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PapillonCameo is offline
Old 02-17-2015, 12:50 AM

She lowered her head, blushed. Rose failed to notice the faun stepping away. It wasn't necessarily unusual for her to be flattered ... but she hated being touched, and had to force herself to stay still.

She smiled a bit. The moment her hand was free, she tucked it away in her skirt. "Thank for the flattery." She glanced from the messy haired man to the book. It floated. It had even hit his head! "What's your name? And .. why is your book ... well it looks alive, almost." It was fascinating.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 02-17-2015, 01:39 AM

The other male seemed to understand, his nod to the words Bel had given to him, were proof to that. As the female spoke her words, the other seemed to back off, something wrong. He nearly dropped what he was holding, causing Bel's attention to split from the female onto the other.

His reflexes poised for him to act if need be. He moved away, seeming to let the female try and take focus within the scene, which only caused more of Bel's attention to focus on the male. He was not rude however, it could not be readily distinguished by face value of him. The female was blushing, Bel noticing the way that she seemed to pull away from the touch that he had given.

He did not mind, certain people disliked being touched, he understood such actions. He made a note of this within his mind. She thanked him, then asked for his name. "A pleasure to meet you, I am known as Aronbel" he inclined his head once more, "though, most commonly know me better as simply Bel."

She followed up by asking about the Scry. He was about to answer, when the Scry boldly moved instead. It was ill receiving of the way the female's words and such had affected Cole, as well as the mention of the dark circus, within the presence of Bel, where light was important. The book pressed forward, getting close to the female's face. Bel reacted, reaching forward and catching the book.

He pushed it down upon the table, out of the face of the female. The Scry rattled under his hands. "Forgive him...he is not usually so...forward" the book flashed, pulling out from under his hands. It flashed once more, floating out of reach into the air. The words reaching only Bel's ear, he blinked a bit, "I am not repeating that" he said.

The book gave one last flash, before it flew over to Cole's side. He sighed, rubbing his temples for a moment. He was aware of the head of the circus' presence within the tent now, which made the scene all the more embarrassing. He looked to Rosie.

"The Scry is indeed alive...filled with knowledge and magic well beyond the years of any other magical artifact.....and an attitude to match" he shot the book a glance. It remained by Cole's side. He slowly stood, giving the female a bow, "my apologies, it is quite overprotective indeed." The Scry was unaffected by many enchantments and curses, which allowed it to retain the knowledge that others seemed to forget.

It could tell that the words of the female had put Cole on edge. It was not a fan of the new female for the moment, though it was not out right trying to be mean. Though the book should be void of feelings and thought as an inanimate object, it had a personality and soul all its own. "It was a pleasure to meet you" he stepped around the table, and over by Cole.

He thought of saying something to the other, but in such an environment, it might not be welcomed by the other out right. Instead, he plucked the Scry from the air, turning and walking out the flap of the tent. Once outside, he released the book, and it floated into the air. Out of ear shot of the others, he sighed lightly. "A pity when one has to have a lecture with a book" he placed a hand on his hip.

The Scry glowed lightly, Bel nodding, "I understand, she is flirting with darkness indeed, but that does not mean that her mind is already made up as she said." The Scry gave another glow, floating around him. He gave a smile, nodding to the other, "I will be careful, and I am sure she does not hate you, though you do have to apologize." The Scry seemed to pout a bit in Bel's eyes, which he found a bit cute. It was a good book at heart, if more bold than some might like.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 02-17-2015, 02:30 AM

[Cole's status: Visible to Rosie, Asha, and Meili; memorable to Adira, Euriphuim, and Asha (the group around Adi will no longer recall seeing him with Rosie.)]

"Visible" = seen, but unremembered. If you see Cole, he's like a fragment of a dream. Usually you can't see him unless there's a specific reason for your attention to focus on him. Ex: He's moving objects around or speaking with someone else.

"Memorable" = Unless you have spoken to me about a specific allowance, you will not remember past conversations, past meetings, nor seeing him. You will not remember Cole's name, nor his face. On occasion, it's like meeting someone new - again, and again.

If I've spoken to you about it, then some of you can able to recall his name, his appearance, or a quality about him. Some lucky few may even harbor brief, shallow memories of Cole.

The moment Adira entered the tent, Cole seemed to ease a bit. Eyes wide, he gazed at her for a few moments before lifting a pile of folded napkins and heading back to the table. Maybe ... it wasn't time to fade. The faun looked to Asha again, planning on returning to her after he'd finished his next task.

He tried his best to ignore the subtle attention that Bel gave him, feeling uneasy knowing he couldn't shake off the eyes of others so long as he involved himself with their lives. As he moved to set napkins at each place setting, Cole's ears perked in surprise. Scry was trying to bother the newcomer, and Rosie's expression was priceless.

For a moment, the faun nearly smiled. Then he took a hurried step back the moment Scry drifted to his side. Cole froze, becoming completely still. The book continued to linger. His breath quickened, and the faun backed away once again. He knew that Scry was relatively harmless - or so he assumed - but that didn't stop him from feeling alarmed. Though he wanted to be seen by others, Cole wasn't sure what to think of the intrusive gazes that were drawn to him the moment the glowing book highlighted his presence. Another step back made Cole bump into someone he'd accidentally gotten too close to.

