Spooky Action at a Distance

03-19-2023, 07:01 PM
This is a place made for me and my boyfriend,
But anyone can chat here if you wanna. :D
We're very welcoming!
And my boyfriend is new here. :3

03-19-2023, 07:46 PM
Our hangout!
How's it going???
Spooky Action at a Distance

03-19-2023, 08:04 PM
A place for us!!! >w<
I'm doing okay. I gotta get some coffee because I have a class tonight.
How was your car ride? :D Did you get some food?

03-19-2023, 08:07 PM
Hell yeah. What kinda coffee you getting? :) I got an iced mocha from mcdonalds lol. Not very good, but it's ok.
Spooky Action at a Distance

03-19-2023, 08:40 PM
Probably an extra large iced vanilla latte. :o I meant to get a large vanilla latte yesterday, but they just gave me a regular latte. It was still good and I still drank it, but I was missing the vanilla. Dx
I have never tried coffee from McDonalds but I want to. :o

03-19-2023, 08:42 PM
Oh really? o: I think their hazelnut iced coffee is really good when they make it right!
Spooky Action at a Distance

03-19-2023, 09:29 PM
Ooo! Hazelnut is one of my favorite flavors for coffee. :D
I might try it someday. :o There's a McDonalds right across from my local Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf.

03-19-2023, 09:53 PM
^^ Hopefully they make it good!
I wish mcdonalds would taste as good as it does in my head. D: I feel like it used to be so much better... anytime I have their food, I'm unsatisfied. But the thought of their fries as being the best still lives in my head. u_u If only they were.
Spooky Action at a Distance

03-19-2023, 10:01 PM
I hope so too! :D
I get that. Dx I think a part of it is the nostalgia... Like, we all grew up eating McDonalds and it was the best stuff to ever grace our little, childhood lives. But as an adult, it's just not as great... u_u;; I don't know what changed... Maybe our tastes? Maybe the recipes? Idk. Dx

03-19-2023, 10:16 PM
For sure. That was definitely one of the highlights of my childhood lmao. big macs... sundaes... apple pies...
Spooky Action at a Distance

03-19-2023, 10:37 PM
Yep! I remember being a kid and going to McDonalds and getting double cheeseburgers and the little toys. xD And when I got older, I liked eating Big Macs and then when I became vegetarian, it was Big Macs with no meat and I loved those.
Now that I'm not vegetarian anymore, I tried McDonalds and it was really mid. :s I guess it just lost it's charm from when I was a kid...

03-19-2023, 11:05 PM
Oh gosh yeah, I got so many damn toys lmao. I remember I took one of the little dog toys with me to the doctors, and I dropped it in the pharmacy area and then afterwards I saw some kid holding it!! I tried asking for it back but I didn't get it :( I was soooo upset.
Big macs without meat o: interesting... I don't really like their meat anymore :( it has a bad texture
Spooky Action at a Distance

03-20-2023, 12:21 AM
I loved the kids' meal toys!!! :D Oh nooo!!! D: That would have been so upsetting to me! ;-; But if I remember myself correctly, I would have fought a kid over my toy. XD Did you ever get another one?? D: If that were my kid, I would have taken them to McDonalds right after and got them a whole new kids meal and hopefully they got the dog toy again.
Big Macs without the meat are actually pretty yummy! Like a really nice grilled cheese sandwich. :> My only gripe is that they don't make it cheaper when you don't get meat. Dx Yeah, their meat is pretty weird. >_<;; I had a cheeseburger from them like a month ago, and it was like... eh. It didn't taste like... real meat? IDK! I don't remember what real beef is supposed to taste like, I'm used to eating Impossible and Beyond burgers so I'm used to the meat being kinda squishy and not really structurally sound. Dx

03-20-2023, 12:38 AM
No :( I think maybe I got a similar one? But it wasn't the same, you know? :/ Every plushie has its own soul. Just because it's a copy doesn't mean it's the same one.
I think it was the golden retriever one.
I think around that same time I was walking and looking at the ground, and I walked head first into a pole. .-. Some police officer gave me a sticker and I put it on my scooter.
I loved grilled cheeses :DD Yeah that's fair. I like fake meat. Haven't eaten it in a while.
Spooky Action at a Distance

