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Old 11-04-2007, 08:07 PM



In the land of Alliah, where everything is ruled by a king, everyone was given a random power at birth. Even the elders who bestowed the powers onto the newborns are unfamiliar with what powers were given. These abilities, however, have disrupted the entire kingdom, thus making it rare for one to have powers their ancestors did. The king, however, was corrupted by his power and thus, exiled to hell. Now he has come back and swore to condemn the world into oblivion. It is our job to prevent that. 10 children all different, yet all alike, from the country's strongest warriors, were separated by the King, hoping that they would never come to bring him down. From different backgrounds, it's their duties to rid the world from the evil tyrant.


*There are 10 chosen ones, but an unlimited amount of people can join.
*No godmodding
*Try to be literate
*Please tell me when you stop rping in this thread
pm me your profile skeletons and i will reply if i accept them or not
*PM them to me with "Elements" as the subject


Sort of medieval, no futuristic technology, please. [ this includes no using of laser beams, telepads, guns, etc. ]

___Profile Codes___

Rp name:
One of the Chosen One?:
Appearance [don't put "current avi"]:
Any extra info:
_____Chosen ones:____
Username: `Waffle
Rp name: Toki
Race: Alchemist / Magician
Age: 21
One of the Chosen One?: Yes
Gender: Female
Power[s]: Alchemy/Control over earth & fire/Summoning powers
Weapon[s]: Her staff
Appearance [don't put "current avi"]: [x]
Bio: Born of magic, Toki's parents died after her birth. An alchemist, who was friends with her parents looked after her and taught her everything he knows. After learning the King murdered her parents because he was threatened by their powers, Toki travels the kingdom hoping to give him his just desserts.
Any extra info: n/a
__________________________________________________ _____

Username: InYourMind
Rp name: Jazlene Evangale
Race: Witch
Age: 21
One of the Chosen One?: Yes
Gender: Female
Power[s]: Ability to Manipulate/Create Ice and Water. Manipulation of temperature.
Weapon[s]: Her Fathers Authentic Sword
Appearance [don't put "current avi"]: Jazlene
Bio: Jazlene was raised by her mother solely. Her mother taught her how to weild her magic. Her father died when she was very young. He was a blacksmith killed by bandits. All she had from him was a special sword, none matched it. Eventually she taught herself how to fight. Even though her mother didn't exactly support it. Eventually she started her life on her own at 18.
Any extra info: She can spellcast
__________________________________________________ __

Username: Fuyumi_saito
Rp name: Lynn
Race: Mage
Age: 23
One of the Chosen One?: Yes
Gender: female
Power[s]: Has control over water/ice. Can use her necklace to get a shield like bubble.
Weapon[s]: Her hands, a pocket knife, and sometimes her necklace
Appearance: [x]
Bio: Lynn is the daughter of two mages. Her mother was of nobility, while her father was a commoner.. Their relationship was discouraged, but they still married. Her mother died in child birth, leaving her father to raise her. Her father became a wanderer, taking his daughter along with him on his trips. When Lynn turned 19 her father got ill, and passed away. She now lives alone, in a small cottage in the woods, with only a few items her parents had left her. It's her job to protect the lake of the forest, but she is unaware of any evil that approaches.
Any extra info: none.
__________________________________________________ ___

Rp name: Pat Celis
Race:Draconi (half-dragon)
Age: 36
One of the Chosen One?: Yes
Gender: Male
Power[s]: manipulation of Space/Darkness, flight
Weapon[s]: Instrument, and his claws
Appearance: [x]
Bio: He was born of mysterious circumstances, he doesn't know his parents as he was left on the steps of a monastery which raised him. The monks had believed him to be a child of the gods left to bless them and to usher in a new age. With the return of the cursed king his fellow brothers sent him out with their blessings and teachings. His magic is manipulated through music and his instrument.
Any extra info: It is really difficult for him to fly as he has dense human bones.
__________________________________________________ __

