo now or you'll be too late and be the joke of the school, not jock." Elliot replied with a straight face. The jock glared and pointed at the girl, "I'll deal with you later." he said and ran off with his friend. Sighing, Elliot headed back to his locker and grabbed his things before walking over to his second class. He wasn't going to talk to the knew girl because it was obvious from what he saw, that she wasn't interested in talking to anyone.

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Old 06-11-2015, 02:03 AM

Siara cushioned the hit from the jock shoving her with her bag, then turned and looked at him. Siara wore a straight face as the jock looked like he was ready to hit her, but inside she was terrified. Acting like an opposite of her true self was already turning into anxiety attack just waiting to happen. She was thankful for her classmate stepping in and "saving the day". But she also knew that she would have to face the jock again.

She took a calming breath and closed her locker before heading to her next class. She wanted to thank Elliot for that..but it would have to wait until her heart stopped echoing in her ears.

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 06-11-2015, 03:07 AM

Elliot took his seat quietly, greeting his teacher as he did so and pulled out the work that was due that day. "Did you have any trouble with the work?" asked his teacher. "Not really. The book we were assigned to read was pretty boring though." he admitted with a soft smile. "Ah Elliot, books are not boring. You just don't understand the interesting factors of most of them. Not all books have to be fiction to be interesting you know." his teacher explained as other students slowly started to fill up the classroom and take their seats. He knew his teacher was right, but he couldn't help but find some books boring. He still read the book though which was what really mattered.

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Old 06-11-2015, 03:44 AM

Siara made her way to her class and found herself moving to the back of the classroom, keeping her head down and claimed one of the back row seats. She set her notebook on her desk and book that her professor gave her, telling her that she would need it for school. Well, he was a psychic after all- and boy was she glad for it. She read the book last night, truly enjoying it. This class would be a breeze for her. She just hoped that she didn't get called on after the run in with the jock... She might just show her true colors- and she wasn't ready for anyone to see the real her just yet.

((i figured i make things easier and just slap her in the same classes as Elliot until the last class where she takes a music class :p))


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