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Lady Chello
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Old 12-05-2015, 10:33 AM

Daydreams and Nightmares

Sometimes dreams can turn into reality and reality can transfer to the dream world. No one is sure how or why this happens, however when it does one things is certain. Nothing will every be the same after the two world meet.
Dream Catcher
Bio: No one is sure where this mysterious women hails from. Rumors gather around her and her intentions. Some say she is just a ghost others say she is a guardian of the land. Some say she's a witch. The truth is no one knows anything about her. She appears randomly at different times like a day dream in this world. Sometimes she speaks and advises. Sometimes to warn and others to guide. However no one knows her story or even her name. No one knows her true motive in the things she does. But every one knows she'll appear like a daydream and vanish like a nightmare.


The Nightmare: Lord Reux is the most feared man across the lands far and wide. Many say he is the savior that the people have prayed for. However if you ask the women he is betrothed to he is a monster. The Lord as many call him is gifted in combat and is immune to most magic attacks. The Lord gave up his childhood choosing to become a living weapon to protect the land and the people of his land. Instead of hug and kisses he received beatings and broken bones. He was thrown out into the wild as a child and couldn't return until he had slain his first monster. The Lord was a prodigy and is seen as a gift from the gods. He is the mighty protector of the land and loved by all. The King and Prince adore him and gave him a bride befitting him. They believed if they gave him a bride worth fighting for he would always fight hard to defend the land and people.

Upon choosing the lucky girl to become his wife the King ordered that the young women be treated like a goddess and locked away until her marriage day. No person was to be allowed to see her she was to be treated as a goddess and no normal person was to every speak directly to her or dare grace her presence. She was to be worshiped and honored. If any had any request of The Lord they where to pray to the chosen girl and she was to speak to her Lord on their behalf. She was to have only the finest things and only her parents and approved servants would be allowed to see her. She would be guarded until her marriage and none would see her but her family and approved servants for her protection and for The Lord's peace of mind.


Bio: Kiba has only memories of one girl. She is his world and his best friend. She some how entered into his world and appears like a dream but vanishing like a nightmare almost every morning. They spend their time exploring his world and learning from one another. She is like no other girl he has ever met. Most in his world see him as a nightmare because of his appearance and his abilities. However the sweet girl that he adores knows he is no nightmare and for her he would slain any beast. Kiba in his world is the master of beast and can tame monstrosities that would terrify any soul. The mighty beast master will all his power has been tamed by a beautiful young girl who appears and vanishing like a dream.


Bio: Earth was named by the girl that appears like a dream. Earth has ever only known her and Kiba. Kiba has been with him since his hatching and has been his best friend. Kiba is a genital soul even though many in their world judge him poorly.Kiba does his best to keep the world safe from the dark monsters full of hatred and other evil things. Earth does his best to help his dear friend and to ensure that his master always lives another day to see the girl.

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 12-05-2015, 07:59 PM

Mimi Lafaille

Mimi is the unlucky lady to be betrothed to Lord Reux. Mimi of course doesn't like this one bit, but she has no say in the matter. She is terrified of him and loves it when her parents come to visit her where she has been locked away like an object. Sadly, Mimi has no friends and since no one is really allowed to visit her, she decided to a friend of her own. His name is Kiba and he is her best friend. He also has a pet of his own to keep him company when she cannot speak to him. Mimi is always careful when she talks to him since she doesn't want anybody to know of her best friend. If Lord Reux found out, she didn't know what he would do to her. She enjoys talking to Kiba though, he always cheers her up and keeps her company all day until it's time to say goodbye for the day. When Mimi isn't talking to her imaginary friend, she is usually talking the the few people that talk to her. Sometimes Lord Reux himself visits her and she hates it because he scares her and when he does visit, he doesn't treat her very kindly.

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 12-06-2015, 03:59 AM

Kiba slowly open his eyes as he felt like he had been torn apart and back together violently. Every cell in his body hurt it hurt just to be. Breathing was painful and just laying was painful. His eyes slowly started to adjust to the bright light as he saw what looked to be crystal blue water and beautiful sandy beach. He closed his eyes as he felt himself drifting off to sleep again the pain being to much for him to handle. Kiba couldn't tell if that was a dream or if this was reality. He wasn't sure where he was or what had happen. All he knew was he felt pain and all he wanted was for Mimi to come back to him. The last time they had been together she seemed so scared of a man. She had never told him much about the man but it was easy to see how scared she was of him and how unhappy she was. "Mimi" He whispered as he finally succumbed to the pain and fell into a deep sleep hoping to see Mimi again and to know that she herself was safe.

