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Coeur D'Eclat
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Old 06-21-2008, 05:57 AM

†Welcome to the Gothic Asylum†
[†]Positions and Roles

Coeur D'Eclat
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Old 06-21-2008, 05:59 AM


It was said to have been another ordinary day. A mediocre, easy-going day that there was nothing to worry about. Well, it was anything but ordinary. On June 6th, 3006, there was an earthquake that lasted for over 30min. 3 days after the earthquake, scientists found out that it wasn't a natural occurence. Somewhere in California sprouted a large castle. Black marble were it's walls and blood-colored stained glass was it's windows. The story grew all over the world, it then became a monument to California, but what they didn't know was that in the middle of the night, rumor has it that screams were heard from within that castle.
At first, the rumors weren't that bad, oh no, it didn't get bad until he showed up. After 3 years, a young boy was found unconscious by the castle entrance. California officers tried to question the boy, but he remained silent. That's not the worst part. The boy after being place in a hospital was found a few days later in the hallway covered in blood. He had killed all of the patients and doctors. It was then when he spoke and this is what he said:
"Don't break me... don't... break the....asylum," No one knew what he meant. After the incident, the young boy was horribly changing. His eyes went from blue to dark red, people noticed fangs, his nails sharp. Not only that, his mind went through the biggest change: he went insane. California officers couldn't risk getting hurt with him around so they place him in an insane institution. It wasn't long till the institution filed a report that the boy miraculously escaped. He had returned to the castle. People began to fear the castle, worried that more people like the young boy would be found. Those people within the castles are now known to be "demons", lurking within a haunted castle. The occult that has been ignored for so long has finally turned up into the world. Vampires, demons, and creatures of either light or darkness have turned up within the castle. Some humans are curious and want to see inside, others are cruel and wish to destroy the castle. Will the demons living withing the castle be destroyed? What will happen to those that live within the Gothic Asylum?

Coeur D'Eclat
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Old 06-21-2008, 06:00 AM

†Positions and Roles†

Curious about the castle or "Gothic Asylum" you decide to check it out. Getting inside isn't going to be easy, you have guards all around the castle. What happens if you do enter the Gothic Asylum? What will happen to you?

You are assigned by an organization (or you're going alone) to go into the Gothic Asylum to destroy every living demon. You are able to enter the castle since police are pretty much below you. Will you really destroy the demons?

Creatures from within the Gothic Asylum:
You live in darkness with many other demons and you can't really decide what to do. There are humans to kill, other demons to amuse you. Also, there's the problem of the hunters that will do everything in their power to destroy you. What will you do?

There are many inhuman creatures out there than just the Gothic Asylum. There are the light weilders of the heavens, the demons of the inner sanctum, and the creatures that disguise themselves as humans. Gothic Asylum might be a place where you belong or could be something that you are just interested in.

Coeur D'Eclat
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Old 06-21-2008, 06:02 AM


1. No godmodding
2. Romance is allowed (Keep it under PG-13)
3.You can't kill other avatars unless they give you permission
4. Follow TOS
5. If you wish to leave the rpg for good, tell me so.
6. For ooc, use (( ))
7. If you want to join, just send your profile to me.

Coeur D'Eclat
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Old 06-21-2008, 06:02 AM

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Coeur D'Eclat
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Old 06-21-2008, 06:04 AM


User name: Coeur D'Eclat
Name: Sakis Asano
Gender: Female
Personality: Although she appears to be young, Sakis is very mature and sees the world in a more darker way. No smile would ever appear on her face, since she is pressured by not knowing who she is or what her purpose is in life.
Bio: Just woke up one night and found herself within the castle. With no memory whatsoever, she walks the halls of the castle, hoping to find her answers of why she's there.
Power: She can manipulate and absorb other people's blood and bend it at will.
Weapon: two katanas and ribbons

Avatar Name: Silver Wing
Name: Orion
Age: 19
Human/Hunter/Demon: Demon (Vampire)
Bio: She was taken to the Gothic Assylum, like any other child, but she had a secret to hide. Her parents wanted nothing to do with her, and she knew some how that she'd 'fit in' with the other children. Well, unknown to anyone, she is a half-breed between a vampire and mortal. She had no clue of what to do, until that fateful day of what happened to the Assylum. Now, she has been fully turned and wants to find a true love, but yet she wishes to kill everyone in sight, just for their blood.
Power(s): Vampire Stuff
Weapon(s): Her Medieval iron sword.
Other: None

