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Living Dead
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Old 04-15-2008, 08:21 PM

I do not think this is a repeat if so please lock.. or do what ever is needed.

So does anyone feel weird about going to the movies all by your lonesome? I've only done it in recent years because there's so many films I wanna check out that I know none of my friends would have any interest in seeing. If it's something I really want to see, sometimes I actually prefer going alone. But yesterday, my friend told me that she finds it bizarre that I would go to the movies by myself. Her exact words were: "What's the point?"

I don't see any problem with flying solo to my local theater, but I guess my friend does. So do you ever go to the movies alone? There's nothing wrong with that, right? Or am I a total loser like my friend always said I am?

Teive is offline
Old 04-15-2008, 08:32 PM

I like going to the movies alone. It's a different experience when going alone or with others. I LOVE going alone. You don't have to deal with or worry about others. It's one of the things I like to do when I'm bored and there's no one to hang out with XDS

Master of Cupcakes
Dearest is offline
Old 04-15-2008, 08:49 PM

Nice topic XD

I know a LOT of people think going to the cinema alone is no option...
I thought about this some time back, and decided I didn't want to be like that, and went to see Juno alone the same day... ^^
It was my best cinema experience yet!
Not to be missed, or looked down upon... I see film alone at home all the time, so why not get a greater experience and go to the cinema?
I see nothing wrong with it...

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Old 04-15-2008, 08:53 PM

I've never gone alone, just because it doesn't seem like it'd be as much fun. That... and I feel like I'd get a lot of weird looks sitting by myself. xD;;

I'm kind of self conscious, so that just wouldn't work for me.

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Yeah is offline
Old 04-15-2008, 09:47 PM

I don't go to the movies and if I did, I wouldn't go alone. I can't see paying the outrageous prices they charge to get into the movie and the even more outrageous prices the want for food and drink, I just wait until movies come out on DVD, the snacks are free and I don't have to worry about obnoxious people sitting around me being annoying while I'm trying to enjoy a movie.

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Old 04-15-2008, 11:22 PM

i usually go with my parents or friends or cousins to the movies xD the last time i went was with three of my friends and her parents >.> it was the spiderwick chronicles which i found amusing but not my type of film, i'm more into...murder and horror which i usually watch alone xD

I put the K in "Misspelling"

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Knerd is offline
Old 04-16-2008, 01:59 AM

One of my biggest pet peeves is when people talk during a movie, so I tend to have more fun when I go to the theatre by myself. I love my friends to death, but I'm constantly nudging them in the ribs to make them shut up.

By myself, I can sit exactly where I like and stretch out, butting my feet/knees up against the chair in front of me. And I don't have to worry about driving other people home, or finding a time the works for everyone, or figuring out where to hang out afterwards.

So yeah: Going to the movies alone rocks.

Seiki Nova
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Old 04-16-2008, 02:38 AM

I can't bring myself to go alone. I always feel so awkward being there like people are going to stare at me and be like "what's he doing here alone - loser" and that I'll end up having a bad time there.

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critternator is offline
Old 04-16-2008, 02:38 AM

Well, I have never gone to the movies by myself, although I love going... But I always thought of it as strange but now, I actually think about it, It's not really... I mean, I watch movies at home by myself... But I don't think i would go to the movies by myself, because there is always my sister to go with me. She is always fun to be around and is always up for a movie so why not with her?

Marguerite Blakeney
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Old 04-16-2008, 08:12 AM

I have never gone to the movies by myself. I always have at least one person with me...because I don't know everyone else in the theater and it would be so awkward having two complete strangers on each of your sides. I've never actually thought about it, though, but I probably bring someone with me just so we can both talk about the movie afterwards. I can't see me going by myself though.

Otohime is offline
Old 04-16-2008, 08:36 AM

I've never been to the theatre alone, and I get anxiety easily when doing things in public alone, so I doubt I ever will. :xp:

That aside, I find that my friend and I go at times when almost no one else is in the theatre... so that's nice. :mrgreen:

Fin Raziel
Fin Raziel is offline
Old 04-16-2008, 09:10 AM

I used to, before I got a girlfriend. I'd go twice a week, and I honestly enjoyed the solitude. But I like going even better now that I can go with my girlfriend, and sometimes we go with our friends or family members!