Earth slowly woke his large wings felt nothing but pain along with his entire body. Even his large bones hurt as he looked around noticing the strange land they found themselves in. The large dragon sniffed the air the place so strange and unfamiliar. He looked around as he found Kiba on the sand near him looking worse for wear. He quickly walked over to his beloved friend and wrapped his body around his friend in a protective manner not sure where they where and why. He sniffed his friend and was happy to find his dear friend still breathing. He didn't smell blood so that was a good sign. He laid there trying to remember what had happen but he couldn't. All he managed to do was give himself a headache like he had never felt before. He laid there his head pounding as he looked up in front of him seeing a strange but beautiful women standing in the ocean water before him. There was something eerie about her yet captivating. Earth wondered how long the women had been there it was easy to see she had been waiting for them to wake. He watched as the strange women turned around and wore a soft smile on her lips. Her eyes where what bothered Earth the most. The where full of many things at once and yet nothing all together. He couldn't read her thoughts like he could most of the people and animals from their land. He froze as the women smiled almost knowing he had realized he couldn't read her mind. He wasn't sure if this was a day dream or a Nightmare.

Lord Reux rolled his eyes hearing what all the royal advisers had to say about his unscheduled visit to see Mimi. However she was his and he would see her when he pleased. He finally had enough of their incompetence as he swung his arms clearing his path all most instantly of the parasitic advisers. " Enough from you. Where is my bride!" He yelled out in a demanding voice that echoed through the stone castle. The advisers all shook with fear knowing that his might and power where unrivaled. In this world he was almost a god among men. " My Lady!!!! My Lady where are you?" He yelled out knowing that Mimi could here his voice. " Where have these parasitic hide you? Have they locked you away again in the tower so none can see you?" He yelled out angry with the men for treating Mimi as they did.

"My Lady call out to me and I'll break the doors that lock you up." He yelled out meaning it. He had enough of the advisers using Mimi as a chest piece. Mimi was not his first choice in a bride but he would not let any man treat her they way the advisers had started to. They had started locking her away from her parents and any one that they couldn't gain a favor from that would help their stature in the government or with the King. Mimi was his and she would be treated as a goddess and would not be locked away by these men because they felt like it. He had brought her more gifts from the fair away lands. He brought with him today new royal garments and jewels to adorn her in. He had also brought new sweeties and new birds for her collection of pets. She was his and he had standers he had to live up to just as now she did. He had brought her a new harp made from the finest metals and encrusted with jewels. He had also brought her parents with him.

Reux was a little miffed with Mimi because she had not wrote any letters to tell him how they where treating her. But he tried to calm himself more worried about her safety at this point. He had invaded new land and he knew he had made a enemy or two. He worried more that one of them could have slipped in and harmed her knowing while he was there she would be unprotected. That wasn't true Mimi had her own specialty guards that guarded her day and night. But he still worried.

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 12-06-2015, 04:29 AM

Mimi stirred in her sleep and woke up to the singing of the birds. "Kiba?" she said softly and rubbed her eyes as she sat up off the floor that she had apparently fallen to sleep on. Here she was once again, locked up in her tower prison with only her friend to keep her company, but he wasn't here at the moment. Her eyes widened when she heard Lord Reux's voice calling out for her. "Oh no, he's going to come find me! Oh no, what am I going to do? Kiba what do I do?" she asked to no one in particular. Her tower was rather small but it was always kept clean, it was the least they could do. Walking over to the doors that were locked, Mimi wanted to pound on them and scream but she was terrified of what he would do if she was found crying. He wasn't the nicest man after all and she didn't want to be yelled at or pushed around again. "Yes they did..." she whispered. She wanted to hide but there was no where to hide. Mimi wanted to leave, but she was safer here where he wasn't, but he was going to find her again and he was going to order her around again.

In a way she was used to it, but she was still terrified of him. The men had asked if she had wanted to write to him but she never wanted to, she never knew what to say to him. His Lady...she was his lady and yet, she didn't feel like it. His slave was what she truly felt like. He always showered her with gifts on his rare visits, but she never loved them even if she said she did. She didn't need or want gifts, they didn't make up for how he treated her. Her heart was racing and she quickly ran over to the tower's only window, "Kiba I'm scared..." she whispered and hugged herself to keep herself from shaking so much.

She wanted to go home and go back to the way things were. Mimi didn't want to live every day of her life in fear like this. She didn't want to marry him, he would only hurt her even more once they got married. Her eyes looked over at the large locked doors in fear, just waiting for Lord Reux to come barging in through the doors and possibly yell at her. He would probably be very upset at her for never writing to him. Perhaps it would be wise to write to him every day if it would make him less angry with her.

