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For-Chan Cookie
A Cookie for Fun
For-Chan Cookie is offline
Old 01-08-2016, 06:16 AM

A new season of anime is starting up! Have you seen what's on offer yet? Check out Anichart's rundown of the new season :D Got a good look? Anything you think you'll follow?

My definitely going to watch list is:
Akagami no Shirayuki-hime 2 - Because I loved season one! So excited for 2!
Boku dake ga Inai Machi aka ERASED - I've already watched the first episode and I'm hooked! It might seem slow, but it's quite intense.
Dimension W - Sounds interesting.
Durarara!!x2 Ketsu - This is on my list, even though I'm actually a season behind. Gotta catch up!
Prince of Stride: Alternative - It's Free, but with parkour running. I'm so there.
Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu - It looks pretty. I'll watch it just for that.

My Maybe list :
Dagashi Kashi - Gonna give that a shot. The style looks reminiscent of the second season of Moyashimon.
Divine Gate - Kids with powers in a tournament? Maybe.
Hai to Gensou no Grimgar - Amnesia in a fantasy setting? Could be fun.
Luck and Logic - Looks stylish but I'm not convinced.
Norn9 - Wary about the otome game aspect. The stand in female characters are always so boring. Then having the guys faun over such boring characters is really dumb. But maybe, cause I like reverse harems.

Come, come talk about these new shiny things with me


Kent is offline
Old 03-21-2016, 01:47 AM

Oh~ I've been watching Stride and Haikyuu! They're gonna end soon. So sad. ;; o;;
Stride is so simple but I'm fond of the characters. X3 And Haikyu is intense and funny and awesome! > w<

I defintely would like to watch Erased, Snow White with the Red Hair, and Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu.
I need to catch up on Drrr! too. ; w;

For-Chan Cookie
A Cookie for Fun
For-Chan Cookie is offline
Old 03-24-2016, 12:42 AM

Prince of Stride is fun, but oh man, the way it ended *shakes fist* It was a really lazy ending. =/

Haikyuu, I still haven't started the second season cause I don't know why!

Erased is really great, really keeps you on edge. I can't wait for the last episode of that tomorrow. Akagami is still adorable. I'm behind on Shouwa Genroku, and suuuuuuuuuper behind on Durarara. Like, somehow I manage to be caught up on maybe four shows and super behind on everything else. I'll pick up new shows before finishing old shows and I'm a mess.

Moving along, Dimension W is interesting, but kind of confusing and the last episode better answer some questions.

Dagashi Kashi is fun, but pretty dumb. Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash is slow, boring, and sad, but I've made it to almost the last episode, so might as well finish it.

Didn't end up watching any of the other three in my maybe list and now we're all set up for Spring anime!


Kent is offline
Old 03-24-2016, 01:18 AM

Aw, don't tell me that! ; A; But I guess I sorta expected it to be. > o>;

You better watch it! D:< Bokuto appears and he's so awesome and I loved seeing Yamaguchi become more confident and seeing Tsukki figure out why he plays volleyball and I liked learning more about another member of Karasuno and I absolutely love all the new teams we meet. > w<
I sorta really love this show. > o>

Totally can't wait to watch Erased, Akagami and Shouwa Genroku. o wo & Yeah, I still haven't watched the rest of the first season of drrr. Really is a very interesting show with awesome characters.

For-Chan Cookie
A Cookie for Fun
For-Chan Cookie is offline
Old 03-24-2016, 02:46 AM

I'm trying not to be spoilery. It's not a fault in the story. It's a fault in the production and how they chose to handle it that just ticked me off. Still enjoyable, but ugh!

I will watch it! I just have to convince myself to start! Now that it's pretty much done it's run, that means I can hunker down and watch it all uninterrupted with no cliffhangers! But yeah, it's a fun show :D

Drrrrr has so many characters with so much going on. I think I stalled about mid-season two. It can get a little tiresome because you just want to see what's happening with certain characters, but no, you have to check on everybody else and all the stories are intertwined anyway. Fun, but frustrating sometimes!


Kent is offline
Old 03-25-2016, 12:06 AM

Ah, I watched it today. I thought it was really sweet and simple. X3 I suppose its funny how they don't seem to try all that hard. XD It's the power of emotional connection. * o* lol

Oh, good good. It is frustrating but sorta awesome how they end on cliffhangers. Always makes me hyped for the next episode.

Yeah, a very complex web. XD

For-Chan Cookie
A Cookie for Fun
For-Chan Cookie is offline
Old 03-25-2016, 01:45 AM

The fact that they made the whole series about this great emotional connection was fine. But they spend so much time on the emotional connection part at the end, I feel robbed of any real feeling of closure! Show us what happened you jerks!

Yeah, that is really frustrating. I think that's why I put off a few series. I don't have to hang there waiting! Speaking of hanging and waiting, I need to watch the last episode of Erased!

Such web. Much complex!


Kent is offline
Old 03-29-2016, 01:40 AM

Well, they showed us who won so that was good enough. XD

Eh, I don't mind cliffhangers. X3 I am soooo looking forward to the next season! I want to see the finals already!!
Ooh? o uo Don't spoil it for me. Think I'd like to watch that next after I finish up with Danganronpa. > o>


For-Chan Cookie
A Cookie for Fun
For-Chan Cookie is offline
Old 03-29-2016, 03:48 AM

They showed us, but they were jerks about it *sniffs*

I wasn't sure what to expect from the end of Erased. I feel like they handled it really well :D

I have a bunch of things I need to catch up on or finish. I think I might try to finish Area no Kishi and see if I can make it without dying from dehydration from crying. That show is just an unexpected punch in the gut. x_x


Kent is offline
Old 04-01-2016, 11:46 PM

Just OMG. I totally love Erased!! The story was sooo good and the characters and the voice acting and the animation and the music too. = w= The ending was plain awesome too!! I was totally amazed. I need to buy it now.

Oh? I wanna watch that. O: I love shows that make me cry. ; w;


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