The pale-haired youth ducked his head a bit, ears flattening meekly as Bel approached to pluck Scry from the air. Once the illusionist stole the sentient object away, Cole's ears slowly lifted. His gaze followed, and he muttered an apology to the person he'd bumped. His fidgeting hands returned to the task of placing napkins. Cole hurriedly finished before backing away from the table and the others, his anxiety heightening. The short youth ended up standing near Asha, though didn't ask if she needed anything. She'd put him to work if she needed - and if she saw him. If not, then he could drift off again.

Drayth's mind dwelt on the mental game as he sat, falling still. His gaze left Nex at last as the boy headed toward the screen. Lavender eyes flickered over the rest of the tent, finally settling on the jar once again. There was so much complication in everything - it often took longer to think through a move than most considered necessary. It took a while for the mind to twist through the complexity of the game, then slowly and subconsciously see the simplicity that might have been over-thought.

When Nex returned to the main area of his tent, Drayth's gaze slowly lifted to him. His brows lifted slightly in mock amusement. "You aren't watching me squirm. You're witnessing me grow more comfortable." With a purposeful flash of fangs, the male prepared to stand. At that moment, however, the fortune teller leaned down toward him. Drayth's expression filled with more amusement at the other's touch, and an underlying annoyance followed.

"Indeed." At the pet name that Nex gave him, the illusionist chuckled. "You read deep into my questions. Don't forget to question any ulterior motives before making assumptions, seer." Though the words were true enough - Drayth was prideful in his skill. Too much reliance on his own web of lies could result in a collapse of the world around him. Pursuing the knowledge tooth and nail wasn't wise. Drayth chuckled again, listening to Nex move to the outside world. He stayed silent. Let the boy assume what he will.

Moments after Nex left, a hiss of movement followed. Loping past him went a black wolf, snapping at the fortune teller's hand in passing. "Knight to offense." It was a term that they'd used - they'd played their game so many times, that their games took a unique twist: some of the moves were "assumed" movements. In other words: they knew one another's phrases. Drayth took the initiative - he could win the game if he pushed and let his defense slip slightly.

Drayth arrived in the breakfast area moments later. His lavender eyes went to Klaus as he regained his elven form. Shadows and wisps flit about him as he inclined his head. "Fruit this morning?" Drayth's attention moved over the others in the tent, noting the naga twins with a flicker of distaste.

Last edited by Esmme; 03-07-2015 at 06:16 AM..

Shoot to kill
CycloneKira is offline
Old 02-17-2015, 12:18 PM

Zella was slightly startled by the Naga twins' sudden exuberance, as they took one seat each on either side of her. She watched the twins with the fascination that she had always felt. Zelly-zel? When Nihssa reached out and touched her hair, Zella couldn't help but notice the twins' hair. "Thank you," she said when Nihssa commented on her hair. "Yes, I do like your hair. But I'm afraid it would not suit me. Hair like that looks good on the two of you," she said, looking at Nihssa, and then turning to look at Narissa. They both seemed so innocent and child-like, that Zella couldn't help smiling a little. It felt strange to smile. She hadn't done it for so long. She almost laughed at the way Nihssa imitated Everard.

Zella turned around at the sound of a new person entering the mess tent. She faintly recalled his name to be Drayth, but she couldn't be sure. To avoid sounding impolite, she didn't ask anyone for clarification.

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 02-18-2015, 04:40 AM

“Thank you for the help.” She gave a warm smile to the two men who helped her. The woman soon became engrossed in the task she had set for herself. Mixing batter, placing bacon in a pan to fry, stirring eggs for scrambled eggs and getting bread ready to toast. Asha paused as she greeted Bel in a sing song voice then resumed her singing and preparing of breakfast. “Good morning Bel and Scry. How are you two on this fine day?” She knew the book wasn’t really a living thing, but still it seemed to have a life of its own.

As Asha continued to cooking she didn’t notice most of what was going on around her. Without even glancing, just assuming someone was nearby that she asked, “Please pass me a plate?” While she waited for a plate to be passed to her she flipped the eggies in a basket again to keep them from burning. By this time the scrambled eggs were ready along with the bacon, toast, some pancakes and sausage as well. Like usual she fixed a wide variety of food so there would be something for everyone. “Thank you,” she said to whoever passed the plate to her.

Hearing Adira she gave a smile. “You are welcome si..Adira.” She caught herself as she almost called Adira sis instead of by her name. “Good morning Midori.” It wasn’t long before she finished fixing the variety of foods. There was a please smile on her ruby lips. “Dig in everyone. I hope that it is all to your liking.” She moved to the side, standing near Cole. The woman would wait until the others got theirs before getting her own food.

Last edited by blueblackrose; 02-23-2015 at 01:14 AM..

