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Old 04-01-2008, 10:33 PM

Basically, just talk about the movie you went and saw and it was just AWFUL. Like, OH GOD WHY did I go see that?

For me, it was Dreamcatcher. It started off really great and even was a little scary up until you see the alien. From then on, it just went completely downhill.

I suppose Steven King movies are always hit or miss though. But really, that movie was just terrible.

Cloud of Dawn
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Old 04-01-2008, 10:39 PM

I agree. I got very bored in the middle, aren't movies supposed to be the best there? Steven's normally better than that, I was really dissapointed.

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qeanin is offline
Old 04-01-2008, 10:49 PM

I wanted to see it it the theaters but I never got to. When I did see it I was sooo pissed. Eragon. WORST MOVIE EVER!!!!! Nothing, NOTHING, NOT ONE THING went the way the book did. I couldn't even watch it all the way trough I was so disappointed. They didn't even give the elves pointy ears! I mean, how crummy is that?! And the dwarves! They were shoulder hight. NOT HOW IT WAS IN THE BOOK! they were SMALLER! -3-
Pardon me for the outburst but thats my mind on the situation...

MurasakiCrown is offline
Old 04-01-2008, 11:00 PM

Eragon. They KILLED it. Where are the elves? The beautiful jewel? Most of the story?? I enjoyed the book, but the movie made me sad. The only thing I really liked about that movie was Saphira's design, even if it was a tad off.

Another movie I just REALLY didn't like was Meet the Spartans. It could have been more. The humor got old really quick. They overdid the pit of death. It's only funny for a certain amount of times. Then it's just annoying D8

Arabelle Skydancer
Arabelle Skydancer is offline
Old 04-01-2008, 11:06 PM

Eragon was the worst, all my friends hated it.

And I mean, the book was AWESOME! Very sad to see a book ruined like that.

Alexis Durem
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Old 04-01-2008, 11:09 PM of the worst movies i've ever seen - The aviator. I was unbeleivably bored about a quarter of the way through. Thought i must admit, the movie Eragon completely butchered the book

MurasakiCrown is offline
Old 04-02-2008, 01:09 AM

The way Eragon went, I don't want to see them do Eldest. They should re-make the Eragon movie before even THINKING about making a sequel. They left so many holes D8;

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Old 04-02-2008, 03:45 AM

Sweet November WAS horrible. It was a good movie till the end IT WAS SO STUPID. It made me so angry.

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Old 04-02-2008, 04:51 AM

I didn't even watch all of it.
But my sister is over my shoulder, repeating, "TRANSFORMERS. LAMEST STORY LINE EVARR! O: <"
So anyways. I trust her. >.>
I do agree that the acting was pretty horrid and the whole film was an excuse to use CG. I'm not saying the CG was bad, though. x__x

Ready for the rant?
Excuse for CG.
Excuse for product placement.
Bad character development.

Done! 8D

PhoenixNight is offline
Old 04-02-2008, 12:55 PM

Alien vs Predator 2. I got bored 20 minutes in switched off.

MurasakiCrown is offline
Old 04-02-2008, 02:08 PM

Hm. I actually liked transformers (I can be easy to please occasionally, so I wouldn't trust me in all instances). My only complaint is that there was not enough of the actual transformers, it was more about the people. Also: some of the character development was on the cheesy side XD

But I loved the cool-looking transformations XD; I feel like such a kid...

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Dynamite is offline
Old 04-02-2008, 02:50 PM

Yeah...I've seen some pretty good movies and some pretty bad movies. I really didn't like:

Queen of the Damned, because it did the book no justice and the movie sucked. I hardly even understood the plot! It just kept jumping from place to place was really confusing. The actors totally weren't even hot. :c

The Dragonlance movie--Dragons of Autumn Twilight--reeked. The book that was written was SO much better...I mean, I regret spending so much money on this DVD. I paid 20 bucks for the movie because I was such a fan of the book...all my friends and I used to read them. I regretted this--a lot.

Also...Eragon wasn't so swell a book (I'll admit, I did read it just because everyone else was...) and it was a very, very bad movie. The only redeeming feature was Garrett Hedlund, because he's a sexy beast.

Living Dead
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Old 04-02-2008, 03:44 PM

After dark horrorfest sucked this year.