Username: ArcticWolf
Rp name: Sanz Aeros
Race: Lycanthropic Humanoid (Has a tendency to turn into a werewolf in times of great distress)
Age: 20
One of the Chosen One?: Yes
Gender: Male
Power[s]: Control over the wind and lightning. Werewolf transformation.
Weapon[s]: Two blades (four foot blade)
Appearance [don't put "current avi"]: His long black hair is tied into a pony tail which falls between his shoulder blades. His eyes are a deep green, face young, skin tanned. A red mark lies across his cheek, marking his diseased state. He wears a deep brown jacket that is ragged and torn. His undershirt was once white, but now dirty and ragged. His pants are leather and slightly form fitting. He wears sandles upon his feet. His two weapons are across his back. Underneath his clothing, upon his back, there is a great rune which is an even greater testament to his condition.
Bio: Sanz was infused with his wind power at birth, but his mother died soon after his first birthday. His father never recovered from the grief, and once Sanz had reached the age of ten, he killed himself. Sanz was devistated and fled into the woods where he was attacked by a werewolf. He was infected, but managed to push it away with his powers. He wondered the world rejected, living off of poor nutrition for ten years. He is still a wanderer, still an outcast.
Any extra info:
__________________________________________________ _______

Username: Jaded Geisha
Rp name: Mierria Lock
Race: Human
Age: 22
One of the Chosen One?: yes
Gender: female
Power[s]: A form of alchemy, She can transmute any metal including gold, unfortunately she can only do it if she uses a piece of her own flesh as the exchanged material. If she wanted a gold piece she'd lose a piece of skin, If she wanted a sword, she'd lose an arm. Luckily though, if she loses an arm it grows back with in a few weeks. The regrowth of limbs is the only defenses she has and seeing as how it takes weeks to fully grow back a limb, she is VERy vunerable.
Weapon[s]: Nothing, But if she's in a bind she can always get something
Appearance [don't put "current avi"]: Meirria has long wavey black hair and dark blackish purple eyes resembling the color of blackberries. She is on the chuby side but not really fat. She's in rather bad shape and gets dead tired after running short distances
Bio: She was born into a poor village were she lived happily until a famine hit and many of the villagers died of disease and starvation. She was left orphaned at 14 thus beginning her life as a traveller.
Any extra info: While Mierria does no work whatsoever, she does live a very privliged life. she wears the finiest clothes and stays in the finest Inns where ever she goes. Even her horse is one of the finest in the land. A very nice turn of events for a young orphan who never married and lived completely on her own for the last 8 years.
__________________________________________________ _____

Username: Ookamis_Cherry
Rp name: Felicia
Race: shape shifter/ human
Age: 16
One of the Chosen One: ya
Gender: female
Power[s]: shape shifting, can bring her drawing to life, had control over fire
Weapon[s]: whip, double edge sword
Bio: She was born to a family of peopel who could posess others, so when she could only shape shift she was treated, as one of the family, but more or less than than her other 12 siblings. So she left to find her own adventure.
Any extra info: She has a horrible temper, and it starts almost instantly
Appearance: [x]
__________________________________________________ _____

Username: Nina
Rp name:Ricca
One of the Chosen One?: (Don't know
Gender: f
Power[s]:Move things with her mind, controls fire, water, and ice.
Bio: she lost her memory and can't remember any unless she touches something that looks like she knows it from some were.
Any extra info:N/A
__________________________________________________ __

Rp name: Amaya
Race: demonic angellius (good demonic angel)
One of the Chosen One?: yes
Power[s]:can fly, talk with nature and heal self and others.
Weapon[s]: 5 daggers, a silver & mythril sword and a mini crossbow and arrows.
Bio: orphaned at the age of 5. Amaya was taken in by a kindly old women she called Nona. Became a wanderer after Nona died when she was 15.
Any extra info:
Is very kind and friendly, but hides her black wings from everyone.
__________________________________________________ ______
Name: Nakia
Age: She does not disclose this to anyone, but it’s known to the other characters that she was alive before the salem Witch trials took place. She looks to be in her early to mid twenties though.
Sex: Female
Birthday: March 27
Starsign: Aries
Favourite Colour: Teal
Favourite Pastimes: Nakia really enjoys reading, and is often found swimming in various public pools of the city.
Biography: At an early age she found out that she had the ability to harness the power of water, and she loved it. She had always had an affinity for water, and when she found out she was a witch, she couldn't be happier. Nakia spent years learning how to control it, make the liquid around her bend to her will, and then eventually she realized that she wasn't getting all she could. That she was destined for more. That was when she found out, that she was a sorceress, able to harness the power of the five main elements. Earth, water, fire, thunder (Lightning) and wind.