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 02-18-2015, 01:34 PM


Caudia nodded politely. "Thank you Klaus." Using impeccable manners, she bit into her plain toast, careful not to drop any crumbs. "Perfect as always. Klaus you are fantastic." Claudia smiled lightly. Fully used to the twins oddness, she sipped her tea and nodded again. "Nightmare or Dream. I'm not overly picky so long as it doesn't drop me." The Dolle couldn't stop a small chuckle from escaping as the twins pounced on Zella. "Hello Everard. Hello Zella. Please don't mind the twins, they've left their sanity already this morning. Nahissa Narissa, I think Zella's hair suits her just fine. Only you two can pull of that purple mane." She took another sip of tea. "Hello Drayth." Her voice a tad curt as she spoke. She had a tad distaste for the Illusionist. His attitude came off as a bit 'better than you' and that crawled under her skin...well it would if she had skin.

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 02-19-2015, 06:33 AM

As the raven allowed herself to be pulled along by the other woman she glanced in the direction of the animal tent. She had sent Ciaran away because she didn’t want him to pry as to why her nightmares had increased. Truthfully she wanted to believe it was nothing, but with their new visitor a few small piece were falling into place. The wind of change was starting to blow once again.

Hearing Adira the fortuneteller was brought back from her thoughts. “You’re welcome,” she whispered back with a smile. Midori knew that Adira counted on her to be her to go person and her adviser. As always she would do her best.

The raven moved further into the tent until she standing by Meili. Rosie wouldn’t win him over as easily as some of the others. Knowing this Midori decided to give him a soft nudge into at least making a little effort to give the girl a chance. “Li it’s good to see that you’re cautious as always. That cautiousness isn’t misplaced as we never know when things could grow dark if we let our guard down. I know you probably do not care much for me, much like the others, but please trust me when I say that girl will be fine for now. She hasn’t visited that dark place yet.” Her words were soft and hushed.

The enter time her pale lavender eyes never left Rosie. Yes there was more light there than dark, but would it stay that way if she did go over to Apltraum? This was something the fortuneteller couldn’t be certain of, at least not at this moment.


By the time that Chance entered the animal tent Ciaran was already there. The man was lying by one of the tigers talking softly to her. The other man missed most of the conversation which was about how Midori had another nightmare and he wasn’t sure if he was going to be able to pull her from it. “…it’s getting worse, but she won’t admit to it. Instead she continues to act like it’s nothing.” Ciaran sighed, “Like she can take on the world by herself, even though she has me to rely on and to help her. Sometimes I don’t know what to do with that woman. Is it ok to leave her alone and let her continue to do this on her own?”

As he spoke he stroked the tigress’ head, scratching behind her ears. Really he wasn’t sure what kind of advice he was expecting to receive from the beautiful beast. He just needed to let out his frustration and be able to think. He knew Chance wouldn’t provide him with much help considering how it seemed he hated Midori.

Kilia is offline
Old 02-21-2015, 03:20 AM

Chance had known that Ciaran was there, his scent was a familiar one and it very much was welcome despite his more anti-social behavior. His amber eyes kept looking towards the younger male, his black ear twitching as it picked up the end of his conversation that he was having.

He could not help the heavy sigh that escaped his lips as he heard the trouble in the young shifter's voice. He closed his eyes and rubbed at his face. Here he was, thinking that he could confided in Ciaran. To tell him that he had been blacking out lately and waking up covered in blood. Who's blood was the mystery but he was just happy that it was not anyone who was in the circus or his animal family.

He silently moved over to the Child, ruffling his hair in an affectionate manner as he thought on his words carefully. He knew that Ciaran cared about Midori as if she was his own mother or maybe lover was a better term for her, though sometimes it seemed like a brother or sister love. Anyways his thoughts on what exactly their relationship was is not what he should be focusing on.

" All you can do is just silently support her and stay by her side." He finally spoke to him, his voice was rough and harsh, it was as if he had not used it in years but it was also clear that he was truly choosing his words carefully. He clearly was trying to be helpful and be thoughtful towards Ciaran's feelings, regardless of his own.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 02-23-2015, 01:07 AM

He scoffed and crossed his arm. Purple locks certainly suited only a few. Everard eyed the twins warily. Like snakes, they made his skin crawl; the fact that they were twins only made it worse. He averted his eyes and concentrated on Zella and Caudia. "Well, so long as they don't cause trouble ..." He laughed and shook his head.

When did the twins not cause trouble?

"What are our plans today?" His eyes roved to delicate Caudia. "Perhaps we could show Zella around the circus, if she would like that."

Everyone had walked away, leaving her alone. She glanced at the table and sighed. Where to now? There was the feathered girl, and her pale haired shadow. Adira had entered the tent, along with the woman who had know her before she'd even spoken her name. The strong woman blinked, shifted uncertainly; it felt like walking on a tight rope without any fail safe, like a dance without light. One wrong move, and Rosie feared she would be shunned; the circus was her last resort.

She went to get a plate of food, piling fruits and eggs atop her plate. She ignored the bacon, and ended up tumbling back; food went flying everywhere. Rosie turned red to the roots of her honey blond hair; twisting around, the young woman wrung her hands together. "I'm so sorry!" She stared straight at Cole.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 02-23-2015, 04:13 AM

[Cole's status: Visible to all; memorable to Adira, Euriphuim, and Asha.]

"Visible" = seen, but unremembered. If you see Cole, he's like a fragment of a dream. Usually you can't see him unless there's a specific reason for your attention to focus on him. Ex: He's moving objects around or speaking with someone else.