03-20-2023, 01:08 AM
Aww. :( I get that, though! It's not the same getting a copy of a plushie, especially when you've built memories with the one you had.
Aww! I remember those doggies! I think I had the Westie one. And I remember this because I would beg my parents to buy me a dog and I wanted a Westie so badly.
That's so cute. :> I miss the days when cops were actually nice and actually worked hard to keep people safe. Maybe those days never actually existed and I just lived in a fantasy world where everyone was nice and no one ever tried to actively hurt each other? Idk. I lived in a small town in Minnesota, so I was used to everyone knowing each other and when you went to the store, you'd run into the same people again and again. My mom went to the store once and saw my therapist and she talked to her and my mom was like, "If you were there, would you have said hi?" And I said, "Nope. :>" My therapist had a rule that if she saw her patients in public, she wouldn't approach or say hello unless we did first. Small towns are nice because they're beautiful, imho. But it gets old seeing the same people everywhere... I would run into kids I worked with at the daycare center all around town all the time.
Me too!! 8D I love grilled cheese sandwiches so much. :> I think they're my favorite types of sandwich. I like making them, but I feel like they're kinda expensive to make unless you use Kraft singles, and ngl, Kraft singles be bussin sometimes. XD But I haven't have Kraft singles in many years, so... idk. I tried Kraft Mac and cheese recently and it wasn't the same recipe as when I was a kid, so it wasn't that good. Dx It tasted like REAL cheese and not the imitation cheese that was so good when I was little... It just felt yucky. It was gloopy too. I used to eat WAY too much fake meat when I was vegetarian. I relied on it a lot for my protein and it was expensive too. Dx I ended up having really bad ovarian pain that my doctors couldn't figure out what was causing it, so I had to do my own research and I found out that increased amounts of soy can contribute to ovarian pain, so I stopped eating soy products and I started eating fish and chicken again because supposedly there's some vitamin or mineral in fish that can help with that kind of pain.

03-20-2023, 01:20 AM
For sure. :( I still have my favorite beanie baby from when I was very young. I used to take it with me in the pool all the time. It got so worn and always got a hole in the same spot, and my grandma would sew it back together.
Ooh those are cute dogs yeah. My aunt used to have one. What was his name... Toby!! yeah, that was his name. He was cute.
Yeah those days never existed except for in our untainted minds. Oh yeah, I imagine with small towns instead of just getting what you need and leaving, you just have conversations with whoever you see because there's no one around and nothing to do lol.
I haven't used Kraft in forever! I always just use cheddar.
Hmm do you think it's helping? I wanna eat more fish... I love sushi.
Spooky Action at a Distance

03-20-2023, 01:37 AM
Does it still have a hole in the same spot? D: I have some toys from my childhood too. I've actually thought about sending my teddy bear to some restoration people and seeing if they could re-stuff her and clean her up and fix her glass eyes. My teddy bear was from a garage sale that my mom went to long before I was born, so she probably has years and years of history before she ever got to me.
Awww! Toby sounds like such a cute name!! My great aunt had a German Shepard and he was apparently extremely protective of my aunt, so anyone who went around her, he'd get in front of and start barking at them. I never met him, and I don't know what happened to him after she died. :( I probably would have loved him, though! I like dogs. :3 Especially big dogs!
It was like that!!! My mom would always run into someone and spend hours talking to them before just leaving. And we ran into the same people over and over all the time, so it was hours and hours of talking when we could have just got our stuff and left. Dx And there was literally nothing to do in my town. We would always have to drive at least 30 minutes out to get to anywhere remotely interesting. But I hated knowing everyone in town and seeing them again and again. My friend in high school was dating the boy who worked at the pizza counter at our local grocery store and when they broke up, every time I saw him, he'd ask me how she was doing. Dude, I just want my pizza.
Cheddar is way better than Kraft. ;-; I like using fancy cheeses that you get at the cheese counter in grocery stores. I like using cheddar for grilled cheeses, but the kinds I like are expensive. T_T
I think it's been helpful. I haven't had any serious pain in a while, but sometimes I do get random flareups of ovarian pain and when those happen, it's really bad. But otherwise, it's been alright. I love sushi! 8D

03-20-2023, 02:33 AM
Nah, you can't even tell it was damaged. :3 Ohhh yeah! That would be so nice! I've watched some of those restoration videos. o: They're amazing!
Aww, love da doggies. My father used to have a Rottweiler. I think her name was Cocoa. She was kinda scary :( I remember her nails looked so big. I was just a little kid, so she was like as big as me. The dog he got after her was less scary. Large grey/brown curly haired dog, dunno what breed.
Omg, that sounds awful. Dx A lot different in bigger cities... My mom still manages to sneak in some short chats with people though. :P
ooh, I've never used any fancy cheeses! I wanna try some o: But idk if I'd be able to tell much of a difference.
Aw well hopefully it improves more. D: What kinda sushi do you like?? owo
Spooky Action at a Distance

03-20-2023, 06:02 PM
Oh good! :D You've kept them in good condition! :3 Yeah!! The restoration videos are so amazing! Sometimes I really wanna send my favorite plushies to some restoration person and see if I can get them to look the way I remember they did when I was a little kid.
I don't think I've ever seen a Rottweiler IRL before. :O But I can imagine being scared of a big dog when they're the same size as you. I probably would have been scared of my aunt's German Shepherd, but by the time I knew he existed, I was much older...
Hehehe. My mom can be that way too. My mom LOVES to talk until she doesn't. Like, when we would wash our clothes at the laundromat there was a lady who worked there who would talk the whole time and then linger on long after we've finished washing and it was like, she couldn't take a hint when we were trying to leave. We don't go to that laundromat anymore, but it was always so annoying, even for my mom when she'd get trapped by the lady that liked to talk so much. Dx
I think the only major difference for me is the way the cheese melts. I always grate my own cheese and it melts better than the cheese that comes pre-shredded. I also use cheddar and gruyere in my macaroni and cheese when I make it homemade and it melts so much nicer when you shred it yourself. But it hurts my arm at the same time. Dx
I really love the salmon nigiri! :3 I think salmon sashimi and nigiri are my favorites! I always get it at sushi restaurants and at my grocery store. XD I know it's cringe to buy sushi at the grocery store, but it's so good. ;-;