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 12-06-2015, 05:18 AM

Lord Reux let out a scream as he saw the doors to the tower locked. He stepped back then suddenly ran forward leaping into the air as he swung around causing one of his legs to hit the door with great impact. The door shattered upon impact splintering off into small shards. He landed in the door frame. " MIMI!" He screamed out as he felt his temper start to rise. " Where are you? Answer me!" He demanded as he steep forward know Mimi was there. As the dust and splinters settled he noticed the Purple hair that belonged to Mimi. " There you are my Mimi. Why do you test me? Why not answer me? I have done nothing to harm you and all I want is to free you but you refuse to answer me why?" He asked as his eyes narrowed approaching the young women. " I brought your parents and the servants back to you. I expect you to answer me when I call for you Mimi. Why didn't you write me about this outrageous abuse and treatment of you? Do you like being locked up here by these men? Is my castle not good enough for you and your parents?" He asked trying to keep clam and not explode on her. " I thought something had happen to you. " He said as he sighed and started to pace around the room. " I give you so much and ask so little from you. I don't understand why you can't simply speak to me and write to me. I don't ask you to clean. I don't ask you to do anything other than speak with me and write to me. But you can't even do that can you? I give you a nice castle let your family move in and my own wife to be can't even write me to tell me that the fools here have locked her away and have started to treat her like a chest piece. I have to get word from my in laws because my wife to be can't write me?" He said almost yelling feeling his anger rising. He sighed as he walked over to the window and took a seat trying to clear his head and clam down.

"I'm aware that you don't love me Mimi. But your not even trying to find a way to love me. I ask that you don't leave the castle because I make enemies and you would be the first target. I bring you the finest things to try and show you that I do care and to ensure that you only have the finest because you are mine but you seem ungrateful for it. The people of our land worship you as a goddess and bring you offerings and only ask that you relay their messages to me and do you even do that Mimi?" He said being very clam now as he spoke and started laughing as he sat there. " OH NO not you because that is to much of a inconvenience for you. You are a LADY of the COURT. That means you have certain duties and standards you are held to! Grow up already and be a Lady Mimi. Your mother has warned you I have warned you and the King himself has warned you. You are not a normal citizen you are part of the royal court rather you like it or not. That means you had duties and responsibilities. Your duties and responsibilities come before your own personal needs. You are bound to this land as I am. That is why I go to war is for this land and that is why you are to lessen to the people and help them as you can because that is your roll here in this land Mimi. So help me I swear your going to learn to be a Lady one way or another." He said as he cut his eyes to her.

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 12-06-2015, 05:54 AM

Mimi huddled up in the corner of the room and watched in fear as Lord Reux broke the doors and walked inside the room. Her safety was gone now. She listened to him but she didn't say anything, just watched him as she backed up against the wall. When he had spotted her, her face paled and she only could listen and stare at him. As he approached her, she tried to back away but she was already up against the wall. "I..." she started and frowned. "I am okay, I am not hurt. I am okay, you do not need to worry about me." she explained fearfully. Everything I do is wrong in your eyes no matter how hard I try to please you, you just yell at me and hurt me. she thought to herself as tears started to fill her eyes. Oh no, not now! she thought and flinched when he raised his voice at her.

Mimi turned away from him and hugged her knees to her chest as she stared at the stone wall. She had nothing to say to this man, he scared her and she knew he wouldn't care for what she had to say. She would write to him if he really wanted her to, she just hoped she knew what to say. Now he was laughing at her and it was then that she let the tears fall as she cried curled up there at the corner of the room. How was she supposed to love someone who laughed at her, and yelled at her so much? Just be quiet! Please just go and leave me alone! she wanted to tell him that but she was too scared to say anything to him since she never knew how he would react.

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 12-06-2015, 06:40 AM

Dream catcher stood in the surf as she waited for the two to wake she had brought. Dream waited knowing that the man was in great pain and needed more rest than the dragon did. After a while she turned and faced them once again a soft smile on her lips. She slowly made her way to them as she stopped just before them. " Dreams are both good and bad. But dreams are the hopes and fears of people. Sometimes they can be so powerful that they take shape. Your girl she needs you. That is why I brought you here. You adore her so she is in great danger and pain. " Dream catcher said as she looked to Erath and then to Kiba who was starting to wake.

Kiba woke hearing the sweet voice that he had heard in his head before. As he woke saw her the lady from his visions. He had saw her many time before but he wasn't sure if it was in dreams or not. He sat up hearing what she had to say. He could tell something was off with her something wasn't right. "You...bought us here? Where is here why here? What are we to do?" He asked trying to understand what was going on. He knew from his visions she wouldn't stay long and that if she appeared to lessen to what she had to say. She never lied and always seemed to know what future events where going to unfold. He never knew why she appeared or when she would he just knew when she did she was there for a reason and to heed her words.

Dream catcher smile slowly vanished as she looked sad she held up her hand as water from the surf made a large circle in front of her body and then pictures suddenly appeared in it. She showed Kiba Mimi and what was currently happening. It made a tear fall from her face as she heard what was being sad almost feeling Mimi's pain and thoughts.