"Memorable" = Unless you have spoken to me about a specific allowance, you will not remember past conversations, past meetings, nor seeing him. You will not remember Cole's name, nor his face. It's like meeting someone new - again, and again.

If I've spoken to you about it, then some of you can able to recall his name, his appearance, or a quality about him. Some lucky few may even harbor brief, shallow memories of Cole.

The person he'd run into was none other than their guest: Rosie. Cole's ears flattened, and he fumbled with an apology once again. "I-it wasn't you. I sh-should have watched where I was going." The faun's wide eyes locked on Rosie's briefly as she blushed, and he fidgeted with the napkin he had left in his hands. He looked uncomfortable with making Rosie blush so brightly. She was new here, and what was the first thing she did? Toss food all over the others. That was a terrible first experience.

The pale youth continued to stare at Rosie, not exactly surprised she'd seen him. He'd bumped into her, after all. Cole slowly turned his gaze to the food that had flown in Adira and Midori's direction, his white ears slowly lowering in apology. "It isn't that bad. It isn't sticky." Cole swallowed and glanced to Rosie again, a blush on his own features as he moved to help the strong woman pick up some of the food. "At least it wasn't honey."

With a nervous hum, Cole offered Rosie some of the fallen food. "It wasn't you. I'm always underfoot." Another quiet hum, and he flicked an ear at her before blinking and looking back down. "Usually I stay out of the way." A pause. "I'm losing my touch." There might have been a slight smile on his usually anxious features. The faun flicked an ear again, then passed Rosie a clean plate. He stepped back and stared at her for a few moments as though expecting her to stop looking back ... then stepped back again, and stood awkwardly while waiting for the others to take their seats.

Asha had just come closer to him when Cole finally seemed to start fading once again. He looked uncomfortable with his presence being noticed, and kept his gaze from catching on anyone else's. The faun willed himself to disappear, though at the same time a small part of him wanted to join them at the table. It was a very small part of him - a part that he didn't appreciate. Cole rather enjoyed listening to and watching everyone else. It was his favorite thing to do: to watch others interact. It was nice to see recognition in their eyes, and to witness the furthering of relationships.

Meekly glancing to the winged female beside him, Cole forced his hands to be still. He'd been fidgeting again. Releasing his hold on the red scarf about his neck, the short creature pulled his gaze toward the group around the table.

Last edited by Esmme; 02-23-2015 at 01:27 PM..

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 02-24-2015, 03:58 AM

Meili had finished his task and now he just stood off to the side, and out of the way of everyone and everything. Just watching, that slight breeze subtly moving around him. When the fortuneteller approached and spoke to him, he looked at her. Considering her words for a few moments, a gentle breeze teased around her for a moment as well, it dissipated as he spoke. "She's nothing more than a spy." A slight frown touched his lips.

When Cole and Rosie bumped into one another, Meili's body tensed, as if he were about to sprint towards them. He didn't though, but he looked as if he really wanted to. A very gentle breeze brushed around Cole, lightly tussling his hair, the breeze lingered for a moment then it was gone. Li relaxed slightly, his attention somewhat returning to the fortuneteller, his hand moving to gently touch Midori's hand for a brief moment. "I only want my family to be safe.

Shoot to kill
CycloneKira is offline
Old 02-24-2015, 08:05 AM

Zella nodded her head at Claudia and greeted her in return. "You mean the twins are not always like this?" she asked her, turning to look at the twins. She turned her head as Claudia greeted Drayth, and noted a hint of disapproval in Claudia's voice. It was obvious that she was contemptuous towards the illusionist. Zella herself knew that she would have to be careful around him. Anyone who could manipulate her mind was seen as a potential threat. It was this feeling that had driven her to learn how to shut her mind to telepaths. Her mind was hers; nobody had the right to read it without her permission.

Zella looked up as Everard suggested they show her around the circus. She did not mind the idea. It was a good way to get to know the other circus members and the routes to different places. "I would like that very much. Thank you." she said, bowing her head slightly. Out of habit, her hand smoothed down her hair on the left side of her face, which contained a very old scar.

Glitter addict...beware

CrimsonShadow is offline
Old 02-24-2015, 12:24 PM

Pouts spread across the snake twins faces. They hated being told no even if it wasn’t really about themselves. As soon as the pouts came across their faces though it was seconds before they both erupted once more in maniacal laughter. Claudy-claud was right, they were the only ones who could pull it off.

The second Everard mentioned showing Zelia around the circus they both started shrieking, laughing, and squealing.

But it stopped as soon as they laid their eyes on Drayth.

The twins started to hiss, pupils turned snake like, tongues forked and their hair started moving in their braids, almost as if their strands were slithering around like the snakes they were. Legs disappeared and in place were shimmery purple tails.

“Why isssn’t it the massster of illussionsssss,” they hissed out. The twins personality did a complete 180, like usual when they felt strong emotions. Slowly and fluidly they got out of their chairs before slithering over to him. They began to circle Drayth, still hissing. “You hurt our mindssss lasst time we played,” Narissa spit out. “We only wanted to play. It took us dayssss to recover,” Nihssa finished.

Still slowly circling the illusionist they glared, rage glittering their slitted eyes.

