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Ruby_Dawn is offline
Old 03-14-2007, 12:36 PM

would you like to see re-made for one of the new consoles or are there any games that you think need a sequel? I think I would be great if the re-made Kid Icarus or Battle of olympus
and I think they need to make a sequel for Legends of dragoon and another Breth of fire would be great as long as it wasnt like BOF 5

Zurie is offline
Old 03-14-2007, 04:39 PM

  • I'd hate to see any of the older games remade. I mean, a remake is just to appeal to the people that prefer pretty graphics over gameplay and such. D;
    As far as a sequel goes, unless it's a PS2 sequel of a PS2 game, or a Gamecube sequel of a PS2 game, I wouldn't like to see any. It kind of ties in to how I abhor people that are graphic whores. Kind of like when they made Dirge of Cerberus tying to FFVII, or even Advent Children the movie. It was just to give the characters and such better graphics to appease the more stupid population of the fanbase. D;

    I'll shut up now. I'm ranting.

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Old 03-15-2007, 02:39 AM

I agree on a lot of the point's I am not much in to graphics I would just like to see some of my old favorite games on the newer system's because some are very hard to find or are very expensive...maybe not re-made but re-released is a better way to put it like they did with Chrono Trigger and FF 4 I think it was...but I would love to see some sequels I would prefer that the graphics would stay the way they are in the original games but I know that will never happen because like you said there are too many graphic whores out there :(

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Old 03-15-2007, 03:02 PM

I want Keio Flying Squadron and Time Gal for the Sega CD remade for the XBOX 360.

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Trigger is offline
Old 03-21-2007, 09:53 PM

(hi sweetie I joined :wink: ) I think it would be great if they either re-made OR made a sequel to Kid Icarus and Battle of olympus...I would also love to see a few more Lufia's on the consoles instead of the game boy and I would also like to see another Legends of Legaia

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Old 03-22-2007, 07:08 AM

Zurie, I'm in perfect agreement with that statement.

Though one must admit, the FF III DS remake was terribly cute... and it finally allowed me to have at least one version of most every FF game.

Though if one DOES do a port, don't make it a half-assed port. Make it a GOOD one, like FF VI on the GBA.

Also- a Legend of Dragoon sequel would be badass.

shosho is offline
Old 03-22-2007, 10:40 AM

I haven't completely followed the gaming world a lot lately, so excuse me if I sound so out of date ^^;

Anyway, the game that I really would like to see as a remake is Final Fantasy III (VI in the japanese version). I'd love to see a better graphic for it... may be not completely like the Final Fantasy X style (that's too realistic for me). Hahah, it would be so awesome if the graphic was done in the same graphic style as "Okami" XD <3 I didn't like the remake too much that they did in the Final Fantasy Anthology, honestly. It's still a great game, but I had thought they were remaking the graphics (asides from the intro and ending), too ^^;;

I'd also love to see a remake of Final Fantasy VII *3* I heard that there's a chance they're making a remake of it for Playstation 3, but I also heard that that was false rumors? @_@;;; So, I still don't know what to think of that @____@;;

Definitely those two games though hahah :3

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Old 03-22-2007, 05:14 PM

Originally Posted by shosho
I'd also love to see a remake of Final Fantasy VII *3* I heard that there's a chance they're making a remake of it for Playstation 3, but I also heard that that was false rumors? @_@;;; So, I still don't know what to think of that @____@;;
They did do a graphics demo of the opening scene for FF VII, but only because they wanted to showcase the abilities of how pretty the PS3 could make things. And why not use one of their most popular games? It makes sense. However, a bunch of FF VII tards got it in their head that they were redoing the entire game, and thus the false rumors have spread like wildfire.

The president of Square even laughingly said that "the only time we'll do an FF VII remake is if the next playstation isn't backwards compatible."

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GainaSpirit is offline
Old 03-22-2007, 05:36 PM

They seems to redo all the old ff so ff4 would probably be remade anyway, surely on a portable console.
They redid an FFTactic version for psp. To bad it's only on Psp, and ds have the advance one which is really bad compared to the original one. >.<
But I would love a following of FFT ^^ replaying Ramza would be great !
Legend of Dragoon was a cool game ^^ A sequel could be great too !

I would want a sequel of Jet set radio future ! That game was awesome ^^

I'll love the have the end of the trilogy of Kotor O.o I know it's suppose to come out but news are inexistant.

shosho is offline
Old 03-22-2007, 08:03 PM

@ Alegretto: yeah, I read about that, too, actually XD; Aww, you can't really blame the fans for having a bit of hope! XD;;; I know I am hoping for it, but at the same time, I'm dreading it... because that would mean I HAD to buy the PS3 XD;;;

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Enniel is offline
Old 03-23-2007, 04:57 PM

Ooooh yes!! Sequel to Legend of Dragoon would be awsome!! Or maybe another Chrono game!!

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Old 03-26-2007, 08:59 PM

Alundra needs a proper sequel.

Yumi Mei Flower
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Old 03-26-2007, 09:04 PM

Final fantasy 7

Seika Arai
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Old 03-26-2007, 09:07 PM

Zelda and guitar hero. Well for guitar hero it wouldn't be much of a sequel but they should make a sequel for Zelda, continuing from Majora's mask.

FinalBlackMage is offline
Old 03-28-2007, 07:26 PM

Pikmin III yo. XP

But seriously, I really liked Ribbit King. That game was fun lovingly fun. Or Okage, that game was fantastic and a must play for any Nightmare Before Christmas junkies (it's similar style, you'll like it) That game having a sequel would make me happy... that reminds me... I need to play that one again. XP

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GainaSpirit is offline
Old 03-28-2007, 07:53 PM

Originally Posted by MagnusXL
Alundra needs a proper sequel.
Oh, yeah. When I saw the Alundra 2... O.o What the heck was that >.< Just using the licence to sell other game... Alundra was so great :)

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Old 03-30-2007, 05:23 AM

Originally Posted by Enniel
Ooooh yes!! Sequel to Legend of Dragoon would be awsome!! Or maybe another Chrono game!!
oh yes another Chrono game would be great,
@MagnusXL--I agree there should be a proper sequel to alundra, not saying I didnt like Alundra 2 but it sure could have been bett

pod79 is offline
Old 04-04-2007, 05:46 AM

I would really like to see a movie/game about/after/before FFVIII. Yes, the 8. It's my favorite. And I think there is so much more to the sorceress stories that we could know.

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charis_mae is offline
Old 10-14-2007, 05:32 PM

I want another Shadow Hearts so badly...unfortunately, the company that makes it went out of business, so there go all my hopes. :(


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