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Old 07-25-2007, 10:08 PM

I have an macbook myself that I got at X-mas and its been pretty good to me so far. I'm a windows person so it was alittle hard getting used to a mac from a dell but I learn pretty quick. Its just those little things that you have to get used too.

So anyway my Aunt and Uncle just bought a new 20'in desktop and are having some serious problems with it. They can't get on the internet alot of the time, but I can on my macbook? Don't know what it is yet but we're going to call someone tom. about it.

So anyway, I wanted to know if there were any people, mac people, out there that could tell me what they think about there mac/apple products. Do you love them or hate them.

User friendly or just another pain in the butt XD

poet`s playground
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Old 07-25-2007, 10:15 PM

They're awesomely user-friendly. I've always hated Windows xP. I really really want a MacBook <33.

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Old 07-25-2007, 10:15 PM

Also...totally random.

I went and got my nails done today and all the girls at the salon had their noes pierced. Anyway I've been thinking for awhile that I might want to get my nose pierced so I wanted to know more about it.

Does it hurt?
Does it get infected alot?
Do you have to keep it in for along period of time or do/can you take it out.

Anything else you think I might need to know before I possibly get mine pierced would be great ;3

`F o a m
`F o a m is offline
Old 07-25-2007, 10:21 PM

  • I don't know but there is something about Macs that I don't like.
    It seems like they try too hard to make their stuff looks cool.
    A lot of it seems unessesary. :?

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Old 07-25-2007, 10:23 PM

Yeah, I will say alot of there stuff is unnessacy and its all a marketing sale...but their programs are easy to use once you get used to them ;3

I'm looking to get an iphone perhaps later in the future...when they go down in price that is ^^;;;;

poet`s playground
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Old 07-25-2007, 10:25 PM

I've just always loved them because they look cool in addition to working very well and having features that can be extremely useful XD.

`F o a m
`F o a m is offline
Old 07-25-2007, 10:25 PM

  • I'm waiting for the next version if I decide to get one.
    I'm thinking it'll be like the iPod....
    They come out with a big one then they have smaller ones that cost less.
    Then people will be spazzing out because they want the newer version. xD

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Old 07-25-2007, 10:30 PM

Yeah, knowing apple I'm sure they'll come out with a smaller thinner version of the iphone and when they do the oringinal will be alittle cheaper...hopefully.

poet's - yes, alot of the programs are easy to use and useful. But, I will say this if you're going to invest in a macbook. Make sure you can transfer all your files and get the stuff you need on your book cus' there are different versions. Also mac doesn't have the best customer service I think and sometimes the wireless internet doesn't work too well. Other then that macbooks are pretty great to have on the go or at home.

Also, some programs like MSN and things like mene. avatar creator don't work on macbooks so if you like those things be prepared not to have them XD

Bubblegum is offline
Old 07-25-2007, 10:55 PM

I am an Applephile.
A) Their product design is amazing.
B) Their products work, which is refreshing.
Microsoft just doesn't have their stuff together like Apple does. Apple is having mega-successful product releases while Microsoft made a gaming console that didn't even last a year. (In your FACE, Microsoft!)
I recently got a MacBook, and it works magnificently. There were only a few days that I was trying to figure out how to do everything I did on my PC. Plus, I can take pictures with the camera. :3 (-Doesn't own a digital camera-)

The iPhone is magnificent. It does everything, and quite well, if I do say so myself. I played with one for about five minutes and thought to myself, "I would so spend $600 on one of these things if I had that kind of money."

poet`s playground
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Old 07-25-2007, 10:59 PM

Originally Posted by NoirAngel
Yeah, knowing apple I'm sure they'll come out with a smaller thinner version of the iphone and when they do the oringinal will be alittle cheaper...hopefully.

poet's - yes, alot of the programs are easy to use and useful. But, I will say this if you're going to invest in a macbook. Make sure you can transfer all your files and get the stuff you need on your book cus' there are different versions. Also mac doesn't have the best customer service I think and sometimes the wireless internet doesn't work too well. Other then that macbooks are pretty great to have on the go or at home.

Also, some programs like MSN and things like mene. avatar creator don't work on macbooks so if you like those things be prepared not to have them XD

Trust me, I know about backing up files o_O. I had an iMac. And I think they have great customer service xP and the internet works fine on my sister's iBook.

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Old 07-25-2007, 11:19 PM

Sounds like everyone is having good mac service...except for me ATM XD

Yreka is offline
Old 07-26-2007, 03:45 AM

Personally, I LOVE Mac products. They rarely have idiotic problems happening to them unless you have done stuff like force shut-downs to screw up start up files and such. Overall user friendly and takes just a few minuites to get used to the whole interface. Lots of little nooks and crannies to explore also. Easier to access those than on a PC. Never had any virus hit my compy. Only heard of a few which could effect Macs, but Apple released patches a few days after discovery and such. Then again, our security system is custom and top notch. <3

Here are my opinions on a lot of the Mac products:

Past Mac computers:
Examples - iBook, eMac, etc.
The old old ones were kinda funky feeling to me, but then again, OS9 wasn't the most user-friendly OS. When it got to OSX, then all of them became awesome.

Newer Mac computers:

Laptops - MacBook, MacBook Pro
BUFF. ~ <3 Have only had to do a few fsck (unix for file system check - run using disk utility and a backed up and booted [boot by holding the option key on startup] external firewire harddrive) check things. Okay. I take that back. One time something screwed with the windows partition. I can't remember what it was, but it was user error.

Desktops - Mac Pro, G5 computers, etc.
My dad has the newest Mac Pro running at 3.2 Ghz. No problems. :o

Only problem i've had is that every so often I need to do a force restart. Then again, one of my friends had to do pretty much the same thing with his Zune more than twice as many times as I have so far.

My dad has one. His mom paid for half as a b-day present. Only problem so far was the activation, but that was on AT&T's side of things.

Noir: Wait. General service or something like wireless reception for the iPhone?[/confuzzled]
Edit: Doh. xD
Tell me the type of computer. Also go check the damaged files folder (Macintosh HD --> Damaged Files). I can't pinpoint the problem over the internet though.

Truly, truly outrageous!
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Old 07-26-2007, 04:08 AM

Wait. You said that they got a newer computer right? It sounds like it's probably a 20" iMac, eh? Well, see, does your house have wireless internet, or do you have wires? Because the mac desktop computers have to have airport and airport card installed in order to get the wireless(not all come with it and they could be faulty sometimes).

Uh, but otherwise, have you tried changing up the cords, because I had a broken cord I had to use on my PC since my dad wouldn't buy me a new one. It would only work some of the time. If you carry the computer to your other cord, then check to see if it works better.

It could also be the router, and switching which port it's in for the router(not computer) can help too. xD

Uh, but my dad and my grandparents will only use macs. xD

\ (•◡•) /
Aurilia is offline
Old 07-26-2007, 12:19 PM

Mac is the better operating system, period.
It's a pity that it has been suppressed by Gates' Windows so much...
It's sturdier and more secure than Windows. The major downpoint: There aren't many games that run on a Mac, and as far as I know, 3D Studio Max also only runs on Windows. What a pity...

If you're an animator or graphic designer though, Mac is heaven. Takes a bit to get used to the fact that there's only one mouse button, but it's well worth it.
I just wish Macs were cheaper! *sweatdrop*

Yreka is offline
Old 07-27-2007, 11:08 PM

It's called, get a mighty mouse. It's got the two buttons and such. Ctrl + click also works just fine. :3


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