Grinning Adira shook her head at Asha. She had almost called her sister, which was true. The two were pretty much sisters. Adira returned her attention back to her tome, her other hand reached down to scratch Euriphuims head.

Hearing the crash the sorceress’s head snapped up and saw some of the food flying in her and Midoir’s direction. Raising her hand she flicked her wrist and the food disappeared, reappearing in the trash. Her kind eyes soaked in Cole and she waited until he looked at her. Tipping her head to the side she asked him if he was ok with her eyes.

Adira was the most protective over Cole, he was basically her son and she would never let anything happen to him. His needs came before all else.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 02-24-2015, 01:28 PM

(Cole post next time!)

Drayth didn't react as the twins halted their laughter. He didn't lift his gaze from the food near Klaus until it was necessary. Lavender eyes regarded the twins with something akin to disgust before his expression softened. He listened to their words calmly, then let a slight frown mar his brow.

He held Nihssa's gaze, then gently fixed a bit of Narissa's seemingly slithering hair. "You lost your own minds in that hole," Drayth's tone was soft as he looked down to the serpentine bodies that moved around him. "You agreed to play the game. There is no reason to blame me for losing your footing, my dear." He referred to them both separately and as one - which they often were.

The illusionist tilted his head, allowing his fingers to trail over one of the twins as they passed. Despite the dangerous spark in their eyes, Drayth didn't seem particularly worried. "I offered to help you, if you remember. You turned me down." Granted, it had been the wiser of the two choices. Drayth's manipulation would have furthered if the twins had trusted him. As it was, their minds were pushed into a void - closer to insanity, he supposed. Not that they needed any pushes....

A slender hand moved up to catch Nihssa's wrist. "You proved you were willing to take the step. For that, I applaud you." Drayth's expression was genuine, or ... appeared as such. Lavender eyes held Nihssa's before a dark smile spread over his lips. "A shame it was in the wrong direction."

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 02-24-2015, 01:44 PM

Claudia turned her attention away from the Illusionist, her curls bouncing with the movement. She gave a gentle smile to Everard. Picking up her tea cup she moved to the edge of the table to sit closer to the group. Claudia sipped her tea. "Zella the twins are never what they appear to be. One moment they make sense, then next they're nuttier that an almond. Yes, Everard, Nihssa, Narissa, we should give Zella a tour-" Claudia sighed as the twins turned serpentine and surrounded Drayth. "I wish I could ask those two for a little decorum." She gave another sip of tea. "Twins, Drayth is correct. You did play agree to play to his rules." She set down her cup beside her, stood up and went to her ladder. Climbing down, she carefully manuvered across the floor. Keeping a berth from swishing tails. "Ladies, I am little and fragile. Please be careful where you swing those things." She continued to walk up to Zella and Everard. "If one of you would be so kind. I rather hate shouting across tables to have a conversation."

Kiyoto is offline
Old 02-24-2015, 06:00 PM

Klaus cleaned up the rest of the mess that was left from finishing up the orders up to this point. It was around here, that the male illusionist entered the tent. He said that he would only desire fruit, earning a nod from him. Nex entered not soon after, but kept to his own, not drawing attention to himself. Klaus glanced at him for a moment, he looked better than before. A slight chuckle comes from him, the other seemed to have gotten the best of his hangover. That was good, it would make dealing people easier for him. Nex glanced over at him, giving a slight wink. The nip and move from Drayth as he had passed, was on his mind.

He would let the man wonder for a bit, taking time with his thought. Moving over, he poured another cup of black coffee. Klaus tossed Nexus an apple, which the man caught without having to really even look. From there, he moved away from the main hub, off to a chair of his own. So, there was a new girl, one which was causing a stir. His eyes on her, he could have probed her mind a little if he desired, but what kind of a welcome was that? There was always time to pick her brain later. The twins seemed to be doing a job of getting in the middle of things, along with that other who had made the comment to him earlier.

Nex frowned for a moment, before crossing his legs casually. Klaus leaned slightly against the table, watching as the events began to unfold. The twins and Drayth were seeming to pick at each other as usual. As long as they kept this little confrentation harmless, that was fine with him. However, things with a few of the darker members were often quick to escalate. Nex glanced over at the trio, chuckling a bit at the illusionist being circled by the girls. Their confrentation was nothing if not amusing. "You do like your dangerous games" he said, trailing a finger along the rim of his cup.

He knew that at times, the danger within said games could be more than real. But there was no fun in life, if there was never a bit of danger. He lifted the cup to his lips, taking a sip of the liquid within. The little fragile one was then moving. His eyes flickered to her for a moment. She spoke of the others being careful, it was true she would be rather easy to break. Though telling those three to remain careful? It was amusing in itself. Klaus moved from his position, back over to where the form of his sister sat still at the table. He had placed the various fruits Drayth usually preffered within his reach, for once he finished with his little talk with the twins. For now, he was curious of speaking with their leader.

Holding out his hand, the one belonging to his sister lifted from its position. Placing within his, he gave a light smile as he helped her up from her position. "I must excuse myself for the moment" he inclined his head to the other, "I bid you a good morning and goodbye for now." He turned with the form of his sister by his side, leading her from the tent. Nex's eyes followed the pair for a moment, wondering briefly what was on the other's mind. He knew most likely where the other was going to head, but that in the end was his business. Taking a bite of his apple, he set himself to relaxing and enjoying the fruit, letting the other bicker as they wished.

