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Sethirius is offline

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Jitsumi1221 is offline
Old 03-16-2007, 08:14 AM

wow 9 months is a very long time to have an art block O.O; i dont think i've ever had one for that long a time... i tend to switch to different mediums when im starting to burn myself out

o but i do like how you color the eyes, its so very shiney ^o^

Sethirius is offline
Old 03-16-2007, 08:17 AM

Yes, it was pretty long. I had nearly given up drawing all together... but in the end I decided to stick it out.

Well, I did switch to traditional means to get me back into the groove. It was nice working with pencils again and they're not as time consuming for me. o.O;;

Thank-you! I like shiny eyes. -dork-

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GainaSpirit is offline
Old 03-16-2007, 10:03 AM

Your art is impressive O.o Even before the art block

Sethirius is offline
Old 03-16-2007, 10:14 AM

Thank-you! Haha, well I was definately more creative before the art block. I did more interesting poses than.

At the moment I'm having trouble with doing something more than just a bust shot. >_O; But that's what practice is for.

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GainaSpirit is offline
Old 03-16-2007, 10:34 AM

Yeah, after my art block, I began doing lot of interesting pose and some anatomy perception. I still need to draw more guys O.o I'm really not accustume enough with them.

shosho is offline
Old 03-16-2007, 11:04 AM

Aww~ Sethy~ ;___; Is that why you've been kind of "non-existent" in the net-world all these times?! ;___; i'm so sorry to hear that >A<; but you know what~ Your art is still pretty good, and I think you've improved even though you had the long artblock >_<; I understand the painful feeling of having the block though >___<;; glad you have it overcome, more or less! <3

I have problems doing other than just bust shot, too hahahah.. though I think I prefer doing my chibis XD;;; *LESS stress* lol

@ jitsumi: ooh, that's actually a really good idea! Switching mediums! :3 I usually went back to my doodles-on-notepads if that happens ^^;;; though I don't show those anywhere x__x;;;

Sethirius is offline
Old 03-16-2007, 11:12 AM

Gaina> I usually come out with a new style when I'm coming off an art block. It seems I'm taking a more comic style approach as of late. >3>;

ShoSho> Yessu, the art block is a big reason as to my 'net disappearence'. Though it's also a lot of rl drama, which isn't entirely gone but it's more manageble. Oh, and I had a job for 4 months of the block. xDD Basically life was helping my inspiration any in those 9 months.

I never minded waist-up or full bodies before... but I'm rusty so it bothers me now. My main issue is time. I use to be pretty quick with sketching. I could have a full body sketch done in about 5-10 minutes tops. But these days it's more like 30-45 minutes. >_O;

And I forgot how to draw hands. Ugh.

Hehe, less stress for me... is sketching. CGs = too long. xP But... I've discovered a quicker way to CG recently so...

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heather_54 is offline
Old 03-17-2007, 01:24 AM

=D they're all great! (especially #2 @-@")

Sethirius is offline
Old 03-17-2007, 01:30 PM

Thank-you Heather! ^^

Harkem is offline
Old 03-19-2007, 12:24 AM

T-T how can you draw so well during a block!

._. When i am on an art block i can't even draw a stickman >_< seriously!

Sethirius is offline
Old 03-19-2007, 11:17 PM

Haha, no I never drew during my block. >3<;;

Lucida is offline
Old 03-20-2007, 01:24 PM

wow, 9 months is really a long time for an art block... (i think my longest was 6 or 7 months...)
i need to say, your work is great, before as well as after the art block. i really like your style!
what could be added is, you might want to have a little more patience with your works, maybe make the coloring more detailed and take a little more time with the hair ^^ but it's not really neccessary, i like your style and your works nonetheless. (and i know how it is to be impatient with art XD i can't take my time at all. ^^,)

ChibiMaru-Chan is offline
Old 04-13-2007, 07:31 PM

I like, but I'm sorry about the art block thing though... :cry:
I have an art block right now, so it sucks... :x
Well good luck... :D
A little comment from me~~!


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