"MiMi!!!!!" Kiba yelled as he jumped up suddenly having to grab his side from the pain. He looked up as he saw Earth using his head to help steady him. " Thank you old friend." He said to his beloved dragon. He looked to Dream Catcher as he saw her tears and looked back to he watery images. " No....please don't let him hit her! We have to stop this!" He screamed out falling to his knees from pain as he pleaded with Dream catcher.

Dream Catcher looked to Kiba as she spoke again. " I brought you here to her world to save her. She is the Key to saving many worlds. If she dies many world die with her. It will not be easy here for you Kiba. You will find life here difficult but you must keep living at any coast. This little girl needs you. You must save her from Lord Reux. She must never marry him. You have three options before you Kiba." Dream catcher said as the circle of water split into three circles. " You can save her and let her be free. " She said as she showed that future to him. " You can help her learn to love Reux a and save Lord Reux and make him into the man worthy to have her." She said as she pointed to that future and then she pointed to the last circle of water. " Or you can fail and vanish along with me and many others. " She said as she looked at him as the water vanished suddenly. " Her fate is in your hands. To save her will coast you much. There will be a high price for the wish granted. I ask that you not kill Lord Reux. He is important to this land as well as others. He paid the price that the men here refused to pay for the wish granted to them and to this land. In doing so he lost something precious in return. He lost the right to love. He is but a weapon here for good or bad that is what he is. I understand that you will battle but you are not to kill him do I make myself clear Kiba? " Dream catcher said as she suddenly vanished from sight leaving Kiba and Earth there.

"NO wait don't go!" Kiba yelled out no know where to even begin to look for Mimi. He yelled out in frustration and pain as he finally stopped and stared at the sand. He looked over to his beloved dragon who pointed with one of large wings to a purple light coming from across the sea. He stared at it in wonder and awe for a moment trying to remember where he knew that soft pale warm light from. "Mimi!" He said as he leaped up regretting it. He looked to Earth who quickly helped him onto his back as his large dragon suddenly took off without warning. Kiba help on tight as he could tell his dragon was in great pain to. "Wishes granted." He whispered to himself wondering what Dream Catcher had meant by that. Kiba kept his eyes on the purple light as Earth flew as fast as he could towards it. " Hold on Mimi I'm coming!" He screamed out.

Lord Reux was about to yell at Mimi when he heard her parents come in bowing as they said a great dragon had been seen flying right this way. " What?!" He yelled as he turned and peered out the window not seeing anything. He looked over at Mimi as he glared at her rather upset with her still. He then cut his eyes to her parents as he spoke to them. " You should have some words with her about her duties and responsibilities. She is a Lady and it's time she grew up and acted like it!" He said as he stormed off hearing the sound of hoof beats coming their way. He stood outside as one of the royal guards appeared on horse back with a scroll for him. "Not another bloody war." He growled as he looked over his shoulder at the tower. " I go to war to protect people and the wife chosen for me can't even greet me with a kiss or write to me." He said coldly as he summoned his own horse. " To war then. It should make her happy." He said bitterly knowing Mimi would be happy if he died in battle. "Dragon there are no dragons brave enough to come near this land." He said as he and the royal guard laughed and quickly vanished riding off fast and hard.

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 12-06-2015, 06:59 AM

A dragon?! What was a dragon doing here? Quickly she wiped her tears and peaked up at Lord Reux. "M-My Lord wait!" she called out and ran after him but it was too late, he was already gone. She hoped he didn't get hurt, he was mean but she never hoped for him to get hurt or die. He was a human being just like everyone else. "Mimi what's the problem now?" her father asked. Mimi looked back at her parents and shook her head. "It doesn't matter. I...I promised myself now that I would do as he asked of me. I do not wish to anger him anymore. I just...I just hope I do a good job. I do not know what to do that will make him happy." Mimi answered. "Well communicating with him is a good start dear." her mother pointed out, he arms crossed across her chest. "Mimi, I told you that you were to obey this man the moment you both were engaged, why are you having such a difficult time?" he mother asked.

"I just..." she started and frowned. "I'm stubborn I guess." Mimi answered. She knew it was pointless to tell them how he treated her because they would not believe her at all. "I hope he returns safely." she commented and looked out the window up at the sky. "I do not see a dragon anywhere. Are you sure you saw one?" she asked her parents. "Many people were talking about it so we assumed it was true." her father answered. "Well I hope he can kill it and return unharmed." she answered. "Well then, do you promise to behave now? Promise that you will do as he asks of you always and treat him as kindly as he has treated you?" her father asked. Mimi was silent but nodded.