Shoot to kill
CycloneKira is offline
Old 02-26-2015, 11:48 AM

Zella turned her head as another man entered the tent. It was Nexus, the seer. Her attention lingered on him for a moment before she turned her attention back to the people at her table. It bugged her, the way that man faintly reminded her of her brother sometimes. There was also the fact that, Felix would be around that age if he were still alive.

She took a moment to look around at her surroundings. She noted the way some people kept to themselves. Her eyes lingered on a beautiful puppet doll, who, she knew, was Klaus' "sister". She couldn't help admiring the life-like appearance of the doll.

Zella watched the twins as they changed into their serpentine forms. It was really a sight to see, she thought. She finally understood why they were here in Apltraum Iluzia. Their childlike behavior from earlier seemed to vanish completely. She studied Drayth for a moment. The man seemed to be unaffected by their hostility, rather he seemed amused by it. She sighed a little as she wondered what it was that Drayth had done that had bothered the twins so much.

She turned her head to Claudia. She got up and went over to her and offered her hand. She asked her in a rather quiet voice,"If it's okay to ask, just what was it that Drayth did, that the twins are so angry?"

Last edited by CycloneKira; 02-26-2015 at 11:53 AM..

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 02-27-2015, 01:49 PM

Faie was distracted by a warmth on the wind. The new woman did confuse her a bit. She still could not understand any being wanting to be a part of the Dark Circus. Faie shivered. Creating a small flame in her hand, she gently rubbed the flame against her skin hoping to warm up.
The commotion from the tent was distracting to her thoughts. "What is all this?" She murmured and headed towards the sound.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 03-06-2015, 03:52 PM

Bel chuckled slightly, the Scry floating down into his hands. Looking down at the cover of the book, he allowed his fingertips to gently run over it. The Scry had been with him since the beginning, well, mostly. He had been given it when he was about seven, when he was allowed to begin harnessing his magic. He had been told that the Scry’s age was something no one knew, nor did they know how it was originally created. It held within it, information from all over the world, and could call upon knowledge of just about anything it was asked for. Quite the dictionary and resource for a magic wielder. The Scry could be a very powerful tool, and in the right hands, something that could make a master of magic quite easily.

He had spent days with it, learning, evolving himself. It had become a sort of companion for him, since no one else there was really of his age. Many of the sages were always busy as it was, so they never had time to simply play with a child. Not that he had much time himself, since most of his life was spent around learning and taming the beast within. The Scry warmed a bit in his hands, as if sensing the thoughts that were moving through his mind. They shared a deep bond, the book belonging to Bel now. It was hard to explain, similar to a contract or a blood oath, but different all the same. The book was a part of him, only responding to him, unless he willed it. That was why only he heard its voice, or why others could not use or read from it, unless by his will.

Some commented on the book being more like a pet, but treating it like that, Bel found insulting. He smiled once more, the Scry seeming to calm enough, to where he thought it might in deed apologize. He turned to return to the tent’s interior, when a slight voice and movement caused him to pause. He turned his frame a bit, catching sight of the fire wielder. He must have interrupted her with the conversation with the Scry. Turning to face her completely, he gave a slight bow to the female. “Forgive us if we interrupted you. Scry was just in an uproar about the new comer” he smiled. The Scry slipped from his hands, floating over around Faie for a moment, before hovering in the air by her. Bel crossed his arms slightly, “practically everyone is inside….there seems to be something more going on now however...” Bel had heard the rise in commotion from within the tent to.

Had that been what had drawn her here? It seemed something other than the Scry was causing distress. “Shall we see what all the fuss is about?” he asks, before brushing aside one of the flaps to the tent. The mess caught his attention first, the plates and food sprawled out upon the floor. He raised an eyebrow, not faltering as Adira made the mess about to strike her and another vanish. The new girl had seemed to have gotten herself to be the center of attention once more. The Scry floated into the tent, hovering by him for a moment. Seeing the scene, it gave a few glows, almost like it was laughing. Bel frowned, pulling the book from the air.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 03-07-2015, 04:46 PM

[Cole's status: Visible to all; memorable to Adira, Euriphuim.]


"Visible" = seen, but unremembered. If you see Cole, he's like a fragment of a dream. Usually you can't see him unless there's a specific reason for your attention to focus on him. Ex: He's moving objects around or speaking with someone else.

"Memorable" = Unless you have spoken to me about a specific allowance, you will not remember past conversations, past meetings, nor seeing him. You will not remember Cole's name, nor his face. It's like meeting someone new - again, and again.

If I've spoken to you about it, then some of you can able to recall his name, his appearance, or a quality about him. Some lucky few may even harbor brief, shallow memories of Cole.

Cole did his best not to move away from Asha. He did his best not to fidget. He also did his best not to look painfully awkward and uncomfortable. His anxiety had heightened again. The faun's white ears swiveled at every sound, and he seemed hyper aware of the people around him. Cole did his best to avoid being bumped and made obvious once again.

