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David Goldsteinbergjew
David Goldsteinbergjew is offline
Old 05-20-2008, 03:06 AM

Hey everyone,
Just wanted a place where people can come and talk about whatever they'd like. Everyone is welcome, so come on in!

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Old 05-20-2008, 03:10 AM

Hey again David.
We both ended up making threads. Kind of funny.

David Goldsteinbergjew
David Goldsteinbergjew is offline
Old 05-20-2008, 03:12 AM

Haha I didn't see yours.
I didn't know you had to make a topic in general discussion because I'm new and I know nothing about forum games XD. So anyways how was your day? (Hopefully this time this forum won't get locked XD)

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Old 05-20-2008, 03:16 AM

My day was good.
I woke up early and took a shower before working at the library.
Our library's summer reading program is coming up next week on Tuesday.
It's going to be hectic there.
At least I don't have to work.
I did say I'd come in and give them all massages if they wanted them.

David Goldsteinbergjew
David Goldsteinbergjew is offline
Old 05-20-2008, 03:19 AM

Haha is it really that hectic at a library? O.O
I work at a restaurant and it can be pretty hectic so I know what you mean but I can't imagine a library being hectic since it's so calm and quiet.

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Old 05-20-2008, 03:23 AM

In the summertime it's quite busy with all the mothers/kids/teenagers. Seriously. They get loud, even though they're supposed to be quiet.
I almost want to ducttape their mouths sometimes.
The Summer Reading program is supposed to promote circulation of books, and there are two different ones, one for the little kids through grade school, and then the preteens-teenagers. It's crazy busy at times. Often, we have a line of 20 people waiting at a time. It's almost too stressful for me to handle.

What restaurant do you work at?

David Goldsteinbergjew
David Goldsteinbergjew is offline
Old 05-20-2008, 03:27 AM

Wow that's crazy.
Since it's a library you should just tell everyone to shut up... or beat them until they shut up XD. I'm guessing you like reading then eh? If you work at a library. I love reading but I don't read as much as I should be because I get distracted easily by the computer :P.

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Old 05-20-2008, 03:31 AM

Yeah, I love reading.
I used to be quite the bookworm when I was younger.
I still am very much into literature, but I have a lot more hobbies to spend my time on now.
The cool thing about working at a library is that I see all the new books before anyone else, and sometimes will be able to get books before anyone else.
What sort of things do you like to read about?

David Goldsteinbergjew
David Goldsteinbergjew is offline
Old 05-20-2008, 03:38 AM

Hmm I like reading lots of types of books.
Currently I'm reading a self improvement book that my mom gave me (I'm not that interested in it though) and I've read quite a few of those types of books, like Ishmael, which is kind of like a self improvement book but it's also very interesting. It's one of the best books I've read. I'm really interested in the science fiction books, Artemis Fowl (I think they're science fiction) and I read all five of them (this was awhile ago) unless a new one has come out so I guess it's good to work at a library to know when sequels come out. I recently tried to read something a bit more challenging, Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky but I found it somewhat boring closer to the end and I never finished it which was a shame because it had a great begining/middle. I'm always looking for a new book to read though and I like human confrontation books (Person vs. Person) the best yet I can't find any good ones at the moment. How bout you? What kind of books do you like reading?

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Old 05-20-2008, 03:51 AM

Well, *Cracks Knuckles* I tend to read a lot of fantasy fiction, my favorite authors would be R.A. Salvatore, Steven Erikson, J.R.R. Tolkien, Mercedes Lackey, and Ursula Le Guin to name a few. I have a ton of other fantasy authors that I really love but can't think of off of the top of my head.
The last book I read was Sue Grafton's latest in her alphabet mystery series. I thinks she's at T.
I also love to read real life fiction stories, christian western romance novels...some of the best ever! Also science fiction and weird fantasy stories like Peirs Anthony's Xanth series.
I also tend to check out a lot of books on writing and creating characters, to help me with my writing. And books that help you learn how to use certain computer programs. Those are a must have.