Lady Chello
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Old 12-06-2015, 07:46 AM

Dream Catcher appeared between Mimi and her parents as she watched the girls parents quickly bow to her and call her great goddess of sight. " Enough foolish people. I have come with warnings for you. " She said as she held out her hand in front of her a large mirror appearing as it showed events that where to come to the land. " A great darkness grows in the lands beyond the golden seas. If your god like hero goes victory he will bring but if the King should leave his seas death with he know." She said as Mimi's parents rose looking at her wondering why she had appeared before them. " You are great servants of the King and are highly favored. The advisers no longer heed my words. They are corrupt and must be replaced with new. Take my flower and give the king my words. Tell him to change his guard and his council or doom here he shall met." She said as the mirror vanished and red cherry blossom appeared in her father's hand. Mimi's parents bowed respectfully and quickly vanished leaving Dream catcher alone with Mimi.

Dream catcher suddenly appeared before Mimi as she spoke to her directly. "Child of hope and wonder the child of life giving dreams. Your tears and wishes have been heard. I have granted your wish but at a great coast to many. The people speak truth a dragon is coming one you know every well and a rider on it that you seek. Be careful though my child. Because a scorn heart can lead to much sorrow like one have never known. Your choices with determine the price of your wish. If you are not careful one or three will pay with their lives. You are playing with fire dear child. Love is a very powerful thing. Remember that sweet one. So be careful of your choices. I give you the ribbons of Luna. With these you will awaken your own power and with these you will be immortal. You must never take these off even if one you love could use it. Do you understand Mimi. There are yours and yours alone. A wish was made to protect you and a price was paid for it. These ribbons will work for no one but you. With these ribbons you will have multiple powers and it is up to you to learn how to control them. But be warned it may not be so easy. I beg of you please no more tears I can't stand anymore from you." Dream Catcher said softly meaning it.

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 12-06-2015, 08:09 AM

Mimi was surprised when a strange lady appeared in front of her parents. Mimi did not understand her but her parents did and left her alone with the strange lady. Mimi looked at the lady in confusion as to why she was here and what she was talking about. "My wishes?" she repeated. What wishes had she made? Kiba? Well she didn't wish anything did she? If Kiba could be a real person she'd have her first real friend though, was that what this lady was talking about? A dragon she knew very well with a rider she seeked. Did she really mean Kiba?! Listening to her, Mimi knew she was going to have to be very careful about the choices she made from now on. Mimi only nodded in understanding at the lady, still surprised that she was there in front of her. She was beautiful, like a true goddess. Was this a dream? "Yes ma'am, I understand." she answered softly. A wish to protect her? Price payed? Was that a bad thing? Should she feel bad about all this? "I promise never to take them off." Mimi said and frowned. "I'll do my best never to cry again. You're not the only one who hates it when I cry." she whispered.

Lady Chello
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Old 12-06-2015, 08:58 AM

Dream Catcher smiled softly at Mimi. " Remember you now have powers and with power comes great responsibility. You have a chance at shaping your own destiny but remember that each action you take has a price. If not in this world in another so be careful. When you need me of guidance I'll come to you. I believe your wish is here." She said as she suddenly vanished in thin air.

Kiba held onto Earth as best as he could feeling weaker as his friend flew. He could tell that Earth was getting weaker as well as they finally saw a large city in sight. " Above the clouds please Earth we don't want to scar anyone." He said as they soared higher and vanished from sight. He looked through the cloud opening as he saw the purple light. " I hope that Mimi is safe Earth. He said as he felt suddenly exhausted. Kiba suddenly fell from Earths back as he plummeted to the earth. Earth following suit behind him. The two where free falling from the sky. Earth in midair changed into the side of a small pet as Kiba fell faster. Suddenly a great wind came up from the sea and sent the two flying toward the large tower. The two fell from the sky landing into a large guardian area at the top of the tall tower cracking the stone building from the impact. However the two seemed unharmed other than being fast asleep on the soft grass that grew on the top with the flowers around them.

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 12-06-2015, 09:19 AM

Mimi nodded, "Yes Ma'am, I'll keep that in mind." Mimi promised and smiled when she had vanished. Today seemed full of surprises it seemed. She stared at the broken door and sighed, it was going to have to get replaced. She would have to tell Lord Reux when he got back, if he got back that is. "Oh dear...please don't die." she whispered and gasped when she heard something fall on top of her tower, making a cracking noise. Was that the dragon?! Mimi was afraid, she was going to have to go check what it was that caused that noise. Walking to the now open doorway, she peaked around and quickly ran out of that tower where she was held then started to run towards the exit so that she could see what it was that had fallen onto the tower. What if it was a fire breathing dragon that would burn her into a crisp when it saw her? No, the lady had said her wish was here. So then...was that Kiba and his dragon? "Kiba?" she whispered as she continued running through the halls and reached a door that led out to the castle garden. "This will have to do for now. I hope Lord Reux doesn't get upset." she said to herself as she walked outside into the garden and looked over at her tower but she couldn't see anything.