The youth swallowed thickly, considering edging out of the tent. That was when a soft breeze struck him. It reminded him of warmer days, and when the gentle touch tousled his hair he took a deep breath. Cole's gray eyes slowly moved to Meili, and he felt his anxiety slipping away. The sylph had that calming effect about him, and it was one that the young faun often sought out when his emotions were unsteady. Granted, no one remembered it ... nor did Meili see him every time, but it still felt like a connection of some sort.

Cole's gaze returned to Rosie, and the youth looked apologetic. That was when he caught Adira's gaze. There was a questioning look there, one that felt like an embrace. A quiet hum left Cole's lips, and he tilted his head in return. A ghost of a smile was on his lips as he flicked an ear and nodded. He was fine - Adira, the ringleader, had long since taken him in. He relied on her more than he could ever imagine. Her concern and care made his emotions settle completely.

"At least you didn't throw it at them purposefully."
Cole looked back to Rosie again, looking a bit calmer.

Drayth continued to focus on the two naga, though his smile widened when he heard little Claudia speak. "A game is only interesting if there are repercussions, don't you agree?" The elf's cool touch released Nihssa's wrist and flickered over one of the twins' shoulders again. He calmly reached for one of the strawberries that Klaus had set out for him.

He slowly ate the fruit, continuing to hold each of the twins' gaze as they circled him. A small voice that shouldn't have caught his attention broke from the nearby table. Ah, yes. The new addition to Apltraum ... Zella, was it?

"If it's okay to ask, just what was it that Drayth did, that the twins are so angry?"

"We played a dangerous game of 'which is real'." His lavender eyes never left his serpentine confinement as they circled him. "They chose the wrong one. The creature attacked, and despite the twins being unharmed physically they were forced to either trust me to break the illusion or worsen it." The elf inclined his head before his fingers brushed Narissa's cheek in passing. "I offered to free them. They refused." Likely it wasn't the truth, nor was it the whole story. But it was presentation that allowed the moment to hold truth.

Flickers of shadow began to lap at the illusionist, and his features became more serpentine. Scales flickered over his cheeks as he smiled. "Such an unfortunate evening it was."

There was a short silence during which Drayth's glowing eyes flickered to Nexus. "You do like your dangerous games." A flash of fangs preceded a soft purr of a response. "I'm not the only one, seer." For a moment the shadows seemed to gather about the illusionist to form some kind of creature much larger than his own form. Wings, horns ... something from nightmare. It faded just as quickly as it was glimpsed. "Danger is the only benefit of playing."

Last edited by Esmme; 03-10-2015 at 03:58 AM..

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-07-2015, 10:09 PM

She couldn't believe what she had done... Even less did she understand why the quivering faun hadn't gone flying. "You aren't hurt, are you? I'm so glad you didn't end up flying through the tent." Rosie glanced at her hands, then at everyone else in the tent. Did they wonder why she wanted to go see the dark? Couldn't they see that she thought they might be able to protect themselves from her? That and the mysterious man, those were her reasons for going there, but to none of these people would she say that. She didn't trust them yet.

"I'm always so afraid that I might hurt someone ..." She hadn't even noticed the food disappearing, Meili's wind, or anything else. She was just glad Cole was alright.

(I'll be posting with Everard after)

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 03-08-2015, 03:50 AM

The woman’s eyes closed as Meili’s gentle breeze moved around her. It was a welcomed feeling. When the male spoke she frowned. “Rosie is not a spy. If she was I would know already.” There was a hint of anger in her voice as she spoke in a hushed tone. Opening her lavender eyes Midori looked over at Rosie and Cole as the bumped into each other. In a way she felt bad for the girl. She needed guidance, but if they made the wrong move or said the wrong thing she would become more confused and lost than she already seemed to be.

Here attention turned to the man beside her. His tensing, his look of wanting to go to Cole’s side didn’t go unnoticed by her. When Meili’s hand brushed against hers, her breath hitched momentarily. Involuntarily her body stiffened. The Sylph’s feelings, all of his emotions they all rushed through the fortuneteller’s body. A few moments passed before she gave the male a smile. “I know and I understand just as Adira does. Even if the others won’t say it I will. Thank you for being so protective of our family.”

Her eyes didn’t move to look at him. Instead they were now looking at the floor of the tent. Midori didn’t want the others to see the look within them. That look she often got after having a vision or sharing one’s emotions. It was one of both pain and uneasiness. Once the feeling passed she looked up again.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 03-08-2015, 08:03 AM

"Not a spy." He repeated the words very softly, with the slightest shake of his head. "Perhaps, but who knows what will happen, what words will slip past her lips once she's within the tents of the other circus." Perhaps there was a simple solution to this problem, Li certainly saw it as a problem, but he wasn't sure what a solution would be. Other than the obvious, somehow convince the girl not to go to the other circus.

When Midori thanked him, he shrugged the slightest bit. "Family should always look after one another. Always." He pressed his lips together tightly for a moment, his eyes not leaving Rosie and Cole. Watching them intently, and trying to remember ever meeting Cole before today. Though that kind of thing didn't matter, he was apparently a member of their circus, and he seemed so delicate and fragile. "Do you trust her?"