Godezz is offline
Old 04-16-2008, 10:25 AM

Well to be honest with you I have gone alone to the movies... It gives me time to get away from the everyday hustle & bustle & gives me a chance to catch up with me! :)
I see no problem with going to the local movie by myself! I have many of friends that I am sure would love to go with me & I have been told time & time again... Well why didn't you call me... And my answer is always the same... because I wanted some alone time!
I have four kids... I think I need this time for myself every now & again... No, I do not make a habit out of it but once a month or once every two months when I feel I really need to get away for a while. Yeah! I stop over & see a movie, get a small popcorn & a medium coke & relax for a bit!
Nothing wrong with that!
My husband thinks I am crazy sometimes but I just tell him to try it every now & again & he too would be taking the time out for some me time!
I actually cherish the time by myself sometimes & go to the mall afterwards! :)
I am my own best friend & if I can spend some time by myself every now & again then why not!

b e y o n d
b e y o n d is offline
Old 04-16-2008, 11:18 PM

I haven't been to the cinema alone, but I wouldn't say I'd never do it. It just so happens that my taste in films generally coincides with my friends. And we go on Orange Wednesdays, to get 2 for 1 tickets (because going to the cinema here is so expensive~ orz Like, twice the price of my local cinema at home.)

I don't like doing things alone, though... I'd have to really want to see the film and definitely have no one to go with. That might cancel out my general feeling of nervousness when I go out on my own. ^ w^;;

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Old 04-17-2008, 07:19 PM

Ah the movies. I miss going to them. I usually always went with someone, because they were technically my ride to the theater. But I honestly wouldn't mind going to watch a movie by myself. I'm alone most of the time, so I don't see why not. :P

Either way, I'd go regardless whether it be by myself or with another person. It's more fun when you don't go by yourself, but there are times you want to get away. It's a nice feeling.

Besides, that's how must inside jokes are born with my pals! xD Now I just don't go to the movies, because I never have time. I do miss it dearly though. :(

D-Yoop is offline
Old 04-17-2008, 07:30 PM

I watch movies alone, at home. I would never go to the movies by myself though. Thatd be boring.. D:

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Old 04-17-2008, 08:41 PM

No,no,no! I can't go to movies alone, it's just so freaking boring! Soo... bye

Zenturio is offline
Old 04-17-2008, 10:05 PM

I really hate it to go to movies alone... I can#t really explain why but I have a stupid feeling with it...

It's more fun when friends are with me!

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Amo_Angelus is offline
Old 04-17-2008, 11:20 PM

Well why not go alone? It doesn't matter how many people you go with, when the movie starts you're not talking or doing stuff, you're just watching a movie. So I fail to see why people see it as only a social activity.

Yes I go alone and no I don't really see much difference.

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Zefu is offline
Old 04-18-2008, 12:11 AM

I can't go alone but I could I would.

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DustyDreamer is offline
Old 04-18-2008, 02:57 AM

I used to go alone...when I cute school in High School. XD But now I usually go with friends. We dont talk or anything, but its comfortable, I think to be with someone. Not necessarily to talk and jabber, because lord knows how annoying that it. -.-' I just prefer it to going by myself.

But if I really really really wanted to see a movie on the big screen, then yea...Id go by myself. I know Ill enjoy either way. ^^

M i n u x e
Jiggly Jell-o
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Old 04-27-2008, 11:39 PM

Well I have never gone to the movies alone, although I never go to the movies unless I am invited to. I have satellite tv so if I wait long enough I can just watch the movies there. I never really appreciated the atmosphere of going to the movies, or eating popcorn so it doesn't really bother me to watch movies in my family room.
If I ever did go to the movies alone I would definitely feel pretty awkward because I am the type of person who whispers stuff I notice about the movie to my friends so having no one around would leave me lonely.

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Smellerbee is offline
Old 04-29-2008, 05:37 AM

I've never gone alone, I think it would feel weird.

persistantly missing
Glammy is offline
Old 04-29-2008, 11:59 AM

I've only been alone a few times. There's no cinema in my town, so I usually go with friends or family. It's just easier.
Unless I want to see something that other people don't want to see....then I go by my self :3 But only occasionally since there usually isn't anything interesting on.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 04-29-2008, 12:50 PM

I personally don't go to the movies alone. I live in a pretty secluded area so I have to drive at least a half hour to get to the nearest theatre. Even if I did live in a town with a movie theatre I probably wouldn't go by myself very often... Unless I really wanted to see a movie really badly, I'd just rent it on DVD. And I could probably get my mom to go to just about any movie with me, regardless of whether she was interested in it or not. She just likes getting out of the house and doing stuff. She always gets annoyed when I would rather stay at home than go somewhere and do something. ^^;


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