Lady Chello
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Old 12-06-2015, 12:13 PM

Reux was on his way when he was flagged down by one of the messages. He of course stopped as the man gave him the orders from the king. " Anther land it seems. But if the King deems this urgent who am I to argue." He said as He looked up at the Sky. " I've seen no dragon the people must have been seeing things from all the rum they drink and wine. Come lets be on our way we have our orders men!" He said as he rallied the men around him going to the castle at once to pick up more soldiers to take with him into war. He didn't have time to even tell Mimi bye. He felt bad and quickly wrote her a note explain that the King had called him to war and that when he got back he would keep his promise and marry her. He hoped that she would write to him. He was sorry for not saying good bye to her and he hoped that she would work on being a lady. Once he was done he sealed it with his ring ensuring that it was sealed and that on Mimi would see it.

Dream Catcher stood on the tall church tower as she watched the events unfold that she had foreseen. She watched Mimi as she frowned slightly. " Poor child has great power and she wont even use it to fly. Maybe I should guide her to Kiba and the dragon." She said more to herself as she held out her hand as she allowed Kiba's necklace to fall from the roof guardian and land at Mimi's feet. "That is all I can do to help. " She said as she watched her mirror appearing as she watched Lord Reux. She watched him very intently he was the one person she always watched with care and great interest. However he was the one person she never appeared to.

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 12-07-2015, 12:49 AM

Mimi was jumping up and down to try to get a better look at the top of the tower but she couldn't see anything. The struggles with being short. Sighing, Mimi decided to go back inside and looked down to find a necklace on the grass right in front of her feet. "Oh, what's this?" she asked and knelt down to pick it up. It was a very nice looking necklace, it looked familiar though. "Kiba?" she called out and stood up then looked back at the necklace in her hands. Mimi knew she was going to have to hide this from Lord Reux or else he'd start to think she was being unfaithful and that could only end in her being hurt. She looked up at the tower again and sighed before walking back inside the castle where she walked back up to the tower room where she was held and found a sealed letter waiting for her. Surprised, Mimi carefully opened it and started reading it quietly to herself. So he had been ordered elsewhere by the king for another war? Mimi frowned, she wished he didn't have to go to war so many times. She wished he could stay home and perhaps they would be able to spend more time together like a couple would. "He's going to come back...he has to come back." she whispered to herself. Immediately, Mimi requested some paper, an envelope, and some ink. When she got what she asked for, she started to write to him. My Lord, I understand that you're a busy man and I apologize for giving you such a hard time. I am a terrible wife to be and deserve to be yelled at. I promise you that I will write to you every day and I will try my best to be the proper lady you want and deserve. All I ask is that you come back to me safe and sound, I miss you already and I will pray for your safe return home. Your worried but patient wife to be, Mimi Lafaille Mimi read it over and smiled sadly before sealing it properly and handing over to a man. "Get this to my lord as fast as you can please, he needs to read it. It is of utmost importance." she instructed with a serious look on her face.

Lady Chello
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Old 12-07-2015, 02:42 AM

Dream Catcher stood keeping her vigilance as she started to hum her enchanting tune. She watched everything with great care as she giggled softly to her herself and sighed seeing what option Mimi had already chose. She felt a little sad as she watched the girl. " Poor Kiba and you gave up so much." She said as she stared at the mirror that showed him still out cold on top of the tower. " Foolish girl hasn't even realized there's a door that leads right to you behind her tapestry. I could help but I pause at doing so. If I helped any more what danger would it cause for others." She said out loud as she watched Mimi now. " Strange girl. She has been made a goddess among mortals and she has yet to realize it. Hummm....I wounder if she understood what I told her. Well it will make for a very interesting out come that is for sure. " She said as the images flipped back to Kiba and Earth. " So much has been taken from you. This one time I will help you." She said as she held out her hand to her mirror. A rainbow light appeared around Kiba and Earth both as they became fully healed. "Ah there I will give you a fighting chance." She said with a smile on her face.

Kiba woke slowly as he still felt some pain. It took a while for eyes to focus as he slowly sat up as saw he was in a strange place. He looked around as he found Earth or what he believed was his beloved dragon. His dear friend was the size of a small animal now. " Earth?" He said as he looked at his dear friend. He slowly picked up his dear friend as he smiled. " That's my dragon." He said as he laughed. " I guess we're going to face many surprises here." He said as he held his dear friend in his arms. He looked around still not sure where he was. He looked down as he saw his necklace was missing. "n...nno.NO!" Hey yelled frantically as he jumped up and started looking around the area for his necklace. He looked around as he remembered Mimi. " NO!! MIMI!!!!" He yelled out no longer seeing the purple light. He wasn't even sure where he was. He fell to the ground as he sighed and hung his head. " I've failed and I haven't even started Earth. We lost Mimi's light and my best friend has been shrunk to the size of a small dog. To top it off I lost the necklace Mimi gave me when we first met. I'm trapped in a strange world and I have no idea what is up or down. It would be so much easier if we where home. I could just use my abilities to get us down from here." He said as he felt discouraged.