Avatar Name: RainbowSuicide
Name: Rain
Age: 12
Human/Hunter/Demon: Demon
Bio: love for her stuffed animals and hatered for her dad, she gained the ability to bring things to life. One night they came to her aid and murdered her dad, with her mother not nowing what to do for her she abandoned her at the castle.
Power(s): gives life to stuff animals (<3)
Weapon(s): Stuffed animals (Jr., tears, candy)
Other: she is alerject to the sun, since she is albino

Avatar Name: euricy
Name: Mosha
Age: Exact age unknown, even to Mosha.
Human/Hunter/Demon: Demon
Bio: A very short human-looking creature, almost like a child she uses that to find prey. The product of a secret union between a human and a "subcarnate" demon, she is the reincarnation of a powerful succubus. Mosha killed her mother at an early age and went on her own. Her demonic blood summoned her to the Gothic Asylum. She is tormented and haunted by the ghost of her mother. Clinically insane and definately a creature of evil, it's amazing how reluctant she is to kill when not hungry. Possibly this is because she is lazy. She became a heavy smoker and drinker after killing her mother.
Power(s):Control of fire, telekenesis.
Weapon(s): Often seen with a chainsaw that she keeps in the astral plane, Mosha most often uses her powers to fight. She avoids fair fights at all costs.

Avatar Name: Estrella
Name: Salon/Stephanie
Age: 209/29.
Bio: Salon's been around for a long time and really only remembers the times where she had the most fun (the 80s were one of her favorites). Mostly her memory loss is caused by choice - she doesn't care. She prefers to live in the now and find the most succulent piece of man to feast upon. She stays at the asylum more for security of a place to go to rather than a home.
Power(s): Flying, seduction, disguising herself as a human.
Weapon(s): N/A
Appearance: ((Both images basically came from a Google search))
Other: She uses a disguise and trick personality to seduce men back to their places where she takes their souls. Most common line is “I don’t normally do these sorts of things.”

Avatar Name:
Virgil Morris
Working by the power of god he was sent by the church to exterminate the demons that roamed earth, has been wandering around by himself for two years until he picked up the rumor that a great amount of demons had nestled in one place. Had been growing up normally till the age of 10 when the church requested him and he was given to them. Has been fed up to believe that all demons are sinners and must be punished. However, he has never been in a real fight before.
Casting out demons or spirits out of objects. ((Pretty useless.))
A spear.


Avatar Name: LoversEnd
Name: Devon
Age: 17
Human/Hunter/Demon: Demon
Bio: Devon is disguised as a human. All he ever wanted was to be a normal teenager, it's impossible. No matter what he does, he finds the kids tormenting him about his red eyes. No one knows what he truly is, he's trying to keep it that way. He heard of the asylum from the horror stories floating around the school. He thinks he finally found a place he might be able to call home.
Power(s): Manipulation of the mind, fire manipulation, thought speak.
Weapon(s): His powers are all he needs and a small hunting knife.
Human form:

Demon Form:
Other: He does have a Chopper Motorcycle like this

Avatar Name: Yunimori
Name: Yuni Asgaroth
Age: 14
Human/Hunter/Demon: Forsaken Drow
Bio: Born to the Drow race, which has hidden from Humanity underground for millennia, she was taught to hate all things of the light from birth, and to use the magic of her people. However, Yuni never could quite manage to be a 'true' Drow-child; behaving more like one of the Light Elves than one of her own race. She loved to explore, and one day somehow found herself above ground. Blinded by sunlight, she nevertheless 'fell in love' with the color and beauty of the surface world, and returned often. It was not long before her actions were noticed, however. Standard punishment was death, but because of her young age, the Drow Council decided on surface banishment. Thankfully, after a few days of wandering and trying (unsuccessfully) to take care of herself in the light, she was discovered by a leader of the celestial Seraphim, named Nathaniel. The goodness emanating from her made him curious, and he made her his charge, teaching her the ways of light, which she learned very easily, to his surprise. She became a Drow of the Light, the first in nearly two millennia. Nathaniel was killed in an attempt to take her back to the Drow, to show them 'the light', and Yuni barely escaped with her life. Pursued, Yuni wound up near the Gothic Asylum. She was immediately drawn to the sense of suffering and darkness inside, and entered the Asylum, her only intent to help those inside, regardless of what they were.
Power(s): Has unlimited control over fire, and can use darkness to transport herself from one area to another, as long as there are shadows for her to connect with.
Is a healer, though this power is limited. She can heal broken bones and cure most illnesses, but can not bring someone back from the dead, and if an injury or illness will prove fatal, she can do nothing. When utilizing light, she gains the ability to fly, and as long as she has wings, calm peace will come over anyone that is near her, regardless of their nature. Having wings drains her rapidly, however, and she can not maintain them for more than 2 hours, at the max.
Also has minor powers that simply bring joy, such as summoning things to delight a child, and a mutual affinity with animals. Is incredibly fast and agile.
Weaknesses Cold is deadly for her, as she is a fire elemental, and cannot let her body temperature drop lower than a few degrees. She chills very easily as a result, and can become severely ill. (non-freezing) Water, surprisingly, isn't much of a problem. Bright light blinds her, and disorients her for a few minutes when first exposed. Tires easily when she has wings. Does not have much physical strength, so she is easily overpowered if she can be caught.
Weapon(s): Elemental fire, which can be summoned from anywhere, and a sturdy quarterstaff.
*First drawing done by me. Second by Miist from DeviantArt*
Coat and gloves worn over regular clothes
Very small, stands at about 4 feet tall, and weighs about 60 lbs.
Other: Yuni can be very innocent and naive at times. Is very gentle, but can get frighteningly angry, depending on the circumstances.

Avatar Name: Kyou Blade
Name: Jacob Rylie
Age: Ageless
Human/Hunter/Demon: Demon
Bio: He is an ancient and highly powerful man. The fact that he shows any age, is a true testiment to his powers. He's been around since the very beginning. He is merely "visiting" the asylum, amused by the occurances. Something about him just exudes power however, making others become attracted to him.
Power(s): Many. In particular he has the power of manipulation, which in all things, is key.
Weapon(s): His long rapier which he named Raef.
Appearance: He is not the typical, young looking demon which roams around nowadays. No, he is quite the contrary. He looks to be in his middle 50s. His hair is cut short, and is now grey and black. His skin is not yet wrinkled, but it is oddly tan. His eyes are the most beautiful shade of blue, and around those eyes are the small pullings of wrinkles, but not the type that are bad looking. No, these are actually able to make him look quite attractive. For an old man, there is something that is almost irresistable about him.
Other: Don't mess with him. He is not quite as insane as the others, but he is still not quite someone that should be taken lightly. He likes the art of torture and is quite good at it.

Last edited by Coeur D'Eclat; 08-22-2008 at 04:54 AM..

Coeur D'Eclat
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Old 06-21-2008, 06:11 AM

The Gothic Asylum is now OPEN!!!

Nightbreeze is offline
Old 06-21-2008, 12:26 PM


Coeur D'Eclat
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Old 06-21-2008, 01:31 PM

Originally Posted by Nightbreeze View Post
Of course you can!

Wearer of glow-in-the-dark snowm...
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Old 06-21-2008, 03:19 PM

I've moved this to the Horror subforum, thanks!

Coeur D'Eclat
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Old 06-21-2008, 03:53 PM

((I guess I'll start then))

On such an evening as this one, Sakis had no intention of moving far within the castle's walls. Doing so last night as caused her to fall with exhaustion. Obliviously, she turned a corner, not knowing about an unusual door beside of her that brought a chill to her spine. Sakis looked to see that the door, unlike all the other cedar doors, that this one was white, she thought maybe made of some sort of stone. Curious about what's on the other side, she peeked in to take a look.
To Sakis's surprise, it was a bedroom in nothing but white.
"What in the world is this room?" She told herself as she entered, shutting the door behind her. She felt a little unplaced her, cause looking at herself, she was the only thing wearing black. Uncomfortable about the idea that she staining the room with her existence, she went her way to the door until she realized a picture on the drawers to her right. Picking it up to observe it, she gazed into the eyes of a young girl who looked just like her. Questions began to pile up for Sakis. Why is there a picture of a girl who looks exactly like her? What is this room? No matter how mysterious this place is to Sakis, no matter what, she is determined to find her memories and bring herself back from the dead.