With that in mind she looked for either another sorceress, or an elemental witch to teach her all she knew. She didn't find anyone quickly, but after several years she came across a fire elemental witch by the name of Rowena. The young woman took Nakia on as an apprentice to teach her all she knew about the fire element, which was a fair bit.

Soon, Nakia got bored of it, it was constantly the same thing over and over and over again, and she'd had enough. After threatening Rowena once, she finally started to learn things that she though were more important. After a couple of years, she was bored again. Having learned all she could from Rowena, she left her, and went in search of another elemental instructor. She had two of the elements in her reach, she just needed the other two.

Years later, she came across a woman who agreed to teach her all about Earth, and the soaked it all up, before moving on from there too. And it was centuries later that she met up with Kalin. Someone who was willing to teach her about the Wind element, in return for her knowledge of the others, and her willingness to help off a couple of people. To which she readily agreed.

They studied together for a couple of years before finally they each knew all the other had to teach, and they started out to remove a couple of spots from their pasts. They failed of course, and Keori, Bakura and Rowena all survived, while Nakia does not.
Personality: She is generally kind and caring, and loves everything to do with the water. She would sooner help someone then hurt them, but if needed, she would. She doesn't say much, but when she needs to, she will.
Appearance: The basics are this: She has long silky black hair that falls just past her waist, her skin is a nice olive tone, and her eyes are so dark they almost look black. Pretty much no matter what she wears, she has a corset on underneath, and she usualll wears something that is very revealing, since she loves the nightlife, and bringing men and women back to her home to... have some fun. She is a very sensual and sexual woman. She also wears lots of bangles and bracelets. She also has a Tiara // band type thing she wears around her head, it was a gift from her grandmother and is an ancient Egyptian artifact, as are most of her accessories. Please note: She is Egyptian.
Image: [X][/quote]
____Other accept profiles____

Username: Wolf
Rp name: James Wolf
Race: Human
Age: 23
One of the Chosen One?: no
Gender: Male
Power[s]: Controle over the wind, used primarily through his sword, but not limited to it.
Weapon[s]: A Katana
Appearance : A tall man 6'2, Short black hair, a distinctive scar over his left eye. Dresses in raged clothing, showing he has little money.
Bio: Born into a well off family in the far east. James lived a privileged life for many years till he turned 16, and found out he was to mary a specific woman. Enraged by the fact his life wasn't his own, he ran away from home taking only the clothes on his back and the family sword. Life was hard for him he made his money as a street performer, and a back alley sword fighter. It's been years since he left home and began a life on the road, but upon hearing about the evils hapening to the kingdom he decided to journey there to do something about it.

Any extra info: His best trick is focusing a blade of wind to shoot off of his blade as he unsheathes it.

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Old 11-04-2007, 08:42 PM

no one wants to join my rp?

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fuyumi_saito is offline
Old 11-04-2007, 08:53 PM

I do! ^^ I just need to fill the thing out.

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Old 11-05-2007, 01:37 AM

do you guys just want to begin right now?

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Old 11-05-2007, 01:56 AM

Toki walked down the road, only one thing in mind-the king's total destruction. She walked past a sign, but seemed to ignore it. "Ah, Alliah. My hometown." See, Toki had been overseas studying alchemy from the most famous of alchemists. Although, she still doesn't have enough power to bring down the king. She kept on walking to hear a scream in the woods. She ran to see a thief harassing an innocent woman. "What are you doing to that young girl, fiend?!" "None of your business. Go on before I hurt you." Pissed, Toki took off her gloves. Sparks of magic radiated from her hands, as she spoke some unfamiliar words. At once, a sphere appeared and trapped the vandal from escaping. With a flick of her hand, the sphere was sent off far away into the distance. "Oh thank you, thank you very much!" cried the woman with joy. "Just be careful." replied Toki. She rejected any type of reward from the woman and continued to walk down the path.