Earth open one of his eyes as he slowly woke. He looked up at his dear friend feeling for him. He hung his head as he looked about his body. He wasn't sure he liked his new size but he had a feeling it was for the best at this point. Earth nuzzled Kibas chin trying to cheer him up. He paused as his eyes winded. He smelt something something that he knew from a dream almost. He suddenly broke free from Kiba's arms as he rushed over to the edge of the roof and sniffed the air. He let out a growl knowing that sent. That sent belonged to Mimi. They hadn't lost her at all it appeared she was there. Earth leaped forward and dove off the roof suddenly. The dragon raced to the ground but suddenly open it's wings as he glided to the door less entrance. He quickly landed among some candles in a window seal as he waited for the man to leave.

Once the man left Earth let out a loud growl as he accidentally caused a few of the candles he had hid behind to fall to the stone floor from his sudden movements. Earth coward in the corner of the window seal not meaning to have blown his cover. He took a defensive posture ready to fight for his life if he needed to. He smelt so many new smells he couldn't identify it made him very uncomfortable. He could smell where others had been in this place however with all the other smells he wasn't sure if Mimi was alone or not. Just to be safe he was trying to make himself look intermediating to scary any who dare to touch him away.

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 12-07-2015, 03:06 AM

Mimi watched the man leave and sighed softly as she walked back into the door less room, Mimi! She had heard her name and peaked out the window down at the ground below but she saw nothing. "Hello?" she called out and pouted. "How strange, I could have sworn I heard my name." she said and looked back at the broken door on the floor. "Oh dear, he was very angry with me indeed." she whispered and looked down at the necklace in her hand, a small smile on her face as she held it close to her chest. "Oh Kiba where are you?" she asked no one directly and leaned back against the stone wall.

Mimi's eyes widened when she thought she heard something fall and looked down to see some candles had fallen to the floor. Quickly, Mimi walked over to the candles and picked them up and looked around the room. Strange things had been happening all day to day and they showed no signs of stopping, it made her laugh softly with a shake of her head as she put them back where they belonged but gasped when she saw the cause for the falling candles. "Oh..." she started and backed away slowly. "I'm s-sorry I did not mean to disturb you. I...I promise I will not hurt you." Mimi started and looked out the entrance. The other men didn't seem to be paying her any attention as always. Sighing, Mimi looked back at the animal and wondered how it had gotten inside without being spotted.

Lady Chello
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Old 12-07-2015, 03:43 AM

Earth's eyes widen as he saw Mimi. He dropped his act and quickly lunged at her nuzzling her as he wrapped his arms around her neck trying to hug her. He growled in a low happy tone almost like a purr as he kept nuzzling her happy to see it was her. He nuzzled her face as he moved up her shoulder and wrapped himself around her shoulders looking more like a scarf due to his long tail that hung down the front of her chest. He nuzzled her cheek as he sat happily on her shoulders. Earth tried to speak but all that came out was a series of cute growls and wines. He froze as he looked horrified. He shook his head looking as if he wanted to cry. In his world he could talk to Mimi when he please or Kiba. He froze as he remembered what the women had said that a price had to be paid.

Earth looked to the necklace as he nuzzled it and tugged gently at it trying to get Mimi to understand that Kiba was here and looking for her. Earth stopped his tugging on the necklace as he smelt Kiba's sent coming from somewhere. He leaped from her shoulders and quickly found the source. He scurried under her tapestry that hung from her wall as he clawed at the wooden door behind it hoping she would understand Kiba was there.

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 12-07-2015, 05:06 AM

Mimi was surprised when the animal started to cuddle her and shower her with affection. She wasn't used to so much attention but smiled anyway and carefully pet the animal. "You're okay little guy, no one is going t hurt you. But you really shouldn't be here, if anyone sees you they will want to hurt you. I'm not going to let them though." she said and giggled, "You are so adorable!" she said happily and pet the animal gently. When the creature pulled at the necklace, Mimi raised an eyebrow. "Oh this? Well it looks to be my friend Kiba's necklace but I am not sure where he is." she explained softly. At least she wasn't completely alone right now, but if anyone saw her right now they would wonder where she had gotten this new pet of hers and the necklace. That did not seem like a good thing.

"Oh? Where are you going little guy?" she asked and followed him to the tapestry that hung on one of the walls. It was the only decoration in this depressing room. Looking behind the tapestry, she was surprised to see that there was a door back there! "There was an exit all this time?!" she gasped and looked around before quietly opening the door and shielding her eyes from the sudden sunlight. "Wow...." she whispered and looked down at the animal before looking around. "Kiba?" she called out and brushed some hair from her face, "Kiba are you here?" she called out and hoped that no one else heard her or else she would be in a lot of trouble.