RainbowSuicide is offline
Old 06-24-2008, 11:15 PM

(I'll join since you asked >.>)

Coeur D'Eclat
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Old 06-25-2008, 12:28 AM

Originally Posted by RainbowSuicide View Post
(I'll join since you asked >.>)
Go ahead and start! ^w^

Coeur D'Eclat
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Old 06-25-2008, 03:23 AM

((When people send me their character sheet, they are automatically approved and can start at anytime))

Last edited by Coeur D'Eclat; 06-25-2008 at 03:40 AM..

Kaelin Devereux
not coming back, everything is O...
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Old 06-25-2008, 03:26 AM

Orion's steps were feint but heard, her hair swayed in the soft breeze that whiped around each corner. Her eyes were dark and filled with cinister intentions "i wonder where everyone is" her voice seemed cruel but soft, sweet but stern,
she had blood rushing from each corners of her mouth and also soaking her lips. Taking notice to this her mouth curled into an upward grin

Coeur D'Eclat
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Old 06-25-2008, 03:45 AM

The faint smell of blood rendered Sakis to build up defense. She knew someone was near, where it was dead or alive, she knew what was coming and prepared for what was to happen. Crap, I'm too inexperienced to enter a fight. I don't know how to control my power. Sakis took a few steps back, almost to the point of running the opposite direction from where the faint smell of blood was coming from.

Kaelin Devereux
not coming back, everything is O...
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Old 06-25-2008, 03:53 AM

Orion, already only feet behind her, grined then tilted her head to the side "are you alright?" her calm voice echoed through every corner of the room "you seem scared" her casual tone could send chills down almost anyone's back

Coeur D'Eclat
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Old 06-25-2008, 04:19 AM

Sakis turned around quickly to find a girl standing behind her malevolently grinning. The girl asking her if she was alright, Sakis felt a sudden chill creep in the hallway.
"Why should I tell you? I don't even know you."
To her side, Sakis slightly opens up one of her katanas enough for her to slit her finger. I don't know this girl, but if she attacks me, I gotta try and make a barrier with my blood.

Kaelin Devereux
not coming back, everything is O...
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Old 06-25-2008, 04:25 AM

The grin faded and Orion was standing almost above the girl, watchng the fear rush through her like a Tsunami, this made her happy yet feel horrible "I'm just curious" the smell of blood overwhelmed her, she crept in slightly closer, licking her lips but keeping herself under control "are you human" she inhaled deeply "or Vampire?" a gentle smile slid over her lips as she stared at Sakis.

Coeur D'Eclat
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Old 06-25-2008, 04:33 AM

Sakis's breathing began to get heavy as she stepped back.
"I don't know what I am, I have no memory prior to two years ago. All I have is a name and I don't even think it's my real name." The blood flowing from her finger began to ooze and drip, but bit by bit she was able to manipulate the blood. It began to circle around Sakis.

Kaelin Devereux
not coming back, everything is O...
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Old 06-25-2008, 04:36 AM

Orion sensed this and bowed, now circling around Sakis, she grined looking her over quite a few times If she heals quickly, she's a vampire, if not, then i gotta be careful her thoughts danced sweetly through her mind as she continued to look Sakis over

RainbowSuicide is offline
Old 06-25-2008, 05:06 AM

-with nothing insight Rain walked up and down the hall ways looking for a little fun ^^, as she walk she started to hear the faint sounds of voices down one of the coradoors, without a second that she began to skip to were the sound is coming from-

Last edited by RainbowSuicide; 06-25-2008 at 05:13 AM..

Kaelin Devereux
not coming back, everything is O...
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Old 06-25-2008, 05:08 AM

Orion turned to face where the slight skipping noise was echoing from, she twitched her nose then scratched behind her head "what the" her voice seemed to be nervous yet stern

((sorry my pc apparently screwed up!))

Coeur D'Eclat
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Old 06-25-2008, 05:12 AM

Even with the irritation of being surrounded by what seemed to be a vampired by the looks of the protruded teeth on her lips, Sakis heard the faint sound of footsteps. The sound was a simple step, a pause, a simple step, a pause, the sound of skipping. Sakis began to worry of another enemy encounter and while the vampire wasn't looking, she ran away and out of a window before the vampire that the chance to go after her.

RainbowSuicide is offline
Old 06-25-2008, 05:16 AM

oh noes there seem to be the smell of blood in the air, I really hope my teddies aren't hungry =3

((I need to fix somthing about my profil, my animals need names >.>, so I'll do that in a message then you can put it on here))

Last edited by RainbowSuicide; 06-25-2008 at 05:21 AM..


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