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ZeldaFlower is offline
Old 04-20-2008, 01:46 AM

I have. I was dreaming I was at an amusement park. And I went on a ride that was like a merry-go-round, only it had sides on it, and seat belts, and it was made to spin super fast. (it looked and worked more like a top than a merry-go-round)I went on it with one of my friends. My seat belt did not work. so the ride went on, and I was holding onto the bars besides me, screaming. Only in my dream, i thought it was funny that my seatbelt didn't work, and I was hoping nobody would notice that it didn't work, and i was also hoping I would not go flying off and get hurt! So my mom woke me up, she's saying 'you were screaming, i thought something was wrong! Are you having a bad dream?' so I told her my dream. :3

Anyone want to share their interesting dreams, and whether they said anything out loud?

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Old 04-20-2008, 01:49 AM

I haven't screamed in any dreams but several times I've woken up crying.. over stupid stuff. the only dream I really remember waking up crying from was a long time ago. I had a dream my sister was stomping on my favorite teddy bear, saying it was trash now, since she stomped on it.. it was really terrible and I yelled at her for it when I woke up.. even though she didn't actually do it, its still her fault for being such a mean, big sister that I'd have a nightmare like that.. she's so mean to me..

Neko Neko Kitty
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Old 04-20-2008, 01:53 AM

I do a lot in my sleep... I've screamed, argued with my sister, sparred with my fiance while laying there, slammed his head into the tv apparently, and I speak in Japanese in my sleep although I can no longer speak fluently when awake, and I cry a lot as well from what my parents and fiance have told me throughout my life.

iAlkemy is offline
Old 04-20-2008, 01:55 AM

  • I've had two nightmares in my life where I've woken up screaming, and countless ones where I've woken up startled or crying. I haven't had one in awhile though, and I can't always remember them.

Peaches is offline
Old 04-20-2008, 01:58 AM

I have....but i don't know why....i scream, punch, kick, and cry in my sleep.When i was screaming in my sleep one time my sister threw a cup at me....then a few seconds later I stopped..... :( so cruel

ZeldaFlower is offline
Old 04-20-2008, 02:04 AM

@ Lindsay_chan: Aww, I'm sorry. I've had dreams the opposite of that, where I'm mean to my sister for dumb things and then I wake up and appologize to my sister for being mean ;.;

@ Neko Neko Kitty: I wish I could speak Japanese. Have you actually argued with someone who's awake while you are sleeping? my mom has asked her mom questions, and she's answered while she's sleeping! (that's when my mom was little)

@ iAlkemy: I dislike it when I wake up, and can't remember my dream. Even if it is a bad dream.

@ Peaches: Why would she throw stuff at you when you are sleeping? :( Actually I've blown on my sister's face when she was sleeping, cause it was time to get up. She dreampt that she was going up a tower, and the wind was blowing from a window. :D

Peaches is offline
Old 04-20-2008, 02:11 AM

Lolz going up a tower XD Have you ever had a dream that went on for like a week....kinda like a story in your head every time you fall asleep...that happens to me on my birthday

Only Slightly Insane
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Old 04-20-2008, 02:15 AM

I don't think I have ever actually screamed in my sleep, I have cried in my sleep heaps of time and I have sleep walked a few times, mainly when I was young but never screamed.

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[Sadist] is offline
Old 04-20-2008, 02:16 AM

no that has never happened to me
but, my parents have told me that i woke them up by laughing in the morning at around 12. my sister said that i was laughing like a retard ;_;
third graders can be so cruel ;_;

Angelz is offline
Old 04-20-2008, 02:19 AM

I don't really know...
I think I did when I was little...
I defenately know that my little sister screams in her sleep because she always wake me up in the middle of the night!
I hate that because then I don't get my sllep and be real grumpy in the morning...

sushi_mew is offline
Old 04-20-2008, 02:21 AM

lmfao. No. But I did once sat up, with my eyes closed, and asked my mom to give me my baby brother's milk bottle and when she wouldn't, I yelled at her. :'D

Another time, I yelled at my sister to turn off my computer that was under my bed and this was when I didn't have an 'under my bed' because I convinced my mom to not buy me a frame. x'D So, When I yelled at her, I was pointing towards my computer..... :'D

There was also another time when I woke up and yelled at my sister for 'ruining my picture' XD.
Also, I once randomly said 'Blue'.

Despite all those times, No. I have never screamed in my sleep. x'D

Cloud of Dawn
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Old 04-20-2008, 02:28 AM

I think I have, yes.

I awoke with a scream once...and then I was scared to the deaths xD

Another time I woke up and I was chewing air...with a taste of chocolate in my mouth--I was dreaming of a gigantic Chocolate Fountain that day...

Once I said..."That green is so pretty!"

Majinkoz is offline
Old 04-20-2008, 02:30 AM

I don't think I've ever screamed in my sleep, but maybe kind of made some kind of 'ahh' noise.

I know there are several times where I am sleeping and I am crying in my dreams (for whatever reason) and I wake up with tears on my face even though I'm fine and I don't even remember what my dream was about...there was one time, seriously I must have been sobbing lol.

ZeldaFlower is offline
Old 04-20-2008, 02:45 AM

@ Aeisha: I have never sleep walked.

@ Peaches: I have had story type dreams but it's very far apart. like I had the dream a month ago, and now it's continued.

