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Inzanebraned is offline
Old 06-17-2018, 10:00 PM

We just moved into a new apartment...
When we signed the lease we were talking to the manager while doing a sort of walk-through of the place and I noticed the lower edge of a kitchen drawer was slightly tacky...almost sticky.
I mentioned this and the manager said it might have been an oversight on the part of the cleaners...that they had the place professionally cleaned.
I used to clean apartments when my kids were little...I can understand a small oversight. that I am starting to put things into cabinets and drawers, there are spill stains on shelves and grease spots on cabinet drawers...and crumb debris in corners of drawers!
I will probably bring this up when I turn in the inspection sheet...and, being the person I am, I want to make excuses for the cleaning crew because we needed to move in maybe they were rushed?
I know that when I was working as an apartment manager and had to clean apartments, the lady I worked for would have checked the place and would have found these conditions unacceptable!
Maybe I'm overly picky?
I'm just really tired from moving our stuff from storage into the apartment in less than a day and I just don't look forward to wiping all the cabinets and drawers out before I can use them.
Luckily there was a newspaper delivered to our door and I can use that for the upper shelves and store bought shelf liner that I bought for the shelves at eye level and inside the drawers.
How picky are you? Would you complain or would you just clean it yourself?

LillieRose is offline
Old 06-18-2018, 12:17 AM

My family and I moved houses in October last year.

It took us about 2 weeks to thoroughly clean our previous house. We did it in shifts, every day, after work, as we were clearing out the rooms one by one.

In our new house, I would say everything was reasonably clean. They did a rush job on the bathroom and toilet, as they were replacing the toilet bowl and the vanity, so we had to clean those after we moved in but I went over all of the shelves in the kitchen cabinets and the pantry, even though I couldn't detect any crumbs or stickiness.

I would probably complain, as I know how we've left our previous house and how we cleaned it and prepared it for the new tenants. I expect the same to be done for me and mine.

The Wandering Poet
Captain Oblivious

The Wandering Poet is offline
Old 07-07-2018, 09:09 PM

My house was hastily vacuumed. That was pretty much the extent of the cleaning outside what the owner did normally.

Still cleaning things as I find them.

Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 07-12-2018, 12:56 AM

We had the same issue when we moved into our apartment!
The old manager left and when we moved in the new one was like, "I didn't know you were moving in TODAY!"

There were burn marks on the countertops, some huge dents in the kitchen floor, the toilet in my bathroom was leaking, the paint was peeling off the railing of our balcony, our microwave was busted...

It literally looked like the last person/people living here purposely threw wild parties and messed up the place. It was awful. We complained about it to the manager and she said that she'd get it done... but a week later, she quit and now we have to explain to the temporary person what happened, and he isn't sure if they'll be able to get it fixed because they don't have pictures of the damage. (The manager when we moved in took pictures...)

It's awful here... Pets are everywhere and they make messes in the hallways and the elevators and no one cleans up after them. For three days we had mud (or poop?) stains in the elevator and no one did anything about it. We know they saw it because they walked passed it to put notices up on everyone's door.

It's awful, but we're trying to save money to move out of here as quickly as possible!


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