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Old 11-06-2007, 03:41 AM

Lynn had heard the scream, then noticed the animals beginning to panic. She left her home, to check on things. The animals calmed down, none of the birds left, meaning no death. A sigh of relief escaped her lips.

The young woman lived away from the path, but still, it was her job to protect the forest..And all things that wandered into it. It was a big job, and she couldn't always be successful. If someone was killed nearby, and she was too late to stop it from happening.. Well the least Lynn could do was give the fallen a proper burial.

She was glad nothing bad had happened. The mage's cottage was right in the middle of the forest. The best location if things happened. It had been easier when her father was alive. Lynn wished for help, but what could she do? It wasn't like she could just summon something to help protect the forest.

is Long

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Old 11-06-2007, 03:51 AM

Pat tuned his mandolin as he made his way through the forest. He had deviated from the path earlier that day to avoid marching troops. He stuck out like a sore thumb with his large wings, tail, and blue scales, and the King's men were looking for strangers to prosecute. Now he was looking for the path again and it didn't help that his wings kept clipping low branches.
He nearly ran into a speeding sphere containing a bewildered man. A single strum ceased the sphere's movement slow and eventually halt. The man looked very upset and cowered at Pat's appearance.
Pat tapped on the bubble's exterior, it didn't pop but noise reverberated inside. "Hallo. Uhm. Is the main road near by? I need to find it soon."
The man pointed in the direction that the sphere had come from, he was quaking as he pointed, but Pat didn't notice this. He sent the sphere back on its path as he head off in the opposite direction continuing to tune his mandolin.

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Old 11-06-2007, 04:30 AM

Toki continued down the road to Alliah, as the sun was staring straight down, she decided it was time for some rest. She made a bed of dirt soft enough for her head, yet solid enough so it would get any on her hair. She dosed of quickly, yet was troubled by a reoccurring nightmare. She kept seeing the King killing her parents, as she didn’t know how it happened, a somewhat of a sixth sense seemed to have given her an idea of what happened. The earth cushioning her seemed to notice this, and had rocked her gently to sleep. Although she was asleep, she could still sense any presence around her and left her guard up.

is Long

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Old 11-07-2007, 12:11 AM

The forest vegetation seemed to thin out as he continued to press forward. His tall wings were catching on less and less and his tail hadn't knocked anything over in a while. Pushing through a tough thicket Pat nearly stumbled over as he stepped out onto the road. A deep, melodious chuckle escaped his lips, for he knew he was well on his way now.
He strummed his fingers across the neck of his mandolin, the instrument was in perfect tune. He hummed a chord and lightly stepped down the road. Birds in the trees began to whistle along with his playing, creating a fine semblance to a popular country working song.

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Old 11-07-2007, 01:11 AM

Toki heard a strange soothing sound in the distance but decided to ignore it. It sounded calm, and she felt it was unlikely that the person playing the tune would provoke her into fighting. She continued to sleep as the earth kept on rocking her into a gentle state of mind.

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Old 11-07-2007, 02:17 AM

Lynn lit a small lamp in her cottage. She blinked, hearing some singing from returning birds.

'Odd..' Was the only thing she thought. It was nothing to be scared about though, it seemed cheerful enough.

She wrote down a few things in her note book, before closing it. Lynn was used to sleeping with the light on. This was in case anyone in danger came across the cabin, they would know it was okay to knock. Laying down in her bed, after slipping off her boots, she closed her eyes. Oddly enough, she was far too tired to change into her night gown. She would just have to change and bathe in the morning then.

Soon, slumber seem to take over her mind. She dreamed of snow, and a nearby stream. The water wasn't frozen. It was so serene..Quiet and peaceful.