Unearthed was horrible. I can not believe they actually had actors in it that had actually acted before because it just did not show. The leading lady of the film acted so freaking cheesy.

I wanted to turn if off and should have but you keep waiting for it to get better. But it never did.

Another one is the Mulberry Street from After Dark Horrorfest. This one I did not like as well. Everyone turned to rats with no explanation. And they where fine for days then all of the suddenly everyone is a rat person that is changing. It made no sense. I just did not like it.

Boaderland and Tooth And Nail turned out pretty good. I liked both of those really well.

smolder is offline
Old 04-03-2008, 01:14 AM

A Series of Unfortunate Events. I was all excited because I had read the books and it was nothing like them. And it wasn't even close to being almost as good as the books like the Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, and the Narnia movies did.

Oh, and The Brothers Grimm. Great actors. Horrible plot.

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Akstar is offline
Old 04-06-2008, 09:18 PM

This is why I stay away from theaters a lot of the time, yet my mom liked Eragon despite the fact that it sucked! Also I'm a guilty fan of the Grimm movie, I don't care that the plot was kinda bad, it was still a nice movie to me. I know I picked well in not going to Alvin and the Chipmunks, but that's due to I didn't want to see something that I felt weary of from the start since I recall well the cartoon days.

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Old 04-06-2008, 11:55 PM

Mmm...two words: Ghost Rider

comfortably_dumb is offline
Old 04-07-2008, 12:30 AM

If we're talking about recent movies, it'd be Leatherheads. Gosh, it sucked, and the acting wasn't that remarkable either.

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Old 04-07-2008, 03:03 AM

The worst movies in the whole world are both by the same guy M. Knight Shamalan. He did the Village and Signs. All time two worst movies. What was the point of a movie where they're hidden in the forest. I mean really?!?!?! And signs...grrrr I really expected more from that movie, and the fact that a lot of people thought it was scary is rediculous, that movie shouldn't have seen theaters.

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Old 04-07-2008, 07:03 PM

i don't know if ppl would agree with me, but it was cloverfield. the screen was REALLY shaky, the movie theater was really crowded so we had to sit in the front of the movie and our necks became all cramped. we left early and regretted spending twenty bucks >.>;

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Old 04-07-2008, 10:48 PM

I loved the matrix so much, but no one would go and see the matrix two with I went on my own...and actually fell asleep. Such a waste of money!

Allura Minelle
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Old 04-08-2008, 12:32 AM

Right now, shutter was horrible. Ugh. Cloverfield can go on that list... Any of those spoof movies too. There was that one movie with George Clooney in it. The one where he was the lawyer. Everyone says that movie was all amazing, but I hated it. We ALL fell asleep!

Starlet on the rise
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Old 04-09-2008, 06:10 PM

One Missed Call was possibly the worst spent £5.80 I can think of.

There were a few scary moments but otherwise there wasn't really much tension or whatever you would expect from a horror film. The ending (if you can call what happened an ending) was awful and we when got out of the screen we were like "Is that it?". I went to see it with friends for a birthday but afterwards we just spent more time making fun out of it. I was disappointed because the premise was really interesting.

Nifty Fairy of the North
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Old 04-09-2008, 11:08 PM

Mmm... Definitely Monster-In-Law ( a friend dragged us), and probably Because I Said So.

CLICHE MOVIES. XP Someone save me, please.

Katalyst is offline
Old 04-12-2008, 01:42 PM

Ugh. I was let down with Beowulf. Good animation, but... I was looking for more. And wanted it to be EXTREMELY close to the story ( I loved it!! ;o; ) I think it was JUST an excuse to put a nude Angelina Jolie model on the big screen. ._.;;; -not a fan-

One Missed Call was also horrible. TOO predictable. (Or I see WAY too many horror movies, and considering the fact that I rarely venture out/watch tv, I don't think thats the case.) The movie was SUPPOSED to be scary, but when you KNOW whats going to happen, it takes it all away. THEN theres the ghost that goes, "Nom nom nom" WTF?! NOM NOM NOM =/= SCARY!

Zen And Tonic
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Old 04-12-2008, 03:37 PM

Another vote for The VIllage, here. I figured out the "plot twist" about 10 minutes into the movie and spent the rest of it being bored.


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