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 03-09-2015, 02:12 AM

The heavy sigh and the footsteps that approached him where familiar. The younger shifter could guess that Chance was displeased with the conversation he was having with the tiger. He knew the other didn’t care much for the fortuneteller or at least it seemed that way. Looking up at the older male after his hair was ruffled he smiled.

“Stubborn? She’s more than stubborn…” Ciaran shook his head lightly. Despite the fact that the other man was trying to be considerate towards him he wished he wouldn’t treat him like a child sometimes. He could deal with the criticism, with what others thought. “I know, but…” He let his thought trail off.

“Chance you know you don’t have to treat me with kit gloves when it comes to Midori. Believe it or not I’m a big boy.” His tone was joking, to try to lighten the mood that had seemed to settle upon the tent. Giving the cat beside him another scratch behind the ear he grinned. Rising to his feet he looked up at the taller male. “Actually forget what you heard and what I’ve said.”


Asha blinked in confusion at what was going on. She had only been paying half attention to the others up until now. Her eyes stayed focused on Cole and Rosie. After a few moments she shook her head. “Don’t worry about the mess,” her voice was quiet and probably went unheard. At some point the winged female had moved closer to the faun.

She gave Rosie a gentle smile. “He’s right. It was just an accident.” Quietly she listened to the new comer. The fallen angel reached out the girl and took her hand gently, giving it a squeeze. She could tell that Rosie was very concerned. “It’s good that you are worried about others. You’re also not the only one that feels that way here.” Asha’s hand slide from the girl’s as she gave her another smile.

The woman turned to let Cole answer the questions he was asked as she prepared another plate. Done what a making a new plate for Rosie, she made one for the faun as well. Once finished she handed them to the pair. “Bon appetite.”


The male’s words were true. She knew not what Rosie may say once over at the other circus, but she did know that there was no threat as the girl’s path was still unchosen and it would remain so until Rosie finally decided which path to take. “Don’t put too much thought into that right now. We should give her a proper welcome and show her what the light is truly like.” A small smirk played on her lips as she remembered when she first arrived at the circuses. She had done her own checking out of both, of course it had been more indirect then the way Rosie was going about it.

Midori nodded. “That they should, but sadly it doesn’t always work out that way,” there was a hint of sadness within her voice. By this time she had regained her composure. Her pale lavender eyes returned to Asha, Cole and Rosie. Those three would end up being good friends she thought to herself.

“Trust?” The fortuneteller repeated the word. Her eyebrows knitting slightly. Trust wasn’t something that she did easily, if at all. Carefully she thought of how to answer Meili. A few silent moments passed before she sighed. “It isn’t a matter of trust. It’s a matter of knowing.” Looking up at the taller male her gaze was unwavering. “There is light within that girl. She will benefit more from being here than lost within the darkness. Right now she’s like many of us were when we found the circus. Lost, confused, afraid and in search of answers.” Midori nodded. “Like all of us as well Rosie will have to make a decision on her own. Only then will her path be set.”

A half-hearted smile formed on her lips. “Sadly even I don’t always have the answers. We are all creatures of free will so there are many paths we can take within life. Some more obvious than others. In the end it is our decisions that determine our fate.” Once the woman realized how much she was talking in hushed tones to Meili she looked away. Her cheeks gaining a light pinkish hue as she started to feel uncomfortable and embarrassed, something rare for the fortuneteller. Truthfully she couldn't remember the last time she had talked like this with another circus member other than Adira, Ciaran and Chance. Chance was a special case as she liked to annoy the shifter.

Last edited by blueblackrose; 03-21-2015 at 02:21 AM..

Glitter addict...beware

CrimsonShadow is offline
Old 03-10-2015, 01:34 AM

Seeing the slight frown of Drayth’s face caused Nihssa to narrow her slitted eyes. Narissa hissed when he fixed some of the hair that escaped her braids. When he finally spoke both of them whimpered. They had been so much closer to being normal before they played the game. Now they were completely broken, only having a few normal minutes a day.

Nihssa tensed when his fingers skimmed over her hip. “Yesss because help from you isss no help at all. We may be crazy but we are not sssstupid.” The two of them had been having so much fun with the game until Drayth turned it into something else. But he was right, they had entered at their own risk. The risk’s being their sanity.

Behind them they heard Claudia and made sure to not hit her with their tails. Even in their madness and rage they would never hurt the doll. she was to nice to them.

The twins paused their circling when the illusionist grabbed hold of Nihssa’s wrist. “We have a feeling either direction would have been wrong.” The moment he let go they circled again. Once more he skimmed his fingers over Nihssa’s shoulder causing her to hiss. They heard Zella’s question and both wondered what his response would be.

As Drayth talked the two naga’s slowly started to calm down. He was speaking the truth, well most of it. Narissa sighed when he ran his fingers over her cheek. Both of their eyes widened when his features starting turning serpentine. The twins loved when he did that. Being the only serpentine creatures at Apltraum Iluzia they got lonely.

They stopped circling finally and moved closer to Drayth. Narissa curled up at his feet, tail coiling around her body as she stared off into space and her upper body rocked back and forth. Nihssa leaned against his side and touched the scales the flickered across his cheek. Tears welled up in her eyes and neither spoke another word.


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