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(♡* ▽ *♡)! new post~ ♡

(♡* ▽ *♡)! new post~ ♡

Posted 06-27-2009 at 01:36 AM by Julianna

"34 ] one sensei tells the girls to do pushups from our knees instead
35 ] i think he's sexist now, so i keep doing them the proper way" xD
from old blog post i made last year on menewsha too! [URL="http://www.menewsha.com/forum/blogs/julianna/613-scary-kicks-painful-pushups.html"]click here[/URL] for original post~
i should say though that my jiu-jitsu class only has maybe three girls max!
there's me, one of my best friends i got to join and another girl..

ooh! but i was just reading my old blog posts ^^
i didn't realize you can see how many times a post has been viewed!
how odd i have some views but not many comment?
i'm not a scary person.. [IMG]http://i588.photobucket.com/albums/ss325/babylapin/Graphics/smile.gif[/IMG]
but i'm guilty of this too! if i don't know someone too well..
its a bit weird announcing to them i was just reading a personal post xD

anyways! today i just came back on mene after a long time..
actually, i visited once awhile ago but i didn't do much at all!
just lurked around [IMG]http://i588.photobucket.com/albums/ss325/babylapin/Graphics/yaplogjp-lovelogicgif1.gif[/IMG] ahah~ xD but excited i came back today!
and mene seems a bit slower than what i remember!
-slow as in not much activity going on- so it was good ^^
i don't think i could've handled so much happening at once!

UNFO made a comment on how in his active days,
and that he could post in five threads at once! [img]http://i588.photobucket.com/albums/ss325/babylapin/Graphics/yaplogjp-lovelogicgif8.gif[/img]
ooh~ the olden days xD i don't think i can do that again!
i'm not sure if i will continue going on menewsha again and again..
right now i feel like it is likely! especially since now, summer is starting and i won't have much to do!
i like being homebody despite friends going on trips/ hanging out/ etc xD i'm opposite of them!

anyways! ^^ i will end this post [IMG]http://i588.photobucket.com/albums/ss325/babylapin/Graphics/yaplogjp-lovelogicgif2.gif[/IMG] byee for now any readers!

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