Every year, I like to take part in something called the 50 Book Challenge. This originally began as a LiveJournal community, but has since grown to have more followers.
In one year, try to read 50 books! Start any time you like and finish the challenge 12 months later! You can read anything from textbooks to graphic novels to biographies to science fiction. If you think of it as a book, and you read it, you can add it to your challenge list.
Don't think you can make 50 books? Aim for 25, 100, 200! The whole point of the challenge is motivation. Just set a goal for yourself and keep track of everything you read for the year.
Or try counting pages! 15,000 pages is considered the equivalent of 50 books. It's what you would read if each of your 50 books were 300 pages long.
Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 12-18-2022 at 12:26 AM..
- To make a list, just post it!
Organize a pretty heading, list the books you've read, and then ping Knerd so that she can add the list to our front page. :)
- As always, follow all Menewsha Rules and TOS
- Try to only post your list once and edit it with all future updates.
- No criticizing or insulting someone else's list!
- No plot spoilers. If you're about to give away any information that wouldn't normally be found on the back cover of the book, check yourself and don't post it.
I maintain the right to add any other rule I deem necessary, since I am a control freak who will be quite upset if this thread goes down the tubes.
Since this is the 50 Book Challenge, we can't deny the fact that our little thread is growing!
Everyone who posts on page 1000 will get a little surprise. :yes:
No spam. All posts must be consistent with the conversation.
Posting more than once on the page will not win you any more. Everyone on the page will get the same prize, whether they posted once or 15 times.
Ohh *touch peek touch*
I wouldn't mind doing this :3 except this year I have to do a lot of studies for school T.T
Edit: I guess I can finish up my series of books? iClimax's book list.
1. Cirque Du Freak book 11, Lord of Shadows
Book: 0/35
Pages 110/211
This actually gives me inspiration! My brother got me a gift card to Barnes & Noble for Christmas, and since it's right down the street [not in walking distance, but it'd be easy for my mom to drive me there!], I'll have easy access to bookshelves. :'D
Once I get time for getting there, I'll buy myself 2-3 books to begin. >:3
I haven't read a good book in a while, and well... I haven't seriously read in ages. So this will give me motivation, like I said before. Because I love to read!
iClimax, if you don't think you can get through 50, then simply set a smaller goal for yourself. Try for 15 or 20. Even if you reach that early on in the year, you can raise the bar. And if you don't make it, it's not like you lost anything.
@Facade, I got a gift card to. My grandmother never knows what to buy me, and I love stuff like that. I haven't gone into town yet, but I'm trying to come up with a list of things to get. But the only thing I can think of right now is the RENT original cast recording...
Wow Steve you must live in like a hole if there's no book stores around you. o.o I live in an area where I'm the only house on the street, and I still havea book store 25 minutes away o.o
Rent's fun! It was in Philly this past weekend, exclusively. <3
I didn't go, of course, but that's mainly because Rent is not my favorite musical, by far. xD
I dislike the movie, because it was just really... -shrug- I dunno what my reason for disliking the movie is, but... Yeah.
I DO love certain songs from it, though. <3 Like Seasons of Love (which is a given), Tango Maureen, and a few others...
Silly Garden Hose, you can read over the Internet!
Places like Fullbooks.com and the Literature Network Online have a ton of novels. It's mostly classic literature, but it's good enough.
@Facade, I was given the movie soundtrack for Christmas, and I really don't want to keep it. If I'm going to listen to the music at all, I want it to be from the original Broadway production. It's the only thing that really seems worthwhile, and Barnes and Noble is the only place around me that I can get it.
Yes, I don't blame you. ><
I have the Wicked soundtrack myself... And it pisses me off that they didn't have a soundtrack for the movie version of the Wiz. That's the only movie soundtrack I really would ever want. xD Besides, maybe, the Marie Antoinette soundtrack. <3
But I grew up watching the Wiz. I've never SEEN the Broadway production, however, and really don't care for the Broadway performers. I mean, Diana Ross sung waaay better than whoever played Dorothy in the Broadway version. .-.;
Broadway is really the only music I listen to anymore, so little details like which cast version the recording is from is important to me.
I don't know too much about the Wiz. I probably saw the movie sometime in school, but it hasn't really stuck with me. "Ease on Down the Road" is all I know.
I kind of like Wicked, but I read the book before I heard the soundtrack, so I find it a little weird that changed the plot for the show. I haven't seen it yet but I'd like to.
» Sliverwing
» Sunwing
» Firewing
» Warriors: Into the Wild
» Warriors: Fire and Ice
» Warriors: Forest of Secrets
» Warriors: Rising Storm
» Warriors: A Dangerous Path
» Warriors: The Darkest Hour
» Warriors the New Prophecy: Midnight
» Warriors the New Prophecy: Moonrise
» Warriors the New Prophecy: Dawn
» Warriors the New Prophecy: Starlight
» Twilight
» New Moon
» Eclipse
» Criss Cross
» Magyk
» Flyte
» Physik
» Warriors the New Prophecy: Twilight
» Warriors the New Prophecy: Sunset
» Fahrenheit 451
» Tolkien, a biography
» Warriors: Firestar's Quest
» Inkheart
» The Giver
» Warriors Field Guide: Secrets of the Clans
» Inkspell
» Warriors Power of Three: The Sight
» Warriors Power of Three: Dark River
» Warriors Power of Three: Outcast
» The Host
» Scary Stories Treasury
» Queste
» The Sight
» The Tail of Emily Windsnap
» Emily Windsnap and the Monster from the Deep
» Emily Windsnap and the Castle in the Mist
» Flipped
» Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
» Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
» Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
» Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
» Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
» Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
» Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
» Marked
» Betrayed
» Breaking Dawn
» n/a!
Total Pages: Unknown
Total Books: 50 out of 50 !!! 50 out of 100
i stopped at midnight a year ago, but then in September
i started reading again. You deprived yourself of good
readin's from not reading those two, Physik is the sequel.
I'm still in middle school xD