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Winnsome is offline
Old 03-13-2007, 01:21 AM

Oh, you know. The Satirical piece by the brilliant Voltaire.

Witty! Funny! Scandalous!

Has a brilliant musical based on it as well!

And alas, wasn't it one of the first satirical pieces ever written?

Aha, Candide. I love that essay-ish book. x3

Oh the topic of satire, that essay, A Modest Proposal, has got to be one of the funniest satirical pieces ever. xD
I loved it!

Did you? (:

Do you even like satire? XD

Sarang hanindea yo~
Chunsa-chan is offline
Old 03-14-2007, 07:40 AM

Eating babies never sounded so fun.

I remember reading that (Modest proposel) back in AP class, laughing. I was scorned by classmates for a few moments, till it dawned on them what it actually was about. XD

Satire is a great little device. I like reading storys that execute it's methods well.

Katherdante is offline
Old 03-14-2007, 08:41 AM

*grins evily at Winnsome*

Oh ho ho ho!!!

Then come here my dear! I wish to eat your left rump steak! I am feeling peckish and you do not really need padding on both sides now do you? >D

//joking aside

I am glad to see someone talking about this! It is the first time I have seen someone mention it outside of lit class. And that was, oh how many semesters ago? This is the ONE story, except Maus, that I think everyone should read. Heck, everyone should read Maus too. It is brilliant. Did you read it?

It is a comic book about the Holocust, the jews are mice, the natzi's are cats and the polish are pigs. XD`

If you enjoyed Candide you might want to check it out, if you haven't already. It comes it two parts.

(Is there anywhere online to read Candide btw?) XD`

Love satire btw, to answer your question. >*3*<

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Winnsome is offline
Old 03-14-2007, 11:35 PM

Oh no, my rump my rump!
But it shall decrease our population and hungar problem, won't it not?

Ahaa xD ,3

Lawl, not a lot of people understand satire, I think. xDD

I'm hoping to get my hands on a copy of Maus, actually. My teacher has a copy and recommended it to us a while go... it seems very interesting!

Oh god. Hitler does look rather catty though. xD

Here is a copy of Candide, I believe. (;

I'm glad someone else likes satire out there too! O:
Seriously, the first page I look at when I open up my copy of Newseek is the political cartoons page. You know, I forgot what it's called, but the page with all the quotes? XD

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Winnsome is offline
Old 03-14-2007, 11:37 PM

Originally Posted by Chunsa-chan
Eating babies never sounded so fun.

I remember reading that (Modest proposel) back in AP class, laughing. I was scorned by classmates for a few moments, till it dawned on them what it actually was about. XD

Satire is a great little device. I like reading storys that execute it's methods well.
Wow, I'm glad you actually got it! XD
In my class, a good half of the class has been exposed to satire since 6th grade (we're in 10th now), so we got it pretty quick. xD
The ones that weren't just stared at us, though, until the teacher explained it as well. xD

Honestly, after that, I was so moved I actually considered it for a moment. It's logical; you have to give him that.
Ethnics is another issue, howeverl. xD

I like satire because it's usually a short read as well, and rather witty. x3

sychobunny is offline
Old 03-25-2007, 03:00 AM

only two people (including me) found "A Modest Proposal" funny initially. There were still quite a few who didn't find it amusing after they were told what it was a bout.

Jac is offline
Old 03-25-2007, 05:49 AM

On A Modest Proposal...

Reading it a few years ago, in my sophomore class as we studied world history, I was the only person in my class who got it - or at least, I was the only one who laughed. That attracted a few cold stares, and when we finished reading I was scolded by several classmates. People need to get a sense of humor, you know?

On Candide...

I loved it. Absolutely. It made me fall for Voltaire. My favorite part was at the end, when Candide takes two steps away from her out of fear, and one step forward out of politeness. xD And his short stories are just as good. :D

What's sad is that whenever I say that I love Voltaire at my school, people think of the (very alive) musician. Sad, so sad...

As for satire, I definently suggest Terry Pratchett. He's a very good satirist, and one of my favorite authors.

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Winnsome is offline
Old 05-14-2007, 05:06 AM

Oh god, there are times when I'm glad I was brought up in this weird special class lead by often highly satirical teachers. We've been groomed to understand satire;; the newly joined members of our class is the minority that doesn't understand. xD

Satire is great. I'll have to check Terry Pratchett out. o:

Jac is offline
Old 05-14-2007, 11:33 AM

I luff Master Pratchett. He is brilliant. 8)

Mistress of Materia!
Aeris is offline
Old 05-14-2007, 08:19 PM

Swift is freakin amazing with satire. Did you know Gulliver's Travels is a satire on English society?

Freakin awesome.

Morien is offline
Old 05-14-2007, 10:34 PM

I took a course that dealt with a lot of satire. Alexander Pope was sort of the main thrust of the semester, with a sprinkling of Swift and another person who I can't remember. I was kind of amazed at how few people laughed at what we talked about. I don't know if they didn't find satire funny or what.

As for current satire, I'm a big South Park fan. :D I'm glad satire's coming back as a form of entertainment.


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