Dead Account Holder
ArcticWolf is offline
Old 11-08-2007, 01:46 AM

A ragged young man wandered almost aimlessly through the strange forest. This kind of travel was nothing new to him and the soft 'pap' of his sandles on the ground created a rhythm of journey which he seemed to hum in his sleep.

His weary, malnourished body had deadened senses. Normally lycanthropy would have increased his sensory abilities three-fold, but his weak state left him anything but aware. So much so that he barely caught himself before running into a cozy log cabin.

He was elated at the thought of someone, but then again, his mind jumped to the thought of his curse, and he touched the wicked mark upon his cheek which heralded his blight. Me moved around to the front of the house, and stared longingly at the wooden door, a kind which he had not entered in years.

is Long

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Old 11-08-2007, 04:28 AM

Pat stumbled on a chord and a bird above him was enveloped in darkness, the sudden silence alerted him to his mistake. He stared at the bird and played a reversal of his error and the darkness lifted and settled back into the shadows. The path ahead of him was dark and looked to be a bit strange. The earth pitched beneath him, he toppled over his arms curled protectively around the mandolin. His wings crossed and his tail wrapped around his legs, sending his small stumble into a larger collapse.
He uncrumpled in front of a small ditch on the side of the path. He immediately checked on his instrument, it looked as if it hadn't received any damage. He drew his fingers across the chords, each played perfectly back to him. He let out a loud, grateful, sigh. He then looked around to see how he was fairing and what caused him to fall. The earth had made what looked like a cradle and a person was laying in it. Pat stood up and stepped off the path he had worked so hard to find. He didn't want to attract more trouble.

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Old 11-08-2007, 05:11 AM

There was a peck on Lynn's window, causing her to slowly wake up. She couldn't really communicate with animals, or understand them that well. They knew who she was though, the keeper of the forest. Like her father was. She did not have his power though. She closed her eyes once more, figuring it was just one of the birds that wanted free food. The pecking continued though.

The light purple haired girl rose from her bed, wondering what the fuss was about. Opening the door, she saw a man standing there. He looked very weak and hungry. She frowned, before stepping out and taking his hand.

"You shouldn't be out here so late at night. It's cold, and in your condition you could die." The woman pulled him into the cabin. Her golden eyes glanced at him curiously. "Well..Don't just stand there, please sit down.."

Lynn couldn't help her motherly...or bossy nature at times. She wasn't around people often, so she didn't quite know what was consider polite and what was not.

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Old 11-08-2007, 03:18 PM

Alarmed, Toki woke up scanning the perimeter for any intruders. She looks and sees a Draconi with a mandolin. "Who are you?" asked Toki, keeping her guard up. She held tight to her staff, prepared if the Draconi was going to start a fight. Spells ran through her head as she searched for the right one.

is Long

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Old 11-09-2007, 05:15 AM

Pat pulled his wings in closer behind his body, his tail tightened around his waist as he attempted to hide behind a tree in the shadows. Upon hearing the woman stir he knew he had been caught.
"Who are you?" she had seen him and it was no use hiding any more. He grasped his mandolin, fingers resting gently on the neck, close to his body as he stepped back out onto the path.
"My apologies for disturbing you, fine maiden." He bowed, keeping his eyes locked on hers in case something was going to happen. He couldn't ever be so certain about anything anymore. "I am just a wondering brother who has been sent out with only this instrument and a prayer." He knew how to spin his words but he didn't need to fabricate anything when the truth was so good.

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ArcticWolf is offline
Old 11-10-2007, 03:19 AM

The actions of the woman were bewildering to him. His eyes were wide at the motion of the girl, dragging him into the room. He could not move himself, just staring at her. "You.. You are not afraid of me?" He moved a hand that traced the mark across his cheek.

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Old 11-10-2007, 03:26 AM

Toki looked at him suspiciously but decided to say nothing. She observed him from his feet to the enormous wings on his back. She made sure, however, to keep her guard up if he was going to attack. "Where are you from? I...I feel familiarized with you."