Lady Chello
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Old 12-07-2015, 05:36 AM

Kiba turned as he heard Mimi's voice. He jumped to his feet again as he followed the sound of her voice. He smiled as he soon found her. He stared at her for a moment with a smile from ear to ear. " MiMI!" He said happily as he ran right at her and wrapped his arms around her. He hugged her tightly as he laughed and smiled. He then smiled as Earth appeared on his shoulders. " So that's where you went to so suddenly Earth you had me worried." He said as he stared at Mimi. " I never thought I would see you like this. Your world is so strange." He said smiling at her. " I'm glad you are alright I was very worried." He said still holding her close not wanting to let her go honestly.

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 12-07-2015, 05:45 AM

Mimi's eyes widened when she saw him. Her friend, her imaginary friend Kiba was right there in front of her and now he was hugging her! How was this even possible?! He wasn't real but now he was. She didn't care, she finally had her best friend with him and she was overjoyed even though in the back of her mind she knew that he was in danger if anyone saw him. Mimi wrapped her arms around him, holding his necklace tightly in her hand. "Kiba you're actually here, h-how did you get here?" she asked and looked at him. "Y-Yes I'm fine Kiba. You do not need to worry about me I'm fine." she said and frowned. She was far from fine, she was scared even though Lord Reux wasn't here at the moment. If he got word that she was talking to another man she was going to be beaten bad when he returned. " dropped this." she said and held up his necklace for him, smiling warmly at him.

Lady Chello
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Old 12-08-2015, 02:29 AM

Kiba smiled happy to know MiMi was ok. He took his necklace and but it back around his neck as he his happiness faded seeing the fear in her eyes. " Your lying to me your not ok. Your afraid of that man the women showed me aren't you? You don't have to be." He said as he paused remembering what Dream Catcher had said. " The women said that I had been brought here and I had to save you. She said that you where very important. She showed me a man that was making you cry earlier. She said that you couldn't marry him as he is. She said I could help you get your freedom or I can help change him so you two can be happy." Kiba said wishing he didn't have to say those words. He wanted to keep her safe but he didn't want her in another mans arms. However if it would make MiMi happy. He pushed back his own feelings knowing that his only purpose was to protect her.

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 12-08-2015, 02:44 AM

Mimi shook her head, "I d-don't want t-to marry him..." she whispered and looked up at Kiba with wide eyes. "K-Kiba if he sees you he will hurt you and I don't want you to get hurt. I don't want you to leave me alone with him...but you must hide. He is not here right now, but he will return eventually or sooner if one of his men here sees you and gets word out to him." Mimi warned. "Lord Reux is a terrifying man...I know he means well but he does it all wrong. He showers me with gifts I do not want, pushes me around, laughs at me and yells at me. He gets especially angry if he sees me crying. He says I need to be a lady, a proper lady since I am to be his wife but I don't want to!" Mimi explained.

Lady Chello
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Old 12-08-2015, 03:32 AM

"Then let's go away far from here. " Kiba said as he smiled at her sweetly." Lets go to a far land and there you can start over." He said honestly meaning it. "This world is strange to me but I will work hard and keep you safe. Besides your not happy here and if your not happy then we should change that. You have nothing keeping you here. If he doesn't love you then he'll find someone else. You only have one life to live. It's time you lived Mimi." He said to her as he softly moved a few stray hairs from her face." Mimi you have dreams of your owns if you stay here you'll never see them come to life. Mimi don't be afraid I'll protect you we'll figure this out together I promise." Kiba said as he smiled at her. " Besides you said that I was always just a dream to you but I'm here now aren't I?"

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 12-08-2015, 03:55 AM

"S-start over?" Mimi repeated and smiled softly. Oh that sounded lovely, to finally be free to do as she pleased. She would be with her best friend and no one would be able to tell them what to do. "K-Kiba I would love to do that...b-but I cannot leave. I...what about my parents?" she asked. Her parents didn't seem to care about her though so why should she care about them? "If he returns and find that I am missing, he will look for me and will not stop until he finds me. He said when he returned that he would marry me." Mimi explained and frowned. "I...a-are you sure we would be safe?" she asked and looked up at him with a scared look on her face which soon faded. "W-well yes. I still cannot believe you are here with me. I am so happy that you are here." she said as she remained in his arms.

Lady Chello
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Old 12-08-2015, 07:03 AM

Kiba thought hard on what Mimi said as he sighed softly. " I can't promise you will be safe. But I can promise that I will do my best to keep you safe. I don't understand why you want to stay. Your parents are on their on. They didn't care enough to hear you pleas. They are high in your society so no harm will come to them. Besides you are the one that always told me you wanted to live far from here. Here is your chance Mimi. " He said not sure what to do or say. " What are you going to do? You said you don't want to marry him but yet you don't want to leave? Mimi you have to make up your mind. Do you want to stay with him? Do you want to try and love him?" Kiba asked trying to find out what Mimi herself really wanted.


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