David Goldsteinbergjew
David Goldsteinbergjew is offline
Old 05-20-2008, 03:55 AM

Wow I haven't heard of any of those books, I guess it does pay off to work at a library. I have a goal to read a lot over the summer because if I don't my brain will get rusty and it will be harder for me to start up reading again when I go to my new school next year (I'm going in to CEGEP which is pre-uni and they only have CEGEPs in Quebec just incase you don't know what a CEGEP is ;) ). So I need some good books over the summer. Time to go renew my library membership! (If I ever get around to it XD)

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Old 05-20-2008, 03:58 AM

Oh, those are mainly the author's names.
You should definately check some of them out, it's smart to do some reading over the summer.
It's better than staying online 24/7 like some kids do.
I personally believe that eventually all the kids that watch television all day long or play on the computer all day long will lose a lot of their brain cells and then we'll be stuck with a generation of mindless zombies.

David Goldsteinbergjew
David Goldsteinbergjew is offline
Old 05-20-2008, 04:04 AM

Ya the mindless zombie generation has already started. I might sound like a hypocrit because I use the computer a lot, but I know that there's more to life then pixels. Some people, when they aren't on the computer, think about playing or being on the computer as soon as possible. That's how I felt when i used to game and it really sucked because I had no life and all I did was game. But I don't game much anymore and I use the computer to look up a lot of info just for my curiousity now. I don't watch T.V. much but I do watch a lot of movies but I find you can learn a lot more from movies then from T.V. because there isn't any stupid advertisements. Although it has been proven that video games and T.V. stimulate your brain, it's only to a certain degree. Too much of anything is a bad thing, especially if you watch too much T.V. or use the computer too much.

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Old 05-20-2008, 04:11 AM

Yeah...I sometimes have those problems. I'm a very frequent user on Gaiaonline....I find myself wondering if people have messaged me back so I tend to check it a lot.
I also watch a lot of shows on tv. Usually Numbers, CSI, and Extreme Home Makeover. When I start watching too much I'll turn it off and go outside for awhile. Or go to my room and work on some writing or art. It's a much better way to spend my time.
Though, when I watch tv most of the time it's more listening than watching. My hands are usually busy with I don't really watch when I'm knitting.
My hands have to be doing something or I am bored out of my mind.
:) Probably a good thing for me.

David Goldsteinbergjew
David Goldsteinbergjew is offline
Old 05-20-2008, 04:18 AM

Haha that's cool. I don't really know what my hobbies are. I know that sounds strange but I have no artistic skills whatsoever. The picture in my signature, that picture is pretty much my drawing masterpiece. Anything better then that for me would be amazing. I can sort of write, depends what. Sometime I have story ideas so I write them down but then I can't continue the story so I just give up. And I sometimes like writing poetry, which is odd because I hated poetry about a month ago but now I like writing it when my brain wants to write it. So now it's easier for me to write poetry for class since my teacher showed us cool poetry that I actually liked. There isn't really anything else that I am good at, maybe I haven't searched enough but I definetly am not an athletic person, though I do like playing sports, I'm just not good at them. And there isn't much else that I have an interest in... it's really sad so I have to occupy most of my time hanging out with friends and working or else I'm bored because I'll have nothing to do.

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Old 05-20-2008, 04:25 AM

Well your art is adorable.
I write poetry sometimes...but not as much as I used to. Usually they are really short pieces, and they don't rhyme.
Well maybe you will discover some hidden talent soon. Or maybe you could take up an instrument, like guitar or harmonica. Harmonica is pretty easy to play. I'd like to learn how to play guitar, but I kind of need one to practice on.
Well, I should probably go and get some sleep now.
I'll see if I can track you down tomorrow or the day after.
See you around!

David Goldsteinbergjew
David Goldsteinbergjew is offline
Old 05-20-2008, 04:28 AM

Haha thank you. Well I play bass actually but I'm no good XD and I used to play trumpet in grade... 7-9 but that was awhile back so I forgot most of it :P. Perhaps I will discover some hidden talent soon, I hope so.
Ya, I should go to bed to I have school in the morning.
I'll talk to you soon though.


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