@ [Sadist]: Sisters can be mean sometimes.

@ Angelz: I would not like being woken up in the middle of the night.

@ sushi_mew: XD thank you for sharing, that's so funny that you didn't have an under your bed and yeah.

@ Cloud of Dawn: I woke up chewing on my sheets. I was eating a lot of things in my dream. I awoke hungry.

@ Majinkoz: Woah, I've never woken up with tears on my face before.

Fabby is offline
Old 04-20-2008, 02:46 AM

I've tried to scream before, but I never could. It's probably for the better... no need to wake up the whole house over a silly dreams.
There have been a few times when a less-than-pleasant dream has put me in a bad mood that day, though...

ZeldaFlower is offline
Old 04-20-2008, 02:49 AM

@ Fabby: Yeah, I don't like how dreams make me sad.
I like your pictures that you draw, by the way! :3

Neko Neko Kitty
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Old 04-20-2008, 03:14 AM

@Zelda: I'm not sure I know my sister and I argued with each other when we both were sleeping. It wouldn't surprise me though, I have responded to people talking to me in my sleep.

Cloud of Dawn
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Old 04-20-2008, 03:15 AM

@ZeldaFlower: Chewing on your sheets? What flavor were they?

ZeldaFlower is offline
Old 04-20-2008, 03:56 AM

@ Neko Neko Kitty: That's cool. Things like that always amuse me.

@ Cloud of Dawn: They were sheet flavored when I woke up, but in my dream they were all the delicious food you could imagine. It was a banquet of food! :3

Cherry Who?
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Old 04-20-2008, 04:16 AM

I've never screamed in my sleep.
But one time I was very lightly asleep, and I suddenly snored, and that woke me up. XD I was confused for half a second, then I realized it was me, was shocked that I apparently snore, and then promptly fell back asleep. XD

Apparently I also spoke in my sleep when I was a really little kid (like, 6). I don't do it anymore, though. I don't think I have since then.
Though one time when I was like, 8, I was bored and couldn't get to sleep, so I started pretending I was some people from a TV show, and just started talking. XD Mom was just sort of like "...What are you doing...?"

Fullmetal Phantom
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Old 04-20-2008, 07:58 AM

I have nightmares a lot. It's...something I've actually grown used to, as much as I used to hate it...I can find good sides to them now.

But sometimes I do end up speaking or screaming in my sleep. ^^; Apparently I speak Japanese more frequently than English...that's what I get for studying too hard, I guess. o_O

My mom found out a little bit on a recent recurring nightmare when she heard me saying "æz»ă«ăȘさるăȘ/shininasaruna" ("don't die," imperative/"strong" command, "polite" form) over and over again and asked what it was that I said and what it meant. ^^; That was...awkward. Sometimes I like that she can't understand me when I talk in my sleep...but it's not fun having to explain when she asks. XD;;

I find it to be nothing short of a miracle that I've never woken everyone up at some ungodly hour. ^^;

D-Yoop is offline
Old 04-20-2008, 11:21 AM

lol I remember hearing myself talk or shout, but only on a mumbling tone. Whenever I slept somewhere or had anyone sleep over they would often tell me that I talked in my sleep.

I dont ever hope to say anything emberassing if that ever happens again Dx

ZeldaFlower is offline
Old 04-20-2008, 11:40 AM

@ Cherry Flavored Antacid: I have never snored and woke myself up, but my mom has told me I've snored. She says I was snoring softly and it was cute. :o

@ Fullmetal Phantom: I'm sorry you have nightmares a lot, it's cool you can find good sides to them. When I have a nightmare I would be so afraid, when I wake up I tell myself it was just a dream. Unless when I'm dreaming I realize I'm asleep, then I try to manipulate my dream. Sometimes it works. Sometimes I just wake up in the middle of the night for no apparent reason. Probably because I'm thirsty or something, though.

@ D-Yoop: Was it awkward when they tell you, or did they enjoy it when you talk in your sleep? I know I would try and listen to figure out what they're saying, and ask what they dreampt about. :3 Edit: Wait, you said something embarrassing? [sp] Oh, man, that would suck.

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Old 04-20-2008, 11:54 AM

I only remember two really bad nightmares I had when I was a kid..

One I woke up crying and it had to do with me getting lost in a mall and a witch was coming after me and my family..

The one I woke up screaming had something to do with a bomb at my elementary school..I'm pretty sure this is the result of the 9/11 with the Twin Towers but I'm not too certain..

Either way, I hope I never have nightmares like that again :( Luckily, I've only had nice dreams in the past while.

ZeldaFlower is offline
Old 04-20-2008, 12:17 PM

Originally Posted by Maichanz
I only remember two really bad nightmares I had when I was a kid..

One I woke up crying and it had to do with me getting lost in a mall and a witch was coming after me and my family..

The one I woke up screaming had something to do with a bomb at my elementary school..I'm pretty sure this is the result of the 9/11 with the Twin Towers but I'm not too certain..

Either way, I hope I never have nightmares like that again :( Luckily, I've only had nice dreams in the past while.
I had a dream about a witch once. She was in her cave, and I was trying to take something she had to the real world (where I am awake) so I grabbed the small item in my hands and pressed my hands together as hard as I could. I would wake up squeezing my hands hard. One time, I woke up holding something, but it was an item I already owned. I found it interesting I was holding something, though. :)


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