03-21-2023, 03:35 AM
Mmhmm! Snip the cat Beanie Baby and one of those Pound Puppies cats? The little mini one that looks like it matches. :3
That would be really cool!
They're cool looking. I think she's the only one I've seen. Definitely scary to be around big animals. Dx
Oh gosh. Yeah, some people will just go on and on if you don't stop them lmao.
That sounds good. I wanna make some mac and cheese. Grating and stirring hurts so bad. x_x I gotta take breaks
yum :D I'll have to get some salmon the next time I get sushi from the good restaurant. I think I've only had it from the cheaper places. Why is it cringe?? I don't really like the taste of the sauce they put on the rolls at the store D:
Spooky Action at a Distance

03-21-2023, 11:28 PM
Did I ever tell you that I used to be scared of Beanie Babies because I had an ostrich one and one time I had a dream it came to life and attacked me? xD
They look so cute. :D When I was little, we had a backyard that backed up to a farm and was separated by a little wire fence and they had horses and I used to feed the horses the tall grass that grew near the fence. :3 I was never scared of the horses and they were huge. :D But I probably would have been scared of a big dog if it barked. D;
Definitely! Dx I'm always so awkward too, I never want to hurt anyone's feelings, but after a certain point, if they keep talking and don't take the hint that I have something else to do, I just sorta check out of the conversation until it ends. XD
Yeah it does. D: I hate grating and stirring... There is an automatic stirring machine on Amazon, though! :O I wanna try it out, but I don't really know what I would use it for?
I've had salmon sushi at a nice restaurant a few times and it was good. But it's cheaper at the grocery store (but still expensive at the same time ;-;) so that's usually where I get it. :o Idk why it's cringe, but I hear people all the time saying how they'd never get sushi at the grocery store. D:

03-22-2023, 03:22 PM
You did tell me that, yes! How do you feel about them now?
Yeah! I used to feed miniature horses all the time. They eat so weird :P Tried befriending llamas once, was a mistake.
I don't think I've had that happen to me much. Except with therapists -shrug-
Baking, mostly.
I think maybe they just haven't tried it tbh lmao. Or they're mister fancypants and only eat omakase at the finest restaurants.
Spooky Action at a Distance

03-22-2023, 06:41 PM
I like them :> They're so cute! I think I would even like the ostrich I used to have. :D
Horses are so silly! x3 They're just so goofy! D: Were the llamas mean?! Dx
I've had that happen to me so many times. Dx I'm just really bad at conversations... So I never know what to say when I want it to end. I just kinda nod and smile sometimes. My mom thinks I'm so incredibly rude because when I want a conversation to end, instead of saying so, I just kinda check out. I will check my phone or I will just be like, "Yeah, uh huh. Oh. Okay... Yeah. Uh huh." I don't think I'm being rude, but my mom thinks its so rude. She also thinks that I am rude to other people and she thinks that's why people don't want to talk to me... :/
Oh yeah! I didn't think about that. :o Baking does require a lot of stirring, huh? :o
Yeah, probably. xD Grocery store sushi isn't too bad, imho! I like it. ;0;

03-24-2023, 01:45 AM
Nice :D There are so many good ones out there! I used to go to this beanie baby shop allll the time.... I was obsessed
yeah Horses are one unique animal. Llamas are mean and spit on you!
nahh I don't think that's rude. I can't imagine anyone not wanting to talk to you o:
It does, yeah. Buuut that's where mixers are helpful.
They only have rolls at my grocery store! Dx I don't want rolls....
Spooky Action at a Distance

03-25-2023, 12:15 AM
Oh! I didn't know they even had beanie baby shops! :D Were they just full of beanie babies?
I love horses. ^^ Eww! Llamas spit on you?! Dx Why???
I guess I seem very extroverted online, but IRL I'm really shy and I guess sometimes I struggle to keep eye contact and sometimes I'll go on my phone in the middle of a conversation (it depends, tho!) and I guess people think that's rude? I think *most* people I meet like me and want to talk to me, but sometimes I struggle to relate to people so they eventually figure I'm not interesting enough to talk to?
I don't know what I did with my stand mixer. D: It either got lost in the move or it's still in a box somewhere. Dx Mixers make baking so much easier! I have a hand mixer, tho. I bought it like two or three years ago for the holidays. :3 What's your favorite thing to bake? :D
Dx I don't really like rolls either, but I'll eat them. xD At my grocery store they have rolls and nigiri. They're yummy. :d
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