Ookamis_Cherry is offline
Old 11-10-2007, 03:42 AM

Felicia sat against a tree near her tiny cottage, found and stolen all done by herself, as a wolf of course. Anyway she thought she heard people conversing and decided to take a look around. she shape shifted into a crow and landed on a Toki's shoulder, listening in, smiling to herself at her cleverness

Jaded Geisha
Jaded Geisha is offline
Old 11-10-2007, 01:04 PM

"Oh goodness... How long can I keep this up..." Meirria whispered to herself as she patted her Horse's mane with her scarred hand. The purse on her hip chinked with coins and she smiled.

"Well I suppose as Long as this keeps happening, I can keep it up... Huh Sonnet?" Merria laughed as her horse bobbed his head in recognition of his name. Merria hoised herself onto the saddle and held the reins while she hid her purse within her cloak.

With a click of her tounge and a squeeze of her legs she brought Sonnet into a quick chanter down the sun dappled path. within a few hours she was sure to come to another village. Once there she would get herself a nice meal, a stable for Sonnet, and a warm bed for herself. Life certainly was good for the young vagabond

is Long

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Old 11-10-2007, 08:22 PM

Pat frowned at the appearance of the strange bird. It had just flown in to land on the girl's shoulders, not a sound had been made when it moved in and landed. And he was one to know the sounds of flight. His hands repositioned themselves around the neck and body of the mandolin, he felt his will and magic surge from himself into the instrument. Strumming a few notes that formed a sweet yet melancholy tune, a visual representation of the music wafted over to Toki's shoulder where the bird had landed and encircled it.
"I too feel this connection, and I'm sure this bird does as well. Or are you a bird at all, my feathered friend?" His magic had fully encircled the bird and began to take effect.

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Old 11-10-2007, 11:36 PM

Originally Posted by ArcticWolf
The actions of the woman were bewildering to him. His eyes were wide at the motion of the girl, dragging him into the room. He could not move himself, just staring at her. "You.. You are not afraid of me?" He moved a hand that traced the mark across his cheek.
Lynn blinked, a look of confusion on her face.

"Why would I be? So you have a scar.." She shrugged her shoulders not really knowing what it meant. "My father had many scars. It never scared me."

She turned around, and got one of the blankets at the end of the bed. It was the color of the sky, and as she walked over to the tall man, Lynn carefully wrapped it around his shoulders.

"There..." Taking his hand, she led him to the larger bed in the room. "Here, you can sleep on my father's bed tonight. He doesn't need it...Would you like me to cook you something?? You look so skinny. What do you want to eat?"

Lynn didn't see anything wrong with her current actions.

Dead Account Holder
ArcticWolf is offline
Old 11-12-2007, 12:56 AM

The young man blushed. "Thank you, but I fear I would be a burden on you. If you insist, though, I would be fine with soup. A simple broth. I fear too much more would be too much for my weak stomach. I have not had sufficient nourishment in a long time."

He was silent for quite a few minutes, then he raised a question. "Do you truly not know what this mark on my face is from? It is no simple scar from a blade. This runs much deeper, to my very being."

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Old 11-12-2007, 06:22 AM

"No..I'm sorry I don't know what your scar means. Is it some sort of curse? Don't worry about me if it is." She laughed lightly, before turning to her small stove. Lynn blinked as she prepared the broth.

"My name is Lynn by the way. I'm the keeper of the forest. My father was the one who was able to manipulate plants...I don't have his gift though... I think I'm doing an alright job... May I ask you for your name, traveler?" She asked, adding some sort of seasoning to the pot. She stirred it quietly, thinking the man was odd. Asking a question about a scar? Well, Lynn was pretty odd herself. So it didn't matter too much.

is Long

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Old 11-14-2007, 07:23 PM

Pat sat down in front of the woman and the changeling crow, he was tired of all his walking and standing some more was just hurting him now. He swished his tail out from under him as he sat down, it immediately wrapped itself around him as if it had a mind of its own. His wings folded behind him and dusted the ground. Refraining from playing more on his mandolin he sat it on the ground along side him. He looked up at the woman, making sure he had a peaceful and serene look cast upon, and he had positioned himself to not seem threatening. The last thing he wanted now was a fight, he was tired from walking so far and avoiding confrontation.


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