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Fresh Meat Stalker
lillita is offline
Old 03-30-2008, 06:05 PM

Okay, since I have quite a few stories I'm working on I thought I'd go ahead and make a collection of stories so that I can have them all in the same place. Do not steal my stories! The ones that I post online have already been posted elsewhere, and are copyrighted!

The first one is: The Sound of Love; I wrote this story for my mom, who has been deaf for around 15 years because of neurofibromatosis, type 2. This was a very emotional write so please do enjoy!


"The Sound of love"

by Lillita

There is no sound, at least not new ones. there is only the melody of voices long gone. The music of my youth filters endlessly through my head. The sound of the babe's crying is the only voice I've ever know of the daughter, the son, the friend.

I used to feel sorry for myself- regret the time I squandered as a child, never knowing what a gift I had. Then, I learned that feeling sorry for yourself changer nothing, it only makes it harder to live.

So, live I did. For my children, my husband, and myself. People spoke loudly at me, lips flapping but their voices lost to me. Then I adapted.

I learned their signs. My new language. There were nights I cried in frustration. Bartered with god for my hearing back. "I'll do this or that, please, just let me hear again." Cursed everyone I knew. And then I would pick myself up and force myself to go on.

I made friends. We spoke with our hands. I learned to listen a new way. Feel the beat of the drums with my feet. See the hands as they fly through the air. Feel the jet as it soars overhead. Watch the joy on the children’s face on Christmas morning.

And listen through my heart for their love.

comments, critiques?

Fin Raziel
Fin Raziel is offline
Old 04-02-2008, 11:59 PM

I think it's full of beautiful imagery, and your topic and reason for writing are inspirational.

But it looks like you didn't proofread before you posted. You've got numerous typographical and grammatical errors, which will be easy to clean up, as long as you just take a little more time before posting your work.

Take your first sentence, for example:
"There is no sound, at least not new ones."
SOUND = singular
ONES = plural

It's really jarring and can put the reader off very early in the story, and make people not want to finish what could really turn into an ingenious piece of work.

Try: "There are no sounds, at least no new ones." And you could use a little more description by calling the remembered sounds "echoes." I think the word would fit into the piece nicely.

Canna-Chan is offline
Old 04-03-2008, 07:58 PM

I almost cried. It's a good story. Write more soon, please!

Fresh Meat Stalker
lillita is offline
Old 04-05-2008, 01:17 PM

Oh, thanks for the advice Raziel! I will go back through and revise it soon.

@Canna-chan: :D, really? I am going to post more soon.


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